Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 24, 1919, Page 17, Image 17

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When Tech High School grid war
riors met the Naval Apprentices
from Washington, D. C., Saturday
afternoon the same old story came
at the finish. The Navy boys went
down, score 79 to 0.
The visiting team cume to this
city with a record of not having
been defeated in two years. They
had faced Tech for three minutes
when their goal line was crossed by
Carl Beck. From then on it was a
regular track meet. The boys from
the capital city were game to the
core, but they were outweighed and
I outclassed at all stages of the game.
Five players on the Tech team
scored touchdowns. They were
Beck, Emanuel, Wilsbach, McCord
and Lingle. Beck played two rushes
of the second half, and then was re
lieved by McCord. During the first
half he tallied four touchdowns. On
another play of the game he hurled
a beautiful forward pass twenty-five
yards to Emanuel who went ten
yards more for a touchdown. It was
the prettiest play of the contest.
Goal From Placement
Another feature of the game was
a goal from placement by Wilsbach
at the start of the final quarter. It
was the first time this season that
Tech had tried this kind of game.
The Tech backfield usually gets its
first down without being pushed the
limited number of downs. Comfort
did extremely well in kicking goals
after placement by booting ten out
of eleven. At the start of the second
quarter, after Emanuel had received
his forward pass that brought Tech
il3 third touchdown. Comfort kicked
the ball for the extra point. The
pigskin was low by inches. It struck
the cross bar and bounced back on
the field.
Start With a Rush
Tech scored fourteen points in the
first quarter. Beck and Wilsbach
going over the line. The second
period brought the best results when
thirty-four more points were tallied,
so that when the half ended Tech
had run up forty-eight tallies. In
this quarter. Beck tallied three
Harrisburg All-Stars Arc Edison Juniors Tie Up in
Given Bump at Lancaster Game With Mechanicsburg
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 24. The
Eighth Ward eleven won their third
successive game, defeating the All-
Harrisburg team, 2 5 to 0, scoring in
all but the final period. The success
ful use of the forward pass by the
locals was a big factor in the vic
tory. The winners play St- Joseph's
O. C. for the city title Thanksgiving
Day. The lineup:
Spotts, I.e. .Mishler, I.e.
Atticks, l.t. Ilutton, l.t.
Hoffman, l.g. Itarnhart, l.g.
Reese, c. Goodhart, c.
W. Dill, r.g. Markert, r.g.
Haas, r.t. Axer, c.
Winner, r.e. Hatlleld, r.e.
Ellinger, q.b. Pfeiffer, q.b.
Williams, l.h. (Ireincr, l.h.
Rennard, r.h. Stoll, r.h.
Peters, f.b. Sawyer, f.b.
Touchdowns—Stoll, Sawyer, Hat
field, Greincr. Goals from touch
downs —Sawyer, 1. Substitutions —
Stoner for Mishler; Scheid for Axes;
Axer for Stoll; Pyle for Barnhart;
Heiny for Spotts; Shearer for Wil
liams; Williams for Rennard; Spotts
for Hoffman; Gustin for Atticks.
Referee —Bransby. Umpire Shay.
Head linesman—Hutton. Time of
periods—l 2 and 10 minutes.
Joe Lightner Out of Game;
May Have Broken Ankle
State College, Pa.. Nov. 24.—The
injury which Joe Lightner received
in scrimmage Saturday at Penn State
has proved to be more serious than
it was at first thought to be and it
is now believed that one of the small
bones in his right ankle is frac
tured. The ankle is greatly swol
len and he has been suffering
considerable pain. An X-ray> pic
ture will be taken to-day when the
full of the injury will be defi
nitely ascertained.
In any case, it is out of the ques
tion for him to play again this sea
son. and his loss is a serious blow
to Bezdek on the eve of the big game
with Pitt. Lightner reported three
weeks late this fall, but has been
coming along fast and has developed
into one of the best backs on the
squad. His Injury came toward the
end of practice -Saturday when Bez
dek was giving his men their final
hard scrimmage in preparation for
the Turkey Day battle. With Light
ner and Haines out of the game the
blue and white coach will start his
diminutive star, Charlie Way. at
right halfback and will fall back on
Killinger in case Way should be
The Tarsus A. C. eleven of this
city failed to appear at Mechanics
burg last Saturday for a scheduled
game of football, previously ar
ranged. The manager of the Me
clianicsburg eleven has claimed a
forfeiture of the game with a 1 to
0 score.
Newark, Del., Nov. 24. Dela
ware defeated Lebanon Valley Sat
urday, score 21 to 7. Lebanon Val
ley got the jump on Delaware in the
first quarter and scored a touchdown
in the first few minutes of play.
on our Canadinn Curtlss Airplane. Sensational ami healthful. One
flight in our Airplane gives as niueh joy and hnpplness as a six
months' vacation. We are flying dally. Competent flyer. In case
you desire taking a speelal trip, coll Hell 4931.
in (i - j
month while learning. \\ e can place you
We teach aeroplane operating, piloting uin. xsgjgr
construction, automobile mechanism, wireles, ...i radio
telephone. Write for particulars.
Hell 4831 tlnrriHliiirg Aeroilrenw Dial 80(111
Office: 2.1 V. Cameron St.. Hiirrislnirg. I*n
. times; Emanuel once and Wilsbach
once, in the third quarter "Uils"
got another, and "Ked ' McCord got
; a six-pointer. Th.s player relieved
Beck, and did splendid work. With
the beginning of the final period,
I "Wils" tallied his goal from plaee-
I ment, and then "Buddie" Elngle
I broke into the scoring column lor
the last two touchdowns of the
' game. Wljile Tech was gaining all
' this ground, Washington made but
one first down. They were a plucky
lot of sailors, but never had a
Reserves Defeat Melrose
As a preliminary, the Tech He
serves won from Melrose A. C. by
two touchdowns. Neither goal was
kicked, the game ending 12 to 0.
"Bologna Sausage" Marmus scored
the first touchdown in the third
| quarter when he picked up a fum
i hie and ran thirty yards for a touch
i down. "Red" Koland put the game
; on ice in the final period when he
1 shot through the line for another
I six-pointer. The lineup and sum-
I mary:
! Malick, 1. e. Hamrael, I.e.
j Arnold, l.t. Hutchinson, l.t.
ttllinger, 1. g. McCarty, 1 g.
' Smith, c. Wedding, c.
| Aldingcr, r.g. Mavars, r.g.
• Comfort, r. t. Jarvis, r.t.
Emanuel, r.e. Cowman, r.e.
j Dingle, q.b. Durity, q.b.
i Beck, l.h. Beyer, l.h.
| Garrett, r.li. Cox, r.h.
I W'lsbach. f.b. Fleagle. f.b.
Touchdowns—Beck, f; Wilsbach,
I ; Lingle, 2; Emanuel, McCord. J
| Goals froch touchdowns —Comfort.
;10 to 11. Placement goal—Wils
-1 bach. Substitutions —Woodfleld for
! Hammel. Scott for McCarty; Free
| for Mavars, Miler for Beyer. Garrett
for Smith, Books for Garrett. Pleam
for Aldinger, Erdley for Emanuel,
| McCord for Beck, Gotschall for
. Wilsbach. Keferee —Reagan, Villa-
I nova. Umpire—Penderg-ast. VllLa
nova. Head linesman. Killinger.
j Time of quarters—lo, 12, 10 and
8 minutes.
i The Edison football team were un
lablo-to win e. decision over Meclianics
! burg High Saturday. The contest end-
Jed with a tie score, 2-2. Mechanics
| burg score was made near the end
jof the first period when they had
j forced the Edison boys back almost
I to their goal line but lacked the punch
| to make a first down. Dents attemnt
|ed to punt to safety but the ball hit
i the back of one of the Edison men
land wa.4 recovered by another Edison
! man when a Mechanicsburg player
'tackled him for a safety.
! During the first half the energies
! of the Edison men were used in de
fending their line rather than in
forcing the fight into the enemy's ter
ritory. Several times the Edison team
seemed to find themselves and would
I advance the ball consistently for sev
eral downs only to be forced back on
some later misplay.
| Edison's safety came in the last
J period when after a series of plays
I they had advanced the ball to within
j a snort distance of the scoring point
j when they lost the ball, and a tittle
I later Edison was able to tie the score
with a safety. If the Edison boys had
played the form of ball they can play
they would have won the game. The
I line-up and summary.
Prav.baugh, 1. e. McT.inn, 1. e.
I Bents, 1 .t Ileagy, I. t.
Thornton. I. g. Fellers, 1. g.
j Tate. c. Blhl, c.
| Stevens, r. g. Cassell, r. g.
I Pl.vder. 1 t. Pelser, r. t
[ Stahl. r. e. Kelly, r. e.
I Sponsier, q. b. T-entz, q. b.
I Fulton. 1. h. b. Snyder. 1. h. b.
Barnes, r. h. b. Nye, r. h. b.
I Baker, f. b. Barringer, f. b.
j Substitutions. Thompson for Mc-
Ginn. Hohenberg for Kelly. Dresse for
Barringer, Barringer for Dreese.
.Johnston for Barringer, Dreese for
| Nye. Blumenstine" for Cessell. Time,
j 10-minute quarters.
Middletcwn A. A. Is Losei\
in Game With Fulton A.C.
i Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 2 4.—The Ful
j ton A. A. defeated Middletown in a
j gridiron clash. 13 to 0, scoring a
I touchdown in the first and third
(quarters. Schneebell and. Shirk
starred for Fulton, while lusher ex
celled for Middletown. The lineup:
Mocklin, I.e. Kinn, I.e.
Lynch, l.t. Jones, l.t.
Sleter, l.g. H. Murr, l.g.
Sheaffer, c. McKillips, c.
j Kinsey, r.g. Aliment, r.g.
j Stipe, r.t. Spinner, r.t.
I Houser, q.b. Kreiner, r.e.
i Cohen, r.e. Miller, q.b.
Books, l.h. Williams, l.h.
Stock, r.h. Schneebell, r.h.
Lesher, f.b. Shirk, f.b.
( Touchdowns —Shirk, Miller. Goal
(fiom touchdown—Schneebell. Sub
stitutions —C. Murr for H. Murr;
! Thatcher for Kreiner, Gingljer for
1 Spinner, Gelsenlichter for Aument,
IR. Stipe for Lynch. Referee—Evans,
F. and M. Umpire—Brnuer, L. H.
S. Head linesman—Harbison, L.
H. S. Time of quarters—l 2 minutes.
Timekeeper—Simmons, F. and M.
j Fairmount A. A., of York defeated
[ Bethany A. C. team, also of York,
jby a 7 to 0 score Saturday. The
I play at times was very rough, sev
eral men injured, two players were
put out of the game by the referee
in the first quarter.
Johnny Gill starred for the win
ning team making a touchdown
through center in the first quarter
and later kicking the goal.
s" /uh-huh' f (c' WAN i \ ( re STote My ) /vwaxhacryiiv
(tatas. U?vr.,) vSywßAj r^ t6<> H-
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All-Slar Show Is Promised
Steelton Patrons Tonight;
Big Attraction
Joe Barrett, manager of the
Olympia A. C., in Steelton, awaits a
big crowd for the all-star boxing
I show to-night. The veteran pro
moter says every man on the card
will answer the bell. The bill calls
for thirty-four rounds of boxing. As
was the case at the last show, thrills
should be plentiful. The big bill
starts at 8.30 sharp, and there will
be no delays between them. Johnny
Gjll, the best middleweight boxer in
this section, and Frankie Britton,
Philadelphia, picked to meet Mike
O'Dowd, for the world's middle
weight championship, will fight ten
rounds in the feature event. Inter
est is at fever heat over the out
come as it will give the local fans
and friends of Gill a chance to see J
how the Steelton fighter will line,
up against O'Dowd. Barrett says if!
Gill beats Britton, whom he con-1
cedes to be about as tough as any;
man Gill has met yet. O'Dowd will |
surely have to meet Gill at the mid-j
dleweight limit, at some big club in !
the large cities.
Other Big Attractions
The entire card is creating almost'
as much talk about the local-sports i
as the feature bout. Little Jeff, of |
Baltimore, who claims the flyweight'
championship of America, will meet;
Jimmy Tendler, Philadelphia's best
midget weight, in a six-round bout.
These two boys put up one of the'
fastest fights ever seen in Baltimore, \
where Jeff won by a shade. Tend- ]
ler says on neutral ground the de
cision wil surely be reversed. Bobby
Doyle, the. crack New York fly
weight, who is hankering after a
crack at Jimmy Wilde, has agreed
to meet the winner at Barrett's club.
The winner of this match will be the
logical candidate to meet Wilde for
the world's championship of the fly
Kid Kichtnond to Figlit
Kid Richmond, the Baltimore
phantom, will go against the tough
est fight of his career, in Joe Dun
dee, the Philadelphia bantom, who
is picked to test Kid Williams' abil
ity, when he makes his comeback
start in a.Philadelplvia ring. Willie
Langford, claimant of the colored
middleweight, championship, who
has met such men as Ted T,ewis, Joe
Rivers. Young Thearn. and knocked
out Jimmy Liggett, will meet Jimmy
Duncan, the former Lancaster mid
dleweight. who beat Eddie Revoir
at Camp Meade. The only prelimin
ary bout on the card Is the opening
bout, between Jiggs Hildebrnndt,
Steelton's sensationnl kpockout, and
Micky McCue, who holds the same
distinction in Lancnster. For class
and action this card has never been
equaled in any ring in this section,
and Barrett savs it will be run just
as it is scheduled.
J cw'stovvn. Pa., Nov. 24. The.
Burnhnm Fi'e .Company football
team was defeated bv the strong
Yeagertown eleven on Snturilay af
ternoon score 7 to 0. Lew'stojvn
was to play a team from Ilnllidavs
burg but the game was canceled
on account of rain.
* *' •■ ; : v ' ■ '■' s
v *► _*!
This will be a busy week in football. Three big frames are on the
schedule. On Wednesday Camp Curtln and Edison Junior High Schools will
meet in the first annual battle for the championship of the city. On
Thursday Tech High meets Steelton High, and Saturday is picked as
the date for the post season game with Erie High.
Unusual interest centers in the Junior High battle. Both teams ap
pear to be about even in ths contest. Edison got a late start, but has been
showing strong against heavy teams. In the above picture is shown Edi
son players. On the left at the top is shown the linemen, Kelley, Seltzer,
Cassell, Bihl, Sellers, Heagy and McLinn. The center is the entire team
of regulars, and on the right are Nye, Snyder, Dreese, Lentz and Bar
In the second row on the left are Challenger and Bihl; center,
Thompson, McLinn, Rosenberger and Kelley; and on the right Hess and
Sherk. The lower pictures are those of "Shorty" the coach, and
Captain Snyder.
West End A. C. Bows to
Strong Penbrook Team
The West End A. C. team was de- i
feated by the Penbrook A. C. on !
Saturday afternoon by a 12 to 0 ;
score in a game played at Fourth j
and Seneca streets. The contest, |
which began at 4 o'clock, was i.ot I
finished until after dark. The lineup I
and summary: ,
Metzgur I„. E McCann j
Pannebaker . . B. T Barteh '
Urich L. G Buss j
Hoover O Reese
Brandt R. G Dill
Loslier R. T Hoffman
Black R. K Winn
Evans Q. B Spotts
Novlnger ... B. H. B. .. R. Williams
Noggle R. H. B. . . C. Williams
Landis F. B Peters
Touchdowns Noggle and No
vlnger. Referee Fritz. Umpire— j
Shields. Time of periods 10, 10, 8
and 8 minutes. Substitutions
Penbrook: None. West End: Ren
nard for C. Williams, Winn for Buss,
Flickinger for Winn.
Lebanon Hands Steelton
Hard Jolt in Slow Game
Bebanon liigli School eleven •
walked all over Steelton High Sat- \
urday winning by a score of 67 to 0.
The Steelton boys were completely |
outclassed. In order to save several
of the best players for Thursday's
game, a number of the second team
from Steelton played. The lineup I
and summary:
Boyer L. E Hentzel i
It. Leslie .... B. T Roth
German B. G Fisher \
C. Burdan .... C Shekoisky ;
J. Burdan ... R. G Crome j
Carpenter ... R. T W. Daily ,
Wolfe R. E Orel! i
Roman Q. B Good
Schneider . . L. H. B Day j
Hoy R. H. B C. Daily ;
Trout F. B Krout j
Touchdowns Boyer. 2: Roman,
4; Selir.e'der, Leslie Hoy; Trout, 2.
Goal from touchdown Trout.
Referee -- Pratt, Georgia Tech. Um
pire Walker, D.cklnson.
? " . Mff.. WaK3W!W:->l!WTOa>X< ••; KTOVW •■• ■ w
x *"V *' y
'' ' {
fliyililf "^x-
! Harvard. 10; Yale, 3. i
! Lafayette, 10; Lehigh 6.
Swurthmore, 44; Haverford, U.
j New York U.„ 27; Columbia, 13.
| Bucknell. 20; Susquehanna, 7.
I Georgetown, 27; Washington and
i Lee, G.
| Rutgers. 28; Northwest, 0.
I Penn Freshmen, 7; Cornell Fresh
i men, 2.
Vlllanova, 20; Catholic U., 14.
| Delaware, 21; Lebanon Valley. 7.
I Johns Hopkins. 13; St. John's, /13.
j Brown. 6; New Hampshire State, 0.
I Rocliesteh, 0; Hamilton, 0.
i Mass. Aggies, 14; Tufts, 0.
Conn. Aggies, 7; R. I. State, 3.
W. and J.. 23; W. Va.. Wesleyan, 0.
| Grove City. G; Westminster, 0.
j Pittsburgh. 17; Carnegie Tech, 7.
| U. of Detroit, 25, U. of Buffalo, 0.
j I. M. C., 26; Washington, 0.
i Union. 0; Rensselaer Poly. 0.
I Gettysburg, 21; Mt. St. Mary's 0.
Jim Thorpe's Team Wins
in Fast Game W.th Akron
! Akron, TJ.. Nov. 24.—Battering down
I the Akron Indian defense at crucial
' lilies when gains meant scores, the
j Canton Bulldogs yesterday defeated
: the local team, 14 to fi, and effectively
; squelched its hope of capturing the
i 1319 world's professional grid title.
With the exception of the second
period, the Indians played the Bull
, uogs to a standstill and twice ad-
I vanced the ball to within striking
i distance of Canton's goal. During
; the one bad quarter, however, the
i Bulldogs swept the. Indians off their
' feet and twice carried the ball across
earning enough points to cinch the
; game.
The two touchdowns were made
i without Jim Thorpe in the game, Ca
! lac and Griggs amply .filling the bill.
; The first came early in the second
| period following a forward from Gu
] yon to Devlin, which netted 15 yards,
t and a 22-yard run of Griggs with the
| ball to Akron's 22-yard line. Calao
J ond Griggs alternated In rushing It
| forward, Griggs carried It over.
| Bierce kicked out to Calac on the 35-
i yard line and Devlin kicked It over.
\ . :' • % < f '
Mm. jm
' jFTi
i Imm-l . imrmm i
* 'HI
The Junior High School game
scheduled for Wednesday, promises as
much Interest as the former Tech-
Central games. As this will be the
first time that the schools have met
it is dilTicult to say which team is the
better. Both elevens have made, good
records. At Camp Curtin, Horace Get-'
sel and "Jim" Peifer are the coaches,
while at Kdison it is a Miller-Hlller
No football season ever had so
many upsets. Pitt received its tirst
collegiate defeat under the tutoring
of Glenn Warner. Princeton had
humiliating defeats at the hands of
minor colleges. Harvard and Tech
seem to be the two leaders.
More than the usual amount of in
terest centers in the Thanksgiving
game at Pitt when the Panthers meet
State. This team will have Clarence
Beck,. Joe Lightner and Glenn Killing
er In the lineup.
Steriton is anxious to break Tech s
record of not having been scored on. |
land to make a taly on Tech and
1 break the Maroon record will he a I
1 feather in the cap of the Steclton j
lads. Pteelton has always been a hard,
i team for Tech to defeat, and another j
record crowd is expected.
Harvard ended its season Saturday
with a clean slate by defeating Yale.
!10 to 3.
! Lafayette kept its lead in victories
lover Lehigh by winning 10 to G in the I
! closing minutes of the game. Rote |
I put the Lehigh team in the lead of
,fi to 3 in the third quarter by going!
I 30 yards for a touchdown. K. C. Tag- j
I jrart was head lfnosman.
; In an i I tor-sectional contest. Syra-j
> cuse was given a big surprise out in
'lndiana, losing to Indiana University
V! to G. Rutgers evened mutters for
the Bast by trimming Northwestern
University, 28 to 0.
It is not often that a football score
ends 2 to 2. Sounds more like a base
ibsll tieup. Over at Mecbanicsburg the
' lidison played a 2 all game.
Gettysburg High Quits;
Were Anxious to Play Tech
Gettysburg. Pa.. Nov'. 2 4.—The last 1
■ game on the schedule of the High i
I School football team has been can- ;
celcd. The season closed with Xhe |
v'ctory over the Academy team of
Mt. St. Mary's College No team ever
represented the High School on the
! gridiron that attained the success
| of this year's eleven, only six points
j being scored aguinst them, while
i tliey were rolling np a total of two
I hundred afid forty-three. These six
! points, however, broke their record
' and will keep them from following
j out the plans of those in charge of
athletics at the school.
This idea was that should they
I be able to go through the season
' without being scored upon to chal
' lenge Harrisburg Tech for the
I championship of the. State, believing
, they could give Tech a run for their
i money.
Ohio State Loses Out in
i Game With Illinois Team
Columbus. 0., Nov. 24.—With half
a minute left to play and the Buck
eyes leading by one point, a goal
from placement pricked the bubble of
Ohio State's championship hopes and
to-night Illinois stands supreme in
! the Western conference football
' world by virtue of 9-to-7 victory over
I the Ohio eleven.
I "Bob" Fletcher, Illinois quarter
i hack won for himself a lasting niche
' In the Orange and Blue hall of fame
by successfully negotiating the trip
for placemnont from the local team's
2C-yard line.
Fighting bitterly from the llrat
IT. I hut e of play, both elevens displayed
rugged football In the first half, while
brilliant play marked the final two
periods. Unable to gain through the
Ohio line, the Illinois effectively used
long forward passes which eventual
ly cost the Buckeyes the game.
NOVEMBER 24, 1919.
Camp Hill High Girls
Defeat Newville Five
By winning the opening game of
the season from Newville High
School Girts on Saturday night, the
Camp Hill High Girls bid fair to
surpass records established during
the last few seasons. The final score
was 17-9. The team played sensa
tional ball and demonstrated good
team work and shooting ability. The
'cross river outfit has four old and
experienced players on the team and
undoubtedly will hang up an en
vious record.
The summary:
Newville. Camp Hill
Tritt, f. Dennison, f.
Bowman, f. Nailor, f.
Hilbush, c. Bishop, c.
Mackenzie, g. Hawbecker, g.
Miller, g. Shuster, g.
Field goals—Camp Hill, Dennison,
4; Nailor, 2; Hawbecker, 1; New
ville, Tritt, 2; Bowman, 1; Hilbush,
1. Goals from fouls—Dennison, 2;
Bowman, 1.
Rosewood Juniors on Saturday
defeated the Lavenders, score 39 to
12. It was an interesting cage game.
Blair was high score for the victors.
Clay made all points for Lavenders.
The summary follows:
Lavenders EG. Fls Ttl
Clay, f 5 4" 12
George, f 0 0 0
Hurdenford, c 0 0 0
Brewster, g 0 0 0
Wilson, g 0 0 0
Totals 4 4 j2
Rosewood EG Els Tn
'Keller, f 4 no
Grafflns, f 4 0 "
Blair, c 10 1 o?
1 Kooin, g 1 0 „
i HursL g 0 0 0
I ™ ot . als 19 1 39
| Referee Hummel. Scorer
1 Grier.
King Oscar Cigars
has been met by increased pro
duction in our factories. We
have been working day and
niglit to supply you with your
customary supply at the same
price of
Seven Cents
John C. Herman & Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Tech Awaits Final Word
on Game For Saturday
Up to noon to-day the game be
tween Tech and Erie High on Sat
urday, Novembor 29. was still an
uncertainty. The* American Legion
hod secured the island Field for
the Army-Navy game on that date
but in order to favor Tech the
right to that date was relinquish
ed. Erie, it is said, is not certain,
and there arc negotiations on with
other teams. The legion will go
ahead and arrange for the Army-
Navy game, and expect to an
nounce the date to-morrow. Tech
will be considered first by the
Harrisburg Players Star
For Gettysburg Eleven
Gettysburg. Pa., Nov. 24. —Bril-'
liant rushes through the St. Mary's
defense by Houtz, Phillips, Bright
and Davis featured Gettysburg's
sixth victory of the season here
Saturday. Score 21 to 0. Emanuel,
Gettysburg's star end, received ML
St. Mary's kickoff and tore thirty"
yards before being downed. In a
few minutes lioutz scored the first
touchdown of the game.
lioutz tallied again in the second
quarter, and in the fourth Davis, a
substitute, made the last Gettysburg
touchdown. Bream kicked two goals
and Bright one. Mt. St. Mary's
showed to best advantage in the third
quarter, when they held Gettysburg
for touchdowns on their own 10-
yard line. In the linal period Coach.
Wood sent in an entire team of Get
tysburg substitutes.
Although greatly outweighed, ML
St. Mary's put up a splendid battle.
Chapman, their captain, was a hard
man to stop and gave the best ex
hibition of punting seen here this
year. The victory proved costly to
Gettysburg, as Quarterback Moyer
was laid out with a fractured rib and
Bream with an injured hip.
Bucknell Is Winner in
One-Sided Grid Battle
f.pwinburg, Pa., Nov. 24.—Bucknell
defeated Susquehanna Saturday in a
well played contest by a score of 20
to 7. Susquehanna played good foot
ball, and in the second quarter inter
cepted a forward pass and made its
one touchdown. The three other perl
! ods were Bucknell's and in the last
| quarter Coach Reynolds used his sec-
I ond team.
Bucknell began with a rush In th
first quarter and scored in a few min
uter. In the second period Swarta
Intercepted a forward pass and ran
70 yards for a touchdown. In tho
next two periods Bucknell's goal re
mained in safety while Susquehanna's
' was in frequent danger. In the final
' period, with the second team playing
! the last touchdown was made. Punts
| were unusually numerous throughout
I the game, but Bucknell's backfleld
| was too fast for the visitors, and lo
| cal first downs were numerous.
Enhaut Defeats Palmyra
in Exciting Grid Game
S Enhaut defeated the Palmyra
i eleven in a warmly contested game
' at Palmyra on Saturday by a 9 to 6
I score. The locals scored the first
i touchdown in the initial quarter af
ter a scries of straight line plunges
through their opponents' line. In
'the third quarter Bartels kicked the
ball between the goal posts from the
! 4o_yard line for another three points,
i Palmyra scored in the fourth
! ouarter on a forward pass, Hess to
! Zimmerman. Miller, Enhaut's right
halfback was injured during the
I game and will probably be unable
!to play again this season Bartels
starred for Enhaut, while both
t Brandt and Zimmerman played well
for the losers.