Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 15, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Hundreds of People Stricken
and Died Without Medi
cal Attention
l.rmbcrjr. Nov. 15.—Oalicia has been
swept a few weeks by a new wave
of typhus which reached greater pro
portions than ever before at this time
of the year, say Red Cross reports.
Hundreds of people have been stricken
and died without medical attenion in
villages that could not be reached
by doctors.
After more than five years of con
tinued warring, the country is almost
without the element hospital neces
sities. It has been the battleground
If "A Different Kind of X
A Jewelry Score"
| Do Your ili
| Xmas |
in Shopping |
Earlier I
| This Year-1
I There is a scarcity in If
good Jewelry just the same i l l
||| as in all other lines, so that (111
X it behooves you to do your
||!| holiday shopping at the |||
[[. earliest possible moment. X
Send for Our
| Gift Book I
It's a beautifully illus- llli
111 trated catalog every ar- I'j
X tide shown is in stock and jmj
can be purchased at our I'll j
v store in person or by mail. j
ll'i Send for our GIFT Pi I
II!, , |
The I*. 11. Cnpliin Co.
llnrrfNbtirK, I'll.
Please semi me your illus-
X trated Gift Book. •• j
ill Name ||||
X Address f.,"!
11l 1 |
I The P. H. Caplan Co. jj!|
| 206 Market St. x
j; mis
Ample, Healthful,
Comfortable Heat
OTl' ( | The Way
When you need heat most, do you have it? Do you get up in the
;j morning and shiver around until you can get down to the kitchen stove?
j; Does youf furnace heat your whole house, or do you live all winter in one
j! or two poorly heated rooms? *
]> All that sort of thing is no longer n-ecessary. Methodist Church, Summerdale.
Heat your home with a CaloriC—the only Klrst Baptist Church, Steelton.
,i furnace that s guaranteed as to results—and
]| be sure of ample, healthful and comfortable Mrs. M. May, Steelton.
<[ heat the house over, even in the coldest Robert Broadus, Steelton.
<j weather. Robert Fry, Steelton.
j! „ . . . .. _ , _ , John J. Bachman, Steelton.
You take no chance with the CaloriO. It is William D. Rose. Middletown.
;; positively guaranteed—in writing—by the Benjamin F. Ryan, Middletown.
<> manufacturer to heat your home to a tempera- S j. Ripoher Middletown
j! ture of 70 degrees in the coldest weather. s! B.' Leach Lemoyne
<| More than 76,000 buildings throughout the Elmer S Mills Camn Hill
, United States are now heated by the CaloriC, A H Hammer Penbrook
<[_ and ever >' one ■* guaranteed. j.' H . Runkle, Penbrook. '
j! Your friends and neighbors are preparing Vu-in* n H it
<[ y J. C. Strickner, Enola. ,
!; HARRISBURG, PA. J - Shumberger, Enola.
j! , James F. Snyder. 925 Dunkle St. . '
2 William W. Atkinson, 922 Norwood St. You may also have CaloriO comfort in your
D. L.. M. Raker, School of Commerce. home this winter. A warm house all day
J. John C. Grove, 321 S. Eighteenth St. long - a comfortable bedroom when you wish
<[ John J. Hargest, 2203 N. Third St. to rct ' re and plenty of heat when you get up
David Martin, 3213 N. Front St. ln the morning,
j! Harrlsburg Boiler and Manufacturing Co.,
i: ""d"F Sts -' (2K And - beßt of an - y° u can *2 this on >
o loude hel, 42<1 Hamilton St. coa i than you have been iising*to heat but a
|[ OUT OP TOWN few of your rooms. Just call, phone or write
<► rm. r* 'v. t , an <* we will be at your service. Remember. it
Campbell summer home, Maple Shade, takes but a day to install a CaloriC—but
!! * u t arrange for yours now, before cold weather is
j; The Chris Meckley farm, Hummclstown. upon us.
PRICES: CaloriC prices have been kept down as low as possible all
!; summer and fall, but now, because of recent advances in cost, it is neces
;! sary to advance the prices. Fortunately, we still have a few plants on hand
;; that were purchased at the old prices, and as long as they last we will pass
j; this saving along to those who purchase. Of course, these will not last long
j; —so, have the CaloriC Man call to-day.
The CaloriC Furnace Company
Seventeen South Third Street
i^"——-^' (
of one army after another and the
zone for*changing forces of occupa
tion. Large areas are burned away.
The best equipped hospitals have been
completely ruined and pillaged.
According to Lieutenant Colonel
Halban, chief sanitarian of the
Polish government for the Galiclan
front, the typhus situation eclipses
anything ever known in this land
where typhus has always been more
or less epidemic. With an unprec
edented beginning in the simmer
months, it is feared the winter will
see It increase with even greater
fury. The vermin which cause typhus
incubate and multiply in the cold
season. . . .
The American Red Cross has estab
lished a headquarters here, in re
sponse to the appeals of the military
and government authorities. Intense
activity is already in progress for
coping with the distressing condi
Requests for hospital supplies come
into the temporary headquarters from
all sides. Centers have been selected
for vitally needed hospitals, but there
is such an utter lack of material
for equipping them that all efforts to
cope with the situation have failed.
The militarv and government authori
ties are lending every possible aid in
hastening the immediate distribution
of the American medical supplies in
an attempt to check the disease be
fore it gains too much headway.
Coalition Ministry
Formed in Hungary,
Headed by Wlascitz
By Associated Press.
Berlin. Nov. 15. —The formation of
a coalition ministry in Hungary head
ed by Count Julius Wlascitz. and in
cluding former Premier Friedrloh,
and with Count Czaky, as foreign
minister, is reported in a wireless dis-.
patch received here from Budapest.
The ministry requires the sanction
of the Entente to be effective.
Yamburg Is Taken
by the Bolsheviks,
Says Moscow Report
By Associated Press.
I.onilon. Nov. 15.—The Bolsheviki
captured Yamburg, 68 miles southwest
of Petrograd, yesterday afternoon,
according to a wireless dispatch re
ceived here from Moscow.
Labor Journal Attacks
Maurer as a "Red"
Pittsburgh, Nov. 15—The National
T.abor Journal, official organ of the
t Central Labor Union of Pittsburgh,
is engaged in a bitter controversy to
wrest control of the labor body here
from the radicals. In a leading edi
torial to-day it attacks the record of j
James H. Maurer. president of the
Pennsylvania Federation of I,abor,
who presided at the convention of
the State body here November 1 and
2, at which a resolution was adapt
ed authorizing the executive council
to call a State-wide strike "when
in its* judgment it is necessary to
compel respect for law and the res
toration of liberty as guaranteed l.y
the State of Pennsylvania."
The editorial recites the history of j
Maurer's activities during the "last i
two years and accuses him of assist- I
ing to finance the I. W. W. and of j
participating In several councils and
meetings during the war which had j
for their principal purpose the op
posing of America's participation in 1
the war and military service in gen- 1
J|peV£biderful Stories/|OZ^i§
MM *<a qJlfed L - Frank Bau ™ 4a
The Scarcrow had fairly thrown
himself upon jhe' bosom of his old
comrade, the Tin Woodman, so sur
prised and delighted was he to see
him again, and Tiktok squeezed the
Tin Woodman's hand so earnestly
that he dented some of his fingers.
Then had to make way for Oz
ma to welcome the tin man, and the
army caught sight of him and set
up a cheer, and everybody was de
lighted and happy.
For the Tin Woodman was a
great favorite with all who knew
him, and his sudden recovery after
they had tliought he was lost to them
forever was indeed a pleasant sur
Before long the cavalcade arrived
at the royal palace, where a great
crowd hud gathered to welcome
their Queen and her ten children.
There was much shouting and cheer
ing, and the people threw flowers
in their path, and every face wore
a happy smile.
They found the Princess I.ang
wider in her mirrored chambers,
I where sh> was admiring one of her
| handsomest heads—one with rich
("Chestnut hair, dreamy walnut eyes
land a shapely hickorynut nose. She
I was very glad to be relieved of her
duties to the people of Ev, and the
Queen graciously permitted her to
retain her rooms and her cabinet 01
heads as long as she lived. '
Then the Queen took her eldest
son out upon a balcony that over
looked the crowd of subjects gather
ed below, and said to them:
"Here is your future ruler, King
Evardo Fifteenth. He is fifteen
years of age, has fifteen silver
buckles on his jacket and is the
; fifteenth Evardo to rule the land of
I The people shouted their approval
I fifteen times, and even the Wheel-
I ers, some of whom were present,
I loudly promised to obey the new
So the Queen placed a big crown
of gold, set with rubies, upon Evar
do's head, and threw an ermine robe
over his shoulders and proclaimed
him King and he bowed gratefully
to all his subjects and then went j
away to see if he could find any;
cake in the royal pantry.
Ozma of Oz and her people, as
well as Dorothy, Tiktok and Billina,
were splendidly entertained by the
Queen mother, who owed all the
to their kind officers; and
that evening the yellow hen was
publicly presented with a beautiful
necklace of perals and sapphires, r.s
a token of esteem from the new
King. A
Dorothy decided to accept Ozma s
invitation to return with her to the
Land of Oz. There was no greater
chance of her getting home front Ev
thun from ind the little girl A\a.s
anxious to see once more the country
where she had encountered such
wonderfful adventures. By this time
Uncle Henry would have reached
Australia in his ship, and had prob
ably given her up for lost; so he
The King of Ev.
j couldn't worry any more than he did
i If she stayed away from him a while
j longer. So she would go to Oz.
| They bade good-bye to the people
lof Ev, and the King promised Oz-
I ma that he would ever be grateful
|to her and render the Land of Oz
any service that might lie within his
And then they approached tine
edge of the dangerous desert, and
Uzmo threw down the magic carpet,
which at once unrolled far enough
ror all of them to wolk upon it with
out being crowded.
, clnlnii ng to be Dorothy's
iaitnrui follower because he belong
hcr. had been permitted to
J party and before they start
ed the Rirl wound up his machinery
as far as possible and the copper
man stepped off as briskly as any
one of them.
Ozma invited Billina to visit the
' ar \ of ond the yellow hen was
glgd enough to go where new sights
and scenes awaited her.
began the trip across the
, early , ln the morning, and as
Rifnr, PP f only ,onff enbugh for
Billina to lay her daily egg before
SUn , Set thy espied the grfen slopes
and wooded hills of the beautiful
Land of Oz. They entered it in the
Munehkin territory, and the King of
the Munchkins met them at the
border and welcomed Ozma with
great respect, being very pleased bv
her safe resturn. For Ozma of Oz
ruled the King of the Munchkins,
the King of the Winkles, the King
Quadlings and the King of
the Gillikins Just as those Kings
ruled their own people; and this
supreme ruler of the Land of Oz
lived in a great town of her own.
With Choir and Organist
Among the musicians from this
city who went to Lancaster on
Thursday to hear Pietro A. Yon, the
eminent Italian organ virtuoso, were
members of St. Patrick's Cathedral
choir and Joseph D. Brodeur, or
ganist and choirmaster of St. Pat
rick's. The singers especially were
interested In the rendition by the
choir of St. Mary's Church of sev
eral of Yon's compositions.
Horatio X. Connell, the Philadel
phia baritone, is to be heurd at the
Elks memorial service in this city
the llrst Sunday of next month. The
vested choir of St. Stephen's Epis
copal Church also Is to sing. The
musical program, It is said, will be
the most elaborate ever given at an
Elks service here.
On Thanksgiving Day, under the
direction of Joseph D. Brodeur, the
combined Catholic choirs of Steel
ton and Harrisburg parishes are to
sing a mass in honor of the soldiers
at St. James' Church, in Steelton.
The four-manual organ being
erected in Grace Methodist Epis
copal Church os to opened
with a recital by the organist and
choirmaster, Bernard R. Mauscrt, on
December 19.
Prank A. McCarrell, organist and
choirmaster of Pine Street Presby
terian Church, has been chosen
president of the Harrisburg Organ
ists' Association, which recently held
its annual meeting in St. Stephen's
Episcopal parish house. One of the
contemplated uddresses before the
association is to be given shortly by
Bernard R. Mausert, touching his
impressions of study in Berlin.
It was said to-day that Pietro A.
Yon, who gave so brilliant a recital
in St. Mary's Church, Lancaster, on
Thursday evening, may play in one
of the larger Harrisburg churches.
The matter of enlarging the fine
organ at Pine Street Presbyterian
Church is being considered and it
may be decided to make the in
strument four manuals, adding an
antiphonal organ.
Messiah Lutheran Church choir,
which is so ably directed by Abner'
W. Hartman, has in rehearsal n
Christmas cantata by Manney,
which is to be given next month.
One of the anthems to be sung at
Stevens Memorial Church to-morrow
under the direction of John W.
Phillips, is Woodward's splendid
"The Sun Shall Be No More Thy
Light by Day."
.Smart's, "The Lord Is My Shep- J
I called the Emerald City, which was
■ in the exact center of the four king
doms of the Land of Oz. A
The Munchkin king entertaineir
■ them at his palace that night, and
1 in the morning they set out for the
i Emerald City, traveling over a road
i of yellow brick that led straight to
the Jewel-studded gates. Every
! where the people turned out to greet
their beloved Ozma, and to hail Joy
, fully the Scarecrow, the Tin Wood
i man and the Cowardly Lion, who
were popular favorites. Doroary,
too, remembered some of the people,
i who had befriended her on the oc
casion of her first visit to Oz, and
they were well pleased to see the
little Kansas girl again, and shower
ed her with compliments and good
At one place, where they stopped
to refresh themselves, Ozma accept
ed a bowl of milk from the hands
of a pretty dairy maid. Then she
looked at the girl more closely, and
"Why, it's Jinjud—isn't it!"
"Yes, your Highness," was the
reply, as Jinjur dropped a low curtsy.
And Dorothy looked wonderingly
at this lively appearing person, who
had once assembled an army of
women and driven the Scarecrow
from the throne of the Emerald
City, and even fought a battle with
the powerful army of Gltnda the
"I've married a man who owns
nine cows." said Jinjur to Ozma,
"and now I am happy and contented
and willing to lead a quiet life and
mind my own business."
"Where is your husband?" asked
; Ozma.
"He is in the house, nursing a
herd," one of the best anthems ever
written, is to be sung by the choii
of Reformed Salem Church at to
morrow evening's service. In the
morning Mrs. C. W- Myers, soprano,
and Mrs. William H. Kelsley, con
tralto, are to sing the duet, "I
Waited For the Lord," from Men
delssohn's "Hymn of Praise."
Mrs. James G. Sanders, contralto
soloist of Pine Street Presbyterian
Church, will sing at to-morrow
morning's service the ever-beauti
ful and Impressive aria, "But the
Lord Is Mindful of His Own," from
the oratorio, "St. Paul."
One seldom hears Dudley Buck's
"Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be
Waking," an anthem of unusual
beauty, but the choir of Zion Lu
theran Church, under the direction
of Mrs. E. J. Decevee, will sing the
number at to-morrow morning's
William Zimmerman, tenor and a
former member of St. Stephen's
vested choir, lias .foined the choir of
Calvary Presbyterian Church. Mrs.
Frank Green, soprano soloist of the
organization, will resume her place
to-morrow after a brief vacation.
Miss Belle P. Middaugh,-. whose
splendid voice has been heart all too
seldom in musical events of Har
risburg, will sing as a solo at Mar
ket Square Presbyterian Church, to
morrow morning, Dvorak's "Sing Ye
a Joyful Song."
The musical program at Chestnut
Street Auditorium to-morrow even
ing, at which the combined Lu
theran choirs of the city will sing,
is to be of an unusual order. Mrs.
William K. Bumbaugh, director of
Bethlehem Lutheran choir, will give
"McDormid's setting of the Ninety
first Psalm, and the Zion Lu
theran solo choir will sing Decevee's
"O Come Let Us Sing Unto the Lord
a New Song."
A plate wltksat • Mf wfcUk |*ti
at tatanpra trtth Cult ar apaaah. i
Plataa **paia wan.
black eye," replied J injur, calmly.
"The foolish man would insist upon
milking: the red cow when I wanted
him to milk the white one; but he
will know better next time, I am
Then the party moved on ugain,
and after crossing a broad river on
a ferry and passing many line laim
houses thtyt were dome shaped and
painted a pretty green color, they
came in sight of a large building
that, was covered with flags and
"I don't remember that build.ng,"
said Dorothy. "What is it - '"
"That is the College of Art and
Athletic Perfection," replied Ozma.
"I had it built quite recently, and
the Woggle-Bug is Its president. Ii
keeps him busy, and the young men
who attend the college are no worse I
[Off than they were before. You see,!
in this country are a number of!
youths who do not like to work, and i
the college is an excellent place for
them." !
And now they came in sight of the I
Emerald City, and the people flocked i
out to greet their lovely ruler. There i
were several bands and many officers i
and officials of the realm, and a i
crowd of citizens in their holiday'
attire. !
Thus the beautiful Ozma was es- |
corted by a brilliant procession to her
royal city, and so great was the
cheering that she was obliged to
constanUy bow to the right and
her subjects CdSe ' he greetingß j
That evening there was a grand!
tended p '."i th ® r ° yal palacp . at-j
sona mri ® m ° Bt important per- '
J ack Pumpkin head, i
aetHe a e OVerr 'l> p but StiiE
?n ni '„ a ," address congratulat-i
jug Ozma of Oz upon the success of!
r generous mission to rescue tlie'
'do'm ly of a neighboring king- 1
w i he " magnificent gold medals set
P <?cious stones were presented
and the -rf Vv 'wenty-stx officers;
and the Tin Woodman was given a
"he Sr X ! r/ t " <lfied with dinmonds; and
tne scarecrow received a silver inr
presented X wl?i, POWder - I)oroth V was
made np i a prett y coronet and
received °, f ° Z ' an<l Tiktok.
rows of v bracelets set with eight
emeralds. c,pap a " d sparkling
did ft S r and h o, 8 " 1 d ° Wn to a spl ""-
uiu least and Ozma put Dorothv sit
where the "'h d Billlna at her left,!
roost and nt e" SiU Upon a golden I
roost and ate from a Jeweled platter
Tin""Wood placed ,he Scarecrow, thai
Tin Woodman and Tiktok with
baskets of lovely flowers before them i
because they did not req.fire foo l |
The twenty-six officers were at the!
lower end of the table, and the i
Lion and the Tiger also had seats
. e . r ? sieved on golden platters'
Tho a b ," Bhpl at one time.
citizens o a f nd most important
citizens of the Emerald City were
proud to wait upon these famous ad
venturers and they were assisted by
i J e mal(1 named Jellia
Jamb whom the Scarecrow pinched
upon her rosy cheks and seemed to
know very well. .
During the feast Ozma grew!
thoughtful, and suddenly she ask- !
j'Where Is the private?"
"Oh he is sweeping out the bar-1
racks," replied one of the generals ,
W,rkey WUS "B"t y i 7 ,1nß !l " g a
turkey. But I have ordered him '
wlfcn his work ls n "lonT"' aSSra ,D PUt !
giO Le rule h r im for '" Ba ' d the!
While they waited for this com 1
m " n Hav ,1P ° beyed ' sbp Inquired !
i m ;„ oh ' ■rwK'V,',: T .',".Tr"-l
altogether." e three, |
The private now entered w , utin J
Buckwheat Coal
Mixed With Larger Size
Saves Money
IN WHATEVER section of the country it has been
given a fair trial, the use of No. 1 Buckwheat has
proven satisfactory for hofne heating purposes.
Excellent results are obtained for stove and fur
naces as a mixture with other sizes. It is also a
money-saver for the consumer.
Engineers at the coal mines long ago demonstrat
ed its practical worth. It has been found that a mix
ture of Buckwheat with larger sizes burns with an
intense heat; aids in consuming the larger coal with
little or no waste; which, of course, aids the consum
er's pocket book.
The best results are obtained by keeping Buck
wheat separate and mix it with the other coal when
you fire. One shovel of Egg and one shovel of Buck
wheat, etc., will give you unexpected results.
The price of Buckwheat Coal is only $6.90
per 2,000 lbs. Several dollars a ton cheaper
than any other coal. Order one load for
experimental purposes—you will soon buy
more. #
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster & Cowden Sts,
7th & Woodbine Sts. * 6th & Hamilton Sts,
7th & Reily Sts. 15th & Chestnut Sts,
NOVEMBER 15, 1919
hts officers and the royal Ozma very
'What Is your name, my man?"
asked the girl.
"Omby Amby," answered the
"Then. Omby Amby," said she,
"I promote you to be Captain Gen
eral of all the armies of my king- , J
dom, and especially to be Command
er of my Body Guard at the royal
"It is very expensive to hold so
many offices," s.ild the private, hesi
tating. "f have no money with which ■
to buy uniforms."
"\ou .shall be supplied from the
royal treasury," said Ozma.
Then the private was given a sea.t i
at the table, where the other of- !
ficers welcomed him cordially, and
the feasting and merriment were re
Suddenly Jellia Jamb exclaimed: j
"There is nothing more to cat! ■
The Hungry Tiger has consumed
"But that is not the worst of if,"
declared the Tiger, mournfully. '
"Somewhere or somehow I've actual- !
ly lost my appetite!" .
Editor's Note —Dorothy has a ten
der heart and she decides to make a '
short visit, to Uncle Henry to tell
him that she is all right and that )
he need not worry about her. How !
does she get to hint? Read next
week's chapter, "Dorothy's Magic'
Belt," to find out.
Tire Bargains
titlODKlt H Bli f CI.E TIRES at special prices. Those tiros are
guaranteed Itrst quality tiros.
FYER-FYTEK EIRE EXTINGUISHER, guaranteed for three
years, will reduce the insurance rate oil your house or ear 15
per cent.
She Can Use Your Car
Your wife can do her shopping and social duties in comfort if you install a
W ASC O Heating System in your garage
You will save winter storage, you will save depreciation of your car. W A ' c O will
keep your car warm, ready to 6tart any time, because it i 3 a coal-burning, self
regulating hot water heating system. Requires attention not more than once or
twice a day. The positive automatic temperature regulator doe 9 most of the work.
Bums only 5c vrorth of coal a day less than street repair bills, install WASCO. Endorsed by Fire
carfare. Saves frozen batteries and radiators. No Underwriters and Insurance Men. Made for 1-
cracked cylinders, no straining of starting device. to 10- car private garages. Pipes and connections cut
For comfort and convenience and greatly reduced to Tit. Can be setup by any handy man in a few hours.
Telephone or write us for more details and big illustrated catalog that gives the
experience of many users last winter.
E.MATHER C 0. ,204 Walnut St.
annul [tnnniii I
J Urtl Hill I mil rail j
A 2-car W4 sc O System (I radiators) sll6. Thia heater and one radiator make • 1-ear WASCO System, SS3
Third Judge Sustains
the Prohibition Law
New York, Nov. 15.—Federal Judge
John G. Rose, of Baltimore, late yes
terday dismissed an application of the
Maryland Distillery Company for an
injunction which would have released
for sale large quantities of whisky
now in bond. Judge Rose, yvas the
| third Federal jurist to sustain tlio
prohibition law here yesterday in
! suits brought before them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
\ Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
Bubstitute for calomel, act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through taking them.
! Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
: vegetable compound mixed with olive
oiL They act gently but firmly on the
bowels and liver, stimulating them to
natural action, clearing the blood, and
purifying the entire system. They do
! that which calomel does, without any of
j the bad after effects. Take one or two
| every night for a week and note the
pleasing effect, 10c and 25c a box.