Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 15, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH pJgfBWBPJJ'ER FOR THE HOME Founded 1881 published evenings except Sunday by TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. |M(ireyk BaUdlng, Federal Suue iIS I I . . , E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief. DTSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor [A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board frjp. r McCULLOUQH. >BOTD M. OGLESBT, F..R. OTSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press —The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- Ilshed herein. IAII rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. J I Member American Newspaper Pub lation Penn- Eastern Mc e^ I Chicago, Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a AlMjfiSnfMik week; by mall, 33.00 a year in advance. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1910 Our patience tcill achieve more \han our force. —BURKE. HOLIDAY TRADE WE saw a shop window deco rated in Christmas tree hang ings yesterday and the Friday issue of The Telegraph ran to thirty two pages; infallible signs of the approach of the holiday season, even though one did not have the calen dar at his elbow. It is an old story, this "buy early" cry of the shop-keepers. But this year there is a special reason why the careful buyer should take time by the forelock. The goods the merchants have are in many lines limited in quantity. In others they cannot be replaced. There is a scarcity of almost every kind of holiday merchandise, and of many other kinds. The merchants, once they sell what they have, will not be able to duplicate many articles- So, as the early bird is pretty certain to catch the worm, so the early shopper is going to get What he or she desires and the others I*lll have to be content with whnt the clerks are fond of calling "some thing just as good," but which sel dom la, "Do your Christmas shopping •arly.** There! We have performed the annual ceremony of writing it out in full and if you do not care to takq advantage of this bit of free advice, well, somebody else is going to get what the Telegraph advertisers offer for sale. ' Wild turkeya came In to-day—not wery many of them, but still they came in. GOOD WORK THE Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. organizations In Harris burg are doing a good work In planning extensions for the col ored men and women, and boys and girls of the city. The colored people have shown a disposition to help themselves. They have taken the Initiative and have made the request for co-operation. They are entitled to all the assistance the two boards can give them. In time, doubtless, these branches will have buildings of their own, With study halls, recreation rooms and gymnasiums. But those who are to be benefited must show theiv continued and practical interest if this is to be brought about, and they must be content to do what the older "Y" organizations did in their form ative periods begin in a small way and build up. Some folks down Philadelphia way i appear to be surprised that Mr. Moore balleves that he and he alone was elected mayor. HELP THEM OWN HOMES v NE of the most important items f 1 In the findings of the Senate committee which investigated the steel strike is this recommenda tion relative to proper housing: Aid through the Federal Oov ment and the industries to make Industrial workers home-owners. More than merely good housing provisions hang on that issue. Make a man a home-owner and you make Of him a responsible citizen. He then has a share in the wealth of the community. He has learned something of the rights of property. He can better understand what capi tal means when it says It cannot afford to earn nothing on its in vestment. It makes him more con fident of his own rights. The home-owner is a solid, self raspecttng citizen. He by very virtue of his holdings becomes a factor of Influence for good. He is neither a wealthy man nor a pauper. He Is B member of the great middle class Which holds the balance of power always In America. His Judgment la always more nearly correct than that of the extremist of the capital ists class or the radical laborite, for his Interests all He in the direc tion 9t honesty, fair-dealing and SXTOWBXY EVENING, common sense. His perspective Is better. By all means help the working man to own his own home, both for his own sake and In the Interests of good citizenship. The time has come when we must-make property own ing simple and a home comparatively easy to acquire. Tho whole tendency Of real estate laws and transactions has been toward complications that confuse the uninitiated, and so many men have been taken advantage of by sharks that many a man is "gun shy" when It comes to real estate dealing. For the good of all con cerned, the process of home-buying must be made simpler and the pur chaser, so far as possible, guaran teed against the possibility of losing his investment. Now they are talking. The owners and miners both have decided to re duce their demands in the interests of the public. IN OHIO THE other day the Telegraph started out to analyze the pro hibition vote in Ohio. At that time it was announced the State had gone "wet" by some 25,000. Before what had been written reached the public, the returns seemed to show that the "drys" had carried the State by some 30,000. And, now that the official vote has has been recorded, wo are just as much in doubt as to what the elec tion means as we were during the hectic period of uncertainty just closed. This is what happened: The voters turned down the Na tional prohibition amendment by a few hundred majority. They declined to repeal the state prohibition amendment by 27,000 votes. They voted against prohibition en forcement in the state. In other words, they voted both for and against booze. They want their state "dry" and the Nation "wet" and they don't want any laws compelling the state to be "dry." If either the prohibitionists or the rum element can get any satis faction out of those returns they are welcome to it. The vote may mean anything or nothing, and we are inclined to the latter view, unless one Is to conclude that the electorate of Ohio either lias gone stark, star ing crazy or that the saloons were selling something more potent than j 2.75 beer there on election day. NOT FOR US Householders in the United Kingdom are barred from enter taining their mothers-in-law or other guests longer than four weeks, by an order from the min istry of food.— * ~mdon Dispatch. THE English evidently have taken the American mother-in-law joke seriously. That's the trou ble with our British brethren; the American's Jest becomes the En glishman's fact and then —as they say in London —there is the very deuce to pay. .... ~ 0 Now everybody knows that the real, genuine, simon-pure American mother-in-law is the staunchest friend the American married man has in all the great wide world. She will do anything for him, from darn ing his socks in a way that puts the best efforts of his loving wife to shame, to defending him single handed against the world. Site will work overtime cooking his favorite dishes, and keep the babies while he and his helpmeet hie themselves off to the movies. She will take his side of a family jar at the drop of the diat any day and let her daugh ter know in crisp and biting sen tences that she never deserved so good a husband, and serve her right If he up and left her, or words to that general effect. If we lived in England we'd Just naturally have to break the law, for the kind of mother-in-law we have over here is a blessing to any house and four weeks is all too short a visiting period for such as she. Life is Just like one long vacation when the American mother-in-law comes along to add the bright efTulgence of her charming presence to our homes. We huve our own unvoiced opinion of the fellow who Is fool ish enough to quarrel with his wife's mother. CHEAP STI FF! SENATOR PENROSE spoke in the Senate yesterday in an effort to revive the tariff on foreign made dye-stuffs. He wanted to save our dye in dustry from the cheap labor pro ducts of Germany. Senator Dial opposed him and prevented the bill coming up. Yes, Senator Dial is a Democrat. Yes, he is a Southerner; from South Carolina. No. South Carolina has no dye works. Yes, South Carolina has a lot of child labor cotton factories. Does South Carolina want cheap labor German dyes to color Its cheap-labor cotton goods? We don't know, but there's no harming in guessing. Is there, Sena tor Dial? MISS LIZZIE F. JAUSS MISS LIZZrE F. JAUSS died yesterday. Her death is worthy of more than passing mention. For fifty years she taught school In Harrlsburg. For fifty years her business was the mak ing of good citizens. From the day of her graduation from the Bchools of Harrlsburg she devoted all her time and thought to leading boys and girls In the way they should go. Many of her generation won more ; renown, many attained to a higher place In the social scale, many earned more money, but who shall say that any of them wrought more worthily or with results more Im portant. Some of her schoolmates, us has been said, won fame and tome places of prominence in society, but she won the affection of childish hearts and an influence in their lives. Some others made money, but she made men and women. And she worked hard and lovingly; worked up to the very last. All of which may afford the rest of us food for reflection. fMUet U "PeKK^fcaiua. By the Ex-Committeeman Mercantile appraiserships are commencing to loom up pretty largely on the horizon of county leaders, owing to the fact that this winter for the first time ap pointment of these officers will be in the hands of the Auditor General instead of the commissioners of the various counties. This change was brought about by the act of 1919, which was planned to centralize the collection of State taxes so that there might be uniformity and ef ficiency in collection of what is Father Penn's share. Numerous suggestions are com mencing to be made about the ap pointees, but Auditor General Charles A. Snyder appears to be pretty successful about keeping his own counsel. He says that no one has been decided upon and that in due seuson the mon will be named. One story is that some district ap praisers may be named who are to be in charge of groups of counties as supervisors. In some of the larger counties it is probnble that men who have been in charge of appraisal work will be selected as the first 'men to be appointed by the Auditor General under the new act. This will be true in Philadelphia and Lackawanna counties. —ln Philadelphia newspapers which were busy speculating nbout the mayor-elect's cabinet have been i busy picking out the men to com prise the board of mercantile ap praisers. Names of J. L. Baldwin, the former State tire marshal, and Sheriff Harry C. Rnnsley are among men mentioned for the Flnley va cancy. —At Soranton it is said that the Auditor General will name George Davis to be made chief ol' the bureau j in Lackawanna and that P. V. Scanlon and Snnford Phillips, of the Auditor General's office, may be transferred to Seronton from this city. Regarding these and other ap pointments the Scranton Repub lican says: "These appointments, it is said, were decided upon following a con ference of the Republican lenders of the county and give added color to the story that all factions of the party, as far as Lackawanna county is concerned, are united. It was also announced from authoritative sources yesterday that Col. D. J. Davis, who saw service in France with the 28th Division and returned as its chief of staff, is to be named as counsel to the Workmen's Com pensation Board in this district to succeed Attorney H. C. Hubler, the present incumbent. The appointment is to bo made by Gov. William C. Sproul and will be announced within a short time. The office pays $3,000 a year. Mr. Hubler has held it for several years." —People connected with the Capitol police force aire* still suffer ing from the shock of a young: man who got his ideas twisted in re gard to employment. This young caller, who came from a central county, got an idea that the State employment agencies were to secure men for the State service. The Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, so far as recollection of the oldest attache I of the Capitol, has never been forced | to go to employment agencies to get i people for its positions. Generally, I it has needed people to keep appli cants at a safe distance. The man I who did not understand dropped in | at the building and asked the first | policeman on duty about the em- • ployment bureau. He was told where to find it, but he got into the office of the guides instead and nsked which lob was better—guide, polico man or elevator man. He finally confided that he bad not made up his mind and would let the man in charge know after a four of the building. He was gently, but firmly wakened up and sent to the State Employment Agency, near the Cap itol, where they list men for iron • and steel mills and other estab lishments, but not for Father Peon's pay roll. —ln all probability the Attorney General's Department will be asked to decide the situation in regard to the Buperintendency of State po lice. Col. John C. Groome, who re cently returned to civil life, after having been two years in the Army, is said to hold that he is superin tendent and'not to need a recom mission as he did not resign, but went into the Army on leave from the State. It is improbable that the State Treasury will send him a check for full pay until it gets some legal light. The records show that the colonel was re-appointed and re commissioned as superintendent of police May 1, 1917, for a period of four years. He did not resign and was on leave. During his absence Captain George C. Lumti, the deputy superintendent, was named as act ing superintendent and Is still filling that place. Col. John Pripe Jackson, who re signed as commissioner of Labor and Industry, was reappointed and re commlssioned for four years from June 2, 1917. In the cases of other State officials and attaches in the Army under the act of 1917, allowing leave with halt pay up to certain amounts, they re turned to their positions sbme time ago. Hills of Home Name me no names for my disease, With unlnforming breath: I tell you I am none of these, But homesick unto death— Homesick for hills that I had known, For brooks that I had crossed. Before I met this flesh and bone And followed and was lost. * * And though they break my heart at last. Yet name no name of ills, Say only, "Here is where he passed, Seeking again those hills." —Witter Bynner in Jessie B. Rttten house's "Book of Modern Verse" (Houghton-Mifflin Co.) Cardinal's Property Sold [From the London Times] Moor Park, once owned by Car dinal Wolsey and where Henry VIII held clandestine meetings with Anne Boleyn before the King obtained a divorce from* Katherlne, has finally been sold by Lord Ebury to Lord ' Leverhulmo for one and one-half i million dollars. TECEGRAPH THAT GUILTIEST FEELING By BRIGGS When You "try out" The CLUB OP Yoi/R fIoWF MATe "" <) Ntjl Yk \ i Ahit> SPLIT THG SHAFT ©Y THE MJ J TsRRvPc impact OP THE HEAX> VAJITH Th& (aROOMt). v . —., & / Tll hank A r WOULDN'T HAVE HAO \ *" /vA M K\v /HAN. WCL ) / B Hi^T c ] THAT HAPPEN* FOR TMS ) *■' t > ("PROBABLY U V MIM! WORLO-- USTeN HA NIK J / nesusivj From) I 10 ?° IjJ , I Knovx* tuV*ee You cam/ > /(V 1/m ( Th 6 club- (\ 'YL. G6T IT tftxeo UPOYJS.T / A/Zf/'l \He THOUGHTS H.M THgrs AS GOOD Ks -TevCR WASf . . IF Suppose Farmers Strike [From Successful Farming.] The farmers keep their heads when all others fly off the track. We ask city workers to ponder a mo ment what might happen if the farmers should do what the workers are doing—demanding shorter hours and higher pay. The farmers are their own bosses so they would not have to quarrel with anybody. They could hold out on strike until they got good and ready, for they can feed themselves. You working city fellows, suppose for a moment that the farmers adopted the eight-hour day. It would cut down production at least half. Suppose they also set a price on their labor and their products based on an eight-hour basic scale. Where would you get your food? Only the rich could buy it at all, for the price would be prohibitive to men on strike. If the cost of living is too high now, how will lessened production affect it? How will in creased cost of production bring prices down? You live now because the farmers have gone on produc ing, working nearer sixteen hours a day than eight hours. You can buy food because the farmers have not gone on strike, have not ceased to produce, have not cornered the mar ket and said "we demand so much for our products or we won't work." If you city workers expect the farmers to go on feeding you at the old price you have to get back to work at the old wage and make it possible for the farmer to buy cheaper so he can produce cheaper. This Is not a one-sided game. It takes two to play it and if you city fellows quit, don't get sore if you go hungry soon. Either the farmers must do as you are doing, shorten the hours and demand higher pay, or else you must lengthen the hours and produce more without more pay. The farmers have been patient with you. When they lose their pa tience, look out. You have already taken their help. If they quit, too, who is going to feed you. What city workers have in common with farm ers is not so much political as eco nomic, What are you going to do about it? Motor Bus Lines [From the Washington Star.] Experiments are to be tried with motor buses operating on three routes from points in the northeast ern section of the city to central traffic points. Permits for the run ning of these lines of motor vehicles have been granted by the utilities commission, under a prior ruling fix ing a maximum fare of 10 cents. The specific fares charged on these lines may be less than that sum. It re mains now to be seen whether at a fare approximately the same as that charged by the street cars, these lines can be conducted profitably. When the city was heavily con gested, with daily car riders in ex cess of the capacity of the lines dur ing the rush hours, such accommo dations would have been of the highest value. The congestion has now been materially relieved, mainly by the departure of many of the wartime workers from the Govern ment service, and in part by the ad dition of further facilities to the street car service. Thus the demand for more traffic accommodation is less now than it was a year ago. though more cars still are needed and are being supplied from time to time. Will the new facilities supply a need in the matter of moving the people to and from work morning and evening? Competition with the existing car lines will not succeed unless the service is speedier and more com fortable and at least as cheap. If the fare is higher the accommoda tion afforded must be materially greater than that given by the car lines. Prejudice against the street railway companies will not hold great numbers of patrons continu ously in line to their financial dis advantage. Song The spring will come when the year turns, As if no winter had been. But what shall I do with a locked heart That lets no new year in? The birds will go when the fall goes, The leaves will fade in the field. But what shall I do with an old love that Will neither die nor yield? Oh! youth will turn as the world turns, And" dim grow laughter and pain But how shall I hide from an old dream I never may dream again? —Margaret Widdemer in Jessie B. lllßenhouae's "Book of Modern '.VerM" (Houghton Mifflin Co.) . # • REPUBLICANS ELATED BY ELECTION RETURNS Attitude of Governor Coolidge Toward Striking Police in Contrast With Wilson WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. —As the result of the four guberna torial elections held in Massa chusetts, Kentucky, Maryland and New Jersey the Republicans of the House and Senate are viewing with equanimity but not overcontidence the campaign of 1920. By an increase of his majority from 17,000 to 124,000 Governor Calvin Coolidge was re-elected in Massachusetts. This was a direct slap at President Wilson in more ways than one. He had taken au opposite stand from that of Governor Coolidge. The Washington police had sought to become affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. Commissioner Brownlow had threat ened to dismiss them. The Presi dent, then on his tour of the West, wired Brownlow that he should de sist until after the meeting of the Industrial _ Conference. The confer ence came and blew up. In the meantime Coolidge fired all the striking policemen. The people backed him up. Then the President wired Coolidge that the upholding of law and order has no partisan ship. This courage of the Governor of Massachusetts was the chief is sue of the campaign, and the Re publican party won by the largest majority in its history. Another ele ment in the election, though a minor one, was the attitude of Senator Lodge on the League of Nations, and he, too, was sustained. In Kentucky there was a great overturn. Ed. Morrow, the Repub lican candidate for Governor, was swept in by 30,000 majority. He had declared that the league as drawn up at Versailles did not suit him without reservations. Black, his Democratic opponent, confessed to having swallowed the document en tire. The result was never in doubt, and it means that Kentucky will be in the Republican column next year. In New Jersey the result was due Tip to Investors The value of a dollar Has shrunk an awful lot. A lot of people holler That little can be got For any hundred pennies In these expensive days; And certainly not many's „ The bargain true that stays— But there's one!! In buying coke or collars Or furnitOre or food One finds that single dollars Do very little good. Each neighbor gayly whittles Your dollar down some pence, Until for clothes or victuals It looks like forty cents— Excepting one. There's one place where your dollar Will buy as much to-day As ever —come, let's waller In bargains while we may! There's one place where each one spot Is worth ten times its face, And if you're worth a gunshot You'll hurry to that place— The Red Cross! —Lee Shipley. Fashion Note. [From the Philadelphia Record.] American women may soon be wearing knickerbockers. Miss A. Sheer thinks so, and she wears 'em. She has just arrived from Rotter dam, Holland, and the nether gar ments she wore when she landed were not unlike those once effected by the good burghers of New Am sterdam. "There is really no rea sonable argument against pantaloons for women," she says. But, of course, reason has nothing whatever to do with feminine fashions or follies. If the women make up their minds that the knlckerbockeis are cute, they'll become fashionable. The men folk won't be surprised at anything of that sort—they are past either surprise or shock. You're Thinking of Week Ago [From Cartoons Magazine] Browne —Norton's wife used to be very thin and now she is quite stout. What caused the change I wonder? Towne—Divorca. This isn't the sams wltel somewhat to the shifting of Presi dent Wilson on the liquor question. Edwards, the Democratic candidate for Governor, had during the cam paign announced that if elected he would make the state as "wet'' as the Atlantic; that he would do all in his power to nullify the National prohibition act. He did not merely announce this from the stump; he said it over his own signature in a formal declaration. In the midst of the Campaign the President vetoed the war prohibition section of the enforcement bill. Congress promptly upheld the law and passed it over his veto. The damage was done, however, as many of the voters of New Jersey were led to believe that it would be possible by the com bined efforts of the Democratic Gov ernor and the Democratic President to nullify the new law. They did not know the promise was entirely for election purposes and as fruit less as "he kept us out of war." Hence the Republican majority, built upon National issues, was wiped out and a 14,000 Democratic majority put in its place. Because this was done to a local and specious issue, the Republicans here attach no im portance to it in relation to next year. Maryland went Democratic by a few hundred on issues which were not National. So close a result and so great a reduction from recent Democratic majorities give the Re publican leaders the practical cer tainty of carrying the state in the National election of next year. Incidentally, Murphy's Tammany judges were overthrown in New York, solely by the assistance of the Republican party. Major LaGuardla, the Republican member of the House who volunteered in the war and became an aviator on the Aus trian front, was choßen president of the Board of Aldermen. In New York and other states the Repub licans gained in the State Legisla tures. Quite Right [From the Altoona Tribune.] Governor Sproul is entirely right when he suggests that it is bad policy for any company of citizens to take the law into their own hands for the purpose of depriving their community of the presence of obnoxious agitators. It is Just as wrong for one company of citizens to violate law as it is for another. Law lessness is never justifiable. It is as much out of place when practiced by the agents of a corporation as when indulged in by strikers. Every good citizen respects the authority of law. Those who undertake to set law aside for the purpose of getting at strike promoters do as wrongly as the ignorant alien who indulges in violence as a side issue to a strike in which he has engaged. We be lieve in the utmost freedom of ac tion except under extraordinary cir cumstance. We oppose raids upon companies of peaceable men and we believe it is a mistake to pro hibit orderly meetings. Nor is it less a violation of f£he constitutional pro vision granting to citizens the right to peaceably assemble for the dis cussion of public questions. New Wants Air Head The creation of a new Department of Air, the head of which shall have a seat in the President's cabinet, is provided in a bill introduced in the Senate by Senator Harry New, of Indiana. It is proposed by the Indiana Sen ator that it shall be the province of the Department of Air to develop and promote all matters pertaining to aeronautics, including the collec tion and dissemination of informa tion relating to them; shall purchase, manufacture and maintain all air craft for the United States; and shall perform all duties in relation to the air service which have heretofore been assigned to the War, Postofflce, Navy and Treasury Departments. Included in the bill is a provision for the creation of an aeronautical academy, to correspond to those at West Point and Annapolis, for the training of cadets in the science of aeronautics. Senator New is of the view that Great Britain, France and Japan £he rapidly developing their aircraft, and that the United States, to keep pace with them, must also do so. * W). Pie and Bolshevism [From the New York Sun.] There are some magnates who will bet that, if the real truth were known, pie is at the bottom of most of the present industrial unrest and also has been a prolific source of increase In general taxation. For instance, It has been dellnitely determined that the higher in price pie goes tho higher go taxes, rents, gas bills, clothing, insurance and taxation. The world has been edu | cated to believe that the price of j bread was the unfailing barometer i of a country's industrial status, but I that theory has been shattered, say those who dispense confections of pumpkin, peach, custard and the salubrious meringue. A pie that sold January 1, 1916, for ten cents in the bakery now brings $1.20 at most of the cafes and buffets in the downtown and uptown districts. Four years ago one was served with a quarter of a pie for a nickel in the cheaper class of res taurants; the price now is a dime; and. In many cases, pending on the genius, one-twelfth of a pie brings fifteen cents. "Ninety-nine out of every hundred laboring men and women in the nation ate inveterate pie consumers" said one restaurant owner. "They can get along without a beef or ham sandwich and will overlook the ab sence of cakes and puddings and even coffee in their dinner baskets, but they expect pie to be always on 1 hand. "A half a pie in a lunch basket represents a substantial investment nowadays, and the pie is ether cut out or cut down. This, of course, . spells discontent. Cake, doughnuts, i cream puffs, cinnamon rolls, sand : wiches or eggs could never stir up : half the trouble pie has stirred up • these last three years." Why He Left [From Cartoons Magazine.] Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Fed eral judge in Chicago, has a wealth, of poise. He sits through long stretches of litigation, apparently lost in some maze of abstraction on the other side of the moon, but he never misses what is going on. And suddenly he will break in when at torneys arte wrangling, or a witness isn't speaking well, and with a judi cious question or some pertinent ad vice, will readjust the court mechan ism and set it running smoothly again. x One hot day the Federal prose cutor was examining a witness In Judge Landis' court, and wasn't mak ing much progress. The witness was an itinerant printer. "Where were you working in Janu ary of that year?" asked the prose cutor. "On the Texarkana Bugle," re , plied the witness. "How long did you stay?" "Two months." "Why did you leave?" , "The editor and I disagreed on a groat National question." , "Where did you work next?" "On the Joplin News-Herald. I , was there seven weeks." "Why did you leave?" "The editor and I disagreed on a ; great national question." ! Three other Jobs were mentioned, , and each time the printer explained his leaving with the same phrase. Then Judge Landis sat up In his chair and raised a hand. t "Walt a minute," he commanded. i "What was this great national ques | tion?" , "Prohibition," said the witness. t About Daly [From Cartoons Magazine] Thomas Augustine Daly, the poet, who has done so much to make known the dreams of the Italian immigrant to America, resides in J Philadelphia, where he is spoken of ! as the best looking Italian the Irish j race has produced. ; Recently he was co-host to the American Press Humorists. One of the New York humorists, who writes j news as well as funny stuff for a living, scented a story the minute he landed In town—prison scandal. Some politicians were trying to make a goat of Warden Robert McKenty at Eastern penitentiary. The visiting newspaperman spoke to Tom Daly about the matter. "You go out and see Bob McKenty," said Daly. "He's a good Indian. Tell him you're a friend of mine and he'll give you anything he's got." I So the New Yorker went out to t the penitentiary. He interrupted a conference In which the warden t was taking part. McKenty came out into the corridor, t "I'm a friend of Tom Daly's—" B! began the newspaperman. II "Well, you can't see him now," a said the warden. "He's out in the I shoe factory naakis' sheen." lEtmttng (Eljat It is Good-Bye to the midday can." The much-taiked-of dinner pail is fast passing into history. If you have any doubts about this, take a stroll some day about noon to some place where many men are at work on buildings or In ditches. Of course, you will find a few dinner pails and a sprinkling of lunch boxes, but sixty per cent, of the working: men when they leave home in the mornings carry their midday meals in a bag or small packages. This is not all. If you watch closely you will see most of the men take from some secluded spot a bottle of milk. Others, when the whistle blows or the foreman calls a halt to "eat," will rush to a nearby store and buy a bottle of m "JV There was a time when many a dinner pail was emptied of its contents and used for beer. No more beer for the working man on duty near a saloon. It Is now milk, an< \_ moß t of them drink a quart each day. Retail dealers vouch for this. Many milk deliveries through out the city now include stops at places where men are working. One man said the other day, "I always like something cool to drink after working with a pick and shovel for four or five hours. Milk lilts the spot." • • • Spencer C. Gilbert, in his reminis cent talk on Harrisburg when he was a boy before the Dauphin County Historical Society the other evening, referred to the changes in business that had come over Ilarrisburg and how in spite of the rise and fall of various types of distinctive industry, this city had always retained its prominence as a transportation cen ter. It is its geographical position that has enabled Harrisburg to. grow and to grow so firmly into the busi ness scheme of the State unci it is this lact that is going to make its future so great as a center of dis tribution. Mr. Gilbert mentioned the fact that the place had Us in ception because of its position on routes and then referred in turn to the trading, coaching and lumber businesses which developed in turn and how with them had come tex tiles, iron and steel. But it is the distribution advantages, said he, that are making Harrisburg and will continue to make it. "The big con cerns that carry the large advertise ments have their depots here, and more are coming because Harris burg's advantages in that direction are well nigh perfect," said he. The talk by Mr. Gilbert and A. Carson Stamm's valuable discussion of the school systems in Harrisburg, past and present, are the beginning of a series of talks by men who have been making this city which will be continued throughout the winter at the rooms of the Society in the old Kelker mansion, which was tk® heart of the business district a cen tury ago. Hie State Capitol register which is ulwnys an interesting: book to scnn and which bears tho names of peo ple from every state and almost ev ery clime tells some things about the developments among nations. For instance, there have been people registered from Poland and Czecho slovakia, which would have been un heard of a few years ago. Probably one of the most significant of the registrations was by a man and wife from Pekin. They appended North China after the name of the ancient capital. Another registration that commanded attention was from Tri este, Italy. Remarks by Dr. George H. Ashley, the State Geologist, about the fut.il• •• of boring for oil in this neck of the woods, brings to mind the fact that Dr. J. P. Lesley and other notable authorities on the geology of Penn sylvania, always warned people that the conditions did not favor the dis covery of oil in paying quantities east of the Blue Ridge. Yet some years ago oil was sought in an op eration, that is painfully remember ed by some Harrisburgers, right at the city' -rates. Some traces were discovered near what is now Wild wood Park and a well was rigged up and sun-k, heing watched by a committee which saw visions of fast horses and winters in Florida. The apparatus lay in the weather fof years aftfcr the people got tired pay ing for the experiment. "The other night you printed some interesting matter about the passing of old streets in the Capitol Park extension and I was taken by the references to colloquiAl names of thoroughfares. Why didn't you re fer to the old name of Poplar street?" asked a friend yesterday. When told that the nickname had slipped, he replied, "Remember it? Yes, you cnn. It used to be called Ramcat alley." Major-elect J. Hampton Moore, who finds time to handle some of his old Job, newspaper work, in a column in the Evening Ledger, says: "Major William B. Gray, at one time connected with Pennsylvania Rail road contract work and recently in the service of Uncle Ham, has com pleted a report on the navigability of the Susquehanna River. This has gone to Colonel J. J. Loving, United States engineer in charge at Baltimore. The major believes the Susquehanna capable of great public service, once it is properly improved, and in this opinion he seems to be backed up by Secretary Woodward, of the Department of Internal Af fairs, whose recent statement on Susquehanna River commerce and industry is worth perusal." Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery, the State Librarian, is to be the speaker at the November meeting of the Church Historical Society in Philadelphia, one of the most im portant of the societies in that city and will discuss the Episcopal Church in the State. This is the second society that has asked Dr. Montgomery to speak in that city within a month. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Seward E. Button, the Btate chief of mines, has been elected president of the Ptttston District Mining Institute, composed of people active in the study of mining in that section of Luzerne county. —Col. Franklin D'Olier, new head of the American Legion, is a Phila delphia business man, and rose in the quartermaster's corps during the war. He is of Quaker descent. | DO YOU KNOW | —That Harrisburg is a manufacturer of pretzel- HISTORIC HARRISL'tItU —Early assessors' lists Bhow more j than thirty taverns In Harrisburg oon after the town began to grow.