Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page FARMS I FOR SALE Good grain or stock farm, 102 acres 30 acres timber, 6-room frame house and barn, 3 horses, 2 wagons, one good cow. and all farming imple ments. Possession at once. $2,100. Also BO acres of good soil with house and barn, 12 acres of timber. Possession at once. Price $750. These two farms are at Manada Gap, 16 miles from Harrisburg, Dauphin Co. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. 1540 State Street, cor. 16th. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 FARMS FOR SALE Price 16 acres. Dauphin county SI7OO 17 acres, Perry county 1750 33 acres. Dauphin county SI6OO 40 acres, Lebanon county $4290 51 acres, York county SI7OO 63 acres, Perry county SIOOO 77 acres, Lebanon county $4500 80 acres. Lebanon county $4200 98 acres, Dauphin county $2900 115 acres, Dauphin county S3OOO 150 acres, Lebanon county SB4OO 180 acres, Dauphin county S3OOO DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut near Front FOR SALE Truck farm of 16 acres, 5 miles from Harrisburg, Cumberland coun ty, 2%-story frame house, barn, pig sty and chicken house, 2% acres fruit. Possession at once. $3,100. 17-acro truck farm, 6-room house, hank barn. A moneymaker. Possession at once. Cumberland county, 5 miles from Harrisburg. Price $2,500. "C" CHARLES DAVIES, 1 549 State, cor. 16th St. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 SUNNYSIDE HEIGHTS—Five acres truckland. five acres woodland, block house, stable, springs, fruit, grand scenery, healthful altitude, all day sunshine, good winter resort. John Yingst, Front and Cumberland Sts. 20 acres limestone land. near Churchtown, 14-mile from trolley, house good, barn ordinary, other buildings fair. A good proposition. F. S. Mum ma & Son, Mechanicsburg. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT Entire third floor, 302 Market St., over Cluster's Jewelry Store, formerly occupied by the Kellberg Studio. Best lo cation in'city for photograph- < ic business. Apply Claster's. FOR RENT—Second floor room. Box 140\ ft., no posts. 11th ani] Berryhill Street. Apply on premises. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—White reed Bloch re versible baby carriage, also sulky. Apply 1849 Herr St. GOVERNMENT auction sale of 800 fine machine tools at Eddystone rifle plant, Eddystone, Pa., on November 5, 6 and 7. Write for detailed catalog to Samuel T Freeman & Co., 1519 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, FOR SALE—Three burner oil stove, two burner portable oven, oil heater, clothes wringer, small mahogany di van and banjo in leather case. Inquire mornings 3211 N. Front St. No dealers FOP. SALE—Quartered oak combi nation sideboard china closet, in good condition, for S2O if sold at once. Can be seen at 608 N. 18th St. Address Ida L. Hoover, 1023 Hamilton St.. Al lentown. Pa. i HUMPHREY i; * 111 ANT FIRE EFFECTS SO MAGICAL YOU CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT. FREE DEMONSTRATION KITZMITJLER'S DRUG STORE, 1325 DERRY STREET. EVERY NITE THIS WEEK. AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875 J. FOR SALE One white iron bed. one good i. attress, spring, complete $25: one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT, 1221 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE YORK IMPERIAL Apples, all hand-picked. $2 a bushel, $5 a barrel. Phone your order oi write to Mrs. J. C. Keel. 61,9 Oxford St., City Bell phone 4052 W. Delivered direct from the farm to any place >n Harrisburg or vicinity. ' FOR SADE CHEAP Double French plate glass front, including door frames, hinges, sills and transom, formerly In store room Board of Trade Building. CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE, 302 Market Street. FOR SALE—Best toned guitar in city, Griffith make, $35; practically new, cost $75. Instrument will more than please. Call Bell 3950 J. For Sale—Coat suit and two waists. Apply 140 Sylvan Terrace. FOR SALE —Beaver oak double 1 eater, in good condition. Price sl6. Apply 36 N. 4th St., Steelton. FOR SALE—At once at Hotel Dau phin. "09 Market Street, fifty cane seated chairs, four ceiling fans, three National cash registers, one electric, square and round tables, 300 two quart fruit Jars, bar fixtures, lot of dishes, etc. FOR SALE—Reed furniture and bedroom suite. Call Bell 5024. . FOR SALE—Partly br6ken rabbit hound. Apply 28 Evergreen St. FOR SALE —Superior oxy-acety lone generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstrations by appointment. F. R. Laverf.y. 1857 Bell phone. l FOR SALE —Gasoline hoisting en gine, 10 H. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motors, vurlous sizes, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 1857 Bell phone. BOOKS Bought and sold; 10,000 new. old. rare. In stock. Aurand'a, 125 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE —One-minute water mo tor washer in good condition. Call Bell phone 4554. Deft Device Co.. 28 S. Fourth St TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES (Continued In Next Column) THURSDAY EVENING, ZXKKRJHBURG flflfcfilA TEXBGSRXFa OCTOBER 30, 1919. CENTRAL Furniture Store, 324 Relly St.. on nccount of building our warehouse, we close out our 76 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price; also furniture and floor _ covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you, 1061 M. _ MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. . High prices paid for furniture. Morris J Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS 9. t. WANTED—22O volt, single face, electric motor, % to 3 horsepower. Coxestown Garage. Dial 5751. r! WANTED—Secondhand safe, must e be in good order, also glass top show 61 cases. Phone 3852 or call at Dr. Rutherford's office, 108 N. 2d St. WE arc In the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L 0 Cohen Co., York and Ash Avenue. MAX SMELTZ ( Second hand furniture bought and - rold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call, city or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. n BELL PHONE 3370-J " S. HIFKIN, __ „ 1 CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. ® BOUGHT AND SOLD ® HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. ® 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. ® BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 0 J 0 GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing five men. Address Box H-OPI6 care Telegraph. 3 ! BUSINESS PERSONALS 1 i QUININE —Look out for that grippe . i feeling. likely to catch you this ] I changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE t PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off !if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, ! 11'J Market street. } !' RAZOK BIiADES SHAUPitINKD i Single edge. 25c doz., double edge, ioc ' m ! duz„ razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug store. i 1 FURNITURE CRATED J. A. c Bishop. 1736 Logan street. Be.l 26.... K. | ' ' DIAMONDS bought for cash —P. 11. • i CAPLAN CO., 2u6 Market sireet. - OXY-ACET VI,EN E WELDING — r Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by ox>gen. I Capitol City Welding CO.. lo.S Loban Street. Bell 4396 J. A. LAN E New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell -i. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Chilcoat Bros., 333 Hal ris Street. FINANCIAL GOOD 5 PER CENT. UTIL ITY BONDS TO YIELD 6 PER CENT. J. K. GREEN AW ALT. JR.. 130 Walnut Street. Bill Phone 518 J. Harrisburg, N Pa. MONEY TO LOAN ' BUY COAL NOW With our money and Insure your comtort next winter. Pay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able—only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of an> ' -^CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1913. to individu als In need of ready casii. small loans a specialty, business coniidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED— Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner BiUg.. Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Be led by the State." MUSICAL FOR SALE —A large cabinet Co lumbia machine, in ttrst class condi tion, also a nice selection of music, cheap to quick buyer. A party with references can arrange part cash to. suit buyer. Call after 6 p. m., 1625 ' I North 4lh St. TALKING MACHINES promptly and j carefully repaired by an expert only. I OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. | PI \NOS TUNED .AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner oniy. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth Street. 1 FOR SAX.E Player piano for , $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. SpangLer Music House, 2112 N. Sixth Street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE —A good horse. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Seo 'ond Street. ST' IKAUE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Loth phones. STORAGE Private rooms lor household goods in hreproof ware house, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-lireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 4J7- 445 South Second street. STORAGE LOW RATES. HIGKSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD., ' HIGHSPIRE, PA. Both phones. Bell Steeiton 169Y STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in cloaii. private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diexier. 408 Market street. HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer ] WALTER C. CONRAD. Manager, 341 Kelker Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3513 ' BECK & HARRIS, moving of all ' kinds, piano, sale, lurniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. AUTO hauling, local or long dts- ■ tance, lurniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. HICKS Local and loiig-distanoe hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Botn phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 630 Calder street. Both phones. Beli 5636-J. Dial 3638. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. ■ E. GrubeFs Truck service, irwln ; Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pi. Bel ] phone 15K6. PAUL BECK general hauling, local i and long distance, making a specially . .of furniture, piano and sate moving. Call at 1*1.7 Naudaln St. or Bell 623i>j. . —v WE Move Anything, Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third Street v WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS " SAMUEL S. FACKLEft FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St BELT. 1956 DIAL 2134 RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. I 511 North Second Street BELL 262 DIAL 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miner Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old full and win ter clothes look new. We cull and de liver. Both phones. H. GOODMAN. 1806% North Sixth Street POULTRY AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE—Five hens, one duck, nine spring chickens, sls for lot. Man's coaster brake bicycle, price $7. Electric vacuum cleaner cheap.. Call at 1310 Cowden St. AUTOMOBILES Reo rcadsiei. real bargain. 1917 Stuaebakcr, repainted and in line shape. Oldtmoblle. 4 cyl., tires good and In fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE U SUPPvT -3, 1917 North Third Street FOR SALE / ONE COMMERCIAL BODY; ONE TAXI BODY; ONE RACER BODY. WILL SELL CHEAP. SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO. FOR SALE —1916 6 cylinder Reo touring car. A 1 conditiou, Ave new j tires, new top, lirst SIOO takes it. I Coxestown Garage. Dial 5761. FOP SALE —Cuaiiner'o sedan, 1911; new upnolsicruig; Chandler. 1919, 4- passenger, spoil model: wire wheels, bumper, spot light, 6 new tires; Over land. 1918. 0 delivery ear. inquire Penn-Harrls Taxlcab oiflce, care Penn-Hairis Hotel. ~~ OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auio Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22, 24, 26 North Cameron Street Bell 3633. MAGNETOS —AH types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisnian. Dixie. Spiltdorf, Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiffman. 22-24-2* North Cameron street Bell 3633. FOR PALE—i9Io Buick. in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-i'S South Cameron Street. ROADSTER for sale, in the best of I condition, good tires, new top and electric equip. $250 lakes it. Inquire E. W. Lichtenberger, 2164 N. 4th St. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell 4564. FOR SALE —1 to "ton capacity Mar tin truck, 35 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House, 15 S. Market Square. CARS'. CARS! CARS! Two Chevrolet touring. 1916 model. One Chevrolet touring. 1917 model. One Royal mail Chevrolet roadster. One Buick roadster, 1915 model. One Buick roadster. 1914 model. These cars nave ueen thoroughly overhauled and are in the very best of mechanical condition and electrically equipped lights and starters. We also do all kinds of automo bile repairing. Truck work a special ty. You will And us every day from 7' a 111. to 5 p. m. at 1336-38-40 Thompson ave., at the Thompson Ave. Garage. Edwin Phelps, Mgr. JEFFREY, 4 cylinder, 7 passenger, in excellent condition, newly painted. ! Phone 488 J. j FORD touting, II model, electric ! lignts; runs unu pJHs new. Price 1375 earn. Dial 3tt-C. S. R. Horst, Jngieaiown, near Harrisburg. I 1917 Chandler, club roadster, S9OO. 1918 Reo louring, flue running or der. at a bargain price. 1917 Ford touring, excellent condi tion, $825. 1 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice $285. 1914 Overland, touring, $286. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. The above ears will appeal to the average buyer In the market tor a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO.. A. Schiffman, Manager. For Sale. 1918, 5 passenger, Buick six, looks like new. Price SIOOO. Also several two-ton trucks in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. SELDON TRUCK CO., 1021 Market St. i • AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars tor business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run ning order. $695. liorst. Linglestowu. FOIt SALE —Two-lou International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap ply FREDERICK'S GARAGE, 443 S. Cameron Street. FOR SALE —Studebaker, 1917 mod el, 7 passenger touring car in first class condition. Camp Curtin Garage, Seventh and Camp Sts. PAN-AMERICAN, big six, 1919 touring, run 2,000 miles, like new, will demonstrate. G. J. Swope, 602 North 16th. Bell 675 J. SECOND-HAND motor trucks for sale cheap. White three-quarter ton; Chalmers, 1-ton; Ford Unit one-ton; Kohler one-ton; Internationals half ton; three-quarter ton. one-ton, one and a half-ton. Good variety to select from. Prices SBOO and up. Internation al Harvester Company of America, Motor Truck Department. 619-21 Wul nut street FOR SALE—StudeDaker, 4 cylinder, in good shape, good paint a bargain. Dial 4068, 85 Hummel ave., Leinoyne. FOR SALE —Chevrolet. 1919 tour ing car; extras, bumper, spotlight, etc. Excellent condition. Good reason for selling. Price reasonable. Address Box T-7793 care Telegraph. FOR SALE —Dodge roadster. 1918 model, like new, run 4.800 miles, new cord tires, every accessory. Bell 2609 M. WANTED —All kmdo f used auto tires. W pay highest cash prices. No Junk Ft. Erterbrook. 912 North Third street Dial 4990. (Continued In Next Column) AUTOMOBILES f - FOR SALE A Hupmobile roadster, start er, etc.; good condition; lots of extras. Bargain to a quick buyer. Apply 223 North Sec ond Street. . - | 1916 WILLY'S-KNIGHT Touring car, In good condi tion, live good tires. Price S7OO. COXESTOWN GARAGE Dial 6751 BARGAINS f PREMIER—Touring, like new; cheap. BETHLEHEM—2',4-ton. dump body. I WHITE—S-ton, dump body. | DUPLEX—New condition; van body. FEDERAL 3%-ton, dump body; three. ACME—3 V4-ton, Woods dump body. DENBY—3-ton. Woods dump body. I DENBY*—Stake body; like new. I CADILLAC —Unit, with two-wheel trailer. FORD—S-passenger, touring. MACK—2-ton, Woods dump body. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DENBY SALES CORPORATION, 1205 Capital Street. FOR SALE 1919 5-passenger Buick, lias beer, driven 3,400 miles, new Goodyear all weather tred tires, one extra tire, bumper. Car is practically new. Bar gain to quick cash buyer. MILLER AUTO CO., Third and Locust Streets. Bell 5295. FOR SALIC —Ford touring, 1915 model; good condition, $3 7 5. Driscoll Auto CO.. 147 South Cameron St. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET. FOR SALE—Reading standard, 3- speed motorcycle, just overhauled, j Will sell cheap. Apply Box 99, Camp | Hill. _ 1917 Harley-DAVIDSON motorcycle, with side car, electric equipped, thoroughly overhauled and painted. Price $275. Coxeatown Garage, Dial 5751. Garages, Accessories ami Repairs CPEN FOR BUSINESS Officially open for business in our new garage at 413 South Cameron street. We have a model fireproof building and storage, dead or live Weight, for over 100 cars. We thank our patrons for past services and desire, to have them see our new place of business. SCANDALIS & FEDERICKS, MOTOR CAR CO., 443 South Cameron Street GARAGE for rent steam heat electric light, wash stand and car storage, $5. Apply 1745 North sixth Street GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING— Lyter's Garage, cor. Susquehanna and Delaware Sts., carburetors, ignition starting systems, for those leaky pis tens. see us. All work guaranteed. Paul D. Lyter, proprietor. Bell phone. —i TOUR Dodge plus a Raytield car buretor. That's a great combination— a Rayfield equipped Dodge. The spe cial Dodge model is inexpensive and the saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent, will pay for it ta a short time. A Kayileid on any car in creases its efficiency all around. My. how she pulls the hills. Federlck s Garage, 443 & Cameron St AUTO repairing of all kind; first class mechanics ou ail makes of cars. Susquehanna Motor Co.. 117-121 South Third St Open day and nighty AUCTION AUCTION SERVICE OF THE BETTER QUALITY AUCTIONEER HITE 422 S. 13TH. BELL 1875 J. EVERYTHING IN ROMPING. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. LEGAL NOTICES I'ROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE. Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Penna. Seuled proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa„ until two (2) o'clock p. m., No vember 11, 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials for the erection of superstructure of bridge over the North Branch of the Susquehanna river, at Laceyville. Wyoming county, Pennsylvania, as indicated fully j n the plans and specifications prepared by William B. Paxson, of Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania, consulting en gineer for the Board of Commission ers of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished Prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Penna. Proposals must be marked "Pro posal for Erection of Superstructure of Laceyville Bridge" on outside cover. T. W. TEMPLETON Superintendent L. W. MITCHELL. Secretary. EXECUTORS' PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned, executqrs of the estate of Harriet Cassel, deceased, with the sole devisee under decedent's will Joining therein, will sell at public sale in tront of the Courthouse, Har risburg. Pa., on Thursday, November 20, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m„ the follow ing described real estate. Three-story brick dwelling house and lot of land situate at 933 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pennsylva nia. Fronting 21 feet on North Third street, and extending back the same width 131 feet to James alley. Also six two-story frame dwelling houses. Nos. 414, 416, 418', 420, 422 and 424 Hamilton street, fronting on ing back the same width 62 feet to a three-foot private alley. Terms made known on day of sale. BENJAMIN M. NEAD, B. FRANK NEAD. Executors of the last, will and testament of Harriet Cassel, deceased. Bessie U. Tuipln, sole devisee. ■id > af had a better one A college professor who was al ways ready for a joke was asked by a student if he would like a good receipt for catching rabbits. "Why, yes," replied the professor. "What is It?" "Well," said the student, "you crouch down behind a thick stonu wall and make a noise like a turnip." That may be," said the professor, with a twinkle in his eye, "but a better way than that would be for you to go and sit quietly In a bed of cabbage heads and look natural." — Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. PRECAUTIONS "Why are you looking so bad, old chap?" My wife leaves for the shore to morrow. If I look happy she may postpone it." Boston Globe. NOTICE ALL members of Brotherly Love Lodge are ask to be present at meet- i ing to-night to make arrangements for the funeral of Brother John Keiser. HENRY HERBERT, P. S. ! LEGAL NOTICES Letters of administration on the' estate of Robert L. Gardner, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin 1 County, Penna., deceased, having been I granted to the undersigned, residing I in Hanlsburg, all persons indebted to; said estate are requested to make! immediate payment and those having ! claims will present them to me. ACQUILLA B. GARDNER. I Administratrix. No. 37 S. Seventeenth Street. ELECTION PROCLAMATION i WHEREAS, the Council of the City ot Harrisburg, by ordinance No. 129,1 session of 1918-1919. duly passed and signed by the Mayor of said city on August 25, 1919, signified the desire of the corporate authorities of said city to use tile sum of three hundred thousand dollurs ($300,0001, authoris ed by the electors at an election held November 2, 1915, to be borrowed for the construction of a bridge, with the necessary approaches thereto, on the line of Walnut street, from a point at or about the western line of the right of way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to a point at or about the intersection of Twelth and Walnut streets, and the consequential damages resulting therefrom, for the purpose of making a payment to Hie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to ward the cost of the construction of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial bridge at State street, and its ap proaches. authorized by act No. 421, of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania. approved July 18. 1919; author ized the submissior. of the question of such use to a vote of the qualified eteotors of the eity; and fixed the time for the holding of an election for that purpose; therefore, NOTICE is hereby given that nn election will be held, at the time and places for holding the general muni cipal election in the City .of Harris burg. on Tuesday, the 4th day of No vember, 1919, between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of obtaining the as sent of the electors to sucli use of the money so authorized to be bor rowed as aforesaid. The amount of money theretofore borrowed or authorized to be borrow ed is Ihiee hundred thousand dollars ($310,000). The purpose for which such money was originally authorized was the construction of a bridge, with the necessary approaches thereto, on the lino of Walnut street, from a point at. or about the western line of the right of way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to a point at or about the intersection of Twelfth and Walnut streets, and the consequential damages resulting therefrom. The reason why said money may not be used for the purpose for which it was borrowed or authorized to be borrowed is that the purpose has proven to be impracticable and im possible because the said sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) is now inadequate, by reason of large increases in the price of labor and materials, to pay the cost of the pro posed structure, aside from the cer tain consequential damages incident thereto- and, furtheH because the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by act No. 420 of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, approved July 18. 1919 has authorized the erection and construction, as a memorial to the citizens of this Commonwealth who qf.rved In the military and naval forces of the United States in the late world war a Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Bridge, with memorial py lons at the western end thereof, and with the necessary approaches, from a Doint on what is now State street, fn the Capitol Park. In the City of Harrisburg. following the line of State street across the tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad to a point at or near Thirteenth street, in said city, which bridge, as designed, will be much more elaborate, spacious and convenient than the proposed Walnut street bridge, and wilj serve the con venience of a far greater part of the Duhllc than the proposed Walnut street bridge. Including those who would have been most advantaged by the proposed "Walnut street bridge, as the proposed Memorial Bridge will be about four hundred feet north of the proposed Wal-nut street bridge and practically parallel therewith, and will have approaches running to or near Walnut street; and the cor norate authorities of the city desire to co-operate with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the payment of said sum pf three hundred thousand dollars toward the cost of the con struction of this lasting tribute to the valor of its sons in the late World war and incidentally secure the con struction of a bridge in every respect excelling the proposed Walnut street purpose for which the cor porate authorities desire to use said money borrowed or authorized to be borrowed is for making a payment to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania toward the coat of the construction ot the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Bridge at State street, and its ap proaches, authorized by act No. 420, of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania. approved July 18. 1919. THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, By (Signed) DANIEL L. KEISTER, Mayor, ATTEST. (Signed), R. ROSS SEAMAN, City Clerk. (Corporate Seal) Harrisburg. Pa.. October 2. 1919. ELECTION PROCLAMATION NOTICE of an election to be held November 4. 1919, to decide whether or not the indebtedness of the City of Harrisburg shall be increased. NOTICE is hereby given that an election will be held, at the time and places for holding the general muni cipal election in the City of Harris burg. on Tuesday, the 4th day of No vember, 1919, between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m.. and 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of obtaining the as sent of the electors to a proposed in crease of indebtedness of the. City of Harrisburg. The amount of the last assessed val uation of taxable property In the City of Harrisburg is sixty-two millions, five hundred tntousand, four hundred and seventy-five dollars ($62,500,475). The amount of the existing debt of the City of Harrisburg is one million, five hundred and seventy-five thou sand, and eighty-nine dollars (sl.- 575.089). The amount of the proposed in creasu of Indebtedness of the City of Harrisburg is one hundred and ninety thousand dollars ($190,000). The percentage of the proposed' in crease of indebtedness of the City of Harrisburg is .00394 (minus) per cent. The purposes for which the indebt edness aforesaid la to be increased are aH follows, viz: "For the construction of sewers one hundred thousand dollars (SIOO - 000)." "For the paving of Intersections of highways and in front of non-assess able properties, fifty thousand dol lars ($60,000)." "For the construction of a bathing beach, or beaches, and also bath houses and boathouses, or any of them, forty thousand dollars (S4O - 000)." THE CITY OF HARRISBURG By (Signed) DANIEL L. KEISTER ATTEST. Mayof (Signed). R. ROSS SEAMAN, City Clerk. (Corporate Seal) Harrisburg, Pa.. October 2, 1919, l|, MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Allis Chalmers 47% 46 Amer. Beet Sugar 97% 99 , American Can 62% 62% j Am. Car and Fndry'Co.. .133% 132%! Amer. Loco 106 106 ; Amer. Smelting 66% 66% 1 Amer. Sugar 145 146 , Anaconda 66 65% ' Atchison 90% 91 j Baldwin Loco 143 141% ' Balto. and Ohio 40 39% Bethlehem Steel, B. ...105% 105% Butte Copper 24% 24% I Cal. Petro 53% 54 Can. Pacific 148% 148% /Central Leather 103 103% I Chi., Mil. and St. Paul.. 42% 42% ! Chi., R. I. and Pacific ... 27% 27% I Chlno Con. Copper 41% 41% ■ Col. Fuel and Iron 45% 45% 1 Corn Products 97 96% I Crucible Steel 246% 245 ! Erie 15% 15% General Electric 170 170 General Motors 380 381 Goodrich, B. F 89 90 Great North, pfd 84% 84 Great North. Ore, subs .. 43% 42% Inspiration Copper 68% 58 Interboro Met 5% 5% Int. Nickel 27% 27% Int. Paper 65% 65 Kennecott 33% 33% I.ackawanna Steel 92% 92 Lehigh Valley 47 46% Maxwell Motors 51 50% Mere. Mar Ctfs 61 60% Mere. Mar Ctfs., pfd. *...112 111% Mex. Petroltoum 252% 251% Miami Copper 26% 26% Midvale Steel 52% 62% Missouri pacific 28 - 28 N. Y. Central 72% 72% N. Y., N. H. and H 33 32% Nevada Copper 17 17 Norfolk and West 100 99% Northern Pacific 85% 85 t Pittsburgh Coal 62 62% | Penna. R. R 43% 43% Railway Steel Spg 99% 99% Ray Con. Copper 22% 22% Reading 81% 80% Republic Iron and 5tee1..117% 119 Southern Pacific 107% 107% Southern Ry 25 25 Sinclair Oil and R 60% 60% Studebaker 139% 131 Union Pacific 123% 123% l IL S. I. Alcohol 106% 106% | IU. S. Rubber 125% 126% I lU. S. Steel 107% 107%- Utah Copper 80% 79%' Westinghouse Mfg 56% 56% I Willys-Overland 34% 34%' Pierce Arrow 87 86% 1 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, Oct. 30. —Tallow, low er; prime elty loose, 16%e: special loose, 17%e; prime country, 15% c; edible in tierces, 19c. Live Poultry—Higher, fowls as to quality, 22®320; live chickens. 22 @.20. Dressed Poultry—F'irm; fowls high er; fresh killed, choice to fancy, 27 ® 40c. Potatoes—Firm; nearby No. 1 per bnsliet. 90c®51.15. Oats—Firm. No. 1 white, 8l%@82; No. 2. 80%©81; No. 3. 79%®80c. Butter—Higher; western creamery, extra. 71c; nearby prints, fancy, 7 7 @79c. Cheese—Firm: New York and JPfls consin, full milk, 31®33%c. Eggs—l-'irm; nearby firsts. $20.10 per case; current receipts. $19.50; western extra firsts. $20.10; firsts, $18.90® 19.50; fancy selected packed, 74®76c per dozen. F'lour—Quiet; soft winter straight western, $10(u) 10.25; short, $9.75®10; hard winter straight. $11.35® 11.55; Kansas short patent. $11.75® 12.25; spring first clear. $9.25@9.75; patent, i 12® 12.56; short patent. $12.50® 12.75; fancy spring and city mills, patent family brand, $12.75@13.25. Hny—Quiet but steady; timothy No. 1, $32; No. 2. $28@30; No. 3. $24®27. A Bit of Logic— Wf JIPTI ou nee< * a law yer, y° u consult the best law \\l id I \ yer you can get. That's logical. When sickness comes into the family, the physician called in is the one in whom you have the utmost confidence—the one of greater experience. Apply the same principles when printing problems confront you. Consult the printer of widest range of experience—the specialist! The Telegraph Printing Company is an In stitution of Specialists in the Printing Arts— each man selected because of his particular knowledge of his phase of the printing trade. Your printing problems are safe in the hands of such men. Plate Printing Die Stamping Social and Business Engraving Wedding Announcements and — Invitations Calling Cards Dinner and Party Cards Banquet Cards arid— Menus Business Stationery Folders Announcements \ Personal, Business and— Social Printing of Every Character , IMTelegraphPrintingCo Telegraph Building and Cameron & State Streets j Clover—Mixed hay. S2B@SO; No. 1 mixed. $26@27. Bran—Steady; fair demand; aoft winter, western in 100 pound sacks, t4s@ 46 per ton; spring, $44@46. CHICAGO CATTLE MAHKF.T Chicago, Oct. 30.—HOBS Receipts 32.00 C, strong. Bulk. $13.50@14.10; top, $14.15; heavy, $13.60(314.10; medium. 112.60@14.15; light. 13.60@ 14.10; light lights, $13.85@13.8C; heavy packing sows, smooth. sl3 @ 13.50; packing sows, rough, $12.75@13; pigs, $12.50 @13.50. Cattle—Receipts. 20,000, unsettled. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. sl7@l>.Co; medium and good, $10.50@ 16.76; com mon, $8.25@10.50; light weight, good ) and choice, $14@19.25; common and medium, $7.50@3.75; butcher cattle, j heifers, $6.75@14.50; cows. $6.50@13; [ fanners and cutters, $5.35@6.50; veal calves, $17@18.26; feeder steers, $6.76 @l3; stocker steers, $6@10.26; west ern range, steers, $7.75@16.50; cows and heifers, s6@l3. Sheep Receipts 26,000, weak. Lambs, $12.2R@15.25; culls and com mon, $8.50@12; ewes, medium, good and choice, $6.75@"8; culls and com mon. $3@6.50; breeding. $6.75@12.50. CAMPING AS AN AHT Moroccan encampment, whether it is military or that of some traveling band, is always picturesque. The tents of persons of distinction are often surmounted with copper balls and decorated with arabesques of cloth. Camping is a fine art in Morocco where the roads are almost impass able and the chief means of trans portation is by caravan. All day one rides across the great p'atns, prodi gally covered with iris, daffodils, daisies, buttercups and wild lavender. Perhaps a wild band of horsemen 1 will gallop by, their robes sea green, salmon colored and blue; streaming in the wind, their horses] richly caparisoned like those of i some crusading king. Occasionally one skirts a little vil lage built of mud and water and sur rounded by fields of wheat and barley. Here and there the white domed shrine of some saint rises serenely above the plain. At sun down the shepherds playing on their reed flutes drive their flocks of sheep and goats home from pasture. Then it is time to pitch the tents ■ near a grove of orange trees or on j I a farly carpet of red anemones. One j dines on roast sheep and couscous, and Is lulled to sleep by the songs of the guard under the intense blue ft the African sky.—Argonaut. SORE NEGLECT An officer in the division, see ing one of his men limping pain fully, inquired the reason. "Well, suh. Ah was done kicked by a mu-el." "Kicked by a mule! Why, George, how did .that happen?" "Ah doan' know, suh. Ah guess Ah done fohgot to salute him." — Everybody's Magazine. ALL ALIKE Patient—The doctor's hills are j higher and my wife says the medt- I cines cost more than they did. Nurse —Don't worry about that ] now. I want to take your tempera- ! ture. Patient —I'll bet you'll find even i that is going up.—Baltimore Ameri- j can. NOT WORRIED "Of course some of tne profiteers j will manage to escape." "Undoubtedly. I don't see the j slightest sign of anxiety in the face 1 of our head Vaiter."—Washington ! Star. LjU BEALSftlTKNolljri| , ■ I HARRIBBBITEHOIL WORKS fl I I ISO LDGUST BX. HARRIBfifo. Wl U J MOORHEADCO. , TO ENTERTAIN Employes to Be Guests aj Party in Chestnut Street .Hall Friday Evening A Halloween party and dance, th first of a series of entertainments ts be given during the winter of lIIV-28 for their employes, will be staged by the Moorhead Knitting Company In Chestnut Street Hall on Friday evening. A number of interesting and entertaining features have been arranged for the employes and thsis friends. In keeping with the spirit of tha season, many will masquerade for th evening's affair. A number of well selected prizes will be awarded ts those appearing most attractively garbed. Dancing will have the leading part on the evening's program with tha Municipal Orchestra furnishing tha music. Fortune telling by a witch, apple and doughnut bobbing, pump kin pie eating contest and sipping cider through a straw are otber events that are included on the eve ning's program. Prises will be award ed in each of the three later num bers. Telephone Your "OFFICE 5.0.5." Bell B—2—s From B—to—s PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS, NO TARY PUBLIC, MUI.TIGRAPH ING, CIRCULARIZING AND OTHER OFFICE WORK. Promptness and Efficiency OFFICE SERVICE CO. Room 611, Kunkel Bldg. Help Wanted Press Feeders at Once The Telegraph Printing Co. Cameron and State Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. 21