Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 15, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 People Have Money to Invest in Bonifide Propositions--If Yours Is Par, or Above, Use the Classified gL i&eatbg" ■TIIOHM—Truman Strohni. died No vember 13, 1919. aged 42 years, a months and 12 days. Funeral services will be held ATon day at 1 p. m. from his latc_ resi dence. IIS East Main St., Palmyra, with further services at the laltn Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1 al myrn. Interment at Shell's. J \l!SS—On Friday morning, Novem ber 14. 1919 Miss Elizabeth I'. Jau", died at her late residence, 154J Market street. . , J . . Funeral services will be held at tn. above address on Monday aftet noon at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Bu rial private in Harrisburg cemetery. ' IX MEMORIAM In sad and loving remembrance of our dear mother, Mrs. Pauline M. Koch, who fell peacefully asleep, No vember 16. 1912. (lone but not for gotten. From children. Charles W. Hartwick, died. Novem ber 16. 1918. God's finger touched hint, and he slept. IJOST AND FOUND LOST—Thursday pair of girl's shell riinmed glasses in case. Reward it re turned to US Washington St. or phone J(.GSJ __ LOST—Near Camp Hill. ferna.e boas'le ]>up. white with black ana tan spots. Liberal reward. E. E. Sheesley. 1907 Bellevue Road. Bell 3J4BK. LOST—Large black pocketbook on Broad street, containing SB. two door keys and receipts. Reward if returned 671 Primrose St. INSTRUCTIONS _____ ""INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Greeg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. HECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 121 Market St. Clias. It. Berkley PRIVATE or class teaching in Castiliun Spanish. Seventeen years experience! in Puerto Rico. Diploma from New York Women s High School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar, 335 Maclay Street. Bell phone 2504 M. NOTICE WE piay for parties, banquets ana all private occasions. Zeinbra Mando- Jill Club. P. O. Box 625. ALFRED H. NASIO is most urgently requested to inform his sisters in Bucks county or Philadelphia of his present address. They were informed that he had moved to Dauphin county. HKI.l* WANTED —>1 AI.E IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AN OTHER. LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS AND A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS BORING MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply in person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. FREIGHT TRUCKERS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED AT THE 1. R. It. DIVISION ST. TRANSFER, HBG.. PA. APPLY TO AGENT AT DIVISION ST. FREIGIIT THANSFER. 7TH AND DIVISION STS. OR AT P. It. It. EMPLOYMENT BU REAU. NO. 5 GRACE AVENUE, 11AUP.I SBURG. PA. WANTED —Single man over 20 years of age for general office work. Experience necessary; state salary ex pected. Address 1.-7742, care Tele graphy WANTED —Two young men over 22 years, desiring to learn salesmanship. Will you be satisfied with S2O per week while learning? Call 410 Patriot Bldg STRUCTURAL iron workers, tem plate maker, layerout. positions out of citv. high pay to thoroughly de pendable and experienced men. spe cial work. Give full particulars of ex perience and age. Address Box H-7819 care Telegraph. STEEL car repairman, must he thoroughly experienced on this work from tlic rails up. special work. Al position, high salary to man meeting requirements. Give full particulars, where last employed and age. Address Box O-7520 care Telegraph. WANTED Woodworkers, bench hands, machine hands, stair builders. Good wages, steady work, union shop. Apply Somers Lumber Co., 209 North Missouri, Atlantic City. WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; cteady employment. Apply at once. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. State and Cameron Sts. (Continued in Next Column For Sale Immediate Possession NO. 233 MACLAY ST. Splendid 3-story brick corner dwelling; in best uptown residence section; contains 9 rooms and bath; front and back porches; steam heat; gas and electric light; lot, 17x99 ft. NO. 2300 N. THIRD ST. Detached, 2%-story frame dwell ing; 8 rooms, bath, pantry and sewing room; front and side porches; gas and electric lights; hot water heater; first floor has oak floors and tinish; second floor maple finish; lot, 40x130 ft. NO. 2018 DERRY ST. 2'4-slory brick dwelling; one of pair; 6 rooms, bath und attic; gas and electric light; pipeless furnace; combination coal and gas range; hardwood floors first floor; front anil back porches; cemented cel lar; lot, 18x150 ft., to 20-ft. wide alley. Miller Brothers & Co. I.OCUBT AND CUliltT STS. ItKAL. ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members lili. Reul Estate Hoard SATURDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—MALIO CAN YOU MAKE GOOD - AS A SALESMAN? An incorporated business, making a 8 product universally used, with a big money-making future, is being ox - panded upon a broad scale; the nieth - od of financing this expansion makes i. it possible for the corporation to offer n direct t( selected prospects in this - city and vicinity a most attractive profit-sharing interest on a plan -• which makes it comparatively easy - for an aggressive, capable, consclen i. tious salesman to average a healthy 7 number of subscriptions weekly; the essential talking points are easily e grasped and with our co-operation the - right man of good education and ap il pearance should immediately obtain - satisfactory results and earn upward of $126 weekly. If you can qualify for - the position and make good, write us in confidence, full particulars about _ yourself; state age. religion, cxperi f ence and names of former employers. No investigation will be made, and " no references are required until after . you are interviewed. Address Secre tary. Box 33. Lebanon, Pa. I J WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN <' AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK 11 j APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE J j BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.. 1 ' STEELTON, PA. _ i i it I .' WANTED !. CAR REPAIRMEN I At the P. ft. R. Shops, Har risburg, Pa. / | Inquire at -1 Master Mechanics' Office, i i IJarrisburg. ' I General Foreman's Office, ij Lucknow. i : General Foreman's Office, Knola. . I Or at P. R. R. Employment - j Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue. Hurrlsburg. I'a. j INSURANCE men to solicit for in- 1 | dustrial fire insurance, either lull time or side line, by the largest com pany in America, first class contract and epportunity for advancement. Ap ply 9 to 12 a. m.. Manager's office, Room 5, 29 North Second St. ANYBODY can increase Income S2O weekly. Spare time growing mush < rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Free illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, 232 A West 48th St., New York. WANTED Non-union carpenters,! 1 trimmers and rough hands: steady winter's work: good wages. Apply 39 . New York avenue. N. 13., Washin®- I ton, D. C. i i TAILOR wanted at once for old and l new work: good pay. M. Fadh, 32 S.I Ninth St.. Lebanon. j SALESMAN to sell our low-priced i • factory reconstructed tires. Good ; proposition to live wire. AVrlte fori ' further particulars. Modern Tire Co., . 612-011 North Broad St., Philadelphia. MEN wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganor, former govt, detec tive, Danville, 111. MAN—To work this city reflnishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method: $lO daily without capital or experience. Write Gun metal Co., 334 Elm, Decatur, 111. MEN —Age 17 to 55. Experience un necessary. Travel, make secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency. 429. St. Louis. THOUSAND Census clerks wanted, sll4O-$1260 year. Harrisburg exam inations Nov. 15. Write for list posi tions. Franklin Institute Dept.. 412T, Rochester, N. Y. HUNDREDS Railway Mail Clerks, City Mail Carriers wanted by U. S. Government. Men 18-45; sl,ooo-$180(l year. List positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413-AV, Rochester, ' N. Y. DRUGGlST—Registered druggist to lake charge of store in small town; short hours; no Sunday work; good : salary. Address C-9019 care Telegraph ! GRASP the Opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. Wc teach you between your working hours to become an expert " and for only seven dollars a week. • Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero ' plane Meehnical School. Office 25 N. 1 Cameron St.. Harrisburg. Training • Quarters: and Aeroplane Field. 14lh ' and Sycamore Sts. MACHINIST, must be Al journey " man. all around mechanic, exceptional - opening, out of city, good salary to • start, unusual opportunity for ad " vancement. State complete experi- I ence and age. Address Box R-7SIS care Telegraph. AA'Ajl'lfED—Collector for industrial I insiuj&ij' debit; Hrst class contract ■ andfojHiortunity for advancement. Ad - dresSTtox S-7739 care Telegraph. ' AVAXgiED —At once tailor or press or; gdfcxF pay. Apply D. Harris, J. 428 • Derrylgt. 1 AVANTED Experienced fireman. 1 Apply Penn-Harris Hotel chief en- I ginecr. ! AVANTED—Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax | tang. 1 WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter job; 70c per hour. Apply NATIONAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION. FAIR GROUNDS. CARLISLE, PA. AVANTED—Woodsmen for work on lumber job near RockyUle, teamsters I and choppers. Apply Samuel AVitten moyor. 7th and Schuylkill Sts. FOUR men with newspaper or mag azine experience; guaranteed salary ] and commission, good chance for ad- I vancement. See Mr. Datcsman, 410 | Patriot Bldg. i LABORERS AVANTED On concrete work, winter job. Apply National Engineering Corporation, Fair Grounds, Carlisle, Pa. ' HELP WANTED—FEMALE i' WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make pnper boxes. Apply Penn-Harrls , Paper Eox., 103 N. Cameron St. ■ AVANTED Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED Experienced loopers and menders. Apply Harris Hosieiy .Co., Caldcr and Marion Sts. | (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE L HELL TELEPHONE OPER ATING "An Ideal Occupation for Young. Women" $9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS An operator's pay is increas ed after four weeks' training period and thereafter at short intervals as she becomes ex perienced. Young women between 18 and 25 will find telephone oper ating very fascinating, clean work, with unusual oppor tunity for advancement in salary and position. In addition to a good salary our operators have a com fortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. Apply to Miss Kline. Oper ators' Employment Depart ment, Second Floor, 208 Wal nut Street. SALESGIRLS For stationery and book store. Good opportunity. Good pay. Apply COTTEREL-EBNER CO., 9 North Second St. i WANTED—Tailoress; good pay. Ap , iply D. Harris, 1428 Derry. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern heisel, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Cameron and State Sts, MILLINERY APPRENTICES WANTED AT ASTRICH'S. 308 MARKET STREET. ' I y Steady work with chance of advancement. AVANTED —Girl or middle aged woman to do general housework; no | cooking; $S per week; state age anil j whether white or colored. Address Mrs. E. .1. Peifler, R. D. No. 3, caster, Pa. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK AVe need you to make socks on the fast easily learned Auto Knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance Im material. Positively no canvassing. Yarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. I Dept. 146-C, Auto Knitter Co., Buf j falo, X. A'. ! AVANTED—A refined young lady to act as assistant three hours each I I evening and .Saturday afternoon, one I who can dance preferred. Apply 1 to j 10 p. m., 5 N. Market Square, Room 2. j WANTED —Girls to take course in! comptometer school. Experienced oper ators always in demand at good sal- ! aries. R. 11. Robinson, 208 Aroade Bldg., I 219 Walnut St. WANTED—Five bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $23 to SSO per week; rail road fare paid; write at once. Good rich D:ug Co., Dept. 841, Omaha, Neb. AVANTED —Reliable white girl for general housework. Apply 320 Emer ald St. WANTED —Salesladies for a very good proposition, salary $5 per day. Call 109 Washington St., Mrs. John Grin. HELP AVANTED—MaIe ami Female WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WOMEN or man wanted; salary $24 full time, 50c an hour spare time, sell ing guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Interna tional Mills, Norristown, Pa. MEN—Women —Girls; 18 up, want ed for U. S. government life jobs; SIOO-$l5O month; vacation with pay; no strikes or layoffs; short hours; common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. AVrlte immediately for free list positions open. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 412-W, Rochester, N Y. MEN —AVomcn raise Belgian liares for us. AVe pay $7 to $lO for all you raise. Free illustrated booklet. United Food and Fur Association. 329 West 4 Bth St.. Dept. C. New York. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL THE CLOW GASTEAM HEATING RADIATORS. BURNALL FUEL SAVERS. RAIDIANTFIRE HEATERS AUCTIONEER HITE 422 S. 13TH ST. BELL 1875 J. E. E. HOERNER 421 HUMMEL ST. I I AVANTED—Experienced salesmen | to sell exclusive line of high-grade i calendars for established house, i Write for territory with references. I Sinlth-llecht Co. .Indianapolis, Ind. | LIVE experienced salesmen, exclu-! sive territory, strongest, most attrac- I live calendar and specialty line ever produced. Old house. Liberal commis- ! slons paid weekly. Write for bonus contract for 1920. Sentinel Printing Co., Indianapolis, lnd. DANDY SIDE LINE FREE SAMPLES PROVE IT They are winners and make money for many salesmen more money than their regular line does. We manu facture the snappiest, fastest selling variety of metal specialties on the market. Big trade stimulators for every manufacturer, wholesaler, re taller, banks, factories, etc. Every line everywhere buys them In large quan tities. No seasons. Side line salesmen; turn SSO a week; $l5O to S2OO fori whole time. Get busy. Write quick for outfit. Full commissions paid prompt-! ly. C. E. Erickson Co., Inc., 642 Erlckson Bldg., Des Moines, lowa. SALESMEN —New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple not a moving part. Installed in thirty minutes, guaran teed to double your mtleage and start lu zero weather without heating or priming. Fifteen-day free trial. Ourj St. Loula man sold 3000 In 11 months; | Salt laike City man made SI2OO in one week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., 505 AV. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. (Continued In Next Column) j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH lo THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE On) MONEY to buy real estate rca(l ami consider the real estate ads. There are raj few exceptions to this rule. The ad- |&| fefefj vcrtisers of real estate find that there ska is a quick response to any good offer- |D yy ings. Test the matter for yourself. yy is ffl n 1 I 9 . _jjj SALESMEN WANTED , SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for: men. Inexperienced or experienced. I City or traveling. National Salesmen's' I Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. j SALESSMI3N—We desire forceful | and aggressive salesmen to sell our| 1921 line of liigli class calendars and I advertising specialties in Harrisburg i and adjacent territory. Will consider applications only from men of re liable character and real selling abil ity. Send references of banks or tiusi ness men. Tlios. J. Beckmau Co., 310 V 11 tli St., Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED GENERAL AGENT wanted by one of the lurgest and oldest life, acci dent and health insurance companies. We will train you in the profession. Either experienced man or one who believes he hah the ability to rak(i| good. AVrite stating qualifications. B. I''. Maxey, Supervisor, 524 Connell Bldg., Seranton, Pa. COAL SHORTAGE making oil burn er men rich. Gas fires in coal stoves from common coal oil.. Big pay for workers. Instant-Heat Mfg. Co., Co lumbus. Ohio. j AGENTS making S2OO weekly! Everyone wants It. Formula for 2UO homemade beverages, book form. Send $1 for copy and territory proposition. Buyers Export Agency, Inc., 145 j Broome St., New A'ork. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants! representatives to sell shirts, under-1 wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts,, direct to homes. AA'rite for free snmplcs. Madison Mills, 503 Broad way. New York City. WANTED —Live man witii Ford to demonstrate and sell the .1. C. M. Ac celerator. Liberal proposition. .1. C. I Mewshaw, 17 Stk. Exch. Bldg.. Balti more. Md. I AGENTS—Quick seller, big profits; flower beads coining money for hust lers, new stuff, tremendous demand, catalog free. Mission Bead Co., 1427. Irola, Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS —Hit of season; now rub berized gingham apron; attractive; waterproof; selling like wildfire; par ticulars free. Eyre & Lee, Box 519, Dept. 18, Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS—Big pay and free auto mobile introducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture proof, five year spark plugs and other economic al auto necessities. Outfit free. L Ball wey, 632, Sta. F, Louisville, Ky. AGENTS —Make big profits selling our extracts, perfumes, cold cream™ face powders, spices, medicines, etc! Beautiful high grade line. Exclusive territory. Sample soap free. Lacassian Co., Dept. 141, St. Louis, Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE HIGH school, business college grad uate. experienced salesman, executive ability, first class secretary, desires position as salesman or assistant to executive. Address Box S-8201 care Telegraph. EXPERIENCED man wishes posi tion as chauffeur or driving of any kind: can furnish reference. Apply 1122 North Sixth St. SITUATIONS WA NTED—FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as housekeeper. APDIV at 1402 Williams street. WANTED—Colored woman wants c.ay s work of any kind. 938 Carrie Avenue. WANTED—Position as collector by a young w#ian with business experi ence. Address Box A-7737 care Tele graph. COIORED woman wants washing! and ironing to do at home. Apply at' 1623 Apricot St. y j WANTED—General office work by I young woman schooled in stenog raphy and office training. Best of ref erence. Address 0-7914 care Tele- ; graph. ■ ——- ROOMS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT—A beautiful front room I , furnished or unfurnished, first floor steam beat, use of phone, gentlemen I I preferred. Apply 118 Chestnut St. | I ENTIRE third floor, two furnished rooms and private bath, suitable for light housekeeping or otherwise; re lined neighborhood: all modern con veniences; use of phone. 815 North 17th St. FOR RENT—Furnished second floor room, all conveniences. gentlemen only. Address Box Y-5267 care Tele graph. FOR RENT—Sitting room, bed room land bath, suitable for one or two | gentlemen, location central. Cull 252 Pell. | FOR RENT—Furnished front room I lon Hiiro floor. Hill location, one door I llrom car line, suitable for one or two I [ladles. Address Box X-7733 care Tele-1 | graph. I THREE furnished rooms for rent I (for light housekeeping, location near Reservoir Park, no children. Bell' 1433.1. TWO nicely furnished rooms on third floor Tor light housekeeping, hot und cold water, electric light and use I of bath. Reference required. Apply ""I North 18th St. MARKET ST., near 19th, (leslrabln furnlsfled room, third floor front, all conveniences, references. Bell 1539. NICELY furnished room for rent, I for lady or gentlemen. Apply 1524 1 Green St. FOR RENT—Two rooms, electric ' [light and water, strictly private. $101 1 per month. No children. Apply 3j * I Roily St. I FOR RENT—Two furnished or un furnished rooms; all conveniences. Apply 600 North St. Call Bell phone 593 M. THREE unfurnished rooms for light I housekeeping, electric lights and I steam heat, use of phone and bath. Apply 1321 State St. ; NICELY furnished, clean, warm rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 iSouth Third Street , . ROOMS WANTED I WANTED—Young woman desires room and board if possible in private .family. References if required. L-7736 | care Telegraph. j HOARD AND ROOMS I ROOM for rent with board, use of j phone. Apply 606 Briggs St. YOUNG man, good habits, wants room end board, with private protest ant family, Hill section, state par ticulars. Address L-773S care Tele graph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two-room apartment, unfurnished, all conveniences. Inquire 2423 N. Sixth St. or Bell 42078. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT—Furnished or small modern home wanted in desirable residential section; responsible, re fined family. Address Box 11-7911 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US i BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE SITUATE ON MARKET ST. Three-story brick containing eight rooms and storeroom; all improve ments; house in first class condi tion throughout, now rented for *66" annual; possession can be had 111 30 days; owner must sell on account of sickness; act quick if you don't want to loose this opportunity. For quick sale $6,800. Address Box D-7919 care Telegraph. Three-story brick houses; steam heat and all improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 22d Sts. S3OO down. Balance as rent. BRICK HOUSE—Logan St., below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. SSO down. $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. SSO down. $23 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J FOR SALE A new modern, 6-room house locat ed on a lot 50x175 feet midway be tween Swatara Station and Hockers vtlle, Pa. The house is equipped with a good steam heating system, largo pantry and attic, partially equipped bath room. A good sized garden in good condition adjoins a well-graded yard filled with shrubbery and trees. There is a poultry house in a good sized poultry yard. In the poultry | yard is also a' stable large enough tor two automobiles. A well of spien ! did water is near the kitchen door. ! The home is located within a 5-cent fare to Hershey and Hummelstown and within a 11-cent fare to Ruther ford. Ne reply to any request within j four days will Indicate that the prop |eity is sold. Apply to S. S. Shearer, j Shippensburg. Pa., for particulars. '"il'SiFs FOR SALE—Now vacant 1 or soon to be vacated; 2419 Derry; 68 .1.,; .i2"i .v 4th; 3124 Main St., j l'enbrook; cor. Brisban and Swan Sts., Paxtang: 1920 Chestnut St. Get par ticulars soon. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner I Bldg. NEW HOUSES —For sale and now open for inspection: 2419 Derry street; brick construction, well finished, most modcrnly equipped; open fireplace: lot 20x100. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST., 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bunga low: seven rooms and bath; liot water beat; oilier improvements. Bell "Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE—No. 68 N. 12th street. 3-story dwelling; exterior and Interior recently paint ed; all rooms papered and equipment in good order; extra lot at side of house. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. i PROPERTY FOR SALE—On corner 'of liailev and Twelfth streets; brick j construction; nine rooms; all im piovonunts. Bell Iteulty Co.. Bergner I Bldg. I VERY DESIRABLE—Brick house for sale, 1920 Chestnut street; all I modern improvements, including i sleam heat; do not delay as this 1 neighborhood and dwelling are dcslr- I able and the price is right. Bell Realty j Co.. Bergner Bldg. I *4500 WILL PURCHASE a brick I propertv on Park street; all improve ments; drive alley in rear. Bell Realty ! Co., liergner Bldg. j FOR SALE —Nice home on Hill ! single property, brick, all improve 'ments. recently completed, lot 40xl0'J lvalue $8,500. Wtlt consider trade of I auto or small homes. Address Box j O-7906 care Telegraph. I FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 2001 Penn St., 8 rooms, bath and front j porch. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. 3d St. FOR SALE ISIS Pcnn St.. brick $3600 1943 N. 4th St., brick S3OOO 191S Park St.. brick $5009 2427 N. Sixth St., brick S6OOO 1820 Fulton St.. frame SI9OO Easy payments. 1). A. CALEY, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589 (Continued in Next Column) J KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE NOW VACANT I ,„L°„ r Pale—3.l6B N. Sixth. Will let I stand. $350 cash needed. Price j ?-300. Act quickly. Vacant. I No. 1922 Boas. Frame dwelling <n I Plot HI/.P 96x110. Rear driveway. Will 1 let larg:e mortgage stand. Must be I sold quickly to settle estate. Vacant. I POfcSI..SSION SOON. Arrange to Move For Sale—North Third at.. No. 2216. il>eautiful detarhed residence in excln j sive residential section. Modern in , every particular. All improvements j imaginable. Five neatly erected gar iHgcs in rear (facing Susquehanna st.) J ■which net $.12.50 rental income nionth |; y. Plct 40x160. Wc will help finance 1 •■this proposition. Only reason for sell-• ing—family dwindled to three. This i , is an 11-room hoqse. ;? North Sixth St.. 1945. Fine apart nn<* business proposition. Cor. ifeixth ar.d Peffer Sts. I I il OROVE HOTEL, cor Sixth | | and Maclay Sts. Plot one-half square ! "k" shaped rear plot, size ||loux3.i. The width facing Sixth St. is | 12.i feet. Let us help you finance this! [ most valuable West Knd proposition. ; II VACANT PLOT. cor. South Thir-I j teenth and Klttatinny hts. Size 60x63.1 MA wonderfully attractive apurtment j proposition. -' South Fourteenth St. No. 109. 3- 11 story brick and frame dwelling. s2ooo 3 can remain. Will repaper entire ii house et S3OOO price. -j North 15th St. No. 909. Beautiful de tached residence in "Shreiner-town." -1 Plot 51x110. Everything modern, f j l.argi front porch. Easily financed, corner property. Soiuh 17th St.. No. 812. Nice 2-story - tile and stucco home with all im . provemcnts. Garage in rear. North" 19th St., SIOO down will give . title to this 2 V4-story frame. Balance to suit purchaser. South 21st St.. No. 957. Another ■' nice 2H-story frame (corner), with B rtar driveway. "" Atlas St. No. 224 8, 2-story brick, around S2OOO mark. 1 Derry St. No. 2907. 3-story brick, 2 semi-detached, steam heat. gas. elec - trtclty, etc. Plot ISxIOO. Hear drive -1 way. Emerald St. No. 626. Make us an offer for Ibis corner property. Plot -| 30x160. j Kensington St. Nos. 2014-16. This | pair of frames must go at $2500 soon. I Good renters. | Peffer St.. No. 622. What is your of- I for* Nice corner residence, j Zarker St. No. 1423, 2',4-story frame , with rear driveway. • Zarker St.. No. 1807-09, two-story I bricks with gas and electricity that [should attract tlie conservative home seeker or investor. ! Plot of ground at Paxtang known [on plan as Nos. 101-102, size of both 40x120. ideal spot to build. Price , around sbooo. • SUBURBAN | Aqueduct. Nice summer home of I Joshua Gross is offered for sale. Plot | 235x235, 10 ft. porches surround. Fine i well water. Many, many fruit trees, berry bushes, etc. Get an early start for thai ideal summer home next year. Price to suit purchaser. Enola. We have several nice homes] in Enola. including large plots of va- ] cant ground, which will bear inspec-: tion. ! Highapire Cor. Eshelman and! " Hamakei Sts. Fine 3-story pressed ; brick residence on 64x120 plot, abund ance of fruit trees. 30 rose bushes. | hedgowoik. etc., also large chicken. bouse and single garage ill rear. . What is your offer? Penbrook —Canbv St. No. 2380. " 1 a - i story frame, plot 30x190, garage room. | , Inquire about this $2500 home. ■ i Steelton —Harrisburg St.. No. 211. Nice corner frame dwelling at White Hill. We have several modest dwell , ings here al attractive prices. Also . plots of ground along Main street. • ' Consulting this offer for real estate advice costs nothing. We should oe I delighted to enlighten you on any I matter placed before us. We make a ; specialtv of financing purchasers of leal estate. Consult us. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Harrirburg's Real Estate Bureau).] 331 Market Street. | DESIRABLE PKOPERTI ES FOR SALE ! N. Third St.. bk„ res. and gar. .SI2OOO, N. Second St.. bk. res., central..sl2ooo I N Second St.. apartment, central ] $16500; Bellevue, fine home, large lot.. SIOSOO N. 6th St.. res. and apartments S9OOO j N. Third St.. I res. properties SBOOO i N. 16til St.. fine residence $7500; N. 16th St.. fine residence s7ooo] S 16th St., near Market, two 3-story bricks $5600 S. 17th St.. lik. residence $3650 N. 15th St., bk., residence $3200 Kelker St.. bk. residence $3150 N. Sixth St.. fine home S6OOO > N. Fourth St.. t'r. residence $2200 Logan St.. bk. res., vacant $2500 j N liith St., fr, residence SI6OO N 7tll St.. stucco residence SIBSO ! Clinton uve.. 3 frame properties $3500 j Greenwood St., 2%-story frame SI3OO N 12th St.. 2-story frame SBOO 1 Also desirable properties In other] parts of the city and suburbs. Bar gains in lots. See GEO. W. JACOBS. Real Estate and Insurance 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539 I I BUYERS FOR BUSINESS. BUY ERS | FOR HOUSES. BUYERS FOR FARMS. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH ' ■S YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE. I SALINGER & MILLER. I 14 UNION TRUST BLDG. BELL PHONE 2769 FOR SALE —Brick house. 403 Hum mel avenue, Lcmoyne; all improve ments; fine large porch; price $4,800. Inquire 300 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE or will exchange for ether property, one 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all conveniences. Room for enrage in rear, located on Sixth St., between Peffer and Maclay. Call Bell 4667. FOR SALE —Two-story frame house on Montgomery St., and house in rear. Reasonable price. Easy terms. Inquire at 1003 N. Second St. Bell phone 899 M. ' FOR SALE—A desirable home at! 245 S. 13th St.. also properties valued ' from $l,lOO to $7,000. Inquire of Mrs. i Anna M. Allemgn. 245 S. 13th St.. or J. Grant Koons, 401 S. 13th St.. Har-I , rlaburg. Bell phone. I FOR SALE Two-story mansarcd! roof, 12-room brick building, electric. ■ lights, hath and hot water heat and| liaine garage (room for two cars), lot 150x150 feet, situate on the west | side of Market street. Duncannon. I • Pa. Price $7,000. R. Jones Rife, Dun cannon. Pin ' FOR SALE —Brick dwelling. 1611 i Green street. 8 rooms and bath. Chas. ' Adler. 1002 N. Thtrd St. ' i —— EMERALD St.. 333. Modern seml bungalow. Very desirable. Call 18X4, I Dr. B. S. Behney, 236 N. Second St. (Continued In Meat Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SAUK "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" BRAND NEW AND VACANT NO DOWN MONEY; SAME AS RENT —Seven rooms and bath, hardwood f100r... sleam heat, gas and electricity; a real modern home; front and back porches; built in pairs; driveway in . tear. 12TH ST.. N„ 68—VACANT; 3-story eight rooms and bath, newly painted and papered, gas and electricity, al! improvements; house in first class condition: possession at once. JEFFERSON ST.. 2130 3-story brick; eight rooms and luith; all mod ern improvements; in good condition; I driveway in rear; small amount down, [ balance as rent. j CAMP HILL—2-story bungalow, nine rooms and bath; very beautiful home: nice big ffront porch and lawn; gas and electric lights: steam heat: everything that goes to make up a modern home; right price to quick buyer. A GOOD INVESTMENT I FRONT ST.. 607-09—3-story brick; eight looms and bath, all improve ments; the very best of location for ail apartment house; can lie bought right and converted into six apart - ments at a small cost. D. ASA SANDERLIN. ROOM 1 SECURITY TRUST BLDG. 1 36 NORTH THIRD ST. ' BELL 1390. DIAL 3573 FOR SALE; POSSESSION SOON 147 Sylvan Terrace, improvements, 3- story brick S4OOO • 11731 Park St.. improvements, 214-story _briclc $35001 1700 block. State St., Imp., garage. 3-1 story brick $5200' ■ 1400 block. Herr St.. imp., 2-story I brick, side entrance s3ooo' 15th. cor. Broad. Imp., steam heat. 3-1 story brick $5600 . •122 7 N. 15th, imp.. 3-story brick, bay! i window, porches $5200 'Whitehall and ltegina Sts.. 3-story' I brick and hrownstone, hot water I I heat. See this property. Bargain $15,500 ! 32 S. 2Sth St.. 214-story frame, gar-i ■I , age, large lot. bargain $2450: .' 228 ar.d 230 S. 29th St., Penbrook, imp., large lot, each $2350 • 400 tuock. Woodbine St., 3-story bk . imp $3500 67.7, 675, 677 Briggs St., 3-story bk.. imp., each $3200 . 2Gth end Herr. double 2<4-story frame , ; hoiife, barn, garage, chicken house, ! all kinds fruit, large garden, bar [ gain $4200 'Florence St.. Penbrook. double frame ] house, barn, pig sty, chicken house,' lots of fruit and large garden, i Price $480 I . Eight-room, new brick house, lot 1841 by 170, chicken house, pig sty. near! , Penbrook. Price $3500 j 1123 State St., 3-story brick, imp. $4600 • 1 Any of the above properties can be i had on 30 days' notice. See my list. 11 ! j have other properties. "C" CHARLES DA VIES. ! ; Reul Estate and Insurance, II 1549 State St., cor. 16th St . | Dial 4930 Bell 4162R ! ] 3113 Riverside Drive for sale. 14- room brick dwelling, handsome finish.) modern throughout, garage, lot 50x ' ■' 20'' r -et 3023-25 Second St., 2',4-storv brick • bungalow type. 8 rooms and bath, sleeiiintr porches, fireplace, hardwood. 3209 Third St.. 2',4-story frame, de tached. 9 rooms, hardwood. 316-18-20-22 Lewis St;. 2-story! brick, 6 rooms, bath, gas and elcetri". 11 3223-25-27-29 Sixth St.. 2-story I stucco. j 3224-27-29-31 Sixth. 3-htory brick. 9, rooms, hardwood, steam. 2136 Seventh St.. 3-story brick, bath ] and gas. ; '" q-l£-20-22 Cowden St.. 3-story : frame. I i ,ii 5-17 Cowden St.. 2 !4-story frame. 1117-19-21-23 Grape ave., 3-story frame. 511-13 Curtin St., 3-story brick, gas ail' 1 electric | "33-337-339 Emerald St., 2-story j brick und stucco. 6 rooms and bath. 204 4 Susquehanna St.. 3-story brick. I 8 rooms and hath. 2144 Susquehanna, 2-story brick. 7 : rooms and bath. 3113 Third St.. 214-story bungalow , |y.. > " re. -is and bath, steam. ! Maclay St.. 326. 3-story brick house. : 9 rooms, bath, hardwood. ■; 2127 Reel. 2-story brick. 8 rooms. ;gas and electric. i 620 Muencli St.. 3-story brick, 9 rooms hath and gas. ' 2241 Penn St.. 3-story brick, 7 rooms •and bath, gas and electric. I 2325-27 Penn St.. 2-story brick. 7 ' rooms, hath, steam heat. I 2409-11 Penn. 3-story stucco. 7 I rooms, hardwood tinish, sun porch. I garage ! 1423 Hunter St., 2-story brick. 6 . 'ch j 1174-76-78-80 S. 9th St.. 214-story I : frame 7 looms. ' North St.. facing Capitol Park. 3- I I story l.riek. very good house, excel-j [lent location. Would make a tine i | apartment if desired. j Ft. Washington,, 214-story detached! I bouse, s rooms and bath, hardwood ' finish, large lot. large porches, un- I | ooHirucUU view in every direction. j ' D. E. LUCAS. Roe! Mutate and Insurance. 30.1 Lewis St. Bell 5065R, ! 2044 Susquehanna St., 8 rooms, bath,] i furnace. i £2OO Third St.. 10 rooms, bath. | 11 steam heat, hardwood finish. •I 2127-29-31 Sixth St., 9 rooms, steam heat, hardwood finish. * I 3227-29 Sixth St., 6 rooms, bath., I steam licat. I 2136 Seventh St.. 8 rooms, bath, fur- I r.aee I 316-18-20-22 Lewis St., 6 rooms. Iballi. furnace. I 1423 Hunter St., 6 rooms, bath, fur-I :|nace. Ft Washington, 9 rooms, bath, fur-1 I nac", hardwood finish, lot 60x200. • ' 620 Muench St.. 3-story brick. 10] rooms and bath, now vacant. D. 16. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance 303 Lewis St. Bell phone j 7 | Derry Street between 23d * and 24th,. finished August. 1919. Three-story stone und stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat; hardwood floors, garage. $9,500 if sold j by December 1. LEWIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street. Bell 3057J FOR SAUK—2d St. below Maclay, 3-story, semi-detached house; 25 feet; front; 162 ft. deep; runs back to ;Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; I jbeautilu! home; all Improvements; . I must be seen to be appreciated. Im- I mediate possession. Price $10,500. | LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street I Bell phone 3057J FOR SALE—A lino single house, now vacant at Third and Lewis Sts. II lias large lot and all improvements. Easy terms if desired. E. Moesleln. 600 A Boas St.; Lewis M. Nelffer, 2102' Front St. (Continued In Next Column) REAL estate for sale _ FOR BALK Calder St.;frame: 7 rooms... .$ 1,5*1! Balm .St.: frame: 6 rooms 2,200 Muench St.; ail Improvements .. 2,500 Boyd St.; brick; all Imp 2,500 . t ; , brick: 8 rooms.. 3.500 wim/i. oi fr i? nit> : 6 rooms 1,000 Williams St.; frame 1 000 LINCOLN REALTY CO. ' 1 r.J'a ,tE "-Y ST.—Desirable 3-story neiaMmciV e 's D larsr '' house in select neighborhood. Boas ft.: 2-story frame. BAUM & ROBESON : Puss Hldtr, Bell Phone 333 J. 6 FOR SALE 2U i?, rtan 7 :3 ,' 3 Can by. renbrook, A -/z story, single seven-room frame house- on lot, 30x200 feet, corner p?op- i i t !11L walka ' Srood pardon, fruit .V.- neu 2u Bara ?S-,£ I>ply 19 - 9 I'ark St.. A or Bell phone 527 R. # Emerald. Woodbine and Seneca Sts. Several very line homes. jS-ncre home, new buildings. ROUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE Both phones 307 Kunkle Bldg. FOR SALE- —Bungalow, 3218 N. 2d St., pressed brick, slate roof, lot 26x 150; six rooms, steam heat, fireplaco. j hardwood. Phone 2642 W. ! MARKET ST., ItiOG—Brick house for sale; nine rooms and bath, all other I improvements: occupied by owner; I inspect it. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner I Bldg. # I VACANT house for sale; 6 rooms land finished attic. Possession at once. I 1 rice SI2OO. Durand & Ferber, 107 |Chestnut St. near Front. REAI, ESTATE FOR RENT I ; [BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT Located at the east end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1, prop erty now occupied by Swain, Hick man Company, consisting of One office. Two basements. One storage room. One concrete garage 15x155 ft | Suitable for auto accessory or slni- I liar business, requiring space for • storage. ™ I j No. 2. Possession January 1, prop erly now occupied by C. A. Fair, con sisting of I Two-story frame building, 38x155 I leet. I L-shape building adjoining, 38xG0 feet. i Suitable for auto repair and paint shop, or manufacturing business, i For further particulars apply at 126 South Second Street [ ... i HOUSES In all of city sold ion easy payment plan, ranging from j SI,OOO to $6,000. D. A. Caley, 707 jKunkel Bldg. Bell 589. FOR RENT—II3O S. Cameron St.. 212-story frame dwelling with garden 50x100 ft., immediate possession, small I family. Apply Miller Bros., Locust and Court Sts. 1 REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rout I , V * Opportunity for live wire, Howard street above Thirteenth, 15,000 square feet of floor space, brick construc tion. adaptable for warehouse or manufacturing purpose, electrically 1 equipped, steam heated, now used as garage and service station, (known as Conover Garage), attractive propo sition to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN. Bell 3057J 31 North Second St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Apartment house in good lo- % cation, prefer Front Street Must accommodate three to six families with all the latest improvements. Must show good investment. Ad dress. D. ASA SANDERLIN. 36 N. Third St., Room 1, I Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. I WE have some money to invest in I real estate, city property preferred, j Address P. O. Box 625. | I HAVE BUYERS —List your prop—— ierties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third ! Sf root. I OFFICES ANI) STOREROOMS j FOl! RENT—Office space, fully equipped with two large communicat ing rooms which can he used for stor age or supplies. Inquire 429 Broad St. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE !1B acres SI7OB j 1 6 acres 700 :21 acres 2006 28 acres 2904 ! 30 acres 2604 139 acres 4204 '* 48 acres 1106 163 acres 3504 ;72 acres 2000 116 acres 4204 128 acres ..,.5904 180 acres S9OO DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut near Front ] FOR SALE —An A 1 stock or groin ! farm and would make an A 1 fruif farm, 187 acres, large bank barn, 8- I room stone house and outbuildings, i best of water supply, 7 mile 3 from city: possession at once. Price SBSOO, SIOOO can remain at 6 per cent. 13s acres cultivated land. 52 acres In ' woods and pasture. FOR SAUK—IIS acres farm, best ol soil for trucking. 8-room frame house, large bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. Possession April 1, 1920; located 10 minutes' walk from [trolley. Cumberland county. Prlc ; slls per acre. 1 CHAS DAVIES. ! Real Estate and Fire Instiran—, 1549 State Street. I Pell 4162 R. Dial 4934 BARGAIN —35-acre farm; 5 miles good Florida town; good road, variety fruits, school, church, neighbors, sev eral buildings. $3,750. T. J. Knight, Palatka. Fla. FOR SALE—9,OOO acres choice land just put on the market. Write fof booklet, "Richest Soil in America." Florida l.and Owners Association, Inc.. Crescent City. Fla. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page L