Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 17, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
Lancaster Away Up in Agriculture Again Pennsylvania pushed into high rank among the corn-raising states and took first place as a producer of buckwheat in 1919 and took out a crop ,of more than 28,556,200 bushels in .spite of pests and adverse weather and labor conditions. Fig ures issued to-day by Secretary of Agriculture Fred Rasmussen show an unusually good yield of potatoes and records in corn and buckwheat. The value of the crops will run higher in the millons '/ia*i ever known before. Lancaster county is the leader in j|j Home Baking Robs | You of Needed jj; Recreation j;j Jjl # Assuming that you can ■[! buy good bakers' bread, is it the part of wisdom to toil J>[ ■ g and fret over a hot oven V doing your own baking? JJsJ M Modern methods have been J? gradually working the Jj emancipation of woman |i ■I" from household drudgery. 2j ROL3UM Bread is superior a||i jljj to bread baked at home. J 2 Let HOLSUM help in your o JsJ emancipation. # JiJ V Better bread isn't M S baked than I I | HOhSUM a Thanksgiving ffer One Dessert A Real-Fruit Dessert For Six People This is an offer to buy you this week a Jiffy-Jell des . &MA sert for six people. xSH. 1 ttt Many housewives don't know what Jiffy-Jell means to them. They know the old-style quick desserts, but not Jiffy-Jell brings you real-fruit flavors—not the artificial. A Each package contains a bottle of fruit juice condensed. We crush the real fruit, and much of it, to flavor a Jiffy- Jell dessert. A Jiffy-Jell dainty seems filled with fruit. r Here you get fresh-fruit delights. And you get its health- Pineapple Juice £ul acids ' nceded cvef y day lomet condensed in t bottle in Pineepple Try One Fruit Free Jiffy-Jell. We use the juice of half a Pineapple to flavor a pint deaaert Present the coupon to> you* grocer this week. BUT two pack ages of any flavor and he /ill give you a full-size package of J iffy-J ell in Loganberry or Pineapple flavor free. We will pay him for the free package. This will give you three packages for the price of two. Jiffy-Jell comes in many fruit flavors, but the choicest are ■,*/ Loganberry and Pineapple. You will find in each package • bottle of the fruit-juice flavor in liquid form, condensed, v The Jiffy-Jell mixture is ready-sweetened, acidulated and in Ijffl proper color. Simply add a pint of water as directed on the rfil T - (/<' /I(If( package, then the flavor from the vial, and let cool. See what you get-—a real-fruit dessert for six people. It will have a wealth of fruit. It will change your whole conception of Note that this offer is made on two flavors —on Loganberry -2l! an< * Pineapple only. Your groceOhas no right to offer another. yijWe want you to know jiffy-Jell at its best. Then always remember that this real-fruit dainty ia ever at your command. It will bring you the joys of real fruit. And it will cost you, when you buy it, only a few cents per dinner. It .;,'.Vwill cost you less than the fruit alone which we use to make This offer is for this weak only, cut out the coupon now. If your grocer leeks the flavors mentioned, go to another store. Comes condensed in s vial in Loganbaiif \ Jiffy-Jell. You get the juice of many berries in a pint dessert p Be Sore and Get TTut Package Makes a Pint Dessert Like This : dHk Full Size Package Free J |* " Present Thit to Year Grocer | 111 Jiffy-Jell, Waukesha, Wisconsin Mf ll| I I have bought today two packages of Jiffy- J ilii iflM&iil J _ I 9 Jell of my grocer and he has given me, without ■ ILfI jVr IcO, charge, one package in Loganberry or Pine- ■ fe&Jg|, IJw apple flavor. i [H Jj Write your mmme end mddrmtm tlmmrly . J fe imsn -& I Y'i} ... i I B°UH*AN£Rh l>Mß ; 7**F<y~*. r fcf a T# Grocen We will par you In cash your retafl price , Llr/f |Lu (, I X for each of theee coupon* which you redeem- Send them to | • iS us et the end of the week, with your bill. 1 L?:<*iamLYce4 To the Houaewtfet Note that it would be e freud on oeto , J Each package bat a sealed glass deliver or scc.pt tnr product but J.ffr-Jell on this coupon , P , • when we pay the grocer Cor It. I I nimTua** bottle of fruit juice, in condenaed form. Waukeaha Pure Feed Co.. Wauktihe, Wia. | L —.......... ..........—... J MONDAY EVENING. corn, as it was in the raising of wheat. Of an estimated corn crop of 72.369,480 bushels, it produced 5,312,916, with an average yield of 58 bushels to the acre. York county was second with 4,885.371, Berks third with 3.843,939; Bucks, 2,686,- 980, and Adams, 2.527,600. Berks has the second best average yield aver age. The total crop for the State last year was 63,597,000 bushels. Lehigh leads the potato counties with 1.794,420 bushels and an aver age yield of 135 bushels an acre, which is also the average in Lu zerne. Lancaster was second in pro duction with 1,450,650 bushels, Berks, 1,278,704; York. 1,267,800; Schuylkill, 964,495; Bradford, 831,- 007; Bucks, 814,352; Erie, 814.320, and Luzerne, 805,140. INSPECTORS FOR DRUGJONTROL Organization Being Rapidly Worked Out by the State Department of Health Appointments of \\\ yV// medical Inspection vW\fc of schools and for f the extension of the work of drug control have al- QQQgK most been coin ; SMIRKLjttjBI. Edward Martin, State Commis sloner of Health, and the inspection activities of the State now reach virtually every school district. Fenton Hayes, of Williamsport, has been appointed general Inspec tor in the Bureau of Drug Control, and David H. Buehler, Harrisburg, formerly attached to the engineer ing division, has been appointed a narcotic Inspector. Medical inspectors of schools named include: Dr. L. R. Light, Bethel township, Lebanon county; Dr. S. P. Boyer, FinleyviUe and New Eagle, county; Dr. \V. L Henderson, Whi.taker and Ver sailles boroughs and Versailles and South Versailles townships. Allegheny county; Dr. Charles K. Sahnor for Haysville, Osborne, Sewlckley, Glen field, Leetsdale and Emsworth bor oughs and Findley, Moon, Leet, Se wlckley and Sewickley Heights town ships. Allegheny county; Dr. R. W. Cotton for Crafton Thornburg and Ingram boroughs and Crescent town ship; Dr. C. B. Moore, Darlington borough and township. Beaver county; Dr. George Smith, Liberty .ownship, Tioga county. Registrars named include Dr. L. H. Seaton for Chambersburg and Guilford, Green, Letterkenny, Ham ilton and St. Thomas townships. Franklin county; Frederick Fryer Throop for Throop borough. Lacka wanna county; Abram Whlpcll for Lewis, Gamble, McNett, Cascade, Mclntyre and Jackson townships, Lycoming county; John Reinher for Tarentum, Allegheny county. Dr. E. R. Beidleman has,been named as sistant in the clinic at Bethlehem. New anti toxin distribution sta tions have been opened at Ramey, Clearfield county, and Sleckville, Westmoreland county. Silas S. Riddle, recently appointed chief of the State Bureau of Re habilitation in the Department of Labor and Industry, has arranged for the start of the survey required by the act establishing the bureau and the reports of accidents filed with the offices of the Workmen's Compensation Bureau in this city will be utilized. Special attention is to be given at the start to the rail road, steel, coal and other industries where the largest percentage of ac cidents occur and cases will be se lected for trying out the scheme in the new law. Mr. Riddle having made a study of accidents and re habilitation in this and other states and in Canada, is familiar in a gen erl way with the situation and not much time will be lost in getting the n -aau into operation. He will -\e inquiries into the system sburgh companies in car ired men and at places in t gions. ii for State permits for i -i of bridges which has H-A-RRJSBUTtG TELEGRAPH been such u feature of the work of I the Pennsylvania Water Supply Com mission the last nine months appears to be over, as very few such papers are being filed these days. The Commission at its last meeting authorized only one bridge. Permits have been given for the construction of walls and making of creek changes for coal companies in sev eral western counties and for the Victory Park Commission of Lewis town to build a retaining wail and make fills in creating a park in mem ory of overseas men. In the next few months the State Public Service Commission will hand down decisions apportioning costs in construction work that will elimi nate a score of grade crossings and involve many thousands of dollars. Some of the projects alone involve between $150,000 and $200,000 and a few even more. These cases have been argued and the only question is apportioning costs and the time for starting construction. Inspection of units by Federal of ficers for Incorporation into the new Pennsylvania National Guard will be started the latter part of this month, according to present expectations at the Capitol. In a number of com munities companies have been formed for presentation to the com manding officers of regiments and following appointment of field offi cers, which is expected to follow the visit of Major General W. G. Price, the commanding general, here this week more will be organized. Divisional and brigade staffs will I soon be formed. Many former serv ice men are enrolling in the new companies. Tims far comparatively few hunt ing accidents have been reported to the State Game authorities consider ing the large number of hunters in the field. State Game protectors 1 have been instructed to investigate I all serious accidents and to make I reports. The small game season has | entered upon its last fortnight, as hunting of almost everything except j deer, whose season opens December i 1; bear, rabbits and raccoons, will : close on November 30. Detailed reports on health eondi- : tions in Pennsylvania during the ; first half of November show 225 cases of diphtheria, a marked decline:, from the same period of October There have been reported 94 cases of scarlet fever, 6 4 cases of typhoid fever, 178 of measles, 177 of chicken- j pox and much whooping cough. The latter three diseases have shown in creases over the same period of Oc tober. x I The State Compensation Board finished hearings in the anthracite region Saturday. "No act of the widow could in any way prejudice the rights of the children," rules the State Compensation Board in Gass vs. Aetna Chemical Co., a Pittsburgh case. The widow of a deceased em ploye married, but did not appear 1 to have reported the fact and re ceived compensation for the death , of the first husband for several 1 months after her second marriage. ' The compensation was ordered stopped in her case, but the second I marriage could not change the status of the children as claimants. The board has ordered new hearings in Marsh vs. Vinton Colliery Co., Vin tondale; Rendt vs. Wheeler, Rey noldsville; Runioid vs. GiUen, Phila delphia. In Bodner vs. Berwind- White Mining Co., Windber, the board says that it has "no power to graduate an award in proportion to the loss of vision." The board dis allowed the claim of Gandolfi vs. ; Rosenthal, Pittsburgh, holding that . the claimant was not an employe at ! the time of the accident, ana d s missed the petition in Alvano vs. 1 American Car and Foundry Co.. Her- | wick. State healtli inspectors arc invest!- : gating typhoid at Dover. Big Erie Gas Case to Be Determined The Public Service Commission | has fixed December 15 as the time | for the argument in the complaints i of the cities of Erie and Corry j against the new rate schedule of the ! Pennsylvania Gas Company which ; will bring nearer determination the j big questions of natural gas supply | in Northern Pennsylvania. The ef- I fective date of the new rate schedule, which would revolutionize things in I that section of the State as far as . rates are concerned, has been post- | poned until January 20, and mean- | while the Commission will digest the i findings of its engineers and ac countants and hear argument. The j decision will have wide effect in the natural gas regions. Anotlier interesting matter sched-j uled for December is the action in stituted by the Commission against ! the Punxsutawney and Lindsay! water companies which are charged ' with failing to provide the service I ordered. This grows out of a re- j fusal of the Commission to author- ' lze certain changes in water service j for the Punxsutawney district and j the companies may be compelled to i do as directed in the way of substan tial improvements. ■ Many Report For Work at Cambria Plant at Johnstown Johnstown, Nov. 17.—A large ; number of men reported to work j this morning at the plant of the! Cambria Steel Company, which sev- j eral days ago announced it would ; resume operations after being closed j some weeks because of the steel I strike. Several blast and Bessemer 1 furnaces were in operation yester- ; day. Surplus labor will be tern- 1 porarily employed in repairs and I other necessary work, it was de- \ clared. No reduction of wages for any class of work is contemplated ' says a company statement. Workman's "Luckstone" Is a SIOO,OOO Ruby Omaha, Neb., Nov. 17. A "luck stone," carried by John Mibok, a Russian laborer, for the last twenty years, has turned out to be a pigeon blood ruby, the largests of its kind in the world, weighing twenty-four carats and valued at more than SIOO,OOO. Some time ago a friend of Niholt suggested that he show the stone to a jeweler and find out if it was worth anything because of its unusual col oring. The jeweler, after examin ing it, advised that it be sent to a Chicago gem expert fOT inspection. There its real value was discovered at once. Trolley Hits Auto; Five Persons Hurt By Associated Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 17.—Five per sons, two of them from Spring City , and three from Royersford, Pa., were injured when their automobile was struck by a trolley car here last ; night. Only one, Olive Kulp, of i Spring City, was seriously hurt. The j other members of the party were ; Richard Kulp, Ulysses Gregory, j Mary Gregory and Mrs. Margaret Donodue. All were taken to a hos- I aua_ j I "The Reliable" WHEN the demand is s=====a=a== ™ =^a!aß j| greater than the supply jg C= any kind of goods will ; = m ■ ' had a market. That's the condition in the clothing world this Fall. It is doubly im portant to know the clothes you buy and the I c?o"h" b * ck "' the The HOUSE of \ \ The House of Kuppen- KUPPENHEIMER Iheimer will not attempt this season greatly to in crease its production. . It does guarantee to maintain the quality f standard of every suit I and overcoat it turns out. National The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes II I Great Crowds Are Coming to This "Live Store's" I "OVERCOAT FAIR" We have thousands of "Good Overcoats" at much less than the present market quotations. It's to your advantage to buy from our large and varied stocks where there are such substantial savings— RSb NOVEMBER 17, 1919. 13