16 Yon May Sell Hat Apartment Quickly llroipi ai Ai ii tie Classified IN MEMOIUAM In sad but loving remembrance of our deal mother, Rebecca E. Given, who was called away from us five years ago to-morrow. November 9. 1914. THE FAMILY. In memory of our mother and grandmother. Mrs. Harriet Crone, who died November S. 1918. aged 89 years. Daughter. Emma Murphy and Granddaughter. Edna Reed. CARD OF THANKS I Mrs. Eliza Colbert, wishes to thank her neighbors, relatives and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown, her in her recent bereavement, in the death of her husband. Albert Colbert, j LOST AND FOUND RABBIT HOUND—Black, tan and vhite large black spot over right side cf loin, Drown cars, orown spot on top of rump lost on November 1. near I'illsburg. York county. Reward will be paid for any information or return of same to Virgil B. Kennedy, 726 i Race street. City. | XOTICK A I,FRED H. NASE is most urgently requested to inform his sisters In Rucks county or Philadelphia of his I present address. They were informed' that he had moved to Dauphin county, j INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg'j Shorthand, Typewriting, English. I Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme-1 tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. j BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, i 121 Market St. Clias. R. Beek'ey. | PRIVATE or class teaching in I Caslilian Spanish. Seventeen years experience in Puerto Rico. Diploma: from New York Women's High' School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Anduja', 523 Msclay Street. Beil phone 2504 W. j COSSIO POMAR, B. A. University} of San Marcos, will open a class at | night in beginner's and advanced Spanish. Address Harrisburg Acade-1 my. IIELP WANTED—MALE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING j AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AS-! OTHER. LOSING TIME AN!> j MONEY GOODYEAR •OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK J THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT I WORKING CONDITIONS AND A CFIANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS BORING MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply In person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. We Invite applications from young men to whom we are prepared to teach our busi ness. The work is interesting and will appeal to young men of a mechanical turn of mind. The field for advancement is , unusually open. The location is out of town. Salary during the instruction period is adequate for main tenance. State in your reply your age, education and your willing ness. if necessary, to be lo cated a considerable distance from this locality. Box S-7723 care Telegraph. MEN —Age 17 to 53. Experience un tieeessarv. Travel, make secret" in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency. 429, St. Louis. MAN —To work this city refinishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method; $lO without capital or experience. Write Gun metal Co., 334 Elm, Decatur. 111. WANTED —First class metal work ers. none but good, reliable men need apply. E. S. Yeatts. Lemoyne. corner Herman and Rosemont ave., or call Bell 3132 M. Open every evening. SALESMAN to sell our low-priced factory reconstructed tires. Good proposition to live wire. Write for further particulars. Modern Tire Co., 612-614 North Broad St.. Philadelphia. WANTED —Solicitors and collectors for the oldest Life.. Sick and Accident Company in the State. For the light man we have an exceptional eon tract. For information, address. Man ager. Box C-7902 care Telegraph. 1 WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. THOUSANDS Census clerks wanted, sll4O-11260 year. Harrisburg exam inations Nov. 15. Write for list posi tions. Franklin Institute Dept., 412T, Rochester. N. Y. OPEN hearth helper, experienced, thoroughly dependable men only; po sition out of city; S2OO per month to start and excellent opportunity 'or advancement. State experience in de tail and age. Address Box T-8126 care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) ' x Washington Heights Property For Sale Located On Washington Avenne A 2%-story dwelling, contains 6 rooms, bath, pantry and attic; electric lights; furnace heat; front and back porches; lawn and gar den; possession, 60 days. A remarkable value at v .52,030 West Fairview Property For Sale Located On the Northeast Corner Second and River Sts. Pair 2H-story frame dwellings; containing 5 rooms each; lot, 29x 139 ft., to 15-ft. alley in rear. Pos session 30 days. Price for both. *2,000 Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONUS Member, tiba. Ileal Estate Uoard SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —MAI-1. DRAFTSMEN ■ Technical High school men preferred. Excellent chance for advancement. Apply by letter, giving ago. education and experience, if any. • Chief Draftsman. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. Harrisburg, Pa. CARPENTERS OHIPPHRS GRINDERS MOULDER HELPERS .MACHIN'E HELPERS I LOCOMOTIVE MACHINISTS EXTRA FIREMEN AND BK AK I.Mi.N LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK PRINTERS APTLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, ' BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, STEELTON, PA. I HUNDREDS Railway Mail Clerks; 'City Mail Carriers wanted by 1 S. I Government. Men IS-45; SI,OOO-11800 l year. List positions free. Franklin i Institute, Dept. 413-W, Rochester. ' N. Y. ' i DRUGGlST—Registered druggist to take charge of store in small town; short hours; no Sunday work; good salary. Address C-9019 care Telegraph WANTED —Two uoys over 16 years !of age to learn mattress finishing: I steady work. Apply United States < Mattress Co., 12th and Herr Sts. | AMERICAN barber wanted. Apply iat 2234 North Sixth St. Good wages j to right man. ! WANTED—Young man for clerical ! position. Apply in person to H. E. ; Green. Auditor. Penn-Harris Hotel. t WANTED—A man to do janitor and , laborer work, also men for day labor i and husk corn in country near city. Apply 17C0 N. Second, after 7 p. nt. MOULDER wanted for _ jobbing I foundry. Address Box N-7516 care I Telegraph. | WANTED—Patternmakers for job -1 bing foundry. Address Box S-iSL7 I care Telegraph. AGENTS —84 to $8 per day sure, selling wonderful fibre brooms. Agents (wanted for Cumberland. Perry. York land Adams counties. Act quickly. Al- I bert L Zeigler. 139 Cedar St.. Car lisle. Pa. WANTED—Large corporation wants your.g man for delivcryman. State inge. experience and salary expected. L-7514 care Telegraph. FREIGHT TRUCKERS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED AT THE P. R. R. DIVISION ST. TRANSFER. HBU., PA. APPLY TO AGENT AT DIVISION ST. FREIGHT TRANSFER. 7TH AND DIVISION STS. OR AT P. R. R- EM PLOY'M EN T BU REAU. NO. 5 GRACE AVENUE, HARRISBURG. PA. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. Wo teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron st., Harrisburg. Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field, 14th and Sycamore Sts. WANTED —A competent shoe fac tory fitting room machinist and fore- ' man. Pi ice is secondary consideration lor right man. Address F, care Tele-' graph. J WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; steady employment. Apply ! at once. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., I State and Cameron Sts. WANTED Riveters, corkers, rivet heat ers on gas holder work. Apply ) ready for work to Foreman Thomas F. Hall, at WAYNESBORO GAS WORKS, Waynesboro, Pa. WANTED—High class salesman.'; with good references to sell a higli' grade security; attractive proposition to the right man. Address Box M-8124 : care Telegraph. j WANTED—Boy over 16 years of age to work in bakery. Apply Sheaf-; er's Bakery, 905 N. 3d St. i GOOD PAYING POSITIONS with C. P. -A firms, Public Accountants. In-1 dustrial Corporations and the Internal Revenue Department of the Govern-1 ment will be open during January, 1920. INTENSIVE TRAINING in special home study course in high-1 er accountancy and traffic, linked up 1 with resident consultation. service. I now being organized, will qualify you for salaries from $2,000 to $6,0U0 per year. Write, call or phone Bell 4940 R. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 26 N. 18th St., Ilarrisburg, Pa. Open Evenings. WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. R. Shops, Ilar risburg, Pa. Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office, Harrisburg. General Foreman's Office, Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, Enola. Or at P. R. R. Employment Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. | MEN wanted for detective work, i Write J. Ganor, former U. S. govern ment detective. Danville. Hi. i PAINTERS wanted. Apply W. S. Stambaugh, 213 Muench St. ! EX-SERVICE men to make money lin spare time taking subscriptions for I The Stars and Stripes. No experience. 'References. 705 Munsey Building. I Washington, D. C. I WANTED Distributor for Pine j Tree milking machinery for Penna. and Eastern and Southern States. This 1 is something new. See Mr. Frangen, l'enn-Harris next week. WANTED —Janitor at St. Michael's Lutheran Church. Inquire 208 North j Street. 1 (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—MALE | I \ 1 LABORERS WANTED On concrete work, winter job. Apply National Engineering Corporation. Fair Grounds. I Carlisle, Pa. WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter job. Apply NATIONAL i :NGI nE ER iNG CORPORATION, FAIR GROUNDS, • CARLISLE. PA. i WANTED—A boy. Apply to Julius settino. 207 Locust St. WANTED—Young man for book- j keeping and general office work. State , age. experience and salary expected. ' Chance for advancement is assured right party. Address Box B-5127 care 1 Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE j SILK, 51LIC, SILK. Silk Operators. Good Learners. If steady work Is what you want and short day and best pay. apply SILK MILL Cor. Second and North Sts. CLASTER'S ■ Require the services of sev eral sales ladies, those who hate had experience in jew elry preferred. Good salaries and permanent positions for I those who are efficient. Ap ply at CLASTER'S, 302 MARKET STREET. WANTED Stenographer; must be ex petitneed; good salary. Ad dress Box E-7815 care Tele graph. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO Requires two experienced women canvassers for city work. Salary to start $75 per month. Apply by letter stat ting experience and refer ences. YVANTED Stenographer. must have at least two years' experience; good salary; Office Service Co., Kun kel Blag. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK } Wo need you to make socks on the I fast, easiTy learned auto knitter. Ex-1 perience unnecessary. Distance ini- i material. Positively no canvassing. I Y'arn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp.! Dept 146 C, Auto Knitter Co., Buf falo, N. Y. j WANTED—A neat girl to assist' with housework, two in family. Apply at 212 Forster St. Porch door. WANTED—Five bright. capable | ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell; dealers; $25 to SSO per week; rail-, road fare paid; write at once. Good-! rich Drug Co., Dept. 841, Omaha. Neb.! WANTED—MiddIe aged woman i (white). for general housework;! small house and family; satisfactory wages. Apply 239 Woodbine St. WANTED—Reliable girl to help with child and assist in, housework. Call Bell phone 378R-3, or write C. W. D., Box 657, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED—White girl to help mother afternoons and some even ings; good pay. Call Bell 2640 J. WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harna Paper Bpx Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED —Girl for general house work; small family. Apply 104 Boas Street. WANTED—Reliable girl or middle aged woman for general housework; no washing or ironing; good wages to right party. Apply 2233 North Secoud Street. WANTED—Good reliable girl for genera! housework for modern coun try home near city of Lancaster, $8 to $lO per week it experienced 'n cooking. Furnished room with bath. Mrs. Henry Boettcher. Neftsville, Lan casti r county. Pa. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern heiscl, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY, Cameron and State Sts. WANTED —Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED —A good settled woman for light house work; good home privi leges and good wages, prefer widow with child, can make my home like your own. Wm. E. Van Sciver, 11th St. wharf. S. W. Washington. D. C. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female , ' V/ANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not necea sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WOMEN or man wanted, salary $24 full time, 50c an hour spare time, •elling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Internation al Mills. Norrlstown. Pa. MEN —Women —Girls; 18 up. want ed for U. S. government life Jobs; SIOO-$l5O month; vacation with pay; no strikes or layoffs; short hours; common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. Write immediately for free list positions open. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 412-W, Rochester, N. Y. EARN $lO day gathering ever greens. roots and herbs, ginseng. $lB poun.l, balsam fir. $9 pound, seal, $3 50, senega. $1.75, or grow them yourself. Book and prices free. Bu tanicai-63, West Haven, Conn. (Contlaued In Next Ulsan) HAWUSBURG lO|A(i TELEGRAPH GET THAT REAL ESTATE in the market—under the classified ad- Ycrtising spot-light. If it will stand up under investigation—if it repre sents real value —its stay "in the mar ket" will be brief. For buyers—in vestors—home-seekers—are watching "the market" all the time. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female TEACHERS wanted: line salaries: for schools. National Teachers Agency, Philadelphia. MEN—Women raise Belgian liaresi for us. We pay $7 to $lO for all you laise. Free illustrated booklet. United Food and Fur Association. 329 West 48th St.. Dept. C. New Y'ork. WANTED —Men, women, girls, 18- 30, U. S. government census clerks, or railway mail clerks. Thousands census clerks needed before Januarv. Harrisburg examinations Nov. 15. $I i 40-$ J 260 first year. Write imme diately for full list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413T, Roch ester, N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED BROKERS or salesmen with sales force to sell National Atlantic Pe troleum Company stock. Special con tract for immediate connections. Four wells producing 5,000 bbls. daily. Divi dend basis. Nearly 2,000 acres in Burkturnett. Desuemona. Ranger, Garber-Billing and other oil tields. If you are a producer and want good connections, write William Cooper, vice-pres., 10 Wail St,, New York. SALESMEN —Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. SALESMEN —New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple not a moving part, installed in thirty minutes, guaran teed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. Fifteen-day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 3000 in 11 months; Salt Lake City man made SI2OO in one week. Write 'U. & J. Carburetor Co.. 505 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 'RESPONSIBLE coffee salesmen to sell cereal coffee 14 14c lb. to mining camps, lumber camps, construction companies, strings of stores or Job ibcrs. Commission 50c a bag. Should sell carloads in your territory. A. Moseley. 157 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. SALESSMEN —We desire forceful and aggressive salesmen to sell our 1921 line of high class calendars and advertising specialties in Harrisburg land adjacent territory. Will consider I applications only from men of re liable character and real selling abil itv. Send references of banks or busi ness men. Tlios. J. Beckman Co.. ..10 IN. 11th St.. Philadelphia. WANTED —Six district sales man agers. good wages, expenses and commission to hire salesmen for spe cialty line to dealers. W. I-. Main Company. Cedar Rapids. lowa. A COAST to coast organization rep resented by individuals and lirms of national reputation, invites your at tention to the following: a successful presentation of an article, national necessity. exclusively owned and controlled by us. has been effected in t- record breaking time. This territory is still open and will be assigned to a salesman of A 1 ability, character and push. We give definite co-operation. Act promptly. Confidential. Jerome Laadt. Pres., S S. Dearborn St.. Chi- Icago. 111. W 4XTED Magnetic specialty salesmen. *2OO weekly. Commissions. Fxpenscs advanced. Perrnanent .n --come from reorders. Box 1061. Cedar Kapids, lowa. SADESMEN —Exclusive or sideline: sell our well-known line of soft drinks demand enormous: big repeat business- liberal commissions; prompt settlement. Ohio Beverage Co.. To ledo, Ohio. i AGENTS WANTED DISTRICT agents and crew man agers to represent manufacturer. Pre fer man with experience managing lady solicitors; *5.000 a year possible; *SO required for stock. B. & G. Rubber Co.. ClB Penn avo- Pittsburgh. AGENTS —For "Secret of Beauty" toilet preparations. Barge profits. Quick sales. Fine repeater. Sample and terms free. Heron Co.. Dept. 336. Cleveland, Ohio. j MAKE *ls daily easily introducing Marvelous Stovoil. An absolute neces sity. Keeps stoves like new. Removes and prevents rust. Endorsed and used by the biggest gas companies every where. .Enormous repeater. Unlimited profit. Net quick. Superior Eaborator its. Grand Rapids. Mich. - *SOO per month selling a new pat ented fuel vaporizer guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford car. Sold on money-back guarantee. One sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana. S. Dak. AGENTS —Men and women make big money selling our new up-to-date Photo Medallions. Quick sales, big profits. Cruver Co.. Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. - AGENTS—Big pay and free auto mobile introducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture proof, five year spark plugs and other economic al auto necessities. Outfit free. B Ball wey. 632. Sta. F. Douisville, Ky. 1 DANDY SIDE DINE FREE SAMPDES PROVE IT They are winners and make money for many salesmen more money than their regular line does. We manu facture the snappiest, fastest selling variety of metal specialties on the market. Big trade stimulators for every manufacturer, wholesaler, re itailer, banks, factories, etc. Every line everywhere buys them in large quan tities. No seasons. Side line salesmen earn *SO a week; *l5O to *2OO for whole time. Get busy. Write quick for outfit. Full commissions paid prompt ly. C. E. Erickson Co.. Inc., 542 lirickson Bldg., Des Moines. lowa. AGENTS—Make big profits selling our exlracts, perfumes, cold creams, face powders, spices, medicines, etc. Beautiful high grade line. Exclusive territory. Sample soap free. Dacassian Co., Dept. 141. SB Douis, Mo. AGENTS making *2OO weekly! Everyone wants it. Formula for 200 homemade beverages, book form. Send *1 for copy and territory proposition. Buyers Export Agency. Inc.. 445 Broome St., New York. (Cntiaar* la Next Colaaea) AGENTS WANTED LARGE MANUF ACTUR Eli wants representatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts direct to homes. Write for free •samples. Madison Mills, 5011 Broad way, New York City. ARK you tired selling: everyday articles, it so let us show you how you eati make (10 daily supplying auto owners and dealers with Marvello 20S Jackson Ave., Susquehanna, Pa. SITU ATIONS WANTED—MALE YOUNG High school boy would lilt work for Saturdays. Can furnish best of reference. Address Box S-SI2S can Telegraph. MAIiItIED man, aged 2a, desires position with reliable concern as cost accountant, bookkeeper or office man ager. Can furnish At references. Six years' experience in above capacities. Can prove worth by actual results. Reasonable salary expected with chance for advancement. Address Box B-5205 care Telegraph. YOUNG married man would like to connect with a tirm that would recog nize ability, in either management or salesmanship position, can give refer ence and has proven ability to pro duce results. Address X. Y. 'A., care Telegraph. EXPERIENCED automobile sales man wishes to connect with a re liable lirnt. Address Box D-7598 care I Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WHITE woman with child wants position as housekeeper, has had ex perience. Call or write 1124 Montgom ery St. RELIABLE colored woman wants laundry work to do by day. Address 1206 Cowden St. COLORED girl wishes position at light house work, can furnish refer ence Apply 405 Lincoln St, Steelton ROOMS FOR RENT THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, electric lights and steam heat, use of phone and bath. Apply 1321 State St. LOVELY large front room to rent, all conveniences, private family, no other roomers, respectable gentleman. X-790T care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Furnished room with ' three large window s, for one or two gentlemen, centrally located, two minutes walk from street car line Call at 607 N. 15th St. ! FOR RENT—Two large furnished (front rooms, centrally located, gentle ; men preferred, private family. Bell 9 16J. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, light and use of bath. Apply 1422 Reese St. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with private bath, all possible con veniences, use of phone, beautiful and refined neighborhood. Private family. 815 N. 17th St. FOR RENT—Furnished room on second floor, two front rooms on third floor conveniences, hot water heat. Gentlemen preferred. Both phones. Bell 4162-R. Dial 4930. 1549 State. NICEDY furnished, clean, warm rooms. *2.50 per week and up. l.j South Third street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Three or four unfur nished rooms or apartment with bath, north of Market street on Hill. Ad dress Bex 1.-7901 care Telegraph. ROOMS—Three or four furnished rooms wanted, with bath, for light housekeeping, or a small apartment; would like to have possession any time before the 12th of November. Highest references given. State terms. Address E-7896 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT wanted, about four modern furnished rooms, desirable neighborhood, by responsible business man and wife with daughter age 12. Call Bell 5238 J. WANTED—Four or five room un furnished apartment by young mar lied couple; no children; uptown or Hill preferred. Call 296R Bell phone. WANTED—To rent furnished apart ment or small house, centrally lo cated, all improvements. Apply S. O. Z.. care Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS ROOMS and board furnished to two or three gentlemen in private family, Iccation uptown section, all conveni ences. Address Box Y-7905 care Tele graph. FOR RENT—Furnished room with board for gentleman, in private fam ily. ail conveniences. Apply 606 Briggs Street. WANTED—MiddIe age man wants board and lodging in good locality; permanent home with small family preferred. Address Box D-7900 care Telegraph. RIAL ESTATE EUR SALE *ISOO will purchase a frame house in I-'enbrook, with seven rooms; lot 14x180. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VERY desirable Penbrook property for sale, corner of Curtln and Green streets; eight rooms and bath, gas, electric light, hot water heat, lot 60x 125; considerable shrubbery. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. *2,000 will purchase a frame houso with seven rooms; lot 50x195; located in New Market. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Bldg. (Continued In Next Column) "KAL ESTATE FOR S.U.K > Several 3-story bricks on Hill and uptown; all imp. C orner houses on Hill and ; uptown; all imp. S-story briefcs on Market St.; nil imp. several apartment houses on I Hill and uptown; good In . vestments. Two 3-story bricks near j '.•road Street market. SSOO down; easy payments. Vacant, possession at once. 2-story briclt; all imp.; porch drive alley; on Hill. ssuu down. Vacant, possession at once. I 3-story brick, all imp, uptown. 1500 down. Possession at once. North 6th St., 8 rooms, all imp., elect, and gas, porch, bay window, side entrance, nice yard. SSOO down. Vacant, 4-room frame, up town, good shape. C. H. CORDER, 1732 Green St. Bell phone 560J j FOR SALE—2d St. below MaclHy; 3-story, scml-detached house; 25 ft. front; 162 ft. deep; runs back to Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautiful home; all improvements, must be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057 J. lluntei St., No. 1423, brick house, 6! rooms, bath, large lot, attractive price to a quick buyer. Susquehanna St.. No. 2044, 3-storv brick. 8 rooms, bath, a good house, splendid locution. Susquehanna St.. No. 2144. 2-story I brick, 6 rooms, bath, steam heat. I House is practically new. Sixth St.. No. 1832, 3-story frame. 8 rooms, bath, electric and gas, furnace is new. newly papered throughout, house in excellent condition. Price very reasonable. Penn St.. near Seneca. Two 2-story bricks. 7 rooms, bath, steam heat. Pi ice reasonable. 2136 N. 7th St., 3-story brick, 10 rooms and bath. Ft. Washington. 2',4-story frame, hardwood finish, lot 60x200 ft., large perches, electric light. Excellent lo cation, view is unobstructed. Third St., No. 1923, 3-story brick, 10 rooms, two baths, steam heat, elec tricity. gas. modern throughout. At tractive price to a quick buyer. Third St., 3200, 2H-story frame, steam heat, gas and electric, hard wood on llrst floor, lot 53x100 feet. Possession Nov. 5. Lewis St., 316, 31S, 320, 322, 2-story bricks, 6 rooms, bath, electric, gas. D. E. LUCAS, 303 LEWIS Street, Real Estate and Insurance. FOR SALE Two 2%-story frame houses on Hill, all imp., elect, and gas. 7 rooms each, front porch, slate roof, nice sire yard to drive alley, room for garage fruit trees, out buildings, price $2500 each. Also several more cheap houses. Vacant. Possession at once, 2-story brick, all imp., front porch, bay win dow, drive alley, SSOO down, balance easy payments. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. FOR SAI.B OR EXCHANGE. POS SESSION AT ONCE 30-acre farm. 6 miles north Harris burg. 5-room house, stable, outbuild ings, laige chicken house, etc.. or chard. Some woodland. l'/ t miles to trolley and railroad. Will take auto as part pay. Easy terms. Pay as rent. 4-acre farm. 8 miles S. Harrisburg on public highway. 6-room house, stable, large chicken house, etc.. young orchard, land level, creek and spring water, possession at once. Will; exchunge on auto or town property. C. H. CORDER. I 1722 Green St. Bell SSOJ READ ESTATE FOR SABE Country home of six acres, four miles west of Carlisle, a few minutes walk from Carlisle-Newvillo street car line, near Conodoguinet creek House contains seven rooms, summer kitchen attached, slate roof, cement ed celiar. barn, garage, chicken house, three cisterns, young orchard of peach and apple trees, besides a large variety of other fruits, including as paragus bed. Buildings and fences in' good repair, soil fertile, beautiful vista. Charles E. Bear, 407 W. South St., Carlisle, Pa. , — j SUMMERDADE Corner Second and Valley Streets,! 6 rooms with all improvements. Corner Third and Wayne Streets, 6 room house. Penbroolt—Boas St., 6-room house with lot 120x180 feet. BAUM & ROBESON. Room 3. Russ Bldg. Bell 353J FOR SADE Maple Grove Hotel, corner plo't 125 feet square. Addition al 2*xßo D-shaped plot; rear driveway. The West End's business opportunity. See us about terms. BACKENSTOSS READTY CO., 331 Market Street. Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau | .| CAMP HIDD —2% -story frame. 7 ) rooms, bath, gas. electric vapor va- ! cuum heat, up-to-date in every re spect. large and beautiful lawn. 60x 150. Immediate possession. J. K. Lehman, Patriot Bldg. I WIDD sell three houses for *4BOO. rent them for you at *l7 each; all in fine repair in every respect. Consider ing taxes and the good condition, this is a big bargain. J. K. Dehman. Pa-; triot Bldg. j FOR SADE—9O4 N. Sixteenth St.. modern brick and stucco home, at tractive, well planned, good construc tion, well finished. 4Continued In Went Column) ,""V rvv >■: "ilWvsm ' '/v. NOVEMBER 8, 191* HEAL ESTATE FOR SAIJi "IIS Front St.. 14 rooms, bath, walfr I, 1 ?"'; linrdwood finish, garage, lot 50:.' .00 rett. .'lot':: and 3025 Second St.. 8 1-ooms. bath, steam heat. hardwood finish, oo?, nB n°rch, lot 26x150 feet. .300 I'cnn St.. block near Seneca. 7 SVAn' '"Rh, steam heat. 3409 and 2411 Penn St., 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood tlnish, sail I parlor, garage. ■JJ 'I A Susquehanna St.. 7 room:, bath, steam heat. -'O(4 Susquehanna St., S rooms, bath. I furr.r ce. 1 !>:sn Third St.. 10 rooms, two baths.' B, aain heat, hardwood finish. -200 Third St., 10 rooms, bath, heat, hardwood tlnish. 2...i Fourth St., 8 rooms, "oath, steam heat 2427-29-31 Sixth St., 9 rooms, steam heat, hardwood finish. 3.27-29 Sixth St.. 6 rooms, bath, steam heat. 1832 Sixth St., 6 rooms, bath, fur nace. 2136 Seventh St.. 8 rooms, bath, fur nace 316-18-20-22 Lewis St., 6 rooms, bath, furnace. 511-13 Curtin St., S rooms, bath, fur nace. 1 423 Hunter St., 6 rooms, bath, fur nace. 1' t Washington. 9 rooms, bath, fur nace. hardwood tlnish, lot 60x200. 620 Muench St., 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS. • J' oß ' Kstate and Insurance 303 Lewis St. Bell phone FOU SALE—Nice home on Hill single property, brick, all improve ments, recently completed, lot 40x109 \alue 88.500. Will consider trade of auto or small homes. Address Box 0-7906 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Two-story frame house on Montgomery St.. and house in rear. Reasonable price. Easy terms. Inquire at 1003 N. Second St. Bell | phone 899 M. SWATARA ST., 1413—Eight-room frame house with all modern im frovemcnts; immediate possession: price. SI9OO. J. K. "Ripple, 1251 Market Strec t. FOR SALE That modern 10-room resi dence, 2427 North Sixth St., all conveniences, possession j immediately. C. H. KINTER, 300 Commonwealth Trust Building. FOR SALE—s2fiso will buy a 3- story trick, 8-room house with all im provements; porch and side entrance. J. K. Gipple, 1251 Market Street. 13TII ST.. S., 431 —2',4-story frame, 7-room house, with all improvements; lot 1914x151 feet; price S4OOO. J. AS. Gipple, 1251 Market Street. FOR SALE 620 Muench St., 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all Im provements; possession at once. T. B. ROCKEFELLER, 202 North Street. Derry Street between 23d and 24th, finished August, 1919. Three-story stone and stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat; hardwood floors, garage. $9,500 if sold by December 1. LEWIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell 3057J IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A nine-room house, first class con dition. Harris street, $3,000. A 2 ',2-story frame, corner house, on Hill $1,600 Park Street, a fine brick property, front perch $4,000 A good business building, Front Street. Steelton. fine location for the ater, stores and apartments or manu facturing purposes $20,000 KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, 307 Kunkel Bldg. Both phones. FOR SALE—Two houses on Second St., each $8,500; one house Third and Lewis Sts., empty, $6,000. Lots on Second, Green, Third and Front Sts. Easy terms. E. Moeslein, 600 A Boas St. Lewis M. Neiflfer, 3103 Front St On what street would you like to live? Two brick houses on Bcrryhill St, 8 rooms, bath and furnace. Two-story frame on Shellis St., 6 roomii and furnace. Rfily St., all improvements. South 21st St., 7 rooms and bath. Atlas St.. all improvements. Tenth St, Muench, Calder, Boas, Forster. LINCOLN REALTY CO., • 1120 Nortli Seventh Street FOR SALE—Brick house, 403 Hum mel avenue, Lemoyne; all improve ments; line large porch; price $4,800. Inquire 300 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. 321 Herr St, 8 roomed house; all Improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 324 Kelly St FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 2051 Penn St, 8 rooms, bath and front porch, Chas. Adler, 1002 N. 3d St. LOOK at these two. two-story brick houses, 6 rooms, bath, all improve ments, 1421 Hunter St., 1720 Miller St (corner property), H. G. PKDLOW, 12C1 Chestnut St. Bell phone 972J WHY NOT PAY RENT ON YOUR OWN HOME? We have houses in all parts of city and suburbs. Ask LINCOLN REALTY CO., 4129 North Seventh Street How you do It. HOUSES In all sections of city sold on easy payment plan, ranging from SI,OOO to $6,u00. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling. 16U Green street. 8 rooms and bath. Chas Adler. 1002 N. Third at. (Cmflased la Next rbuan\ REAL KSTATE FOIt SALE HARRISBURQ'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US 'A BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALH Three-story brick, located on Mar ket street, consisting of 8 rooms and storeroom, all modern improvements, gross Income $660 annually. Price $6,800. Address Box K-8122 care Tel egraph. - ■ 4 T 'P ,! . . SALE— Two-story niansared roof, 12-room brick building, electrio lights, bath and hot water heat and trame garage (room for two cars), lot 150x150 feet, situate on the west ?! de Market street, Duncannon, l a. I rice si,ooo. It. Jones Rife, Dun cannon, Pa. FOR SAUK—IBO3-1805 N. Fifth St. total, 40x150; front entrance to eachT Sold in bulk only. Rear on Wood street; suitable lot for any purpose Apply 1112 N. Sixth street. FOR SALE—A desirable home at 245 S. 13th St., also properties valued from $1,400 to si,ooo. Inquire of Mrs Anna M. AUeman. 245 S. 13th St.. or .1. Grant Koons, 401 S. 13th St.. Har- -* rlsburg. Bell phone. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond tirst payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranr. 1225 North Sixth street- I, l'" f ?!' SALIj—-18-acre home, new ; buildings, modern improvements along state road close to river ' KOUGII, BItIQHTBILL & KLINE Both phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. FOR SALE Three-story brick , house. 9 rooms and bath, all conveni- I ences, on Sixth street near Maclay. ; i ootn for garage in rear. Apply Bell I phone 4667. ! Now houses for sale on Derry St. brick construction, gas, electric'light I steam heat, lots 20x100. located in the 240(1 block. Inspect tlicm. Bell | Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. ' VACANT house for sale. 1005 Cow iiien St., 6 rooms and bath, drive allov ] in rear. Price S2SSO. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. $4,000 will purchase a brick house with 7 rooms and bath, all modern improvements, lot 21x150. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT "" Three-story brick houses; steant heat and all improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 22d Sts. $306 down. Balance as rent. BRICK HOUSE—Logan St., below Pcffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. SSO down, $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. SSO down; $?-S per < month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT Located at the cast end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1, prop erty now occupied by Swain, Hick man Company, consistinng of One office. Two basements. One storage room. One concrete garage 15x155 ft. Suitable for auto accessory or sim ilar business, requiring space for storage. No. 2. Possession January 1, prop erty now occupied by C. A. Fair, con sisting of Two-story frame building, 38x155 leet. L-shape building adjoining, 38x60 feet. Suitable for auto repair and paint shop, or manufacturing business. For further particulars apply at 126 South Second Street _ 4 REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent % Opportunity for live wire. Howarh street above Thirteenth, 15,000 square feet of floor space, brick construc tion. adaptable for warehouse or manufacturing purpose, electrically equipped. steam heated, now used as garago and service station, (known as Couover Garage), attractive propo oeition to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN, Bell SCS7J 31 North Second S* Jt -i REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Apartment house in good lo cation. prefer Front Street, Must accommodate three to six families with all the latest improvements. Must show good investment. Ad dress, D. ASA SANDERLIN, 36 N. Third St., Room 1* Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. WANTED—To rent for the winter with' privilege, of purchase later, a seven oi eight-room house or bunga low, with all improvements, in city or near suburbs. Property must be in first class condition and in a good lu i allty. Excellent references. Address A-8129 care Telegraph. 1 HAVE BUYERS —List your erties with me. Chaa. Adler. Real Es tate and Insurance, 10u2 North Third Street. . . t OFFICES AND STOREROOMS v FOR RENT— Second floor room, 60* 140 ft., no posts, 11th and Berryhlll Street. Apply on premises. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
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