Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 08, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 DARRISSURG TELEGRAPH AA NEWSPAPER, FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 1i " i evenings except Sunday by pHE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. [Telegraph Building, Federal Sgaare t ■ E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief !p. t R.- OYSTER, Business llanager jGUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor U- R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board STJPTMCCULLOUGH, " "'BOYD M. OGLESBY,' F._ R. OYSTER. GUa M. STEINMETZ. Mambers of the Associated Press—The Associated Press la exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. [UI rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. t Member American Newspaper Pub- Associa lation and Penn syl^anhi^Associa- Eastern office. Story, Brooks & Aveniie_ Building, Western office! Story, Br-ioks & Flnlcy, I Chfc&go, li'l! ldlnß ' Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1#1 For toe are Cod's fclloie-tcorkcrs: yc are God's husbandry, Cod's building. —l. COB. 3 : 9. MR. HAYS SPEAKS ({T'T'fE MUST develop a reason yy able method for honest " and efficient labor to ac quire an interest in the business to which labor is expected to give its best efforts," said National Repub lican Chairman Will H. Hays' speak ing at Springfield, 111., last night. And he continued: "Pending this levelopment the equilibrium between production and wages must be es tablished and there must be justice for all exact justice, the justice of right and reason, but not of force." If the Republican party goes be fore the people on that kind of a platform next year it will sweep the jountry, as it ought to do. The average businessman is no siere dollar getter. He must make a profit or go to the wall. No man, Whether he be businessman or lab orer, works for nothing. So, first of ill, the businessfnan must sec to it Jhat there ia a proper return on the money invested. But beyond that he has come to the place where he is very willing to share, and share generously* Capital never again will make the profits it did a few years ago, and most industrial managers accept this condition with good grace and are willing to go along. But before they can talk profit-sharing or business co-partnership they must be assured that there is going to be something to divide. In short, be fore any real progress can be made, labor and capital must get together on something like a reasonable basis of understanding. And strikes and lock-outs are poor ways of reaching that happy stage. , WE'RE COMING THROUGH TTT E know that the forty yy four-hour week cannot feed the world and we proclaim that it cannot clothe it." This is a quotation from some reso lutions by the Farmers' National Congress at Hagerstown, Md., in op position (o radical labor methods and in protest against domination of affairs by a comparatively small mi nority of the people. The conference went on record as favoring a Fed eral Court of Arbitration and also proclaimed the "conservation of the American farmer a bulwark of na tional defense against the dangerous foreign influences at work to-day." Day by day the influence of con servative thought in this country is more and more permeating all classes of the people, and it is be lieved that the time is not far dis tant when we shall emerge from a period of unrest and discontent un paralleled in the history of the United States with chastened spirit and a better appreciation than ever before of the splendid heritage of our institutions, our liberty and our individual opportunities. GET RID OF THEM AT LAST the Department of Jus tice has shown its teeth. Having rounded up radicals by the hundreds the next thing should be to get all of the aliens out of the country and to put the native born where they will not have oppor tunity to spread their pernicious doc trines. And while Mr. Palmer is about it, Why not round up James Maurer? The Attorney General, speaking at the Capitol Thursday, read extracts Irom Maurer's speeches, which, if accurately quoted, mark him as an enemy of the United States goverrw ment, which means that he is an' enemy of the labor unions he claims to represent. "You cannot be too revolutionary to suit me," he is re ported to have told western radicals, and said other things which indicate that he is among those who are try ing to upset the United States gov ernment. If Mr. Palmer knows SATURDAY EVENING, these things about M&urer, why does he not arrest him? Every man who plots against the United States is an enemy of all law-abiding people. He is worse than the man who commits a crime against tho individual, because he plans to ruin all of us and to plunge us into Just such a mess of rapine, murder and starvation as exists in Russia, where workmen are labor ing under condition that approach slavery, being forced to stick to their jobs whether they want to or not; where women are common property, married or single; where thousands have been shot or tor tured to death, and where the aged and the children are starving at the rate of thousands every day. The public is with the government in its raids on tho "reds" and will hope that while they are about it the Department of Justice agents will make their job complete and effective. There is no place in this country for the man who does not believe in our form of government. If he doesn't like it let him get out, or failing that, let us put him out. CLASS ANTAGONISMS THE Kunsas City Star quotes at length the sayings of Theodore Roosevelt on class antagonisms and the evils arising therefrom. Roosevelt had the gift of putting into forceful sentences the thoughts of the multitude. He said what mil lions of his fellow countrymen only thought, and he said it in a way that brooks no denial. Among the para graphs the Star republishes are these, which no newspaper need feel ashamed to set forth in this period of stress as outlining its own edi torial thought: Neither Plutocracy Nor Mob | This government is not and never | shall be a government by plutoc- I racy. This government is not and never shall be government by a mob. It shall continue to be in the future what it has been in the past, a gov ernment based on the theory that each man, rich or poor, is to be cre ated simply and solely on his worth as a man; that all his personal and property rights are to be safeguard ed; and that he is neither to wrons others nor to suffer wrong from others. —From President Roosevelt's Message to Congress, December 5, 1905. Tlie Two Evils The triumph of the mob is just as evil a thing as the triumph of the plutocracy, and to have escaped one danger avails nothing if we succumb to the other. * * There is nothing to choose between. * * * Fundamentally they are alike in their selfish disregard of the rights of others. —From President Roose velt's Message to Congress. Decem ber, 3, 1906. Tlie Class Agitator Any man who tries to excite class hatred, sectional hate, hate of creeds, any kind of hatred in our community, though hd may affect to do it in the interest of the class he is addressing, is, in the long run, with absolute certainty, that class's own worst enemy.—President Roose velt in Omaha, April 27, 1903. One Daw For All Mr. Shea, X can only repeat what I have said. I am a believer in unions. lam an honoiaiy member of one union. But the union must obey the law; just as every man, rich or poor, must obey the law.— President Roosevelt to a strike com mittee, May 10, 1905. Predatory Wealth One great problem that we have before us is to preserve the rights of property; these can only be pre-' served if we remember that they are in less jeopardy from the Socialist and the Anarchist than from the predatory man of wealth. —Quoted in Lewis' "Life of Theodore Roose velt." No Class Gains from tlie Misfortune of Another There is no worse enemy qf the wageworker than the man who con dones mob violence in any shape or who preaches class hatred; and surely the slightest acquaintance with our industrial history should teach even the most shortsighted that the times of most suffering for our people as a whole, the times when business is stagnant and capi tal suffers from shrinkage and gets no return from its investments, are exactly the times of hardship "and want and grim disaster among the poor. If all the existing instrumen talities of wealth could be abolished, the first and severest suffering would come among those of us who are least well off at present. The wageworker is well off only when the rest of the country is well off, and he can best contribute to the general well being by showing sanity and a firm purpose to do justice to others. —President Roosevelt at Syracuse, September 7, 1913. All of these things Roosevelt said or wrote more than ten years ago to-day. They might have been ut tered in the present crisis. Would that we had a Roosevelt at the helm now, but having none we at least may avail ourselves of his counsel and advice, and we would do well to give heed to whiit he—the great friend of the common people—had to say on problems such as those with which the Nation is now con fronted. CIVIC BETTERMENT THI3 American Civic Association in session in Philadelphia this week is giving consideration to many important matters affecting the improvement and development of cities and out of this meeting will doubtless come great good for the whole Commonwealth. The State Bureau of Municipal ities in the department presided over by Secretary of Internal Affairs j Woodward is achieving much in overcoming conditions in the smaller municipal units of the State, and the prospect of still further usefulness is encouraging to those who have developed a fine spirit of co-opera tion between these smaller munici palities and the department on Capitol Hill. There can be little doubt that with in the next few years the small boroughs and towns of Pennsylvania will compare most favorably with similar places in New England and elsewhere because of the helpful as sistance which is now being ren dered by this important bureau. "po££t£co Lk "Pt KK^lccuda, By the Kx-Committeeman Men who have been observing the trend of National politics at Wash ington and who have been noting opinions expressed in New England, New York and the Middle West late ly, have been remarking that the two men now most talked about as presidential timber are Pennsyl vanians, Governor William C. Sproul on the Republican side and Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, Demo crat. Some are of the belief that their names will be much heard of in tho next few months and huve remarked upon the singularity that two lifelong intimate friends should be so much and so peculiarly placed in the political talk of the day. The Governor's speeches in Massa chusetts have drawn to him in New England the attention which he at tracted while at the conference of the governors in the West. In New York he is much mentioned and at Washington he is much watched. The Attorney General is said by many prominent Democrats to have strong support all over the country and while he may not be the man whom many think will receive the Wilson mantle he is nevertheless a big figure in Democratic talk. —This prominence of the Attor ney General is one of the reasons why his friends among the Demo crats in this State are working so hard to line up candidates for na tional delegate in his behalf. There has been much work done along that line in the last month, and as Palmer now stands as the undis puted leader of the reorganization faction and the chief object of the dislike of the other faction he is on a fair way to be the center of a conflict in which the odds are that he will get most of the delegates. —The Democratic ringmasters will be getting together in the next few weeks to arrange the slates for delegates and as soon as the offi cial counts are ended they will be stirring. —For the last few days men in politics have been studying the re sults. There have not been many upsets. The Republicans seem to have been more generally successful than many people thought would be possible at the time of the primaries. —Governor Sprouf has been re ceiving complimentary A telegrams upon his appointment oWwilliam B. Linn, of Philadelphia, to the supe rior court bench. Mr. Linn's quali fications have been praised by many eminent men and some of the mes sages from men high up in the law are notable. -—S. S. Riddle, named yesterday as chief of the new Bureau of Rehabili tation, has won that place on his merits. He has been making a study of the way men injured in industry and war have been fitted for earn ing livings in avocations suitable to their physical condition and is one of the best posted men in the State on the subject. Commissioner Con nelly says he was glad to secure him for the organization of the new bureau which has such an important field. —People here who know Senator Edwin H. Vare will read with inter est the remarks that he made at the Reber dinner to Mayor-elect J. Hampton Moore in Washington on Thursday night. The dinner was re garded by Philadelphia newspapers as a love feast and as the time for forgetting animosities. It seems to have been more than a mere con gratulatory event and to have had much political significance. Here are some of the Vare remarks, which have the characteristic Vare slant: "We made our fight on Mr. Moore at the primaries. We lost, and he, beating us, automatically won our support." "No condition can arise which will make us two brothers become snakes in the grass. We'll be with Mr. Moore politically and every other way for a sane and sensible ad ministration." "We have been beaten before and 'came back,' and expect it to happen again." "Twenty-five per cent, of the men with whom officeholders come in contact are cheats. Moore knows them and how to deal with them." "I have no faith in reformers, be cause no man can succeed in office unless he knows politics." "Stuart's administration as mayor was the only successful one in thirty five years." —The progress of the counts in York and Columbia counties is at tracting State-wide attention. The Columbia county Itetpublicans de clare that they will not allow Gern naria to be counted out and threaten a court contest. In York it is a see saw. —Charles R. Michael, tUe well posted Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, says in a dis patch to that newspaper that Penn sylvania politics is taking on a deter mined aspect. He goes on to say fur ther: "Representative George S. Graham, as the member from the State on the National Congressional Committee and chairman of the Fi nancial Committee, has started a monthly conference of the delegation, with—the idea of bringing about a friendly and co-operative spirit in the delegation and of electing thirty four Republican members to the next Congress. He concedes the Demo crats two places, the Berks-Lehigh district and the Northampton-Car bon-Monroe district. When the campaign actually opens next year, the Congressional Committee will have' headquarters in Harrisburg and from there in conjunction with the State Committee will be con ducted the hardest battle to defeat Democrats holding places in normal Republican districts ever staged in Pennsylvania. Mr. Graham will have the assistance of Representatives Krelder, Porter, Hulings and Har row." —Col. L. W. Strayer, of the Pitts burgh Dispatch, also remarks that greater attention than ever is going to be given to congressional elections next year in Pennsylvania. America's Need [From the Albany Journal] This country needs more Ameri -1 can-born young men who are not under the delusion that any other than a dressed-up Job is beneath their dignity) APH THAT GUILTIEST FEELING By BRIGGS vs/HEM A FRIGMD FIMOS YOU ( ■ -—' '—" TH6 FIRST Tee OP THS \ % , - ... . _ <3OLF CLUB t AND, BCIMG IGNORANT WELL- HEL*LO 1 OF RULe.3 AMD CUSTOMS HAILS J ©ILL,-- WELL VAJGLL ' \ you |M A LOUD RAUCOUS - , , / T *" 866N uooKiw' | MANNER JUST AT THE S~* • ' I * ALL OVER FOR YA• ) SILENT MOMENT YOUR ( " I ' & Q THIS a wneßfi n / CROTCHETY GOLF MAT E J A I HAN<S OUT IS I**?/ iS APORBSSIMG his ball. ( > kXSreX 1 Whatcha Got on 1 r*oTr<> /^, I THERE- The Basket of Memories This is the market of live and learn, Here is the stall where they sell the spring. And here is the stand where the memories burn. And what will you have? There is everything! Sell me, oh, sell me, dear merchant of joy. Memories of childhood in far away hip (Is. And dear little visions of old play mate faces, Comrades of youth holding hands in our bunds! This is the market of never again. Bouquets and branches of beauti ful joys, So fill up your basket, ye women and men. With memories of days of the girls and the boys! Sell me, oh, sell me, dear keeper of stalls, A lane in the country, a rose by the gate, The sweet honeysuckle all over the walls, And the rose by the path In its regal estate! Home, with the basket aswing on your arm. Brimmed with the dreams of the days that have been. And roads running sweet by the village and farm. And down through the valleys and meadows of green! Fill high the basket, the stalls are so fine In life's dreamy market, and prices are low— For all that they ask is a smile, with its wine. And away with your basket piled high you may go! —Folger McKinney, in the Balti more Sun. Pershing's Military Policy "As a military policy we should have: "A.—A permanent military estab lishment large enough to provide against sudden attack. "B.—A small force sufficient for expeditionary purposes to meet our international obligations, particular ly on the American continent. "C. —Such force as may be neces sary to meet our internal require ments. "D.—A trained citizen reserve or ganized to meet the emergency of war. "In addition to preparing our young manhood to defend their country, universal military training brings many benefits whlcn our Government should hasten to pro vide. It develops the physical vigor and manliness. It develops the mentality. It would decrease illit eracy. It teaches men discipline and respect for constituted authori ty. It encourages initiative and gives young men confidence in themselves. It better prepares young men for the duties of citizenship. "Such training is especially need ed among our alien population, who would learn something of our lan guage and our institutions. All these benefits have been bestowed upon the men who composed our forces during the war and the benefits of such training should be universally extended to all our young men. Through services it increases their patriotism. It broadens their views through associating with men of all classes. It Is democratic. Old Constitution Good Enough [From the New York Times,] So there was nothing nebulous, vague or intangible about American freedom. The Constitution, whose birthday the Nation celebrated a few years ago, was no glorious spree of words like the French Declara tion of the Rights of Man. It was made up of hard and practical declarations, and we have lived by them ever since. Now we are told, suddenly that a new charter of human liberty has been discovered and are invited to take it as our guide and sail unknown seas utter ing invocations in its name. The old Constitution served us well. It served well the men who came here from other countries. Now that it is suddenly assailed by some among them who have been at no pains to learn what the instrument means, what the principles of our Govern ment are, and by their intellectual blood-relatives of American descent, the men and women who love it and believe in It should awake and stand by it. Christ and the Sinners This is ii faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus .came into the world to save sinners, of which I am chief.— Timothy i, II THE SUSQUEHANNA NAVIGABLE Report by Win. B. Gray, Major of Engineers, United States Army, No. S—EXPORTS Perhaps it will be thought that on account of the war the United States has exported so much more coal than formerly as to account for the shortage. As a matter of fact, the exports, according to figures compiled'by the National City Bank of New York, have not greatly increased. Accord ing to these figures the United States exported in 1914 a total of 19,664,- 000 tons of coal, valued at $49,921,- 000. During 1915 exports dropped 1,500,000 tons, but in 1916 exports went up again to more than 22,500,- 000 tons. In 1917 to.tal coaljexports, both anthracite and bituminous, were 24,269,000 tons, valued at $83,119,- 000. During the same period ex ports of coke went from 742,476 tons in 1914, valued at $2,790,000, to 1,171,000 tons in 1917, valued at $6,281,000 in round numbers. Of the total exports of coal during all of this time, Canada has taken rather more than half, with other countries importing our coal as fol lows: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Italy, Panama, Mexico, Cuba, other West Indian Islands and Bermuda. Bunker Supply The increase the quantity of bunker coal supplied at United States ports to foreign trade vessels like wise shows too small a change to have affected the coal situation to an appreciable extent. In 1913 the quantity of bunker coal thus sup plied was 7,350,000 tons, valued at $23,690,000. In 1917, 7,729,000 bunker tons were supplied, with a value of $30,496,000. The abov figures would show that out of a total increased production of ap proximately 80,000,000 tons for 1917, as compared with 1913, the exports of coal and the increased bunker supply to vessels have used up only about 3,000,000 tons altogether of this increase, leaving the net gain for purely domestic purposes at about 77,000,000 tons. It has been seen that the actual quantity of coal produced in the This Is Americanization "Get acquainted with your next door neighbor, the foreign-born im migrant, and make him feel at home, if you want to protect this country from radicalism in thought, word and action," is the advice of Judge Joseph Buffington, of the United States circuit court of ap peals, an authority on immigration. For twenty-five years this judge has sat in the naturalization court. Stirring the melting pot for so long, the judge, than whom there is no stauncher advocate of Americanism, knows the immigrant from A to Z. Out of every seven of our Ameri can population one is a foreign-born citizen and another the son or daughter of foreign-born parentage. America has been guilty of snob bishness, according to the judge's observations; Instead of welcoming the immigrant with a hearty hand shake and making him feel at home, America has neglected him. Conse quently he has fallen into the hands of false prophets. These agitators, preaching false doctrines, have led the immigrant away from the ideals that lured him to our shores. "Mix with him," admonishes Judge Buffington. "If he hasn't started right over here it is our fault. Teach him right and he'll go right What the foreign-born did during the war is the best evidence of what he will do under enlight ened guidance. Remember, the basis of democracy is self-govern ment. That, means government of self and not selfish government. As a people we are all of two classes; those grasping for so-called rights and those doing their duty. One thousand men must do their duty that one man may enjoy a single right. Let's do our duty and be a brother to the foreign-born." Educational Savings [From the fioston Transcript] Is there any well-wisher of the nation's welfare who wouldn't have our school teachers paid salaries that will enable them to lay by something more than a cotton um brella .and a pair of rubbers for a "rainy day?" All Guilty [From Seattle Post-Intelligencer.] There are so many jay walkers and so many Jay drivers that it hardly be hooves any driver to talk about Jay walkers, or any walker to mention the jay driven. United States in 1917 increased about 60,000,000 tons over the 1916 pro duction. Various Uses of Coal Per Cent. Industrial steam trade 33 Railroal fuel 28 Domestic and small steam trade, 16 Manufacture of beehive coke .. 9 Manufacture of by-product coke . 4 Exports 4 Steamship bunkers at tidewater 2 Used at tho mines 2 Manufacture of coal gas ...... 1 Unlisted uses . 1 The above industrial statistics show the extent of the industrial conditions in the area traversed by the Susquehanna River in Pennsyl vania only. . A reasonable expectation of water transportation business for a navigable Susquehanna River would equal the capacity of the locks to pass the barges, about 16,000,000 tons a season. Coal 12,000,000 Tons Agricultural 11,500,000 Tons Miscellaneous .... 2;500,000 Tons We believe your investigation and survey will amplify the facts here tofore stated and will justify a re port recommending that appropria tions be made and the necessary steps taken to make the Susque hanna River navigable. Summing up: My personal opinion is that mak ing the Susquehanna River navi gable is practical. As an additional transporta tion facility it is necessary. For the reduction of freight charges and the development of in terstate commerce, it is justifiable. For the conservation of water •and flood control, jointly with the production of electric power, it is warranted. For the benefits to be derived by the Eastern Soaboaf® States and the Nation, it should be made navi gable delay. [Tne End.] Father Stole Gypsy Queen [From the Portland Oregonian] A Romany love story involving the possession of pretty Bakouche Mark, gypsy queen, the tale of a marriage after the quaint old gypsy customs and a breathless escape in the high powered motor car of her father after this marriage and proved irksome, was related in mu nicipal court when Steve John, lead er of a gypsy band, appeared on a charge of kidnaping his own daughter from the girl's mother-in law, Rosa Mark. It was a case of her daughter-in law or her ducats with Rosa Mark, who declared that she had paid S6OO for the girl at the time of the mar riage to Michael Mark a few months ago. Representations being made by the District Attorney that the girl had not been taken away against her will, and that it was consequent ly not a case of kidnaping, the judge discharged Steve John. Pretty j 8-year-old Bakouche Mark and Rosa Mark, who had been held in connection with the case, were also released. "I want to go back to my father," said the girl in court. She said that following her mar riage her mother-in-law sent her to -Oregon City to tell fortunes, and that she made sls a day, which was appropriated by Mrs. Mark. The girl said that her youthful husband was lazy and that she was tired of ljving with him. She said Bhe wrpt? a letter to her father and asked him to come and get her and take her away from a life which hod proved unhappy. There were other witnesses, how ever, who asserted the fact that Steve John had discovered a suitor at Sacramento who was will ing to pay $2,000 for the girl which i At 6A. M., For Instance [From Blighty, London.] We should he surprised if we saw ourselves as others see us. But our surprise would be nothing compared to theirs if they could see us as we see ourselves. WHY? ' [From the Dallas News.] One of the strtmgest things in the world is why a woman will tell the neighbors her daughter can sing when their ears ure perfectly ob vious. r NOVEMBER 8, 1919. Governor Sproul [From the Oil City Herald] "Keep your eye on Governor Sproul, of Pennsylvania. ... A strong, brave, clear-minded states man has appeared." You would stop and look at those words, coming from any source, but the source is one to add immensely to their weight. For the man who says that is not of Governor Sprout's political party; he is and all his life has been an antagonist of the in terests that used to imagine that Mr. Sproul was friendly to them; he is a man in whose downright, im placable honesty of opinion and purpose even his enemies always be lieve. In a word, we are quoting from an editorial in the Commoner, signed by William Jennings Bryan. Its force is not in that it comes from a Democrat. No Democrat, as a Democrat, has any reason to ap prove Governor Sproul; his Repub licanism is past question or ques tioning. Tho force is in the fact that an honest man, whose political and patriotic purposes are deeper than partisan lines, recognizes an honest man and is fair-minded enough to declare what he sees. Mr. Bryan's observation lies parallel with our own. Herald readers will remember that, some months ago, we expressed the opin ion that Mr. Sproul could be trusted to perform the promises he had made to the people of this Common wealth. We formed that opinion from observation of the man and more from tho belief in him that we found in men who knew him and had studied his character and ca reer at close contact Events seem amply to confirm the opinion. ! The office of Governor of Pennsyl vania is not'an easy position to fill. Many a man placed there has made disastrous failure, even when actu ated by the best of motives and at tempting to follow high ideals. Many a man whom the people trust . " as been found a broken reed when the infinite pressure of the Place has fallen upon him. But Governor Sproul has not disappoint ed anybody whose disappointment is not a public blessing. A careful ob work th ° f r hiS ° fflcial attitude a "d ' ar - establishes the be lief that he is, day by day, remem bering the high trust of his office and conducting himself with the welfare of the people of Pennsyl vania constantly i n view. tarfiiS ß Partisans, but regardless of f and as ci tizens of a toward ft people begin to look toward Harrisburg and say: "We have a good Governor." Mr. Bryan further expresses the may lo And in *o® Re P ub lican party may fi n d j n Governor Sproul its most available presidential candi- WHni." 1920 -„ w e are neither se for tho w n ° r V ll boom,n *" candidates for the Republican party; indeed, we always felt a sort of aversion' for these early-bird" nominations, but nobody can doubt that Governor Sproul needs only to follow the course that he has already well be gun to make himself a commanding figure In the politics of the Nation Native ability and force he has in plenty; his training in statecraft has been long and complete; let him now demonstrate to completion, as he has begun to demonstrate, that he is a man upon whom the people can depend for the honest, capable and fearless serving of their inter ests in high office, and no man may uf e . ?! " m 't upon the service to which he may be called. Force of Habit A weary editor I know, A man forlorn, who's on the go From early mom to midnight chime. Refusing poets all the time. Declining verse And stories terse; Some of them mine, too—which is worse! He has an automatic way. And wades through half-a-ton a day. And on the yarns unwanted he Sticks little tabs monot-nously And back they fly To writers shy. Who weep and wish that he might die. One day the firm of Fee and Film Dispatched a big blue form to him, Whieh said an uncle in Fiji Left him a noble legacee; And he with speed , Returned the screed, "Declined with thanks!" pinned to the deed. —London Punch How to Become Wealthy [From Blighty, London] From a notice in an up-to-date office: "Silence is golden. Gold's i scarce. Don't talk." lEttntttig GUjat in W° f .i h 2.. Pennsylvanla troops n iot. d War may be displayed }" lar * e ornamental Si ass cases in if%?. .° r n c,ose to the rotunda of the State Capitol tnatead.of being other J n nt( r hea * as are th<s flags 04 other wars, including the great eol ard. ° n Since War batt ' e 8tafl „ ... e 0,6 completion of the assembling of the flags of the Key- " some nf V a on n and the gathering of 80th rtui V® BS of thu 79th and sfin. d ' v ' s,ons Plans for a proper rw 'if ° 4 | colors have been un nrlt d ' scussi ° n - The niches on the hv ee?e 0r . ho Ca P lt ol are filled by colors borne in war and the only flnnr iS nlch es arc on the second— Numerous expressions favorlw tirft n displaying of the flags on the first floor have been made and studies are now being made of long glass cases similar in design to those in i n 8 wber ein the many flags of the recent war can be shown to best advantage. A number of flags of units raised in Pennsylvania and not assigned to any of the divisions formed of men from this State have been located and will be diplayed with the divisional unit flags. The details of the formal transfer of the flags have not been discussed, but will be taken up by the State authori ties this winter. • • General inquiries into the manner in which foods of various kinds are being majde up, especially with re gard to use of water, flour and other materials to "fatten" them, are being undertaken by the agents of the State Bureau of Poods. In a num ber of instances it has been found that sausage was watered and 1 dredged with flour, while charges that water has been used have been made in regard to milk, vinegar and other things, Including butter. The problem which the State authorities must meet is to establish that the food was watered and that the water did not get into the product natu rally or in the proper processes. • • • Its odd the way ideas about such meetings as the "fair price" confer ence held here on Thursday get into tho public mind. The meeting was scarcely a day old before its effects began to be noticed. A couple of men went into an ice cream soda place and instead of just ordering and paying afterwards they asked the price. Then they kicked. The man in charge made out his side and they told him they could buy cheaper elsewhere and did not want any frills, Just plain stuff. And they went two doors away and bought. In another instance a man told a grocer he did not want cheese with tin foil on it, but just plain cheese. • The manner in which the hunters of Dauphin county have been break ing all records for the taking out of hunter's licenses has been inter- , esting officials about the court house. County Treasurer Mark Mumma says that he did not think there were so many hunters in the whole county and that the demand has made his force work over time. Dauphin bids fair to go ahead of York and Lancaster which have been among the blue ribbon coun ties. "• • • Francis Feehan, who roted against the proposed State-wide strike at the Pittsburgh conference Sunday, is well known here, as he was the labor member of the Tener Workmen's Compensation Commis sion land has been prominent in; miners' affairs for years. He fre quently comes here through his ' connection with the State govern ment, as a supervising factory in spector. • * • A Harrisburg visitor in York saw a rather amusing accident the other day in that fair city, when a venerable taxlcab approached him, running on three wheels and close ly followed by the fourth, which had just come off and was pursuing the cab in an evident effort to re cover itself. Before the taxi could come to a stop, the wheel turned off the main road and when last seen was tearing down the hill to- , wards the York county poorhouse " as fast as its old worn tread would carry it The taxi driver is prob ably still searching for that wheel. • • • A boy just about old enough to take out a hunter's license made some older hunters look dizzy yes terday morning. He got off a car coming from out Linglestown way and walked across Capitol park carrying a small rifle, boy's size, and leading a white dog, also boy's size. He had on puttees and an old coat with his license sewed on the arm. A juvenile hunter's cap and a jaunty air completed all but one feature of the picture. And that was the legal bag of squirrels on a string over his shoulder. He had been out a few hours and knew where to look and how to shoot. • * • | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE [ —Col. Henry W. Shoemaker, the author, who was here yesterday, has just finished making a tour of the northern State forests. —John Hall Rankin, new head of the State Board of Examiners of Architects, is designer of a number of big buildings in Philadelphia. —Secretary of Agriculture Fred Rasmussen is kept busy filling en- • gagements for speaking at farmers' meetings. —Mayor John V. Kosek, of Wilkes-Barre, who was here Thurs day, was the man who tested the right of third-class city mayors to succeed themselves. —John L. Robinson, who ran for district attorney in Fayette, is a veteran of overseas service. —Louis Rleber, of Lansford, has been chosen head of the Carbon county school directors. I DO YOU KNOW | —That Harrisburg sold more automobile trucks this year than ever before? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —Three Indian villages were within the limits of what is now Harrisburg. V. D. C. Puts Ban on Song "The Battle* Hymn of the Repub lic" is under the ban of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in,, Georgia as a result of resolutions adopted at the State convention pledging the organization, to en deavor to prevent public rendering of the song In the South. After mentioning the song, the resolutions adopted here say that "while continuing to foster devoted service to the United States, * * * refuse to sing or teach songs that celebrate tho victory of 4ormer foes." Such action the resolution* add, would, in view of the South'#* loyalty, "profane the temple of pa triotism.'