Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 17, 1919, Page 17, Image 17
Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page 1 IAUI.I XG AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma t-hinerv, 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. Day and Night Auto Transfer] WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 341 Kelkcr Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3513 AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. < Ernest Corbin, 6.10 Calder street. Botli phones. Bell : 3636-J. Dial 3638. I HICKS Local and long-distance ! hauling and storage. 424 lteily. Both . phones. i WE Mlfve Anything. Anywhere, j Any lime. Price reasonable. Dial j 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third Street. i HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped | for furniture, freight and piano mov- I ing. No distance too far. Careful I driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. j K. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell | phone 15R6. ' | PAUL BECK, general naulinff, local | and long distance, making a specialty ] of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617 Naudain St., or Bell 5239 J. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUN E RAL DI R EOTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2188 RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Kmbalnier r.U North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 440 j — j CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The price of lots are moder- I ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING vis make your old fall anu win- j ter clothes look new. We call and cie- j ];ver All kinds of repairing:. Both j phones. 11. Goodman, 1306 V* North] Sixth Street. ! ACTOMOBIIJES I CLEARANCE SALE OF REBUILT TRUCKS Included in this offering, all of which must be moved befoie we vacate our warehouse, aie | the following: 1200-pound Overland delivery. *4 1-ton Republic, new tires. 1-ton Garford, rebuilt, pneu matic tires on front. 174-ton Bethlehem with cab and stake body. Used one month and exchanged for 7°™ .of same make, account grow ing business. Practically a new truck equipped with . electric lights and starter. Also several bod ''^, t h* P hand stake and dump, with hand and hydraulic hoists. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO., j eie-eji North Second Street. . Both Phones. KOP SALE —Ford, 1917. touring. | first class condition extras. Joseph ... Foulton, 307 Market hi. , 7™^yir^S;! easy' payWients No dealers. Fall 2141* Hell phone. ,| POED OWNERS We have received a large sh.pment sea Auto Co.. 22 N. Cameron o . ; ! rnn QALE —Roo, 7-paenger six. S'€Sr SdSr a # o ? | care Telegraph. j 1916 jefterys. 4 cylinder. 7 passen ger touring car. newly painted and in! excellent Condition for sale at low | price for Quick sale. Phone 48SJ. 809 N~ Second tat. __ \VM. PENN GARAGE "•>4-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. j FOR SALE —Chalmers Sedan. 1917; new upholstering; Chandler, 191'J, 4- j passenger, sport model; wire wheels, | bumper, spot light, live new tires; Overland, 1918, 90 delivery ear. In- I quire Penn-Harris Taxicab office, care I Penn-Harris Hotel. j FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run- | ning order, $695. Horst, Linglestown. I AUTOMOBILES 1917 Chandler, club roadster! S9OO. : 1917 Mercer touring. 7-pussenger, ] very snappy, two spare tires. A real i good bargain. 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice $285. 1914 Overland, touring, $283. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. The above cars will appeal to the \ average buyer in the marliet for a : good used car. Demonstration given, i i CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. SchiiTman, Manager. STUDEBAKER —Light 6; suitable for livery; cheap to quick buyer. Reo roadster; A-l condition. Sible's Ga rage, Third and Cumberland St. For Sale, 1918, 5 passenger Buick six. looks like new. Price, SI,OOO. Also several two-ton trucks, in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. SELDOM TRUCK CO., 1021 Market St. CADILLAC BARGAIN 1917, 7-passenger Cadillac, first class condition, has had best of care. Six cord tires, two brand new. $2200 to quick buyer. Good reasons for selling. Bargain. Write at once. Address Box J-8120 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—I9I3 Maxwell touring car, ife. good condition, new tires. In quire 1427 Walnut St. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights, runs and pulls like new. Price $375 cash. Dial 36-C. S. 11. Horst, Linglestown. near Harrisburg. (Continued in Next Column) MONDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILES , OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT CLEARANCE SALE We must vacate our present warehouse and service station December 1. Our new building will not be completed before January, therefore, to move them quickly, we have marked down the price of every used cat from SIOO to $l5O. Immediate deliveries only and subject to prior sale, we offer; Pullman 6-passenger touring, fine tire equipment, roflnlsheu, equipped with electric lights and starter. Previously priced at 8485, now marked, for quick sale ♦S'' s Cadillac. 7-passcnger touring, original paint in excellent con dition. splendid upholstry. New storage battery, motor and all mechanical parts unusually good. Formerly priced at s6*u. New 52i> j Overland 5 passenger tour ing, 1919, niodel 90 demonsira tor. l'ke new und bearing new cui guarantee. This car never sold but used by us for dem- i castrating. Original price slo9;>. , Retinished and specially priced foi this sale si9o Willys Six touring, seven- j passenger demonstrator. Thor oughly overhauled and re- j painted. Excellent tire equip- J ment, one extra. Open evenings until nine. CIIE OVERLAND HARRISBURG C'A. ! 212-211 North Second Street. j Both Phones. Overland, touring, six good tires. ; Che violet, model 1918, five passen ger. excellent condition. Studebakor. five passenger. re- | painted and in fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. | HEX OARAGE AND SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third Street. BARGAINS BETHLEHEM —2A*-ion. dump body. WHITE—S-tor„ tump body. DUPLEX—New condition: vail body. FEDERAL 3 74-ton. dump body three. . \CME —3 74-ton. Woods dump body. DENBY*— Stake body; tike new. ; CADILLAC —Unit, with two-wheel j trailer. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE j DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 Capital Street. ; i I 1917 OVERLAND Five passenger, four cylinders, in flr.-u clash mechanical condition, new • top, new 11 res, new battery, good all , around car. Cheap to quick buyer. Ad- j Box D-7740 Care Harrisburg Telegraph I - i 1918 Mitchell car. seven passenger, j in Al condition, bargain to quick I buyer. Dial 4990. See Esterbrook. 912 N. Third St. SECOND-HAND motor trucks lor sale cheap—Folds. Kohler, Chalmers j and Internationals; three-quarter to two-ton capacities; S2OO and up. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 1 MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT 619-21 Walnut Street. . , FOR SALE —1'.4-ton capacity Mar tin truck. 35 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House, 15 S. Market square. | FOR SALE —Two-ton International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap- PIV FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 443 S. Cameron Street. FOR SALE —1915 Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna SL WANTED —All kinds of used auto ' tires. 7Ve pay highest cash prices, j !No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North i I Third street. Dial 4990. j ! MAGNETOS All types. 4 and 6 1 Bosch high tension, Eisman, Dixie. ( i--plitdorf. Mea. Remy and different i makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A ! schiftman. 22-24-26 North Cameron ! | street. Bell 3633. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. Bell 2360 Dial 4914 j KEY'STONE AUTO TOP CO. ] All sorts of auto tops and cushion ! I work done by experts; also repair 1 work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South , | Cameron street. USED CAR BARGAINS All in First Class Condition I Willys-Knight, 5- pass $639 Liberty, 5-pass $1390. Overland, 5-pass SBOO j Dixie, new. been used only as dem | onstrator $1290 ITWO Ail-American trucks, never used.' i one couipped with pneumatic cord, i tires and one with solid tires on, i rear and pneumatic on front; one is express body, the other stake body, j Exceptional value. j HBG. AUTO AND TIRE REPAIR CO., 131 South Third Street. Both phones. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, ! in any condition. See me before sac i r.dcing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto wrecking. A. Schiftman. 22 24 26 N. | Cameron Street. Bell 8633. j FOR SALE —Three 1919 Oaklands, good shape, one car has been driven onlv 400 miles, practically new. One model 85. Big Four Overland. 1913 Ford touring. These cars will be sold at a bar -1 gain. STEELLER'S GARAGE. | BtU 72 Newberrytown. Pa. | FOR SALE or exchange, a 1918 8- cylinder car in good condition, has run 7.000 miles. Address X-7908 cara Telegraphy FOR SALE —One Hupp model 20. SIUO. Worth it. See G. W. C. at Jack son Mfg. Co., 4th and Boyd Ave., City. YOUR Dodge plus a Rayfleld cur buretor. That's a great combination— a Rayfield equipped Dodge. The sp'e -1 c j a i Dodge model is inexpensive and the saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent., will pay for it in a short time. A Rayfleld on any car creases its efficiency all around. My, how she pulls the lillls. Federick's Garage, 443 S. Cameron St. PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE I YVednesday, Nov. 19, 1919. 1 1248 Bailey Street. At 1 o'clock sharp. HOUSEHOLD GOODS The contents of an 8-room house consisting of Parlor. Diningroom, : Bedroom and kitchen Furniture. Carpets, Rugs.-* Stove, Refrigerator, Couch. YVash Machine and many other articles too numerous to mention here. Terms cash. .1. B. Hoopes. * Maxwell H. llite, Auct MARKETS SKW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New Y'ork and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisbyrg; 1338 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Amer. Tel and Tel 100 'a 100 Allia Chalmers 43' 43 7* Amer Beet Sugar 93',4 937s Amer, Can 559 ii 5574 Am. Car and Fndry Co. ..135'* 134 5* I Amer. Eoco 96'* 9312 Aer. Smelting 6974 69** American Sugar 13819 1394* Ai aconda 63 651 a Atchison 9114 9114 Baldwin Eoco 107 106 B. and 0 3914 3914 Bethlehem Steel, B 96 95 44 Oal. Petro 451s 45 Can. Pacific 1481s 14814 Central Leather 98 97 44 I Chesapeake and Ohio ... 60 59 ' Chi., Mil. ami St. Paul ... 44 7 44' H (""hi.. K. 1. and Pacific ... 2944 2944 Chine Con. Copper 40 40 1 Col. Fuel and Iron 4314 <3 Corn Products 86 V* 85'4 Crucible Steel 220 206<4 Erie 15 74 1 6 ' General Electric 171 17114 General Motors 310 3021 a Goodrich, B. F 82 >4 81 Great North., pfd 87 8614 Great North. Ore. subs .. 4014 404* inspiration Copper 57 5674 Interboro 5 5 Int. Nickel 25 S* 2514 Int. Taper 7254 72 Kennecolt 3114 31 Kan. City. So 19*4 1914 Eackawanna Steel 8914 8714 Eehlgh Valley 46 45 la Mexwell Motors 43 425* Merc. Mar Ctfs 5314 52 5s Mex. Petroleum 203 200 Miami Copper 26 2514 Midvate Steel 52 5* 5174 Missour Pacific 29 54 30 N. Y. Central 7414 74*4 X. Y.. N. H. and H 34 5* 34 >4 Norfolk and Western ...103 103 Northern Pacific 88 87 14 Pittsburgh Coal 62 62 Penna. R. R 43 4314 Railway Steel Spg 98 98 Ray Con. Copper 22 22 Reading 811* 82 54 Rep. Iron ancl Steel—.lo9 106** Southern Pacific 10814 106 5* Southern Ry 2614 261* Sinclair Oil and R 53** 5214 Studebakor 1151* 114 Union Pacific 130 13014 U. S. I. Alcohol 112 11014 IT. S. Rubber 12254 12074 IT. s. Steel 105 1041* Ctah Copper 79 79 Vir.-Caro. Chem 74 7314 Westinghouse Mfg 55 54 ** Willys-Overland 32'4 31** Hide and Leather 34 33 Pierce Arrow 70 54 67', PHI I. A DEI. PHI A PRODUCE Philadelphia. Nov. 17.—Corn steady tint uuiet; No. 2 yellow on spot, $1.68 ® 1.69. Oats—Firm. No. 1 white, S3® 8 3 74c: No. 2 white, 82® 8214 c; No. 3 white, 81 @ 8114 c. i Butter —Firm; western creamery, extra. 71c: nearby prints, fancy, 77 <ii 7 9c. ; <'heese—Quiet but steady: Now ■ York and Wisconsin, full milk, 31 i © 33c. I Eggs—Firm. nearby firsts. $21.60 I per ci.gr: current receipts, s2l: west ern. extra firsts. $21.60; firsts. $19.80 ® 20.70; fancy selected packed, SO® 82c per dozen. 1 Live Poultry—Steady; fowls, as to I quality. 25®i34c; chickens, us to qual ity. 2;i®2Bc: roosters, 21®'22u; ducks. VlOTOltt YCEF-S AND BICYCLES** BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALE WORK GUARANTEED DORY' SHANER WITH ANDREW' REDMOND, 1567 NORTH THIRD STREET. FOR SALE —Harley-Davidson three- I speed motorcycle with sidecar for sale cheap to quick buyer. Earl Wolf. 1102 N. Sixth St.. City. Garages, Accessories ami Repairs FOR RENT Clinton St.. rear of 1618 V& N. Fifth St., one-half garage, will accommodate one ear or truck, rent reasonable, pos session at once. ■ D. ASA SANDERLIN, 36 N. 3d St., Room 1. Secur ity Trust Bldg. Bell 1290. Dial 3573. j. OPEN FOR BUSINESS Officially open for business in our new garage at 443 South Cameron street. We have a model fireproof building and • storage, dead or live weight, for over 100 civs. We thank j our patrons foi past services and desire to have them see our new place of business. SCANDALIS & FEDERICKS MOTOR CAR CO.. 443 South Cameron Street. ! STORAGE wanted; general auto rc , pairing; cars washed while you wait; all work guaranteed. Cut Kate Gar age, 1807-09 N. Seventh St. LEGAL NOTICES t NOTICE —Letters testamentary on ] the estate of Xerxes Joseph Kerr, late lof Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the I undersigned residing in Harrisburg, | Pa. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. LILLIE S. KERR, Executrix. Or to I. P- Bowman, Attoiney-at-Law. NOTlCE—Letters testamentary on the estate of Fanny Baokenstoe, late of Linglestown, Dauphin counfy. Pa., 'deceased, having been granted to the | undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. J. M. BACKENSTOE, Executor. | NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Honor- iuble the Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Dauphin County on the first day of December. A. D„ 1919, for the charter of corporation to be called the Interdenominational Home for the Aged, the character and object of which are to provide a home for aged men and women and for the main tenance and support therein, and to gi\c to such aged and infirm persons assistance, recreation and amusement, and for these purposes to have, poss ess and enjoy all the rights and privi leges ol' the Corporate Act of 1874 land its supplements. : W. JUSTIN CARTER, Solicitor. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court nf Quarter Sessions of Dauphin coun ty on Monday, the 24th day of No vember, 1919. at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the said court may be in session for the transfer of the retail liquor license now held by Richard F. Culhane. for northeast' corner of capital and Forster streets, Fifth ward, City of Harrisburg, Pa., unto David Wiseman. ROBERT STCCKER, Attorney for Transferee. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Keystone Bank will be held at the principal office of said bank, 1400 N. Third street, Harrisburg, Pa., on the 20th day of January, 1920, at 3 o'clock, l m for the purpose of voting for or against a proposed Increase of the rani la l Stock of said bank from $50,- 000 00 to $125,000.00. H. S. SMELTZER. Secretary, ( Keystone Bank. HARRISBTTRG "TELEGRAPIf Pekln. 22®24c: Indian runner. " S SOc: Turkeys. 33@40c; geese. 26®Joe, Dressed Poultry—Firm: fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy. 35<f/>36c: small sizes, 24®33c; roosters, 25c; spring ducks, nearby, 38@40o: broiling Jer sey. 43®48c: other nearby, 115® 45c; western, choice, 38® tor: roasting chickens, western. 27@>3-!c: western milk fed chickens, us to size and qual ity. 31@45e; turkeys, nearby, 46@4Kc. Potatoes—Firm, fair demand: near by per basket. 904/$4.10; lower grudc. 40@65r: 150 pound sacks. $3.55 lit 1.10; Xo. 2. $2®2.40; Penna. in 100 pounds, $2.60® 2. Flour—Dull; soft winter straight western, $10@10.50: nearby, $9.50® 10: hard winter straight. ln.M9lt.Mi short patent. $12.40® 12.90: spring first clear, $9.75@10.25: patent. $12.75 ® 13.23: short patent, $13,50 4/14.25; fancy spring and city mills patent, family brand. $13.50®! 13.75. Hay—Firm; timothy No. 1. $33: No. 2. $30®31; No. 3. $26®28: clover mix ed hay. light mixed, $30®.81; No. 1. I mixed. s27® 28. Tallow—Quiet: prime city loose 4: sieeial loose. 16i$c; prime country. 13c; edible in tierces. lSh-r. Bran—Quiet. soft winter bran. I western in 100 pound sacks. $45.50® 46.50: spring bran in 100 pound sacks, $44.60® 45.60. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, Nov. 17.—-Hogs—Receipts. 1 31,000; active 25 to 360 higher; top. $14.85: bulk, $14.40® 14.80: heavy. $1 4,33 4/ 1 4.8(1: medium. $14,404/ 1 4.8:.: light. $14.40® 14.80; light lights. $14.3.. 4.1175. heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.75® 14.25; packing sows rough. $13.60® 13.65; pigs, $14.25@15. Cattle- —Receipts, 24,000. weak. Beef I steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $18.40®20.50: me dium and good. $11.25® 18.40: common. $8.75® 11.25: lightweight, good and choice $11,754, 20: common and me dium. sß® 14.75: butcher cattle bon ers, $6.85® 15: cows. _56.75@13.a1j canners and cutters, $5,754/ 0. ,:>; veal calves. slß® 19: stoeker steers. _s6.s.> j@lO.2E: western range steers. si.7a® 15 50; cows and heifers. $6.50® 13. Sheep—Receipts 37,000; mostly 25c lower. Top. $14.75: lainbs sl2 2o</. 14.85; culls and common. $8.50® 1-. ewes, medium, good and choice. @8.35; culls and common. $.@0.70, breeding, $6.75@11.75. CHICAGO HO AH 11 OF TRADK Clitcngo. Nov. IT.—Board of Tia^ie closinKt 4 A ll/ r n ,, Corn—Dec. 130%; Jan - 124 H. Ma> 1 Oats—Dec. 73%; May 73%. Pork—.lan. 33.70. Lard—Nov. 25.45; Jan. 23.60. Ribs—Jan. 18.43; May 18.05. Bandits Bind Three Men, Rob Safe and Escape With SB,OOO Chicago, Nov. 17.—Seven robbers early Sunday bound and gagged three men, blew open a large safe in the offices of the Standard Oil Company, of Indiana, partly wreck ed a smaller one and escaped with about SB,OOO. The smaller safe, containing $5,000 and Liberty bonds to the amount of SIO,OOO. withstood I the explosive charges and the I cracksmen departed alter express- i ing disappointment with the amount , of the loot. I Detectives pronounced the sate blowing as the work of expert I cracksmen, who. so far as learned, | left no finger prints or other clews. I They had so muffled the explosions | that a cashier's glass enclosure | nearby was undamaged. Women Are Admitted to Civil Service Tests Washington, Nov. 17.—Women will hereafter be admitted to all exami nations held by the United States Civil Service Commission, according to a decison just made public. Pro tests have been made repeatedly by the National Women's Trade Union League against the departmental at titude which led to the exclusion of women from 60 per cent of the ' examinations. Floating Mine Sunk American Ship liondon. Nov. 17—A floating mine' was responsible for the sinking last , Wednesday of the American steamer j Council Bluffs, off the coast of Hoi-: land, according to advices received j here. All the members of the crew were saved. ANOTHER "llED" ARRESTED. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 17.—The j third arrest of an alleged "Red" i here was made late Saturday night | when Samuel Baranowsky, 31 years I old, a Russian, rooming at 151 j Houghton avenue, was taken into ; custody by Federal officials. The i man's room, the officials said, was | a storehouse for smokeless powder ; and anarchistic literature. Bara- i nowsky was employed in a Trenton rubber manufactory and is believed to have disseminated much of t "Red" literature among his fellow | workmen. INDIANA MINERS HOLD OUT j By Associated Press, Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 17.—N0 union miners returned to work in the Indiana bituminous coal fields to-day, despite hopes expressed last week by the operators that there would lie enough defections from the j union ranks to allow resumption of coal production at some mines to day, the first Monday since the can celation of the strike order was sent out. Members of the Indiana coal operators' association to-day general ly conceded that no coal will be mined in District 11 until an agree ment is reached in Washington. TITTOXI WANTS TO QUIT j By Associated Press• | Rome, Sunday, Nov. 16. —Foreign I Minister Tittoni has again expressed I | a desire to resign. Ho gives as his I reasons the state of his health, for j one thing, and for another the eont- I plications beyond his control which i I have arise in the Adriatic situation. Another reason is stated to be the ! attitude of President Wilson on the I Adriatic problem which the foreign j minister declares he has vainly done j everything in his power to modify. SIX THOUSAND IX CI,ASH j Ynungxtown, 0.. Nov. 17. Minor; clashes between striking steel work- I ers and mill workers took place this | morning, it beinfe estimated 6.000 men j tilled the streets near the mill gates, i A number of the men were injured. I and they were removed to a hospital. Piekts had nearly disappeared alto gether about the steel plants last week, but were out in force this morning. PLANT RESUMES Pittsburgh, Nov. 17.—Operations were resumed to-day at the Mingo Junction plant of the Carnegie Steel Company, according to an announce ment at the company's general of fices here. There was a shortago of foreign laborers, but the company said the plant would bo operated with the men who had reported for work. SULTAN'S DAUGHTER ENGAGED Constantinople, Friday, Nov. 7. The engagement of Princess Sabihaa, daughter of Sultan Mohammed VI., to Prince Farouk, son of Fringe Ya hld Eddlne, the heir apparent, is an nounced. Ol RT TO ItKCI-ISS By Associated Press, W imliliiKlon. ov. 17.—The Supreme Court will take n recess next Monday until December 8. VICTIMS OF AIRPLANE CRASH WILL RECOVER *<*. 'lm r. y ■■■ WILLIAM SHAFFER Harrisburg Hospital physicians late this afternoon announced that the conditions of both Eugene C. Bowers, Liberty Aero Service Cor poration pilot, and William Shaf fer, his passenger, who were badly injured in an airplane crush late Saturday afternoon, had showed much improvement. Both will re cover, they say. Bowers, a former army pilot, was performing stunts near Dauphin, where the landing field of the Lib erty Corporation is located, when he swung the plane nose first into the ground just as he was recov ing from a spiral drop. He had misjudged his distance from the ground. Shaffer was jammed for ward into the engine and Bowers was hurled into the controls of the plune. The pilot's face and fore head were badly lacerated. His pas senger sustained cuts and bruises of the entire body with severe head in juries. They were taken front the debris of the wrecked plane anil rushed to the hospital where at first hope for Shaffer's recovery was given up. Yesterday lie rallied and to-day has passed the danger point. CONFERENCE OF MINERS DELAYED [Continued from First Page.] holding the miners' demands just, i took issue with the statement of j Secretary Wilson that a wage in- crease of sixty per cent, would make them a favored class of workers. j The demands submitted to the operators Saturday reaffirmed the six-hour day, but omitted reference to "from bank to bank," Lewis ox plained. The miners now are ask ing a minimum of six hours working time in the mines. The time re quired to go down into the mines and return to the surface would add an average of about a half hour to the day, Lewis said. Mr. Lewis declared that miners' representatives from outlying dis tricts would remain here until a sot- 1 , tlement in the coal industry was reached. "I think the operators will nego tiate with them if they expect to operate their properties," he said. Men Show Disposition in Most Cases to Await Results of Conference By Associated Press, Chicago, Nov. 17.—While operators and union leaders had predicted re sumption to-day of mining on a largo, scale in the bituminous coal fields lof the country where more than i 400,000 miners have been on strike | for 16 days, only in West Virginia, j were both sides confident that. "all the men" would be back at work j during the day. In the other large producing fields | the men showed a disposition in most I cases to await further results of the ! conference at Washington of oper ators and union officials over a new wage agreement, before returning 1o , work. In the meantime a threatened coal ! shortage in the middle west has | caused the regional coal committees ito consider means of conserving fuel. In Indiana an order prepared by, jtlre public service commission, reviv ing lightless nights and heatless days of wartime, is to go into effect to night as a means of preserving coal supplies. The railroad administra- j I tion to-day took off a dozen pas- J senger trains on the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul railroad here and at Milwaukee, and it was said that further curtailment of railroad ; service both in the passenger and 1 freight departments would result if coal supplies continue to be depleted. Members of the fuel committee also | said that unless production is fe-, sumed on a larger scale within a short time it will be necessary to I withhold coal front nonessential i:i- J j dustries. West Virginia Men Returning to Work Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 17. Leaders of the United Mine Workers of America and coal operators of West Virginia expressed the opinion early to-day that a majority of the . miners who did not obey union or ders to return to work last week, j would enter the mines during t.lip id.ny. Representatives of the union ' were confident that most of the men j would be bark on the job to-day. I, W. W. Conducting Membership Campaign Among Coal Miners By Associated Press, Morgantown, W. Va„ Nov. 17. Miners in the northern counties of West Virglnta were urged to Join the I I. W. W. because ft is said the "union i revolution organisation is hated by the capitalistic class." They were tisked to pay an Initiation fee of $2 and monthly dues of fifty cents, but If they desired they could transfer their membership from one "local" to nny other "local" by simply getting in touch With the I. W. W. delegate in the camp where they might hap pen to be. This Interesting Information was found In the mass of I. W. W. litera ture seized by agents of the De partment of Justice when they rahl ed the hendnnarters of the organiza tion on Seott'R Run near here and captured a dozen of the leaders last Saturday, The Scott's Run local, officially known as Industrial Union No. 900, had its most Important membership among the Randall mine workers, Vnable to Sec Baby The injuries to Bowers caused liint to lose the sight of both eyes for a time, lie was unable late yesterday to recognize his wife and their three-weeks'-old child. To-day he recovered partial sight and physi cians believe witliin a few days sight will be restored. Shaffer is being nursed by his sister. Miss Ruth Shaffer, of the Pennsylvania Hos pital, Philadelphia. In addition to a crowd of specta tors the crash was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shaffer, parents of William; his two brothers, Wal ter, former French army pilot, and Ernest and his sister, Esther, who had just descended from a Wight with her brother, Walter Shaffer. While tlie plane was badly wreck ed, the engine escaped unscathed, it. was still running when rescuers reached the scene. At a meeting of the Liberty Aero Service Corpora tion this evening plans will be made for either its reconstruction or tlio purchase of a new plane. Walter J. Shaffer will probably be retained as the sole pilot for the corporation. where only 65 of the 175 miners arc American citizens. Meetings were held every Sunday afternoon in the forest near the mine, always under the leadership of some Russian miners. Other meetings were held at a number of other points in the district at the same time, it being the policy of the organization never to unite in great gatherings all the members in the region. U. S. Wins Fight to Cancel the Patents For 6,000 Acres of Oil Land By Associated Press, Washington, Nov. 17.—The gov- j eminent by an opinion to-day in the j Supreme Court won its fight to have j canceled patents for 6,000 acres of j California oil land valued at $lO,- | 000,000, alleged to have been oh- j lained through fraud by the South ern Pacific Company. In disposing of the case, the Su preme Court reversed Federal Court decrees dismissing proceedings insti tuted by fhe government JLo have the i land, which is located within naval oil reserve No. 1, returned to the i government. The government charged that the j company at the time lite patents I were issued in 1904 under a railroad I land grant which reserved mineral lands, knew the lands to be valuable for oil, although it filed alleged false affidavits to the contrary. The Federal District Court held that while there had been no actual dis covery of oil on the land, surround ing conditions clearly indicated that j it was valuable for oil and the Cir cuit. Court of Appeals, which re- I versed this opinion, now is in turn I reversed by the Supreme Court. MarkeJ: Breaks After Announcement of Decision By Associated Press, New York. Nov. 1 7.—The stock market was subjected to another | sharp break at noon to-day. Heavy I selling was precipitated by an nouncement that tlio United States Supreme Court bad decided against the Southern Pacific Company in the suit involving 6,000 acres ot valuable oil lands in California. Southern Pacific broke on exten sive sales from 106 5-8 to 101 1-2 in less than ten minutes. The stock closed last week at 108 7-8. Union Pacific, which had been al most the only strong feature of the morning, also relinquished a large . part of Its five-point advance. Tlio entire list broke with South ern Pacific, although some stocks held over their extreme losses of the \ morning, when steels, oils, motors i and equipments were three to fif teen points under last week's final quotations. American Athletes to Participate in Renewed Giympic Games at Antwerp P v Associated Press. Ronton, Nov. 17.—The Amateur Ath letic Union voted to-day to send an American team of athletes to Antwerp for the renewal of the Olympic games t.a bo held there next year. The num ber of men who will represent the United States and the proportion of entries for the several truck and Held and other events of the world tourn ament. will be decided later. The union assigned to Boston the annual amateur boxing championship tournament and to Birmingham, Ala., Iho wrestling title contests. The swimming championships were allot led as follows; 100 yards, Brookllne 1 Swimming Club; relay swim, Olympic I Club, San Franelsco; water polo. Fu el tic Coast Association; 60 yards, Chi cago Athletic Association; plunge, Al j legheny Association; 320 yards, De i trott, A. C.; fancy diving, Los Angeles A. C.i 150 yards back stroke, Indiana Association, DUO yards, back stroke, | Indiana Association, 500 yards. Great I Lakes Association; 200 yards breast \ stroke, Meadowbrook Club, I'hiladel ' pill a. The records of the year were passed on, nnd all hut two allowed. The union threw out the claim of Thomas I Campbell, Chicago University, to | credit for time of one n inute, 13 1-5 seconds for the 600-yard run indoors J and of the Tale team for the 200 yards I relay swimming mark of 1 minute 41 j seconds. The records allowed include I performances of Joie Ray, of the 111 i | nois A. C., of 3 minutes 2-5 seconds I at 1,000 yards indoors, and 4 minutes (11 3-4 seconds, lor a mile indoors. NOVEMBER"! 7; 1919, JAPAN REALIZES FUTILITY OF WAR AGAINST THEU.S. Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs Guests of C. of C. to Hear Noted Lecturer "Japan will never fight America," Dr. Homer B. Hulbert, diplomat, traveler, editor, lecturer and former envoy of the Korean emperor, told members of the Chamber of Com merce, the Rotary Club and the Ki wanis Club together at luncheon in the Penn-Harris Hotel to-day. "Japan never bets except upon a sure thing," he continued. "1 know that in the army of Japan for the past ten years t hey have been saying that if Jn'pan could take and hold the Pacific coast states for ten years she could hold them forever, but | that they are not sure they could ; do it so they have decided not to | try." Hoarded Emperor Dr. Hulbert has had ample oppor tunity to study the conditions of the Par East. He was for years adviser jto the Korean Emperor and when the Japanese sent gunmen into the j emperor's palace and a mob of thou sands of Koreans gathered about the I building he and two other Americans J stood guard over the emperor and prevented his assassination by the Japs. The Koreans have accepted Chris tianity and are learning its precepts "from the Hiside out. while the Japs have taken it from the outside in," said the speaker, who paid a high compliment to the Americanization and Christianization efforts of American missionaries in the coun try. The Japs have clothed them selves in the habiliments of Christian civilisation but are ruthless at heart, the speaker said, while the Koreans have become Christians at heart. Japan Did Nothing Speaking of the Japanese invasion of China and the Shantung incident. Dr. Hurlbert said that if any coun try outside of China is to have Shan tung, it should be the United States. "Japan took Shantung as her price for going into the war, hut she did nothing, while tlie United States came it? and won the war, which means that Japan did not pay the purchase price asked of her." Tho Japanese in Shantung are simply robbing the Chinese, he said. Dr. HurflSurt said that America must look to the markets of China to absorb our surplus products in the next ten years. "We must sell $8,000,000,000 worth of our stuff there in ten years if our increased manufacturing capacity is to be kept going to the full," the speaker as serted, and added that all over Chiu-.i American goods are being sold and as soon as railroads are run to the interior ttiis demand will be rnagni lied many times. He said tlie Japs had cheated us out of $20,000,000 worth of foreign trade in Korea and will do the same in China if we per mit her. "Rut we have no need to fear Ja pan," said Dr. Hurlbert. "Japan al ways yields to a bluff and never un dertakes a war she is not certain in advance of winning. She will never fight the United States." He predicted that in the course of the next ten years Japan will face a grave crisis from (within, the gov erning classes being at swords' points with the common people to an extent that bids fair in a decade or so to turn tlie autocracy into a democracy. Attacks on Japanese Dr. llulbert told his hearers of the vicious attacks of brutal Japanese upon liberty-loving Koreans, how they had stolen their land, murdered Christians, tortured patriots and ravaged their women. lie offered proof for all the charges and accused Uie American Government of sup inely ignoring the Treaty rights of Korea and letting Japan have l.er own way there. 'Why, men," he said, "if the. Japanese had done to tho American people what they have done to the Koreans we would have risen up and died to the last man in our efforts to throw them out of the country." HP made a strong plea for trade relations with the Far East and re peated that in that direction lies not! only our own prosperity in the days j to come, but tlie progress anil nd-i vancement of the Chinese and the > Koreans as well.' He. like many other observers just returned from the Orient, predicts that the efforts of the Japanese to dominate China and Korea will end as disastrously for Japan as the Kaiser's assault upon Europe did for Germany. Dr. Hulbert came to the eity through the instrumentality of Wil liam Bennett, whom he met while the two were doing "Y." work In France. E. J. Stackpole, president I of the Chamber, presided and George E. Foss, secretary of the State Chamber of Comhierce, an old friend of Dr. Hulbert introduced the speaker. Mining Delegates Censure Labor For Demanding Short Days fly Associated Press• St. I,mils. Nov. 17. Emphasizing increased production as a means of decreasing living costs, delegates to the American mining congress, which opened here to-day, censured labor for demanding shorter work days. Action against radicalism cannot be toe drastic, the delegates said. I "Production, which America needs most of all at present, cannot in crease if labor obtains a workday two hours shorter than the present stand ard." said Blukeley Wells,, of Denver, piesldent of the congress. "It is evi dent that not nearly as much can be produced In six hours as in eight or nine. The eight-hour day will go a long way toward relieving the high j cost of living." E. P. Mathewson. of New York, a ' director of the organization, urged j that the congress be prevented from I taking on a class character. "We must represent the general public," | he said. Development of shale oil was rec ommended to relieve the drain on oil wells. HOI.I) :S7 ItADICA I„S Fairmont, W. Va., Nov. 17. Thirty-seven alleged radical agita tors, arrested in this region during the last three days by agents of the Department of Justice and county officers are in tho Marlon and Mon ongalia county jails to-day awaiting deportation proceedings, which, ac cording to Federal authorities will be started in the immedlute future. Twelve of the prisoners were taken in raids late Sunday at Downs and I Farmington. • TEX HOCIAI.ISTS .SKATED By Associated Press. l'arls, Nov. 17.—Complete returns from twenty-seven departments in which there were 120 deputies to he elected, show the Radical Socialists carried only ten seats, Glass Heeds Request !|. j of Wilson to Accept ad ' Appointment to Senate Washington, Nov. 17. —At th re quest of President Wilson, Secretary Glass will accept the appointment as Senator from Virginia to succeed the late Senator Thomas S. Martin,, it was said to-day at the White House. After receiving the appointment from Governor Davis, of Virginia, Mr. Glass asked the President what his wishes were and Mr. Wilson re plied that he would like Mr. Glass to accept. Secretary Glass has consulted with members of the Senate who told him that there was no particular need for him to take the oath as Sena tor for a week or more. Meantime lie will continue to servo as head of the Treasury Department. At the White House it was said no successor to Mr. Class had been de cided upon and that the President's mind was open. The name of Dan iel C. Roper, Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, was added to-day to the list of those being discussed as RE\fT;O\.tI(IKS IN POWER CoiM-nhii,, Nov. 17. Philip Pchcidemimfi. former German chan cellor, writing in the Vorwaortn, says lie considers that Germany ih really in the power of te reactionaries. "The entide army," he writes, "seems to be at the disposal of the reactionaries. I'nltey of the working classes has be come a bounden duty." Up! Up! Up! That's the way the value of your property Is climb ] J :ng. That's the way your fire insurance should climb. Otherwise a fire would I wipe out all that the in creased value means to | ! you. And Increased insurance costs no more than in the | J past. We can protect your property, your automobile and your person from the i minute you phone us. We j write insurance of all kinds. Pennsylvania Insurance ! Exchange ' 45-46 UNIOX j TRUST DRUG. ' IFOR SALE 535 and 537 Maclay St., 3- story brick dwelling, all im -1 provements, 8 rooms and bath. Lots on Curtin, Jefferson and Seneca Streets 2212 North Third Street, 2i/2-story brick, 14 rooms and bath. 2037 Boas St., 2%-story frame, 6 rooms, lot 20x110. $1,250.00 Apartments and Store, Sixth and Harris Frank R. Leib and Son . REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 18 North Third St., HARRISBURG, PA. I ■...! ■' f" Public Sale of Real Es tate and Personal Prop erty, Tuesday, Novem ber 18, 1919, at 1 o'clock, 1y 2 miles east of Dau phin, Pa. in Stony Cwk Valley 44-no re farm, rcood building-*, hot Mud cold water, bath and llsrht plant In hoiiMe. Water at barn. Now occupied by JONAS M. RITDT, (Immediate Poaaenwloii) DO SEALS &BTENCILBI 0 II HARRIBB\I STENCIL WORKS || I 1130 LOCUST BT.HARRIBtfB.PA.iI Help Wanted Press Feeders at Once The Telegraph Printing Co. Cameron and State Sts, Harrisburg, Pa. 17