WHEN THE DEAD CAME BACK *He International Sunday School Lesson For Nov. 16, Is "Witnesses of Christ's Glory."—Luke 9:28-30. " By WILLIAM T. ELLIS Silecce shrouds the spirit world. It is 'the bourne from which no traveller returns." Only by infer ence and from the Bible do we un derstand aught of it. Faith alone speaks clearly upon the question of Immortality. Even since I penned the opening sentences of this para graph the postman has brought me a pertinent testimony of faith in a future life, from the window of a noble Christian, suddenly stricken: "We must be glad for him, for he is in the presence of the Master he so I dearly loved and served; and I am looking forward to the eternity we shall spend together." Once the gates of glory swung outward, to let Moses and Elijah return to earth for a momentous visit. The silence of terenity was broken. The departed came back, recognizable in their own person ality—what tremendous implica tions in that fact! —and conferred with the living. Three kindred spirits, all ministers to mankind and sufferers for their loyalty to God, separated by centuries in their mor tal life, foregathered on the tower ing slope, of Mount Hcrmon and talked of the most important theme in the history of eternity. Moses and Elijah winged their swift way from celestial realms to bring com fort and counsel to a Comrade who was greater than they, in his hour of soulstrain. A Message From the Mountain Traveling through northern Syria one has the impression of being dominated by Mount Hermon. with its glistening snow-peak, rising nine thousand feet into the clouds. From the Lake of Galilee, from Nazareth from Damascus, from Tyre and Si don, from the uplands of the Oron tes Valley, one sees ever the ma jestic peak of Hermon, the highest mountain of the Holy Land, the cen ter of countless legends, the deposi tory of the snows with which in summer the natives of the lowlands cool their drinks, a source of the Jordan, a theme of countless songs —and the scene of the transfigura tion of Jesus. Somewhere on the heights of this beautiful mountain the three great est representatives of God upon earth —Moses, Elijah and Jesus — kept a rendezvous. All three had been homeless, harried, hunted wan derers. At uncounted cost they had borne their testimony to God. All were mountain-loving men; the name of Moses being forever asso ciated with Sinai, that of Elijah with Carmel, and that of Jesus with the Mount of Olives. It was a con genial trysting place at which they met. Standing out above all other con siderations in this lesson is the mes sage that heaven has comfort for earth. God cares for man's sorrows. There are resources in the eternal realm upon which needy imorals may draw. Messengers from the presence of the Father above are available for ministry to mourners below. There are not two worlds, unbridgeably separated but only one great universe, in all of which God is king. In his sight there is neither time nor space. The route from his throne to man's place of prayer is always open; Mt. Hermon is not far from the gates of glory. Itovn, But Looking Up. The background of this Transfig uration story was the soul-spentness of Jesus. He had been through the agony of his first Passion, the great renunciation and the vision of the cross which had fully come to him at Caesarea Philippi. So he took Ms three closest friends, Peter, John and James, off for a "retreat," a time of solitude and prayer, on the side of Mt. Hermon. The record runs that "as he was praying" the transfiguration fell. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world knows": "I know not by what methods rare; But this I know, God answers prayer. T know that he has given his word, Which tells me prayer is always heard And will be answered soon or late; And so X pray, and calmly wait. X know not if the blessing sought Will come in Just the way I thought. But leave my prayers with him blest." Assured that he will grant my quest Or send some answer far more alone What Sidney calls "the passionate pleasure of prayer" was the instinctive recreation of Jesus. Everything turned him to prayer, and prayer in the lonely spaces of the open air. On the heights, un derneath the trees, he found the leather, and the answer to his every question, and a fellowship beyond anything that earth could give. America's best interpreter of the spiritual significance of nature, Sid ney has caught the meaning of the trees for the troubled spirit: "Ye lispers whisperers, singers in storms. "Ye consciences murmuting faiths under forms, Ye ministers meet for each passion that grieves, Friendly, sisterly, sweetheart leaves, Oh, rain me down from your darks that contain me Wisdoms ye winnow from winds that pain me,— Sift down tremors of sweet-within sweet That advise me of more than they bring— repeat Me the woods-smell that swiftly but now brought breath From the heaven-side bank of the river of death,— Teach me the term of silence, preach me The passion of patience.—sift me, —impeach me,— And there, or there As ye hang oh with your myriad palms upturned in the air Pray me a myriad prayer. "Oh, if thy soul's at latter grasp tor space, With trying to breathe no bigger than thy race, Just to be fellow'd when that thou hast found No man with room, or grace enough , of bound To entertain that New thou tll'st thou art.— 'TIs here, 'tis here thou canst un hand thy heart And breathe it free, and breathe it free, By rangy marsh, in lone Bea liberty." The Story Itself The Lesson Story of the Transfig uration, as told in the Weymouth as follows: "It was about eight days after this that Jesus, taking with him Peter, John and James, went up the mountain to pruy. And while he FRIDAY EVENING, was praying the appearance of his face underwent a change, and his clothing became white and radiant. And suddenly there were two men conversing with him. who were Moses and Elijah. They came in glory, and kept speaking about his death, which he was so soon to undergo in Jerusalem. Now Peter and the others were weighed down i with sleep; but, keeping themselves awake all through, they saw his glory, and the two men standing with him. And when they were preparing to depart from him, Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, we are thank ful to you that we are here. Let us put up three tents—one for vou, one for Moses and ohe for Elijah.' "He did not know what he was saying. But while he was thus speaking, there came a cloud which spread over them; and they were awe-struck when they had entered into the cloud. Then there came a voice from within the cloud: u This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to him.' [ - - After this voice had spoken, , Jesus was found alone. . kept It to themselves, and ' „ n °' a w °rd to any one at that ! time about what they had seen." Vindicated and Victorious. a rr,* . mounta 'n-top experience had a meaning for Moses and Elijah, as ThnJ ♦ r Jesus and the three. Ti\? s ® ? tou * prophets of on older suffered ignominy and re pudiation, and tasted bitterness and oZZ? ir \ NoW thelr reward had A " long a the heroes of heaven there were found no others ■ tLJ* I qualified for the supreme IhVt ™ comforting the Christ as y. Moses, Elijah and Jesus were congenial spirits. All had travailed ror the people and the glorv of Je riiy , J l ow ' in a fellowship that Jl 15? the ages — s ucli indeed, is the Communion of saints" and the spiritual unity of the centuries— they were lifted up to a new level of spiritual apprehension. .. AI J. the world has wondered what tne five supreme peace commission ers In Paris talked about, and how. Mystery envelops the intimate con versations of the great. But we are not left in doubt concerning this conversation between Moses, Elijah and Jesus. There was only one theme worthy of the occasion—the approaching death of Jesus at Jerusalem. It had been the burden of the Master's self-elevation to his disciples. It was the topic that su premely engrossed eternity. God himself, the redeemed spirits of the heavenly realm, the angels and ministers in glory, are most of all interested in the sacrifice of the f° n of God; it has been revealed that the eternal chorus of the new song about the throne is an ascrip tion to the Lamb that was slain. It is rather strange, isn't it, that in conferences of Christian leaders, and in the sermons of preachers of the Gospel, we do not hear more of the theme which engaged the inter est of the ambassadors sent from heaven tp earth to interview the Saviour himself? A Glimpse of Possibility. Compared with "spirit-rappings" and inane "messages" from the other world, this Transfiguration story is dignified, reserved and ma jestic. It was a foretoken of the glory that awaits all who follow in the train of Jesus, the Transfigura tion experience which seemed to draw aside the outer veil of flesh which hid the radiant spiritual per sonality of Jesus, so that the shining fiber and texture of his soul was revealed, was but a glimpse of the possibility possessed by immortals. Awed by the spectacle, the three disciples wanted to build booths and LIFT OFF CORNS WITH FINGERS Few Drops of "Freezone," Then Corns Lift Off — No Pain I A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs so little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon any corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off with your fingers. Truly. No humbug! Tomorrow Y©o A One-Da}) Clearawa}) | of Seventh-five ! FasKionabl}) Trimmed Hats | %s rrn heart strings of every woman; M m thrifty, style-loving _ . fm 9 J! woman will recognize this These hats are not old or i ■ ■■ sales-event as a long-sought, shop-worn. Each is nbso- eagerly awaited chance to lutely new in style, trimming fcn m buy the'hat she is so anxious and in smart appearance. to have. G Every Favored Faskion for Fall Prepare for Coming Social Events °PT: 1 ASTRICH'S ON ,F E I $9.98 to $11.98 308 Market French Room remain right there on the mount of special privilege. Like many others since, they wanted to maintain life on a levee of ecstasy and thrill, not realizing that the rare experience would lose its power if it became normal. Instead, the three quickly learned that life must be lived, not on mountain tops, with celestial guests, but down on the plain of everydayness where the diseased and demon-filled and sordid people await the ministry of those who have been on the heights. One's re ligion is tested alike by the moun tain top and by the plain. Before they went down, however, the disciples had the added testi mony of the Voice which declared, "This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to him." More fortifying to their hearts than even the vision of the transfiguration was the assur ance that their ever-present Leader was none other than the Son of God. It was he who would help them through the experiences of the coming days. As Christian Rosetti prayed; "Jesus, who didst touch the leper. Deliver us from antipathies; Who didst dwell among the Naza renes, Deliver us from incompatibility; Who didst eat with some that wash ed not before meat, Deliver us from fastidiousness; Who didst condone Samaritan in hospitality. Deliver us from affront taking; Who didst provide the sacred Did rachme. Deliver us from offense giving; Who having called didst recall Saint Peter, Deliver us from soreness; Who didst love active Martha and contemplative Mary, Deliver us from the respect of per sons; Deliver us while it is called to-day, Thou who givest to-day and promis est not to-morrow." Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"—that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair, also double it's beauty. Try "Danderine" and seel YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT A splendid line of Winter Clothing for the whole family, moderately Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Furs. Suits & Overcoats For Men and Boys with snap and style SEE OUR LINE KUSHEL —^7- _ AND J Charge KUSHEL You | Account 30 s. FOURTH ST. Can HARRISBURO TELEGRAPH SHIP CARRIES XMAS CHEER American Transport Loaded Down With Gifts For the j Doughboys in Siberia New York, Nov. 14.—The Army transport, Marica, to sail late this week from the foot of Fifty-eighth street, Brooklyn, for Vladivostok, Russia, is the Santa Claus ship carry ing Christmas cheer from the Knights of Columbus to the Ameri can troops in Siberia. The Marica will touch at San Francisco and then start on her journey across the Pa cific. The Knights of Columbus have loaded several thousands of dollars' worth of supplies or.- the transport, including bags of flour and grease for Xmas doughnuts, 19,- 000,000 cigarettes, candy, crackers, Christmas cake, chocolate, bouillon cubes, tooth paste, athletic equip ment, woolen mufflers and mittens. According to the latest news from Siberia given by Garry McOarry, former musical comedy star, who is director of the Casey activities, the American troops are scattered as follows: 25% are in Vladivostok, 50% are distributed in camps on the railroad line for a distance of 350 miles and the remainder are at a point 2,000 miles from Vladivostok. The Knights will have three Cath olic army chaplains and four lay secretaries traverse the great dis tance playing the role of Santa Claus. While the Knights distribute creature comforts free only to the Americans, they are compelled through an agreement to furnish en tertainment and play host to the other Allied troops including Japs, Russians, English, French and Ital ians. Among the novelties in tho shipment are one dozen huir clip pers which will be of use it is as sured to clip the beards of the sol Now is the Time to Buy Outer Wearing* Apparel We Offer Many Special Saving* Opportunities Our buyer has just returned from New York City, having purchased a lot of new merchandise at special prices. Have you bought your new Coat,, Dress or Suit? You will surely want it before Thanksgiving Day. Now is your best opportunity to select them at our Special Sale Prices. A Suit With the Astrich Label \ ~~ " Means a garment of quality. ! .jCffoV We endeavor always to keep ASTRICH'S Suits up to a standard and at the same time to keep You will find a beautiful new assortment just i $39.50T'532.30, M. MWmk $33, $39.30, $43 a* <■ f-l,] ; All Hig|h Grade Suits at Big! \ ' 1 Reductions \ ! We have made big reductions on all our '\l || Y\ vj[ ' \|i higher grade Suits and have purchased a lot of ' JV 1/ YJ A new ones to sell at these REDUCED , , \, ■ \ $55, S6O, $65, I $75 to $l5O '[ f D \ Hundreds of New Smart Coats New Coats in an endless variety of styles, shades and fabrics, at lower prices than you would be lieve possible. Smartly tailored Coats, sport models, flare backs, belted and inverted pleat styles. Coats with huge luxurious fur shawl or square collars of seal, beaver, nutria, raccoon, opossum, Aus tralian opossum, skunk, etc. $22.50, $25.00, $29.50, $35.00, $39.50 Better Grade Coats $45, $55, $65, $75 up to $l5O The One-Piece Dress— Has commanded a place of distinction this season. Never before have we had such a sale as now in onr Dress Department. Serge, Tricotine, Jersey, Tyrol Wool, Velvet, Tricolctte, Charmcuse, Poilet, Satin and many other materials, some combined with Georgette. There's a dress here at your price. $16.50, $22.50, $25, $29.50, $35 It is not the highest priced dress which always appeals most to you, but the best dress always appeals more strongly to the woman whose taste is correct. $45, $55, S6O, $65 up to slls Do You Have Ail Angora Scarf? The soft wool shawl in plain models with fringed edge, on the large scarfs with pockets and belt. The largest variety of shades and assortment of mixed or duo toned col orings. See our displays on main floor just inside the door. Priced lower than elsewhere. $3.98 to $18.50 Silk Jersey Petticoats with embroidered or nov elty flounce. The largest assortment in the city. Priced at $3.98 Up dier men. There was no informa tion regarding the exact use Siberia will make of the clippers, but the Knights sent them anyway, believ ing that they may be put to good use in making the Bolsheviki clean shave. Ir.vluded among the athletic Women's Fine Shoes Specially Priced Patent Coltskin mat Kid tops —welted soles; stitched tips—Louis heels. Patent Colt with Mat Kid vamps—Button Boots with tops of Beaver—welted soles—plain and tipped— Louis heels. All sizes and widths. Black and Cocoa Calf Military Lace Q Boots —welted soles—imitation tip .. celally dainty garments as Christinas gifts. Full Fashioned Silk Hose Black, Cordovan, Suede, Deer, Battleship Oray, Navy, Fawn and White. This hosi ery is being jold $3.00 every where. While they last we are selling them at $2.50. $2.50 . 9