Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 29, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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Unions in This Country Are
Threatened by Them,
Sproul Declares
By Associated Press
North Adams. Mass., Oct. 29. —The
unions of the country are beset by
radicals who would destroy them to
clear tho way to a class revolution,
said Governor William C. Sproul. of
Pennsylvania, at a rally in the inter
est of Governor Coolidge's campaign
for re-election, last night, lie praised
Governor Coolidgc's steps to "uphold
the sovereignty of the state," in the
strike of Boston policemen which, bo
said, "ir. its relation to the future
safety and well-being of the people
*Cf this republic, was as important as
•the affair at Concord and Ijexington."
"Labor." said Governor Sproul, "as
The Quick Way Is to Use Dr,
Kings New Discovery
DON'T put off until to-night
what you can do to-day. Step
into your druggist's and buy
a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Start taking it at once. By
the time you reach home you'll be
on the' way to recovery.
This standard family friend has
been breaking colds, coughs, grippe
kttacks and croup for mdre than
fifty years. It's used wherever sure
fire relief is appreciated. Children
and grownups alike can use it—
there is no disagreeable after-effect.
Your druggist has it. 60c and $1.20
Bowels Begging For Help
Torpid liver pleading for assist
ance? How careless to neglect
these things when Dr. King's New
Life Pills so promptly, mildly, yet
effectively come to their relief!
Leaving the system uncleaned,
clogged bowels unmoved, results in
health-destructive after-effects. Let
stimulating, tonic-in-action Dr.
King' 3 New Life Pills bring you the
happiness of regular, normal bowel
and liver functioning. Keep feeling
fit, doing the work of a man or wom
an who finds relish in it. All drug
If you have Catarrhal Deafness
or are "even just a little hard of
hearing or have head noises go to
your druggist and get 1 ounce of
Parmint. (double strength), and
add to It 14 pint of hot water and
a little granulated sugar. Take I
tablespoonful four times a day.
This will often bring quick re
lief from the distressing head
noises. Clogged nostrils should
open, breathing become easy and
the mucus stop dropping into the
[throat. It is easy to prepare, costs
► little and is pleasant to take. Any-
Cone losing hearing or who lias
►Catarrhal Deafness or head noises
[should give this prescription a
► trial.
Detroit Vapor Baby Carriages
Oil Range and Strollers
"Burns Like Gas" The Lar e est selection in
A practical range for
every month in the year
a cost impossible to any plO*f DtO J>TrU.UU
other type of range. —————i————
Operates on ordinary Kero- Stradivara Phonographs
sene Qil "Known For Tone"
White Porcelain Top, Roll Model illustrated with very
Doors. Fully equipped. A large cabinet and record file,
very unusual cabinet for and finish, complete.
$45.00 $115.00
Our Low Expanse Is Your Saving
Open U OOV El 3 Carlisle
Every £J| Furniture Company 1\ ?3 w. p'lgh
Evemn g Street
represented by the patriotic American
workmen, who. under sane and pro
gressive leadership, have attained so
much for themselves and have served
the nation so well, engaged in a bat
tle to preserve its organizations from
the radicals who would destroy them
because they are in the way of a class
revolution. It would suit these ue
structionists exactly if they could get
hold of the forces of public safety in
this country. The municipal govern
ments, then the state government,
and finally the national government
would then be easy game.
Would Terrorise Notion
"Uproar and disorder are their op
portunity. A few thousand organized
I cutthroats could terrorize the nation
If the forces of protection were para
lyzed. The policemen in Boston were
the victims of the plan. They had no
idea of being used to further a scheme
of national destruction. The strike
there was carried out in innocence of
any wrongdoing. I firmly believe but
I am Just as thoroughly convinced
that it was conceived in villainy ana
was. to be a part of a general scheme
to palsy the power of the B<>vern
ment to protect itself. It is to tho
eternal credit of Massachusetts that
you met the issue as you did.
•"Ninety-five per cent, of our people
are all right. But we must be alert —
we must not sit by and let confla
gration get started here which it
may take years of sacrifice to over
Standn by Wilson v
The Pennsylvania executive an Id
his support of Governor Coolidge s
administration was regardless of
party lines, adding: .
"I stood bv the Democratic Presi
dent of the United States ra
tional emergency and . J _ a *"® "jdeh
Ev bin 1 now in another one wnicn
seems as threatening as the menace
across the peas a year ago. I na\.
telegraphed him that the government
of Pennsylvania will co-operate with
him in any plan that hemayhave to
meet the emergency grow ing out ot
the threatened coal * Tnd
brine d'trcss and destruction, ana
death even. to innocent people
country th( , two
members of his cabinet.
svlvaniars. too, who are pla>tng a
tig part in helping to solve the trou
b ? of the hour —William B. Wilon
who was himself a Pennsjliania
co-al miner and a union leader and
Who is now the Secretary of Laboi.
and A. Mitchell Talmer. the Attorney
General, who was my roommate in
Swarthmore College."
Hard Liquor's Taste
Fails to Budge Jury
New York, Oct. 29. While the
I'nited States Senate was pas.-ing the
Prohibition Enforcement bill over the
President's veto yesterday, the pro
prietor of a famous "White Way cafe
was put on trial here for selling l'd u ° r
in defiance of the law. Numerous hot
ties, flasks and demijohns seized in the
cafe were arrayed in court and Thomas
A. Gleason, a government chemist, took
the stand. .
Sample after sample was passed to
Xlr. Gleason, who consulted his palate
and pronounced in succession. t
"Rye whisky," "Scotch whisky,
ginger ale high ball." "sherry wine.
The jury looked and listened, retired
and in a few minutes reported—not
Gleason said his power of tasting
had not in the least affected his testi
The monthly meeting of the Har-|
11 isburg Academy of Medicine will be
i held Friday evening at 8.30 o clock,
i when Dr. Thomas R. Brown, gastro
-1 enterologist of Johns' Hopkins Hos
i pital, will deliver a lecture on New
Methods of Diagnosis and Treat
iment of C.astro-Infestinal Diseases.
I Dr. Brown is well known among the
i physicians of this city.
I Alexandria. Egypt. Saturday. Oct.
125 Two rioters were killed and t"n
I others injured, and 27 policemen were
! hurt n a serious nationalist demon-
I stratior. vesterday. The trouble arose
1 when the police attempted to suppress
a peaceable demonstration, such as
have recently been a weekly feature
of political activity in Alexandria.
West Shore Town Has Big
Program Ready For Cele
bration, Parade and Din
ner; Elaborate Decorations
Arranged For Event; Nearly
One Hundred on Honor Roll
Knola, Pa., Oct. 29.—Soldiers,
sailors, marines, nurses and other
residents who may have been in
the military service during the past
war, numbering almost 100,. will l>e
properly honored at a welcome
home celebration to-morrow, ar
ranged by residents of Enola and
the remaining sections of Upper
Kast Pennsboro township. All of the
events of the day will be staged In
Of the men and women sent out
from Enola to participate in the
gigantic struggle, all but four have
returned safely home. Special ar
rangements have been made to fit
tingly honor the memory of these
four youths during the day's cele
bration. They are: James E. Mc-
Sherry, killed in action: Lee J.
Shover, died of disease: M. G. Clen
denin, died of disease; Harry Waltz,
killed in action.
D.T On Honor Roll
Ninety-five names are included on
the honor roll of Upper East Penns
boro township. In which Enoia is in
cluded. These included the four men
previously mentioned who died in
the service.
The residents of Knola. proper who
returned are: Harry E. Arndt, Harry
L. Adams, Paul B. Aller. Philip Beh
rens, Ray E. Brubaker, W. H. Busey,
Calvin M. Backenstoe, J. X. Burkey,
Geroge W. Blouser. A. S. Brown, N. G.
Clendennin, Joseph Cornicelli. Earl E.
Davis. Claude Z. Detwiler, George D.
Kisenberger, Alfred W. Frymyer,
Warren W. Gracey, W. A. Gruver.
Howard Henry, D. Horning, Raymond
K. Hoover, Harold XI. Hippie, H. B.
Harter, William G. Hoffman, Walter
W. Kuntzleman, Harry Kline, Harry
Laverty. Clarence W. Xlinnich. Dr.
Claude Vc. MeMeen, Orren C. McCaleb
William J. Mumma. Howard J. Mcln
tyre, Harry F. Mclntyre, Alvin C.
Miller, Claude D. Martin, Roy W. My
ers. John E. Peters,-Charles >t. Roth
aar, Lavier M. Roath, O. F. Reicken
bach, James Snyder, Max I. Snyder,
Norman F. Shuey. George E. Schutt,
Albert J. Stiger. Victor L. Thomas and
Charles Yeingst.
Service veterans of the sections of
the township, exclusive of Enola, are:
Miss Ruth Addams, nurse: Xlarion
Addams, J. Alberta, Joseph W. Ben
ner, Oliver XI. Benner, John Bowore,
Henry M. Brandt, Xlillard W. Bretz.
Raymond E. Bretts, Walter H. Craw
ford, William H. Eckenrode, John B.
Emerick, George C. Eshleman, Harry
Fanical. John G. Flora, Vernon W.
Flora. Daniel B. Fortney, Leroy Fort
ney, Ross C. Gutshall, Paul F. Heck
ard, Joseph H. Horton, Lewis J. Hor.
ton, Harold S. Houser, James A. Lenk
er, Wilson S. Lilly, Hugh A. Logan,
Joshua C. Leper, Paul N. Matthias, D.
R Xturray, Grover C. Roth, Clarence
Shelly, Joy Smith, D. P. Snavely, D.
Turner, C. Turner. Earl R. Vogelsong,
George W. Warfel, Charles W. Wal
lace and Leslie S. Webster.
The following service men, not res
idents of the town, have removed to
it since their discharge:
Bruce S. Binners, S. G, Holmes, Roy
W. Horst, Bruce Klugh, Herman L.
Ijeiter, Leroy Spenoe, George W. Wi
ley, George E. Napper, C. C. Xliliken.
I J P. Yeingst, L. F. Xlartz, C. E. Bru-
I baker, C. E. Grimes, L. B. Webb, and
Charles Kauffman.
Fuel Administration
May Be Again Called Into
Existence Through Strike
By Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 29. Federal
Fuel Administrator Harry A. Garfield
discussed the threatened strike if bi
tuminous coal miners to-day with Sec
retary Tumulty at the White H >use.
He was summoned here from Williams
College of which he is president.
Dr. Garfield, who still has authority
to function as fuel administrator, said
he was in close touch with the strike
situation and expressed confidence that
a settlement would be reached without
a walkout of the miners.
The fuel administrator would not dis
cuss his conference with Mr. Tumulty
but his visit to the White House re
vived suggestions that, the tuel adminis
trator might again be called into ex
istence to exercise the wartime control
over fuel provided for in the L.ever Food
control act.
AVhile actively serving as administra
tor. Dr. Garfield was instrumental in
bringing about the so-called Wasnlng
ton wage agreement which expires April
1, 1920. or at the end of the war
! and which, it has been contended,
| would be violated if the miners
I should walk out.
When You Buy a
Suit or An
Think of It As An
You cannot pick anything
more useful or serviceable than
one of our Garments.
Save $lO
$25 ° S4O
Special Hosiery this week
Chairman of Decorating Committee Chairman of General Committee and
Chief Marshal of Parade
-i * hD'
hhSS #
• f..' , §BH Bh
Treasurer and Chairman of Finance Secretary and Chairman of Publicity
Committee Committee'
British Officer Makes
Daring Petrograd Visit
By Associated Press
Hclsingtors, Tuesday, Oct. 28.
Lieutenant Colonel Lestrange Ma
lone, a Liberal member of the Brit
ish House of Commons, has return
ed after a daring unofficial visit to
Petrograd. He told friends here that
he was convinced after an investi
gation of the political and military
situations of Russia, that it is im
probable that Petrograd will fall
this winter. He said that reports
of dissension among the Bolshe
viki were untrue and that Lenine
and Trotsky appeared to be working
in entire accord.
He saw Trotsky review thousands
of soldiers, who enthusiastically
hailed him as a "divine leader." Col
onel Malone said that the Bolsheviki
asserted that General Denikine had
lost the confidence and support of
the Allies and had reached an un
derstanding with General Von Der
Goltz and Colonel Bermondt, head
ing the so-called west Russian army,
composed largely of Germans in the
Baltic provinces.
Colonel Malone entered Russia
from Reval, passing through the
Esthonian line.
Capitol Hill Notes
Public Service Commissioner Sam
uel M. Clemant, Jr., is at Williams
port to conduct the Northern Cen
tral gas hearing.
Word received at the Capitol to
day was to the effect that Judge H.
A. Fuller, of Wilkes-Barre, was in
a serious condition.
Much Interest is being manifested
in the Philadelphia campaign at the
Capitol and the developments of
yesterday are much commented up
on. Congressman J. Hampton
Moore's action in appealing for a
cessation of the councilmanic strife
and a turn in for a straight ticket
seems to have struck a responsive
chord. The Inquirer says that as a
result there will be "a good show
ing" Tuesday. The Congressman
rapped the independents and re
formers who talk and do not act
or vote, while Senator Vare in an
address to the Republican city com
mittee said that the organization
was 100 per cent, for Moore.
Governor Sproul lias sent word
for the State Board of Public Chari
ties to begin work within a week
on the investigation of the Eastern
Isr. G. M. Phillips, former mem
ber of the State Board of Education
and well known here, was honored
by West Chester Normal school stu
dents last night as it was his sixty
fifth birthday. State officials sent
Governor Sproul and Attorney
General W. I. Schalfer are to speak
at Chester's big campaign on Satur
The State has agreed to keep the
Reading employment office cpen un
til December owing to protests filed
from that place.
By Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 29.—The his
toric American flag which flew over
the Capitol during the war sessions
of Congress was sent to Governor
Holoomb, of Connecticut, to-day by
Secretary Glass, as a reward for the
State being first in oversubscriptions
to the Victory Loan, Connecticut
oversubscribed its ' quota 49.95 per
cent. Alaska was second with 40.96
per cent., according to revised fig
ures and the District of Columbia"
third with 39,66 per cent.
Among the states. Michigan rank
ed second with an oversubscription
of 35.70 per cent.
F. H. Hantzman, with M. Hollen
berger as contractor, secured a per
mit to build a one-story brick garage
at the rear of 613 Fonder street, at
a cost of S7OO. The Harrlsburg Brass
and Bronze Company, Calvin Weaver
contractor, secured a permit to con
struct a one-story frame building at
622 . South Cameron street, to cost
S3OO. ,
Chicago Newspaper
Man With Yudenitch
Seriously Wounded
By Associated Press
Paris, Oct. 29.—Richard H. Lit
tle, a Chicago newspaper correspon
dent with Yudenitch's army, was
seriously wounded in the fighting
near Petrograd, according to a mes
sage received from the American
relief administration representative
at Reval. * •
By Associated Press
IjOildon, Oct. 29. Passports for
most of the German and Austrian del
egates invited to confer here on .\ov<n>
her 5 in an eftort to reach a solution of
the internal problems of the central
empires have been refused by the. Brit
ish government. Among those who will
not come for this reason are Max War
burg. a Hamburg banker and Herr Von
Gwlnner, head of the Deutsche hank of
Berlin. It is announced that only three
German and three Austrian delegates
are coming for the conference.
Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 29.—Thi3
city is having a sugar famine, the
most serious it has yet experienced,
and syrup is being used in hotels
and at restaurants as a substitute in
making pies and pastry. Many res
taurants are without sugar, while
scores of families are reduced to
using syrup instead of sugar foi gen
eral purposes. Ice cream manufac
turers have reduced their output
Hagerstown. Md., Oct. 29.—One of
the Liberty airplanes owned by W.
R. Staley, of this city, piloted by
Lieutenant Collyer, was wrecked in
an accident yesterday near Martins
burg while Collyer was returning to
this city from North Carolina. One
wing was demolished, the propeller
broken and the body of the mnchine
damaged. Collyer escaped without
la scratch.
Gettysburg. Pa., Oct. 29. The
sugar situation here is becoming
more serious each week. Many of
the dealers are out of the white
sugar, and practically all of thorn
have no brown. For several weeks
customers have been limited to one
pound every two days. Unless there
is an increase in the supply it is
possible they may limit each family
to one pound a week.
New Cumberland, Pa., Oct.. 29.
The Rev. J. R. Hutchinson will
preach in Trinity United Brethren
church on Sunday, November 2, at
10.30 a. m. In the evening the Rev.
Dr. Statton, superintendent of this
preaching service an official meeting
will be held. B
Philadelphia, Oct. 29.—Mrs. Rachel
Foster Avery, long H national leader
In the woman suffrage movement,
died Sunday in the University Hospit
al. following nn operation. Her body
was cremated yesterday, when the
first public announcement of her
1 death was made. she Is survived by
two daughters.
New Cumberland, Ua., Oct. 29.
On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
H. F. Kohr entertained at dinner at
their home in Third street. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Kohr, Mrs. Annie Baughman, of New
Cumberland; Mrs. Hattie Baughman,
Camp Hill.
Sclinsgrovc, fa., Oct. 29. The
Brotherhood of the Emmanuel
Lutheran church is planning to hold
a welcome home for tjie soldiers of
Mlddleburg in the Lutheran church
Friday evening, November 7. Several
speakers have been engaged, and a
fine program will be given.
Rome. Oct. 29. The Vatican
has recognised the new republic of
Zchccbo-fc"iovaki it is officially declared.
Bodies Washed Ashore
Reveals Loss of Lake Ship
With Her Crew of Eight
By Associated Press
Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 29.—The
finding; nt daybreak to-day of two
bodies on the shore of hake Ontario,
wearing life preservers bearing the
name of the steam bargo Homer War
ren. of Toronto, revealed the total loss
of that vessel, with her crew of eight.
The shore was strewn with wreckage.
The Warren, in charge of Captain
Scalier, of Toronto, left Oswego, home
ward bound yesterday morning with
500 tons of coal. She was lust seen off
Pultneyvllle, 35 miles east of here, at
It a. m. yesterday while the gale was
raging. She is believed therefore to
have gone down during the night.
The bodies found have not been
Identified. The Warren belonged to the
Milne Company, of Toronto.
Bill Would Require Sale
of Army Autos at Auction
Washington, (let. 29. lmmediate
sale, at auction, of all surplus army
motor equipment, except 22,195 trucks
allocated to the States for road work,
would be asked the War Department In
a resolution introduced by llepresenta
tive Keavls, Nebraska, chairman of
a war investigating committee.
Thousands of passenger automobiles
and a large number of trucks are In
cluded in the equipment the War De
partment would be asked to sell.
Jewelry. worth approximately
$125. stolen from the Jewelry store
of P. E. Commings, 14 North Fourth
street, has been recovered in New
York City and ' was brought here
yesterday by Detective Speese. Wes
ley Jones has been held for court,
charged with this robbery.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
~ A Maker's Surplus
Stock of $5.00 to f
{i $7.50 Trimmed
Hats Offered
at $3.95 & $4.95
I T . • $3.00
More than 200 hats in the lot, fashioned of silk velvet and featuring many
Decoming styles at these low prices.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart; Second Floor.
Remnants of Colored and Black Dress
Goods Special For Thursday
Thursday is Remnant Day and for to-morrow we have about 250 packets
in lenghts from \ l / 2 to 6 yards of the best styles of the season. Every remnant
is fresh from regular stock and priced considerably below regular.
Colored Dress Goods
2}/ 2 yards Plaids. 36 inches wide; Thursday only $2.45
4 yards Copen Serge, 42 inches wide; Thursday only $9.95
4 yards Navy Serge, 42 inches wide; Thursday only $9.95
3 5-6 yards Green Serge, 45 inches wide; Thursday only $8.75
4/ 2 yards Navy Serge, 36 inches wide; Thursday only $3.95
3 yards Brown Santoy. 42 inches wide; Thursday only $7.25
yards Burgundy Serge, 44 inches wide; Thursday only $9.40
4 yards Copen Poplin, 42 inches wide; Thursday only $8.75
2 x /i yards Plaids, 40 inches wide; Thursday only $3.73
4 yards Grey Coating, 54 inches wide; Thursday only $9.95
Iy± yards Tan Jersey Cloth, 54 inches wide; Thursday only $3.50
1 l /z yards French Blue Cloth, 54 inches wide; Thursday only $3.50
Black Dress Goods
4j6 yards Sand Crepe, 42 inches wide; Thursday only $9.75
4 1-3 yards Poplin, 40 inches wide; Thursday only ; $7.90
3 1-6 vards Costume Serge, 41 inches wide; Thursday only $4.75
3]4 yards Poplin, 42 inches wide; Thursday only $5.85
3H yards French Serge, 54 inches wide; Thursday only $11.50
4J4 yards Costume Serge, 50 inches wide; Thursday only $7.90
3Yd yards Broadcloth, 54 inches wide; Thursday only $14.50
3 yards Poplin, 42 inches wide; Thursday only $6.95
5 yards Serge, 36 inches wide; Thursday only $3.95
4)4 yards French Serge, 54 inches wide; Thursday only $14.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
New Embroidered Georgette Flounces
A season of gayer apparel! On every hand evidence of it. Take the
new Embroidered Georgette Flounces, for instance. What lovely appeal there
is—and what an attractive finish to a pretty gown. The workmanship almost
equals that of hand embroidery—some patterns resemble eyelet work.
Shown in Brown, Navy and Taupe in three styles; 40 inches. Yard $6.75
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor
Children's Trot-Moc Shoes Famed For
Their Comfort and Service —^
The Trot-Moc is about the sturdiest shoe made for ' fj
children —a sturdiness that is not gained, either, at the
sacrifice of comfort. It is the way the shoes are made
and the quality of the leather that makes them such
good shoes. '
Sturdy Trot-Moc Shoes for children come in broad nature shaped lasts,
extra tips; blucher lace patterns, Goodyear welted soles and extension edges.
The uppers are of soft brown elk leather and the soles of chrome-tanned leather,
heavy stay to protect the back seams.
Regular cut; to 11; $4.50; liy 2 to 2, $5.00. ,
Pony cut; high top; S l / 2 to 11, $5.00; \\y 2 to 2; $6.00.
Dlvea, Pomeroy iS to wart, Balcony Rear Street Floor,
OCTOBER 29, 19i9>
Yudenitch Reported to
1 Declare Petrograd v
Attack Unsuccessful
Hfj Associated Press
Berlin. Oct. 29. —The anti-Bolshe
vist paper Prlsyp (apparently an
Ksthonlnn paper) prints a communica
tion from General- Yudenitch, dated
October 27. declaring that the attack
on Petrograd has been unsuccessful.
Reports from Iteval state that Yud
enitch Is falling back along the entire
line. General Yudenitch has been com
pelled to abandon Gatchlna and to re
move stafT headquarters 3 miles from
Petrograd on the road to Ueval, and
there Is consequently little hope of re
taining a base for the advance against
General Yudenitch in his communica
tion to the Prisyp declured that the at
tack on Petrograd had been unsuc
cessful because of the lack of assistance.
First International
Congress of Women
Elects Officers Today !
liy Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 29. —Speeches in
four languages, and songs in as
many more, constituted the opening
session yesterday of the first Inter
national Congress of Working
Women. Some fifty of the delegates
attending came from foreign coun
tries, eleven nations and the United
States being represented in the
gathering, but with the services of
a corps of young women Interpre
ters, all of the addresses made dur
ing the day were fully understood.
The conference was to elect per
manent officers to-day and proceed
to business. Sessions adjourned at
noon to permit the French and Eng
lish delegations to attend the offi-
ctal International Labor Conference
to which they are accredited.
Anthony Frenle, connected with the
State Senate force and known to mesa
all over the State, was stricken
paralysis at his home last night and
N In a critical condition.
a healing house
hold ointment
i The game soothing, healing proj>
erties that make Resinol Ointment
so effective for eciema and many
j other skin-eruptions, also make it
■ an ideal household remedy for
I Burns Wounds Chafings Rashes
Cuts Sores, Irritations Coid-sores
j and a score of other troubles which
constantly arise in every home,
| especially where there are children.
! That is why you shoo Id keep Res*
| inol Ointment ready for instant use.
Sold by all druggists, prescribed by doctors, .