Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 08, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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The Days News in Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania
Methodist Minister at Waynes
boro Leads in Demand For
Policeman's Discharge
Waynesboro. Pa., Nov. B.—State
Policeman Girvin lost his job here
when the Itev. Wilford P. Shriner,
pastor of the Methodist Church, ap
• peared before cotlnc'l and demanded
that the officer be discharged for
conduct unbecoming an officer. It
did not mollify the parson when
Councilman J. W. Croft said that
perhaps it would r <t. be wise to act
at once. Dr. Shriner said he pro
posed to remain in the council
chamber until the matter was set
tled, and stay he did.
On Hallowe'en night Girvin saw
the red light in Center Square flash
a danger signal. He answered the
call and was told there was trouble
at the Methodist Church. Arriving
there, he found the auditorium in
semi-darkness and a Hallowe'en en-
tertainment going on. Girvin flashed
his light among the maskers, finally
coming upon Irving G. Hall, who
was wearing garb closely reserm
bling that worn by monks. Dr.
Shriner says the policeman used
rough language. Girvin admits he
spoke sharply, saying in effect, "This
is not the time to mock at another
religion." •
With seven members of his church
the Methodist parson appeared be
fore the council at a special meet
ing on Thursday evening gnd de
manded Girvin's immediate dis
charge. Burgess Myers told the
council the officer with whom he
had talked intended no overstepping
of authority, saying that if he had
transgressed it was his iirst offense.
He asked that he be given a hear
ing and a chance.
Girvin was summoned tn told ris
side of the story. Four of the six
councilmen voted to let him out.
One of them voted in Girvins favor
and another was absent. Dr. Shrlner
told the councilmen the costume
worn by Hall was not the costume
of a priest, but rather that of a
rabbi. Hail said he first had worn
the costume at a cantanta.
The Rev. Fr. Edward O'Flynn said
yesterday the costume worn by Hall
very much resembled that worn by
monks of the Catholic church, men
living under the rule apart from
the world.
Legion Will Attend
Services on Sunday
Mount Union, Pa., Nov. 8. —The
American Legion will attend serv
ices in the Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning in a body. The Rev.
J. Max Lantz, of the* Methodist
church, will deliver the sermon.—
Miss Olive Lukens entertained a
number of her friends at a party
in honor of Miss Y'ella Wetherall,
who left Friday for Virginia, where
her people will make their future
home.—Socials were plentiful in the
high school during the week. Mon
day the Camp Fire Girls held a party
and invited the Boy Scouts. Thurs
day the senor high school held a
masquerade and on Friday evening
the junior high held a similar so
cial.—The Alumni Association of the
High School will support a Lyceum
course this winter and announces
the first number for November 14.
—S. S. Rosenberg and family moved
to New York city leaving Sunday.
—The A. J. Barber building is com
pleted. The third floor has been
rented by the P. O. S. of A., who
are getting ready to occupy
the room this week. —Judge Thomas
Bailey, of Huntingdon, delivered a
Red Cross address in the Shapiro
Theater here on "A Better Ameri
Thresher Is Badly Scalded
When His Engine Drops
Lebanon. Pa., Nov. 8. Samuel
Bross was badly scalded while in
charge of a threshing engine being
removed from a neighboring farm to
his home at Mt. Zion. In crossing
the north bride at the Eittle Swa
tara creek, the structure collapsed
and Bross and the engine dropped
into the stream. Bross was scalded
about the face, arm and legs. He
was removed ot his home. His con
dition is serious, but hopes are en
tertained by the physicians for his
Bross is one of the best known
farmers in the Bethel region and has
been engaged in threshing at vari
ous places during the past season.
He was removing the equipment to
the home for the winter months
when the accident happened.
Three Strikers Leave
Jail With Fines Paid
CliamborshurK. Pa., Nov. B.—Ed
ward Rager, Charles Smiley and
Charles Smith, three labor pickets
in the recent labor disturbances at
Waynesboro, who were convicted at
the last term of criminal court of
assault and battery, were released
from the jail here yesterday. The
fine and costs amounting to sl6l
were paid by the labor unions of
Colored Voter Casts
Ballot at 103 Years
J)cltA, Pa., Nov. B.—Charles Mil
ler, colored, a veteran of the Civil
War, claims to have been the oldest
voter in the Peach Bottom township,
and Tork county, as well, at the
f-ecent election. Miller cast a
straight Republican ballot at the age
of 103 years.
The Most Healthful
and Economical Drink-
Madein a moment, in
the cup, and there's no
Mrs. Nettie J lose Found Dead on Floor of Her Home With
Bullet in Head; Confession Said to Have Been
Made by Former Harrisburgcr
Hagerstown, Md., ov. B.—With a
bullet hole in her head, Mrs. Nettie
Hose, aged 48, wife of Alexander
Hose, was found dead by her son,
Benton Hose, when he returned
home yesterday afternoon. George
M. Kauffman, son-in-law of the
dead woman, charged with the
crime, later gave himself up to the
police and was locked in jail pend
ing the verdict of the coroner's jury.
Kauffman. a railroad man, and said
to have formerly lived in Harris
burg, walked to police headquarters.
The shooting is said to have fol
lowed a quarrel between Mrs. Hose
and Kauffman regarding the wife of
Meetings nt Zionsvillc Evan
gelical Church Are to Go
on Indefinitely
Dauphin, Pa., Nov. B.—Revival
services being held at Zion's Evan
gelical Church, Zionsville, will be
continued indefinitely. The meetings
| are largely attended and great in
terest is being taken. The Rev. J.
M. Shoop, pastor, is in charge.—Mrs.
James Reash and children, of Har
risburg, were the guests of Mrs.
Reush's father, Stewart Kennedy.—
Mrs. Elizubeth Gerberich, who has
been visiting in Hanover, has re
turned home.—Miss Myra McDow
ell, who has been the guest of Mrs.
F. C. Gerberich, returned to Pitts
burgh. —Mrs. Isaac Fite is spending
two weeks in Sunbury with relatives.
—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Staily, of
Washington, D. C., are guests of Mr,
Staley's uncle, William Irvin. —F. G.
Sweitzer has sold his business and
gone to Atlantic City to spend the
winter with his daughter, Mrs. Harry
H. Young.—Mrs. John Blosser, of
Rockville, was the guest of Mrs. E.
J. Fite on Thursday.—Miss Ruth
Ward, of Speeceville, has returned
from Philadelphia.—Mrs. Annie Mc-
Kee, who has been visiting her sis
ter, Miss Carrie Dougherty, left for
her home in New York on Thursday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clinton, of
Williamsport, are visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Frank Mallhorn.—
George Garman, of New York, is
visiting his uncle, William Garman.
—Miss Jeannette Fredericka, of
Haddonfield, N. J., was the week
end guest of Mrs. Bion C. Welker.—
Miss Mary Umberger left Sunday for l
New York, where she is spending
several weeks with her nephew. Prof.
Albert T. Poffenberger, of Columbia
College. —Mrs. Emanuel Feaser has
returned from a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Simon Stroh, of Fish
ing Creek.
Young Hunter Loses
Limb and May Die
Lcwistown, Pa., Nov. 8. —Euelan
Imes, of Doyles Mills, Juniata
county, aged 22 years, lost his right
leg just below the knee to-day,
when it was amputated at the hos
pital here. On the first day of the
rabbit hunting season he was acci
dentally shot by a hunter near
Doyles Mills. The hunt was well
under way, when Imes received a
full charge of shot which entered
his right leg at its ankle, breaking
both bones of the leg. He was
brought to the Eewlstown hospital
where the leg was amputated. The
hospital authorities said to-day his
condition is critical.
Enders Couple Quietly
Married in This City
Enders, Pa., Nov. S. —Ammon
Enders and Miss Ella Harman were
quietly married at Harrisburg early
on Saturday morning by the Rev.
Dr. J. A. LytA*. The young couple
will reside on a farm near town.—
W. S. Enders, of Harrisburg, is
spending several days at his former
home- here.—Harry O. Warfel, of
Harrisburg, was the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Warfel, for several days.—William
Doudermilch and family, of Eliza
bethville, spent Sunday at the home
of Henry Doudermilch.—A Christ
mas entertainment will be held by
the United Brethren Sunday school
on Christmas evening, December 25.
Nonunion Miners
Turn Out More Coal
Altoona. Pa., Nov. B.—Coal pro
duction has perceptibly increased
from day to day in the Central Penn
sylvania bituminous district since
the inauguration of the strike last
Saturday, although production is
confined entirely to the nonunion
It was stated at the offices of the
Producers' Association to-day that
the production yesterday was 50 per
cent more than it was last Satur
day, all the nonunion mines having
augmented their forces since the
opening day. J
the latter, who left him in Cleve
land, 0., a few days ago, and came
to Hagerstown. Kauffman followed
his wife here and is said to have
gone to the home of his mother-in
law and asked for information con
cerning his wife's whereabouts.
There were no eyewitnesses to the
It is evident that Mrs. Hose was
preparing dinner for the family
when the tragedy occurred. The
table was prepared and food was
cooking on the gas stove. Kauffman
was cool when he gave himself up.
Mrs. Hose was separated from her
husband and had been living with
her sons, Benton and Omer.
Soldiers Will Have
Part in Town Program;
Former Senator to Speak
Cliamhersburg, Pa., Nov. 8.
Armistice Day will be celebrated
here by a musical and speech-mak
ing program arranged by the Burt
J. Asper Post No. 46, of the Ameri
can Legion. The program will be
given in the high school auditorium
and will be featured by an address
by former Senator John W. Hoke.
All of the numbers on the program
will be given by ev-soldiers among
whom is John Forsythe, ba.-s so
loist w th the Queen City Band.
Ilousum G. A. R. Post has been
invited to attend in a body, and
Capt. J. C. Gerbig will make the
response for the veterans of the w.ar
of the rebellion.
Tarvia Explodes and
Firemen Are Summoned
Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. B.—Near
the J. M. Newcomer & C 6. coal yards
in the south end of this city a tank
of tarvia exploded, due to the boil
ing over of a tank of this street
preparation. The Are department
was called.
The tire was caused by some of the
preparation getting into the fire box
of the large tank, and until the pipe
from the supply car on the siding
could be disconnected the tarvia
burned rapidly and caused much
The traction engine was burned,
and scorched, but no damage was
done to buildings nearby.
Mrs. Frank Coover Is
Hostess For Mite Society
Mecliaiiicsburg, Pa., Nov. B.—Mrs.
Frank Coover was hostess for the
members of the Mite Society of the
Church of God at her home in South
Market street. Officers were chosen
as follows: President, Mrs. B. R.
Shope; vice president, Miss Sue
Swartz; treasurer, Mrs. Esther Mil
ler; secretary, Miss Helen Keller;
relief committee, Mrs. M. E. Ander
son, Mrs. J. A. Railing and Miss
Edith Shapley; collectors, Mrs. Kel
ler, Mrs. Riddle, Mrs. Railing, Mrs.
Bartch, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Eisley.
Following the election a program
was rendered.
Contractor Injured in
Fall From Scaffold
Meclianio-burg, Pa., Nov. 8. —
While walking along a scaffold at
the third storyof the home of Jesse
E. V. Smith, in West Main street.
Contractor Michael Spahr was pre
cipitated to the pavement below and
badly cut about the face and body.
Spahr was also injured about the
stomach as the piece of scantling
he was carrying struck him heavily
when he landed. He was sent home
in an automobile. He is the son of
Eli Spahr, who is seriously ill from
the effects of a stroke of paralysis
sustained last Sunday.
Evangelist Oxspring Is
to Strive For Methodists
Daupliin, Pa., Nov. B.—Beginning
to-morrow night, at 7.30 o'clock, and
continuing each night during the
week excepting Saturday, special
evangelistic meetings will be con
ducted in the Methodist Episcopal
Church here by Pastor Schaffer, as
sisted by Evangelist J. W. Oxspring,
of Chester, Pa., and his assistant,
Clinton E. Garvin, trombone player.
The evangelist will preach each night
and Mr. Garvin will sing and play
trombone selections. The meetings
just closing at Heckton resulted in a
number of conversions.
Ministerial Association
Closes Annual Sessions
Marietta, Nov, B.—The twenty
sixth annual convention of the Unit
ed Brethren Ministerial Association
of Lancaster and Dauphin counties
closed Wednesday after electing the
Rev. John C. Zug moderator; the
Rev. H. B. Yoder, assistant moder
ator; R. W. Schlosser, secretary,
and A. M. Kuhns, treasurer. The
entire three days' sessions were de
voted to discussion of the bettcr
ment of church and Sunday school
Ohio Voters Sustain
Ratification of Dry
Amendment, Is Claim
Columbus, Nov. 8. — Ohio voters
sustained the action of the Legisla
ture In ratifying Federal prohibition
by a majority of 194" votes at last
Tuesday's election, according to
practically complete unofficial re
turns received this morning at the
office of the Secretary of State.
The total vote, which included the
official vote from 65 of the 88 coun
ties showed that 497,435 votes were
cast for ratification and 497,241
Just after the completed vote on
ratification was announced the Sec
retary of State's office received word
that errors had been discovered in
Hancock and Allen counties which
may give the drys a total of 650 ad
ditional votes for ratification. It
was reported that 561 votes would
he added for ratification in Hancock
and 89 In Allen county. This would
make the total dry majority on ratl
icatlon 844. i
The total unofficial vote did no*,
include seven missing precincts, five
In Liogun and two In Mercer .county.
West Fairview Pupils Arc
Crowded Into Church
and Town Hulls
West Fairview, Pa., Nov. 8.
The erection of the borough's new
eight-room brick school building is
being rushed so that it may be oc
cupied by the first of the year. In
elemtnt weather has been holding
up the work. Members of the school
board fear the building will not be
completed as soqn as had been ex
pected. C. W. Strayer, of Lemoyne,
is the contractor.
borrow more than $26,-
200, the school bourd could not erect
a modern structure and consequently
the towif will not have a building
with modern facilities. However,
provisions are being made so that
additional equipment may be added
at any time the borough is in a
position to provide the funds. The
new structure will replace a school
building which was destroyed by fire
during the summer.
By crowding the students in the
Methodist Church, fire hall and Red
Man's Hall, the school board is able
to arrange the courses so that no
time will be lost until the new build
ing is completed. The first, second,
third, seventh and eight grade ses
sions are being "held in the Red
Men's Hall and High School sessions
in the Methodist Church. In the
morning students of the fourth and
fifth grades attend school in the tire
hall and in the afternoon the sixth
grade sessions are held in the Are
[Continued from First Page.]
For every American soldier kill
ed during the European War—and
there were 49,498 of them!—eight
graves are dug in Amerca each
year for babies!
Seven million men were killed
during the feur years of war, but,
in two years of those four, six mil
lion men died of influenza!
Thousands of babies are born in
America each year, but their births
cost the lives of 16,000 mothers.
Half the schood children in the
United States are physically de
fective, but their defects can be
One of every three men examined
ined for military service in the
United States during the war were
rejected because of physical de
There is one agency in the
Tnited States—and only one—which
can ameliorate these evils.
It is the American Red Cross.
What's the answer!
Legion, who will join in a new house
to house canvass.
Suppose there were another "flu"
epidemic in Harrisburg—
Or a fire which destroyed hundreds
of homes —
Or a epidemic—
Or a public hall catastrophe—
Or some other evil which entailed
Then, presuming that Harrisburg
had done its duty, the Red Cross
would be in a position to help.
But if Harrisburg had not done its
duty 7
Then the hands of the Red Cross
local chapter would be effectually
tied; and epidemics might rage, or the
homeless suffer. ,
That is why far-seeing men and
women urge memberships for the
Red Cross. Membership is sl. Of
that sum 50 cents goes to the Nation
al body. The balance stays with
Harrisburg Red Cross, unless the
membership was secured by an out
of-town auxiliary—and in that case
the auxilary retains 25 cents and
Harrisburg Chapter gets the other
25 cents.
"Pooh" said a man on the Square
this morning. "None of those things
are going to happen in Harrisburg!"
"That's what the folks said in
Johnstown a couple of days before the
flood in 1889," said Mercer B. Tate.
The people over there heard that the
South Fork dam was weak, but there
had been so many 'Wolf! Wolf!'
alarms they paid no attention to the
rumors. So to-day there is an 'Un
known Plot' in the cemetery in Johns
town. with 999 headstones in it: and
over 3,000 people died because proper
precautions were not taken. Let me
assure the people of Harrisburg—
and assure them in all solemnity!—
that Harriszurg Red Cross Is not cry
ing 'Wolf! Wolf!'"
Volunteer* Are Wanted
Chairman William Jennings this
morning said the Red Cross needs
volunteers from soldiers, who will ac
company Red Cross solicitors next
week. A number have already volun
teered. Offers of service should be
made either to Mr. Tate at headquart
ers in the Library butidng, or to any
of the six Roll Call colonels. These
colonels are Miss Anne McCormick,
Mrs. G. L. Culmerry, Mrs. F. R. Oys
ter, Mrs. A. Dillinger, Mrs. Charles H.
Hunter and Mrs. E. F. Doehme.
The Red Cross still needs 41,000 of
the 48,000 members it started out to
get—and $25,000 of the $30,000 cash
Dillsburg—"Father and Son" day
will be observed in St. Paul's Lu
theran Church in this place to-mor
row evening.
Lcwistown —A new industry may
be obtained for Lewistown through
the activities of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
MJthlloburg— Seventeen applicants
took the examination for census
enumerators In Snyder county in the
high school room here.
Emigsville—Mrs. John Rawhauser
stumbled when she stepped from a
trolley car and fell against a tele
phone pole. The crew carried her
to her home.
Mount Wolf—The Mount Wolf
Band welcomed Its soldier members
home on Thursday evening with a
reception and banquet in Goldrn
Eagle Hall.
lowistown—There is enough coal
on hand here to run the
lighting plant for 57 days, and the
big Burnham Steel Works has a
good supp'-y on hand.
Bellnsgrove—This town will cele
brate the signing of the armistice
next Tuesday evening, with Frank
Following Reception by Lu
theran Brotherhood Ban
quet Is Served
Miildlchurg, Pa., Nov. B.—The re
turned soldiers and sailors of Mid
d'eburg were last evening given a
rousing welcome home by the Broth
erhood of the Emmanuel Rutheran
Church. The church was decorated
with festoons of bunting and ever
green. The young men, about 35 in
number marched into the Sunday
School room, where a reception was
tendered, and a program given in
their honor.
The speakers of the evening were
the Rev. Charles R. Bowers. D. D.,
of Sunbury, Pa.; the Rev. H. Dcn
nington Hayes. D. IX, pastor of the
church, and County Superintendent
T. A. Stetler, president of the broth
Solos, quartets and recitations
were rendered by the young ladies
of the congregation and music was
furnished by the Statler's Cornet
Band. A special feature of the pro
gram was the demounting of tli'S
Sunday School service flag. The flag
contains 19 stars. It will be pre
served with the archives of the
church. After the exercises the
guests were treated to a good old
fashioned Snyder county banquet.
Harrisburg River Front
as Model Makes Big
Vote For Improvements
Harrlsburg's river front develop
ment was the model held up before
i the voters of the Tarentum district,
at their election this week, when the
question of providing a river park
by bond issue was placed before the
public for decision at the polls, ac
cording to an announcement from
the Harrisburg Chamber of Com
merce this morning.
The movement for a bond issue
to provide a river front development
similar to that along the Susque
hanna in Harrisburg was fostered
by the Allegheny Valley Chamber of
Commerce, whose activities embrace
Tarentum, Brackenridge, Natrona,
and their contiguous territories. The
Allegheny valley organization credits
the co-operation furnished by the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce as
one of the prime reasons for the
success of the loan issue. The local
Chamber furnished information and
newspaper illustrations for the
western district's newspapers in
order that the popular approval of
the loan could be secured. The let
ter acknowledging the value of this
service received from the Allegheny
Valley Chamber is as follows:
"We were able to use the cuts in
our local papers Monday, and con
tribute a considerable portion of our
success at the election to the views
of the Harrisburg river front im
"You may be interested in learn
ing that while the park issue was
carried, it carried by a very slender
margin, and the help furnished by
your organization may well be con
sidered a decided factor in the re
I ■' ■ 7**%' ■ '
Largest Coal Mine in
World Sealed Tight After
Flames Break Out
By Associated Press
lfickncll. Ind., Nov. B.—American
No. 1 mine, said to be the largest
bituminous coal mine in the world,
which was discovered on fire last
night, has been completely sealed
to-day, after workmen had toiled
frantically practically all night. Be
cause of the size of the mine and
the valuable machinery it contained,
the fire is said to be tne of the
most disastrous in the country. The
mine is entirely electrically equipped,
not a mule being used in it.
Ordinarily 586 men are employed
and the mine has a capacity of 6,000
tons of coal daily. Only twenty-one
men, including pumpers and en
gineers, were employed when the
fire was discovered and these were
The cause of the fire had not
been determined to-day. Although
the employes of the mine nre on
strike, more than a hundred gath
ered about the shaft as soon as the
alarm was sounded and
to fight the fire, as evidence, they
said, that they had no connection
with the fire.
Ritchie Ltads by Less
Than Two Hundred Votes
By /Associated Press
Baltimore, Nov. B.—Albert C.
Richie, Democratic candidate for
Governor, led Harry W. Nice, Re
publican, by less than 200 votes ac
cording to the official and unofficial
returns of lust Tuesday's election,
when the election supervisors of Bal
timore resumed their canvass of tho
city wards to-day.
Democratic tabulations gave Rit
chie 171 plurality. The Republicans
allowed him 129.
Sixteen of the 28 wa>-ds in Balti
raore remained to be canvassed and
the supervisors expected to finish the
job some time to-night. *
D. Barry, of Harrisburg, as the prin
cipal speaker.
Slkldlcbiirg—Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Herman announce the birth of a son.
Mrs. Herman formerly was Miriam
Stetler, daughter of George Stetle.,
of this place.
Lewistown—Dr. Guy Carlton Leo,
of Carlisle, addressed the Chamber
of Commerce and told the body Lew
istown must bury its petty jealousies
If progress is to be made.
Dillsburg—The Rev. and Mrs. J.
A. Gohn were given a donation party
at the parsonage here, members
bringing many kinds of vegetables,
.'ruits, groceries and poultry.
Lebanon —Cyrus Slegrlst, a well
known citizen, died of apoplexy
while getting ready to hitch a horse
to go driving here yesterday. He was
73 years old and a well-known dealer
n horses throughout this section of
the Stote.
CVainbersburg—The Rev. and Mrs.
!,ester B. Zug will be consecrated to
the mission work in . First United
Brethren Church here to-morrow
evening and will leave within a few
weeks for Rotifunk, Sierra Lecfna,
West Africa.
Head of National Reform Association Startles Presbyterian
Women in Missionary Session at Chambcrsburg;
Girls Brought From England
Cliiuiibcr.Hburg, Nov. 7.—Mrs. D. j
F. Diefenderfer, president of the
women's branch of the National Re- i
form Association, created a sensa
tion here by her address at the
meeting of the Women's Home Mis
sionary Society of Carlisle Presby
tery In Central Presbyterian Church.
She spoke on Mormonlsm in exceed
ing plain language and charged that
leaders of that faith and their hench
men violate the laws of our Nation
The Mormons, she said, still prac
tice polygamy and the public of Utah
knows it. Her most startling asser
tion was that young girls were being
brought into this country even now
Candidate For County Treas
urer Spent Most of Time
in Hospital
Sunbury, Pa., Nov. if. —According
to the official election returns finish
j ed yesterday. Charles Phillips, of Mt.
Carrael, Republican, u returned sol
dier, was given a plurality of 4,0ti6
over Jacob Leisenring, Democrat,
of Paxinos, for county treasurer.
This was the largest plurality ever
heard of between candidates of the
two leading parties, according to
older politicians. Phillips spent lit
tle money other than his campaign
assessment, and most of the time of
the campaign was in a hospital un
dergoing treatment for reconstruc
tion of his lower jaw, which ■ was
shot away in battle in France.
Charles K. Morgenroth, of Sha
ntokin, another returned soldier,
was given a plurality of 1,269 over
Edward Buker, Shuntokin's postmas
Elmer Keuman, of Upper Augusta
township, it was found had drawn
his pay, but failed to let his return
sheet to Prothonotary Summers. A
special messenger was sent to sum
mon hint with the belated figures
which did not affect the result.
Six Legion Post Men
Are Veteran's Pallbearers
Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 9. —Six
members of the American Region
Post were pallbearers yesterday at
the funeral of Harry S. Crider, a
Civil War veteran, who died sud
denly earlier in the week. The serv
ice was tn charge of the Rev. Dr.
J. M. Francis, Lutheran minister.
Oapt. John E. Walker Post, Grand
Army of the Republic, of which Mr.
Rider was commander tit time of
his death and for i number of years
previous thereto, attended in a body
and conducted a service at the gra\ e.
The pallbearers were Dr. W. 11.
O'Rear, William B. Hunter. Walter
Summer. Joseph Morganthal, Gray
son Stickell and Paul Devor.
Methodists of Dauphin
Arrange Unique Program
Dauphin, Pa.. Nov. S.—A fine
program of readings, vocal and in
strumental music and unique exer
cises has been arranged by u specul
committee to be rendered tills
evening in the Dauphin M. E.
Church at 7:46. A large number of
birthday invitations have been dis
tributed. The amount in money of
one's age will admit one. Refresh
ments will be served to all who at
Former Sheriff Dies
at in Dry Run
Cliambcrsburfc, Pa., Nov. B.
Former Sheriff Robert G. Jones died
at his home at Dry Run, this county,
yesterday, aged 72 years. He was
sheriff from 1892 to 1895. For sev
eral months he had been in failing
health and for a week had been con
fined to bed. Several years ago he
purchased the Dry Run hotel and
conducted it up until the time of his
death. He was a well known Re
Hears Son's Wife Is
First to Greet Royalty
Marietta. Pa.. Nov. B.—John B.
Bastian, the oldest Civil War vet
eran in Marietta, received a copy of
a western newspaper containing the
news that his son's wife, Mrs. Wil
liam Bastian, a native of Belgium,
and well known here, was the first
person to greet the King and Queen
of Belgium when they visited Santa
Barbara, Cal„ where the Bastian
family resides.
West Fairview Man Is
to Give Up Public Duty
West Fairview, Pa., Nov. B.
After twenty years' service as school
director of this district, L. S. Hat
field, 76 years old, will retire in De
cember but will hold the position
of treasurer until July. Then he
will retire from public activities, he
said to-day. At the recent election
William Hoover was elected to fill
Mr. Hatfield's post.
Boys Hike to State
College For Big Game
l.ewistown. Pa., Nov. B.—Harry
Price, aged 16, and David Sherman,
aged 18, left last night for State Col
lege afoot to be there to-day for the
football game between State College
and Lehigh. The distance is about
35 miles. They expected to reach
there in time for breakfast this
morning. They are Boy Scouts.
Dog Chases Big Buck
Through Village of Kantz
Mtddlcbui'g. Pa., Nov. B.—A four
pronged buck, hard pressed by a
hound, was driven from the thickets
of Shade Mountain to the open fields
and through the village of Kantz
yesterday. It finaly outran the dog
and escaped to the foothills.
NOVEMBER 8, 1919.
; from England, France and Be'gium
by emissaries of the Mormon Cliuvch.
i Young soldiers of the United States
Army have been acting as Mormon
agents and the girls they have in
duced to come to America have been
brought over in the White Star Dine,
the head of which, she said, is a
Mormon. These girls are landed
In Canada and brought into the
United States via Idaho. iThe growth
of the Mormon Church In the East,
Mrs. Diefenderfer said, is alarming
and the members of that religious
cult are entrenched in fine positions
in large eastern cities and all and
ever working for the enlargement of
the church of Joseph Smith.
Wilson College Elects
Dr. Mudge Chairman of
Its Board of Trustees
Chanibersburg, pa., Nov. S.—The
Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge, of Harris
burg, has been chosen chairman of
the board of trustees of Wilson Col
lege, succeeding the Rev. Dr. J.
Ritchie Smith, of Princeton and
formerly pastor of Market Square
Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg.
Supreme Court Justice John Stewart
was re-elected a member of the
board. The trustees decided to en
large the college and voted to in
crease the tuition fee by 850 per
year. George H. Battle was chosen
secretary of the board.
Slayer Sentenced Again
to Meet Law's Demand
Gettysburg. Pa., Nov. B.—Clarence
Collins. Ihe convicted slayer of
George J. Busliman, was resentenced
by Judge McPherson on an order
from the Supreme Court, to which
tribunal the case was appealed, at
torneys for the defense claiming the
case should be tried in Cumberland
county. To meet the requirements
of the higher court, different
phraseology was used in giving Col
lins the same sentence imposed at
the August term, that he die in the
electric chair.
Erection of Car Barn
Halted by High Prices
Uiiioynt', Pa., Nov. B.—Scarcity
of material and high labor cost are
holding up the proposed erection of
a car barn and office at the west end
of the People's Bridge by the Valley
Railways Company, according to
officials of the company. A large
section of land was purchased some
months ago but because of unsettled
conditions the improvements were
hcll up. Officials shy no improve- |
merits will be made until material
and labor are cheaper.
Bought Voters in York
by Droves, Is Charge
York, Pa.. Nov. B.—The buying of
rotes at the election Tuesday in this
11 '\ ' lils stirred up a great amount
of interest, for it is claimed that 1n
certain districts it amounted to an
auct on of votes, and that in one
precinct especially sls was the ordi
nary price.
Ward workers, jt is claimed, voted
whole droves of men, some of them
businessmen. The thing was car
ried on to such extent that protests
are being made and it is believed
efforts will be made to put a stop to
it in the future.
liowlstown. Pa., Nov. B.—At Tues
day's election. U V. Rhodes, Repub
lican, and C. W. Kase, Democrat,
received the same number of votes,
69. for assessor in the Third ward!
Bewistown. The legal question puz
zling the two candidates and court
house officials, is who will decide
which one of the two men will se
cure the office?
Two Separate Nlglit Schools: The One on Monday. Wednesday,
Friday—The Other Tuesday, Thursday Nights
(Opposite Senate Hotel)
"The House of Diamonds"
Not Only
In Point of Floor Space
but in size of stock, we have perhaps
a better selection of Diamonds,
Watches, Jewelry and kindred mer
chandise than any other store in
■ It is easy to shop here where two roomy floors are
devoted to display of goods and where you are treated
as courteously when you are "only looking," as when
you purchase. You can purchase articles for 50c or
$2,000, and at prices in between.
Selections made now will
be reserved until Christmas.
C. Ross Boas
Since 1850 Harrisburg's Foremost Jewelry Store
28 North Second Street
Bottomleys Return From Ten-
Day Hunting Trip to
Tioga County
Williamstown, Pa., Nov. B.—Th<
admissions to the Williams Valley
Hospital the past week were Mrs.
Lulu Keiter and son and daughter,
Harry and Sara Keiter, as typhoid
fever patients, and Mrs. Howard
Phillips "and Howard Kemer.—Mrs.
E. 1... Delhaunt and daughter, of
Bridgeport, Conn., is spending some
time with Mrs. Emma Whittle.—
Weldon Watkins, of Millersburg,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harrison Watkins, on Thursday.—•
*Wr. and Mrs. William Bottomley and
Thomas Bottomley returned
Wednesday from a ten-day hunting
trip to Tioga county.—Jacob Mel
lon, of Philadelphia, is on a visit to
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mellon.—Martin O'Brien, of Phila
delphia. spent a few days in town
with his brother, James.—William
Leightner, of Harrisburg, spent the
week-end with his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Leightner.—Harry Hoff
man, of Harrisburg, is a guest at the
home of his brother, John Hoffman.
—The American Legiop of this place
will hold a minstrel show November
19 and 20 in the Academy of Music,
directed by Pro(. Jones and Miss
| Hines.—Howard Mack and
j James Newton left for Detroit,
Mich., where they have secured em
| ployment.
| Lumberman Is Probably
Fatally Hurt in Fall on
Saw at Areola, N. C.
Ilagcrstown, Md„ Nov. B.—Ac
cording to information received here
from Areola, N. C., Edward Pome
roy, of this city, who has been oper
ating a lumber camp near that place,
was probably fatally injured yester
day by falling upon a revolving saw.
which cut through his skull and is
believed to have penetrated his brain
Mr. Pomeroy, who is 52 years old,
was formerly engaged in the lumber
business in this city.
Vote in Adams For
Commissioners Close
Gettysburg. Pa.. Nov. B.—The of
ficial count of returns of the election
I of Tuesday will likely be completed
lin a very few days. According to
! the unofficial figures the Repub
licans whl control the office of
county commissioners, but Linn, the
I low man of the two Republicans, is
j only twenty votes ahead of Snyder,
I the Democratic high man, and but
thirty-five ahead of Keller, the low
man on the Democratic side. Some
believe the official count will put
the two Democrats, with Lupp a Re
publican, as the minority member,
leaving Linn out. The official count
in Adams county does not change
the result more than thirty-five
votes very often.
Governor Will Go to
Altoona Monday Evening
Altoona, Pa.. Nov. B.—Members
j of the Chamber of Commerce com
| mittee arranging for the annual
I meeting to be held at the Logan
I House next Monday evening at >
ocloek expect to have here on that
occasion Governor William C. Sproui.
The Governor, answering an invita
tion frorii the committeemen, re
plied that nothing interfering he
| would be here to attend the meet
| ing.
The speaker for the evening will
I be Bartley J. Doyle, of Philadelphia,
I a director of tlie Philadelphia Cham
ber of Commerce.
I Come—First Baptist Church
2d and Pine —Sunday, 10.30 a.m.—adv.
Union Trust Harrisburg, Pa.
Established 1894