Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 15, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Plans Now Being Made in New
York For Construction Next
Year; State Takes Land
> construction of a
vVW Vw/ 1 , modern barracks
for the new troop
caster, to be built
* York and
expected to ask bids early in the new
year. The additional tracts needed
to provide the room for the bar
racks, stables and grounds will be
formally transferred to the State
within a short time, the deeds hav
ing been drawn up.
Construction will start within a
week on steel buildings to house the
hundreds of trucks loaned to the
State Highway Department by the
War Department which are also to
be built on State Arsenal property.
These trucks, which will he available
for road or any other use, are now
in Capitol Park extension and some
now employed on State work will
be concentrated here.
The State to-day posted notice
that it would condemn lands owned
by the Harrisburg Cemetery Asso
ciation for construction of the Cam
eron street approach to the new
> Memorial Bridge, this proceeding
being necessary because of the grant
of the land by the Forster estate
many years ago. Eight or ten of
the houses on the North side of
State street have been acquired and
more will be transferred soon.
Thp State Department ot Health
will lease the ground floor of the
Masonic Temple at Third and State
streets to provide a place for de
partmental exhibits.
Governor Sproul said in Phila
delphia yesterday that he had it in
mind to secure James T. Cortelyou
for the State Police Department, but
that he had not made any decision
as yet.
W. J. McGarry, of the State Board
of Public Charities, was at the
Depnty Attorney General Prank
Fat That Shows
Soon Disappears
Prominent fat that comes and stavs
where it is not needed is a burden;
a hindrance to activity, a curb upon
pleasure. You can take off the fat
where it shows by taking after each
meal and at bedtime one Marmola
Prescription Tablet. These little tab
lets are as effective and harmless as
the famous prescription from which
they take their name. Buy and try
a case today. Your druggist sells
them at sl., or if you prefer you
may write direct to the Marmola
Company, 864 Woodward Ave., De
troit, Mich. You can thus say good
bye to dieting, exercise and fat.
Has Found Happiness
After 22 Years
Of Suffering
Says the Mnn-Ilcil Helped to Re
duce the H. C. of IJ. and wants
to see one in every home.
Wishing to help others, Mrs. H.
At. Drnucher of 635 Woodbine St.,
Harrisburg, Pa., relates her experi
ence in an interesting letter.
"X can truly say that I have gotten
■wonderful relief rrom the Man-Hell
Automatic Inhaler used for Hay
Fever and Asthma. Have been able
to attend picture shows on the hot
test nights and could go out in all
kinds of weather; something I could
not do in former years. Have spent
money for everything, answered all
advertisements but got no relief
from anything until the Man-Heil
Inhaler was advertised, by the
Gorgas Drug Store, of Harrisburg.
Since using Inhaler have been able
to sleep well, where in former years
got no rest and could not get my
breath. Had to be under the influ
ence of hypodermic injections most
of the time during Hay Fever period,
this reduced my vitality and
left me very weak, and any rest got
ten was unnatural. We have two
children and Mr. Draucher claims
the benefit derived from the Man-
Heil Inhaler has been of great finan
cial assistance in battling with the
H. C. of U, etc., by enabling the
mother of the home to be on the job
as well as bringing us greater happi
ness, for we feel that we have at
last found relief after 22 years of
severe suffering. I want to help
others and this letter can be publish
ed so the Man-Heil Inhaler will be
in many homes. Sincerely yours,
Mrs. H. M. Draucher."
The merit of this remarkable dis
covery is being proven daily in hun
dreds of cases of Catarrh, Asthma,
Dung Trouble and other diseases of
the Air Passages. Persons that have
suffered almost constantly for
twenty-five and thirty years and
who have tried everything else,
claim the Man-Heil is the only
remedy that gave them relief. The
Man-Heil Automatic Inhaler is sold
by George A. Gorgas Drug Stores
with the understanding that if not
satisfactory your money will be re
For free booklet write, Frederick
Heilman Co., Johnstown, Pa.
Hare been used for Constipation and Bilious Disorders
Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat!
I . One or two dotes
will make you feel ten years younger. Best
known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach
and Dyspepsia.
25 cents a package at all Druggists, or
sent to any address postpaid/ by the
u. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y.
N. Hunter ts in Pittsburgh in con
nection with the closing up of some
Several attaches of State depart
ments left to-day for wild turkey
hunting up the Juniata valley.
Kx-Senator William Hertzlcr, of
Port Royal, was a visitor to the
State Treasury oflicials expect the
$45,000,000 in State revenue to be
passed within a few days.
Public Service commissioners will
hear arguments on Monday on the
proposed incorporation of a concern
to conduct automobile tours over
five counties of eastern Pennsyl
vania. which has been protested by
half a dozen traction companies op
erating in Philadelphia, Montgom
ery, Lehigh, Northampton and Mon
roe counties. The application is the
first of the kind to be made here and
the protests were made some time
ago. The Commission has numerous
cases for hearing including Mahanoy
City complaints against trolley
service, Potter county complaints
against gas service, the Panther
valley water cases and grade cross
ing applications in Philadelphia, Co
lumbia and other places and the
side track in Philadelphia for the
quartermaster's stores on Delaware
A total of 45 oases, two of which
were continued from October, is
listed for hearing by the State Board
of Pardons next Wednesday, it being
the largest calendar in months. Nine
of the cases ate applications for re
hearings. Sixteen of the cases in
volve homicide of various degrees.
The cases are from 24 counties,
Philadelphia having ten cases, Dela
ware and Schuylkill three each and
Luzerne, Lackawanna and Cambria
having two each. The applications
for rehearing include the Blau ease
from Lackawanna; Patterson from
Cumberland, and Weber from Berks,
all of which have been before the
board at prior meetings and attract
ed considerable attention.
State game oflicials say that there
should be an abundance of wild
turkeys in mountain counties for the
opening of the season for such birds
to-day. The limit is one to each
hunter and the season ends with the
The State Compensation Board
has dismissed without prejudice the
appeal of J. Alfred Slentz against
the city of Harrisburg. This is a
case growing out of injuries received
by Slentz while working for the city
water department.
Tile board lias also dismissed the
appeal of Yard vs. Potts Run Coal
Auditor General Charles A. Snyder
has been visiting in Philadelphia,
v Representatives of the mining in
dustry of Pennsylvania will be called
into conference before very long by
Chief Seward E. Button, of the State
Department of Mines, to consider use
of storage battery locomotives in the
mines where gas prevails. The loco
motives have been studied by ex
perts who will shortly report to the
chief the result of their inquiry into
the causes of objection to such
means of transportation in mines,
notably the danger from sparks
which will be one of the chief mat
ters to be discussed. Results of ex
perience in the bituminous mines
will also be presented. Chief But
ton hns called attention of inspec
tors to the importance of inspecting
ventilation and means for detecting
gases and also to the hours for hoist
ing engineers.
Pennsylvania has produced in the
neighborhood of 50.000,000 young
trees in the nurseries which the
State Foreßt Commission has main
tained In the various reserves and
it is believed that most of them
have been planted and are flourish
ing within the. State. Commissioner
Robert S. Conkltn, who has been
looking up this work, says that he
thinks in the neighborhood of 4,-
000,000 trees will be privately plant
ed during the next year and that
the State will be 'able to supply mil
lions of trees for reforestation. The
State has been encouraging planting
of trees by private owners, with
whom it has been co-operating and
it is estimated by Mr. Conklin that
over 3,000,000 tree were planted in
the State by private enterprise this
spring and that many were planted
during the fall. Dast year 2,186,-
000 were so planted. In addition, the
State has planted extensively on its
own lands.
Treatment for pimples and blackheads:
At nigbt smear them with Cuticura Oint
ment. Wash off in fire minutes with
Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue
bathing a few moments.
Treatment for dandruff and itching:
On retiring nib Cuticura Ointment into
partings all over acalp. The next maming
shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot
water. Repeat in two weeks if needed.
Soap 28c, Oistncil 28 and 80e, Talcnsa
26*. Sold throng boot the world. Foe
sample ench free address: "Caticur* Lab
cnwnrtn*. Dsns. 23F, Msld*a. Mass."
Snap ahav— without sang.
All Phases, Including Ameri
canization and Citizenship,
Will Be Under Experts
Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, State
Superintendent of Public Instrucion,
to-day announced details of the plan
for the educational congress for
Pennsylvania to begin here next
Monday night, stating thpt thfere
would be at least three generhl eve
ning meetings and a series of small
conferences on Tuesday and the
three succeeding days. "It is not in
tended to hold mass meetings or to
have formal lectures and addresses,"
says he'. "Men and women of broad
expreience and dependable judg
ment have been invited to partici
pate. I have asked about 300, and
leaders will be selected to present
the subjects in each conference and
the subjects will then be open for
general discussion. It is the idea
io have committees to formulate gen
eral conclusions which we think will
be of the highest value in determin
ing matters of State policy concern
ing our educational work."
The evening meetings will in
clude a series of addresses by the
Governor, Secretary of Labor Wil
liam B. Wilson and others on Mon
day night, Americanization for
Tuesday night; training for citizen
ship on Wednesday whan Dr. F. E.
Downes, president of the State Edu
cational Association, will preside,
and Dr. Albert Bushnell, Hart, of
Harvard, and Dr. C. R. Mann, of
Washington, will speak on relation
of education to industry on Thurs
day when Commissioner of Labor
C. It Connelley will preside and
Hugh Frayne, American Federation
of Labor, and Arthur E. Holder,
Federal Vocational Education Board,
will be speakers.
State educational and health offi
cials and school superintendents, of
ficials, principals, members of col
lege faculties and other educators
Will be speakers during the week.
Among the. liarrisburg people who
will take part in the conferences in
addition to Dr. Downes, will be M.
11. Thomas, Dr. George B. Stull and
Wiiliam E. Strawinski and Dr. L. E.
McOmnes, of Steelton, member o'.
the State Board of Education. Miss
-Mice R. Eaton, of the Hti risburg
Public Library, is to speak at the
conference on libraries on the work
done in school libraries in Harris
burg, which has been so successful
State Employment
Agencies Help 24,475
Almost 25,000 persons were di
rected to positions during the month
of October by the State employment
agencies, according to a summary of
office reports from the 19 agencies
announced to-day. The exact num*
ber was 24,476 and the summary
shows, that 6,65 4 places for former
soldiers were offered by Pennsyl
vania employers during the month
and that 5,32"? former soldiers ap
plied for work at the bureau offi
ces. The bureau referred 4,661 of
the soldier applicants to jobs, for
whicli they were considered suitable,
and 4,212 veterans obtained employ
There were 18,518 male civilians
placed in employment out of 23,-
624 applicants. Of 1,432 women ap
plying for jobs, 1,067 obtained work.
The bureau offices ranked 100 per
cent in regard to day workers. Of
679 persons applying for work by
the day, every one was placed.
The total applicants for jobs in
all offices were 31,059, while the
requests for employes numbered 66,-
919. The demands for workers ex
ceeded the supply, and there were
less placements than the number of
job seekers, only because many of
(lie positions offered were along
specialised lines that could not be
immediately filled from the applica
The highest record of placement
for soldiers for the month was in
the Arch street office in Philadelphia
with 1,978, Pittsburgh second with
719. In Williamsport, the soldiers'
placements numbered 176, in Scran
ton 268, and in Harijisburg 151.
Wholesale Price
of Beet Sugar Is
Fixed at 10 1-2 Cents
Washington. Nov. 15.—A maxi
mum wholesale price of 10% cents
a pound for all beet sugars at all
points in the United States was es
tablished by the Department of
This price was fixed yesterday at
a lengthy conference between How
ard Figg special assistant to the At
torney General, in charge of food
prices, and representatives of the
leading beet sugar refiners, who hud
sought an increase over the present
price on the grounds that they could
not make a reasonable profit.
Previously beet sugar prices ranged
from 10 cents a pound in most sec
tions to 10% cents.
It was said that a general order
would be issued within a week which
would "settle the sugar prices and
avoid further misunderstandings."
Flag of the Irish
Republic Removed
From Valera's Auto
Portland, Ore., Nov. 15. —A flag of
the Irish Republic was removed from
the automobile of Eamonn De Va
lera, leader of the Irish Independ
ence party here yesterday by request
of a party of former service men
headed by Ensign A. T. Kurtz.
London Papers Declare
Johnson "Good Sport"
Ixxulon, Nov. 15. William E.
("Pussyfoot") Johnson, the Ameri
can prohibitionist, whose campaign
in England was rudely Interrupted
Thursday by a band of students,
yesterday, as a result of his attitude
toward the adventure, was one of
the most talked-of and popular fig
ures of the day. He commanded the
biggest headlines in the newspapers
and the general verdict of the head
line writers was that he is "a good
Mr. Johnson could not have de
sired better advertisement than
Thursday's incident for his campaign
against the liquor traffic, and his fu
ture public appearances likely will
command attention by reason of the
fact that he has announced himself
as considering the hazing he under
went a good Joke. The students who
marched about with him yesterday,
upsetting traffic In a goodly part of
the West End, now propose to ten
der Mr. Johnson a banquet and pre
sent to him their tributes of respect.
are coming back. An illustrated story
; that all girls and women will want to
Sunday, November 16.—adv.
First Conviction For
Sugar Profiteering
New York, Nov. 15. —The first
sugar profiteering conviction In this
Federal district was secured yester
day. Julius and Charles Roth, com-,
mission merchants, were found guilt}
by a jury of selling at 22% cents a
"The Live Store" , "Always Reliable"
" Be Sure of Your "
9 isl'
Cloihes for Younger Men
Fall Clothes That Look and Wear Well
GMARTLY-TAILORED topcoats and suits now refinements that lend character. They are
being displayed, show the narrow waist line "Campus Tofcs" —the clothes that are designed
effects that are most popular. by the most authentic style-creators.
I Small details are bi& things in these clothes. Every The ranke of fabrics and patterns is exceptionally
consideration of &ood taste has been met in the wide. Come in and see for yourself.
If you are anxious to see who's getting the clothing business in
Harrisburg, come to this "Live Store" after you've looked around and you'll find the eager
and enthusiastic crowds buying "good clothes" at our reasonable prices—We have the largest stock of "over
coats" you've ever seen in one store.
Try The Dependable Doutrich Service That Everybody Is Talking About
* n n —\
304 Market I I An Harrisburg,
_ /
I ■ w -A
pound sugar purchased at *.75 cents
a pound. Federal Judge Knox, bo
fore whom the case was tried. Inti
mated that he would send the men
to prison. x
"If the law Is to have any snlu
tory effect at all," Judge Knox said,
"that can only be accomplished by"
the Imprisonment of persons con
victed of profiteering In the neces
saries of life."
Allied Policy Toward
Russia Unchanged
Paris, Nov. 15.—The allied policy
concerning Russia remains un
changed. Following the return of
Stephen Plchon. the Foreign Mlnfi
ister, from London, it was sa'd that
the Russian Governments which are
NOVEMBER 15, 1919.
leading the first against Bolesl" evisw
are sufficiently supplied with money,
ammunition and food for several
months. Neither France nor Grout
Britain, It was declared, would make
any further sacrifices, but, on the
other hand, neither of them would
tpen negotiations of any nature
'tending to strengthen Bolshevism.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Sure relief n* yeu sleep. Medica
tion automatically administered as
you brcuthe.
See Man-Heil Inhaler
Ask Demoastvstor.
10 North Third Street