Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 08, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    " When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
(Copyright, 1919, King Feature Syn
dicate, Inc.)
The day after Virginia and Pat be
gan life together again as a beautiful
climax to my birthday excursion to
the old Harrison place. Phoebe und I
went over to close Virginia's apart
For the time, Virginia and Tat
planned to make their home at the
rewly christened Dreamwold, and
Phoebe was coming to live with Jim
and me. So we were going to send
Virginia a trunk full of possessions
and carry Phoebe's belongings to my
"I guess you and I might start pick
ing out things for my trosseau —don't
)ou think so, Anne?" asked Phoebe,
facing me gaily over a bundle of lin
gerie she was storing in a drawer of
her wardrobe trunk.
"There can't be any objection to
that now, except Real's indifference,"
1 teased.
Whereat Phoebe rushed over to
shake me and demand:
"Do you ihink I love him better
than he does me? Dou you—do you?
Well, you're right: I do, and I'm proud
of it—'cause no one could love any
one as much as I do Neal."
The jangle of the telephone right
at my elbow prevented reply. I
picked up the phone dreading a del
uge of congratulations from someone
who'd found out about Virginia. A
carefully modulated masculine voice
greeted me.
"May I speak to Miss Phoebe Har
rison?" I
Phoebe pantomimed.
"I'm busy. If it isn't Neal, you take
the message?"
"I must speak to Miss Harrison,"
replied a voice, I now felt sure I rec
ognized. 9
"This is Anne Harrison, Sheldon,"
I said. 'Phoebe wants me to answer
for her." i
"This isn't Mr. Kr—Sheldon," came
back after a moment of hesitation.
We carry
the largest assortment
Rubber Goods
of every description
Garden Hose
Rubber Sundries
Elastic Goods
Rubber Matting,
Tires, Etc.
Rubber Co.
205 Walnut St.
Visiting the Shops With Adele
WHEN one gazes upon a beauti
ful pottery vase does one stop
to consider that after all it
is only baked clay? Funny, isn't it,
how anything so unattractive could
be transformed Into anything so
lovely—And interesting, too! This
art is of high antiquity, being prac
ticed among various races in pre
historic times. We find mention of
earthenware in the Mosaic writings.
The Greeks had numerous potteries
at Samos, Athens and Corinth and
attained great perfection in form
and ornament. The Arabs are en
titled for the credit of having intro
duced glazed ware into modern Eu
rope. And so It goes. Today we
have many fine varieties, none more
attractive, however, than the Fulper
pottery shown at the Art and Gift
Shop, 105 North Second street. In
ail colors and shapes it cannot be
excelled in individuality and sheer
beauty. Ask to see the large, bronze
colored vase.
AS a setting enhances or mars the beauty of a priceless gem, so does
the frame ndd to or detract from a picture. Have you ever seen
the heavy, hideous gilt frames so much in vogue in the days of our
grandparents. Weren't they a crime? Absolutely guaranteed to ruin the best
efforts of even a master artist, they fairly leaped at one from their places on
the wall. Then again, have you seen a room hung with unframed pictures?
Wasn't the effect miserable? One extreme is as bad as the other. The ideal
arrangement—or happy medium—is reached when a beautiful bit of art is
attractively framed with a molding that harmonizes with and enhances
its theme. It takes expert judgment to attain the proper effect but such
judgment can be obtained at Saltzgiver's Art and Antique Store 223 North
Second street.
CAN you imagine anyone deliber
ately or carelessly throwing
1450 away? I can! You don't
believe that people are so foolish?
Oh yes, they are! It seems incred
ible, I know, but just the same it's
true. Here's a little story to prove
my assertion: Not long ago, Louis,
the Ladles' Tailor, 414 North Third
street, made a stunning fur coat of
seal, trimmed with beaver, for the
reasonable sum of $750. Shortly
after its delivery a sister of its owner
made a visit to New York. While
there she saw a coat, almost identi
cal In style and quality, bearing a
price tag with the startling figure
SI2OO. Just $450 difference in price
and none in quality! And, such is
the case with all of Louis' fur coats
made from beautiful pelts, to suit
the individual taste, they mean a
saving of many dollars.
Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat!
. a a One or two dotes
llffha ARMY & NAVY
* ~ will make you feel fen yean younger. Best
known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach
and Dyspepsia.
25 cents a package at all Druggists, or
sent to any address postpaid/ by the
U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway, N.Y.
"And it's imperative that I speak to
Miss Harrison herself."
.So I held out the phono to Fhoebe
and then busied myself with •my
packing'. but stray phrases would
come to me.
"Why snouidn t I? . . . Oh, you
can't mean that ... Of course I
don't want you to feel desperate.
It isn't humiliating. . . .
Really. I can't without Neal. He
trusts me. of course. So does she.
. . . „ You misunderstand the whole
thing. I'm not pitiless and I want to
do what's right and due.
Well, then I will, but only for an
hour. , . . Yes, I understand the
exact place. . . . Yes. Yes, I'll
keep my word. Right away. .
Oh, please don't talk like that. I'm
coming. I can't do more can I?"
"Phoebe, what are you going to
do?" I demanded, as she hurried over
; to the mirror und started putting on
j lier hat.
"I have to chase right out," replied
. Phoebe, uneasily. "I'll be back in
j time to finish my packing before din-
I ner and I know you won't mind fin
; ishig Virginia's trunk and sending
i it to her."
| "I don't mind that a bit, but I want
to know one thing. Was that Shel
! don Blake phoning?" I demanded.
I "Why, you'd know his voice,
would't you"? countered Phoebe. "I
I must rush, Anne if I'm to keep my
' appointment and then get back be
fore dinner. I'll tdke the car, but
I'll send Lyons right back."
Before I could question her further
' Phoebe dashed out, leaving me to
disturbed imaginings. What under
the sun could Sheldon Blake want
with Phoebe that boded any good if
it had to be kept secret from me?
And why should Real's fiancee rush
out at Sheldon's bidding? I had to
give it up unanswered.
As soon as I had packed everything
Virginia couid conceivably want dur
ing the next fortnight, I telephoned
for Lyons to come up, and when
Amanda reported that he was at the
door I explained my plan.
"Mrs. Dalton wishes you to come to
morrow at the latest, Amanda. But
if you can get ready now, I don't see
why we shouldn't send you out in the
car. I'll have Lyons take the trunk,
too, and we'll surprise Mrs. Dalton
by getting all her nice belongings to
her quickly."
"Bless your kind heart, Mrs. Har
rison, you know how I feel about
my dear lady—and how glad I am
that lierself's happy once more," re
plied the woman. "And maybe the
ride in the swell car I seen from the
window won't be a treat! I could
be ready in half an hour, but it ain't
fair to leave you any work."
"I'll have Hedwig over in the
morning," I replied. "Now run and
ask Lyons to come in, please, and
then you may have an hour to get
ready if you need it."
In a minute Lyons reported re
spectively from the threshold he
seemed almost afraid to cross.
"Lyons," I said. "I've decided to
have you take Amanda out to help
Bertha this very afternoon. I want
you to carry the trunk down now.
SHOE making in this country can
be traced back to the third
voyage of "The Mayflower,"
when Thomas Beard introduced the
then rather crude trade. Shoes were
made by hand until 1810, when
Brunei, an Englishman, invented a
nailing and lasting machine. In the
109 years that have elapsed since
that time shoemaking has passed
through various stages until today it
is an art. Even- children's shoes are
little models of perfection. For
proof go to the Army and Navy
Shoe Store, Court Street, and ask
to see a pair of Boys' Army Munson
Shoes. Tic :li i r defects. You
can't find them! These shoes come
in tan and black, in sizes from 9 to
131 a and from 1 to 6.
TO you who love soft, flufTy neg
ligee. let me say that yester
day I found the softest fluffiest
and altogether loveliest bits of silk
and ribbon imaginable. One beauti
ful thing, a two-piece, full-length
negligee of flesh georgette was par
ticularly fascinating. The little
jacket, a Mandarin coat effect of
crepe and soft creme lace, was en
tirely separate. The under gar
ment, to be worn if desired as a
sleeveless sleeping robe, was attrac
tively tucked and boasted alluring
touches of blue and orchid ribbon.
A second negligee, of blur crepe de
chine, was clevei.j draped with
panels of filmy georgette, encircled
with cord of silk. Blue satin rib
bon, daintily shirred, edged the
crepe and the sleeves. These two,
with many others equally as lovely
can be viewed at the Oloos Com
pany store in the Penn-Harris
Bringing Up Father * Copyright, 1919, International News Service Bg Mc
I HOME FROM TrjE COONTft-g ONE OA,T (T — "bAvHE - WHAT ALL- 'J S tfd 1 00 '""Jit."
ME A^VI: T j
And If you think you can get up early
enough to call for Mr. Harrison at
a to-morrow morning I don't see why
you shouldn't stay at Dreamwold to
The man stood twisting his cap
for a moment or two. and his mouth
twisted just as uneasily as his poor,
fumbling hands. He cleared his
throat raspingly once or twice before
he ventured a reply.
"Mrs. Harrison. I know Bertha has
| told you about me," he said huskily.
"But when she told me about you it
[ kinda got me here like I thought
nothing ever would any more. Ex
cept Bertha—and her not knowing
until she was married to me and a
baby coming, so it was too late to
shake me—no one else ever trusted
me to go straight. I'd kinda forgot
how to. When I took this Job I
expected to be kicked out. ... I
thought my story'd follow me, even
though we never was within a thou
sand miles o' here afore. But now
you gimme my chance. . Tou watch
me make good! I'd wallow in the
gutter again, Mrs. Harrison, afore I'd
go back on you. You see."
"Lyons, I believe you," I said.
"Just you keep remembering that—
if ever old temptations beckon you.
Bertha and I share your secret. And
we trust you."
"You'll never be sorry," declared
the man proudly. "You'll see!"
To Be Continued.
In War Camp Service
at Los Angeles, Calif.
Many friends here of Mrs. Mary
Bedford Montague, will be glad to
know of her whereabouts at this
time. Mrs. Montague, a native of
Omaha, Nebraska, resided at the
Donaldson for two years, her hus
band being in United States govern
ment service. Nearly a year ago,
their only son, Robert Bedford Mon-,
tague, an engineer of tests, died of
the influenza at the Hazleton hospi
tal and five weeks later, her hus
band, Robert Vaughn Montague
died suddenly of heart failure at
Petersburg, Va., where he was en
gaged in demobilizing work.
Mrs. Montague entered War Camp
Community service at Omaha'where
she had full charge of the Girls'
Community House. Later she or
ganized the girls of Sacramento and
was transferred to Los Angeles for
the same work which has taken her
to San Francisco, Oakland, Berk
ley, San Pedro and Mt. Tamalpias.
Intermediate Society
Takes Moonlight Walk
The Intermediate Christian En
deavor Society of the Otterbein
United Brethren Church enjoyed a
moonlight hike Friday night to the
home of William Quald, 2117 Swa
tara street, where they held a
marshmallow toast. Music, games
and contests were features of the
evening and prizes were won by
Sarah Marlin and Thelma Fisher.
Those present were the Misses
Mary Ward, Alihea Drum, Evelyn
Stroup, Sarah Marlin, Phoebe For
tenbaugh, Kathryn Ludwig, Mary
Wyant, Helen Quaid, Minerva Bern
hardt, Thelma Fisher, Catharine
Bernhardt and Catharine Houseal,
Oliver Fisher, Harold Richwine and
William Quaid.
The party was chaperoned by Miss
Altlia Richwine.
Organizes Girls' Junior
Story Tellers League
M rs. Harry G. Keffer organized a
Girls' Junior Story Tellers League
last evening at her home, 236 Wood
bine street, with the object in view
of furthering story telling among
the younger girls. The work, to be
conducted under Mrs. Keffer's per
sonal supervision, will include a
thorough course in the fundamentals
and development of the art. Meet
ings will be held twice a month at
the Keffer home.
The girls elected their own officers
with the following results: Presi
dent, Nancy Keffer; first vice-presi
dent, Bather Hench; second vice
president, Adeline Cluck; recording
secretary, Elizabeth Longaker; cor
responding secretary, Evelyn Kap
ner; treasurer, Evelyn Wood.
P. R.R. Girls' Social Club
to Give Benefit Dance
East evening the girls' social club
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Phila
delphia division held a short business
meeting before basketball practice.
Plans were discussed for the next
month, also a committee was named
to select pins for the club. Miss Mary
Saunder, Miss Eleanor Weaver and
Miss Anna Emanuel, chairman, were
named by the president. Miss Jennie
Branca, to do this work
A benefit dance will be given by
the club members in the P. R. R.
Athletic room, 7th and Boyd streets,
next Monday evening, when the De
lone Xylophone Saxaphone Orches
tra will play for the dancing. Prom
inent officials of the Philadelphia
division will be here for the event.
Miss Charlotte Donner and her
small brother, Hubert P. Donner, of
Pittsburgh, are in the city for a
short stay with friends.
Miss May Kulp and Miss Suzette
Kulp, of Pittston, are guests of their
sister, Mrs. M. Luther Warren, of
Penn street, for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sauers and
daughter, Virginia, 1719 State street,
have returned after a trip to Phila
Board to Hold Special Session
to Consider New Sal
ary Bill
City School Directors will hold a
special session next Friday afternoon
to discuss the request made by a
committee of teachers that the board
grunt to the instructors all Increases
provided in the salary schedule in ad
dition to the advances in wages au
thorized by the Woodruff salary bill
approved at a recent legislative ses
Miss Elizabeth Baker, as chairman
of a committee of the Harrisburg
branch of the State Teachers' League,
explained at the board meeting yes
terday the attitude taken by "city
teachers, who know that the district
is not legally bound to pay the salary
schedule increases, but are under a
moral obligation to do so. J. F. Rees,
of Technical High School, was the
other speaker for the teachers.
The question of pay for extra
hours, excuses for absence with pay
in cases of personal illness, death in
the immediate family of the teacher,
and compliance with a requirement to
attend court were discussed also.
Upon motion of Director A. Carson
Stamm, Secretary D. D. Hammel
baugh and Superintendent F. E.
Downes were authorized to prepare
a plan for planting School irounds
and submit it to the board at the
meeting in April. Director Stamm re
ported that he had found the grounds
at some of the buildings in excellent
condition, while others needed much
planting to improve them.
Purchase of lathes and shapers for
the new Junior' High Schools was au
thorized by the directors upon the
recommendation of Purchasing Agent
Frank C. Foose. Because of the rush
of business at printing plants in the
city it was explained that the annual
report of the board could not be
printed at present.
Appointment of Mrs. Bertha Ging
rich and Mrs. Clara E. Payne, as sub
stitute teachers , and Clarence Wien
gartner and J. Edward Hlller as night
school teachers, was approved by the
Board. Supervisors and principals
also were given permission to attend
an educational meeting called by the
State Department of Public Instruc
tion to be held in Harrisburg during
the week of November 17.
Aid to Visiting Nurses
Help With the Layettes
Mrs. Howard M. Bingamun,
president of the Aid Society of the
Visiting Nurse Association, invited
the members to her home, 3205
North Front street, yesterday after
noon to sew on layettes for babies,
to be used by the nurses. The work
for yesterday was socks and twenty
pairs were completed.
The society has decided to change
the place of meeting from the
Nurses' Home on Fridays to the
residences of members, hoping that
more interest will be aroused in this
The society's membership includes:
Miss Helen Abercomble, Miss Emily
Bailey, Mrs. Charles Boas, Mrs. Rob
ert 8011, Mrs. George Comstock,
Miss Sara Cooper, Miss Eleanor
Etter, Miss Constance Ferriday, Miss
Martha Fletcher, Miss Katharine
Hart, Miss Elizabeth Ross, Miss
Elizabeth Knlsely, Miss Sara Dene
hey, Miss Maude Stam, Miss Kath
arine Stam, Miss Mary Meyers, Miss
Winifred Meyers Mrs. John C. Her
man, Mrs. Harry Neale, Miss Paui
Smith, Mrs. E. Curzen Fager, Miss
Ruth Payne, Miss Cecelia Kunkel,
Miss Marian Hean, Miss Almeda Her
man. Miss Carolyn Lynch, Miss Mar
garet McLain, Miss Mary Creighton,
Mrs. Hoffer Detweiler, Miss Mary
Mitchell and Miss Sara McCulloch.
Next Friday afternoon, Miss De
nehey will be hostess at her home,
1423 North Front street.
The Willing Workers Bible class
of St. Mark's Lutheran Church of
West Fairview, held Its monthly
meeting at the home of the presi
dent, Mrs. J. Harper Lantz. After
the business routine, refreshments
were served to Mrs. Edward Blair,
Mrs. Melvin Cranford, Mrs. A. B.
Freeland, Misses Laura and Ermi
na Langletz, Mrs. Charles Lantz, Mrs.
Charles Lilley, Mrs. Edgar Miller,
Mrs. Nelson Shaull, Mrs. William
Smeltzer, Mrs. David Wagner, Mrs.
Henry Wachtman, Mrs. Elmer
Wynn, Mrs. Elmer Erb, and Mrs. J.
Harper Lantz.
Miss Sarah C.- McCormlck, of 334
Harris street, has returned from a
month's visit in Pittsburgh, Akron
and Cleveland, Ohio. While in Ak
ron she was the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Walter O. Carper, formerly of
this city.
Mrs. Melchinger Lewis, of 1843
Whitehall street, returned yesterday
after a trip to Wilmington, Delaware.
Mrs. John P. Gallagher, of 1721
State street, who has been seriously
ill with appendicitis, is greatly im
Miss Knthryn Flannigan, of Wash
ington, D. C., is the guest of Miss
Frances Meyer, 1332 Vernon street
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Saylor, of
Oberlin, entertained Dr. Wolf Sepa
chey, of the Apache Tribe, at din
ner on Thursday evening^
By Virginia Terhune Van de Water
(Copyright, 1919, Star Company).
F"or a moment it seemed to David
as if tho doors of heaven were
opening before him. This girl trust
ed him and acknowledged as much.
Surely, if this were true, he might
yet win her love.
And then the doors swung 3liut
again as he remembered that he
had much more to confess.
It was one thing to forgive a
casual stranger, who, for private or
family reasons, went under an as
sumed name. It was quite another
thing to forgive the man one wished
to shun and whom one despised
when, under a false name, he made
his way into one's employ.
"You trusted me," he sa d hoarse
ly. "I wish 1 were worthy of your
confidence. But. you see. you know
nothing about me."
She smiled faintly. "No, 1 know
nothing about you except what my
intuition tells me. Being a woman,
I have faith in my intuition. This
says that you are a man of honor
who would not have taken another
name than his own without excel
lent cause for doing so. And, as
I have already said, that cause con
cerns you and you only."
His eyes softened as he gazed
into hers. "I did not suppose that
anyone would take another's honor
for granted when all appearances
were against him."
"But appearances were not against
you—at least if they were 1 saw
through them," she insisted earnest
-1 ly. "I knew you were trustworthy."
And he must disabuse her of this
.belief. It hurt horribly, but he
could not draw back now. More
over he would be in an agony until
he had tol d her the worst.
"May I explain to. you why I
changed my name—temporarily?"
he asked humbly.
"If you wish to." she said, "but
not from any sense of duty, please."
"It is because I will be wretched
until I have made my confession."
he insisted. "After hearing it you
may order me from your house.
But, even so, I must tell you why I
came here as I did."
"ery well," she nodded, "go on.
But first"—again trying to smile—
"please sit down."
A Wonderful Confidence
Her manner smote him—it was
so secure, so free from fear. Only
a thoroughly honorable nature could
feel the confidence that this girl
showed. Any other woman in the
world would have been startled by
what he had just sa'd, would have
betrayed some trepidation as to the
nature of the revelation he was
about to make—would, perhaps,
have shrunk from learning more
about him and his past. Verily to
the pure all things are pure! But
few persons were as pure as this
wonderful creature.
That she was under a strain he
knew—for her attitude was rigid
and her eyes very dark. But it
was not the strain of fear of him.
He took the chair to which she
had motioned him. "I will try to
make the story short," he said. "In
the first place, I once lived in Bal
"I supposed as much," she re
joined, 'since you knew young Mr.
DeLaine. And, by the way, did you
know Miss Jeanne?"
"Yes, f was so fortunate as to
know her," he replied.
"I visited her twice," Deslree re
She was speaking commonplaces
in order to give her pulses a chance
to beat more calmly. She longed
to assure this man that, no matter
what he had done, it made no dif
ference to her.
"Ah?" David rejoined. Then, with
a sudden wish to set his aunt right
—"I understand from a dear friend
of hers that her mind was Bllghtly
unbalanced towards the last"
"I hope so—l mean I think so,"
Desiree muttered.
"Well," he went on, "to return
to myself, I entered the service. I
went to France and was wounded."
"Yes, r know," softly.
"And I was invalided back here. I
had to get outdoor work—for I had
an injury of a sort in one lung. I
found myself poor. The job I had
had before enlisting had not been of
the kind that enables one to lay
aside anything against a rainy day.
"My rainy day had come with my
return to the United Btates. I
needed money at once. My health
would not stand indoor work. The
doctors forbade it. I had driven an
ambulance in France. I saw an
advertisement for a chauffeur. I an
swered it."
"It was my father's advertise
"You had no family here?"
"No. But I knew of some people
in New York who knew my people.
I d d not like them to suspect that
my father's son was taking the posi
tion of a chauffeur. It was a fool
osh pride, I know. I see my mistake
now. But when Mr. 1-iCighton asked
my name I gave him my middle
"Surely there was no real harm
in that," she said. "And then?"
"I did as well as I knew how—
until a few days ago when I re
ceived a summons from our family
lawyer telling me of the death of
my only surviving relative—out
west. He was very wealthy. I am
his heir."
"You mean," she questioned, 'that
was the reason you went away—
because your relative had died?"
"Yes—because the family lawyer
sent for me to come immediately."
"And now," constrainedly, "you
can give up your job as a chauf
"Yes. I can give up my job as
chauffeur and take my own name
His breath was coming fast.
"You must be glad," she mur
mured. "It must be very hard to
renounce one's true name. Yet, un
less yours is an unusual one, no
body might have recognized you
here in New York."
"It. is an unusual name," he said
suddenly, rising and taking a step
toward her. Miss Lelghton can
you forgive me?—my name is David
Smith Del^iine."
(To Be Continued)
Mrs. Charles Hartzell
Is Honor Guest at Party
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Good
year, 2446 Jefferson street, gave a
surprise party for their daughter,
Mrs. Charles Hartzell, formerly Miss
Maude Goodyear. Members of the
choir of Sixth Street United Breth
ren Church presented Mrs. Hartzell
with a beautiful cut glass vase,
Lewis Lenhart making the presen
tation speech. The recent bride re
ceived many other lovely gifts from
friends not belonging to the choir
who were present. During the sup
per F. G. Goodyear gave a number
of selections on his banjo.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hartzell, the Rev. and Mrs.
J. Owen Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Graf
fins. Mr. and Mrs. Lenhart, Mr. and
Mrs. Stoudt, Mr. and Mrs. Gottshall,
Robert A. Enders. Miss Emma
Jones, Miss Elsy Pressly, Miss Flor
ence Springer, Miss Lillian Good
year, Miss Margaret McCurdy, Mrs.
Drum, Mrs. Free, Mrs. Cora Mc-
Curdy, Mrs. Norman Goodyear,
George Troup, choir leader; Frank
J. Goodyear, Joseph Goodyear,
Charles Stoudt, Jr., William Graf
fins and Mrs. and Mrs. Frank J.
The sixteenth birthday of Miss
Beatrice Lindsay was merrily cele
brated Thursday evening at her
home, 423 Harris street, where her
mother, Mrs. Robert Lindsay, in
vited some folks for a little party.
Games, music and dancing were
followed by refreshments served to
the Misses Elizabeth Knupp, Anna
Sweigart, Helen Knlsely, Helen
Wright, Jennie Booth, Harriet Shutt,
Irene Mouke, Eftie McAllcher, Mir
iam Green and Beatrice Lindsay.
Victor Hoar .Marion Hoar, Ezra
Parks, Samuel Mead, Paul Wright,
Meredith Germer, Glenn Boyle, Mrs.
Green and Mrs. Lindsay.
Coal Strike Is
Beginning to Pinch
Reports from several States
show that despite the short du
ration of the coal strike, the con
sumers are beginning to feel its
One State petitions for a
Fuel Administrator. What will
happen if the strike continues
indefinitely? Householders who
failed to get a full Winter's sup
ply of coal have reason to feel
Get in touch with Kelley at
once and get his famous "Blue
Ribbon" Coal while there is still
enough to go around.
H. M. Kelley & Co.
IN. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts. j
NOVEMBER 8, 1919.
Industrial Clubs of Y. W. C. A
Give Pageant Last Evening
to Complete Program
The industrial girls' clubs of the
Y. W. C. A. held a rally last evening
at the association rooms, Fourth and
Walnut streets, under the direction
of Miss Saida Hartmnn, the indus
trial secretary. The pageant,
"Christ for America" was presented
by a group of girls and afterward a
count was taken of the recent mem
bership campaign, resulting as fol
lows, the first number being Octo
ber 1, the second, November 7.
Bachelor Girls 2 7,' present mem
bership, 85; president, Miss Clara
Wolfe; leader. Miss Frances Acuff.
R. F. O. M. 40, present member
ship, 84; president, Miss Carrie Mil
ler; leader, Mrs. John German, Jr.
Blue Triangle 31, present mem
bership 54; president. Miss Ruth Ar
nold; leader, Miss Katherine An
Monito 19, present membership 23;
president. Miss Katherine Lersh;
leader, Miss Caroline Lynch.
Thirty girls have not decided on
a particular club. Total member
ship of Federation of Industrial
Clubs, 275.
Thursday evening there will be a
reception given by the club girls to
the new members and the Bachelor
Girls Club which made the greatest
saMML™ uest I
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gain. Songs and club yells made
the building ring when the linaia
were announced.
Mrs. C. F. Dennison and son Stew
art Dennison, of New York, are
visiting the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Irwin, 2128 Green
Miss Anna Henderson, of 111 South
Front street, is leaving next week for
a visit among friends in Summit,*
N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. I-larper F. Thomp-!
son went home to Cincinnati last
evening after a week's stay among'
relatives in the West End.
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