Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 22, 1919, Image 1
•-■■■■ 1 . . ■ ' . Loyal Stand of State in World of Unrest, Praised by Sprout in Thanksgiving Proclamation 1 XXX VIII— 16 PAGES Dai^iam c r ep a t s the d po.t officii HarriSS?^ 1 "' HARRISBURG, PA. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22, 1919. °* sewJSku V ho ss 'wonra 1 ' HOME EDITION DECLARE BREACH IS WIDER SINCE COAL PROPOSAL Operators in the Central Field Say Wilson's Proffer Drives Settlement Away ARE NEAR BREAKING IT Brewster Says There Are Only a Few More Words to Say; Miners Holding Firm By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 22. Bitumin ous coal operators in the central competitive field declared to-day that Secretary Wilson's proposal to the joint wage scale committees yester day had served only to widen the breach between the operators and miners. "There are only a few more words to say and they will be said very soon," declared Thomas T. Brewster, chairman of the operators, before entering the meeting of the opera tors' scale committee. It was understood that Secretary Wilson had proposed to the miners and operators yesterday on increase of 27.12 cents a ton for coal diggers and. $1.58 per day for day laborers. Some operators said this was wholly unsatisfactory to them. jVfter the scale committee ad journed, the operators would make no formal statement,, but some of j them said privately they would go J into session late to-day with the j minors' representatives with a defln- ! ito policy. John- L Lewis, acting president of i the United Mine Workers of America, [ would not disCuss Mr. Wilson's pro- j posal, saying that it was agreed that 1 happenings at the conference at j which Mr. Wilson's offer was made i were to be regarded by both sides as confidential. Prince Decorates Many Soldiers in Farewell Ceremony at New York New York, Nov. 22. More than i one hundred American and British j officers, sailors and soldiers, were j decorated to-day by the Prince of ( Wales in a farewell ceremony on the | battle cruiser Renown upon which lie i will sail to-day for Halifax on liis. way tq 10 v eland. on Ihe quarter deck of the great warship, under a canopy of flags of j the Allied nations, more than 100 j men. headed liy Major General i George W. Goethuls, received the in- i signia of his honor and good-by > handshake. After the official list j of honors had been completed the ; prince furnished a surprise by sum- j moiling Major General John Biddle i and Rear Admiral A. P. Niblack, j who have been attached to his party ' during liis stay in the United States J and Major General John F. O'Ryan, I who commanded New York's 27th division, and making tliem •com manders of the Victorian Order. j Representatives of the State and j city governments and men and I women who have entertained him in New York then shook the prince's ' hand and bade him godspeed and au ; re voir. "I have had a splendid time," he remarked. "I am only sorry that I am unable to stay longer, and I hope to return soon and see more of your country." After the reception the prince < ante ashore and reviewed five thou sand Boy Scouts massed on a beach along the Hudson. German Bark Is in Distress Out at Sea Halifax, N. S., Nov. 22.—The Ger man four-masked bark Paul, bound from Hamburg for Philadelphia, is in distress 350 miles southwest of Halifax, according to wireless mes sages received here to-day from the steamer Wtnnifredlan. The message read: "Datitude 43.01, Dongitude 55.13. Winnifredian stood by four master bark Paul of Hamburg showing Ger man colors. Bark has lost fore, main and mizzen masts. All sails and boats gone. Did not wish to abandon and ask for town. Winni fredian proceeding on voyage." Kfforts are being made here to provide assistance for the disabled ship. A wireless message telling of her condition has been sent broad cast in the hope that some steamer will be able to render her assistance. MO UK SHUTDOWNS PRO HA 1.1" Chicago, Nov. 22. Additional shutdowns of industrial plants, main ly in the central west, to-day were in prospect as the striking bitumin ous coal miners began their fourth week of idleness and the operators miners wage scale conference at Washington apparently remained deadlocked. Generally Fair By Associated Press, Washington, Nov: 22. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday, issued by the Weather Bureau to-day, are: North and Middle Atlantic States Generally fair with nearly normal temperatures. I THE WEATHFJ? ] HnrrDlinrir nml Vlrtnltyi Menrrnl ■ > cloudy ttili, fiflcriioon mid 10-nlKllt. iirolinlil, orenslorini r "'"- fair anil fOlKlitlv cooler. Kiinlrrn * Vnnxy Ivnitln t l.octil rnliiM I n-ii llt I . Sii • <1 it y fuir tt IM| Miinc whnl cooler. Moderate to frvxh oolliw<*t to w lIMIM. Hi vert Tlit* .HoMiiuehnnnn river nml nil lIM hniD ottt'N will 4-oct 11 n tic to fall * lowly. \ MIUUO of about 4.4 fcrf I* IntlletiltMl for IfnrriMbtirK •Ml inlay morning. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH m Star-Independent Veterans of Great War to Command Guards LIKUT. COL. S. W. FLEMING, JR NEW OFFICERS ARE NAMED FOR GUARD Men Who Saw Service in France Will Direct Eighth Regi ment Upon Reorganization; Other Officers Named Announcement was made to-day from the Adjutant General's oflice of the appointment of two additional field officers from Harrisburg in the reorganized National Guard of Penn sylvania and their assignment to the Kiglith Regiment of Infantry, Colo nel Kdward J. Stack pole, Jr., com manding. A number of captains were also commissioned. The officers selected are Samuel W. Fleming, Jr., to be lieutenant colonel, and Robert D. Kenkins, to he major. Both officers went through the recent war with splendid records land the selection lias met with gen eral approval in National Guard cir cles. j Colonel Fleming was a first lieu tenant in the Reserve Corps at the [Outbreak of war and was promoted to a captaincy after going through the first, officers' training camp at ; Fort Niagara, lie was then assigned Ito Camp Meade and became regi mental adjutant of the 315 th Infan try. He sailed with his division, the ' 79th, in June, 1918, was in action in i the Meuse-Argonne offensive, was | wounded, promoted to major, and awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the Croix de Guerre with palm, and made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for conspicuous bravery. Colonel Fleming is a con i suiting engineer and a member of the, firm of Gannett, Seelye and Fleming. Rose From Ranks Major Jenkins is an old-timer in the Guard and has served through all the grades from private to his present rank. He first enlisted in Company I_>, Eignth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, on May 12, 1898, served in the Spanish-American War syt a private, and between 1899 and the call to the Mexican border in 1916, was promoted successfully to corporal, sergeant, first sergeant, regimental sergeant-major, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, and cap tain. On the border he command ed a company in the Eighth and when the regiment was consolidated at Camp Hancock with the Six teenth to make the 112 th Infantry, Jenkins was assigned to command Company 1, which he led with dis tinction throughout the heavy light ing in which the 28th Division was engaged. He was slightly wounded In action, hut was able to rejoin liis outfit and return to this country with them. Bnssler Reappointed Another appointment that will doubtless meet with popular appro- i val among the former members of i the National Guard in Harrisburg | is that of the Rev. Harry N. Bass-I ler, to be chaplain of the regiment. Captain Bossier was with the Eighth I at Camp Hancock, but was trans ferred lo the Ammunition Train when the 28th Division was reor ganized prior to going over seas. ' BALMY DAYS OF INDIAN SUMMER ARE IN PROSPECT Weather Prognostic-it tors Predict Pleasant Weather ami Kxplniu What the Season Really Is Harrisburg is to be favored with a three or four-day period of Indian summer, according to advance in formation- issued from the Weather Bureau. Although the official terminology of the Weather Bureau does not in clude such a thing as "Indian sum mer," nevertheless. Weather Bureau employe s so characterize the pefio.i of weather in store for Harrisburg within the next few days. Unofficially, Indian summer is a period of warm weuther in Novem ber, or later, which sometimes 1 " fol- — V'' MAJOR R. D. JENKINS .Chaplain Bassler saw service in j France and it is said will prove to l>e a most popular addition to the new (organization. In his letter of acoept | (Continued on P;ige 11.) * 'I . """ " LET "EM DRINK liy Associated Press. , \riv ilirk, Nov. 22.—Four thirsty j robbers, with regulation masks and , revolvers, drove two 10-ton auto >| motile trucks on to the Old l)o -• j minion line pier late ,■ last night . | and alter herding three watchmen I into an ire house, loaded the trucks | with cases of whiskv until they -i towered like mountains and then * ' strapped on the accelerator. I | It was not until several minutes later that one of the watchmen I guarding the whisky, awaiting ex t port, escaped front the icehouse I and notified the police. When the other guards were freed and an account of mlss j ing stock was taken, it was found - | the robbers had escaped with S3 5 - t 000 worth of liquor. Sproul and Palmer Are 'Rooting' For Old Eleven; Attorney General Improved Philadelphia, Nov. 22. Governor Sproul and Attorney General Palmer, distinguished alumni of Swarthmore College, are "rooting" for the eleven at the annual football game with Haverford this afternoon. The game is being played on Swarthmore field, in Swarthmore and the Governor and his former college rlium have seats, in the east stand with the other Garnet rooters. Attorney General Palmer left Washington for a short rest. Dis patches say lie was suffering under a nervous strain due to overwork in directing the campaign for sup pression of radicals. Whatever physical distress seized Mr. Palmer has dissipated tempor arily by the prospects of watching the gridiron warriors of his college struggle against the Main Dine Quakers. With his wife, daughter and niece, Mr. Palmer is a guest at Governor Sprout's country home, Dapldea Manor, outside of Chester. They will remain there until Monday, when the Attorney General will go to Atlan tic City. "Mr. Palmer has suffered no breakdown, as has been erroneously reported," said Governor Sproul to day. "He has not had a rest for some time, and Is going to take one now." Governor Sproul, with his family, will leave to-morrow night for Hot Springs, Vu„ where they will spend ' Thanksgiving. 1r lows the first cold spell of the sea , | son. This definition is generally ac ; cepted. although thero are many difTerenH opinion's held by various amateur meterologieal students. I Now, as to the reason of the fore casters In predicting a period of In dian summer for Harrisburg; They say (hat the mercury may hover I around the 60-dcgroe mark for sev eral days and the rainfall will he negligible, n'though clouds are ex pected to overhang the horizon part 01 the time. Much weather can ; properly be known us Indian sum- I mer, they say. POLICE TO RAID | TURKEY RAFFLES AND GAMBLING No Warnings to Be Given Where Wheels Are Turning CAUSE OF HIGH PRICES Great Flocks of Fowls Pur chased by Men Operating Devices of Chance Determination to suppress raffles of turkeys, other fowls, in fact raf fles of every description, was ex pressed to-day by Harrisburg au thorities. No warnings will be ex tended; but arrests will be made to be followed by prosecutions. Tlie turkey raffle, always popular at this time of year, is said to lie widespread in various communities about Harrisburg. No information lias been secured oil the operation of raffles in the city, according to au thorities. Buyers for the raffling operations, it has been reported, have been visit ing rural communities where they have been buying up a large portion of tlie turkeys, ducks and other fowls that are available. In and about Liverpool, it is said, big purchases of fowls were made by the operators or their agents. They have been offering some what higher prices than others have been able to offer, it is reported. As a consequence, tlie price of the fowls now are higher than they would have been. More Than 50 Trees Planted in Park More than fifty trees have been planted In River Front Park since Arbor" Day to replace dead trees, t'ity Forester Louis G. Baltimore said to-day. About 1.500 plantings of matrimony vines have been placed in bare spots along the river .bank frani Caldcr to Harris streets and at least 1,500 more will be used to complete this work to Maclay street. Ten elms were planted in the park from Caldcr lo Division streets; ten birches from North to Walnut, four from Market to the Cumberland Val ley railroad bridge, and 2 8 from Pnxton creek to Iron alley. About 125 trees have been plant ed by individuals in tlie streets of the city, and each day requests are received for additional permits ac cording to Mr. Baltimore. If weather conditions permit it is planned to plant shrubbery in Cam eron Park during the early winter. ACCHPTS WAVIORS FOR HIODS Cincinnati. Ohio, Nov. 22. President August Herrmann, of Iho world champion Cincinnati Nationals, to-day announced that waivers had been asked for and accepted on five members of the Reds. He would not divulge any names but 11 is be lieved that Outfielders Sherry Magce and See and Jnfieldnr Schrelber nre slated to go. Itiflelder Jimmy Smith was claimed by the Giants. Sproul Gives Thanks For Faith in Americanism Pennsylvanians may rejoice and give thanks this year not only for the homecoming of those who went overseas to defend Liberty and for bounteous harvests, but nlso because, notwithstnndlng there are "strange voices '.n the, air" seeking overthrow of established institutions, the peo ple remain "Arm and fervent" in their adherence to the faith of their fathers, says Governor William C. Sproul in his first Thanksgiving Day proclamation. The Governor designates the same day as the national Thanksgiving as that upon which the people of the Keystone State should give thanks. The Governor's proclamation follows: The sanction of a revered and long established custom, and the promptings of our hearts, bid us to set apart a day upon which to render public thanks to Almighty God for the mani fold favors and mercies with which we have heen blessed. Pennsylvania has a plenitude of of cause for thanksgiving. We have been spared calamity. The dreadful scourge sweeping the land a year ago, gathering its awful harvest of death and desolation, has passed, and the dread fear of its recurrence happily has not heen realized. Prosperity has attended our in dustries. The mills and fac tories and every instrumentality of manufacture, trade and com merce have been busy. The tields have yielded a vast and rich bounty. Keward has been open on all sides to honest toil, industry, thrift and enterprise. In common with all our sister states, we have during the year, with Joy and pride and exulta tion, welcomed back 1o the homes and firesides that gave them our victory-crowned sons who In 1917 and 1918 had served in the Great World War with such devotion and glory. It was a glad sight, this home-coming, upon which we looked with tear-dimmed eyes and thankful hearts. We have been demobilizing the service flags ihat proclaimed those ab sent In the military service of the country, but the sense of gratitude for those for whom they were lifted abides forever. To those ex-service men who so well withstood the shock Jind met the stern duties of warfare, and now again relurn to the work and pursuits of peace, we look with especial hope, confi dence and assurance in everv test awaiting* tlicni In tiie whole realm of citizenship. As they were invinvthle In war, so will they lie found faithful and true In peace. Their value to coun try and Commonwealth trans HOSPITAL BAGS ARE DISTRIBUTED Thanksgiving donation bags were distributed to-day from the Harrisburg Hospital and more are to lie sent out on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday will be devoted to collecting the bugs. The hospital uslts that every one contribute as much of a bug ful as possible. They also say that they will gladly receive do r.'dtions straight from the grocer if there are people who would rather contribute that ' way. Checks also are receivable and liiu.v be sent to Mrs. Meade I). Uetweiler at her home, 23 South Front street. The Harrisburg Hospital is rendering Invaluable service to the city, and this is a chance for Harrisburg to show its apprecia tion. The hospital hopes that the bugs will come In full to over flowing. MEXICO WILL NOT RELEASE U. S. CONSUL Receives Note but Jenkins Re mains in Penitentiary; An other Case Crops Up By Associated Press. Washington. Nov. 22. Although the note sent by the American Gov ernment to the Mexican Government Wednesday demanding the immedi ate release of William O. Jenkins, American consular agent at Puebla, was delivered lo the Mexican For eign Office the same evening, the Mexico City press yesterday said Jenkins still was in the penitentiary it was announced to-day at the State Department. N'o reply to the American note has been received and there was no indication when one would be made. Officials reiterated to-day that the department had received no infor mation that would tend to sustain the charges of the Puebla state au thorities that Jenkins was in collus ion with the bandits who kidnaped him and held him for $150,000 ran som. The Mexican Foreign Office has ad vised the State Department that it is taking action in the case of Ku gene Lack, an American citizen, who was shot at Mexicali, on November 14. and who died later at HI Centro, C'al. The Mexican note said the proper authorities had been notified of the shooting with a view to early "administration of justice." The State Department announced that Lack was an official connected fContinued on Page 11.] OBEY WARNING By Associated Press. Pittsburgh, Nov. 22.—There is every evidence that industrial and domestic consumers of coal arc heeding the warning of the Pitts burgh coal distribution committee of tlie United States Railroad Adminis tration to conserve fuel, and there by avert a fuel faminp in the dis trict, authorities here said to-day. cends appraisal. At the same time we are mindful of those splendid spirits who made the supreme sacrifice for our na tional ideals. Our reverence for them and our gratitude to them will endure for,all time. Although there are strange voices in the air inciting, and alien and sinister forces in our midst seeking the overthrow of our whole civic and social structure, we yet may rejoice and take comfort In the knowl edge nnd belief that the great body of our people remain firm and fervent in their adherence to that system of government founded on our shores, wherein liberty is regulated and Safe guarded by law. The faith of the Fathers is si ill the faith of our neoole. All these and kindred ma terial. civic, social and spiritual blessings have been vouchsafed to ns by the gracious favor of Almighty God. who shapes and directs the destiny of nations and watches over the individual. Fittlng'v, therefore, may we as a people, publicly and unitedly, express lo film our reverent thanks for tliem all, and invoke His continued aid to strengthen ns to preserve unsullied the priceless heritage of free gov ernment to bless and serve us nil' 1 those who come after us. To this end. t, William C. Sproul. Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby join with the President of the United States in desig nating nnd setiing aside Thurs day, November 27. 1919, as Thanksgiving Day. and urge that upon that day the people of Pennsylvania assemble In their accustomed places of worship and there, and by their own hearthstones, with loving, grateful hearts Hmnk Almighty God for all of Ills inanv gif:.x and mercies, and devoutly seek the light of rI is guidance to lead us uright and in safety amid the perils which may be set our pathways. j RATIFICATION OF : TREATY MAY GO | INTO CAMPAIGN ' It Will Be Put Up to Voters Unless Compromise Is Reached POSITION IS UNCHANGED Lodge and Hitchcock Both Firm in Determination to Maintain Stand Washington, Nov. 22. That the J ratification of the Peace Treaty i would be carried into the next Presi- j j dential campaign seemed certain to I both Republican and Democratic ; ! leaders to-day unless there v.-as a , compromise. However, adininistra- j l lion leaders predict that the Repub | licans will modify their attitude, i making it possible to clear away the ! whole controversy before the cam-! paign opens. They were confronted with the | fact, however, that the Republican j group of mild reservationists, on j whom hope of a compromise was | placed, bad served notice that any ! I further compromise negotiations ' I must be conducted witli the Uepub- j I I icon leader himself. Arouses Lively Speculation Whether further compromise el'-j forts are to be made to ratify the| Pef#e Treaty, or the whole contro-j • versy thrown Into the 1920 presi-i : dential campaign for decision, was| ithe question which aroused livelyl I speculation to-day in oltieiul and po-l liticai circles. it was agreed'everywhere that the ! statement, issued last night by Sen-j j ator l.odgo, the Republican Senate, I leader, declaring the time for com-' ! promise had passed and that it was' ids desire that the majority reserva- j j tion program be carried into thej campaign, had advanced material-' j ly the movement to leave the Treaty I situation just as it. is for the present ] and give the. people a chance to de cide ttie issue next year. Defiant Answers Tile first expression of admisintra- \ tion Senators regarding the state ment were defiant in tone, though I they still predicted that before the I oa/ii paign began the. Republicans! Would come into a compromise! agreement that would make ratifi | cation possible. | Senator Hitchcock, the acting ad- I ministraXlCP _luiUier.—dogln|-eil thpt [ while the Democrats would be loth |to see ttie Treaty made a political I issue, they would accept it, if the j Republicans insisted, with entiie I confidence of the outcome. | Senator Hitchcock predicted that | President Wilson would resubmit the Treaty at the beginning of the next session of Congress 011 December J, land that a. compromise would result! The administration leaders admitted however, that they had no definite assurance the President would pre fer that course to a postponement of further action until the people had spoken in 1920. Even among the irreconcilable foes of the Treaty on the Republican side the statement of Senator Lodge was accepted with satisfaction. Some of this group have said openly they would leave the party unless it de j dared next year for outright rejec | tion of the League of Nations coven -1 ant, with or without reservations, tint they took the view to-night that the I situation was developing with a sat -1 isfactory speed, IxMlgc Position Unchanged | Senator Lodge, chairman of the ! Foreign Relations Committee and Republican leader of the Senate, declared in a statement there was "no room for further compromise" and urged that the reservations of [Continued 011 Page ll.] Kidnap Accused Murderer From Chicago, Where He j Lived in Lavish Style' By Associated Press. Philadelphia. Nov. 22. Elmer Lewis, wanted for the murder in i February, 1918, of William Bunnell I in a political club, is in custody hero' to-day. He virtually was kidnaped ' from Chicago, where he was arrested. I 1-iewis, known to the police as "Kid" Lewis and alleged to have a criminal record, resisted removal) from Chicago so forcibly it was j necessary to shackle him for the | journey.' After the murder, Lewis fled from 1 Philadelphia. It is learned he drifted ' to Chicago were he opened a saloon ! and became so prosperous that he bought two garages. The police learned Lewis had been I arrested in Chicago as the head of i a band of automobile thieves, several stolen cars having been found In his garage. Detectives from Philadel phia arrested Lewis in the Cook county juil just as he was about to lie released on $15,000 bail. He fought against removal so fiercely that shackles were placed on his hands and feet and he was carried In a tuxicab to the station and locked in a Pullman compartment. As the train pulled out lawyers with a writ of habeas corpus ran along the plat form. But they were a minute too late. Lewis' wife is said to be of good family who has "stuck to him." He is said to have been living in lavish style when arrested on the motor theft charge. IRISH BEAT SOLDIERS By Associated Press. Tsmilomlcrry, Ireland, Nov. 22. Soldiers returning to their barracks j here Inst evening were attacked and j badly beaten by a crowd. The po- | lice tried to assist them, but this' proved fruitless and the troops were I compelled to take refuge in the Sal- ' vation Army hall, from which they; sent a telephone message for help. A company of soldiers came to the , rescue of t lie hestegod men. (lie re- j liof force advancing with fixed bay- / onets and dispersing the crowds, who !■ shouted "Up with Dublin! Up with the Rebels!" D'ANNUNZIO IS FOMENTING NEW WAR BY DRIVE Poet-Aviator Determined to Annex Datmatia and Attack Montenegro ADMIRERS SEEK TO SEAT HIM ON ITALIAN THRONE? Lly Associated Press London, Xov. 22.—The situation on the Adriatic as a result of Gabriele D'Annunzio's campaign has reached a grave crisis. Private advices leave 110 doubt that he is determined to annex Dalmatia and attack Montenegro. Ihe Jugo-Slavs are stated to have concentrated troops and to he prepared to resist aggression. Aimed at Italian Throne A still more alarming report says a republican un dercurrent, directed against the Italian monarchy, exists among D'Annunzio's forces. It is not known, however, whether the insurgent poet leader shares the reported ambition of this military element to attack the government. Jugo-Slavs Will Fight It is stated in the advices that further aggression by D'Annunzio will certainly precipitate hostilities with the Jugo-Slavs, who, however, it is declared, will direct their attack against D'Annunzio. and not against the Italian government. A late report from Rome says the military party, which is favoring the annexation of Dalmatia, has f Continued oh Page 1.%.] % m \l HITCHCfcCK CONFIDENT OF COMPROMISE " ih a I s " • f * of Republican • * * <t *' ( # iclex I.edge that the Peace Treaty issues should be ' settled in the coming campaign, he'd to-day that he was * * 4 l* *** t n confident a compromise would be worked out by which | \ _ * * ratification could be secured. S -* UMULTY DENIES BREAK WITH HITCHCOCK ■* , *¥* * # Washington. Secretary Tumulty issued a state 1 lent to-day emphasizing the fact that no breach had oc 31 *■ I curred between President Wilson and Senator Hitchcock *f m % IB 9 jj He characterized the latter's leadership in the Treaty 4 asterly and satisfactory to all friends of the *r * * administration." * Milwaukee. The prohibition enforcement act is X „ constitutional, Judge Gciger, of the United States Dis ! * J- P- Kissingc, L 4 • Company, wholesale liquor dealers, from using its pren. * sfor the sale of liquor until the ci 'il suit against the * company is tried. e *r v ** - HARVARD LEADS YALE—IO TO 0 T < *f - A touchdown by Eddie Casey IB >■ $ 40 4 * a I Kalph Hor- ** ween, kicked 40 yards, gave Harvard a 10-point lead over * - n > < . i the first two period;- ,2, ** i. uncertain, erratic and lacking , J inch, never threatened to score against the Crimson Jj 1 * and only for a moment, in the second period did Yale til; *' * i arry ah offense into Harvard territory. • , *r • BISHOP URGES CORRECTION OF LOCAL EVILS * • --..s shoul X ' . , urg, last ' * * • ening advised his fellow Americans against crkicisiz- I ing other countries before correcting evils here, referring * * • i particular to lynchings in the Sou' nee of tii- • reli i v t ; .1 MARRIAGE LICENSES L 1 v„.",r u v,'a. 1 : .vrv,!riswsr \,aar Sit ?! ~bc' . '• NU-fllO"! Krniiko tirlannr and llo.mar.'Sdoel . ion; Orui-Kr l\. Ilul.rr ni.il ,l rH .||. A. ( ummlnKx. llui-rlxhiirKi JtM-ob K.f A, ry; , 'K.o:)r N \ , VlV'rhc.v W ' ,, " , ' r - "" r '"<> ".! KaUi-, ,