Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 12, 1919, Image 1
Former Service Men Completely Wreck Halls and Plants of L W. W. in Cities of Western States HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH • £tar-3n&cpcnt>enL LXXXVIII— NO. 267 18 PAGES Dal^au X er ep t *hlVo offlc. re ft HaSur^ 1 "' HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1919. fr£ARm B sBUKG E,!l Bi two e ce£ts es HOME EDITION HANG LEADER * OF I.W.W.WHO URGED ATTACK Former Service Men, Un armed, Capture Radicals in Face of Storm of Bullets FOUR ARE KILLED AND FIVE WOUNDED BY BURSTS OF FIRE By Associated Press. Centralia, Wash., Nov. 12.—Nineteen alleged Industrial i \\ orkcrs of the World are in jail here to-day. The men were j rounded up yesterday and last night, after the firing on the Ar mistice Day parade, which resulted in the death of four members of the American Legion and the lynching of an I. W. W. member. There was no disorder here this morning. Later the National Guardsmen went on patrol duty in many parts of the city. At 8.30 they were posted on the main streets and were guarding all the roads leading into Centralia. The reason for the attack, which came as the head of the | parade swung past 1. W. W. headquarters to-day, had not been | developed fully, but Herman Allen, an attorney and member of the committee of former service men and others co-operating with the authorities in the investigation, said evidence had been obtained that it was premeditated. Citizens to-day planned to drive all radicals from Centralia, where they have been increasing for some time. Centralia was headquarters for Lewis county Industrial Workers operating i from here into the logging camps and other industrial pursuits of this section. American Legion members expressed determina- i tion that everv I. W. W. must leave the city. Plans Premeditated 1 One of the twenty men arrested in the search for the I. W. W. fol lowing the attack was said to have confessed plans were made months ago to "get" Warren Grimm and Arthur McElfresh, two of those killed, and William Schales and Captain David Livingston. The four had been active in suppressing rad ical activities in this community. Hifle Fire Sweeps Ranks Without warning bursts of rifle fire swept the ranks of marching overseas veterans as they paraded past I. W. W. headquarters. From [Continued on Page 17.1 Fifty-Three Taken in Raid on "Council" When Legion Is Denounced Portland. Ore., Nov. 12—Federal of ficials to-day began an investigation of the antecedents and activities of 52 men taken into .custody by the po lice in a raid on headquarters of the "Council of Workmen. Soldiers and bailors," last night. Reports that speakers at a meeting of the Council had denounced the American Legion and had charged members of the or ganization with responsibility for the riots at Centralia., Wash., yesterday in which four men were killed, caused Mayor George Baker, to order the raid. As soon as reports of the Centralia tiouble reached here Chief of Police Jennings summoned all available pa trolmen to headquarters to he held in reserve. Agents of the police sent I i the meeting of the council reported the speehes were of an incendiary character and the raid followed, all those taken into custody being charg ed with vagrancy One of the prisoners. Joseph Laun dy. is a candidate for the presidency of the Central Labor Council. Two other prisoners also have been prom inent in radical agitation here. Inflamed Former Service Men Wreck Hall and Publishing Plant of Reds Oakland, Cal„ Nov. 12.—A crowd of citizens entered the headquarters of the communist labor party in Loring Hall early to-day and wrecked the interior of the place. Large quanti ties of radical literature, red flags end furniture were burned in the streets by the mob. The mob was said to have consisted of 400 former service men and mem bers of the American Legion. The officers of the "World," a So cialist organ situated in the building also were wrecked. The communist labor party is said to be a new radical organization I here. The wrecking of the commit-' tee's headquarters was carried out in methodical fashion and with such swiftness that by the time the police arrived the crowd had dispersed. WOMAN IS CAUGHT By Associated Press. Youngstown, 0., Nov. 12. Six more alleged anarchists, one a woman, were taken into custody here to-day by Federal agents. Three are Russians, two are Croatians, and the woman la a Rumanian.. Forty-one alleged radicals have been arrested during the campaign here and only three have been released. THE WEATHER] llcrrlshurg and vicinity: l.| B ht ruin thin afternoon. Cloudy and slightly cooler to-night with lowest temperature about 48 degrees. Thursday fair and colder, Kastern Pennsylvaniat Cloudy and soinewlint colder to-night. Thursday fair, colder, tic tie to modrratr south to west w hinds. Itlveri The Susijueliannu river and all its tributaries Will rise slightly or remain nearly sta tionary. A stage of about ■%.- fret Is Indicated for Harris burg Thursday morning. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Four ex-service men have been shot to death by concealed ene mies in Centralia. The murderers represent a certain class of vipers who aim to destroy our own in stitutions and overthrow govern ment. Those of us who were in the service must accept the chal lenge ar?d ORGANIZE against them. We may be needed. We canriot afford to be caught nap ping. JOIN THE AMERICAN LEGION! Twenty-five per cent, of the service men* of Harrisburg are already enrolled ii\ Post 27. This is not an advertisement. It is an earnest plea for an organization of 100 % Americans against minus zero % foreigners who will i not respect the nation for which we fought. (Signed) EDWARD J STACKPOLE, JR. Chairman*, Post 27 WILLIAM R. LUTZ Chairman Membership Com mittee. Characterizes Shooting as Attempt at Revolt in House Debate By Associated Press. AA nslilngton. Nov. 12—The shooting | of four ex-service men in an armis | tice day parade in .Centralia, Wash ington, was described in the House , to-day by Representative Johnson, I Republican. Michigan, chairman of the Immigration Committee as an "at tempt at revolution with bullets and rifles which the country has long feared." Mr. Johnson sent a tolegram to Mayor Rogers, of Centralia, saying the country "must be purged of se ditionists and revolutionists to the last one, and if this means war, the quicker it was declared the better." "We, of the Pacific Northwest have long seen it coming," he said. "We have been patient, have avoided blood shed under every provocation, only to see these young men murdered. Their death will arouse the loyal people of the United States as nothing else has done. "History will record these heroes as among the first to fall in an at tempt at armed revolution against the United States and for which every man who has been preaching syndi calism, communism and class hatred is responsible." Stock Market Prices Break With Crash By Associated Press• New York, Nov. 12.—Prices in the stock market broke with a crash at 1.30 o'clock to-day. No group in the list wus spared. General Motors fell below 300 and Crucible Steel dropped to 212'/4. Brokers reported it was almost impossible to borrow money* at any price and as a result stocks were thrown overboard and for whatever they would bring. Rails held up fairly well hut they lial not shared in the rapid advance of industrials during the year. JAP DENIES CHARGES By Associated Press Berne, Tuesday, Now 11. Gen eral Sato, Japanese military attache here, denies the report printed in Swiss newspapers that Japan is en listing Swiss officers und subofflcers for the Japunese army. General Sato says the Japanese army is amply provided with officers. ' He declares the report is due to i swindlers in Germuny offering to en- I roll In the Japunese army, demand ing a sum of money as deposit. ] FOUR PER CENT. BEER AGAIN ON ! SALE OVER BARS | U. S. Agents Restrained From Enforcing Prohibition and Dealers Resume Sales TEMPORARY INJUNCTION Decree Will Be Entered To | morrow; Court Believes Act Is Unconstitutional Providence. R. 1., Nov. 12. Judge Arthur L. Brown in the Fed eral district court to-day issued a temporary injunction against Harvey A. Baker, United States Attorney and George F. Shaunessey, collector of internal revenue, restraining them from enforcing the provisions of the wartime prohibition act. The in junction was issued upon the petition of the Narragansett Brewing Com pany. The sale of four jx-r cent, beer was immediately resumed by Provi dence liquor dealers. The court in handing down its de cision said: "In view of the probability that the act in question will ultimately be held unconstitutional and of the irreparable damage that would result from its immediate enforcement, and as, in view of the evidence afforded Iby the Presidential proclamations | and other circumstances, its imme diate enforcement is not imperative, I am convinced that the plaintiffs right to a preliminary injunction is clear. The decree will be entered to morrow when it will become effec tive. ; Federal Machinery | Being Tuned Up For j Prohibition Enforcement Washington, Nov. 12.—John N. | Kramer, an attorney of Mansfield, Ohio, hits been appointed federal prohibition commissioner in direct charge of the enforcement of war . time und constitutional prohibition. The commissioner will work under ; the bureau of internal revenue, and will have charge of the field force 1 which will be used in enforcing , both the temporary and constitu tion dry lows. Daniel C. Roper, commissioner !of internal revenue, to-day made j public plans for enforcement of prohibition. Mr. Kramer will have as aids' an executive field force of i nine supervising federal prohibition ' agents and a prohibition director in I.each state. The supervising federal J agents will have jurisdiction over | nine territorial units into which j the country has been divided, i Under the direction of the super : vising agents will be a mobile force of federal agents which will be sent ! from one point to another as con. i ditions warrant. Headquarters of the supervising | federal agent, although not definite : ly decided upon, probably will be I located as follows: Albany, N. Y.: | New York City: Richmond, Va.; | Philadelphia: Atlanta; Chicago: ! Omaha: Little Rock and San Fran -1 cisco. The departments or units over } which their jurisdiction will extend i are to be known as the Northeast j em. New York, Eastern, Southern, i Gulf, Central Northwestern, South ; western and Pacific. Pennsylvania in Eastern | The states included in the North j eastern. New York and Eastern de ; partment follow: j Northeastern—Maine, New Hamp j shire, Vermont, Massachusetts and | New York State, excepting Greater I New York City and Long Tsland. i New York —Greater New York J City and Long Island, Connecticut ' and Rhode Island. Eastern—New Jersey, Fennsylva- I nia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware and i the District of Columbia. REVOI/T IX FRANCE Paris, Nov. 12.—An election riot, i with revolutionary features, occur j red to-day in the small industrial | town of Dortan, Department of Ain, j where extremists are numerous. The Republican candidates were received I with shouts of "Long live Lenine and the revolution!" "Long live the Roches:" "Down with the army and the Bourgeosie!" The Republicans ! were threatened with death and be- I sieged in the town hall by the tur- I bulent elements. Red flags were j carried and the revolution was ac i claimed by the besiegers. PROGRAM FOR WIDENING STREETS, PAVING AND SEWERS IS COMPLETED Improvement Work For 1920 Gone Oyer by Highway Com missioner Lynch and City Engineer Commissioner W. H. Lynch, su | perintendent of the Highway De- I partment, and City Kngineer M. B. ; t'owden conferred to-day on exten j sive street and sewer improvement ! work to be completed late this year i and during 1920. [ Mr. Lynch is planning to resur- Iface North Front street, from Cal der to Kelker streets, and has u large force of men at work now re- I surfacing North Second street, from j Reily to Maclay, doing the work in I sections. In case the State does not ; direct the city to widen North Third ; street, from Walnut to North, and Walnut, Fourth to Third, Mr. Lynch ! said he will probably ask council to , transfer the appropriation for this work, so that be can use the money . to pay for the resurfacing expense. To Widen Streets j If this is done Mr. Lynch will , include in his 1 920 budget f22,500 i for widening Third street, and }7,000 CHILD-WIFE FOUND INNOCENT BY JURY 17-Year-Old Mother Acquitted After Deliberation of One Hour and Fifteen Minutes Sheriff Ordered to Give Girl Her Freedom Within an hour and fifteen minutes after the jurors had left the courtroom to-day they had agreed upon a verdict in the case against Mrs. Cathleen Stewart, the child-mother charged with murder, and immediately after court convened this afternoon they returned a verdict of acquittal. She was discharged from custody at once, and with her hus band stepped outside the railing to the relatives and friends who were waiting for them. Many of them had remained in the court room from the time the jury retired at noon. Clings to Her Aunt The girl kissed some of her relatives and then clung to her aunt, Mrs. May A. Smith, with whom she has lived since she was two years old. A minute later she left the courtroom with her husband on one side and her uncle on the other. They went to the county jail to get some of her clothing and then took her to the Smith home at 1222 North Front street. The jury came into court at 2.03 o'clock and the defendant was brought in a minute later. Deputy Prothonotary Henry F. Holler di rected her and the juryment to stand, and then inquired if they had agreed upon a verdict. Upon receiving the reply that they had, he inquired what the verdict was. The foreman, W. E. Scott, 519 Muench street, re plied in a low tone, "Not guilty," and was scarcely heard outside the bar. Discharge*! at Once Mr. Holler handed the verdict to Judge Kunkel, who read it and re turned it. The deputy prothonotary recorded it in the quarter sessions docket, then directed the jury to rise again and read the verdict. As he pronounced the word "not guilty," Mrs. Smith, Cathleen's aunt, leaned forward and sobbed quietly. There was a slight murmur in the crowded courtroom, then W. Justin Carter, counsel for the girl, asked to have her discharged from custody. The District Attorney announced that no further charge was to be THREE CENTS IS SAID FAIR PRICE FOR NEWSPAPERS Pennsylvania Publishers Dei clare Increased Subscription Rates Are Necessary Increase in price from two to three cents for daily newspapers was strongly advocated at the closing con ference of editors and publishers held yesterday in the Penn-Harris. The serious crisis in the paper situation is the reason attributed for the de mand for higher rates. The publish ers, members of the Associated Dailies of Pennsylvania, had spent the day in discussing the situation, which has forced many papers out of existence. Among the other resolutions adopted were those opposing the foreign lang uage press, and commending the Gov ernor and Legislature tor s repeal of the statutes requiring the advertising of sheriffs' sales in German newspa pers: denouncing unbusinesslike and unfair methods in the sale of news papers by false pretenses and at sub scription prices lower than the cost [Continue*! on Page 17.1 Perseverance Lodge of Masons Celebrates Its 140 th Successful Year Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, Free and Accepted Masons, celebrated its one hundred and fcrtieth anniversary last evening with anniversary exer cises and a banquet in the Masonic Temple. The address of welcome was delivered by Past Master Warwick M. Ogelsby. After enjoying a turkey dinner, more than 500 members and guests listened to addresses by Past Master Thomas McConnell, Jr., Wash ington Lodge, No. 59, whose subject was "The Square"; H. M. J. Klein, of Zederetha Lodge, No. 451, whose sub ject was "Loyalty"; and Levin Irving Handy, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, spoke on "The Spirit of Masonry." for Walnut street, the amounts which had been set aside this year. Mr. Cowden will begin at once with his engineering force the prep aration of a topographical map of the Fourteenth ward, which, When it is approved by council, will be the official map of this district. The new lines of North Sixth, North Third, North Second, Green and other streets as approved by the City Planning Commission will be included, Mr. Cowden said. After the plana are completed residents of the district will be given an op portunity to hold hearings to dis cuss them, and the Planning Com mission and c ty coucll will confer on the street lines which are estab lished. In nddition to the street paving nnd sewer extension work has been discussed by Mr. Lynch and Mr. Cowden. a plan is being considered for paving Market street, from Twenty-first street to the eastern city limits. brought and the court then ordered the girl to be released. Her at torneys nodded to her and she stood up, apparently overcome by the ac quittal. With her husband's arm about her she walked out to her aunt and mother, then left the courtroom and the courthouse with a number of friends following her. Throughout the morning session of court the child-wife and mother listened to the plea of her attorney, W. Justin Carter, to the argument of District Attorney Michael E. Stroup, and to th% solemn charge of President George Kunkel. Quieted by Husband Three or four times she wept, but her husband spoke a few words to her each time, and she recovered her composure. When the District Attorney depicted the probable scene in the middle room at the girl's home in Capital street, she broke down again and wept con vulsively. Relatives seated just back of her [Continued on Page 17.1 MURDERS AROUSE LOCAL MEMBERS • OF LEGION POST Former Service Men Stirred by News of I. W. W. Fire on Armistice Parade i The murder of four members of j the American Legion who were pa rading at Centralia in an Armistice j Day celebration yesterday has i aroused local members of the Le gion. Ex-seivice men from Posts 27 and 279 are greatly stirred up about the affair and are awaitirrg eagerly further news that may come. Post 27 probably will hold a meet ing the latter part of the week, when Ma\ T. Milnor, delegate to the na ; tional convention at Minneapolis, will report on the action of the con vention. At that time, it is said, plans will be made for guards, which may be called at any time in the preservation of law and order and the extermination of I. W. W.'s and Bolshevists. Riga Freed From Menace of Attack by Lettish Offensive By Associated Press. Dorpat, Livonia, Nov. 12. Let tish troops in the region near Riga attacked the Germano-Russian forces of Colonel Bermondt yester day and pushed them back several miles along the entire line, the Let tish conferees at the Baltic States conference here were advised to day. The attack resulted in Riga being entirely freed from menace by Colonel Bermondt's forces. The Letts, it is added, captured a battery of heavy guns and numer ous machine guns. Senator Martin Dies After Long Illness By Associated Press Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 12.—' Senator Thomas S. Martin, the Dem ocratic leader in the Senate, died here to-day after an illness of sev eral months. He was 72 years old. SIX FIREMEN HURT Philadelphia, Nov. 12. The Oil lander and Sons glass works at Ta eony, a suburb of Philadelphia, wus partly destroyed by fire to-day. Six i firemen were injured by a falling j wall. The loss is estimated at $4OO - 1 000. . ' j RECOVER MISSING GIRLS Omaha, Neb., Nov. 12. Steve I Marks, one-legged gypsy, is under arrest in connection with the dis appearance from Philadelphia last March of Rosle Mitchell. 12 jear.s old, and Sonia Evans, 14 years old. The missing girls were located in Council Bluffs, with Marks. CELEBRATED; EXPELLED Hamilton, 0.. Nov. 12. Eighty students of the Junior High School to-day were expelled for celebrating the armistice anniversary Tuesday instead of being In school. The stu dents were told not to return until brought bAck by their parents. HIT BY AUTO Peyton Baltimore, 6u4 Primrose street, was trentcd at the Harris burg Hospital yesterday with a lac erated scalp. He had been struck by an automobile while playing in the streets. STEAM HEATING RATE INCREASED TEN PER CENT. | Public Service Commission Acts to Permit Wiping Out of Deficit NO PROTEST IS FILED Figures Furnished by Corpo ration Leaves No Mar gin For Profit An increase of ten per cent, in the steam heat rates of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company was ap proved to-day by the Public Service Commission. The Commission in giving its ap proval to the new rate takes cog nizance of a deficit incurred by the company in furnishing steam at the old rate. The company declared be fore the commission that the deficit last year was $26,983. The new rate is estimated to increase the revenue ] about $26,000 just about wiping out last year's deficit. Tile ltuling | The Commission's order follows: "On August 12, 1919, the Commis sion, by order in C. 2298, maintained the rates which were then under investigation. In its order dismissing that complaint, it prescribed that it was without prejudice to the right of complainants to renew same on or after May 31, 1920, and therein re spondent was directed to file from time to time supplemental state ments evidencing its receipts and expenses under these sustained rates ! down to May 31, 1920. I "The respondent by this applica | tion alleges and by evidence pre sented has shown that under its ac tual experience the cost of producing steam is approximately ten cents per thousand pounds of condensation over that which was anticipated by it and covered by the approved tar iff schedule referred to. "X'o protest has been filed against the ten cent increase now prayed for. The evidence sfuvvvsßhat respondent's operating expenses for the year be ginning June 1, 1918, and ending May 31, 1919, were $186,529. The gross revenues for the same period were $159,546, leaving a deficit of $26,983. "The ten cent increase asked for will produce about $25,000 or $26,- 000 more revenue, an amount which will approximately cover the deficit mentioned. "In the circumstances the applica tion should be allowed, but upon the same terms as our former order which granted leave to complainants to file a further complaint if they jso desire on or after May 31. 1920, upon which the Commission will give I further consideration to the matter." | Victim of Exploding Ammonia Tank Unable to Talk or Use Eyes Unable to talk and with his eyes blindfolded as the result of ammonia burns. Truman Strohm, 131 East Main street, Palmyra, is in the Har risburg Hospital in a serious con dition. n An exploding ammonia tank at the plant of the Hershey Chocolate i Company, scattered the liquid over Strohm while he was at work. He was given first aid treatment at the plant and hurried to the local insti tution. He was employed as an en gine oiler. The liquid was scattered oyer his eyes, face and some entered his mouth. His throat has been badly burned and he is unable to talk at this time. His eyes have been burned, but Jt is believed that his sight will be saved. Move Launched to Limit Treaty Debate Under Cloture Rule fill Associated Press Washington, Xov. 12. —A move ment to limit Senate debate on the Peace Treaty by invoking the clo ture rule was inaugurated to-day by Democratic leaders. A petition for cloture, requiring but sixteen signa tures for submission, was circulated by the Administration leaders and soon had more than double the nec essary number. Some Republican leaders said they would support the Democratic clo ture proposal, which had been cir culated after consultation between lenders of both parties. Four Women Charged With Being Scolds Sarah Flnfrock, charged with be ing a common scold, was on trial this morning in Courtroom No. 2, before Judge S. J. M. McCarrell. The jury may return a verdict late this afternoon. In the case against Mrs. Catherine McLaughlin, held on the same charge, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Two other women are to be tried at this session of court for being common scolds. Barton Stewart, pleading guilty to a serious charge, was released on probation: Benjamin F. Smith, was ucquitted of a charge of assault and battery and Warren Gladden was convicted of aggravated assault and battery. BANDIT K11.1,* UX-CONSIL New York. Nov. 12. Dr. Leopold Cordova, former consul here for Hon duras, was shot and killed and his wife dangerously wounded late last night by a bandit. Both were left for dead in a ditch on the outskirts of the city. Dr. Cordova and his wife were natives of Honduras. He was crnsul here for about five years, re tiring last month, when administra tion changes in Honduras resulted In the sending of another representa tive here. MINE OWNERS JOIN WORKMEN IN ACCEPTING Invitation to Join Miners' Delegates to Negotiate New Wage Pact Is Taken Up COAL DIGGERS ARE SLOWLY RETURNING TO THEIR JOBS By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 12. Thomas T. Brewster, chairman of the coal operators' scale committee, announced to-day that the mine owners had accepted Secretary Wil son's invitation to meet representa tives of the miners here Friday to negotiate a new wuge agreement. John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers of Amer ica, already had notified Secretary Wilson of his acceptance, meanwhile declining an offer from Brewster to meet the latter's committee here Monday to negotiate "a contract to be in force upon the termination of the contract now in effect." Spokesmen of the miners said to day this proposition cotild not be considered for a moment and that the only way to bring peace to the coal fields was through adoption of a pay scale to take effect imme diately. Mr. Lewis' telegram accepting Sec retary Wilson's invitation wus made public to-day by the Secretary. It follows: "Your telegram even date inviting scale committee central competitive field and representatives of all bitu minous districts involved in strike, to meet with you next Monday, at Washington, is received. Your mes sage was submitted to our confer ence now in session in Indianapolis, and I am authorized to say repre sentatives of mine workers will be present on that date." ;; ; <, PLAN IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION OF REDS J 4 * Portland, Ore. Immediate proceedings toward dc- • * * r all aliens among the men arrested last night f 111 ' the police at I. W* W. headquarters he; * * * will be taken, according to announcement made to-day 1 y Barr.ctr Goldstein, acting United States attorney. T 4 * -{ € T J J "DUMDUMS" TAKEN IN RAID * Charleston, W. Va. Careful examination of the an „ „ unition seized with nine military rifles at Dawes, W * ; J Va., by deputy sheriffs to-day, disclosed the presence of < me 300 soft nosed "dumdum".bullets among the regi * . - Jar cartridges, it was announced at Governor Cornwall's !| < office this afternoon. * * , , * ' REPRESENTATIVE KRAUSE DIES * 4 Allrnton. Representative in the Pettnsylvani m a 4 _ . A. Krause of Quakertown, Buck * * * county, died this morning aged 64. 4 * ' |MAY PERMIT SALE OF 1.000,000 CALC. OF LIQUOR • _ * e * le Ky.— Federal Judge Walter Evans, in ope t i ourt, declared here to-day that he is "firmly of th< * | pinicn," wartime prohibition is unconstitutional an I * *f ii sition to enjoin Elwood Hamilton, coi t , t ector of internal revenue for Kentucky from interferin * * * with the salt of about 1,000,000 gallons of tax paid whis- ky, known as "floor stock." . f • ' ; '• ] I. W. W. PREPARING PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN J * Spokane, Wash. Industrial Workers of the World * • are preparing to launch from their hadquarters here a * propaganda campaign throughout the Northwest and ■ * perhaps through the entire West* in the near future, '* * according to officials of the Department of Justice. So ' * far they said no orders to proceed against them have ," * been received. V T • * ' ' ; MARRIAGE LICENSES 4 I lurry I). Wllhrlra. Harrlnl>ur K , uud Roan M. Wolf. I.rhnnon,* f llumi, N. .MiittrMon and l.aurctta H. Thorax*, Harrt.hurftl Thomu* It. Nhnry and Kathrrlur H. Aldinarr. llarrlabur*) Arthur P. Kama* k and Ummn K. Jonra, Harrlnbura. Ilarry N. Taylor, president of the National Coal Association, also ac cepted Secretary Wilson's invitation to-day, and will meet here Friday with other representatives of the operators and the officials of the miners' union. Releasing Coal Release of coal to meet emergency needs was begun to-day by the Rail road Administration's central com mittee as a result of the agreement of the miners and operators to meet Secretary Wilson for a conference on their difference. Director General Hines has instructed regional coal committees to increase the quantity released as rapidly as production ia correspondingly restored. There is some shortage of coal in the southwest, Mr. Hines said, but with coal now moving in that di rection the emergency will soon be met. Orders also have gone out from the administrator to all federal managers which will turn the thou sands of empty coal cars again to ward the mines so that there will be ample cars on hand when the miners return to work. "The need for coal by consumers other than the railroads began to be felt on November 6, although be fore that time some coal had been released on a showing that it was needed," said Mr. Hines. "In the period from November 6 to Novem ber 9, a total of 2,655,000 tons of [Continued on Page B.]