Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 15, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Sim Vclco Discharged by Jury
After Short Homicide
Charles H. Mauk was convicted
late yesterday afternoon by the jury
which heard the case of falße pre
tense brought against him, Mauk.
it is alleged, was the undertaker em
ployed to bury Howard H, Mc
cracken. and instead of using the
casket and shroud ordered and paid
for by a brother, Millard W. Me
% Cracken. buried the body in a rough
w pine box clothed only in a suit of
underwear according to the charge.
District Attorney Michael E,
Stroup, as soon as the verdict Was
read, called the defendant for sen
tence, but John R. Geyer, Mauk's
counsel, asked permission to file a
motion for a new trial and was
given four days to present the peti
tion. The jury was out less than
three-quarters of an hour before a
verdict was reached,
Sim Velco was acquitted of a
charge of murdering Thomas Lo
guri, the jury agreeing upon a Ver
dict one-half hour after retiring
from the courtroom. The Verdict
was returned at 8.05 o'clock last
night. Judge S, J, M, McCarrell de
cided late In the afternoon to com
plete the case before adjourning. Ad
dresses were made to the jury by
counsel for the defense and by the
district attorney, court adjourning
at 6 o'clock for one hour, At t
o'clock the session was opened again
and the court charged the jury,
Velco was freed after the verdict
was read, and last night was enter
tained by his friends.
Pleading guilty to a serious charge
Charles A. Hoak, a Penbrook dairy
man, was sentenced by President
Judge George Kunkel, to pay a tine
of ?500 and serve two months in
jaiL George R, Hull, one of Hoak's
attorneys, argued a plea for sus
pended sentence for more than an
hour with Judge Kunkel. and pre
sented a petition signed by 250 oiti
sens of Penbrook and vicinity, but j
the court said that in such cases sen
tence could not. be suspended be- j
cause of the seriousness of the of- '
[Continued from First l*ag-e.]
eral Government should see that the]
that much increase to al
low them an American standard of I
Charges Bad Faith
Because outlying operators are not I
organized, Mr, Lukens said that no
time should be wasted, but that |
"public interest In an early settle- j
ment makes it desirable to continue I
as ir? the past,"
Mr. Lukens' statement Immodl- j
ately brought from Mr. Lewis a
charge of bad faith.
Charging that the operators in the j
outlying districts had led miners and
the public to believe that they were
ready to negotiate with the miners
Mr. Lewis exclaimed:
"Ye gods is there no mora good
faith left in man? Arc the mine
workers of America to be the ever
lasting victims of bad faith on the
part of the people with whom they
have to deal?"
1 <euis Amatwl
After announcing his acceptance
of the. secretary's suggestion l , Mr.
Lewis said:
"I want to express my utter j
amazement at the attitude of the I
coal operators as stated by their j
spokesman. Mr. Lukens. If there is
any one thing which has crystallized
pubiic sentiment against the miners,
it is because the oft-reiterated cry
that the outlying operators had not
been presented with demands by
their workers, although they stood
ready and willing to negotiate a
wage scale.
"We stand with spotless robes,
ready to negotiate a scale in the
various States outside the Central
Competitive Field. Mr. Lukens pro
posed to the Governor of Missouri
that they were ready to negotiate!
with the miners in Missouri, but
Governor Gardner wired me In pro
test and the Governors of West Vir- '
ginia and other States have done j
"We come in good faith in an hon
est endeavor to reconcile difficulties." [
President Lewis said, "and you, Mr.
—A nother '• I
Harrisbarg Booster
For Pyrodento!
Any adverse criticism of PYRODENTO is something
mighty hard to conceive. Your dentifrice, to my mind,
combines all the qualities that count In the desirahiltv of such
an article.
It Is pleasant to the taste, botli while brushing the teeth
and afterwards, and, what is more, it leaves a sensation that
is clean without that sickening sweetness so common to the
usual dentifrice.
It cools and soothes the gums, and this faet alone should
make it all the more desirable to anyone suffering from Pyor
l'hca or any other gum disease.
It is in a very economical container, and. on the whole
I should say that PYRODENTO descries a very high posi
tion hi the field of dentifrices.
Respectfully yours,
Cumberland St.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Secretary, representing the govern
ment, propose a plan which we ac
cept, not because it la the beet plan
but because the public has been
told for weeks that it was the plan
the operators wanted."
"The charge of bad faith come with i
particularly poof grace from the
mine workers, Mr. Lukens retorted,
"white the country is tied up with a
strike With the government BAj-a
involves a violation of their agree
ments Vvv the mine workers. They
have struck not only in districts
where there wos a possible question
i concerning their agreement but they
have also struck In districts -where
there was no question but that they
had valid and binding agreements
Challenges Assertion
"I deny that atatenient," President
Lewis Interrupted, "and t challenge
the truth of your assertion," % I
Cries of "let's have your proof,' t
from llle mine workers' represvnta- ,
lives followed Bud Secretary Wilson '
called for order,
"It Is one thing to make a state :
or district contract." Mr, lAikcns j
continued, "and another and a more ,
difficult thing to make a national
agreement. The people of the
United States would frees# io death j
; before a national wage scale agree- ■
meat would be made, a* Mr, Lewis |
well knows. Ills statements are in- i
tended to cloud the issue and hood- I
wink the public. The operators arc j
acting in good falt.li; that is shown j
by the fact that the government Is J
with them absolutely."
No Increase in Men
Returning to Work,
Owing to Holiday
By ,i*K*-rateii Nm
tiiloogo, Nov. 15. —•'Virtually no
I increase in the number of bltu-
I mtnous coal miners returning to
i work was looked for to-day, Satur
' day generally having been regard
[ed as at least a half holiday at
! many of the country's mine*. Aside
from that- the miners seemed tn-
I tent to stand on their expressed de
! termination not to return to work |
despite recall of the strike order hist
Tuesday by John L. Lewis, acting
president of the United Mine Work
ers of America, until operators and
miners now meeting at Washington
effect an agreement on a new wage j
fuel Shortage Ominous
Meanwhile the threatened fuel !
short-age In many places became ]
mora ominous with the aveut of
real winter weather. At Chicago the i
available supply of coal had been !
diminished to 850.040 tons, and the j
regional coal committee restricted ;
fuel allocations.
Improvements in lite general sit
uation was shown to-day in Wyom
ing. however, seven thousand miners >
agreeing to return to work at once
under settlement of the controversy
between miners and operations.
In the great Illinois fields virtu
ally no work had been done since
the strike was called more than two i
weeks ago and resumption of work, i
union leaders said, was conditional
on an agreement at Washington
meeting the lillinols miners' de
mands for sixty per cent, increased j
wages and a thirty-hour week.
Four Allegedly WT W.
Caught in Coal Fields'
Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 15. —
Pour foreigners, alleged members
of the Granttown local of the I. W.
W.. are in jail ut Fairmont to-day .
charged by bVdersl authorities with
radical activities In Marion county. ]
The men were arrested late last
night by Department of Justice !
agents who were rushed into that ,
region several days ago following
announcement by State officials that
radical agitators were busy in
Northern West Virginia coal fields.
Deportation proceedings against the
prisoners will be started as soon as
possible, according to government
Little change in the situation sur
rounding the return of miners to
work was noted in early reports to
PittsburKli, Nov. 15.—Coal opera
tors of Western Pennsylvania an
nounced to-day that while only a
small number of union miners had
returned to work during the last
two days, they believed all mines in
the district would be working by-
Monday. In the meantime Pitts- ;
burgh's coal supply was materially |
increased to-day, due, according to
railroad administration representa
tives in charge of fuel distribution
here to heavy shipments from
Northern West Virginia and in- i
creased production of nonunion <
miners in this district. i
Condition of Toiler Never
Better in AU the Ages,
Says Governor Coolidge
Boston. Nov, 16. ■ — Governor
Coolidge, in a proclamation nam'
tug November BTth as Thanksgiv
ing Day, gives thanks for a year
of peace and adds;
"The condition of those who
toll Is higher, better, more so
than In all the ages past. Out
of the darkness of great conflict
has appeared the vision nearer,
clearer, than evqr before of a
life on earth less and lass under
i the deadening restraint of force,
more and more under the vilalls
i lug Influence of reason.
i "Moral power has been trl
' umphlng over physical power,
i For satisfaction with present con
• dittoes there Is every evidence,
1 every reason, deep aud enduring.
] For discontent there is only the
purpose of those who wish to
I advance the cause of publla
, enemies."
Major Higginson, Who
| Founded Boston Symphony
Orcehstra, Is Dead
By .InociatcJ Prtss
Boston. Nov. 16.—The death of
; Major General L. Higginson, banker
| and founder of the Boston Sym
, phony Orchestra, was announced
to-day. Major Higginson died at the
Massachusetts General Hospital last
night after an operation performed
during the afternoon. He had been
at the hospital but a few hours. Had
be lived until next Tuesday Major
Higginson would have been 85 yeara
The death of Major Higginson
was dne to a recurrence of an old
trouble for which he was under
treatment last winter. Although
! head of the firm of Lee, Higginson
Jt Company, bankers. Major Hlggin
son was probably most widely known
through his association with the
Symphony Orchestra. He had been a
member of the banking firm since
I 1883.
[Continued from First lhtge.]
party lines on both sides divided.
Vote Down Doctrine Change
Taking up the committee's Mon
roe Doctrine reservation the Sen
ate voted down 51 to 43 a substitute
by Democvratic Leader Hitchcock to
declare the doctrine in no way "im
paired or affected" by the Treaty.
Only two Democrats, Senator Reed,
Missouri, and Shields, Tennessee,
stood with the Republicans for the
committee draft.
The vote adopting the reservation
of domestic questions was 59 to
3ti, all opponents being Democrats.
The Republicans in favor of that
reservation were joined by nine
Democrats Chamberlain. Gore.
King. Reed, Shields, Smith, of
Georgia; Thomas. Trammel and
Walsh, of Massachusetts.
The reservation follows:
"The United States reserves to
itself exclusively the right to de
cide what questions are within Its
domestic jurisdiction and declares
that all domestic and political ques
tions relating wholly or in part to
its internal affairs, including immi
gration,' labor, coastwise traffic, the
tariff, commerce, the suppression
of traffic in women and children and
in opium and other dangerous
drugs, and all other domestic ques
tions, and all questions affecting
the present boundaries of the Unit
ted States and its insular and other
possessions are solely within the
jurisdiction of the United States and
are not. under this Treaty, to be
submitted in any way either to ar
bitration or to consideration of the
council or the assembly of the
League of Nations, or of any
agency thereof, or to the decision
or recommendation of any other
Another substitute for the com
mittee's Monroe Doctrine reserva
tion, offered by Senator Pittman,
proposing tbat the United States re
serve for its disposal any question
raised under the Monroe Doctrine,
also was voted down, 52 to 42.
The committee's Monroe Doctrine
reservation was adopted by a vote,
55 to 53.
Hltclicock Substitutes
When the Senate met to-day to
consider the Republican proposal to
enforce the cloture rule to limit de
bate on the Peace Treaty, Demo
cratic Leader Hitchcock presented
several substitutes for committee
reservations, so as to have them
within the rules, which provide that
no amendments or substitutions
be offered before the cloture be
comes effective. His move was taken
by some senators to forecast Demo
cratic support of the cloture mo
His Reservations
Among the measures Senator
Hitchcock presented was a resolu
tion for ratification without reserva
He put in also ratification resolu
tion embodying "as part of the rati
fication the five substitute reserva
tions offered by him several days
ago. Those reservations provide:
That the United States would be
the sole judge whether its obliga
tions were fulfilled, if it withdrew
from league membership.
That no question which the United
States considers doniesttc in charac
ter could come before the league.
That the Monroe Doctrine should
not in any way be impaired or af
That the council's recommenda
tions under Article Ten shall be con
sidered as "merely advice."
That no dominion or colony shall
vote in any league dispute to which
any sister dominion or colony is a
Jam Develops
A parliamentary jam developed
when Vice-President Marshall un
dertook to state his construction of
the cloture rule. Senator La Fol
lette, Republican, Wisconsin, made a
point of order contending that the
chair should put the motion.
The objection was overruled, Sena
tor La Follette appealed from the
decision and Senator Ashurst, Dem
ocrat, Arizona, moved to lay the
proposal on the table.
Senator La Follette's effort to cut
oft the Vice-President's ruling was
tabled 62 to 30 all of the latter be
ing cast by Republicans while 18
Republicans joined the Democrats in
sustaining the Vice-President.
The Vice-President then ruled that
when one resolution of ratification
had been rejected it was possible, if
a majority desired, to take up an
other in the hope of a final com
promise. The decision bore out the
stand of administration senators
who hope to bring action on a reso
lution of their own after defeating
that containing the committee reser
tome—First flnptlut t'hnreh
2d and Pine—Sunday, 10.30 a.m.—adv.
Soviet Ambassador
' Declared in Contempt of
Red Probe Committee
By Associated Press.
s™ Nov. 16.—Eudwig C. K.
ilertens, ambassador to the United
States from the Russian Soviet gov
ernment, was to-day declared in con
tempt of the Joint legislative com
mittee which Is Investigating radical
activities in New York State and a
warrant for Ills arrest will be asked.
Martens bad been subpenaed to ap
pear before the committee at 10.00
h. in. to-day and directed to bring
with him certain papers. He neither
appeared nor sent the papers, but In
stead declared in a letter to the com
mittee that he would decline to rec
ognise its authority on the ground
that he was an ambassador from the
Soviet government. He held that all
communications between himself and
this government wore pilvilcged, for
i the reason that he was a diplomatic
I representative,
i i [Continued front First Page.]
| sec Harrisburg until i.30 when the
I parades were held. Bucknell got
I started first and marched right down
to the Gettysburg camp. Crowds
followed these parudars. Then tha
Gettysburg boys got busy and Dewta
burg's crowd had nothing on the
boys from the battlefield town. After
; a short walkaround the inarch to
Island Park was on.
Many in Stands
When the big student bodlca
reached tho Island each college pa
raded over the field and took seats
on tho west side of the field. Two
sections were reserved for the col
leges, with one section of civilians
between the student cheer crowds.
This arrangement gave the specta
tors an opportunity to enjoy the
singing and cheers. Each college
tried o outdo the other.
The crowd was large, due to the
new arrangement regarding the price
of tickets. Everybody was given an
opportunity to get a seat without
the necessity of a check and wait
ing for a half hour until an usher
could be had. Side line spectators
bought general admission tickets.
Both Teems Hopeful
The game was scheduled to start
at 2.3u. Both teams were expecting
victory. Gettysburg realised that
they had to play the best they knew
how, and were In good trim. Buck
nell offered a large squad. Interest
In the game was Increased to-day"
because of the presence of a number
of former Ilarrlsburg High School
and Academy stars.
On the Gettysburg team were
Houtz, Emanuel, Phillips, Martx
(captain). Frock and Haehnlen, of
Harrisburg. These boys were given
a big welcome wiko they reached
the field. In the Bucknell squad
were Ebner who has been winning
many laurels this season, Bihl, Mc-
Cann and local boys, and
Dayh off and Morrett. of Steelton.
They too were given an ovation.
Harrisburg football fans were
evenly divided In their rootftig. Ap
plause was liberal. Each team was
on edge as they trotted on the field.
Sensational plays were looked for,
as both teams have been training
for new tricks and football a little
different than that seen here to date.
After the game this afternoon the
visitors will dine, a special room
having been provided for the Buck
nell crowd at the Penn-Harris. This
evening the two football squads will
be guests of the Orpheum Theater
management and will witness the
production of "A Bird of Paradise."
Many of the student visitors will also
be in evidence at the basketball
game to-night at Chestnut Street Au
ditorium, the special trains being
scheduled to leave at 11 p. m.
Members of the Gettysburg and
Bucknell football squads -will be the
guests to-nlgbt at a theater party
to be given in the Orpheum theater. I
The event will be known as foot- j
ball night and the winners of to- |
day's fray will be seated in the boxes j
at the left of the theater. The losers
will occupy the right side. The men
are to see "The Bird of Paradise"
an Oliver Moroaco play. Owing to
the special attraction to-night the
advance sale for this show has been
heavy, but some choice seats still
The following is a list of former
1907—Bucknell, 5; Gettysburg, 0
1908—Bucknell. 5: Gettysburg, 6
1909—Bucknell, 9; Gettysburg, 3
1910—Bucknell, 6; Gettysburg, 9
1911 —Did not play.
1912—Bucknell, 35; Gettysburg, 0
1913—Bucknell, 23; Gettysburg, 0
1914—Bucknell, 25; Gettysburg. 0
1915—Bucknell, 16; Gettysburg, 7
1916—Bucknell, 0; Gettysburg, 17
1917—Bucknell, 6; Gettysburg, 6
1918—Bucknell, 27; Gettysburg, 0
This Year's Scores
Gettysburg, 0; Penn State. 33.
. Gettysburg, 21; West Md., 0.
Gettysburg. 14; Urslnus, 0.
Gettysburg, 34; Albright, 0.
Gettysburg, 7; Dickinson, 0.
Gettysburg. 20; Villanova, 0.
Bucknell, 0; Penn State, 16.
Bucknell, 45; Bloomsburg, 0.
Bucknell, 0: Penn State, 9.
Bucknell, 27; Muhlenberg, 0.
Bucknell, 6: Navy, 21.
Bucknell, 27; St. Bonaventure,
Bucknell, 0; Syracuse. 9.
Cablegram From China
Tells of Lad's Death
Mrs. Ralph Irving Deihl, of Pax
tang has just received a cablegram
from Canton, China, saying that her
little nephew. John Howry Groff,
the six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. Weidman Groff, died after a brief
illness. Mr. Groff is connected with
the Canton Christian CdT*v<e and
with the IT. S. Department of Agri
culture. His wife was formerly Miss
Eva Brinser of South Fifteenth
The lad is a grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. Abram Groff formerly of Old
Orchard and the only one of his gen
eration to bear the Groff name.
53 German Boats Seized
by Belgians; Legal Prizes
Antwerp, Nov. 15.—The prize
court has decided that fifty-three
German boats, aggregating 150,000
tons, seized by the Belgian authori
ties in 1914, in the port of Antwerp,
are lawful prizes.
Paris, Nov. 15.—The French for
eign office considers the reservations
to the German Peace Treaty in the
American Senate as constituting a
question of extreme delicacy, and
the office is not disposed at pres
ent to make any official statement
on the subject. Nevertheless, per
sons important in French diplomacy
express the view that the French
government would be disposed to ac
cept reservations by the American
Senate which would not require
l"Tunce and its AUieR to reopen ques
| tlons already settled by the pleni
Polyclinic Hospital to
Raise Much-Needed Funds
According to a statement made
to-day by M. I. Kast. president of
the Polyclinic Hospital, plans are
fast maturing for the financlnl cam
paign to raise funds for that Insti
tution. "The board of directors
recognises the imperative need and
abnormal hospital bed shortage in
llarrtsburg and are anxious that the
building program be started as
quickly as possible," said Mr. Kast.
"A meeting of the board will be
held early next week and it is likely
that they will then decido upon a
definite date In January on which to
begin the program for flouncing the
I enterprise."
Capitol Hill Notes
(towmor Sprout has appointed
Bishop P. J. Hoban, of Scranton,
as a trustee of the Pennsylvania
Oral School for the Deaf at Scranton
110 succeed the late Charles H.
' Welles.
Dr. J. (i, Sanders chief of the
• State Bureau of Plant Industry, who
j returned to-duy from Chicago, where
! ho attended the meeting of agrlcul
tural officials of the United States.
I said that there would be no quar
j an tine established against Pennsyl
vania because of the potato wart.
The quarantine work within the
I State, he sold, was the most effective
that could be devised.
State Health Inspectors have been
detailed to Pomeroy uud other
points In Chester county to Investi
gate outbreaks of diphtheria.
TaxJcab operators advanced a
unique reason for high fares yes
terday In a hearing at Philadelphia.
They alleged that the high fares
were due to the necessity of taking
out indemnity insurance, and one
mun said that he had to pay $450
a year for that purpose and ob
jected to It.
Fifty-one or the counties have
filed their judicial returns of the
election on November 4. Some of
the counties are stated to be un
usually lato with tlielr returns.
Director George W. Webster, of
the Philadelphia dock and ferries,
may be made chief engineer of the
new State-city Delaware river
bridge and M. U. Cooke, well known
at the Capitol, may become director
of works, his old place.
Col. Fred Taylor Pusey, special
Deputy Attorney General In the
North Penn case, was the speuker
at the dedication of the Chester
Military School Armory dedication.
Court action to determine wheth
er the State of Pennsylvania will
have to go through a long and in
volved process to obtain unclaimed
bank deposits under the escheat
laws as recently construed by the
Supreme Court of this State will be
argued In the Dauphin county court,
on November 24 when an action
against one of the trust companies
here will be threshed out. The pro
ceeding has attracted considerable
attention as it will affect many
thousands of dollars which State
officials hope to get.
Over a dozen receivers of bank
ing and other concerns which were
ordered liquidated by action of the
I Attorney General in the. Dauphin
I county court have been ordered to
hasten the closing up of the trans
actions. Some of these receiverships
have been dragging along for years
and the State authorities are anxious
to get in the money and to cledr
the books. A recent search of the
dockets at the Attorney General's
offices disclosed some receivers who
had not filed reports for a long
time. Tn case they fatl to act the
court will be notified.
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 15.
Eli Spahr, aged 75 years, died at his
home, here this morning from a
stroke of paralysis sustained about
ten days ago. He is survived by his
wife, one daughter, Mrs. Mary Bobb,
and two sons, Michael and John, all
of Mechanicsburg. Funeral services
will be held on Tuesday.
Steelton Churches
First Presbyterian The Rev. 0.
B. Segelken, pastor, will preach at
II a. m. on "Our I-anj and the Good
Tidings" and at 7.30 p. m. Father and
Son Day sermon on "The Boy Ruler.
Who Made Good." S. S., 9.45; C. 11..
Centenary United Brethren The
Rev. Joseph Daugherty, pastor, 11 a.
m.. address by Mrs. Delia N. Todd, re
turned missionary to Africa; 7.30 p.
m.. sermon, "The Stewardship of the
Gospel." Jr., 2 p. in., and St. C. 8..
talk by Mrs. Todd; S. !?., 9.45.
Main Street Church of God— The
Rev. J. E. Strine, pastor, will preach
at 10.30 a. m., and at 7.30 p. m. S. j
S., 2.
First Reformed The Rev. H. H.
Rupp, 10 a. m.. joint Home Mission
Day service of church and S. S.,
"Making a Nation." Sermon by pas
tor at 7.30 p. m.
Mt. Zion Baptist— I'lie Rev. War
ner Brown, pastor, will preach at
10.43 a. m., on "Spiritual Heart Cul
ture," and at p. m. on "Rook on
Us;" S. S., 12.30; B. V. P. U„ 6.30; ten
days revival starting Monday, the
Rev. Mr. Phllpot, of Philadelphia.
Central Baptist The Rev. J. P.
Currin, pastor, will preaih at 11 a. m..
on "By the Sea in the Morning-
Watch," and at 7.30 o. m., on "Two
Minutes of England's Bowed Head on
November's Historic Eleventh." S .S.,
10 a. m.
Grace United Evangelical The
Rev. J. K. Hoffman, pastor, will
preach at 10.15 a. m., an "The Fath
er's Concern for His Son's Welfare,"
and at 7.30 p. m., on 'Boys Wanted."
S. S., 9.30, Father and Son Day pro
Trinity Episcopal The Rev. W. C.
Heilman, rector, a. rn.. Holy Com
munion; 10 a. ra„ church school 11 a.
m., morning prayer; 7.30 p. m., eve
ning prayer.
First Methodist The Rev. F. V
Tyson, pastor, will preach at 10.45 a.
m., on "The Source of Life," and at
7.30 p. m. on "Courage," S. S., 9.30
Epworth League, 6.30.
Steelton News Notes
Fortnightly Meeting—A meeting
of the Fortnightly Club will be held
Monday evening, November 24, in
stead of Monday, November 17, as
previously unnounced.
Birth Announcement—Mr. and
Mrs. George S. Ruoss, Cumbler's
Heights, announce the birth of a
son, Meryl Hooker Ruoss, October
24. 1919.
Father and Son Social—A series
of pictures on the Industries of
Pennsylvania will feature a Fnther
and Son social to be held In the
First Reformed Church next Thurs
day evening.
Boy Breaks Log—Kenneth Price,
Ave years old, 351 Ridge street, is
In the Harrlsburg Hospital with a
fractured right elbow. The lad was
playing in the street when he was
thrown to the ground.
Cenlciiar|- Chnreli —Father and
Son day will be observed In the
Centenary United Brethren Sunday
school to-morrow morning. A spe
cial program will be presented under
the direction of a committee.
Steelton News
Businessmen and Residents
Awaiting Plans For Erection
yf Community House
i The erection of a community
I building as a memorial to the resi
| dents of this borough who served
I with the colors during the World
j War, may be the outcome of a move
lon foot in this borough to show
how proud residents are of their
I service men, Is the opinion of busi
It is understood a plan of this
kind may be followed out by the
Municipal Dengue committee ap
pointed to arrange a fitting and
proper welcome home. Officers and
members of the Deague to-day
would not discuss the matter for
publication but businessmen were
free and open with their opinion In
the move. A meeting of this com
mittee from tho Deague will likely
be held during the next week, it
was learned to-day.
Feeling the need of a community
house for several years, churchmen
and residents have made efforts to
reorganize the Y. M. C. A., but
initiative In the work was lucking
and nothing was done. Businessmen
have felt the need of a house for the
young men of the borough and are
enthusiastic over this plan.
Because of indefinite plans it was
impossible to get any information as
to the memorial. A member suid in
reply to all inquiries that the plan
was just discussed and there is
nothing to say about It at this time.
However, It Is generally known that
I the proposed buildii"- will be on sini
! liar plans to War Camp Community
I buildings which were operated by
j the government during the war.
; Residents are anxiously awaiting an
■ official announcement about the pro-
I posed memorial.
: Martin Case Continued
Until January Sessions
Upon motion of William M. Hain,
j appearing for James G. Hi.i,
i who is ill and could not attend court,
i the case against Theodore Martin.
! charged with murder, was continued
' until the January session of criminal
I court. Mr. Hatz is counsel for Mar
| tin who was to be tried during the
| special court session this week, but
I owing to the attorney's illness it was
I necessary to postpone tile trial,
j Martin is jointly Indicated witn
i Dawrence. alias "Dittle" Brown, and
Dove, alias "Nubs" Wilson, both col
| ored. It is alleged that the three nvn
I entered the store of S. Wolfe Dacoo.
jin Harrisburg street, intending to
i rob him, and in the fight which fol-
I lowed was shot.
Brown was tried in September, con
victed of first degree murder, and
sentenced to be electrocuted. Wilson
is a fugitive. Martin was one of the
principal witnesses for tho Common
wealth against Brown He claimed
he did not know that Brown and Wil
son intended to rob I.aeob when they
went to the store, and related what
happened while they were in the
Oberlin Schools Go Over
Top With Red Cross
Oberlin, Nov. 15. At the close
: of the drive for the Junior Red Cross
iit was found that many of the
• schools in Swatara township had
i gone over the top early in the drive.
[Various ways and means were used in
■ securing the membership fees. Some
| of the children worked to earn tiie
| fee, others sold produce. The Oberlin
i building reached the hundred per
! cent, mark on the last day when tho
j high school students marched in line
I to deposit their membership fees.
i The following grades reached the
I hundred per cent, mark: Oberlin
! seventh and eighth grades, Mrs.
i Irene Zimmerman, teacher; Oberlin
| fifth and sixth grade. Miss Dorena
i Maxwell, teucher; Oberlin third and
[ fourth grades. Miss Pearl Green,
! teacher; Oberlin first and second
i grades. Miss Kathryn Short, teacher;
| Bressler Upper grades, Mrs. Jessie
Bitterman, teacher; Bressler Prim
ary grades Miss Emma Doyle,
teacher; Enhaut sixth grade, Mth.
Florence Withers, teacher; Chambers
Hill school, Miss Margaret Banks,
i teacher.
The total subscriptions amount to
On Friday ufternoon the sopho
mores. ut the close of the "Better
English Drive," gave a Better Speech
Week program.
Better Speech Pledge, Harvey
Livingston; essay on the value of
good books, Marie Stevens; reading.
Pearl Smeltzer; A "Do Without"
Club, Lester Gerhart; reading,
Marion Herman; slang phrases, Gil
bert Aungst; reading, Pearl Gruber;
The Lip Lazy American, Leroy
Greene; reading, Elizabeth Myers;
Report of the Good English Secret
Service Committee, May Hadley;
Colored and Jewish Dialog, Hazel
Akens and Cordelia Frecland; Book
Review, Albert Aungst; How to
Build a Good Vocabulary, Lester
Aungst; Street Talk, Luther Brehm
and Charles Llndle; Extemporaneous
Talk, Merle Keim.
Toomey to Go With
Bridgeport Concern
Michael J. Toomey, Pine street,
an employe In the open hearth de
partment of the local steel plant for
twenty-four years, has resigned Ills
position as foreman in the local
plant to accept a position as super-
Inte.ndent of the open health de
partment for the American Tube
and Stamping Company at Bridge
port, Conn. He will have charge of
the operation of four furnaces in the
Bridgeport plant. His resignation
becomes effective December 1.
Penrose Sanders, aged 75 years, a
resident of Steelton for many years
and a veteran of the Civil War, died
yesterday at his home, 40 Vine
street, Hlghspire, from a stroke of
apoplexy. He is survived by his
wife and two sons, George and
John. Funeral services will be held
from his Hlghspire home Monday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. Burial will
be made in the cemetery of the old
Meeting House at Hershey. Pen
rose Sanders lived here until about
a year ago when he moved to Hlgh
-1 aolre. _ ,
NOVEMBER 15, 1919.
Gypsy Fortune Tellers
Operating Unmolested
Gypsy fortune tellers continue to
operate In the borough, unmolested
by the police, it Is said. Several
crowds of gypsies have been in town
for more than a month and nave
been floeclng tho foreigners mostly,
it is understood.
The clever theft of a diamond ring
from a resident almost a. month ugo
just became generally known this
morning. Mrs. Charles N. Meckley,
31 Chestnut street, whose husband
works in the steel foundry depart
ment of the steel plant, this morn
ing told a story that about a month
ago she permitted a well-dressed
gypsy fortune teller to tell her for
tune. The woman said she made
a deposit of 20 cents on the fortune
and then, before telling her much,
the fortune teller said a dollar more
was necessary before she would pro
ceed. The woman told her she did
not have any more money and the
gypsy told her she had SBO in the
house. I,uter Mrs. Meckley said she
gave the fortune teller the money
she asked for and she proceeded to
tell her "many things." The gypsy
insisted it was necessary for her to
have the diamond ring Airs. Meckley
Tvas wearing and SBO for two days
before "certain things would come
true." Mrs. Meckley said she nl
lowed her to have the ring after she
insisted, but told her she did not
have any money. The fortune teler
than told her she would return in a
few days for the money and give
back the ring. Since that time, Mrs.
Meckley said, she did not see the
ring, which she valued highly. The
affair was not reported to the police,
she said.
\EKI> It\ll,W W t I,l:iiks
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an examina
tion for the position of railway mail
clerk to be held in this city on De
cember (i. This examination is opin
to both men und women. The en
trance salary at the present time
is SI3OO a year.
Stunning Winter Coats
i. t • ■ ... Hundreds of beautiful Winter
/ V Coats await your inspection here.
Every new material and color is
K IPjTb $22.50 up
Many are luxuriously trimmed
JwHlHtt with fur —others in a variety to
... please the most discriminating'
You Don't Need
the Cash
You can secure any coat you
MS desire by paying for it in weekly,
bi-weekly or monthly amounts.
Asian & Marine Co
36 North 2nd. St., Cor. Walnut St.
ibis is youi chance to get a Puncture-Proof Inner
frffry \ Tube Free with each PUBLIC DOUBLE-TREAD
yt" TIKK ordered. These Tires are GUAR AN TKB D IXS R
Kf rlßw 5,000 MILKS. They are reconstructed and practically
puncture proof. Two hundred thousand (.200,000) car,
/j j*E-( ■•AVI Bt owners are using Public Double-Tread Tires. Th'estf
E*BS WKWaist■ I Tires often give from 7,000 to 8,000 miles of serlcew
9|M IrxsSnwW each Tire ordered. Put one of these tubes in your
/mkKhßi tlre to -day, intlate with air just like ordinary tubeis,
L,Jj SifiAVß then forget punctures for 6,000 miles or more. ORDRK
5 llßni 1 TODAY. DON'T DELAY. .
J f I 30x2 $ 7.30 34*4% $13.05
Sir: ■HoiVV 30x3% $ 5.10 35x4% $13.30
I*2 W&mIISi 32X3% $ 9.00 3X4% $13.80
•5 firXmSml 3tx4 $10.25 25x5 $14.55
)a|n WfjgmMml 32x4 $10.o 36x5 $14.80
fflSaßltl 33x1 su.o6 37x5 $14.95
1 KtullMl ordering state whether S. S„ CI.. Plain Tread or
!fsMllll non-skid Is desired. Send $2.00 deposit for each tire,
JSR~S wmJ/JIMI balunce O. O. 1). subject to examination. Five per cent.
■/ To insure Immediate delivery, send money order or
Kttyj \ J/ cashier's check.
Dept. V-3510, .*. Michigan \ve.. Chicago, lit.
f ==H
Will preach in St. Stephen's Church on
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock upon
Some Thoughts on the General Convention
Never perhaps in tho history
the world have there been so mMO
gems "loose" as there are )H CM
present day. The treasures Ot CM
Serbian kings, the royal treasures df
Russia, the jewels of private indW
viduals whose homes were invaded
arc to-day in the hands of unknOfWll
persons in various parts of ftid
world. Few of the precious jerwM
of tho European monarchs have
appeared on the market.
Already the police of forotgrf
countries are troubled with report<
of frauds connected with these jewg
els. Tho impostor who professes tt
have a part of the "loose" loot W
already offering to sell the treasures
at a "ridiculously low price" if the
purchaser will advance a certain
sum "as evidence of good faith."
And tlie police of the foreign coun
tries are surprised at the number of
persons who are caught in the little
fraudulent game. The same fraud
was practiced when treasures were
reported lost in the Frene.h Revolu
tion. in the Peninsular War and in
the Kr.inco-Prussian War of 1871,
Willie the political pot boll*
in Russia with such intensity that an
outsider takes his life in his own
hands to enter the country, treasure
seekers or their agents are already
browsing around seeking thd
I I'roni the Florida Times-Union J
We can never tell whether d'An
nunzio is ulllletod with patriotism to
the border of insanity or is merely
a demagogue playing to the grand
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad
uunounceM tlic rc-opcnlnjg of
IiIM olTlm.
Practice be limited to the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Hours: JO to 12 M.J 2 to 4 P. M.J
7 to S P. 11, Bell 334
HarriMburfCt Fa.