Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 15, 1919, Automobile Section, Page 10, Image 10

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Inside Information Regarding
a Battery Test; What
the Man Does
Have you ever wondered just what
the battery man does when he tests
your battery? You know the test
should be made frequently, but do
you know why? When we asked
C. I* Miller, of the local Willard
Service Station, to answer this ques
tion for our readers, he said: "I will
try to talk in words of one syllable
and try to keep away from teclinl
cal terms.
"The hydrometer test simply
■weighs the battery solution. We
take the weight of distilled water r.s
a standard and call it 'l.' Sulphuric
acid weighs more than water, so
that when it is added to water, as it
is to make the battery solution, the
solution will naturally weigh more
than the original water. It Is this
Increased weight which we measure.
"If the battery is properly charged
Puts More
Miles Into
Old Tires
MANY motorists lose miles
and miles of tire-lifo be
cause they thought their
old tires were not worth
retreading or vulcanizing.
Let US be the judge
Bring your old tires to us.
We'll tell you if they can
not have new life put into I
them. Or phone us and
we'll call for and deliver
Vulcanizing Co.
GOIIL & Hit LAW. Props.
310 Strawberry Street
Some of our students are making .pmO.OO a month
while learning. We can place you. We teach aeroplane
operating, piloting and construction, automobile mechan
ism, wireless telegraphy or radio telephone. Write for
Harrisburg Aerodrome
Office: 25 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa.
RE A L A utomob iles
(SI Speed
Beauty jilplik
Comfort IT Wffl)
J. Sidney Sible Jr.
5 Distributor
301 Cumberland St. Harrisburg, Pa.
>: . i :
jthe battery solution should weigh
1 28-100 times as much as wate'-
I This weight is called specific grav
, I ity. When a battery is discharged,
the acid leaves the solution and
i enters the plates which makes tne
| solution lighter or nearer the weight
; of the water.
I "When a battery is charged the
acid leaves the plates, enters the
solution and makes it heavier.
Therefore, when we weigh the solu
tion (or test the battery) and find
that it weighs I.HBO times as much
asv water, it. shows that the battery
|is fully charged. If, however, for
instance, it weighs 1.170 times as
j much as water, it shows that the
1 acid is in the pintes and not in the
| solution: therefore the battery is
! discharged.
I "But remember that you cannot
j charge the battery by adding acid.
I The original acid is still in a dis-
I charged battery. It is in the plates
innd must be driven back into the
'solution by charging from an out
side source. So you see if you add
'acid to your battery you will have
I more than you should have in there,
] which will cause damage.
"There are Just two things which
a car owner can safely do to a bat
tery himself." went on Mr. Miller;
"he can add distilled water to a point
a half inch above the plates, and he
can weigh the battery solution him
self with a hydrometer syrings."
Fred. Stone, Cinema Star,
Now in Rubber Business
Years ago—and we will not go
into detail sufficiently to say just
how .many—when Fred Stone was a
| struggling vaudevillian, and Seneca
G. Lewis was road salesman for the
Winchester Repeatin-g Arms Oom
| pany, these two, because of their
i fondness for guns an dthe sport of
i trap and field shooting, became fast
| friends. In the course of their
travels, they frequently met in cities
' throughout the United States and
shot friendly matches together.
[ Now Fred Stone, at the pinnacle
of his profession, is America's be
loved and favorite comedian-, while
Seneca Lewis is Vice President and
General Manager of the Pennsyl
vania Rubber Company, manufac
turers of Vacuum Cup Tires. Not
content with being the owner of an
office building and other valuable
real estate in New Xork, the great
comedian ir? casting about for other
investments, was attracted to the
rapidly growing rubber industry and
also very logically to the Pennsyl
vania Rubber Company, which has
within the past decade, since its re
organization in February, 1910, Pro
gressed to such an extent that it is
today recognized as one of the larg
est producers of high quality tires
in the United States. During Mr.
Stone's recent engagement in Pitts
burgh, arrangements were com
pleted whereby he acquired very
substantial holdings in this growing
concern and wherefore, may now be
properly classed as one of the rub
ber magnates.
Dr. B. S. Behney, Dentist, has re
sumed practice at 236 North Second
street. Bell 1814.—Adv.
The Motor Car Is Fast Coming Into Prominence in Long
and Short Distance Hauling. Will Reduce the H. C. L.
■ * <Hv r > ; fv~< :"i : - • v v "M*Bg£ '^StxSS^^r-'
h-?ssß® c<!> fc <* '^^'izi^u,- , BHW^BMPmE^I
Site Purchased on Cameron Street Near Berryhill; Work to
Start in Spring
I Announcement was made during
the past week by George G. McFar
land, president of the Harrisburg
Motor Dealers' Association, that ne
gotiations had been closed by his
association for the purchase of a
plot of ground in South Cameron
street near Berryhill. This lot is lo
cated directly south of the Smith
and Keffer building and is 120 feet
frontage by 375 feet deep. It is
the intention of the association to
build a large convention hall on the
plot that will cost in the neighbor
hood of ?2,000,000, which will
contain store rooms on the front
with a garage on the rear and large
rooms on the second and third floors
that will be used for all kinds of
show purposes and conventions.
Ever since the Motor Dealers have
been holding annual shows in this
city they have had to depend on
renting some building large enough
to hold the many models of automo
biles they had to exhibit. While this
always caused considerable trouble,
yet they were able to find some
building that was large enough. Last
season, however, showed that the ita
creasing number of dealers and the
wonderful growth of the automobile
business necessitated the securing of
a building that would be large
enough for their purposes and would
be a permanent fixture. The building
used then was the largest in the
city that could be used for show
purposes, yet it was necessary to
hold two separate shows, one for
passenger cars and the other for
trucks and then the shows were held
under very cramped conditions. It
was decided at that time that in
order to meet the increasing de
mand for floor space and to have a
hall that would be centrally located,
it would be necessary to buy a plot
of ground and build a hall that
would meet their demands for years
to come.
A committee was appointed to
look over several plots of ground!
Closed Models Being Used
During the Entire
That the Oakland sedan and coupe
is proving popular with a large num
ber of motorists is evidenced by the
fact that quite a few have been sold
in Harrisburg in the past two months.
Cold weather coming on has influenc
ed the sales to a certain extent, but it
is a known fact that closed models
are being viewed with favor more
and more and that they are being
used for all year work.
It is only a few years ago—and
very few at that—that the closed
models were known to only a few
automobile users. They were thougnt
to be cumbersome and unwieldy, and
that it was very expensive to oper
ate them. This illusion is fast disap
pearing and the large majority of
owners are rapidly taking to the se
dan and coupe. When a person takes
into consideration the many advant
ages of a closed car over the open
car it is little wonder that the cloßcd
model is proving more popular. It is
a recognized fact that in the next few
years, these same closed models will
no doubt be way up the amount of
sales made in camparlson with the
open models.
The Oakland car of to-day is the
seme sturdy little car that it was
when it was first Introduced four
years ago. Four year ago the Oak
land came out as a medium priced
light six. Since that time it has not
changed in any of its salient points.
Of course as science and Improve
ments have been added to the auto
mobile, the Oakland has kept pace,
but it is materially the same well
balanced and powerful car as of old.
Wire wheels can be secured on any
of the four models and other special
features are added according to the
customer's desires. The Dauphin Mo
tor Car Company, local distributors
are making immediate deliveries on
all models.
Lowistown, Pa.. Nov. 16.—Lewis
Stannart and "Buzz" Rook are home
from the mountains above Barrville,
with two big 'coons weighing 16
and 18 pounds. <
that had been suggested and the plot
recently purchased was finally de
cided upon because of it being on
automobile row and being readily
accessible from all parts of the city.
The proposition, while a big one,
will be handled entirely by the Motor
Dealers' Association. A charter will
be taken out and a stock organiza
tion will be effected and only the
dealers will be offered the stock.
Plans for the building are now being
prepared by local architects, but the
actual start of building operations
will not begin until in the spring.
It is the intention to build a three
story building. There will be four
storerooms on the ground floor that
will be rented out for automobile
purposes, accessories, etc. These
rooms will be 20x80 feet. There will
be a drive alley all around the build
ing and at the rear of the store
rooms. The entire building will be
about 250 feet deep. The rear of
the ground floor will be used for
garage and storage purposes. The
two upper floors will be used for
convention halls and will be about
50,000 square feet. This space
should prove sufficient for some
years to come.
It is the intention of the associa
tion to hold two shows each year,
one in the spring and one in the sum
mer. There are also several other
shows of like nature, tractors, farm
implements, etc., that have desired
to hold exhibits in Harrisburg but
could not because of lack of floor
space. This building will be utilized
for those purposes also. The halls
will be rented out for other conven
tion and in all probability will be
used for boxing, basketball, volley
ball, etc.
While it is not probable that the
entire building will be erected at
one time according to the plans, two
floors will be completed and as the
need arises, other floors will be
added. This will be the largest hall
of its kind in Central Pennsylvania.
England Is Selling
Wool to Americans
Despite Shortage
London, Nov. 15. The British
Ministry of Munitions is selling wool
to American manufacturers although
the clothing makers here say that
high prices are due to scarcity of
wool. The Ministry agreed to ship
to Boston during October 4,000 bales
of Australian and 10,000 bales of
New Zealand wool. The only rea
son given at the Ministry of Muni
tions for this action is that the
American woolen manufacturers
need this supply. The Evening News
asks: Isn't this wool needed at
Eastern Wholesale Manager
For Apperson Here
Francis X. Fox, eastern wholesale
manager for Apperson Bros. Auto
mobile Company of Kokomo, Ind.,
whose headquarters are in Phila
delphia, is spending the weekend
with the Keystone Sales Company,
the local distributors for Apperson
eights, in going over the prospects
for the coming season.
Mr. Fox is of the opinion that pro
duction of motor cars is rapidly on
the increase and that while there is
sure to bo an appreciable shortage
and that manufacturers will not be
able to meet the demand, there will
be much larger deliveries of cars in
this territory in the near future.
This has been one of the big prob
lems for the local distributors dur
ing the past season. While a few
cars have been delivered here, there
has been nowhere near enough to
supply the demand.
Refiners Ask U. S.
to Raise Sugar Price
Washington, Nov. 15.—Increases
in the wholesale sugar price, now
set at 10 cents a pound, were asked
by refiners who called at the De
partment of Justice. The sugar
men conferred for two hours with
H. E. Figg, Assistant Attorney Gen
eral, and discussed both wholesale
uid retail sugar prices. i
No Machinery For This Pro
vided, He Declares in His
Pittsburgh Address
By Associated Press.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 15.—machinery
for industrial justice which would
prevent the interruption of services
essential to the community was ad
vocated last night by Charles E.
Hughes in an address on "The Anti
dote for Bolshevism" at the World's
Christian Citizenship Conference.
Referring to public servants,
transportation and basic industries,
he said:
"If the community provided Just
means for the settlement of com
plaints and for the redress of wrongs
which might be suffered by those
engaged in these essential activi
ties, we should have a right to pre
vent concerted attempt, that is
through any sort of combination, to
hold up the community and enforce
demands under threat of widespread
suffering and want."
Fuvorx Collective Bargaining
For industrial activity outside the
essential services he urged collective
bargaining with decisions binding in
"We have made little proress in
providing the machinery for indus
trial justice, and in this respect we
are still uncivilized. We are still at
the stage corresponding to that of
trial by battle and trial by ordeal
in the early law. But we cannot go
on indefinitely in this way.
"I believe in the recognition of the
right of collective bargaining on
the part of labor through represen
tatives of their own choosing. The
qualification may be made that these
should be proper representatives and
not those who aim at t,he demorali
zation of our industrial life and use
labor disputes us a means to pro
mote sinister designs."
Mr. Hughes favored sharing of ex
cess profits with labor but opposed
co-operative management, saying:
"As labor will not and cannot take
the risk of losses there should be
reserves out of profits for contingen
cies. After fair wages have been
paid, a fair return made to invested
capital and contingencies provided
for in the interest of the continuity
of the enterprise, it is just that ex
cess profits should be distributed on
some reasonable basis among all
who have produced them, investors,
managers and all other workers.
J The Hidden Parts 1
of Your Car
You say "let me have five ,
gallons of gas" or "how
about a new tire for the left
hind wheel." But are you
taking care of the hidden
parts of your car ? That's
| a big part of our service.
Let us Dixonize the bear
ings of your car to keep it in
trim and drive away wear.
Ask for the Dixon Lubri
cating Chart It's free.
THKKK 'lk an expert from
the Joseph Dixon Cruci
ble Co. at our place who
will give you free advice
about lubricating your car.
Drop In and see these graph
ite lubricants in action. He'll
tell you why you can put
Dixon's Graphite Grease No. j
77 Into transmissions and i
differentials and forget about
it. /
Ask for the Dixon I.ubrlcotlng
Keystone Sales Co. ,
108 Market St
lakes Every Grade on Long
Trip in High Up
"Nearly a thousand miles of moun
tain" roads on high—that'#) what we
did with an Anniversary Model Ap
person Eight."
This is N. Lipman's summing up
of a remarkable trip, lasting a week,
from Kokorao, Indiana, to Newport
News, took the purchaser of the car,
Mr. J. E. Humrickhouse, along with
"We couldn't speed any, because
I was breaking in a new motor,"
Mr. Eipman continued. "In fact, we
never exceeded 20 miles an hour.
We couldn't get the right start for
some of those soaring hills—l would
have preferred 40 miles an hour to
20 but the Eight took them evory
one in high—easily.
"Of course, on some of the tine
stretches of road it was a great
temptation to try out the famous
Apperson acceleration from one
mile an hour to 40 in 20 seconds.
And the hills gave us ample oppor
tunity to prove the tremendous Ap
person bruklng power—that curbs
the speed from 4 0 miles att hour
to a dead stop in four seconds—4o
yards. But we were loosening up
the motor, so we never lot it extend
"Perhaps I shouldn't mention the
mileage we got on our gasoline, tie
cause a new motor, of course, is not
economical of feed. Wo wore sur
prised and delighted, however, when
we came to figure it up, to find that
we had averaged 13 miles to the gal
lon of gas."
Apperson Bros.' Automobile Co.
Square Deal Auto Supply
Co. to Move Next Week
The Square Deal Auto Supply Co..
which has been located at 1410 North
Third street for sever 1 years, will
move into their new storeroom which
is now nearing completion about, the
middle of next week. This new store
room is Just, a few doors above the
old location. The number is 1420
and 1422.
Ex-German Prisoners
Seek Jobs in Japan
Tokjo, Nov. 15. Sixty former
German prisoners of war In Japan
have applied for employment in or
near Yokohama. Some of them
arc experts in chemical and dye
stuff industries.
Alfred P. Davles, automobile edi
tor of The Telegraph, is back at
work again after an absence of four
weeks, during which he underwent
an operation at the Harrisburg Hos
And if It Isn't a Reo It Isn't a Speed-Wagon
Excerpts Taken From Letters From Speed-Wagon Users y
giving excellent results and lias never to "have been operating our fleet of Reos
be laid up a minute for any reason." without one cent of expense."
"called into service for extremely difficult ' "we got as great, if not greater, mileage as
work always came through 100%." we do from some smaller truck."
our salesmen, dri\ers and mechanics are "in efficiency and economy of operation it
insistent upon having a fleet of Ueos." is making good on your promises."
two trucks have rrot lost any time since "gives us the service we formerly received II
we began using them. ' . from two teams and two drivers."
"have come up to expectations and given "so far ahead of the trucks formerly used
the service just as you have promised." that there is no comparison."
And so- on down the line in tiie same tone from thousands of owners and none of them
solicited What Speed-wagons are doing for others they will do for you. nS mlttcr wh™t
your business may be. "Sou ure losing time, money and energy without a Speed-wagon
in your business. b
Harrisburg Auto Co.
Geo. G. MacFarland, Pres.
Fourth and Kelker Streets
Reo, Duplex, Hurlburt Trucks
Reo Speed Wagon
If better cars could be built we would sell them
NOVEMBER 15, 191?
Suggest Traffic Semaphores
Used Here Are Too High
It has been suggested by several
motorists that the traffic semiphores
used at street intersections in this
city are too high to be seen when
the driver of the car is close up to
them. On several occasions it lias
been noticed by the writer that when
a driver has run past th etrafflc offi
cer that the "Qo" signal had been
turned after the motorist was close
up to the signal.
In most cities the "Go" and "Stop"
signal is Just above the head of the
officer in charge. In this city they
are about nine feet high. It should
be an easy and inexpensive matter
to cut the standards shorter by at
least a foot and a half and at the
same time, will greatly benefit the
directing of traffic.
Gloves, ;
Robes f W3
F°R RY 'S^^pk
WMBjßMßSpecial Tire Sale
I; For a. few days only we will
i r ' make a 15 per cent, reduction
H Quaker
'^' rcs an( ' 'lubes. Come in
jIiMMSEI I n 'l ' et us show you a tire
" that ' s different. Unlimited
E|3 mileage quarantced.
Alexander & Scoti
' Automobile Accessories and
tluality uud Service
iHBHHHBfInHHHKfIHHf hestnut St.
JOSUIMI ALGXAfIDBB Bell, 2789-Wj Dial, 3803