Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 08, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Libraries, Stores and Movie Theaters Will Combine in Ef
fort to Encourage Reading of Good Literature
Children's Book Week will be ob
served throughout all America be
ginning Monday.
The object of this movement is to
put good books into the hands of
as many children as possible, to re
place purposeless or literature with
that which make for education and
character building.
The public libraries everywhere
have taken up the movement nnd It
has extended even to moving picture
For example, the Victoria will
show during Children's Book Week
The British Postal Authorities
Causes Loss to
London, Nov. B.—By increasing
the cost of money orders payable in
the United States front 8 cents to 72
cents for every pound sterling, the
postal authorities have blocked an
avenue whereby Americans were
able to send money home without
incurring any loss Incident to the
low rate of British exchange on
America. m
Throughout the period of depreci
aUon of English money in the United
States, the international postal rate
of exchange has remained constant
at 4.87. So by resorting to money
orders instead of to bank drafts,
which were governed by the daily
rate of exchange, and often 60 or
more points below the postal rate,
those who wished to transfer money
from this country to the other side
were enabled to do so at the nominal
expense of less than 10 cents for
every $5. I
There was a limit, however, to
the amount that could be sent in
this way, the authorities during the
war restricting it to 100 pounds a
week for each individual.
One American business man in
London avoided serious loss by using
this means of transferring his capi
tal to his home city in Ohio. Of
course, many weeks were required
to effect this particular transfer, as
the amount involed was several
thousand pounds, but he got it all
throught just before the price of
money orders was so radically
So far the American postal
authorities have not altered the cost
of money orders payable in this
country. An American banker here
pointed out to the correspondent
that the situation created by the
action of the British postal authori
ties places the American public at
a disadvantage. especially those
persons living. in country districts
where banking facilities are limited
and who must rely on the postal
money-order service.
"Drys" Make Gains in
Kentucky Returns
Louisville. Ky., Nov. B.—lncreas
ing majorities for statewide prohibi
tion were recorded to-day in addi
tional returns from Tuesday's elec
tion. Tabulators at the close of yes
terday had figures from 99 of the
120 counties in the state, which
showed a majority of 7,797 for the
amendment and largely exceeded the
estimate for the whole state of the
Anti-Saloon League.
Tlio (J real House, by Stanley J. |
Weyinuij— Mi Weyman will be wel- I
corned back to the .world ot letters)
which some of his readers fearAl he
had abandoned. This story deals
witli a critical period of English
history, when Sir Robert Peel's sud
den change of policy over the Corn
Laws broke up his party. The story
turns on a disputed succession, the
disappearance and discovery of old
documents relating thereto, and on
the social unrest caused by Sir R.
Peel's action, and presents a care
ful picture of some phases of life
of the England of the middle for
ties. Crown S vo. Price $1.75 net.
The River's Kiul, by James Oliver
Curwood—On the edge of civiliza-
(War Tin -4 Cents Additional)
Sunday Excursion
(Last of the Season)
From I.v. A.M.
Hummelatown 3.50
Swatara (3.55
Hershcy . 3.67
Palmyra 4.01
Annvillc 4.13
Avon (4.28
Myerstown 4.37
Richland 4.43
Sheridan 4.47
\Vomelsdor( 4.53
Robesonia 4.50
Wemersville 5,06
Sinking Spring 5.13
New York far.) 9.50
RETURNING—Leave New York
j from (oot West 23d Street 6.50
P. M., foot Liberty Street 7.00
P. li. same day for above stations.
Tickets good going and return
ing only on above Special Train,
date of excursion. Children be
tween 6 and 12 years of age, half
Philadelphia & Reading
the wonderful film from the
equally wonderful story, "Desert
Gold," while "Daddy Long Legs,"
which is a most delightful film
dramatization of the charming book
of that name, will appear at the
The book stores of the city are in
line and have made special displays
of children's books in preparation
for the occasion and some of them
will endeavor to encourage the
sending of good books for children
to the various homes for little folks
in this vicinity.
Will Be Opened at Romagne,
Where Military Ceme
tery Is Located
Paris, Nov. B.—The first hotel In
France, reserved exclusively for
American fathers and mothers who
have crossed the ocean to visit the
graves of their dead, will bo opened
at Romagne, where is located the
largest American military cemetery
in France. Here sleep more than
21,500 American boys who laid down
their lives in the war.
Now that passport restrictions are
being lifted, many American parents
are coming to France every day to
visit the graves of the American sol
diers. Some mothers come alone,
and not knowing French costumes
and language, suffer many discom
forts finding the way to their btoy's
grave. Many wish to remain a day
or two at the cemeteries which are
some distance from the * nearest
towns, but until now there have been
no accommodations.
Similar hotels will be established
later at other American cemeteries.
The second one will probably be
plaged at St. Quentin.
After Romagne, the next largest
cemetery is the one at Thiaucourt
with 4,200 graves. Among the other
large American cemeteries are:
Beaumont, 750 graves; Fismes, 1,-
800 graves; Ploisy, 1,885 graves;
Juvigny, 416 graves; Fera-on-Tarde
nois, 3,500 graves; Belleau, 2,500
graves; Bony, 1,800 graves, and Vil
liers-Tournelle, 400 graves.
Say Salmon Failure Is
Due to Dry Season
Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 8. Many
persons engaged in the salmon fish
eries for years attribute the failure
of Alaska's salmon run this year to
the dry season in 1915. In that sea
son the streams were so dry that
salmon could not ascend.
According to the theory that sal
mon return to fresh water when four
years of age to spawn and die, this
year's short run of the fish would
be explained.
Others, however, take a more
pessimistic view. E. P. Kendall,
general manager of one of the coun
try's largest can companies, asserts
Alaskan waters are being fished out.
To save the salmon industry, he be
lieve, the stream must be immedi
ately cleaned out and the natural
spawning grounds protected.
Mr. Kendall, advocating a meeting
this winter at Seattle between the
canners and representative Alaska
citizens, said he was confident that
every canner of the north would co
Come—First Baptist Church
2d and Fine—Sunday, 10.30 a.m.—adv.
tion there are no traditions. Men
meet lile with all the strength ot
soul within them. That is why the
greatest stories have always been
written, not of the atrophied emo
tions of society, but of the virile
people nearest the great outdoors.
1 here men may be good—or bad
but whatever they are, they are
> I V x '® r ' s En, l" 's a story of
the Royal Mounted Police—a story
of ad enture and a story of a won
derfu love. It is Mr. Garwood's
finest nove. Price, $1.50. Cosmo
Tim Boy w irli Broken Seals, by E
1 hillips oppenheim.—Mr. Oppen
heim here returns to the field in
which he has achieved his greatest
success, that of international in
trigue. and unfolds in his best style
a thrilling narrative of a German
spy, Joeelyn Thew, and the English
secret service. This story was writ
ten, says Mr. Oppenheim, to explain
exactly how the important docu
ments which were not found in the
chest witli tlie broken seals belong
ing to Ambassador von Bernstorff
when he sailed from America, were
conveyed to Europe. The reader
follows with avidity the daring
moves of Thew from the time he
sails from New York on the "City
of Boston" accompanied by a dying
man and a special nurse In the per
son of Katherine Beverley, a socletv
girt who is under obligations to
Thew. The eventful trip across the
Atlantic and the attempts of the
German agent to outwit his enemies
in England lead to the climax which
will surprise even the inveterate
Oppenheim reader. Little, Brown &
Company. Price $1.75 net.
The Law of The Gun, by Ridgwell
Cullum.—The story opens with a
young medical student who, forsak
ing the scalpel for the branding
Iron, joins the O Bar O's as a cow
puncher. The early part introduces
the reader to Sunrise, a western
mining camp, where the prospectors
ore making a meager living out of
There is, however, a well-founded
belief that the district is enormously
rich In copper If the mineral could
only be located, and the popular be
lief Is that Caleb P. Wilmington, a
man of mystery, with his beautiful
daughter, Patarlcla, has discovered
the whereabouts of the great copper
Wilmington's rival (or leadership
in the mining camp is Tough Narra.
one of the few successful gold
miners In the place. Tough is in
love with "Pat" and party owing to
this fact, which Wilmington resents,
the two men quarrel and the same
night Wilmington is shot and killed
and the plans stolen.
Events then move nlpidlv to a
strong and dramatic climax.
Jamba >1.(0 net.
Former German Field Mar
shal Is Interned Out
side Saloniki
Saloniki. Nov. B.—Field Marshal
August Von Mackensen, who com
manded the German forces which
invaded Rumania, and his staff have
been brought here by the French
military authorities from Northern
Serbia and interned just outside the
city. The German
and his officers are permitted freely
to go about the streets, -But they
usually are accompanied by a
French officer. The correspondent,
however, observed two of their num
tfcr riding horseback on the outskirts
of the city without guards. Each
officer wore an Iron Cross and dis
played a pride and bravado not quite
In keeping with men whose army
had been vanquished.'
Mackensen had been given a large
and comfortable house opposite the
French aviation field and overlook
ing the Aegean Sea. It was for
merly occupied by the higher French
officers and is elegantly furnished.
A day or two after his arrival the
field marshal strolled through the
roadways of the British military en
campment, which is many acres In
extent, and was amazed at the thor
oughness and completeness of every
thing. The British have since with
drawn from this encampment.
The German generalissimo has
changed little in appearance since
the war and apparently is not wor
rying greatly over what fate he may
suffer at th% hands of the Allies.
The general impression is that he
will be interned here until the Allies
are ready to try him. It is felt the
most serious charge against him is
his wanton destruction of the rail
roads and other property in Ru
mania after the signing of the ar
Mexico Does Not
Recognize Debts
Huerta and Carvajal
Mexico City, Nov. B.—The Mexi
can government does not recognize
debts contracted by the Victoriano
Huerta and Francisco Carvajal
regimes and will not pay any claims
based upon damages
the period these two m 6 nwere presi
dent, according to a statement issued
by Luis Cabrera, secretary of the
treasury. This was evoked by an
assertion, credited to Senator Fall,
of the United States Senate commit
tee investigating Mexican affairs,
that the present government has
such financial responsibilities.
Secretary Cabrera declared the
presidencies of Huerta and Carvajal
were anti-democratic and unconsti
tutional and imposed no obligations
on the present government.
Teach German Pupils
the Art of War
Berlin, Nov. 8. Charlottenburg
scholars in the higher schools are
being trained for two hours in the
afternoon in the art of using machine
guns, hand grenades and rifles, ac
cording to a Charlottenburg citizen
who writes to the People's Gazette,
the popular edition of the Tageblatt.
The writer declaces that during
the past few weeks he has had re
peated opportunity to witness the
training in a military sense of chil
dren between 12 and 16 years of age,
on a big field in Charlottenburg.
The training waa carried out in
the same way as TTuriqg the best
days of the imperial regime. The
man in charge was a lieutenant, and
noncommissioned officers conducted
the training, with the use of all the
military curs* and command terms
used in the old army.
British Care For Graves of
Yankees Buried in England
London, Nov. B.—Graves of Amer
ican soldiers ahd sailors in England
are being cared for by the British
government. Lawns about them are
regularly mowed, flowers growing on
them are tended and the white
wooden crosses bearing each man's
identity disk are kept in good con
Lieutenant Colonel J. Pearce, ad
jutant. in charge of the contingent
in England which is clearing up de
tails of the departure of the last
American soldiers from England, has
completed an Inspection of 2.400
graves in 96 cemeteries. When
Colonel Pearce closes his office here
the American military attache at
the embassy here will take over
work in copnection with the graves
that heretofore has been done by the
army. .
Any time Sunday and select one of
the $59 building lots. Each lot 20
feet wide and 125 feet deep. Take
car marked "L" and get off at Ar
lington Ave., Colonial Park. If you
motor wfttch for our sign boards
three-fourths of a mile beyond Pro
gress on Jonestown road.
The Juvenile Book Week
Will be observed in timely fashion at
The Central Book Store
A great variety of books such, as should be read
by every boy and girl will be on exhibition at special
prices during "Juvenile Book Week of November
Books that are interesting and books that instruct
and edify. Books that are profitable to the reader
and that stimulate 2nd encourage good reading in
the life of the boy and the girl. Come in and look
them over. We will be pleased to have the parents
as well as the boys and the girls look at our fine
stock of Juveniles. No more timely and appropriate
preserh; can be made than that of a good book.
Come In To See Us.
Central Book Store
329 Market Street
Books and the Child
THE influence of good books In the life of a child cannot well be
overestimated. Through reading he gains knowledge of great
men and women, forms his ideals, follows the development of
his age in science and invention and comes in touch with the great
stories and legends of all races and all times. "Childhood is a ten
der thing," says Plutarch, "and easily wrought into shape • • •
As soft evax is apt to take the stamp of the seal, so are the minds
of children to receive the instructions imprinted upon them at
that age."
Give children only the best. Nothing less is worthy of them:
they have time only for the best. One who grows to manhood
without knowledge of Mother Goose, Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer,
Alice in- Wonderland. 'Pom Brown, Robin Hood, Childe Roland and
King Arthur, Ulysses and Siegfried, with all the pageantry and
romance of great literature, has lost something of the Joy of life,
which may not be made up in adult years. Good books in the home,
in the school, in the library, all should invite the child to read, to
grow in knowledge and in power of imagination, develop individual
taste and creative ability.
What was the sort of book that
you liked best when you were a
child? Did you revel in the adven
tures of "Robinson Crusoe" of a
rainy afternoon, or vision goblins
and falryfolk about you as you
poured over that ancient volume of
the Brothers Grimm on an Indian
summer afternoon in the woods?
Some of our well known authors of
to-day enjoyed these particular
volumes as children. Others ran
far apart in their respective Juve
nile tastes. William Dean Howells
found his earliest literary Joys in
Goldsmith, Cervantes, and Irving.
Hugh Walpole, read "Alice in
Wonderland," while Amy Lowell's
earliest love for reading found its
outlet in the Rollo books.
During Children's Book
when all over the United States, li
brarians, schools, publishers and
booksellers are making a drive for
"More Books in The Home," it is
of timely interest to think for a
moment on children's books in
vogue when those people who are
making our own book world to-day
were children. The following com
ments speak for themselves.
William Dean Howells.
In his book "My Literary Pas
sions," William Dean Howells tells
at length of the bookshelf at home
and what it meant in shaping his
future career. This "library" in his
home of the Ohio printer's family
back in the 60's, was "just a case of
a very few shelves" "but lacking it,
what home would never have given
the world one of its chief literary
men of the 19th century. Small as
the collection was, it seems to have
held many of the most important
books; a modern parent could do
much worse than model a library
for a growing family on the list Mr.
Howells gives in "My Literary Pas
"When I began to have literary
likings of my own," he says, "and to
love certain books above all others,
the first authors of my heart were
Goldsmith, Cervantes and Irviag. In
the sharply foreshortened perspec
tive of the past I seem to have read
them all at once, but I am aware of
an order of time in the pleasure
they gave me, and I know that
Goldsmith came first. He came so
early that I cannot tell when or how
T' began to read him but it must
have been before I was ten years
old." And then Mr. Howells goes on
• The largest line of
Bibles, Testaments and
Greeting Cards in the
city. Large assortment
of Stationery, Children s
Books, Fiction Books,
Book Store
Third and Reily Sts.
Harrisburg, Pa.
to tell at length of the joys Gold
smith's "Greece" and "Rome'
brought to him.
Hugh Walpole
"I was brought up, nearly thirty
years ago now," writes the young
English author, Hugh Walpole, in
the good old-fashioned way and we
had Sunday . books very distinct
from week-day books. I learned to
read very late —I think r must have
been eight years old berore I could
read properly, and the two books I
learned from, were 'Lottie's Visit to
Grandma' and 'Alice in Wonder
land.' Lottie went on a visit to the
sea-side and I can see now the way
the seashore expanded before my
eyes as I read and the beautiful
birthday party that Lottie had and
a lovely wdrkbox that someone gave
her. _
'Alice' introduced me to fantasy
whose adoring servant I have been
ever since. Do children still love
'Alice?' I believe so, but the Rabbit
and the Typhoon and the Mock Tur
tle cannot seem so marvelous to the
modern child as they did to us. Our
lives were so vastly more restricted,
I had hardly entered a theater be-
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Putting Better Books in theHomeF or Children
Little minds are hungry for good stories and Children's Book Week is inaugurated to aid parents in
their selection of the better books for boys and girls. The Children's Section of the Dives, Pomeroy &
Stewart Book Store is a treasure house of wonderful stories for youngsters of all ages.
Bradley Quality Books
For Children
You should choose your children's
books as carefully as you choose their
Good books in childhood are building
blocks of character in manhood.
Tell Me Another Story —By Carolyn Sherwin
Bailey. "An answer to the universal plea
of childhood." Price $1.50
Kor The Children's Hour —By Carolyn S. Bailey
and Clara M. Lewis. A remarkable book
which should be in the library of every
mother. Price $1.50
Worth While Stories For Every Duy—Law
ton B. Evans. This book contains 185 com,
piete stories. Price st.so
Stories Children Need—By Carolyn Sherwin
Bailey. Over fifty best stories for children.
Price $1.50
For The Story Teller —Story Telling and
Stories to Tell —By Carolyn S. Bailey. An
important volume wnich will be of vital In
terest to every one who tells stories.
Price $1.50
Firelight Stories—By Carolyn Shenwin Bailey.
A collection of nearly fifty adapted folk
tales. Price SI.OO
VII About Johnnie Jones —By Carolyn Verhoeff.
The adventures of a real live boy. Price, SI.OO
Folk Stories and Fnbles —-By Carolyn Sherwin
Bailey. These are stories that appeal to the
child's Imagination. Price 75c
Every Dny Stories —By Carolyn Sherwin
Bailey. Information stories of real life that
satisfy the child's tlrst longings for knowl
edge of the common things of life all about
him. Price 75c
Hero Stories —By Carolyn Sherwin Bailey.
Stories of the greut heroes and heroine* of
history. Price .75c
Onee I'pon A lime Animal Stories —By Carolyn
Sherwin Bailey. Illustrated by Power O'Mal
ley.. Children never tire of hearing about
animals to which human traits are at
tributed. Price 75c
Stories of tJreut Adventures— By Carolyn 8.
Bailey. With colored frontispiece by Clara
M. Burd. The best in classic legendary and
ballad material. Price $1.25
Urond Srtliies and Bright Slurs —By Carolyn
Sherwin Bailey. Pictures by Power O'Malley.
All the romance, the dreams and epic
achievements of history makers spread over
the pages of this book. Price $1.25
Stories of Wnkrlnnd nnd Drenmlnnd By
Anne Elizabeth Allen. This new and at
tractive book comprises stories of two dis
tinct types—realistic stories of "Wakeland"
and fanciful tales of "Dreamland." Price, 75e
The Children In the Wood Stories —By Jeanette
Marks. Pictures in color by Clara M. Burd.
Price $1.25
Mother Stories —By Maud Lindsay. These
stories are models of simplicity and purity in
purpose and expression. Price $1.25
More Mother Stories —By Maud Lindsay.
Price $1.25
The Adventure* of Twlnkly Eyes. The Blaek
Bear —By Allen Chaffee. Pictures by Peter J.
Da Ru. The habits of the bear and other
animals introduced in the book are faithfully
portrayed. Price
The Sunken City —By Marie H. Frary and
Charles M. Stebbins. A book of legends, each
selected because of its ethical value.
The Mermaid's Message nnd Other Stories—
The beautiful mermaid sends her message In
a sea-shell to children on the shore.
Price v
Bedtime Story-Books
Author of
"Old Mother West Wind Stories," etc.
Each book In the aeries la devoted to the
adventures of one animal, and tells of his
fore 1 was twenty-one, and we had
to subsist on a few books instead of
a library. I don't think we were
any unhappier for that."
Rupert Iluglics.
"As soon as I learned to read—
which was at the age of five—l read
with insatiable voracity nearly
everything I could lay my eyes on"
writes the author of 'Tlyo Cup of
Fury" and other widely successful
novels of American life. "I still
keep up the habtt.
"My first literature was a first
render, unless it were Hostetter's
Almanac, once a very populur
pamphlet throughout the country,
the advertisements being mitigated
by paragraphs of wit and wisdom
of nil sorts."
Joseph Hergesheimer.
"Either 'The Duchess' or 'Oulda'
was my first favorite," admits the
author of "Java Head." "Not 'Oulda
of The Two Little Wooden Shoes,"
but the lady of the perfumed
guardsmen. For 'The Duchess' I
had a peculiar affection. Aside from
this there was a book called, I think
'The Iron Steed,' that had a great
attraction for me from the fact that
I wass not allowed to read it. I read
40 or 50 of Henty's books with in
creasing boredom; ! liked Kirk
Munroe mildly, but thought more of
Edward Ellis. The single book that
Every Week
Is Bargain Week
In Books Here
25,000 books on almost every
subject, at 5c up.
Fairy Tales-Bible Stories
and all the Standard Books for
Boys' and Girls', as well as Grown
• ups, at half prices or less.
A big lot of good books fos
I boys and girls during Children's
! Book Week at 5c to 25c. Values
! up to SI.OO
Open evenings; books bought;
Roll plionc.
Aurand's Book Store
Catalogs Free. 925 X. Third St.
The Real Boy Scout Books
The Tom Slade Series
Beautiful picture jackets in colors—
colored lining papers and four illustra
tions 50<
These books have the official endorsement
and recommendation of the Boy Scouts of
America and were written with the idea of
making the public more familiar with this
organiaation. They tell in vivid story form
something of Boy Scout ways and how they
fellow grow Into a manhood of which
America may be proud.
Tom Slade. Boy Scout. Tom Slade With the
T Camp ade Ut TemP ' e Boys Over There.
Tom Slade on the Tom Slade, Motor-
River. cycle Dispatch
Tom Slade With the Bearer.
Tom Slade On a Tom Slade With the
Transport Flying Corps.
The Marjorie Books
Happy Books for Happy Girls.
Author of the Patty Books.
Attractively bound in cloth with in
dividual wrapper in colors 50^
These "Happy Books for Happy Girls" are
the most popular of any that have ever been
written, especially for her majesty the little
American Girl. Marjorie is a happy liftle girl
of twelve, up to mischief, but full of good
ness and sincerity. In her and her friends
whom she makes wherever she goes, every
girl reader will see much of her own love
of fun, play and adventure.
This series of happy stories Is the Ameri
can- Girls very own. Each book is attractively
bound in cloth, and wrapped in a charming
colored individual wrapper showing Marjorie
in one of her adventures.
Marjorle's Vacation. Marjorie in Con-
Marjorle's Busy Day. mand.
Marjorle's New Marjorle's Maytlme.
Friend. Marjorie at Seacote.
pranks and his good times, his troubles, hi*
enemies, and his friends. The same charm
of ttyle and illustration that made the "Old
Mother West Wind Series" so successful is
here displayed. Capital illustrations have
been provided by Harrison Cady.
The Adventures of Reddy Fox.
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck.
The Adventures of Peter Cottontail.
The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum.
The Adventures of Mr. Mocker.
The Adventures of Jerry MuskraL
NOVEMBER 8, 1919.
rve me the most pleasure, and that
re-read only last month with ex
treme satisfaction, was Howard
Pyle's 'Men of Iron.' Hts 'Robbln
Hood,' too, was read out of Its bind
ing. Children worth a damn hate
children's books."
Vice-President Visits
* the Labor .Conference
Washington, Nov. 8^ —Vice-Presi-
dent Marshall vlsiten^the Interna
tional Lubor Conference late yester
day, making a short address and
shaking hands with the delegate:
The visit ca;ne as a surprise at
f|j||||| Children's National Book Week
J Let us he, P y° u select the right books
H tor y° ,lr children to read.
I 11 is tlie uty °* evcr y m °ther and father
J to supervise the selection of books read by
" their children.
Realizing that it would be impossible for every parent
to read every book that his little girl or boy would like, we
offer you our advice and will at all times be pleased to help
you in making proper selections from our complete stock
of children's and juvenile books.
We are exclusive dgents for Globe-
Wernicke Sectional Book Cases, which en
able you to start a library at any time and to HI
which you can always add additional sec-
Globe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcases B5 leafed
arc made in designs and finishes to match I,
any furniture and will adapt themselves to KB
nooks, corners and other awkward places.
Cotterel-Ebner Company
Booksellers and Stationers,
9 North Second Street, •-
Harrisburg, Pa. ®
moment when the labor delegated
were putting forward amendments to
the convention on hours of work.
Announcing that he spoke for no
body but himself, the Vice-President
told the delegates that he occupied
"the most unique position of any
official on the face of the globe" fof
the reason that "I am without power
or authority or Influence."
To Fortiry the System Agnlast Grfe
Tablets ahlch destroy germs, act atf
a Tonic and Laxative, and thus pro
vent Colds, Grip and Influenza. There
is only one "BROMO QUININE" BV
W. GROVE'S signature on the bet
Linen & Muslin Books
Linen and Muslin Books for the little
ones, from one to four years of age.
The following titles will be found,
priced from to 75^
They are the good old-fashioned
stories, and the books are practically
Tiny Tots A-B-C. Baby's Black Beauty.
Animal Friends Book of Birds.
A-B-C. My Picture Book.
Fairy Tale Book. Mother Goose Book.
Cinderella. Little Small Red
Red, Riding' Hood. Hen.
Three Little Kittens. Four Footed Frienda
Three Bears. Goosey. Goosey
Teeny Tiny. Gander.
What Baby Sees. Noah's Ark.
Baby's Rhymes. Little People's A-B-C.
Book of Pets. Sunshine A-B-C.
The Little Lame Happy Land A-B-C.
Squirrel. Best of Frienda
Mother Goose Mother Goose Melo-
Rhymcs. *dies.
Indian Babies. Farm Yard A-B-C.
Night Before Christ- Pets and Playmatea
Fl'rTkngine Picture £" te ° B0 ° k \ ,
Book. Friendly Animala
Our Army. Fun in the Country.
Toy Books
Toy Books, bound in semi-stiff covers,
beautifully illustrated in colore and
black and whites, and especially adapted
to children from two to five.
The following list of titles indicates
the kind of stories which are pleas
ing to children of this age. Priced
from to 35£
Soldiers of Freedom. Kindergarten Bosk
Little Pigies. of Objects.
Noah's Ark. Out Navy.
Three Little Kittens. ... .. , _ -
Mother Goose. Jolly Bears A-B-C.
Bed Riding Hood. Funny Animala
A-B-C Book. Christmas Book.
Tales From Mother Beautiful Animala
Goose. Childhood.
In the Country Hans Brinker Ploturs
A-B-C. Book.
Three Hears. Book of Indiana
Night Before Christ- Mary Had a Little
mas. Lamb.
Apple-Pie A-B-C. Farm Frienda
Buster Bunny Chlcky Biddy.
O-tJ Bear. Ducky Quack.
Kitty Kat. Puppy Squint.
Peter Rabbit. Cinderella.
The Adventures of nanny Meadow Mouse.
The Adventures of Grandfather Frog.
The Adventures of Chatterer, the Red Squirrel.
The Adventures of Sammy Jay.
The Adventures of Buster Bear.
The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad.
The Adventures of Prickly Porky.
The Adventures of Old Man Coyotte.
The Adventures of Paddy, the Beaver.
The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack.
The Adventures of Bobby Coon.
The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk.
The Adventures of Bob White.
The Adventurer of Or Mlstah Buxxard.