Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 17, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 OFFERS TO SEND SOVIETS HOME lartens Would Provide the Transportation For All Russians New York. Nov. 17. —Ludweg C. . K. Martens, self-styled "ambassa or of the Russian Soviet. govern lent to the United States," has of sred to provide transportation from le United States to Russia for all ussian' citizens who desire to leave merlco, or whose presence in the halted States is undesirable to the federal Government. This offer ras made in a letter written by (artens to Secretary of State Lan- In this letter Martens protests gainst the "unwarranted and cruel reatment" to which many Russian JUsens in the United States are sub ected "by Federal and state ottl iers, as well as by mobs acting with >ut authority." He proposes that the ioViet government be permitted to ■eturn these citizens to Soviet Rus lia and declares that he has re seived thousands of applications !rom such citizens who are anxious ;o return to their homes. Martens was arrested for con mpt Saturday and released on sl,- (00 bail after he had refused to ap >ear and bring certain documents >efore the I-usk legislative eommit ee, investigating radical activities in (lew York. Ho based his refusal on he ground that all communications jassing between himself and his fovernment were privileged. Calling attenUon to press reports iat it is proposed to deport cer :ain Russians to parts of Russia un- 1 ler control of the enemies of the Soviet government. Martens, in his etter to Secretary Lansing, protests fhat such deportation would mean :ertain death for the persons deport d and would constitute "a flagrant breach of all principles of interna- Jonal law." Says Bolsheviks Threaten Norwegia I/Onion. Nov. 17. —A strong Bol shevik element in Norwegian So ;lalistic circles is reported by a Scan linavian correspondent of Common Sense, one of the widely read London weeklies. He writes that the Left- Socialists in Norway stand without -eserve on the side of the Russian Bolsheviki. At the last general elec :ion they polled 250,000 votes and von 52 seats. One of their leaders, Egede Nissen, says the correspond ent, visited Moscow, where he "sat it Lenlre's feet." Nasty Colds Get Instant relief with j "Pape's Cold Compound'' | Don't stay stufTed-up! Quit blow- i Ing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a cold and ends all .grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air pas sages of your head: stops nose run ning; relieves the headache, dullness, , feverishness, sneezing, soreness, ; stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores, i It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist upon Pape's! j NOT A THEORY It's a fact that the use of alcohol even in moderate doses as taken in tonics is often habit-forming in effect. EMULSION an easily assimilated tonic* nutrient supplies the body with those elements that contribute to f strength. Free from alcohol or any other harmful element, Scott's builds strength by nourishment. Scott & Bowne, Bloom field, M.J. 19-14 JJiyjOJHERATHOM MONDAY EVENING. GOVERNOR BUYS | A HEALTH BOND State Executive Urges Ob-j servance of Tubercu losis Day Governor William C. Sproul has' bought the first health bond and in , a statement issued to-day suggests ; ! that the residents of Pennsylvania | join other states in observing tuber- , culosis day in December in connec- , tion with the Christmas seal sale. | The dates named are Friday, De cember sth, as tuberculosis day in the schools; Saturday, December 6th, as tuberculosis day in the Syna gogues, and Sunday, December 7th, us tuberculosis day in the churches. Governor Sproul in buying the first health bond in the seal cam-1 paign has become the first member , of the Keystone Health Bond Club, i The Health Bond is a new feature i in the seal campaigns. It is sold to a person who wants to aid the health j and tuberculosis work in a substan- , tial way and does not care for the j large number of seals his donation . would buy. Health Bonds run in, denominations from $5 to SIOO. Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, State Commissioner of Education, is send ing a letter to the 4 4,000 public school teachers in the State calling attention to the seal and tubercu- j losis campaign and asking them to ( bring the matter to the attention of | their pupils on tuberculosis day. j The day will also be properly ob- j served in parochial schools and the j colleges. | Pastors all over the State have al- | ready given assurance that they will preach December 7th on the white plague and the public health prob lem. The matter will likewise bo brought to the attention of many Sunday Schools on that day. Many State mayors will back up the Gov ernor by asking their citizens to loin j in marking tuberculosis day, which j will be observed throughout the, country. I Governor Sproul's statement fol- j lows: "In many of the states of the un ion. as a result of arrangements al ready made In connection with the . Christmas Red Cross Seal Sale, Fri- , day, December 5, will be observed j as Tuberculosis Day in the schools, : Saturday. December 6, as Tubercu- j losis Day in the Synagogues, and . Sunday, December 7. as Tuber- J culosis Day in the other churches. \ In tho schools there will be special . Instructions regarding the white | plague menace, and the part that j the men. women and children of the j land should take in hedplng State and Federal authorities halt the j yearly ravages of tuberculosis. In I the churches there will be timely j comment upon the duty the indi- | vidual owes to the community in j connection with tuberculosis —a pre- j ventable disease —that each year causes the death of 10,000 people in j this State. , "I believe it would he fitting if - the schools ar.d churches of this j State, as far as is practical, make j December 5, 6 and 7, days upon , which special emphasis is placed ! ufcon tho dangers of the white ] plague and tho part the public gen- , erally can play in overcoming those j dangers. Only when the public is j fully Informed concerning its pait { in the fight against 'uberculosis will: II be possible to cause the reduction [ in the annual tuberculosis death rate j that those engaged in tuberculosis j wo k confidently hope for. • No state in the union has been j more aggressive than Pennsylvania | ir. the fight it has made against lu-j berculosis. The fact that a nation- j wide observance of Tuberculosis Day j is possible, is, in a considerable ' measure, due to the influence of the J tu.-erculosis program developed in , our Commonwealth." Sinn Fein Prisoners, on Hunger Strike, Are Given Release Dublin, Nov. 17. —Sinn Fein pris-1 1 oners in Dublin have been released > i under an order of October 17. not ; as a matter of policy to affect opin ion, but in accordance with the pro- j visions of the cat-and-mouse act, passed to deal in England with the j suffragettes. The prisoners were on a hunger strike and the authorities had either to release them or let j them die. The plan of forcible feed-j ing was condemned by the medical | advisers of the government and was i abandoned. i The prisoners did not receive par- j Their sentences were sus- j pended. and when they have recov ered their health they can be re-1 .arrested and made to serve the re mainder of their terms. Emma Goldman to Be Deported, Palmer Thinks Washington, Nov. 17.—Replying to a Senate inquiry as to what had i j been done toward deporting Emma j Goldman and Alexander Berkman. j Attorney General Palmer declared j to-night that the woman's claim to : American citizenship was "fallaci ous" and that Berkman, by his own admission, was an anarchist. The Goldman case is under con sideration by immigration authori ties at New York and the Attorney General's statement was taken to mean that the government soon would attempt to send her back to ; Russia, where she was born. Discussing Goldman's claim to 1 citizenship, Mr. Palmer said she ; was 24 years old when her father! was naturalized, and that her age j barred her from inheriting natural!- i zation rights from him. Bermondt's Troops Retire on Mitau Berlin, Nov. 17.—The Lokal An- | zelger's Koenigsberg, East Prussia. 1 correspondent admits that the troops ! of Col. Avaloflf Bermondt are retlr- ! Ing on Mitau, and that the so-called J West Russian Central Council and Bermondt's headquarters staff are preparing to evacuate Mitau and re tire to Shavle. D'Annunzio Returns to Fiume, Is Report Rome, Nov. 17. —Captain Gabrielo D'Annunzio has returned to Flume after an expedition to Zara on the Dalmatlon coast, whither he was es corted by nine battleships, according to reports received in this city. UNFITTED Fat "Woman—"l would Uko to see a waist that would fit me, please." Clerk —"So would 1. madam." .' American Legion Weekly, Austria on Edge of an Open Revolt Borne, Switzerland, Saturday Nov. *5- A serious crisis appears immi nent in Austria, according to ad vices received here. Political dis content and the economic distress are arousing the people. The Vienna Government, it is reported, is unable to maintain its power, and the Re public is likely to fall to pieces, sev fJTJl ®, roups declaring for a union with Germany. It is asserted that the Ausrian nrmj will not attempt to prevent a new revolution, as its officers have for some time been gradually re placed with Socialists. — - . ___ WH' vv 4- o w v -mTu i.— T . T'j f~l j > f f I SPUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE ►|_ flay Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better j | Qualities and Prices in Fall Merchandise For Home and Family That : Are Scarcely Believable in These Days of High Costs ► ems Pi Q k e d at Random From Our Various Departments That Typify the Lower-Than-Elsewhere Pricing That Prevails on ' Thousands of Others Throughout This Big Store ► Infant's' - > Ladies' Black Aprons, ► Infants' Caps 25c' 50c and 98c rt ,'n .„ $ ' $ 3 ' SL39 a " d $1 " 48 P amons ' Cra y° ns > etc '• lc up 50c, 59c, 85c, SI.OO and $1.29 ' ► Infants' Shoes 29c Children s Vests and Toilet articles in Soaps, Tooth Paste, Tal- Ladies' White Percale Aprons for office ' ► Infants' Novelties 10c and up 50c ' 59c * 65c and 75c cum * Tooth Brushes. Face Powder, Rouge, and restaurant work 85c, SI.OO and $1.19 ► Infants' Kimonos 59c and 69c Infants' Vests 25c, 39c, 50c and 59c etc., at popular prices. Nurses' White Aprons 85c y Children's Toques 39 c Ladies' Corset Covers, plain and trimmed, Ladies' Gloves 50c, 75c and SI.OO Women's Black Underskirts Girls and Boys' Toques 65c 29c, 35c and 59c Veiling, yard 25c and 50c 98c, $1.39, $1.48, SI.BB $1.98 and $2 25 ! y °™ n^ltS^ S "- 75c > 98c and $1.25 Silk Camisoles, lace trimmed ..79c and 98c New Brocade Ribbons 65c and. 79c Nurses 4 Cuffs and Cans ISr anH ?<; : {S£ B c ~ -v. 50c ' 59cand75c Sftrtf % *• <■ Girls' Knit Tarns $1.59 Combination Suits 65c. 75c and SI.OO 17c - 21c < 25c > 29 <;. 33c, 39c, 42c to 79c. Children's Bloomers, Children's Sweaters 59c and 75c Gowns SI.OO and $1.50 New Plaid Ribbons, 39 c> 4 Sc> 75C( gg c and 15 ► Girls' Knit Aviation Caps, special 50c Women's Drawers 59c, 75c and BSc 39c, 42c, 69c, 79c and 85c Children's Aprons, 35c 42c 59c and 75c ► Babies' Knit Boots Womenjs Bloomers 59c and 75c New Hair Bows 59c to 79c Children's Rompers . . soi 69c and 88c ► 15c, 25c, 29c, 39c, 50c, 69c, 75c Women s Skirts .... 75c, 88c, 98c and $1.25 Velveteen SI.OO, $1.59 and $1.98 Bovs ' W,i,fc ' „ ► Babies' Caps 50c, 59c and 69c Women's Corsets, all sizes ... 75c Panne Velvet, $1.98 D O L> p, nf ► Babies' Sacques ... .50c, 75c, 98c and $1.48 Children's Drawers. 21c, 25c, 29c, 32c, 35c, Black Messaline, „" r 98c Babies' Sweaters .. .50c, 75c, 98c and $1.19 39c, 45c, 50c, 69c and 75c. $1.39, $1.59, $1.69, $1.89 and $1 98 IX/L I' cr ''''''' 'II v soc Boot Socks 15c and 17c Children's Princess Slips ... ,50c and 75c Black Taffeta ' *' s"?'' 5 ° C ' 69c ' 75c and 85c Misses' and Children's Slumber Slip- Children's Skirts 50c and 65c $1.39. $1.59, $1.69, $1.39 and $1.98 * /in ee , ► pers Children's Bloomers 59 c Black Peau de Soie $2 25 T T OL. j ' ' a ► Men's and Women's Slumber Slippers, ,35c New Gold and Silver Laces, Women's Vests, long and short'sleeves,' No^eh^RrafJ 3 ?*' , New Oriental Necklaces, large assortment, 25c, 45c, 50c, 69c, 75c and 98c 59c and 69c X 'A n f 6 "^ rd pieCCS " 10c ktest novelties, 50c, 79c, 89c, $1.19 and $1.48 New Iridescent Banding. | Women's Ankle Length Drawers, Al'l £nds oMnttruerio'n Rnnl" 19 ° La dies' Pocketbooks, 39.c, 59c, 69c and 98c 50c and 59c S ° f Instructlon B ?? ks ' Joc ► 25c, 50c, 59c, 98c, $1.48, $1.89 and $1.98 New Oriental Laces . ,38c, 42c, 45c and 50c Women's Tight Knee Drawers 69c T ARTR , A „ RFRRW , T cX, 19c > 15c and 25c , Ladies' New Patent Leather Kodak New Filet Laces 50c and 75c Women's Tifht Knee Union Suits, Large assortment o Bag Frames L. Bags 98c New Crochet Laces 25c, 39c and 50c 69c 79c and 98c z/r > o' /■ 9 sl-25, $1.39, $2.25 Extensive line of Belts, all sizes and i New Cluny Laces, ° Ladies' Dress Shields ... ,35c, 39c and 50c RaS S S3tm P3d GartCrS and Sllk 1 colors ••••••••■ 25c, 39c and 50c 7c, 1oc, 5 C New White Stone Bar Pins, New Cambric. Nainsook and Swiss Em- Belting Bc, 10c, 25c and 35c M en'! W V';;'? ' S0 c c ' 98c and $1.48 broideries 7c, 10c, Hew Rings 25c, 50c and SI.OO Embroidery Flouncing, 18 and 27 inches New Veils with elastic .... 10c, 25c and 50c uLl\, 6UU 'A 'TI '" e • ' M CW 250 and 50c W1^ e i 29c ' 39c - 42c ' 49c ' 50c ' 75c - SL°O. 51.15 New Styles in Buttons for Fall, all sizes, and 0 " y New Gold Filled Bar Pins v.. ,25c and 50c and $1.39. from 10c dozen and un *f Yil v: 51.98 ► Pearl Necklaces, special value. New Tailor-made Braids, all widths, black Lace Trimmed Stamped Scarfs, linen ln* LmCd - P® 1 ?/ 25c, 50c, 75c and 98c and colors, 7c, 10c, 15c, 17c, 19c 22c 25c centers • $1 49 Rlbbed Shirts and Drawers, sizes 32 to 46; * Fancy Turkish Towels, and 35c. ' ' 4? An/i in ► 48c, 59c, 69c, 75c, 88c and 98c Latest novelties in Women's Neckwear $139 Men s Heavy Fleece Lined Union Suits, ► Cotton and Linen Toweling, embracing collar and cuff sets, vestees, etc.,' Ladies' Stamped Made Up Gowns ...SL39 "liwPwnr,! n •••SL9B ► „._ 15;.>8 C ,2IC, 25c, 29c. 33c and 39c 50c and 98c 98c value Stamped Luncheon Set. ..69c 5 Shuts and Drawers, all Macs; y Huck Towels .... 12c, 15c, 19c, 25c and 35c Boudoir Caps 29c, 59c and 98c Stamoed Linen Pin Cushions ?Sr garment $1.48 Baby Blankets, fancy designs, Windsor Ties, plain colors, plaids and Georgette Crepe, yard $2 29 tt V \ > " d oT* °nQ by 75c, 98c and $1.25 stripes 39c and 48c Creoe de Chine vard i? tn " Smt8 ' SIZCS 24 to 34 •• • - 98 c and $1.48 ► 36-inch wide Bleached Muslin Peter Thompson Ties 69c and 98c Messaline, yard .... ! . $2.19 Ca sserole, h vy nickel n m ► 25c, 28c, 33c, 39c and 45c Box Writing Paper, Silk Poplins vard $1 29 zr- i i r>i .i, ' fL6S, $1.75 and $1.98 t Unbleached Muslin, 36 inches wide 17c, 21c, 29c, 35c, 50c and 55c Colqred Taff'eta, staple shades! yard .' !SL9B gavorl ► TJ. , , _ Jo A A Correspondence Cards, box 35c Black Velvets and Velveteens, Silk Vel- y Bleached Pillow Cases, 42, 45 and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, vets i 59 and i 9S Galvanized Wash Tubs, 50 inches wide, 39c, 48c, 5Gc, 59c and 75c each SC, i oc , 1 2 1/ 2 C and 15c Ladies'' Anrons . 98c - SLI9 and $1.39 ► nn BCS I Qu fu ty Bleached Sheeting- 8 1 and Snap Shot Albums ..15c, 29c, 39c and 69c 29c, 39c, 42c, 48c, 50c, 69c and 85c M ab ogan y Candlesticks, 25c, 39c and 49c ► i? nC H W1 <Jk V c . .89c and 98c Writing Tablets . .sc, 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, rC3 QR S 1Q <CI ->O <Ci ao A <ti AO • Ready-made Sheets, fine quality musltn, Envelopes, pack Se and 17c 85c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.43 Aluminum Roaster's .. . li etl y 36-inch wide Cotton Challies 39c White Canister Sets $1.19 y 36-inch wide Cretonnes, F 1 I • f J\/f .r* | • fi/f'll* Tiff I I w ut Glass Water Sets, ► 33c, 39c, 48c, 69c, 89c and 98c f QSIIIOII S IfIOStLXCIttSWC IlllUltieYy IVIOuCS CIY€ ll€Y€ $1.75, $1.98, $2.25 and $2.98 White and Ecru Curtain Marquisettes, 1 ' Galvanized Coal Oil Cans, 36 inches wide 33c, 39c and 50c 49c > 75c and $1.19 k Curtain Scrims, plain white and ecru, 36 tw Galvanized Coal Hods 75c ► inches wide 29c, 35c and .39c A W Aluminum Coffee Pots ... .$1.69 and $1.79 r Fancy Curtain Draperies, 36 inches wide, Dust Brushes 35c, 39c, 49c and 75c * 50c, 69c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.59 SSSfr Granite Dish Pans 69c and 75c ► 36-inch plain white Nainsook, / \ Good Brooms 65c, 75c and 98c ► 25c, 32c, 39c, 42c, 48c and 65c jA f Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, 36-inch wide Plain White Figured Voiles, Wv ' I \f IV ~ Ladies' Silk Boot Hose, 59c, 75c and 85c p\ \ f V 65c > 75c > sl-25, $1.39, $1.59 and $1.98 ► Plain White, Striped and Plaid Lawns and ' r\ / \ Ladies' Extra Size Hose . .45c, 59c and 75c ► Flaxons 29c, 39c, 50c and 65c f \ X | Children's Hose, y 36-inch wide Plain White Skirtings, poplin, \ j \ V J 19c, 25c, 29c, 35c, 39c, 45c, 50c and 59c y pique and gabardine ... ,50c, 65c, 69c and 75c \ " Boys' Heavy Hose 69c and 75c Dress Ginghams, plaids and stripes, Infants' Hose 29c, 39c and 42c 29c, 35c, 39c, 48c and 75c °ur claims tor our millinery department at times may seem pretty broad, but we Soutache Braids, all colors, bolt 35c 32-inch Peggy Cloth, plain blue and neat make them with the full knowledge that you are going to check us up. If you will Rattail Braid, black, brown and navy; ► stripes 39c but do tha * you will buy here. bolt B^c ► 32-inch wide neat striped and check Your attention is now called to our display of Fall and Winter Hats, which we New Dress Cords, all colors, yard 15c ► Juvenile Cloth 48c ! ® ev e you will agree surpasses any showing in Harrisburg from the standpoints j New Dreses Fringes, all colors, . Outing Flannels, plain and colored stripes, ot and economy of price. SI.OO $1.98 $2.98 and $3.25 29c, 33c and 39c Tailored styles in Hatter's Plush, large Velvet Dress Hats, Lyons and Panne | New Dress Girdles ......... SL2S Bathrobe Material; worth 79c. Special, 65c Velvets in Sailor shapes, Turbans, Mushrooms, Roll Brims and Side Flares in all New Dress Ornaments black and colors ► Bleached Canton Flannel, Velvet, Plush and Beaver Tarns, etc. 39c 50c 69c and 7 ' Sc .9c, 25c, 35c and 39c ¥2-. ? 2 ' B '| 3 '2 9 . f -5. ¥3.98 $4.48, ¥4.88, 85.19, 85.48, New Dress Tassels, all coto™ ► Bleached Shaker Flannel, $ * $6-48, $6.88, $4.48, $7.88, $8.48 and SB.BB Bc, ► 19c, 25c, 35c and 39c rk;i . _ _ .. _ New Black Tassels, ► Table Damask 75c, 88c and $1.25 81-48, 81.98 8229 8248 82 98 S3 29" *3 is"* S3 88 sl^a ed ? 88 25c ' 29c ' 45c ' 49c ' 59c and " C i ► Mercerized Finish Napkins. * ' * ' * ' * 3 05 J ' * 3 ' 4B ' 3 ' BB ' * 4 ' BB ' * s ' Bß New Drops, colors, silver and gold. , 15c, 19c, 39c and 48c . * . 8c - 12^c ' c ' 19c - 2Sc and 39c ' • Women's Ribbed Long Sleeve Corset Trimmings of All Kinds-Very Low Priced' Men's^Boy? Wool Cap™Ught and dark , Lovers, a.l sizes sue l~ I patterns 29c, 50c and 69c " w w and dark 29c, 39c and 50c ► g T V W % • Men's and Boys' Soft Collars 25c y ■ El II I | B - Men's Silk Collars, all sizes. Special ..32c m l| J B H JE a A F Men's Cotton Hose, black and colors ..15c MS Men's Lisle JFinish Hose, black and ► I 3rO"| 25 Cent Department Store 3 e "' s Canva " """ k Glov 39e ' : %*"! I"!!g yy mere Every Day Is Bargain Day W ° rk G '°lS*; 19 c .nd 2J c J 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse E' SS'F biack and ,an ' :: :: 1; L-A-A.-A-A AAA A A AI.A.A AA A A ai. AA A a **** \*A A + A-l A'A AA ~ ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH "Premium Loan" Planned by Germany For Internal Needs Berlin, Nov. I".—a "premium ! loan" is planned by the Finance! Minister, Mathins Erzberger, to 1 raise money for internal needs. The ' sum to be raised in that way is: Placed for the time beins at 5,000 - 000,000 mr.rks, and as an attraction ' to lure investors it has some of the features of a lottery, in tho form of premiums that may be won. The budget committee of the Na tional Assembly has agreed to tho bill. It provides for five million shares of 1.000 marks each, each running SO years. Three billion marks will be paid back during the ! first forty years, and two more dur- ! ing the succeeding forty years. I Tho Dresdener bank says the, [ premium loan should prove attrac- [ I five to Germany with its passion for i gambling. The bank agrees with the ! I newspaper Vorwaerts that, objec- j | tionablc as is this method of rais- . ing money, it must be resorted to in j ! order to comply with the financial , needs of tho -country. Over 10,000 Students Registered With U. P.' Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 17—For the first time in its history the registration of tho University of! Pennsylvania has passed the 10.000; mark. Figures made public by the j college authorities show an enroll-' I ment of 10,321. This is an increase !of 1,210 over the largest previ >us , registration. The university is co : educational in only a few depart ments yet 1,946 women are regis ! tered. j It was necessary to refuse admis . sion to at least 1,500 students. The groat increase in all departments lias , comJM'lied the University to make : immediate plans for the erection of j several new buildings. The first to : he constructed will be a dormitory i for women students. Federal Troops to Leave West Virginia Tomorrow t'luirlcston, W. Va., Nov. 17. j Federal troops doing strike duty in ! the coal mining fields of Southwest NOVEMBER 17, 1919. Virginia will he withdrawn from the state early to-morrow. Governor Cornwall announced last week that (he troops would be out of tho state by to-duy, but it is understood that their removal had been delayed by the lack of railroad equipment. No information regarding the withdrawal could be obtained at military headquarters hero, but it was learned that the motor trans port corps had been busy all day bringing equipment into the city. Republicans in Ohio Back Wood's Candidacy Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 17.—Major- General Leonard Wood has an ope l declaration of support for the Presi dency front the Republican State Control and tU" Republican Stat* Advisory Committees of Ohio. ( I first si gat of a cold or grip lAJJE'S COLD TABLETS j CUASSWTIIO