Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 08, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
FOOTBALL TEAMS ARE NEARING SEASON'S END-TECH IN HARD BATTLE AT ISLAND MTARLAND NOW A HEAVYWEIGHT Former IJghtwcight Is Fust Getting Into Jim Jef fries Class "Old Packey McFarland. the dandy boxer of only a few ghort years ago, the fellow who used to fight around the lightweight mark, is no longer r eligible for any class other than the heavyweight division. He has grown to the proportions of a Jeffries, says \V. A. Hamilton, "and created quite a surprise on the coast when he visited there recently. Pew believed a fighter of a few years ago should grow so big. but It was Packey all right, and now his greatest indul gence in the sport gsme Is in go'l - Packey is still interested in tho boxing game and iikes to make it his subject. Jack Dempsey. he thinks. Is a real wonder, and he noes not know just how great the Toledo Terror may grow to." AilnilrfN Dcnipa^y "He is a youn* fellow.' *aia Packey, "and still is developing. Dempsey is not like Fltzsimmon*. who was us pood us he ever coua be when he defeated Corbett for tne title; nor like Corbett. who wo* in the pink when he whipped John L. Sullivan for the championship. lemp sey'i improvement will be in his boxing;. He will learn as he Noes along; that there is something more than mere hard hltUng to boxing, x He hits as hard now as hu ever will hit and can do nothing more to im prove himself in that department. "I think boxing has improved, but don't quite agree that the old-time champions were dubs. Men have ini proved in boxing just the same as they have in everything else. Boxing is faster and more scientific than it ued to he; there are new tricks, and its nil due to the short fight* 1 always have contended that long lights, and particularly finish battle* such as those of the old days, were simple tests of endurance and set tled nothing as to whether or not the other boxer was the more scien tific." ___ Battling Paskos Is Pupil of Bantamweight; Pappas on Monday Night Program Battling Paskos, the Greek ban tamweight. who meets Dick Gotwalt. of York, in one of the bouts of the all-star show at the auditorium on the night of November IS. is a pupil of Jimmy Pappas. the sensational Greek bantamweight from Atlanta. Ga. who. while he was never a cham pion. has been right up there with the champions for several years. It was Pappas who saw the possibili ties In the little Reading boot black and developed him into one of the best little men in this State. Pappas believes tbat Paskos has. everything necessary to develop him into a champion. „ . _ In Gotwalt. Paskos meets a foe worthy of his metal. The little *°rk battler has met the best in the State. He has just returned from a trip through Ohio, where he met many good men. He claims that he is in better condition right now than he has ever been before. Paskos, together with Battling Deemer and Young Zarlng, two more well-known Reading boys, are under the direction of Cole W. Watson, well-known Reading sportsman and hexing promoter. Atlantic Coast Naval Football Teams Will Decide Championship By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 8. —The football championship of the Atlantic coast naval service will be decided in a game here Thanksgiving Day. Sec retary Daniels announced the method of elimination leading up to the championship contest which has been worked out by the Na\y De -1 'The"winners of the games b the teams representing the dread naughts Pennsylvania and Utah plaved to-day at Boston, and the game between the a: Nevada elevens, played to-day at Philadelphia, will meet 15 The winner of this game will meet the final winner of the senes in which the Newport Naval train ing station team will meet Great likes and the Hampton Roads training station eleven wil play the Philadelphia Navy yard team the winners later to ptav a deciding game. Pennsy Girls Practice; Have Strong Cage Team Following a busy meeting the Pennsylvania Railroad Otr ■ boclal s&rw-isx: £ cations point to one of the strongest teams In Central Pennsylvania. The probable lineup of the team *lll P„. r.ernlce Mathias. Eleanor lea ver. Ruth Laverty, Mll^f h E?hoi Metzgftr, Anna Rotn, Btnei An ngstf-Maude Mat ha is, Helen Jack son and Anna E. Emanuel. Kleins Big Winners in Game With Meyerovitz Jrs. The Kleins Juniors, of Harrisburg, defeated the Meyerovitz Juniors by the score of 24 to 0 on a forfeit. The KLEINS MEYEROVITZ B. Green, 1. e. Levison, 1. e. D. Kerdman, 1.1. C. Gerber, 1. t. H. Mtchlovitz, I. g. I. Mazy, 1. g. H. Abert, c. S. Levot, c. H. Bloom, r. g. L. Katz, r. g. H. Kline, r. t. E. Gerber, r. t. J. Koplovltz. r. e. R. Mazy, r. e. A. Koplovltz, q. b. S. Gottleib, p. b. A. Lack. r. h. b. N. Mlchlovttz. r. h J. Goldberg, 1. h. b. S. Katzman, 1. h b M. Michlovitz, f. b. M. Abrams, f. b. * DARTMOUTH IS FAVORITE New York, Nov. 8. Dartmouth was slight favorite in the annual football game with University of Pennsylvania at the Polo grounds to-day. Both elevens presented their strongest lineups. The Green had not been defeated this season, and scored a victory over Penn State, 16 to 13, which team humbled Penn sylvania last week, 10 to 0. PITT PLAYS W. AND J. Pittsburgh. Nov. 8. The Wash ington and Jefferson University foot ball team me( the gridiron athletes of the University of PP.--burgh I ere to-da.v to decide the ehuiupionsh'p 1 of Western Pennsylvi ntn. Boili teams were In excellent condition. SATURDAY EVENING. SOMETHING DOING ON MONDAY NIGHT Thirty Hounds of Boxing on Bill For Barrett Show at Steel ton vr * y CYCBONF. SMITH Whether "Texas" Baylor, the cow boy fighter, is a real world's cham pion. or not, is not worrying Johnny Gill, the least bit, and when Baylor steps into the light next Monday night to battle with Gill, in their ten-round bout before the Oljmpia A. C., in Steelton, the "Cowboy" fighter, will see a much finer trained athlete than Gill's many friends have ever seen before. With all the re ports about Baylor's great hitting | powers, and him knocking out eleven out of fourteen fighters over seas. is not causing Gill, or Joe Bar rett, his manager any loss of sleep. Both Barrett and Gill hope that Baylor is even more than he is claimed to be so that the patrons of the elub will see the greatest night of real fighting in many days. Johnny Wolgast. is matched with Jeff Smith, claimant of the world's middleweight championship in Tren ton. X. J., on November 14. Wol gast has been beaten twice in his career, both times by Gill, but Wol gast still wants more of Gill and Nick Kline, promoter of the Smith and Wolgast fight, has promised Gill a match with the winner of this fight at an early date. Another Star llout The other star bout on the card Monday night, will be between Billy Angelo. of York, the heretofore in vincible Greek and Cyclone iCy) Smith, of Newark, N. J., in a ten round bout. Whether the Greek can beat the clever Smith is a question. He started his career, by beating Ad Wolgast, the ex-ltghtweight champion of the world. Tim Droney, Joe Tiplitz. A 1 Britt and Allentown Dundee and other lightweights have asked Barrett to match them with the winner"of the Angelo and Smith bout. With the three following six-round bouts, in the preliminaries. Young Behmer with Dick Rcish, Ivory Kshelman with Gordi Carchadi and Cris Hildebrandt with Johnnv Mar tin will make thirty-eight rounds of boxing in all. The same clock-like system, used by Barrett at his last show, when each boxer was waiting with gloves on, to enter the ring after one bout was finished will be adhered to this time and always in the future. Tickets are on sale at Bob Fairlamb's in Steelton. Harrisburg Grid Stars Are Showing Fast Pace in Work With Bucknell I.eninbiirg, Pa.. Nov. 9.—Bucknell is preparing for Gettysburg this year as for no other game on the sched ule. Pete Reynolds., the Bueknellian mentor, realizes the strength of next Saturday's opponent and there will be no let-down in his efforts to de velop his squad this week. Beginning last Thursday, the prac tice period was moved forward half an hour to use every available min ute until the whistle blows on Island Park. Gilbert Ebner, the former Harrisburg Tecli captain, is playing a remarkable game at fullback, and Bowser, the former 'varsity fullback, is being tried at tackle on the second eleven. Garrison, another cub. is working regularly in the backtield In Captain Hendren's place, while Hendnen is now playing right guard instead of Rosenbloom. Morrett and Dayhoff. the two Steelton boys, are second to none in the squad and both of them will undoubtedly appear against Gettysburg. Lsuster, the big Harrisburg Tech lineman, was Buck nell's best forward against St. Bona venture. Academy Has Hard Team in New Bloomfield Eleven I Harrisburg Academy this after | noon met the Carson Long Institute (New Bloomfield Academy) team. ! The local battlers were In good form \ for hard battle. The probable line up follows: ACADEMY. CARSON LONG. Ruhl, .e. Mantia, I.e. * | White, l.t. Suarez, l.t. * I Hendry, l.g. Chambers, l.g. Rouse, c. McGinnis, c. ] Hottinger, r.g. Marquis, r.g. 1 Hoke, r.t. Mazzara, r.t. | Gregg, r.e. Kopi, r.e. . | Armstrong, q.b. Lightner, q.b. Menger, r.h. Mandevllle, r.h. ' Good. l.h. Attteks, l.h. j Loose, f.b. Anderson, f.b. RAID IX WATERBL'RY iVaterbury Conn., Nov. S.—Sis al j leged radicals were arrested by lo- I cal police officials bore last eight. I The men were taken Into snstody ion charges of attempting to ;lrcu late "Red" doctrines and stir up un rest. Secret service men from the Unit ed States Department of Justice ar rived here during the afternoon and after conference with Superintendent of Police George M. Beach, the plain clothes force of the local force and the patrolmen, whose beats are In the foreign sections, hotbeds of radi i cal sentiment, were assigned to } "clean up." GET SIX Baltimore. Nov. B.—Six arrests of j alleged radicals were made in Balti | more last night by ugents of the j Department of Justice. The officers i declined to give any information re ! gard'ng the arre-. ltOl'Ni. CP 27 \nsonla. Conn., Nov. B.—Alleged • red cnls were arrested in raids ( on ducted hete last night by agents of the Doiuiir.ient of Jus'tce assisted ay loeul police Up to midnight 27 2>i'ikOiira had been lucked up at pa | lice headquarters. \SNOODLES Bp Hungerford f* y NOW CHICDR€(V - LISTEN CCC&ELy ! WHAT /> I , MM taking TOO TO TMC J . ANIMAU +VAS M J \ "too- NOT FOft THE \ *s. 4 SKIN ?an / V ' \ OUT MM G ACONC - BuT \ \yATER. ,N \ \J* "//* I '>' \ Acso -To IMPRESS SOME Go UPHU /jfe■'■'JS^' A *paacti cAc. -' andImS^SUO i DEPORTATION OF ALIENS DECIDED ON [Continued from First Page.] the membership of the Union of Russ'an Workers grew" until at the present time Its membership Is about 7,000 and Its branches num ber more than 100, located In the principal cities of the country. Concentrate 011 Immigrants "The vurious locals are organized for tho sole purpose of spreading the dlctr'ne of the organisation among the Russian Immigrants working In the mines, shops, fac tories, logging camps and saw mills and other centers of labor and the propngunda is conducted by means of literature and lectures as well as through the radical newspapers. Lecturers are sent out by the execu tive committee of the group and cover all parts of the country. Funds of the organization are de rived from dues, lectures and con certs and the sale of radical litera ture." Seize Constitution "Officials declared that in hist night's raids they had found more forms of anarchistic propaganda teaching to overthrow the govern ment by violence than in any pre vious nation-wide raids. Apparently, according to officials, the Russian organization bids fair to supplant some of the other radical groups to which more attention has been paid in the past. The announced deter- ■ mination to rid the country of all j aliens participating in the spread of j doctrine against the government was j believed to be on effective means of stopping the growth of the Rus- | s!on union. Seized in the raids lasi niglit was a portion of the "constitution" of the Russian Society, which officials declared was the most inflammatory of anv documents yet taken. One section of it said present society was divided into two opposing j classes. These, it said, were: "The downtrodden workers and peasants on one side, producing by their work all the riches of the world: on the other, the rich people who have grabbed all the riches into their hands." 200 Alleged Radicals Taken in Series of Raids in Chicago District By Associated Press Chicago. Nov. B.—More than 200 alleged radicals were in custody in the Chicago district to-day suspected of activity in planning a nation-w ide celebration of the second onniver sarv of the establishment of the Russian Soviet government. They were taken in a series of raids dur ing the night by operatives of the Federal Department of Justice in this city. Gary and Indiana Harbor. Ind., Milwaukee. Wis., and South ' Edward J. Brennan, headof the bureau of investigation of the De partment of Justice, who directed the raids said his agents, assisted b> thp Chicago police, worked Quietly, and that most of the prisoners taken were arrested at their homes as were those at Gary, Milwaukee and other places. From circulars, pamphlets and let ters sent through the mails and seiz ed by the Department of Justice agents, they decided that the move ment for the celebration received its impetus here. The circulars gave details of the proposed celebrations in various parts of the country, operatives said, and tended to show that thev were distributed from In dustrial Workers of the World head quarters here. Mostly "Small Fry" In addition to their efforts to check the radicals, it was indicated the Federal officers also were seeking persons engaged in promoting a pro posed German branch of the I. W. W. Some of the circulars sent out were written in German and called attention to the campaign to for ward a new branch of the I. W. W. starting in the east and working westward. Mostly "small fry" were arrested in the raids in the Chicago district, some of the operatives said. It was rumored that national 'eaders of the T. IV. W. had been arrested, but Mr. Brennan denied that William D. Haywood, national secretary of the organization, was among the prison ers. Information regarding the plans for a reign of terror in Chicago was said to have been obtained by a De partment of Justice agent who in gratiated himself into the radicals councils. Circulars distributed call id upon "brothers and sisters" to I Join the movement. "Fellow work . ers. '.eave your children at home," i advised the announcement of the i meeting. Several alleged I. W. W. leaders came to Chicago from New York I announcing themselves as "repre j pentatives of the press committee I Der Klnssenkampf, German propa i ganda branch, I. W. W. Seventh Day of Coal Strike Finds Entire Situation at Standstill By Associated Press Chicago. Oct. B.—As the second week of the soft coal strike began to-day with production generally paralyzed in union mines, transpor tation affected and virtually wartime fuel regulations In force, both op erators and miners awaited devel opments In the government's Injunc tion proceedings. The seventh day of the strike wit nessed little change In the general situation. About 425,000 union mln- HAHBISBURG TELEGRAPH I ers remained on strike although coal ; operators of West Virginia, where i forty-four union mines were report j oil In operation Thursday and Colo : rado reported Increased production, i Miners' leaders denied the West Vlr- I ginia operators' claims and suid only ! a few mines were working on the | open shop busts. i A request from the governor of I Michigan for the 2,400 miners of I that state to return to the mint# I and furnish coal for the state was ' refused flatly by the district presl- I dent of the miners' union. ' Canadian coal has not been seiz ed by railroads as yet. and is com [ lng in to Seattle; but coul from Mex ico was seized by railroads In Texas t to-day. Two steel mills In Chicago yester day reduced operations because of lack of fuel. New York Bomb Squad Co-operating With U. S. in Radical Raids By Associated Press New York, Nov. B.—Agents of the Department of Justice and officials of New York's police bomb squad, co operating in the "extermination" of radicals in the city, let it be known to-day that their work was far from ended with the spectacular raids on radical headquarters here last night. Deportation proceedings, it was generally understood will be taken promptly against the 50 or more al leged radicals who failed to obtain their releases iast night. The raids here, personally directed by Chief William J. Flinn head of the Bureau of Investigation of the De partment, came as a surprise to the 200 or more persons assembled in the Russian people's house In the lower East Side. The building was sur rounded by uniformed policemen and tilled with Federal agents before the j occupants realized what was taking place. On one of the floors a class [was listening to what .the police a radical lecture but all the students listened to inform the of ficers they were "learning English." Many Beaten When the prisoners, with several women among them had been herded together it was found that many had received severe beatings from the po lice. After the prisoners had been taken to the Departmnt of Justice of fices several trucks were sent to bring a mass of radical literature | found in the building. "Are you a citizen of the United Slates?" was the first question asked each prisoner during their investiga tion hurriedly conducted at depart ment officers. All who could show proof of citizenship were released while about 50 who failed to produce credentials were held for further ex amination. Federal agents said following the raid that several dangerous anarch ists were among those held and that some light may be thrown on the bomb outrage of last June as a result. Disciples of Direct Action and "Red" Preachers Are Taken By Associated Press Detroit, Nov. B.—Beginning with a raid on a mass meeting last night. Federal agents of the Department of Justice continued until early to-day bringing into headquarters alleged radical agitators and disciples of "direct action." More than 50 were under detention this morning, some of them officers stated, known to have been preaching "red" doctrines here for weeks. Deportation of these, it was said, would be recom mended. A score of department operatives came here from other cities to as sist in the raids which included not only public meeting places but homes, many of the prisoners be ing called out of bed. The majority of those arrested were taken at their homes, on individual warrants. Part of the Detroit squad was sent to Jackson. Michigan, early last night where they made six arrests, re turning here to assist in the round up. Arthur G. Barkley, chief of the operatives here, announced that other arrests would probably be made to-day. Forty-One Are Taken From Their Homes in Descent in Connecticut New Haven, Conn., Nov. 8. —Forty- one alleged radlca's were held in five Connecticut cities to-day await ing hearings before United Stales Commissioners as a result of raids conducted by agents of the Depart ment of Justice last night. In the nation-wide roundup of centers of radical agitation In this state were the scenes of many arrests, but no violence was reported. Most of those taken Into custody were found In their homes and arrested under Fed eral warrants. It was said that 12 warrants were Issued in this city but only three arrests were reported here. i The chief activity of the Federal nger.ts was In Ansonla, where local police In plain clothes assisted in arresting 27 alleged radicals, all of whom were locked up at police head quarters here. All the homes where arrests were made were searched and a truck loaded with radical literature was brought in. A quantity of literature also was seized at the headquarters of the former strike leaders of last spring's walkouts In the brass mills of Ansonia. Reports heve been cur rent in Anson'a that radica's wore busy attempting to bring about new strikes and the police had prohibited the holding of meetings by alleged radical organisations. In Waterbury six men were as- rested in the foreign district. Three men were locked up in New Britain, | where a printing plant iCso wus raided and a large quantity of litera ture confiscated. Two arrests were j made in Hartford. Balds were con ducted In New London, but no ur-. rests were reported. Coal Production Is Cut to One-Third by Strike of Miners By Associated Press Washington. Nov. 8. Production of bituminous coul last Saturday, ! the first day of the coal strike wus estimated to-day by the Geological Survey at slightly less than 700.000 i tons. This compared with an aver- ! age normal daily output of neurly ! 2,000,000 tons. For the five days preceding the | strike, the output was 12,142,000 tons, an average per working day of 1 more than 2,000,000 tons. This was i far above the average and was ex- ! ceeded during only one other week this year. Both Sides Awaiting Court Developments j By Associated Press Pittsburgh. Nov. 8. Both coal operators and striking miners in the Pittsburgh district, awaited with confidence to-day the result of the effort to he made at Indianapolis by Assistant Attorney General Ames to have Federal Judge Anderson muke It mundutory upon the United | Mine Workers of America to call off i the strike. The generals-situation in the dis- j trict showed very litilq change, foil- . flicting claims continue to cornel from both sides. The miners have j checked up however, they say and declare not one union man is work- j ing in this district. L. W. Baldwin, director of the Alle gheny region of the United States Railroad Administration yesterday conferred upon the Pittsburgh Coal Committee the right to make allot ment of coul. of its own volition, to applicants on all local railroads except the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie. The latter was excepted because it is under the control of the Eastern region of the railroad administra tion and not within Mr. Baldwin's jurisdiction. Expedition of the movement of | coal to applicants is expected to re- 1 suit from the move, as hitherto all I local applications for fuel had to be j passed upon in Mr. Baldwin's office in Philadelphia. Output in West Virginia Continues to Increase Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 8. The ' one or two small mines each day I continue to add to the increasing' number of mines resuming opera-1 tions in the organized coal regions of Northern West Virginia. Reports | to-day indicated that 47 mines were; in operation, a gain of two since j Thursday. Mqst of the mines, how ever, are said to be nonunion and j mine officials discount any influence I the resumption of operations in these j mines may have on the strike. President Frank Keeney. district i No. 17, United Mine Workers of America, to-day made public a letter which he had sent to President Wil son in rebuttal to a letter sent the President by D. C. Kennedy, secre tary of the Kanawha Coal Operators' Association, relative to the day wage scale paid West Virginia miners. Statistics were given by Mr. Keeney showing the average yearly earnings of all miners of the day shifts was $876.40 and the average monthly earnings were $73.03. "This is the highest day wage scale ever paid by the coal industry," the latter said. He also gave statistics showing in creased cost in living prices and sad the average ncrease "for rough clothing is 101 per cent, for men and 99 per cent, for the woman." "Although they are home-loving, miners cannot afford, under present j conditions, to have large families," said Mr. Keeney. "Is there a dead lier menace to the race than this?" he asked. FIFTEEN AT BUFFALO By Associated Press Buffalo, Nov. 8. —Fifteen persons were arrested here early to-day by Federal operatives in connection with the country-wide raid on radi cal and I. W. W. headquarters. Two of the prisoners were brought from • Lackawanna. TWO RAIDS IN NEWARK Newark, N. J., Nov. 8. —Thirty-six prisoners were taken in two raids j 'upon alleged radical headquarters In | I Newark last night by agents of the ! Department of Justice under *pe ! rial Agent Frederick Stone. The j I prisoners were taken to Mr. Stone's | cflice in Market street and exam-1 j lmed. I RAID PRINTING OFFICE I Now Britain. Conn., Nov. B.—Three ! alleged radicals were arrested in ! raids here last night by Federal ' 'agents. A printing office also was I 1 visited and a large quantity of radi- > ! cal literature fresh from the presses uveas confiscated. SIX MEN SEI/iEI) Jackson, Mich., Nov. B.—Six men were arrested here last night by j Federul authorities on instructions j from the Department of Justice to | round up members of the Russian ' workers' union. AiliEGKl) RADICALS LOCKED UP Hartford. Conn., Nov. B.—Federal agents took two alleged radicals in to custody in this city lust night. They were locked up at police head i quarters Red Fans on the Job; Want to See First Game Clucl null, Nov. S.—That IXcd lar.d fans are looking forward keenly to the coming of another pennant tight is evidenced by the fact that already the Cincinnati I'luli lias received requests for reservation* for the opening game of the 1920 campaign. The opening game of the season in Cincinnati always is quite un affair and it is a common thing for rabid fans to put in their bids for tickets as early as the first of the year, hut this is the first time in the mem ory of even Prank Hnneroft that the l egs have been on the job as early as this. Citizens of Cincinnati who are given to laying wagers now end then are said to he be ting that the crowd that sees the opening game next spring will ho larger than that which attended the sixth game of the late world series. The turnstiles registered more than 32.000 admissions to the game in question. TECH GAMES ARE ISLAND FEATURE Big Crowd Watches Maroon Teams This Afternoon; Good Games I Two of the best attractions of the I season were scheduled for the Island I when the Camp Curtin Junior High I School opposed the Tech Reserves at j1.30. and the Tech Varsity had for an opponent the Bethlehem Prep squad. I There was more than the usual | amount of interest it", the preliminary, since it will be the first appearance lut home of the Camp Curtin team, i With "Hennie" Kohlman as captain, and "Johnnie" Beck an end on the visiting team, the Bethlehemites will be the center of attraction for many of the home folks. Washington, 11. C.> Cancels Word was received at Tech yester day afternoon to the effect that Washington, C. C. Central will not visit Harrlsburg on November 22. Tech will have to accept the excuse as offered by the Capital City boys, and secure another attrction. The Maroon team will go to Greensburg 'to ploy next Saturday. The probable I line-ups announced this afternoon TECH BETHLEHEM Malich. 1. e. J. Beck, 1. e. Arnold, 1. t. Langsly. 1. t. [Aldingci, 1. g. Smith 1. g. Smith, c. • Neal, c. Lllinger, r. g. Henry, r. g. Comfort, r. t. Harrison, r. t. Emanuel, r. e. Johnson, r. e. Lingle. q. b. Hurcaker, q. b. C. BecU, 1. h. b. Dempsey 1. h. b. Garrett, r. h. b. Pratt, r. h. b. Wllsbach, f. b. Kohlman, f.. (Capt) TECH RESERVES CAMP CURTIN Matter, 1 e. Liggett, 1. e. Marcuss, 1. t. Boyer, 1. t. Eaton. 1 g. Hummel, 1. g. Krdley. c. Asper, c. Cover, r g. I-ant-/, r g. Ellis, r. t. Greenawalt, r. t. Lutz, r. e. Lytle. i e. Cunning'm, q ,b. Bricker, q. b. McCord. 1. h. b. Williams, 1. h. b. Gutsholl, r. h. b. Crownsheld, r. li. Plack, f. b. Wllsbach, f. b. Child Wife to Go on * Trial Monday For the Killing of Her Infant Trial of Mrs. Cathleen Stewart, the 17-year-old mother charged the murder of her baby, only three weeks' old, may be started on Mon day morning, as the case has been listed by District Attorney Michael E. Stroup, as one of the ilrjt to he disposed of at the special session of criminal court next week. The petit jurors who served at' the September sessions will be present again next week. Two other murder cases arc listed, Sim Efelco and Tiieodore Martin be ing the defendants. Every effort will be made to dispose of these cases also. Martin is listed for trial on Tuesday ana Fielco on Thurdiv. Tipstaves for the session next week follow: John Pottroff, R. W. Green, Harry Fulchner. H. F. Graham. Sa,n Johnson, H. Winters, Jacob Stouf fer, Henry Chubb, Felix Newman. George Peters, Peter Hershey, Michael Conway, Joseph Winters, Warren Puller, John Welsh, H. 13. Hanlen. Tipstaves for the November com mon pleas court, November 17, are: John Pottroff. R. W. Green, Harry Fulchner, H. F. Graham, Sam John son, 11. O. Winters. Jacob Stouffer, Henry Chubb, Felix Newman, Thomas Stephens, George Gibsen, W. J. Winfleld, James 11. Chambers. ARRESTS IN PHIIiADBCIiPHIA Philadelphia, Nov. B.—More, than thirty alleged radicals were taken prisoner in two raids conducted by agents of the Department of Jus tice here. A number of women were among the prisoners. The suspected radi cals were taken to the Federal build ing where each one was examined and then locked up for the night. Some literature was seized in two raids. Agents of the Department of Jus tice refused to give information, stating that under orders from Washington nothing was to be given out. Meetings of alleged VReda" have been held in different parts of this city this week and have been watch ed by both the local police and gov ernment agents. In one meeting lust night a speaker using the Eng lish language denounced conditions in Kua'.la but did not mention the United States. NOVEMBER 8, 1919. PRINCETON GAME IS FIRST CLASSIC Harvard in Good Shape For Tigers; Hotting Is Strong by Associated Press Princeton, N J.. Nov. B.—The first of the eustern gridiron classics of the season to-day between Princeton and Harvard attracted thousunds of uluinni from all parts of the country. Harvard entered the game the fav orite, but despite this and the loss of Keck. Princeton's star left tackle, through an injury, the orange and black supporters asserted that the fighting spirit of the Tigers would win. Although defeated in its last two contests by Colgate and West Vir ginia the Tigers were expected to de velop a far stronger game against Harvard's fnst and powerful team. To date the crimson eleven has not been scored upon, but its schedule has not been as trying as thut of Prince ton. ilig agora bu Clime Wnile It was realized that lvecK's absence left a tremendous gap in the Princeton line, coach Roper said he looked for Bigler to fill his place ably. Considerable Harvard money was placed last night and to-day at odds of 5 to 2 and 2 to 1. One wager of $4,000 to sl,ouo, with Harvard on the long end, was reported. Of the six games between the two teams since lesuming football rela tions in 1911, Harvard has, won five, Princeton one. The lineup and of ficials : HARVARD. PRINCETON. Desinod, 1. e. Davis, 1. e. Sedgwick, 1. t. Bigler, 1. t. rfjSV Woods, I. g. Dickinson, 1. g. Havemeyer, c. Callahan, c. Clark, r. g. McGraw (Capt.), Kane. r. t. Parisette, r. t. Steele, r. e. Williams, r. e. Murray (Cap.), qb. Strubng, qb. Burnham, 1. lib. Trimble, 1. hb. Casey, r. hb. Wltmer, r. hb. Humphrey, fb. Gurrity, fb. Referee, Langford, Trinity; Umpire, Williams. Pennsylvania; lineman, Thorp. Columbia; field Judge, O'Brien, Tufts. BOXING AT MIDDLETOWN | Plans have been completed for a j boxing show in Middletown, Tues ' day night, November 11. The prin cipal bout will be a scheduled six rounder between Nate lsaacman, of Harrisburg, and A. Gibbons, a for mer athletic instructor in the Aus tralian Army, who is making Har risburg his home temporarily. There will be two preliminaries, the prin cipals for which will be announced later. The show will be in Liberty Band Hall in Middletown, and accommo dations will be provided for 400 persons. YALE IN NEAR FINISH By Associated Press New Ilavcn, Conn.. Nov. 8. —Yale swung into the last lap of its foot ball season to-day with Brown as its opponent. Captain Callahan, the Blue leader, who has not played for a month on account of injuries, was in the lineup at his old position. Allen, the veteran Eli end, was out with injuries and his place was tnken by Robinson, a third-string player. The Ilrunonians presented I their strongest lineup. PENN STATE PLAYS LEHIGH By Associated Press State College, Pn., Nov. B.—Le j high and Penn State College met ! here to-day in their annual football t game. Judging from their records I the teams are about evenly matched and a bitter struggle was expected. They have been defeated only once during the season. Lehigh by Pitts burgh and Pennsylvania State by Dartmouth. Lust Saturday State College gave the University of Penn sylvania the only beating it has suf fered this season. When you puff up on a King Oscar Cigar You're getting a darn good smoke for the money. Care, brains, experience and the de sire to do the right thing takes care of that 7c at All Dealers John C. Herman & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. EAST FALLS TEAM TOPLAYTONIGH! Independents Look For Hard Struggle at Chestnut Street Hall; the Local Lineup ATTRACTION TO-NIGHT I J. and J. Dobson five, of East Kails, Pa., vs. 1 lurrisburg Inde dependenis, Chestnut Street Hall floor, 8.15 p m. Probable lineups: DOBSON INDEPENDENTS 1 Lees, f. McCord, f. Honiewood, f. Wallowar, f. Moorehead, c. Haggerty. c. Rosewell, g. (Kline) (West) G. Ford, g. McWilllams, g. Gerdes, g. Heferee—Horace Geisel. Both "Ike" McCord and Eddie Wallower, members of last season's stellar cage team which represent ed Harrisburg, are expected to be back in the lineup of the Independ ents when the local sauad tukes the floor for Its contest with the J. and J. Dobson five, of East Falls, Pa., to-iiigbt. Both of these players have been figuring in the workouts of the team during the week and appear to be in good trim for their initial effort in a game for the season to night. Big I/ocal Squad It has not been definitely decided just how the local combination is to line up for to-night, although the squad as mentioned above includes what will probably be all of the men to get in the tilt. Gough may also be in unform, but he is not ex pected to play. All of the players appearing In the Dobson lineup have played in this city in previous years. Several were here last season. They are all fast I players, and Lees is regarded as a very good shot. Moorehead, the cen ter, is the same player who held down the pivot position for the St. | Elizabeth team against the Inde pendents here last week. Haggerty secured but two field goals off him, one of which was caged from the center of the floor. JUNIOR SCRUBS WIN The Camp Curtin Junior High School scrubs defeated the Acme eleven yesterday afternoon by a score of 8 to 0. All the scoring was done in the first half, when Shrauder made a wide end run for a touchdown. In this period Camp Curtin blocked a kick which rolled back of the goal posts for a safety. Both Shrauder and Shocker played w*U for Camp Curtin. ROCK WOOD JUNIORS READY The Rockwood Juniors will begin their basketball season next Thurs day night when they will play the Royal Juniors of Harrisburg. The Rockwood lineup will be picked from the following players: Cremer, Sher man, J. Kline, Abrams, Michlovitz and Kaplan. Any team desiring to arrange a game is requested to com municate with Manager A. Michlo vitz, 18 North Thirteenth street. CROSS COUNTRY RUN By Associated Press New York. Nov. B.—Star hill and dale runners were entered In two cross country runs over the six-mile course at Van Cortland Park to-day. The first race was a triangular inter collegiate contest between Dart mouth, Princeton and Columbia. The second event was the annual Junior race for the national championship tenm and individual titles under the auspices of the Amateur Athletio Union. FOURTH OF JULY POWDER "How loud that girl looks the way her face is done up." "Yes; why haven't the girls sense enough to use noiseless powder?"— inn Francisco Chronicle. 15