18 LUTHERANS TO LA UNCH CAMPAIGN FOR BENEVOLENCE; BIG IN CITY NOVEMBER 23 SPECIAL SERVICES ' GRACE METHODIST Dr. Bagnell to Preach on "The Belentless Pursuer—Sin"; Special Music Dr. Robert Bagnell. pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, will occupy the pulpit at both the morning and evening services to morrow. In the morning, at 10.30 o'clock, he will preach a sermon on "The Parable of the Vineyard." and the chorus choir will sing the an them, "Magnificat" in E fiat, by Simper. Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, so prano, will sing the offertory, "Prayer." by Hiller. In the evening the Grace Church pastor will preach an especially forceful sermon ou the topic, "The Relentless Pursuer—Sin." and the chorus choir will sing the anthem, "He Shall Come Down Like Rain." by Allen. The church quartet will sing the offertory anthem, "Lead Kindly Light." by Sullivan. Due to the improvements which are being made to the church and the instal lation of the new Austin organ, the morning and evening services will be held in the social room, and the adult, young people's and teen age departments of the Sunday School will also meet in this room. The beginners' department will meet in parlor B and the primary and inter mediate departments in the boys' and girls' scout room. It is hoped that by next Sunday the various de partments of the Sunday School will be able to meet in their regular rooms. The Epworth League will start its Win-My-Chum Week campaign on Sunday with a most unusual pro gram. Robert B. Reeves, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will give a talk on "Our Duty to Win Others" at this Sunday evening meet ing. which starts promptly at 6.30 o'clock. The special musical num ber will be a duet by Mrs. William Helsley and Miss Wynne Cassel. A most interesting feature of this meeting will be a 13-minute address by Prof. Bernard R. Mausert, new organist and choirmaster of Grace Church, and professor of music at Dickinson College, on the topic, "Church and Sabbath Conditions in Europe Previous to the World War." Professor Mausert is very well fitted to handle this topic, as he was one of the organists of Trinity Church. Berlin, Germany, 1911 to 1913. This church has five pastors, three or ganists and serves a parish consist ing of 70,000 people. On Wednesday evening, at 7.30 o'c'ock. the Epworthians will attend the prayer meeting in a body, where they will be especially addressed by the pastor, and on Thursday eve ning. they will conduct a prayer meeting of their own from 7.30 to 5.15, with a social time following from 5.15 until 10.15. The Win-Mv- Chuni campaign will be ended with the evening meeting of Sundav. No vember 16, with Dr. Bagnell giving an address on the topic, "The Chal lenge to Christian Service." Sunday School of State Street U. B. Church to Mark 18th Anniversary The State Street t r nited Brethren 1 Church and Sunday school will have special services on Sunday. It is an anniversary and rally day service combined. This Sundav school was organized 18 years ago with 60 mem- I hers. It now has a membership of ! 850. while the church has a mem- : bership of 4 80. The chapel and par- ; sonage is free from debt with S3.- ' 600 in bank toward the erection of j the church auditorium on the cor- ! ner of State and Eighteenth streets. Subscriptions will be received on i Sunday to increase this fund. The j Rev. S. C. Enck, conference super intendent of the East Pennsylvania I Conference, will give an address at j the morning service and preach in ' the evening. REVIVAL AT PEXBROOK Revival meetings are in progress in the Trinity United Evangelical ] t'hurch, Penbrook. The services be- ' gin each night at 8 o'clock. Thei meetings will continue for several weeks to come. The pastor, the Rev. A\. L. Pottieger. will have charge of the services and preach each night He will be assisted at various times by other speakers. The three min ute men of the congregation will also assist. Miss Esther Earley and ( harles A. Hollenbaugh will preside at the piano. John A Earley is the song leader. LECTURE OX HOME An interesting and instructive lec ture on the Loysville Orphans' Home and the work it is doing il lustrated with 80 views, will be given in Messiah Lutheran Church, at 8 o'clock Monday evening, by Mrs Chester Buck, of this city. Thel offering will be given to the home. The Older Hoy*' and filrls 1 Sunday School Conference of Diifiiitlin County At Messinli Lutheran Church All liny Tumday. llrrrmhcr 2 "THE NEW AGE" Subject of address to men by DR. GEORGE W. RICHARDS Professor of Church History, Reformed Theological Seminary, Lancaster Fahnestock Hall. Y. M. C A SECOND AND LOCUST ' ' STREETS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 3.30 P. M. Special Music by Pennsylvania Railroad Male Quartet ALL MEN INVITED ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH The Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer, Rector Sunday, November 9 ... 11 A - M ~ The Rt - Rev - Charles Procter Remington, D. D, will preach on "The Nation Wide Campaign." 7.30 P. M.—Union Service. All the Episcopal Churches in Harrisburg and Steelton will unite in a Nation-wide Campaign Service in St. Stephen s Church at /.30 Sunday night. The speakers will be Bishop Remington, D. D. George B. Elliott All persons interested in the Nation-wide Campaign arc urged to attend. SATURDAY EVENING, HAHXUHBURG TELEOWXFH NOVEMBER 3, 1919. SERMON LECTURE BY DR. SMUCKER "Why the American Knocker Knocks" at Morning Serv ice in Stevens Church "Why the American Knocker Knocks" or "The American Knock ers' Club' 'is to be the sermon-lec ture theme of Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker to-morrow evening at 7.30 in Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. The Sunday school session will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Following this gathering at 11 o'clock. Dr. Smucker will preach on "The Silversmith of Ephesus." Prof. John W. Phillips and the chorus choir will render special music. To-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock a service for boys and girls is to be held in Stevens Memorial Church. In the evening at 6.30. o'clock a mass meeting for young folk is scheduled. On Monday evening the building committee of the "Church Com munity House" will hold a special meeting. Tuesday night at 5.15 Miss Bea trice Mao Cue. contralto. of New York city, will sing at the musical to be given by Prof. Phillips and the chorus choir. John Whitman, violinist, and Miss Margaretta Ken nedy, 'cellist, will appear on the pro gram. The Boy Scouts will give a public demonstration of their work in the parlors of the church on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The clioruch forum will meet on Wednesday even ing at 7.30 o'clock. "Win My Chum" Week Closes in Epworth Church As a closing feature of the "Win My Chum" week program of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Epworth League of Epworth Metho dist Church will have charge of the clal was held on the night of No services on Sunday evening. A so vember 6. A program was present ed to the "Epworth Leaguers." The sermon on Sunday evening will be preached by a returned Y. M. C. A. worker, specializing in League work, and an attendance of members of the league from all parts of the city is expected. A num ber of decisions on the part of young people of Epworth Church for more definite church work is expected. FALL RALLY DAY AT SECOND BAPTIST SUNDAY At the Fall Rally Day on Sunday at Second Baptist Church, there will be special services all day. At 3 p. m. Dr. John Albert Stinett, of Monumental A. M. E. Church. Steel ton. will preach from the subject. "Jesus." The Second Baptist Church is having a special fall rally to raise funds for its new church building. CLASS TO MEET The regular session of the Men's Organized Bible Class of Zion Lu theran Church will be held Sunday afternoon, at 1.50 o'clock. Arthur 11. Hull will be in charge of the les son study period, the subject of which is "Peter's Great Confession." A special musical number will be a soprano solo by Miss Louise Haer. 1 Music in the Churches MARKET SQUARE PIIESIIY TERIAX Morning—Prelude, "Prelude and Adagietto," Boellman: anthem, "Hymn to the Trinity," Tschaikow sky; offertory, "Cantabile" (From Seventh Sonata), Guilniant; post lude, "Scherzo-Finale," Ca'pocci. Evening Prelude, "Benediction N'uptiale," Saint Saens: anthem. "With Prayer and Supplication," Mrs. H. H. A. Beach; solo, "Now the Day Is Over," Mrs. O. E. Good; of fertory, "In a Mission Garden," Diggle: postlude, "March in F Major," Guilniant. PINE STREET Morning— Prelude, "Madrigal," Rogers: anthem, "Lord, I Have Loved the Habitation of Thy House," Torrence; offertory, "Andante Re ligioso," Lemaigre: solo. "Come unto Me" (Coenen), Mr. J. P. Gib son; postlude, "Postlude in B Flat," Ropartz. Evening Prelude. "Allegretto Grazioso," Tours; anthem, "I Sought the Lord," Stevenson; offertory, "Adoration," Guilniant; quartet. "Quiet Lord My Forward Heart," Kucken; postlude, "Fantasia in C," Tours. MESSIAH 'LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, '"Morning Serenade," Lemare; offertory, "En tr'acte." Moszkowski; anthem, "Hearken unto Me, My People," Sullivan; postlude, "Grand Chorus in G," Salome. Evening—Prelude. ''Evening Bells and Cradle Song," MacFar lane; trio, "On Thee Each Living Soul Awaits" (Creation), (Hadyn), Mrs. Izer, Mr. Watson and Mr. Hart- DR.MUDGEIN SERMON SERIES Busy Week in Pine Street Presbyterian Church; Men's Class Meets Monday At the Pine Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday the pastor. Dr. Lewis Seymour Mudge, will preach morning and evening. continuing the courses of sermons which have aroused such wide-spread interest. The morning subject will be "What To Believe About the Church," a subject of importance, especially to-day when the obligations of the church are so overwhelming. The evening subject will be "The Towel Christ Took." At both these ser vices the quartet choir will pre sent numbers which will be of high class musically. On Wednesday evening the usual mid-week service will be held. Among the meetings of interest to be held during the week will be the Men's Mission Study Class at the Bovd Memorial Building on Mon day evening at 7.30 o'clock, under the leadership of W. D. B. Ainey, chairman of the Public Service Commission of the State. .On Tues day evening the executive commit tee of the Senior Christian Endeavor Society will meet at the Women and Girls' Building at 0 o'clock, and the Mrs. W. P. Stuart's Sunday School Class will meet at the same place on Tuesday evening at 7.30. On Thursday evening the Church Mothers Meeting and the Bethany Mothers Meeting will have their sec ond session of the season. On Fri day the Red Cross Auxiliary of tlie church will continue its well-at tended meetings, the hours being 1.30 P. M. to S P. M., the place— the social room. The usual activities of the Boyd Memorial Building, including the basketball and bowling leagues now in full swing will be maintained. At the Women and Girls' Building the regularly scheduled classes for the young women of the church, also those conducted with the Girl Scout Troop, will be continued. C. E. NOTES W. C. Hoy. of Millersburg. reports that 100 delegates, and an attrac tive program will be rendered at the Dauphin C. E. convention in Mil lersburg. United Evangelical church November 20. Haines A. Reicliel and Rev. A. R. Steck, Carlisle, will speak. Come—First Baptist Church 2d and Pine—Sunday, 10.30 a.m.—adv CHURCH NOTES TILL FRIDAY AT 4 Church notices not received in the Editorial Rooms of the Har rishurg Telegraph before four o'clock Friday afternoon, will NOT appear on the church page on Saturday. Failure of certain notices to appear recently may be accounted for by their failure to arrive promptly. No excep tions will be made in the en forcement of the rule. Notices will not be taken over the tele phone. man: offertory, "Elegie," Youferoft: anthem, "Fear Not, O Israel," Spicker; postlude, "Scherzo," Le maigre. SALEM REFORMED Morning— A "Canzone." Guil mant; b—"Prayer"; anthem, "The Lord Is King," Lansing; soprano solo. "Jesus. Lover of My Soul," Peticolas: "Pastorale" (Rheinberg eri. Mrs. C. W. Myers; "Prelude in G," Bach. - Evening a —"Pastorale," Bach; b—"ln Moonlight," Kinder; an them. "O, Come, Let Us Sing," Blumenschein; "Prayer," Lemaigre; "Prelude," Bach. DERBY STREET Morning—Prelude, "Reverie." Le maire: anthem, "Consider and Hear Me." Ptlueger; incidental solo, Miss Monn: offertory, "Aria" (Handel), Guilmant; postlude, "Postlude," Ba tiste. Evening—Prelude. "The Night," (Karg-Elert), with solo for tenor; anthem. "O, For a Closer Walk with God" (Foster). Mr. Donmoyer; of fertory, "Cradle Song," Brahms; postlude, "Postlude in F," Volk ir.ann. ST. STEPHEN S EPISCOPAL Morning—"Venitc," Crotch; "Te Deum," Federlein: "Benedictus," Greene; anthem, "Thus Saith God the Lord." Hosmer. Evening—"Magnificat," Hebbe- Allen; "Nunc Dimittis," Round; an them. "O, How Amiable Are Thy towellings," Barnby. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Morning—Prelude, "Andante Re ligioso," op. 160 No. 1, Ashmall; of fertory, "Prayer in G Flat," op. 36 No. 2, St. Clair: anthem, "The Lord" Reigneth," Frey; postlude, Marche Militaire," op. 198. No. 8, Nicolai Von Wilm. Evening—Prelude. "Berceuse" (lullaby), Guilmant: solo, "The Lord Is My Light" (Allitsen), Mr. Henry Stewart; ofTertory, "Venetian Nights" (Barcarolle). O'Shea; an them. "My Trust Is in Thy Word," Wooler; postlude, "March in B Flat," Silas. CHRIST LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, "Intermezzo." Delibes; anthem, "The Sun of Righteousness." Geibel: offertory, "Shepherds Idyl," Geibel; solo, "The Hills of God" (Nevin), Miss Pearl Brehm; postlude, "Grand Chorus," Lemaigre. Evening Prelude, "Evensong," Lacey; offertory, "Pastorale," Flag ler; anthem. "Our Confession," Shelley; postlude, "Postlude," Le maigre. 1 STEVENS MEMORIAL M. E. Morning—Prelude, "Elegy," le maigre; contrulto solo. "God Shall Wipe away All Tears" (Harker), Mrs. Russell Kohr; offertory, "Prayer in F," Cueppens; anthem, "I Will Call upon Thee," Buck; post lude, "Finale in F," Capocci. Evening—Prelude. "Offertoire in A Flat," Batiste; Cantilene, "Pas torale," Guilmant: tenor solo, "Day Is Dying in the West" (Speaks), John D. Fisher; offertory, "Allegro Moderato," Mcrkcl; anthem, "Glori'- oiis Is Thy Name (Twelfth Mass), Mozart; postlude, "Postlude," Prout. LUTHERAN CHURCH LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN FOR BENEVOLENCE Committee in Charge of Work in Hurrisburg District In cludes E. 0. Hoover, Luther Minter and J. Warren For tenbaugh; to Make liig Effort November 'EI The Lutherans, having practically completed their campaign to raise $1,000,000 and to gather 4,000,000 pounds of clothing for the relief of European sufferers, are now launch ing a great campaign for benev olence. The general purpose of the campaign is similar to that of the other great Protestant bodies, the New Era. Movement of the Presby terians. the Centenary Campaign of the Methodists and the Forward Movement of the Reformed Church. The church is preparing to meet the demands and responsibilities of a new age. In method this campaign will dif fer radically from the other cam paigns. Instead of making a goal of some definite amount, the aim will be to have each member double or treble by weekly offerings the amount given in previous years. The campaign director is W. H. Greever, of Columbia, S. C. His headquarters are in Philadelphia, where for several weeks a large stuff of workers have been busy in the educational program for the work, while field secretaries have been or ganizing the workers in every Luth eran congregation in America. The final work of the campaign will be carried out by local workers in the congregation during the week of November 23-30. During this week thousands of workers, in teams of two or more, will call upon nil the members of the various congrega tions. During the last few years, in each campaign undertaken, the church has surpassed and in some cases more than doubled the With Choir and Organist There is to be splendid music in the city churches at to-morrow's services. At Messiah Lutheran Church in the morning Mrs. Lee S. Izer, soprano: William Watson, tenor, and A. W. Hartman, bass, will sing the trio from Hayn's "Crea tion," "On Thee Each Living Soul Awaits," one of the most impressive numbers in the oratorio. At First Church of God Henry Stewart, baritone, is to sing Allit sen's 'The Lord Is My Light," as an individual number at the evening service. Mrs. C. W. Myers, director of Reformed Salem choir, will sing a new setting of "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," written by Petieolas, at the morning service. Tseliaikowsky's "Hymn to the Trinity" wil be the anthem number in the morning at Market Square Presbyterian Church. Mrs. O. E. Good, soprano, will sing a setting of "Now the Day Is Over," at the evening service. At Calvary Presbyterian Church at the morning service Miss Jennie Shartzer, contralto soloist of Second Reformed choir, will sing Harker's "Like As a Hart." Mi§s Elizabeth Brown, organist, will play among other numbers Gounod's "O Salu taris Hostia," at the evening service and the Lefebure-Wely "Melody" as Evangelistic Meetings in St Paul Baptist A two-weeks' evangelistic cam paign will open in the St. Paul Bap tist Church on Sunday morning, it has been announced by the pastor, the Rev. E. Luther Cunningham. Dr. W. W. Boone, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church. Bellevue, Pa will lead the campaign. There will be preaching each evening at 8 o'clock, with a song service from 7 to 8, led by the Rev. H. G. Mcßea, W. A. Gillis and Joseph Page. An after-meeting will be held each eve ning. There will be noonday prayer meetings from 12 to 12.30 o'clock. MISCELLANEOUS Bethesda Mission —John Fulton, Superintendent: Saturday night, Martin Stutzman; Sunday night, H. J. Beach ley. Christian and Missionary Alli ance—The Rev. W. H. Won-all; 9.C0 Sunday school: 10.30, and 7.30, ser vices. A. M. E. Weslev Union—The Rev. Stephen A. McNeill: 10.45, "The God We Serve": 7.45, services; 1, Sunday school. REVIVAL SERVICES IN PARK STREET U. E. CHURCH A series of revival meetings will open on Sunday at the Park Street United Evangelical Church. The meetings will be conducted by the pastors. There will be special music every evening. The "New Songs of Praise and Power" will be used. The revival chorus will be directed by Mr. Bower. SUPERINTENDENT PRESIDES Dr. A. B. stat ton. Pennsylvania Conference Superintendent, presided at the first Quarterly conference of St. Paul's United Brethren congre gation Thursday. The pastor's sal ary was increased to $1,200 and parsonage. Funeral of Aged Woman Is Held This Afternoon Moclinnlesburg, Pa.. Nov. B. j Funeral services for Mrs. Mary M. ; Kimmel, who died at the home of i her son-in-law, Harry S. Forrey, I Bowmansdale. were held this after, noon at 1 o'clock and burial at the Andersontown graveyard. Mrs. Kim mel was 90 years old. She is sur vived by four daughters. Mrs. Henry Forry, of Bowmansdale: Mrs. Susan Sutton, of Lewisberry; Mrs. Lewis Frysinger, of Siddonsburg, and Mrs. S. J. Myers, of Harrisburg/ HERSIIEY HAS POST Hersliey, Pa., Nov. B.—Hershey now has a permanently organized post of the American Legion. It will be known as Post No. 386 and its present membership of 41 is ex pected to be substantially Increased by Armistice Day, November 11. WILL HOLD MEETING Wormleysburg. Pa., Nov. B.—Ar rangements are being made by a committee of the High School Lit erary Society for a meeting to be held on Friday afternoon. A com mitted is arranging the program. amounts expected. This campaign is expected to add several millions of dollars to the annual Income of the church. The local campaign for the con gregations of llarrisburg and vicin ity is in charge of a committee com posed of E. G. Hoover, Luther Min ter and J. Warren Fortenbaugh. This will affect from 13,000 to 15,000 members in the Immediate vicinity of Hurrisburg. In this district it is planned to make the groat effort of the campaign on Sunday. Novem ber 33. In preparation for this, a reformation and booster meeting will be held in Chestnut Street Audi torium. Sunday evening, November 16, at 8 p. m. The meeting will be addressed by , two speakers of na tional repute, whose names will ap pear later. The following commit tees are in charge of the work of preparation: Program Committee —Rev. Dr. S. W. Herman and Rev. Dr. Thomas lleisch, of Harrlsurg; Rev. Dr. Ful ler Bergstresser, of Middletown. Music Committee —Rev. Dr. H. W. A. Hanson and Rev. Robert L. Meis enhelder. of llarrisburg: Rev, E. L. Pee, of llighspire. Publicity Committee—Rev. Dr. E. E. Snyder, Rev. Dr. A. M. Stamets and Rev. M. E. Shafer. of llarris burg: Rev. 1,. K. Henry, of Penbrook; Rev. 11. S. Games, of llumnielslown; Rev. J. F. Keller, of Oberlln. Ushers' Committee—Howard Ir vin, Grant A. Martz, P. S. Zimmer man, all of llarrisburg. Finance Committee —Russell Say ford. Dr. Croll Keller. Prof. 10. S. Wolf, all of llarrisburg. tlie offertory at the morning serv ice. Myles Foster's "Oh, For a Closer Walk With God," will be the even ing anthe.ni at Derry Street United Brethren Church, with Howard E. Gensler directing and Mr. Donmoy er, tehor, as soloist. At Pine Street Presbyterian Church at to-morrow morning's service, John P. Gibson, tenor, will sing the well-known Coenen music of the Gospel invitation, "Come Unto Me." Kucken's "Quiet Lord, My Froward Heart" will be given as a quartet number at the evening serv ice. Berthold Tours' "Allegretto Gruzioso," one of the most delight ful of this composer's organ offer ings. will be Frank A. McCarrell's evening prelude. The choir of St. Stephen's Epis copal Church will sing Barnby's "Oh, How Amiable Are Thy Dwell ings." at the service to-morrow morning. Hosmer's "Thus Saith the Lord" will be the evening anthem. Among the anthems to be re hearsed by Calvary Presbyterian choir will be Watson's "Come Near, Ye Nations," Dudley Ruck's "Rock of Ages," Storcr's "Like As the Heart" and Barnby's "Drop Down, Ye Heavens." Big Intermediate Rally at First Church of God A big Intermediate rally will be I held to-morrow evening by the I First Church of God Society. The Senior. Intermediate and Juniors will meet at the same time. A booster committee has done good work among the various societies. Among the special features on the program will be an address by Mrs. Haines A. Reichel. stenographer at the C. E. headquarters. Walter Cass, superintendent and has corps of workers, will have an attractive program. METHODIST Ridge Avenue—"The Secret of Strength" a n d "Demobilization Service": "The Present Outlook," by the Rev. H. R. Bender; 10.00, Sunday School. Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30, "The Difliculties of Unbelief": 7.30, "That Which Was Lost"; 2.00, Sunday school. Camp Curtin —The Rev. John 11. I Mortimer. 10.30, "Walking No 1 More with Him"; 7.30, "The Ameri | can Legion"; 2.00, Sunday school: 6.30, Epworth League. Epworth—The Rev. Homer C. Knox. 11.00, "Individual Work for Individuals": 7.30, sermon to Ep worth Leaguers by returned Y. M. |C. A. worker: 10.00, Sunday school. Grace The Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell. Morning, "The Parable of !the Vineyard": evening, "The Re | lentless Pursuer—Sin"; 12.10, Sun day school; 6.30, Epworth League; 7.30, Wednesday, prayer meeting. Riverside—The Rev. George Mur ray Klepfer. 10.30, "The Supreme Need of the Church"; 7.30, "The Supreme Passion of the Church"; 2.00, Sunday school; 6.45, Epworth League: 4.00, Wednesday, Junior Epworth League. BAPTIST Tabernacle—Sunday school at 9.45; 11, and 7.30, preaching by The Rev. Charles Nylund of Phila delphia; 6.45, B. Y. P. U. St Paul's —The Rev. Luther Cun ningham; 10.30, Members in charge of praise service: 7.30, "Sinners Al ways Welcome"; 12.30, Sunday school: 6.30, B. Y. P. U. First—The Rev. Wm. J. Lock hart; 10.30 and 7.30, services; 11.45, Bible school. Trinity. New Cumberland—The Rev. A. R. Ayres: 10.30, Christian Money and Prayer"; 7, Christian Stewardship; 9.30. Sunday school. Second—The Rev. Albert Greene; 10.30 and 7.30. services; 12. Sun day school: 6.30, B. Y. P. U.; '3, Q'he Rev. Dr. Jno. Albert Stennett will preach. Market Street—The Rev. W. S. Dunlop. 10.30, "Elements of Suc cess in Christian Work;" 7.30 "When Sinner and Savior Meet;" 11.30, Sunday school; 6.30, Christian Endeavor Society. CHURCH OP THE BRETHREN Hummel—The Rev. c. D. Bon sack. EvangeMst. will preach at 11 "Jesus and the Home"; 7.30, "The Lost Christ": 10. Sunday school. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church—ll and 7.30. "Adam and Fallen Man"; 11, Sun day school; testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8; free reading room Kunkel building, 11.30 to G dally, J OLIVET LEADERS TO VISIT MEMBERS Sunday Afternoon Set Aside For Visitation; Twenty Teams Named in Olivet Presbyterian Church the New Era Plun of Group Leaders and congregational visitation will he In augurated Sunday morning. £t is planned to have the entire congre gation visited by these group load ers Sunday afternoon. There have been appointed 30 teams of two men each. A church officer is in charge of each. Where it is Impossible to visit u home on Sunday afternoon, that home will be visited during the week. The group leaders will be for mally commissioned and charged to enter upon the work in the name and spirit of their lg>rd and Mas ter. The following service will be ob served: Recording names of group leaders; delivery of charge to group leaders, and commissioning them for their work: delivery of charge to the congregation: prayer of con servation: singing "Lorii Speak to Me That I May Speak." Following this service the pestor will, prenoli a brief sermon on the theme. "Where God Dwells." At the evening service, S. A. Bower will preach on "Personal Work for Individuals." CHURCH DIRECTORY LUTHERAN Trinity Lemoyne—The Rev. L. A. Bush; 9.30, Sunday school; 10 45 "A Time to Serve Tlie Lord": "..10, "Who Shall Enter Heaven'."'; 0.30, Christian Endeavor. Bethlehem—lo.3o, and 7.30. The , Rev. J. A. Shipmaster, D. 15., presi- I dent of the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, pastor in charge; ! 1.45, Sunday school. Messiah —The Rev, Henry W. A. Hanson. P. P.*; 10.30, "Between Zorah and Eslitaol"; 7.30. "The Eternal Consequences of Human Choices." St. Matthews—The Rev. E. E. Snyder: 11. "God's Temple": 7.30, "The Harvest Fields": 9.45, Sunday school: 6.30, C. E. Society. St. Paul's, Riverside—3, services: 2, Sunday school; 7. C. E. Society. Christ —The Rev. Dr. Thomas Reiscli: 10.30 "For God and Coun try": 7.J0. "A Housing Problem Solved": 2. Sunday school. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stamets, 15. 15.: 10.30. "The Only Foundation"; 7.30, "Tlie Peath ofj Samson": 2, Sunday school: 6.50, I Intermediate and Junior Christian Endeavor. St. Mark's. Meclianicsburg—The Rev. H. X. Fegley, P. 15.; 9, Bible school; 10.30, "The Pivine Method of Systematic Giving": 6.45, blither League: 7.30, Vespers. St. Michael's—The Rev. Reinhold Schmidt: 10, services: 7.30, services; 11.15, Sunday school. Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges, P. P.; 10.30, "The Great Campaign": 7.30 "The Last Pitch": I 2. Sunday school: 10. Men's Prayer meeting: 5.30, Junior Luther League: 6.30, Senior Luther League. Calvary-—The Rev. E. H. Paur; 11, "The Xob'eman's Faith": 7.30, "Moses Makes Last Callson Pharaoh; 10, Sunday school. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. E. P. Weigle; 10.45 "The Nobleman of Capernaum": 7.30, "The Spiritual Warrior": 9.30, Sunday school. Evangelical Lutheran Church of The Holy Communion, State and Seventh streets —The Rev. John Henry Miller: 10.45, "Reformation Principle": 7.30, "Good Citizenship"; 9.30, Sunday school: 8, Mid-week. Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Sliafer; 10.30, "The Supreme Goal": 7.30, Christian Assurance." PRESBYTERIAN [ Pine Street—The Rev. L. S. ; Mudge. 10.30, "What to Believe (about tlie Bible": 7.30, "The Towel I Christ Took"; 1.40. Sunday school. Division Street Chapel—The Rev. iH. H. Baldwin. "The Humble 'Christian": 7.45, evening services; | 3.00, Sunday school, j Westminster —The Rev. Henry W. Miller. 10.30. "A Plea for Justice I and What It Involves": 7.30, "Saul a Failure Because of Self-will"; I 1.45, Sunday school: 6.30, C. E. ! Immanue! —The Rev. H. Everett Hallman. 11.16, Sunday school: ; 6.30, Senior C. E.; 7.30, "The Man i with a Record." Paxton —The Rev. Harry B. King, pastor, will preach at 11.00 and -7.30: 10.00. Sunday school. Covenant —The Rev. Harvey I Klaer. 10.30, "Christian Americun ! izution"; 7.30, "The Story of the ■ Jordan" (illustrated): 2.00, Sunday j school: 6.30, Y. P. S. C. E. Market Square—The Rev. George ! Edward Hawes. The Rev. Howard Rodgers, assistant. 11.00, "Is Jesus Christ God?"; 7.30, "Out of Place"; 9.45, Sunday school, four depart ments. Calvary—The Rev. J. L. Gehman. 10.15, "The Prayer That Availeth Much": 7.30. "The Storm"; 9.00, [Sunday school; 6.30, C. E. Capital Street —The Rev. B. U. Ward. 10.4 5, sermon by the Rev. E. L. Cunningham: 7.30, address by Homer Black; 12.13, Sunday school; 6.4 5, C. E. Olivet —The Rev. S. A. Bower. 11.00, "Where God Dwells"; 7.30, "Personal Work for Christ": 10.00, Sunday school; 6.30, C. K REFORMED St. John's—The Rev. Clayton 11. P".uek; 11, Dr. E. S. Kremer, "Home Missing Day": 7.30, "The Church's Attitude to the Industrial Prob lem"; 9.45, Sunday school; 6.30, C. E. Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles May; 10.45, "Come, Inherit the Kingdom"; 7.30, "The Gospel The Power of God"; 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30, Young People's Service. Second —The Rev. Alfred NeVin Suyres. 11.15, "Making a Nation;" 7.30, "The Supremacy of Christ;" 10, Sunday school; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. .Salem —Tlie Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. 11, the Rev. ciuyton 11. Kanek will preach in exchange with the pastor. Service at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Lemoyne—-The Rev. Ira P. Har baugh; 9.30. Bible school; 10.30, "Ancient Jewish Liberality"; 7.30, "Why All Men Should Be Members! and Active Supporters of the j Church in This Time of World i Crisis": 6.30, Christian Endeavor. | First—The Rev. Ira Boyd Wenger; 11, "The Church in the New Age"; I 7.30, "The Lost Art"; 9.45, Sunday j TEACHERS WILL VISIT SCHOLARS 75 Instructors to Make 1.2(H) Calls in November; Will Canvass Members To-morrow, Dr. G. K. Iluwes, of Market Square Presbyterian Church will preach the second sermon in the series in' which he is dealing with fundamentals of the Christian Religion. The subject for to-mor row is "The Deity of Jesus of Nazareth." This subject will be treated In the same manner as the one last Sabbath. To-morrow eve ning the second sermon taken from "The Song of Songs" will be deliv ered. The coming week the 75 teachers in the four departments of the Sun day school will begin a systematic visitation of the 1300 scholars of the school. It is expected that each teacher will visit every one of bis or her scholars before the month closes. Plans are being perfected for a systematic, house-to-house visitation of all the section of the city lying tributary to Market Square. A religious census for ttie benefit of tlie church and Sunday school will he made. The prayer-meeting Wednesday evening will lie in charge of J. Henry Spicer's Bible Glass, which will be present in n body. CIII'RCH OF GOD Penbrook—The Rev. S. X. Good; 10.30, "Life's Conquering \ ision"; 7.30, "Father and Soil"; 9.30, Sunday school; 6.40, C. E. Green Street—The Rev. H. S. Hershey, pastor; 10.30, "Forward"; 7.30. "The Father of the Prodigal Son"; 2, Sunday school; 3, Junior Endeavor. Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag goner; 7.30, "Neglecting That Which is Need"; 9.30, Sunday school; 2.30, O. K.; 6.30, Sr. C. E. Linglestown —The Rev. J. M. Waggoner; 10.30, "The Forward Movement"; 10.30, Sunday school. Enhunt—The Rev. H. F. Hoover, D. D.; 10.30, "The Great High Priesthood of Christ"; 7, "The Christian's Shield"; 9.15, Sunday school; 4, Junior C. Ei; 6, Senior C E. First—The Rev, William Yates, D. D.; 10.30, "Our Forward Pro gram"; 7.30, "What Jesus Says"; 1.40, Sunday school; 6.30, C. e! Maclay—The Rev. Win. S. Houck. M. 11.; 11. "Then Were the Disciples Glad"; 7.29. "When They Saw the Lord": 9.45, Sundav school; 6. Jr. C. K. ; 6.45, Sr. C. E." The Church of God—The Rev. Elmer E. Kauffman; 10.45, "An Ex hortation to Suffer Hardship"; 7.30 "How All Things Effect Lovers of God"; 1.30, Suliduy school; 9.45, Junior C. E.; 6.45, Senior C. E. \ EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's Church The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector; 8. Holy Communion; 10, Sunday school; 11, Bishop Remington, "The Nation wide Campaign"; 7.30, Union ser vice of all the Episcopal Clubs, Bishop Remington and G. B. El liott. St. Paul's M. E.—The Rev. Wni. Moses: 10.30, and 7.30, services; 2. Sunday school; 7.30, Epworth League. St. Michael's, Emaus street, Mid dletown: 4.30, "Nation-wide Cam paign." St. Paul's—The Rev. Floyd Ap pleton: 8. Holy Communion: 11, Pastoral letter to the house of Bishop: 2.30, Sunday school. St. Andrew's—The Rev. Henry A. Post, rector; 8, Holy Communion: 11. "Our Dream of a Golden Age." The Church of the Holy Cross- Tin* Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment. 10.30, Matins; 11, sermon and Holy Communion; 8, evensong and ser mon. ===== TIIE CHURCH WITH THE CHIMES ' Visitors To Harrisburg SPEND one hour in Zion Church Tomorrow evening make your plans to wor ship in God's House. We invite you to Zion Church, where the Gospel is preached in easily understood language. Seats free. The ushers will gladly direct you. "Everybody sings in Zion." Preaching Services: 10.30 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Sunday School: 1.45 P. M. Zion Lutheran Church S. Fourth St., opponitc P. It. It. Urput, S. W. Herman, D. D., Pastor. PINE JN : PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \V$ 1 Third and Pine Streets VAV .a 11/PUEAOIIKR: REV. 1.. S. MI'DGK, I). I).. I'ASTOB 10:30 A.M. Y\l "What to Believe About the Church" i is A sermon in the Series, Wlint to Relieve and Wliy" •11 7:30 P. M. 11l "The Towel Christ Took" J j j Another Sermon In the Evening Serb's | The Majesty of Humility \ * 3i v - You Would Practice It If You Understood It—Come {if und I .earn Its Value '■ V j| I Quartet, "Quiet, Lord, My Kroward Heart," Kucken. i If; j Contra Ro Solo and Quartet, "I Sought the Lord," il j Stevenson. 5 [ iii fe: 1 " . v " iJi Jl SELF-DENIAL DAY ON NOVEMBER 30 United Brethren Church Mak ing Arrangements For Event in This District Bisitop A. T. Howard, of Daylon, and Dr. S. C. Enck, of Philadelphia, were the speakers at the distpi""' meeting of the United Enlistmenl Movement in the Otterboin Unitf j Brethren Church. Group meetings I were held Thursday afternoon am* levelling. Plans were adopted foi i the securing of a great self-denial offering on the Inst Sunduy of this month. Bishop Howard vividly portrayed II lie great need facing the Christian | church of the day, and made a .■strong appeal to the United Breth ren Church to bear their share of ! the responsibility. After the a<v j dress and informal conference was | onducted by the conference super intendent, Dr. S. C. Enck of Phila delphia. Dr. S. Edwin Rupp. the cltairm—" for the Hurrisburg district, presid ed, and the following ministers were in attendance. Rev. W. E. Dough '•ty, H F. Rliouds, Dr. J. A. I Lyter, Rev. 11. S. Kiefer, Rev. Joseph Dougherty, Rev. If. M. Mil | ler and Rev. J. Owen Jones. UNITED BRETHREN First—The Rev. W. E. Daugherty D. D.: 10.30, "Entrusted Steward ships"; 7.30, services; 1.43, Sundav school. I Grace, West Fairview—The Rev. ■S. A. Crabill; 10, "The Stewardship iof Property"; 7.30, "The Steward ship of Property"; 1.30, Sunday 'school; 6.30, C. E. Society. St. -Paul's —The Rev. A. B i Mower; 10.30, "Stewardship ol : Prayer"; 9.30, Sunday school; 5.45, | Jr. C. E.: 6.30. Sr. C. E. Derry Street —The Rev. ,T. A. Lyter; 10.30 and 7.30, services; 2, ! Sunday school. I Otterbein—The Rev. Edwin Rupp ID. D.; 10.30, The Rev. Geo. Richtei I will preach; 7.30, the r'astor, oil "Enthroning the Christ"; 2, Sun dav school: 6.30, C. E. State —The Rev. S. C. Enck, D 14.. will speak at 9.30, at a com bined Sunday school and Church Rally: 7.30, preaching by the Rev S. C. Eneck, D. D.; 6.30, Y. P. S. G. E. U. B„ Sixth—The Rev. .T. Owen Jones: 10.30. "Beside the Still Waters"; 7.30, "Nation and De nomination"; 1.45, Sunday school; 6.20, C. E.; 9.45, Praise Service. * UNITED EVANGELICAL Lemoyne—The Rev. E. Crumb ling; 10.45, "Christian Worship"; 7.30, "The Cost of High Living", 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30, C. E. ; Harris Street— the Rev. A. G Flexor; 9.30, Sunday school; 10.30 Dr. C. Newton Dubs, missionary tc ! China will preach: 6.40 P. M., K. L |C. E. Service; 7.30, chilrch service Enola—The Rev. H. M. Buck; 10.45, "The Christian Obligations" 7.30, "The Christian's Rewards"; 9.30. Sunday school; 2.30, Jr. work | Sixth Street—The Rev. W. K Pottieger: sermon by assistant pas. tor, the Rev. W. S. Harris, at 11| 10, Sunday school. Penbrook—The Rev. W. E. Pot tieger: 9.30. Sunday school: 10.30. service: 2, Junior Keystone League; 6.45, Senior Keystone League; 7.30 service. Park Street—The Revs. A R Hangen and S. A. Miller; 9.30, Sun day school; 10.45, services; 5.45 Junior Endeavor; 6.30, Senior En jdeavor; 7.30, services. COME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SECOND AND PINE STREETS Sunday, 10.30 A. M.
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