Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 12, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    " When a Girl "
By AXJi 1.151.E
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
(Copyright. 1919, King Feature
, Syndicate, Inc.)
On the morning of the gala day
when Father Andrew was due I
suggested to Jim that Phoebe and X
should stop in at their offices for
him and Neal at about five and that
we'd then proceed to the station as
a reception committee.
"Nothing doing!" said Jim, glanc
ing up absent-mindedly floni his
morning perusal of the stock quo
tations. "You and that young
brother of yctirs go alone."
"Why, Jim!" I gasped, putting
into the two words all of my aston
ishment at his curt refusal to do
as I asked and his discourteous in
attention to Father Andrew.
He only- grunted, slumped down
in his chair and delved deeper into
the column that appeared more im
portant than anything else in the
world. Then Phoebe came to the
"Jim and I both think that you
and Neal have a complete right to
your first moments with that ador
able father ot yours. So we're going
to let you have 'em unmarred by
any Harrisons standing around act
ing as 'extras,' she said. "But when
you get up here for the celebration
dinner you'll find us waiting with
'Welcome' on the mat and our faces,
ls't not so, Brothc-r James?"
"Sure," grunted Jim, without
looking up. Anne got me before
you spoke, though, kiddie;"
I flashed Phoebe a smile, how
ever, that was equal parts gratitude
and astonishment. Love was mak
ing Phoebe grow up and understand
how a man may hurt a woman even
when he's thinking most tenderly of
When Neal heard of the arrange- |
ment he insisted on giving Phoebe
a little tea party to make up for
shutting her out of our old-home
week, as he put it. So at a little
after five I left the house alone to
meet Neal at the station informa
tion booth. Lyons had orders to
be at the station with the car at six.
but I preferred that he go to the
office to call for Jim and take me
down town. Jim's ankle needs a
good bit of coddling, but no
woman's figure can stand too much
of it.
Just as I got down to the side
walk a long gray car drew up to\
the curb in front of our apartment i
building and out stepped Sheldon, j
It Is Time to Make
Mentho-Laxene Syrup
Anyone Can Make a Full Pint of
I-axativc, Curative Cold and
Cough Medicine Cheaply at
Everybody is subject to colds and '
coughs at this season. Be prepared! i
Have on hand a full pint of Mentho- '
Lnxene syrup that checks and aborts
colds, relieves coughing and grad
ually brings permanent relief. The
full and best benefits are derived
if you begin taking it at the very,
outset of a cold or cough—because !
you can check or abort the cold—j
and save many hours of distress and i
perhaps ward off pneumonia and
other serious results of a neglected i
Mentho-Laxene is pure, contains'
no opiates or narcotics. It :s pleas- |
ant, penetrating, healing and cuia-;
five beyond any preparation you can i
buy ready made. Full directions
and guarantee are with every bottle
of Mentho-Irfixene. It will more 1
than please you or The Blackburn
Products Co., Dayton, Ohio, will re- \
fund your money.
Hundreds of thousands of bottles I
of Mentho-Laxene have been sold
and not over 50 people have wanted i
their money back. That tel's how i
good it is.—Adv. J
v ——ias
SURELY Winter was invented
just as an excuse for milady to
wear luxurious furs and warm,,
stunning coats. At least one can't
help but feel that way after seeing i
the you-car.-'t-resist-me-I-know lot |
of models received at the Cloos Shop
this morning. Straight from New
York they come, gay with their gor- j
geous silk linings. One of Silver-1
tone, in a rich shade of brown, is j
* blessed with a large Nutria collar. [
button trimmed, with big pockets,
full back and strap effect it com- 1
petes in modlshness with a sister j
coat of light brown silvertone whose
beauty is enhanced by a mammoth |
collar of raccoon and deep raccoon-1
WITH the holiday season fast approaching, the quest for gifts that are
different, individual, and appreciated will soon begin. So the
question arises, "Oh, where shall I go?" Where can I find lamps
with really artistic parchment shades; or a rare, little etching of a hun
dred years ago? Where will I discover French and Colonial mirrors, pic
tures, frames and a hundred articles that are unique? Where, I say
except at Saltzglver's Art and Antique Store, 223 North Second' Street'
In this store one finds bits of art collected the world over. At present
there are candle sticks from Damascus, knockers from old. American
doors, Samovars from Russia, and last, but not least, a wonderful tall
. brass mug of hammertd copper with bands of brass—hand-made—that
came straight from Warsaw.
IF there's one problem more per
plexing than all others to the
feminine mind, it's the problem
of what to give Him for Christ
mas. And if He happens to be one's
brother the anxiety is generally in
creased. (Brothers do have the
habit of being so brutally frank at
times!) So the selection is made
with worry and consternation. But
there Is one thing that every man—
be he six or sixty—is genuinely de
lighted to receive. What'is it? Why
a pair of bedroom slippers. An'd at
the Army and Navy Shoe Store,
Court street, one finds a complete
line of felt slippers lnr gray and
brown, as well as leather Romeos
# with rubber at the side and attrac
tive Indian Moccasins—Just the
thing for Him.
a white carnation in his button
hole and the jauntiest of smiles on
his face. 'At sight of me he started
almost irritably.
"Caught with the goods!" I
chided, shaking my head with the
smiling good nature which Father
Andrew's near approach always
brings. "But Phoebe's not at home."
The look of irritation on his face
changed to one of amusement.
"\ou might do as a substitute
—the lady I was seeking," he
said. "Hop in and let me take vou
for a spin in the park. We once
hud a happy afternoon together.
ou can't talk even t'o me with
out getting a ballad note into- your
voice, can you. Shelly?" I asked.
"But I can't—philander this after
noon. I've to meet Neal at the sta
tion, where we're meeting my father
at six."
j Sheldon glanced at the watch on
' his wrist.
| "That gives us almost an hour,"
ihe wheedled. "Just wait till I run
in and leave a message and we'll be
"You can trust me witlj it, and
even though 1 don't approve of it or
I you, I'll give it to Phoebe—in Neal's
presence," I replied pointedly.
! "Nothing doing." laughed Shelly,
! and disappeared for a moment with
j in the portals of the building.
He came out in a mood that held
j a little of amusement but more of
chagrin, helped me into the car and
headed toward the park. We drove
in silence for a few moments, but
when once we turned into a shady
path hung with drooping trees, I
determined to make the most of my
"Shelly, I wasn't fair to you the
other night," I said. "You're an
old friend of the Harrisons and a
dear one, and I never want you to
feel less than welcome in Jim's
' house."
"Thank you. lovely lady," replied
jhe with long glances. "Y'ou needn't
have said a word. When you came I
| along for a ride, I knew it meant!
your faith had been restored."
My faith that you'd never do ■
anything wrong—intentionally." I j
declared rashly. "But please. Shelly, I
err on the sober side. I don't want !
any handsome bachelors turning my
little Phoebe's head."
"Did you come along just to tell i
me to cut out the desperate atten
tions I'm showing your brother's i
fiancee?" asked Sheldon dryly. j
"Sure did," I laughed, wondering ■
how the truth would sound to j
Sheldon, "the lady-killer," as Neal j
once labeled him.
"Well, quit worrying about the
kid. She's nothing in my young life.
And tell her to quit worrying about
my mad infatuation for Virginia."
Saying this, Shelly turned and
dashed so madly back through the
curving paths of the park,that .the
whish and whir of the wind we
called up made conversation impos
sible. As we approached the exit
and headed for the street which
would take us to the station. Shel
don slowed down abruptly and flung
around to face me.
"It never occurs to you, does it,
wise little Lilac Lady, that there are
ether women beside Phoebe living j
| ve^skin
Sold by Reuwer's Golden Seal
WHEN you come home on a
cold, winter night, after a
strenuous day in the office
or shop, what do you want most of
; all? A big. easy chair and a warm,
I comfortable room, I'll venture to
i say. And if on arriving, you fin-d
the house chi'ly and damp, it spoils
j your whole evening, I know. Nono
of us care to live in an ice box.
That's why those of us who are wise
purchase a Majestfc Electric Heater
at the Dauphin Electrical Supplies
! Co., 434 Market street. About the
j size of a medium-sied electric fan,
: they heat a room in almost no time
!at all, at a very slight cost. Banish
| ing chill, they insure a snug, cozy
I home.
WAKE UP! Christmas is al
most here. You didn't realize
it, did you? Neither did I un
til yesterday, when I was talking
with J. W. Roshon, the Market
street photographer, who remarked
that the good old Yuletide is close
at hand. "Goodness me!'* I ex
claimed, "It is at that! Only six
more weeks and we'll all be hanging
up our stockings." "Yes," responded
Mr. Roshon. "and 1 do wish that
people in general realized how short
the time really is." I can't blame
him a bit for That, can you? Every
season- people wait until the last
minute to rush to the photographer's
and then expect their photographs
to be finished before Christmas Day.
Now, it takes time to finish a photo
graph, and at the Christmas season
it takes a little longer than usual
because of the rush. So. be wise!
Have your photograph taken earlv.
It pays!
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1919, International News Service Bg McManus
in the building where you dwell?"
he asked.
"Don't try to toll me that you
came to see me!" 1 protested.
"I won't," he replied, a whimsical
smile giving a boyish curve to his
sensuous lips. "It might have been
Mrs. Cosby."
"It might have been," I repeated
with scorn for his evasion. "But
even you couldn't shift more bften
than an April weather vane. I
know it wasn't Val."
"Oh —so you know, do you?" said
Shelly in a toneless voice. "Then
what's the use of my saying any
thing more?"
(To He Continued.)
Strikers Are Forced
to Part With Bonds
Pittsburgh, Nov. 12.—Striking coal
and steel workers In the Pittsburgh
district sold liberally of their Liberty
bonds when they left mills and
mines, and while no record has
been kept that would trace the ac
tual amount bankers believe it ag
gregates hundreds of thousands of
The movement begart soon after
the steel strike was called, and was
immediately noticed by the Pitts-,
burgh branch of the Federal Re
serve Bank when other banks and
individuals presented large numbers
of $5O and $lOO Liberty bonds for
exchange into bonds of larger de
The inception of the coal strike
witnessed a similar movement, and
both are still in full swing. Bankers
in some of the smaller steel and coal
towns where they are in close touch
with individual depositors, think it
will continue until industrial unrest
has passed.
"But workmen are not the only
persons who market their Liberty
bonds," said the head of a leading
bond house while discussing the sit
uation. "Some of our best customers
in Liberty bonds are department and
other stores, the customers of which
have been liquidating their month
ly accounts with such securities. We
recently handled some $500,000
worth of the bonds for two or three
Hospital Will Get
Sugar Preference
Pittsburgh, Nov. 12. Hospitals
and similar institutions are to re
ceive adequate supplies of sugar in
dependent of the quantity they
would receive under the allotment
made to the city by the Federal
sugar equalization board, said James
F. Malone, director of the city sup
ply department to-day.
The board recently notified Malone
that from 12,000 to 14,000 barrels of
sugar had been allotted to Pittsburgh
for the remainder of the year. Ma
lone asked to be allowed to dis
tribute it through his regular force,
but was told that the board would
make distribution through whole
salers. Thinking that the hospitals
might not fare well under this plan,
Malone suggested distribution to the
hospitals, which suggestion has been
100-Acre Farm Bought
by Harrisburg Attorney
A 100-acre farm near Hogestown,
known as the Cliamberlin farm and
at one time owned by James I.
Chamberlin, of this city, has been
purchased by James G. Hatz, an at
torney, of this city.
The farm is valuable by reason of
its water rights. A high-grade
spring, together with a trout stream,
is included on the farm. The sale
was made through the Brintory-
Paeker Company, real estate dealers
of t he city, acting for Edward
Gross, of near Oyster's Point. Pos
session will be given April 1. The
sale price was not made public.
Mines to Resume Soon as
Miners Return to Work
Pittsburgh, Nov. 12. Operators
in the Pittsburgh district have an
nounced that the mines closed down
by the strike would be ready to re
sume operations as soon as the
miners were ready to return to work.
Definite word of the intentions of
the miners in Central and Western
Pennsylvania relative to returning to
work in consequence of the order
rescinding the strike call could not
be obtained here.
HorilCKS the Original
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitutes
f •
Star Carpet
Cleaning Works
Let us clean jronr carpets now.
General Upholstering
Expert Work Guaranteed
Give Us a Trial
Joseph Coplinky
Eleventh & Walnut Sts.
Bell 388-R Dial 6651
>■ '
New York Chamber of Music
Society Delights Large
The Wednesday Club, of this city,
opened its thirty-eighth annual sea
son last evening presenting the New-
York Chamber of Music Society in
a delightful concert at Fahnestock
Hall. A large, appreciative audi
ence was present and during the
latter part of the program the num
bers were greeted with thunderous
applause. "Scherzo," by Pirani,
made such an appeal that the latter
half was repeated to the audience's
1 delight. Seldom do the music lovers
of Harrisburg receive such a rare
[ treat as the one enjoyed last evening.
At the completion of the program,
insistent applause recalled the art
ists who played "Dvorak's "liiimor
esque," arranged by the members of
the organization in a most attractive
The organization members are
Miss Carolyn Beebe, pianist and di
rector; Pierre Henrotte, lirst violin;
'Herbert Soman, second violin; Sam
ruel Lifschey, viola; Paul Kefer,
'cellist; Emil Mix, double base; Gus
tave Langenus, clarinet; William
Kincaid, flute; Henri De Busscher,
oboe; Ugo Saviolini, bassoon; Joseph
Franzi, French horn.
The program was as follows:
Sifonia da Camera, in B flat ma
jor, Opus 8, by Wolf-Ferrari, for
piano, two violins, viola, violoncello,
double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet,
French horn, bassoon, Allegro mod
erato. Adagio, Vivace con spirito,
Finale: Adagio-Allegro moderato;
Quartet in F Major, Mozart, for oboe,
violin, viola, violoncello Allegro,
Adagio, Rondo; Allegro con
brio; "Five Impressions of a Holi
day," Opus 7, Eugene Goossens, for
piano, flute, violoncello, "tn the
Hills," "By the Rivers," "The Water-
Wheel, " "The Village Church," "At
the Fair"; Pirani, Gavotte, Scherzo,
for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon;
"Molly on the Shore,"Grainger; Valse
Triste, Sibelius; "Marche des Petits
de Plomb," Pierne, for piano, two
violins, viola, violoncello, double
bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, French
horn, bassoon.
Mrs. Hesson Gives Party
For Her Great-Nephew
Mrs. E. F. Hesson. 1306 Susquehanna
street, arranged a little birthday
party for last evening in honor of h-m
great-nephew, George Saul, who was
eight years old. There were autumn
flowers in the decorations and re
freshments served after games and
contests. The big birthday cake bore
eight lighted candles. In attendance
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Yost, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Kistler, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Waul and family, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Hesson. Mrs. Wieand,
the Misses Mildred and Oda Saul. Ed
ward, George and Charles Saul, Rich
ard and Lillian Yost and Charles
College Men Plan Dinners
For After Game Saturday
The Bucknell-Gettysburg game will
attract a large number of college men
to the city Saturday, and a number
of interesting banquets have been ar
ranged at the Penn-Harris. The mem
bers of the Bucknell team will give u
big dinner after the game, and tha
Delta Sigma Fraternity of Bucknell
will dine in Parlor C, at 7.30 o'clock.
At C o'clock the Phi Gamma Delta
Fraternity, of Gettysburg College,
will give a dinner in Parlor A. and at
6.30 o'clock the Gettysburg Chapter
of tile Sigma Chi Fraternity will hold
a large banquet in the ballroom.
Miss LeNora Fry, of Second and
Lowis streets, has gone to New
York to study under Carlos Salzedo,
the distinguished harpist.
Sixtieth Anniversary
of the Kurzenknabes
Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Kurzenknabe
will have the distinction of celebrat
ing their sixtieth wedding anniver
sary to-morrow at their Camp Hill
home in Market street, near Bow
man avenue. Owing to the illness of
Mrs. Kurzenknabe no formal festivi
ties have been arranged. Ten of their
15 children are living, and those in
this vicinity will be home to-morrow.
Mr. Kurzenknabe who was born in
Germany has lived In this country
since his youth and is known far and
wide as a composer and publisher of
music, specially songs for the Sunday
School. Many old friends will send
greetings and good wishes to these
aged residents.
' Expense accounts were filed to
day by Frank B. Snavely, who was
re-elected as Director of the Poor.
[ He spent $2OO, according to the ac
count. James G. Miles, Democratic
candidate for City Treasurer, spent
j $200.85, and Howard M. Blngaman,
one of the three Republican School
I Directors who were elected, spent
| less than $5O.
Event to Be Held Tuesday
Night at Cathedral
| A benefit card party and dance
I will be held at Cathedral Hall, Tuesr
day evening, November 18, by a
committee of women, the proceeds
to be devoted to furnishing the home
recently bought by the Harrisburg
Council, Knights of Columbus, in
213 State street. This active com
mittee will arrange a number'of
social affairs of which the one next
Tuesday is to be the first. The mem
bers have been busy for the past
few days making arrangements lor
the event, of which cards, followed
by dancing, will be the main fea
tures. The Branyan Orchestra will
The committee in charge com
prises: Mrs. M. J. Yetter, chairman:
Mrs. A. S. Banmiller, secretary; Mrs.
L. C. Martin, treasurer; Mrs. Henry
Rewer. Mrs. Nellie Wolz, Mrs. X.
J. Melville. Mrs. Theresa King, Mrs.
J. W. Rodenhaver, Mrs. P. J. Ken
nedy, Mrs. Edward Eckenrode, Mrs.
H. L. Morrisey, Mrs. J. C. Lude3,
Mrs. J. J. Coleman, Mrs. A. B. Russ,
Mrs. H. W. Eckenrode. Mrs. M. M.
Cusack. Miss Claudine Melville. Miss
Marie Melville, Miss Sara Maloney,
Miss Mary Carroll and Miss Mar
garet Vaughn.
American Delegation
to Peace Conference
Coming Home Soon
Jsy Associated Press,
Paris, NoiV. 12. The American
delegation to the Pence Conference
has informed the Supreme Council
of its intention to leave France dur
ing the first days of December, ac
cording to a semiofficial information
from the French foreign office.
The British peace delegation has
also expressed tile same desire, and
the general impression in French
conference circles is that the con
ference will conclude its work by
the end of this month.
Most of Ohio Miners
Are Back on the Job
By Associated Press,
Columbus, 0., Nov. 12.—While
they did not anticipate a 100 per
cent, return to work by Ohio, miners,
coal operators throughout The state
were confident early to-day that
most of the workers who heeded
the strike call on November 1 would
be back at their jobs to-day.
Operators were optimistic that
coal production In Ohio would soon
reach normal again. They pointed
to the fact that while the miners
lost approximately $2,000,000 in
wages during the ten days they were
on strike, they should be able to
make up their losses without diffi
With an ample supply of coal
cars, operators here stated that
capacity jroduction could be attain
ed without difficulty if the railroads
could handle the traffic.
By Associated Press,
Wilmington, Del., Nov. 12.—Fire
which broke out in the Kresge Five
and Ten Cent Store In Market street
this morning caused a loss estimated
at more than $300,000.
The Kresge loss was $lOO,OOO on
stock and $30,000 on building; Cros
by and Hill's department store, ad
joining, loss of $lOO,OOO on stock
by smoke and water; Theodore
Grant, millinery nnd furs, $50,000.
Tenants of the buildings also suffer
ed heavily. The insurance practi
cally covers the losses.
By Associated Press,
San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 12.
Federico Cordoba, the bandit chief
who is charged with having kidnap
ed Consular Agent Jenkins at Pueb
la, Mexico, made an unsuccessful at
tempt to capture Enrique Sanchez
Paredes, Catholic-bishop of Puebla,
a few days ago, according to infor
mation received hero to-dAy from
Puebla- The bishop, after escaping
a trap set by the bandit appealed to
Federal authorities for protection.
R. W. Strayer, contractor for Ira
J. Mosey, secured a to-day
to erect four two-story brick houses
on the west side of Twentieth street
north of Holly street. The proper
ties will cost $14,400.
For head or throat vSri
catarrh try the l&ffjL
vapor traaunent— MTWrt
Flags of Regiment Which
Contained Dauphin Coun
tians Received Here
[ The colors of the 311 th Field Ar
! tillery, an organization of the 79th
j Division and which was largely com
| posed of men from Central Pennsyl
| vania, including Dauphin and ad
| joining counties, were received to-
J day at the Adjutant General's De
partment for deposit in the State
Capitol. The colors of these organi
zations are being rapidly assembled.
| A conference will be held shortly
[by Adjutant General Beary with
[state officials as to the plan to pursue
j in handling the flags.
[ Chairman W. D. B. Aincy, of the
I Public Service Commission, has re
| oeived notice of his election as a
[ member of the board of trustees of
Wilson College.
Hearings In the Panther Valley
■ and Mt. Holly Springs cases were
continued by the Public Service
Commission to-day.
A. W. Duy, prominent Columbia
countian, and Joseph Catteral, Re
publican county chairman, were here
to-day visiting the State Highwuy
Ex-Judge W. F. Shay, of Potts
ville, was at the Capitol. Another
visitor was Senator T. L. Eyre, of
Chester county.
In the neighborhood of SOO jitney
operators who have been rnnning
trucks and other vehicles to and
from Hog Island to care for ship
workers without having made any
pretense of taking out State certifi
cates have been cited to appear be
fore Public Service Commission
ers James S. Benn and Samuel M.
Clement, Jr., in Philadelphia, as the
result of a roundup made by the
commission's inspector. The work
was undertaken in conjunction with
the Federal authorities and is the
first move toward bringing the jit
ney situation which has produced
many accidents under control. The
commission has had the conditions
under survey for several days and
is prepared for drastic action. Stops
are also being taken to get the in
demnity clause of the new jitney
regulations into operation in Phila
delphia and the result of much work
will soon be apparent.
Register of Wills James B. Shee
han, of Philadelphia, to-day paid
the State Treasury $2 30,000 as the
October receipts of direct, collateral
and transfer inheritance taxes.
A requisition was honored to-day
for the return to Chicago for trial
for murder of William Yancy Mills,
under arrest in Philadelphia.
Orders have hecn Issued from the
Department of State Police for forty
men of Troop B to return to-morrow
to Wyoming from districts of West
ern Pennsylvania where they have
been on strike duty. Similar de
tachments from Troop C will return
to their headquarters at Pottsville.
Some of these details have been on
duty for weeks.
The Attorney General's Depart
ment has given an opinion to the
State Board of Optometrieal Educa
tion, Examination and Licensure
that optometrists from other states
for examination must take the stand
ard, exam inn *| in required by the
Pennsylvania act u'.lesa presentation
can be made of a certificate from a
board in another state.
The INiblle Service Commission to
day announced that Commissioners
Benn and Clement would sit in Phil
adelphia to-morrow to hear com
plaints from Bucks county and that
hearings would also be held in that
city on Friday. Commissioner Shel
by has been assigned to Warren and
Commissioner Rilling to Erie. Chair
man Ainey and Commssioner Reed
will sit In Pittsburgh.
,t —%
Give Her An Electric
21 South Second St.
NOVEMBER 12, 1919.
He and Six Other Alleged
Swindlers Accused
of Fraud
liuliunupolis, Nov. 12.—Seven al
leged swindlers, including Mayor
Hollin H. Bunch, of Muncie, Ind.,
and Prosecuting Attorney Horace G.
Murphy, of Delaware county, were
found guilty in Federal court here
late yesterday of conspiring to use
the mails to defraud.
The seven men were part of a
group of 24 indicted in connection
with the Muncie case which involved
more than 20 alleged swindle cases
and a total of $150,000. All other
defendants hud pleaded guilty, some
of them having changed their pleas
to guilty during the trial.
The defendants were charged
with having lured prospective vic
tims to Muncie on the pretext of
selling them land at absurdly low
prices and then persuading them to
bet on fake prizefights. During
these bouts, according to testimony,
one of the boxers apparently would
be injured and the victim would be
warned to leave town at once to pre
vent their connection with the fight
being learned by the police. In each
case the money bet on the fight was
that originally intended for use in
the purchase of land.
The alleged swindlers, several of
whom testified that they received
protection from Mayor Bunch,
Prosecutor Murphy and police offi
cers, were arrested by Federal agents
after operating for a year in Mun
cie, it was declared in testimony.
| If Bilious, Constipated or
Headachy take
| "Cascarets."
Tomorrow the sun will shine for
you. Everything will seem clear,
rosy and' bright. Your system is
filled with liver and bowel poison
which keeps your skin sallow, your
stomach upset, your head foggy and
aching. Your meals are turning
into poison, gases and acids. You
can not feel right. Don't stay bilious
or constipated. Feel splendid always
by taking Cascarets occasionally.
They act without griping or incon
venience. They never sicken you
like Calomel. Salts, Oil or nasty,
harsh pills. They cost so little too—
Cascarets work while you sleep.
Garments of Quality
Ladies' Bazaar's
Great Sale of
325 Women's and Misses' Suits
at a Saving of $lO to $2O a Garment
The Greatest Sale We Have Ever Held!
To Continue
All This Week
Suits of every wanted material and color at prices that
are true economy. You should buy at once!
$19.95, $24.95, $29.95, $34.95, $44.95, $49.95
Formerly Priced From $3O to $7O
lad ies Bazaar
8-10-12 S.FOURTH ST.!
A special meeting of the Dauphin
County Historical Society will be
held t6-morrow evening at 8 o'clock
in the headquarters, 9 South FVont
street. Spencer C. Gilbert will speak
on "The Merchants of Harrisburg in
Its Earlier Days," and A. Carson
Stamm will deliver some "Reflec
tions on the Public Schools of Har
risburg, Past and Present."
Superfluous Hair
DeMlraele, the original lultirr
liquid, operates on an entirely dif
ferent principle from any other
method. It robs hair of Its vital
ity by attacking It nnder the sktai.
Only genuine DeMlmcle haa a
money-back guarantee In each
package. At toilet counters tn OOc,
SI nnd $2 elves, or by mail from
nv In plain wrapper on receipt of
FREE boo ' t with testimonials of
highest authorities rx
plnlns what canses hair on face,
neck and arms, why It Increases
and how DcMlracle devitalises It,
mailed tn plain sealed envelope eta
request. DrMlraele, Park Ave. and
129 th St New York.
Fresh From
the Tropics
For oc ~
Hi 11 I ill contributes
n!\ [lUdiW " s s * iare °'
[fll Hmlllii Grapes and
(rillflyl)/ * )omes " i
Banana-Fruit Co.
209-211 Chestnut St.