Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 12, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 | You Can Sell That Lot or Plot of Ground, at a Small Advertis Through the * j ■ Deaths KGI.LAM —On Tuesday morning. No vember 11. 1919 Annie Carolin Kellam, wife of Jehu Camp Kellani. aged 61 years. 1 months and three days. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence. 27 North 15th Street. Funeral services in the State Street U. B. Church. ISth and State Streets. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. 'ClTKlC'liKlt—Elizabeth Strieker, aged ! S3 years, died November 11. 1919. | Funeral services from her home on Canby street. Penbrook. Friday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Friends and ; relatives are invited. Please omit | flowers. Burial at Harrisburg ceme- j tery. CIKIIEH —On Tuesday. November 11,, 1919. Mary Ann. widow of the late! John G. Gruber, died at her late residence, 122 Briggs Street. Funeral services will be held t ri dav afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her son, Lewis H. Tyson. 106 Briggs Street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Burial private in Kast Harrisburg ceme tery. IX)ST AND POUND j LOST—Brown dog, white breast j and feet. Reward if returned. Cail ltell 1215 J. I IXiST —Rear auto license tag No.! 416127 between Harrisburg and Ann-j ville Wednesday morning. Nov. 12. ! Finder please return same to 109 '.Telegraph Bldg., Harrisburg. LOST—l,arge black pocketbook on i Broad street, containing SS, two door j keys and receipts. Reward if returned; 671 Primrose St. LOST—Two tires, 31x1 between Le tnoyne. Harrisburg and Gettysburg. License tag and tail light 85278. Re ward. I. W. Appleon, Lemoyne. j LOST—Firestone rim Goodyear cord . tire, sGxl',s Reward if returned, 2201 ■ North 2d St., or call Bell 2229. , lA)ST—Wrist watch between subway j and Fourth St.. Church of God on I Sunday evening between 6 and 7 p. m. < Reward if returned to 153 S. 18th. j IXIST—On Saturday, a black wallet i containing between $BO and $9O with; identification card. Reward if return- , ed to Pennsylvania R. R. Information | Bureau. ; LOST—A black silk watch fob this J morning with initials R. M. Reward, if returned to 1127 State Street, or phone Bell 1538. I RABBIT HOUND —Black, tan and j white large black spot over right side . cr loin, piuwn ears, orown spot on top | cf rump lost on November 1. near Pillshurg. York county. Reward will be paid for any information or return o! same to Virgil B. Kennedy, 726 Race street, City. NOTICE ALFRED H. N'ASE is most urgently requested to inform his sisters in Bucks county or Philadelphia of his present address. They were informed that lie had moved to Dauphin county. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Greeg Shorthand. Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithme tic., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 121 Market St. , Chas. R. Berkley PRIVATE or class teaching In Castilian Spanish. Seventeen years' i.vpejitnce in Puerto Rico. Diploma from New York Women's High School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar, 333 Mr.clay Street. Bell phone 2504 W. COSSIO POMAR. B. A., University of fcan Marcos, will open a class at night in beginners' and advanced Spanish Address Harrisburg Academy. HELP W ANTED—MALE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AN OTHER. LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS AND A CH ANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS RORING MILL BENCH AND FIXIOR LARGE LATHE U ENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply In person or write at once to FACTORY" EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. WANTED Platen pressmen: good wages; steady employment. Apply at once. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. State and Cameron Sts. WANTED Riveters, corkers, rivet heat ere on gas holder work. Apply ready for work to Foreman Thomas F. Hall, at WAYNESBORO GAS WORKS. Waynesboro, Pa. RAILWAY' traffic Inspectors want ed; $llO a month and expenses to start: short hours; travel; three months' home studjl under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-273. Standard Busi ness Training Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y'. fContinued In Next Column FOR SALE No. 2 Mueneh St. —3-story brick dwelling: 9 rooms and bath; gas light; furnace heat; stone steps front; possession 60 days. Moderately priced. No. 1025 Penn St. —3-story brick dwelling: 8 rooms, bath and pantry; gas light: furnace heat; new coal range; cemented cellar; possession 60 days. Moderate price. No. 14311 y.nrker Sl. —2 V4-story frame dwelling: 6 rooms, bath and attic: combination gas and electric lights; coal range; gas range: fur nace lieat: front and hack porches; newly painted: possession Dec. Ist. V very good proposition. aner brotoers & Co. I.OCI/ST AND COT 111 MS. JKAI. ESTATE INSURANCE sLUEI'I BONDS embers II bu. Iteal ::mnte Uonnl I : W WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WAXTEI) —MAM'. ACCOUNTANTS ARE WANTED The majority of office men are say ing: "I simply must make more money." Meanwhile trained accountants are earning $2,000 to $lO,OOO a year in New York. , Meanwhile business men are search ing for competent cost accountants, auditors, comptrollers, systematizcrs and office managers. Meanwhile public accounting firms , are'searching for Junior accountants !who possess the necessary training 'and executive ability to develop (quickly into seniors. ] Meanwhile the U. S. Government re ' quires thousands of income tax and (other accountants, and offers to pay :up to J6.000 a year for them. I Lack of specialized knowledge and i the personality are the most 'common reasons for men being bar -1 red from good executive Jobs., and being held down by routine work. Routine work never puys more than a bread and water salary. We can give men of suitable per sonal character the necessary train ing in accountancy to pass the C. P. A. examinations, to qualify for exainin tion for any State or Federal account ancy positions, to secure positions as Junior, senior, cost or executive ae i countants. comptroller or systematizer (under the supervision of certified pub !l ic accountants by home study in (spare time. I if you are willing'to devote part of (your spare time to training which will fit you in the near future to do more I valuable work and increase your learnings—if you are willing to In ! vest Ik yourself the money necessary to pay for your tuition —if you have 'the character to make good at exe- Icutive work. ; WRITE OR TELIEPHONE AT ONCE FOR OFFICE APPOINTMENT, I.A SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, General Eastern Office. 26 N. ISth St. and 511 Kunkle Bldg. j Bell 494,0R I MEN TO SELL ( THE CLOW I CASTEAM I HEATING 1 RADIATORS BURNALL FUEL SAVERS RADIANTFIRE j HEATERS I AUCTIONEER HITE 122 S. 13TH STREET. BELL 187 5J ' E. E. HOERNER 421 HUMMEL ST. ! DRAFTSMEN -• Technical High school men preferred. Excellent chance for advancement. Apply by letter, giving age, education and experience, if any. Chief Draftsman, BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, Harrisburg. Pa. I AVANTED—Janitor at St. Michael's Lutheran Church. Inquire 208 North Street. WANTED —Two first class tinners and furnace men. will pay from 60c to 80c an hour. Apply E. S. Yeatts. cor. Herman and Rosemont Ave.. Le r.ioyne. Call Bell phone any time after 7 p. m., 2132 M. Only reliable men need apply. WANTED —High grade specialty L salesman, good for $5,000 or more per 1 annum . man with a knowledge cf ■ accounting and office equipment pre ferred. Address or call American Kar- DEX CO., 511 Kunkel Bldg. WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY i MKNT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., STEELTON, PA. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechnical School. Office 25 N. Uameion St.. Harrisburg. Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field. 14th and Sycamore Sts. I . , WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. AVANTED—AVoodsmen for work on lumber Job near ltockviUe. teamsters and choppers. Apply Samuel AA'itten moyer, 7th and Schuylkill Sts. WANTED—A'oung man for clerk in shoe store; state age; reference am! salary desired. Address S-7918 care j Telegraph. i WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter job. Apply NATION A L ENGIN EKRING CORPORATION. I. FAIR GROUNDS. CARLISLE. PA. AA"ANTED —Two young men over 22 years, desiring to learn salesmanship. AA'ill you be satisfied with $2O per week while learning? Call 410 Patriot Bldg. FOUR men with newspaper or niag - azine experience; guaranteed salary - and commission, good chance for ad o vancement. See Mr. Datesman. 410 e Patriot Bldg. WANTED—High class salesman. - with good references to sell a higli grade security; attractive proposition - to the right man. Address Box M-SI2I care Telegraph. LABORERS WANTED On concrete work, winter job. Apply National Engineering Corporation. Fair Grounds, Carlisle, Pa. CARPENTERS. Apply at new houses on Race street. Mlddletown or at 30 17. High St.. Hummelstown, Pa. A. B. Denny, contractor. WANTED —For lunch room work, one counterman and one floor boy. e\- nerlence not necessary. Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch. 7-9 S. 3d St. WAN'TKD'—Three high grudc boys, 10 to 19 years for permanent and pos sible good position for future. Ad dress C-7732 care Telegraph. _ j (Continued In Next Column) I liri,P WANTED—MALE BOYS WANTED 16 TEARS OR OVER TO DE LIVER BELL TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15. APPLY LO CAL MANAGER. 2"6 NORTH THIRD STREET, AT ONCE. WANTED Woodworkers, bond bands, machine hands, stair builders Good wages, steady work, union shop Apply Somers Lumber Co.. 209 Nortl Missouri, Atlantic City. WANTED—Young man for book keeping und general office work. Stati age, experience and salary expected Chance for advancement is assurei right party. Address Box B-5127 can Telegraph. HELP W ANTED—FEMALE s BELL TELEPHONE OPER ATING "An Ideal Occupation for Y'oung Women" *9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS An operator's pay is increas ed after four weeks' training period and thereafter at short intervals as she becomes ex perienced. Young women between 18 and 25 will find telephone oper ating very fascinating, clean work, with unusual oppor tunity for advancement in salary and position. In addition to a good salary our operators have a com fortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. Apply to Miss Ivline. Oper ator.-' Employment Depart ment. Second Floor. 208 Wal nut Street. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern heisel, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Cameron and State Sts. SILK. SILK, SILK. Silk Operators. Good Learners. If steady work is what you want and short day and best pay, apply SILK MILL. Cor. Second and North Sts. HOUSEWORK GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN SMALL FAMILY; NO CHILDREN; GOOD HOME. APPLY 1923 NORTH SECOND STREET. WANTED—MiddIe aged white wom an for general housework, in family of three adults. Apply 1611 Swatara Street. WANTED Saleslady experienced in shirt waists, also extras for Sat urdays. Apply Rainbow Shop, 21 £ Market St. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the fast, easily learned auto knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance im material. Positively no canvassing Yarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. Dept. 146 C, Auto Knitter Co. Buf falo. N. Y. WANTED—Experienced girls to work on power machines, making un derwear. Light pleasant employment. Apply The Modern Textile Co., 1815 Penn St. SALESLADY having ability and ex perience for women's ready-to-wear; give particulars. Address Box E-772S care Telegraph. WANTED —White cook, white dish washer, two white waitresses. Apply Elks Club, after 12 noon. WANTED —Extra salesladies for afternoon and Saturday. Apply F. w. Woolworth. -101 Market St. WANTED—GirIs to take course in comptometer school. Experienced oper ators always in demand at good sal aries. R. H. Robison, 208 Arcade Bldg.. 219 Walnut St. SEAMSTRESS for alterations on men's und women's clothing, steady position; state experience, reference and salary expected, also phone num ber. Address Box T-7915 care Tele graphy THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO Requires two experienced women canvassers for city work. Salary to Btart 175 per month. Apply by letter stat ting experience and refer t nccs. DRESSMAKER WANTED—Experi enced sewers, also apprentice girls ("all between 12 and 1 or 5 and 7. 122 State St. WANTED—GirIs for laundry, will pay good wages for experienced markers and sorters. Apply Palace Steam laundry, 2103 Logan St. WANTED Several women for laundry work, $9 to start. Sanitary Family Washing Co.. 16th and Elm St. WANTED —Girls to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Pcnn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box.. 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED—High school girl to as sist in light household duties. After noons. Call evenings at 819 North 3d Street. WANTED Experienced loopers and menders. Apply Harris Hosleiy Co., Calder and Marion Sts. HELP WANTED —Male and Female WANTED Press feeders at once, experi enee preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets.- Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Lady and men canvassers, only those of ability and good < ha'racter need apply. One of the largest music houses in Tinrrisburg. Address Box D-7733 tare Telegraph. IF YOU like to draw we can shrow vou howf to earn extra money In youi spare time. Stale age. telephone num be - and where employed. Address Bo.> k 11-7909 cure Telegraph. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IGET THAT REAL ESTATE in M the market—under the classified ad- ||J i vertising spot-light. If it will stand up under investigation—if it rcpre- ffl|- sents real value—its stay "in the inar- P| i ket" will be brief. For buyers—in- i vestors—home-seekers—are watching era • I * "the market" all the time. | Ell a SALESMEN WANTED SALK&MEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced, i City or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED to sell rain-! coats, silk and cotton petticoats di rect from factory. Send for catalog. I Pelree & Easton Co., 439 Washington St.. Boston. Mass. ARE you tired selling everyday articles, if so let us show you how you can make $lO daily supplying auto owners and dealers with Marvello 20S Jackson Ave., Susquehanna, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE YOUNG man honest and reliable wishes position, has experience in fol lowing lines: General office work, time keeping, also theatrical experi ence. and banking. A 1 reference. Ad-1 dress Pox 0-7816 care TelegiAiph. MIDDLE aged man desires posi tion as truck driver or chauffeur Best of references. Phone 9956R-11. ] AN honest young married man, aged 22, wishes for work from anv time hetween 7-12 o'clock in the evenings afternoons on Saturday. Address Box 9696 Lemoyne, Pa. YOUNG High school boy would like work for Saturdays. Can furnish best of reference. Address Box S-8128 care Telegraph. SITUATK >NS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—General office work by X oung woman schooled in stenog raphy and office training. Best of ref- 1 erence. Address 0-7914 care Tele graph. A respectable white woman wishes pcs.tion as plain cook or housekeeper in or out of city. Address Marie Wag ner, 2021 N. 6th St. WANTED—Position as stenograph- B r eli y iGl2\\ ? lEdy ' 621 Hamilton Street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two rooms furnished or unfurnished on third floor: all conveniences; man and wife preferred Inquire 1909 N. Fourth St. nlce 'y furnished rooms on third floor for light housekeeping, hot and cold water, electric light and use of bath. Reference required. Applv 22 North 18th St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms', cen trally located; all conveniences. In quire, 228 North St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor for light house keeping use of bath electric lights and heat corner property no children. In quire 2042 N. sth St. • NICELY furnished room for rent, for lady or gentlemen. Apply 1524 Green St. FOP. RENT Two second floor rooms furnished for light housekeep ing; use of hath and phone; refer ences. 716 Capital St. Bell 575 W. FOR RENT—Two rooms, electric light and water, strictly private. $lO per month. No children. Apply 321 Relly St. FOR RENT—Two furnished or un furnished rooms; all eon venicnees. Apply 600 North St. Call Bell phone 593 M. THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, electric lights and steam heat, use of phone and bath. Apply 1321 State St. NICELY furnished, clean, warm rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 South Third Street. APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED apartment wanted by refined couple, all conveniences and central location desired, though not essential. Wanted by December 1. State full particulars. Address Box C-7913 care Telegraph. APARTMENT —Furnished or small modern homo wanted in desirable residential section; responsible, re tinod family. Address Box H-7911 care Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS ROOMS and board furnished to two or three gentlemen in private family, lccation uptown section, all conveni ences. Address Box Y-7905 care Tele graphy REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE N. Third St.. res $12,000 N. Second St., res $12,000 Bellevue. res., large lot $10,500 N. Sixth St., res. and aparts ....$9,000 N. 16th St., res $7,500 N. 16th St.. res $7,000 Woodbine near 6th, res and bus $6,700 Chestnut St., Hill, res $5,000 S. 17tb St., res $3.65.) N. 15th St.. res $3,200 Kclker st., res $3,150 Kelkcr St., res $2,950 Logan St.. res $2,500 N. 7tl> St., res $1,850 N. 19th St.. res $1,600 Clinton ave., res $1,350 N. 12th St.. res $BOO Some of the above upon very easy terms. Many other properties for sale In city and suburbs. GEO. W. JACOBS, 17 N. 3d St. Bell 1539 FOR SALE—I92O Chestnut Street. 3- storv brick; 2V4 years old, 8 rooms and bath, steam heat, gas and electric light and gas water heater. Imme diate possession. Apply on premises. 18TH ST., NEAR PARK ST. Three story brick, steam heated house for sale; price $4650. J. E. Gipp'x. 1251 Market St. CHESTNUT ST., 1626—Detached frame cottage with all modern im provements; price $3850. J. E. Glpple 1 261 Market St. EMERALD St.. 333. Modern semi bungalow. Very desirable. Call 1814 Dr. B S Behncy. 236 N. Second St. ttlvntlaued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3113 Front St., 14 rooms, bath, water heat, hardwood finish, garage, lot 50: i 3023 and 3025 Second St.. 8 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood finish, sleeping porch, lot 26x150 feet. 2300 Penn St., block near Seneca, i looms, hath, steam heat. 2409 and 2411 Penn St., 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood finish, sun parlor, garage. 2144 Susquehanna St., 7 rooms, bath, steam heat. 2044 Susquehanna St., 8 rooms, bath, furnace. 1933 Third St., 10 rooms, two baths, steam heat, hardwood finish. 2200 Third St., 10 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood finish. -427-29-31 Sixth St., 9 rooms, steam heat, hardwood finish. 3227-29 Sixth St., 6 rooms, bath, steam heat. 1832 Sixth St.. 6 rooms, bath, fur nace. 2126 Seventh St., 8 rooms, bath, fur nace 316-18-20-22 Lewis St.. 6 rooms, bath, furnace. 1423 Hunter St., 6 rooms, bath, fur nace. Ft Washington, 9 rooms, bath, fur nace, hardwood finish, lot 60x200. 620 Muench St., 3-story brick, 10 rcomr, and bath, now vacant. D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance 303 Lewis St. Bell phone FOR SALE Business property situated on Mar ket street, 3-story brick, containing eight rocnts and storeroom, all ini provemi nts, house excellent, in first class condition, possession can be had in thiity days, now renting $660 an nual; owner must sell on account of sickness: act quick if you don't want to lose this opportunity. Will sell lor $6,800. Address Box D-7919 care Tele graph. FOR SALE—Brick house, 403 Hum mel avenue, Lemoyne; all improve ments; fine large porch; price $4,800. Inquire 300 Hummel are., Lemoyne. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 2051 Penn St., 8 rooms, bath and front porch. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. 3d St. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 1611 (Jreen street. 8 rooms and bath. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third St. CAMP HILL—2V6-story frame 7 rooms, bath, gas, electric vapor va cuum heat, up-to-date in every re spect, .large and beautiful lawn, 60x 150. Immediate possession. J. K Lehman, Patriot Bldg. I WILL sell three houses for $4BOO, rent them for you at $l7 each; all >n fine repair in every respect. Consider ing taxes and the good condition, this is a b'g bargain. J. K. Lehman, Pa triot Eldg. | For Sale Double frame dwell ing on Fosler ave., Lemoyne, 5 rooms each, good condition, large lot. These properties are good as an investment or small hemes. Price of both, $2500. For Sale—ln Shlremanstown, two acres good ground Improved by a 2lt--stori frame dwelling, frame stable and other outbuildings, a variety of I fruit and berries, located one-half square from car line. Price SSOOJ). | For Sale—lBll and 1815 Sharker St., good 6-room brick dwellings, each six rooms and bath, gas, electric light, furnace heat, porches. For Sale—Vacant property contain ing 9 rooms and bath, all improve nu nts, hardwood floors, large lot, elegant garage, abundance of shrub i bery, located on Market St., Camp I Hill. For Sale—l7o9 Market, elegant 3- stocy brick dwelling, 9 rooms and hath, gas. electric light, steam heat, porches, first class condition, lot 34x 90, available space for garage. I I Fur Sale—Vacant property on Bow -1 man ave., Camp Hill, containing 7 I rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat. hardwood floors, fire place, lot 00 feet front, price attrac tive at $4500. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE; POSSESSION SOON 147 Sylvan Terrace, improvements, 3- story brick $4OOO 1731 Park St.. improvements, 2H-story brick $3500 1700 block. State St., imp., garage, 3- stor.v brick $5200 1400 block. Herr St.. Imp., 2-storv brick, side entrance $3OOO 15th, cor. Broad, imp., steam heat. 3- I story brick ss6uo 227 N. 15th. Imp.. 3-story brick, bay 1 window, porches $5200 I Whitehall and Reglna Sts., 3-storv I brick and brownstone, hot water 1 heat. See this property. Bargain ; $15,500 32 S. 29th St., 2%-story frame, gar nge, large lot, bargain $2450 228 ai.d 220 S. 29th St.. Penbrook, imp., large lot, each s23*n 400 biock. Woodbine St.. 3-storv bk.. imp , $3500 673. 675. 677 Brlgga St.. 3-story bk.. imp., each s32'Ui 2Ct It rnd Herr. double 2 14-story frame home, barn, garage, chicken house, nil kinds fruit, large garden, bar gain • •• $4200 Fl'-ience St.. Penbrook, double frame | house, ham. pig sty. chicken house, I lots of fruit and large garden. Price $4BOO I Eight-room, new brick house, lot 184 by 170. chicken house, pig sty. near Penbrook. Price $3500 1123 State St., 3-story brick, imp. $4600 Anv of the above properties can be had on 30 days' notice. See my list. I have other properties. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. Real Estate and Insurance 1549 State St.. cor. 16th St Dial 4930 Bell 4162R FOR SALE —1123 N. Front Street, stucco house, oil improvements, open fire place, gas. electricity, cosy and In good condition. Also 1122 Bartinc ave.. on rear of lot, room for garage. Will sell separately. Inspection by ap polntment. 801 l phone 2916 R. (Continued In Next Column) Jf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Derry Street between -.ld and 24th„ finished August, 1010. Three-story stone and stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat: "hardwood 1 floors, garage, $9,500 it sold i by December 1. LEWIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell 3057J I FOR SAIJK—2d St. below Maclay, -story, semi-detached house; 25 feet 'font; 162 ft. deep; runs back to ?cnn St.; garage; room for two cars; deautil'ul home; all improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J HOUSES in all sections of city sold] mi easy payment plan, ranging from $l,OOO to $6,000. D. A. Caley, 707 ! iCunkel Bldg. Bell 589. ; <1 WHATEVER YOUR REQUIREMENTS If interested in locating a home in the city or country, get in touch with this office LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. STATU ST.. 1949-1951 Double frame house and large stable, front ing on these streets; will sell to close estate, price and terms upon inquiry. J. K. Gipple, 1251 Market St. FOR SALE 1404 State St $6OOO 401 N. 18th St $5OOO 802 N. 18th St $4500 311 N. 18th St $4500 1810 Briggs St $3500 1820 Briggs St s4ouo 1822 Briggs St $4OOOl Desirable locations growing in I value. A. S. MILLER, Room 216 Commonwealth Trust Bldg.' Bell phone 3740R FOR SALE—Nice home on Hill single property, brick, all improve ments, recently completed, lot 40x109 Value $8,500. Will consider trade of auto or small homes. Address Box D-7900 care Telegraph. FOR SALE —Two-story frame house on Montgomery St.. and house in rear. Reasonable price. Easy terms. Inquire at 1003 N. Second St. Bell phone 8995'. FOR SALE A new modern. 6-room house locat ed on a lot 50x175 feet midway be tween Swatara Station and Hockers k'llle. Pa. The house is equipped with: i good steam heating system, large pantry and attic, partially equipped: oath room. A good sized garden in lood condition adjoins a well-graded I card filled with shrubbery and trees. I'here is a poultry house in a good ii/.ed poultry yard. In the poultry yard is also a stable large enough or two automobiles. A well of splen lid water is near the kitchen door. The home is located within a 5-cont are to Hershoy and Hummelstown ind within a 11-cent fare to Ruther ford. No reply to any request within four days will indicate that the prop >t ty is sold. Apply to S. S. Shearer, shlppensburg, Pa., for particulars. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond til st payment required, balance is rent. We have houses in every, part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. r. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Three-story brick house. 9 rooms and bath, all conveni ences. on Sixth street near Maclay. loom for garage in rear. Apply Bell Phone 4667 BROWN Ave., four 2 , / 6-stor.v frame hldgs., for sale at a sacrifice if sold at >nee; good Investment; must sell; for particulars apply at 1024 Market St. FOR SALE—A fine ten room house with porch, side entrance and long let pn S. 13th St. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. ■Second St. FOR SALE —Bungalow, 3218 N. 2d Rt.. pressed brick, slate roof, lot 26x ISO: six rooms, steam heat, fire place, hardwood. Phone 2642 W. NEW HOUSES —For sale and now >pen for inspection; 2419 Derry street; prick construction; well finished, most rpndernly equipped: open fireplace; ot 2Cxloo. Bell Really Co.. Bergner Bldg. VERY DESIRABLE —Briek house or sale, 1920 Chestnut street; all modern improvements. including ileum heat; do. not delay as this leighborhood and dwelling are deeir ible and the price is right. Bell Realty Jo.. Bergner Bldg. MARKET ST., 1606—Brick house for <ale: nine rooms and buth. all other improvements: occupied by owner; nspect It. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE—No. 58 N. Uth street, 3-stor.v dwelling; •xterior and interior recently palnt- Sd; all rooms papered and equipment r> good order; extra lot at side of louse. Bel! Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. $4500 WILL PURCHASE a brick property on Park street; all improve ments: drlyfe alley In rear. Bell Realty 'o.. Bergner Rldg. 11 OFFER ST.. 2307—N0W VACANT, or sale; brick and stucco semi-bungu ow seven rooms and bath; hot water leal ; other improvements. Bell Realty 0.. Bergner Bldg. J"700 WILL PURCHASE a 3-story •rick house on I'enn street: eight rooms and bath: all improvements; Mo 1812. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST., 2307 —NOW VACANT, for sale, brick and stucco semi-bun galow: seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other Improvements. Bell lleaitv Co.. Bergner Bldg. J J PROPERTY FOR SALE—On corner if Bailev and Twelfth streets: brb k onstructlon; nine rooms; all im niovcmcnts. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. IIEAI. ESTATE FOB RENT Three-stow brick bouses; steam heat and all Improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 2-d s3oo lown. Paiance as rent. BRICK HOUSE— Logan St., below Better Street; 8 rooms and bath, l'os; session fifteen days. $5O down. s2o per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and path: electric light; papered and painted new. $5O down. s2a per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J (Continued In Next Column! NOVEMBER 12, 1919. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT Located at the east end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1, prop erty now occupied by Swain, Hick man Company, consisting of One office. Two basements. One storage room. One concrete garage 15x155 ft. Suitable for auto accessory or sim ilar business, requiring space for storage. No. 2. Possession January 1, prop erty now occupied by U. A. Fair, con ! sistlng of I Two-story frame building, 38x155 leet. | L-shape building adjoining, 38x80 j feet. 1 Suitable for auto repair and paint shop, or manufacturing business. For further particulars upply at 126 South Second Street. HOUSE FOR RENT —Susquehanna St. or Myrtle ave., 819. $l7 per month. Inquire 1,. Minter. 110 N. Second St. Both phones. REAL, ESTATE—For Sale or Rent I | Opportunity for live wire, Howard [street above Thirteenth. 15,000 square | feet of tioor space, brick construe-1 tion, adaptable for warehouse or manufacturing purpose, electrically I equipped, steam heated, now used as' garage and service station, (known i as Conovcr Garage), attractive propo- | sition to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN,. Bell 3057J 31 North Second St. I I M REAL ESTATE WANTED — j WANTED Apartment house in good lo cation. prefer Front Street. Must accommodate three to six families with all the latest Improvements. Must show good investment. Ad | dress, D. ASA SANDERLIN, 36 N. Third St., Room 1, Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573, WANT to buy property between Second and Third Streets, on Maclay, Woodbine. Emerald or Seneca Address Box T-7730 care Telegraph. 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Heal Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third; Street. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT—Oitice space, fully equipped with two largo communicat ing rooms which can he used for stor age or supplies, inquire 429 Broad St. j FOR RENT—Second Iloor room. 50x 140 ft. no posts, 11th and Berryhill j Street. Apply on premises. FARMS FOR SALE Truck farm of 16 acres, 5 miles from Harrisburg. Cumberland coun ty, 2Vs-story frame house, barn, pig sty and chicken house, 2Vi acres fruit Possession at once, $3,100. 17-aere truck farm, 6-roorn house, bank barn. A moneymaker. Possession , at once, Cumberland county, 5 miles from Harrisburg. Price $2.500. "C" CHARLES DAVIES, 1542 State, coiner Sixteenth St. Bell 4162K Dial 4930 FOR SALE Grain or stock farm. 72 acres, 28 acres timber, frame house. 8 rooms, small bain, hog and chicken house. 3 ■ horses. 1 cow. 2 wagons and farm im plements. Prige $2,0u0. Also 50 acres. 12 acres fine timber, ' log house and frame barn; vacant. Price $650. Both farms near Manada • Gap, Dauphin county. 100 acres in Fishing Creek Valley. : 13 miles from Harrisburg. good house and barn, chicken house and pig sty, 400 cords of wood cut goes with this ' iarm. Pi ice $3,000. "C" CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street. Bell 41C2R Dial 4930 FARMS FOR SALE '. 15 acres $l7OO 3 6 acres 700 , 2 4 acres 2000 . 28 acres 2900 I 30 acres 2600 ; 39 acres 4200 i 48 acres 1100 ■ 50 acres 1700 6S acres 3500 72 acres 2000 ' 110 acres 4200 ' 128 acres 5900 ' ISO acres 3000 DURAND & FERRER, , 107 Chestnut near Front 18 acres limestone soil near Wil [ Hams Grove, '/i-mile to trolley, 7- room frame house, bank barn (30x50), . all buildings in good shape, electric ; light, good well. 50 fruit trees, splen . did place. F. S. Alumma & Son. Me ■ chanicshurg. Pa. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Furniture, parlor, din . lug, hall and bedroom, good as new; cheep if sold quick. 40 N. 18th St. • FOR SALE—Couch in good condi t tion. Inquire 927 N. 2d St. ; FOR SALE —Kitchen range, good as new, price $l5. Inquire 1828 North St. , FOR SALE—A line, 6-foot Indian . tanned Buffalo robe, never used. A. W. t Swengel. 2131 N. 2d St. 1 - FOR SALE—Bargain, one bureau, , one hi ass bed and furnishings. Cull [• 496 N. 3(1 St., first floor rear after 4 i p. m. until Friday. r FOR SALE—Burroughs adding ma chine, used about six months; good as - new. Address Box B-7917 care Tele graph. FOR SALE—Leather couch, iron crib and ladies' oak writing desk. Call 1 at 1834 Chestnut St. Bell 5068 R. 1 FOR SALE—Badger Beagle rabbit ' i hound, broken. Apply 28 Evergreen ' | St. Bel 1 , phone 9SSM. IFOR SALE—One library, one parlor, one dining room table, one kitchen rabinet, one small wardrobe, two ' igas pistes, three burners, one mitre saw, one tool chest with carpenter .! tools. Inquire 511 S. 14th St Bell J11516 M r ! FOR SALE—Two girl's Dayton bi cycles. also one large folding bed with 1 incased mirror, cheap. Inquire 429 I Broad St. I FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting on- Igine. 10 H. P. International gasoline i engine, machine tools, electric motors, various slr.es. large stone crushing plant complete. F. It. 185? IBell plionc. (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS JJ r - W. N. Winemiller Manager of the Fackler Furniture Co., 1312 Derry Street, Has two BURNALL FUEL SAVERS.'* and he will tell you that both are giving entire satisfaction and saving the fuel we claim they save. AUCTIONEER HITE 422 South 13th St. E. E. lIOERNER 421 Hummel St. General sales agents "cL Dauphin and Cumberland ~ Counties. , FOR SALE Overstuffed tapestry, 3-pleca parlor suite, valued $2OO. Sale price $165, FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TIT.LOT.SON, 200 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPIIEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES BOOKS Bought and sold; 20 000 new. old. rare, in stock. Aurand'a. ,925 North Third. Circulars free. | , | I MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here • High prices paid for furniture. Morris jschmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. [ CENTRAL Furnishing Store, see- I ond-hand heaters. $4 up. ranges in igood condition, $lO up. Must be sold in next 15 days. Also big bargains In i rugs and linoleums. Come and see. we I will try and convince you. Open even ings at 324 Reily St. Closed all day j Saturday. FOR SALE—Four-plate Columbia cook stcve, used only two years. 1601 Hunter St. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-aeety lene generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. R. Laverty. 1857 Bell phone. I'OR SALE—A No. 11 Monitor coil boiler for steam heat or hot water plant. Also 800 ft. of 1% inch pipe and radiators. Cheap to quick buyer Inquire H. H. Martin, New Bloomfield Pa. Bell phone 374. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. [Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 (Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAI) ST., HARRISBURG PA. BUSINESS OPPORUNITTES GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing five men. Address Box 14-9016 care Telegraph. ( DRUG STORE for sale in Harris burg, good location with dwelling, do ing good business, owner leaving city. Cash sale. Address Box B-7731 care Telegraph. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing cor poration wants capable mt>. to es tablish branch and manage salesmen, $3OO to $l5OO necessary. You liandlo own money. Will allow expenses to BaPimore if you will qualify. Foi particulars address Secretary, 418 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. GROCERY store for sale; good lo cation; doing good business; good reasons for selling. Address Box D-7729 cure Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2. DRAWINGS made of machinery and mechanical details. Hamilton Prac tical Draftsman, 125 South Eleventh Street. FOR SALE 1920 ADVERTISING CALENDARS BIG BARRGAINS IN JOB LOTS CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK OVER DISPLAY. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS. | ABOVE SHOE STORE I SPECIAL and automatic machinery 'designed; detail drawings made. Ham ilton Practical Draftsman. 125 South ,'Eleventh St. F U HNITUR E CRATED. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 R. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this change able weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSF HO-QUI NINE will stave it oft iif taken in time. Gross Drug Store, I 119 Market street. I —— ———— [ RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —• [Single edge, 25c doz., double edge. 350 I doz., razcrs, 25c. Qorgas Drug Store. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING —First class work. Chilcoat Bros.. 333 Harris Street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING — Anv metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Icupitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan Street Bell 4396 J. — f FINANCIAL SAFE INVESTMENTS SHORT TERM BONDS TO YIELD SEVEN PER CENT. J. K. GRKENAWALT. JR. . 130 Walnut Street, Bell 5118 - J Harrisburg, Pa. , Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page