Senate Is Expected to Join House in Passing Prohibition Enforcement Bill Over Veto HARRISBURG lf§lSfll TELEGRAPH otac-3n&cpcn&ent, LXXXVIII— NO. 253 18 PAGES Da "£ a ®te c r e: 'tttt offlVTatHar!u°burg iass HARRISBURG. PA. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, 1919. ""HKWK ™O e " 8 TWO h CENTS es HOME EDITION TO PROCLAIM END OF WAR PROHIBITION Senate Drys Are Hoping For Repass PLANS TO BACK HOUSE ACTION But Measure Is Being Delayed by Wrangling By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 28. An effort to have the Senate act on a motion to repass the prohibition enforce ment bill over President Wilson's veto was made soon after the Sen ate convened to-day. Several Demo crats objected and a long parlia mentary wrangle over the rules en sued. When the bill was received from the House, Senator Sterling, Kepub lican, South Dakota, who had charge of the measure when it passed the Senate asked unanimous consent for its immediate consideration. Sen ator Kobinson, Democrat, Arkansas, objected and then Senator Sterling moved that the Senate, which was in open executive session for debate on the Peace Treaty, proceed to legis lative business. Objection to laying aside the Treaty was made by Senator Hitch cock, of Nebraska, the administra tion leader, who has opposed pro hibition measures in the past. Al though Senator Sterling said he was sure the bill's disposition would re quire but a very short time. Senator Hitchcock urged that debate on the Treaty continue, declaring the peo ple were beginning to believe the Senate was deliberately delaying the Treaty. Hack ami Forth Senator Nelson, Republican, Min nesota, chairman of the Senate Ju diciary Committee, endeavored to cut off discussion by declaring Senator Sterling's motion nondebatable. Re publican Leader Lodge and Senator Smoot, Republican, Utah, also quoted rules declaring the prohibition bill was privileged. Senator Lenroot, Republican, Wis consin, who was presiding tempor arily ruled that the Sterling motion was debatable. Urging that the President's veto be sustuined. Senator Underwood, Democrat, Alabama, said wartime prohibition was unconstitutional be cause it involved confiscation of pri vate property without adequate com pensation. Senator Borah, Republican. Idaho, remarked that as a result of Presi dent Wilson's statement on the coal strike and his prohibition veto mes sage, "he was utterly bewildered" as to the ending of the war. Recess to Hear King '.'The President's statement to the miners declared the war is not ended, and their contracts are in effect," said Mr. Borah, "while this message declares the war is closed." The prohibition debate was still in progress when the Senate recessed to receive King Albert. Three hours after the President vetoed the bill, the House had re passed it by a vote of 176 to 55. The total vote was barely more than a majority of the entire membership. The President refused to sign the bill because it included the enforce ment of wartime prohibition. The objects of the wartime prohi bition, the President said in his veto, had been satisfied, and "sound pub lic policy makes clear the reason and necessity for its repeal." It would not be difficult, the Presi dent held, for Congress to deal sepa rately with two issues. The veto hit Congress like a crack of lightning. The House, getting on its feet again, deserted its leaders, who wanted to defer consideration until Thursday so as to round up all the dry members. But the drys swept into the chamber and showed there was an overwhelming senti ment among them to give the gov ernment ample weapons for dealing with the liquor traffic, now outlawed throughout the land. Nobody had really professed to know that the President would veto the bill. Republicans and Demo crats alike and the countless multi tude that had sorrowfully watched the passing of the bars —thought it would become a law without his signature. leelared Constitutional Attorney General Palmer, it was said, had declared it constitutional. With re-passage of the law by the House, and the prospect of the same thing happening in the Senate, hope of the big "wet spell" that would run over the Christmas season van ished into thin air. Prohibition leaders predict that the refusal of the House to accept [Continued on Page 11.] THE WEATHER Harrisbiirg and Vicinity! Itnln k this afternoon. Fair nnd much., colder to-night and Wednesday. l,owmt tcmperuturc to-night about 40 degrees. Eastern Pennsylvania: Itnln thin afternoon. Fair and much colder to-night and Wednes day. Westerly gales. Hlver. The Susquehanna river nnd probubly nil Its tributaries will rise slightly to moderately ex cept some of the smaller streams, which may rise decid edly as a result of heuvy rains to-day. A stage of uhout 4.4 feet is expected at Harrtsburg Wed nesday morning. Act Will Be Brought to Close CLEARS UP MANY LOOSE ANGLES Peace Treaty Must | Be Ratified First Is I Announcement By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 28.—Wartime prohibition will be brought to an end by Presidential proclamation immediately after the Senate rati fies the Germany Peace Treaty, it was said to-day at the White House. Officials explained that the war time act provided that it should be annulled by the President when peace had been declared and when the Army and Navy had been de mobilized. Congress was informed yesterday by the President in his message vetoing the prohibition en forcement bill that demobilization of the Army and Navy had been completed. The White House announcement clears up any doubt as to whether the war would be ended legally with the ratification of the German Treaty. Some officials had expressed the opinion that the war emergency would not pass until the Treaty with Austria had been acted upon by the Senate. Loot Taken From Store Recovered in Altoona A large portion of the loot taken from the store of McFall & Son, Third and Market streets, last week, when a robber bored a hole through the floor of the Lochiel Hotel, has been recovered in Altoona. Railroad police have located the greater por tion of the goods, valued at several thousand dollars, according to a dis ; patch form that city. THINKS COUNCIL SHOULD ENACT DAYLIGHT LAW Chairman of City Planning Committee Gives Views on Extra Hour Harrisburg should adopt the day light saving idea and make it a per manent proposition, said E. S. Her man, chairman of the City PJanning Committee, to-day. Although Con gress has passed up the idea, Harrisburg should follow the ex ample of New York and Philadelphia and make it a city ordnance, he thinks. "Granting that the fundamental principle which states that what is good for the greater number should be, >s an accepted fact," said Mr. Herman, "■! see no reason in the wor d why we should not adopt the daylight saving. And in the second place, the fact that :he great num ber of people will be benefited in every way and that oniy a small number will suffer any hardships, which can be remedied easily enough, should be enough to make every fair-minded citizen reulize that the extra hour must come. Hook at- the possibilities: When a man might be indoors on a summer even ing instead of outside enjoying the wonderful weather in games or tak icg care of b.s little golden, is vhere anyone who will say that an extra hour of daylight is not good for us?" "1 am of the opinion that we must leave it ip to the people, and when they consider all sides of it and see that they are benefitting in every possible way from it, I have no doubt but that our City Council will pass it. Another hour of day light in our city parks is a pleasure not to be denied." BIG PRICE FOR WHISKY IF WAR BAN IS REMOVED Saloonmen Arc Jubilant Over Wilson's Declaration That He W ill Lii t Prohibition Before Winter Word that President Wilson is de termined to ruise the wartime pro hibition ban before the country goes bone dry January 16, under the con stitutional amendment was received with glee to-day by saloonkeepers and dealers who still hope to make a "killing" on stocks held over from former days. The Police Department which has been free of its worse work since July 1 and the county prison officials who have had little to do for months were not quite so pleased. Men who are in a position to know say that if the President authorizes STEPS TAKEN TO OPEN STREETS IN PARK DISTRICT I City Solicitor Instructed to Draw Up the Proper Legislation NEED NEW STREET LINES Highways Put on Map in 1872 Were Never Opened in Fact First official action to bring; about the proposed Italian park improvement and the extension and widening of streets through the Fourteenth ward, was decided upon this morning at a joint conference of the City Planning Commission, City Councilmen, City Engineer M. B. Cowden and K. Clark Cowden, engineer for the planning body. After discussing for an hour the pro posed street changes it was agreed that City Solicitor John E. Fox .should pre pare necessary ordinances including the provisions to carry out the plans of the McKee-Graliam estate and the plan ning commission for the development of the park and establishing wider streets. To Consider Damages When these ordinances ere presented they will be discussed fully before final passage, city councilmen said, so that they will know definitely any damages which will be caused by opening the streets, and what development will be necessary for the Italian park tract. Mr. Cowden, the planning commission engineer, explained to the city officials that none of the streets which it Is planned to vacate, have ever been laid out and opened. While they were placed on city official map in 1872 by a com mission appointed for that purpose, they do not conform with the curve in the river at Division street, and would not be practicable. Streets in the vicinity of Division street, which is the boundary line between the Tenth and Fourteenth wards, which are to be vacated include Juniata, Shamokin, Second, Third, Fifth, and Jefferson. Lines Arc Crooked It was brought out during the dis cussion that the present Sixth street road above Division street, is not within the lines of the "Sixth street" plotted by the street commission in 1872. The new lines of Sixth street, would extend north through the Hoffman's woods tract and connect with Elizabeth street :n Riverside. The "Sixth street" road would remain open and in use, Mr. Cowden explained. It was suggested that in addition to carrying out the provisions of the tent ative agreement with the executors of the McKee-Graham estate, Katrtna street should be widened from 30 to [Continued on Page 11.] HALLOWEEN MUST BE CONFINED TO ONE CELEBRATION Police Instructed to Arrest Those Who Turn Fun to Rowdyism Hallween celebrations must be con fined to Holloween Friday. No cele brations of "pancake" and "tick tack" nights may be staged on Wed nesday and Thursday evenings. So declared Chfef of Police Wetzel ir. a warning to city youths and oth ers. Celebrations extending two, three and four days before and after Halloween are absolutely tabooed, the chief says, and police have been instructed to make arrests. Some reports have already been re ceived of a number of premature cele brations by the youngsters. Refuse of various sorts is said to have been thrown op porches of residents in certain sections while some other nuisances have been reported. Per sons who fail to heed the warning to confine their activities to . the one evening, will lay themselves open to prosecution, the chief warns. Chief Wetzel elaborated on his warning to explain that masks may be worn on the city streets on Friday evening. Mummers may hold in full force on that evening but are required to keep their activities within that one day, the chief insists. Some allowance will be granted in the celebration on Friday. Rowdy ism. however, will not be tolerated and prosecutions will be made where persons responsible for carrying away steps, shutters, etc. can be located. Throwing of flour will npt be permitted, nor will the use of "ticklers" be tolerated, he adds. the sale of "hard" liquors again the price will average $5 a quart or more. The holders are banlting on a big demand just before Jan Jury 16. Provisions of the enforcement bill which may be forced through over the veto are not generally known and expression of opinions as to Just what the uct means were wide and of many shadings. The general be lief among men who have studied the act is that the bill, if it becdmes a law, reully will do but little except make the sale of a.75 per cent, beer illegal. If the President should ruise the wartime prohibition act the enforcement act automatically falls. NEW TROLLEY LINE TO HILL WILL OPEN RESIDENT DISTRICT Harrisburg Railways Company Agrees to Extend System Out Hcrr Street, Through Uptown Subway; City Line Is Ultimate Destination of Road The long talked-of trolley line out Herr street, from Seventh to Four teenth. with double tracks as far as Cameron, will be built in the near future, according to a statement tiled with the rublic Service Commission to-day by Frank B. Musser, president o{ the Harrisburg Railways Com pany. Complaint filed by Owen M. Copelin and others against the. Railway Com pany over the demand for a line on Herr street was withdrawn "by Charles C. Stroh. counsel for the com plainants, and with the withdrawal was filed the statement that the com. ptny had agreed to build the line. The statemen was accompanied by this letter from President Musser, ad dressed to Owen M. Copelin, Warren Van Dyke, Frank D. Leedy, Burton Van Dyke and Harry A. Sherk: "The Harrisburg Railways Company will, subject to the consent and ap proval of the necessary public au thorities, build as soon as possible, a double track on Herr street from Sev enth street to Cameron street, going through the Herr street subway. "That it will lay its tracks from Cameron street to Fourteenth street on Herr street at the same time as BELGIAN KING PAYSHOMAGE TO AMERICAN ARMY Albert Describes U. S. Arms as Decisive Factor in Ad dress in House Washington, Oct. 28. —King Al bert of the Belgians, paid homage in the House of Representatives to day to the American Army, which he described as the "decisive factor in determining the victory." In an address to the Senate a few minutes earlier, he had asserted that "nothing could better characterize the reign of universal democracy" than the friendship between his country and the United States. The addresses of His Majesty to day were the longest and most im portant he has made in America. They were intended .as messages to (Continued on Page II.) DEMOCRATIC PLACE-HOLDERS SORE AS BOILS Angered by Demands For Cash While Local Machine Is Allowed to Go to Sticks The Democratic National Commit tee is applying the lush to Demo cratic Federal ottlceholders every where and Dauphin county Demo crats are sore. Not that they object to being asked to give. Oh, no, that is an old story with them. But they do object to being assessed at a time when the local Democratic machine is being deserted by those who should be its leaders and left to drift for itself. The letters local office holders have received are sent out by W. D. Jamieson, "director of finance," and in case they do not receive prompt attention they are followed by oth ers of a more peremptory charac ter. "I don't object to giving for "party purposes," said one of them to-day, who had with him a copy of his letter, containing full instructions how to give and how to register, name, address, "worth about how much," "income how much," and other personal information, "but if we are to give our money it does seem to me that the men who ought to be leaders in our own home dis trict should be doing something for the ticket." That is the general attitude. The Democrats have been left in the lurch. Their mayoralty candidate has an active press agent who is putting him before the public, but Alderman Hoverter, the Republican candidate, had such a lead at the primaries and is at present so far ahead that the Hartman vote next Tuesday will not be as large as the Hoverter majority, the ward workers say. Outside of this there is little show of activity. The Democratic organization is all shot to pieces and the pitiful vote at the primaries is an indication of what may be ex pected at the general elections. The demands for money to meet national needs when the locul or ganization has gone to sticks are what is causing the grouch among the Fderal officeholders, many of whom are already threatening to re taliate by staying away from the polls next week. PERSHING TO SEE INDUSTRIES !>y Associated Press Washington, Oct. 28. General Pershing announced to-day he was plan ning a tour of inspection of the war Industries built up during his übsence In France in order to formulate rec ommendations to Secretary linker as to what portion should bo maintained against another national emergency. His trip will take him As far as the Pacific coast this portion of the street may be paved by the city, and that it will co operate with you in having the city end property holders authorize and undertake this paving, and that it will then extend its line on Herr street from Fourteenth street to Eighteenth street or Eighteenth-and or.e-Half, present city line, arrang ing- for the necessary transfer points to reach the uptown section of the city, in addition to the ordinary trans, fers in the Square and present trans fet places. "As stated to you. we do not believe that a cross-town line on the Hill is at present needed, and that the ex pense, both of construction and oper. ating the same, would be such as to make it impossible under present con ditions. "In order to handle the traffic cre ated by this extension, and operate cars with sufficient frequency to make the service worth while, it will be necessary to obtain from the city the right to double track Seventh istreet between North and Herr streets, as well a® to obtain the consent need ed for the extension through the sub. way and out Herr street, in this, of course, it is understood that we will have our co-operation." RAILWAYS STORE COAL SUFFICIENT FOR FIVE MONTHS All Energies Turned to Get ting Fuel Before Strike Comes- RAILROADS WILL TAKE HARD COAL NOTICE was served on re tall coal dealers of Harrls- I burg to-day that all hard | coal on the sidings of dealers or ' en route to destination not un | loaded within twenty-four hours after the start of the threatened soft coal strike will be confiscated by the railroad companies for their own- use. This would cre ate at once a great fuel famine in Harrisburg and cause no end of i hardship and suffering. The | railroad order comes from the Federal Railroad Administration. If the soft coal miners quit at the close of working hours Friday, rail roads hope to be able to keep going on the supply now being stored. It is said there is a larger quantity of coal mined that will keep the rail road busy for some time after the mitres close down. Getting It to Storage Points Just now there Is considerable activity on the part of the Penn sylvania Railroad and the Philadel phia and Reading Railway in order to get a large quantity of soft coal stored away. Local officials be lieve there will be no cause for im mediate ularm. The railroads in the east have been storing coal for the past live months. How much of this will go to industries is a ques tion. Reading Is Busy On the Reading system all crews have been pooled and are running on the first in first out system, in order to keep the traffic going to I and from the soft coal districts. Trainmen, engineers and firemen are allowed only what rest is necessary, and at that some crews are working on short hour rests. Empty cars that cannot be used for hauling coal are being sent to side tracks, while every car available for coul traffic is in service. As fast as a train load of soft coal is reported at a ter minal point, forces of men are put to v work unloading. It is in the abil ity to keep supplying the mines with cars that will enable railroads to store a large quantity of coal. | On Saturday and Sunday the | Reading alone handled neariy 3 8,- 000 curs. Just now the Reading, while not losing any part of its big merchandise and other shipments, is moving on an average of 5,000 cars of coal a duv from soft coal regions. The soft coal from the Clearfield region' is coming from Williamsport to Reading. The coal is unloaded as rapidly as possible and the empty cars returned. The Reading is also doing u big business in anthracite. The Pennsy is looking after its own interest and putting an average of 1,000 cars of soft coal nway each day. It is the plan to store at least 600,000 tons between Altoona and Harrisburg, and as much as possible along the line of the Phila delph'a division. The Pennsy has been obliged at times to confiscate coal enrouto to other companies * it is the helief that if a tieup of In dustries come it will not he at least for several weeks. Senate Postnones Action Until Today on Moses Amendment By Associated Press U Mshl-cton. Oct. 28.— Action on the Moses amendment to the Peace Troatv the last survivor of fortv-six recom mended by the Forelgh Relations ( ommittee. was postponed The Sen ate adopjted 43 to 36. Republican Lead er Lodge's motion for a recess until to-dav. HOPING STRIKE OF MINERS WILL BE CALLED OFF j Washington Officials Accept Summons For Scale Com mittee as Indication i POSTPONEMENT AT LEAST j Government Awaits Next Step | Which Must Come From Diggers of Coal By Associated Press | Washington, Oct. 28.—Hope was '.expressed in official quarters to-day | that the soft coal strike set for Satur | day would be postponed if not cail i ed off. j Announcement that John L. Lewis, ' president of the United Mine Work j ers of America, had summoned mem bers of the full scale committee to j meet the International Executive i Board at Indianapolis to-morrow, I was accepted as an indication that | President Wilson's command to the ! miners' organization not to plunge I (he country into industrial chaos might me heeded. In full belief that officers of the ; international body who ordered the {strike have power to stop it, Gov jernment officials awaited the next | step which must come from tiie. I miners. Confidential reports from I the Central coal field territory indi cated, it was said, that not all of the I mining army of more than half a million men would quit work. Cabinet Moots Steps to he taken by the Govern ment to deal with the strike, if it takes plaee, will be considered finally to-day at a meeting of the Cabinet. There was a more hopc i ful view in Cabinet circles, hut this I did not altar the Government's dc j termination to he ready with all its j machinery to meet the situation if j the miners quit. Meanwhile the Railroad Adminis tration continued its efforts to ex pedite movement o£ coal from the mines by ordering all coal not un loaded by owners within 24 hours to be dumped on the ground so as to release care for their immediate return to their coal fields. The of fice pf Director General Hines de nied that orders had been Issued for confiscation of coal for operation of ■ trains. Officials to-day pinned their hope of averting the strike of bituminous miners called for Saturday at the meeting to-morrow in Indianapolis of the executive board of the Union Mine Workers of America. Study of union by-laws, officials said to-day revealed that the execu tive board has power to call off the strike or at least to order a post ponement. Should President Wilson's appeal to the miners be heeded to the extent of a postponement, offici als here feel that the strike will be averted, for a postponement would be certain to bring with it negotiations for a new wage agreement. In the face of statements by John L. Lewis, president of the miners' organization, that it was too late now to stop the walkout, there was strong belief in official quar ters that the strike would at least be postponed. This hope of avert ing industrial disaster was based largely on the feeling that sentiment throughout the country was over whelmingly for peace, regardless of how the people might view the re ported grievances of the miners. Thomas Explains Senator Thomas, Democrat, Colorado, explained to the Senate to-day that bill he introduced yesterday did not provide for the use of soldiers in operating the coal mines in the event of a strike of miners but merely for their use in keeping open the channels of transpor tation. At his request action on his resolu tion pledging the support of Congress to the administration in preserving law and order during the strike, was de ferred until to-morrow. Girl Shot Through Cheek by Brother Who Didn't Know Gun Was Loaded Struck by a bullet from a small caliber rifle which was being han dled by a brother who did not know It was loaded. Miss lrma Taylor, 17 years old, daughter of Thomas Tay lor, 228 North Fourteenth street, is in the Harrisburg Hospital. The accident occurred this morn ing at the home of a relative at Beaver Station, where Miss Taylor was assisting in making sauerkraut. The rifle, unused for some time, was standing nearby. The brother pick ed it up and in his handling of it caused its discharge. The bullet penetrated the girl's left cheek. She was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital where prelimi nary treatment was given. The bul let has not yet been removed. Miss Taylor's condition is described as being good. WIFE OBJECJED TO MOTHER'S KISS Because he kissed his mother after he had kissed his wife when he was leaving the house was one of the reasons that Mrs. Helen M. Crook left him, Earl B. Crook testified in divorce court to-day during the hearing of his appli cation for a separation decree. He said tliey were married in 1913 and she left him in 1918. Mr. Crook told the court that his wife objected to the times that he kissed his mother. Ten other cases were heard during the morr.xng by President Judge George Kunkel in court room No. 1, and about forty cases remain to be heard. The court_ to-duy signed a divorce decree in the case of Edna P. Yochum vs. George C. Yochum. The hearing was held several months ago. APPLE BLOSSOM TIME IS HERE Apple blossoms are appearing. Continued warm weather, frostless r.nghts and warm rains for the past week evidently have fooled the trees into the idea that it is spring rather than win ter that is approaching. A tree back of Lieutenant Governor Beidieman's summer home in Dauphin was noticed to-day to be blooming in the sun. And that's not all. It was so warm in the Courthouse to-day that Prothor.-otary Pass turned on two electric fans so that he could get down to work. MANY DIE WHEN SHIP IS THROWN INTO PIER WALL Lake Vessel Is Caught by Gi gantic Wave and Reduced to Mass of Wreckage By Associated Press Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 28.—Caught by a gigantic wave as she was trying to make this harbor after riding out a terrific gale on Lake Michigan last night he Crosby steamer City ot Musk egon crashed into tiie south pier at Muskegon channel this morning and sank in less than ton minutes carrying to death at least t2 of her passengers and crew. The exact number of dead has not been determined but may reach 2(1. The bodies of four men and three wo men have been washed ashore, and the beach for miles is being patrolled for additional victims. The crash came without warning, most of the passengers being caught in their state rooms. The lights went out and the scores of women passengers added to the confusion. Then followed the scramble for safety. Most of the passengers escaped by jumping from the decks to the pier. Buffeted By Storm The City of Muskegon left Milwaukee at 8 o'clock last night and was severely buffeted by the storm during the night run across the lake. Just as the steam [ Continued on Pago 17.1 : 4 4* J WILSON CONTINUES TO IMPROVE J£ j Washington. President Wilson continues to show |ffij <4* *s* L *f n L J T his luncheon and dinner ih a semisitting position which 'll k adds greatly to the enjoyment of his food and causes nc ** 4 r „• * '* 5 fatigue. X f ALIENS WILL BE FIRST TO GO T 4* * X Boston —No citizens < $ 't moved from their jo # X ork or lack of funds for naval construction, until all II * r T -iiens have been j ra order by Secretary Dat Jj ® X MERCURY REACHES NEW HIGH MARK • 4 T fc f f * * T •' X X *§* * a T sburg Weather Bureau. „, a m t ;; T CRUSH PLOT TO KIDNAP EDSI f r ""51 X had 11 <4 *' | hei ■ o: four men. X • |i J TEN HURT IN STRIKE RIOTS j j. £ Utii Smith to-day wire i X ' jT asking him to send a detechmcnt of State : i 4 narge of the strike s ?! h I JL five strikers were shot and five policemen injured n , X stones and bullets. j* j x 11 X GOVERNOR HEARS OF MINE EXPLOSION I \ J rnor Con .Vest Vit- **• t * • X ginia, who has been visiting his brother ji n, after r< message , " 7| that a coal mine in Raleigh county had been blown up >* \ c wi: < erious. ' i I . % MARRIAGE LICENSES \ \ i* Willlnm C. Main and Myrtle*!. May, York; Albrrt O. Scktlk and I < Catherine K. I.uhold, Kllnaeratoma; Onn W. I.enla, Eakut, and X *■ H. Schlndlor, MarrUbur K . " I £ t I tut 'l' 'j - jj ~j[~ 'j* A j SECOND WHITE WOMAN CHARGES NEGROOFFICER Two Witnesses Partially Con firm Allegations Made by Waitress TO GO BEFORE COUNCIL Patrolman Jackson Denies the j Statements Made in Hear ing Before the Mayor j Additional charges may be brought ! against Patrolman Prank O. Jack son, colored, before City Council Mayor Daniel IJ. Keister intimated this morning before the Councilmen went into session. Another young woman has made complaint that Jackson approached her in a res taurant in South Third street, below Chestnut, and asked her to go out with him after he received his pay. Jackson also has denied this charge. The woman who made the state ment to Mayor Keister is Catharine Bates, who was employed at the restaurant during September. The Mayor investigated the case and held a hearing in his office last eve ning. Miss Bates and Jackson were present. According to Miss Bates' state ment Jackson came into the restau rant and asked her to "go out for a good time" after he was paid. When the patrolman left she said she called two men from the Friend ship Firecontpany and told them what had happened. These men testified before the Mayor and said they had been called by Miss Bates. When they saw her she appeared to be nervous and excited, they said, and told them what had happened. Mayor Keister said to-day be has not decided definitely what action he will take in the two cases in which complaints were made against Jack son. The first case was called to the Mayor's attention when Florence Smith, a waitress in a Market street restaurant, made complaint that Jackson had endeavored to entice her to a State street residence. Jack son claimed that he had merely been endeavoring to secure help for a "man" who was about to start a restaurant and that he wanted the girl to change her employment.