Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 27, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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American Legion Names
Five Big Committees;
Plans For Campaign
Philadelphia, Oct 27. —ln an
-nonnoing the membership in five
State committees of The American
Legion in Pennsylvania, State Com
mander George F. Tyler declared
that every effort would be made
during the next twelve months to en
roll into membership all of the serv
ice veterans in the Commonwealth.
At the same lime this ambitious
program is taken up under the di
rection of W. G. Murdock, the State
adjutant, the five committees will
be at work on matters that will
make the influence of The American
Legion much felt and of benefit to
its members. The recent State can
tonment at Harrisburg outlined a
field of activity that will give the
Dr. King's New Discovery Has
a Successful Record of Half
a Century
TIME-TRIED for more than fifty
years and to-day at the zenith
of its popularity! When you
think of that, you are bound to be
convinced that Dr. King's New Dis
covery does exactly what it is meant
to do—soothes cough-raw throats,
congestion-tormented chests, loosens
phlegm-pack, and breaks the most
obstinate cold and grippe attack.
Dr. King's is safe for your cold,
for your mother's cold, for the kid
die's cold, cough, croup. Leaves no
disabreeable after-effects. 60c a bot
tle at your druggist's.
Bowels Act Sluggish?
Irregular bowels often result in
serious sickness and disorders of the
liver and stomach. Make them act
as they should with Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Keep the liver active —
the system free from waste. 25c a
- Quickly Ended by a I'lrtiNnnt. Healing
Antiseptic Air; Just Brcnthe It
The little hard rubber Hyomei in
'naler which you can get at H. C. Ken
nedy or any reliable druggist can
easily be carried in pocket or purse,
it will last a life time.
Into this inhaler you pour a few
drops of the pure healing oil of
This oil is absorbed "by the antisep
tic gauze within and now you are
ready to breathe it in over the germ
infested membranes where it will
speedily begin its work of banishing
catarrhal germs and ending Catarrh.
Hyomei is made of Australian eu
calyptus. combined with other anti
septics and is very pleasant to
It is guaranteed to banish catarrh,
bronchitis, influenza, tonsilitis. sore
throat, croup, coughs and colds or
money back. It often cleans out a
stuffed up head and opens clogged
nostrils in two minutes.
Complete outfit, including inhaler
and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but
little, while extra bottles, if after
ward needed, may be obtained at any
druggist for a few cents.
If Your Kidneys and Liver are Sluggish
Bliss Native Herb Tablets Will
Restore Them To Healthy Action
"I suffered for years from defec-j
tive kidneys and sluggish liver.
Nothing seemed to relieve me till 1
used your Bliss Native Herb Tablets.
They are wonderful for I can say!
that I am perfectly well. They re
lieved me in a very short time and I
have had no more trouble with sick
kidneys or. liver. I can't say enough I
in favor of Bliss Native Herb Tab
lets to any one suffering from bad
kidneys and liver.
"Oak Park, Va." I
There is a nugget of health in
every one of Bliss Native Herb Tab-j
lets. They contain only the purest
herbs, roots, barks, and are free!
Harley-Davidson Wins
1920 Harley-Davidson only Motorcycle making perfect score of 1000
points in the Fall Endurance Run over the worst dirt and mud roads in Dau
phin, Cumberland, Perry, Huntingdon and Juniata Counties. Harley-David
son also takes Second and Third places. The winners:
First—Harvey C. Heagy—Harley-Davidson
Second—Harry Nickle Harley-Davidson
Third Earl Rickard Harley-Davidson
' Ride a Winner
Heagy's Sporting Goods Store
1200 N. Third St., Harrisburg
committees a wide range of activity
and the 425 posts of The American
Legion in the State are now at work
organizing the subcommittees.
The appointment of John W.
Brock, Jr., of Philadelphia, as State
finance officer has been announced
by State Commander Tyler.
The membership in the various
committees as appointed by Com
mander Tyler includes many well
known men and makes the commit
tees representative of the entire
State. The first committee, that on
Social Organization and Community
Service, is headed by C. S. Shadle, of
Pittsburgh, and includes Major B. L.
Denig, Philadelphia; Alfred N. Col
lins, Bryn Mawr; Edward J. Stack
pole, Harrisburg, and E, "W. Patton,
The State Committee on Disabled
Soldiers and Medical Aid includes:
Dr. M. M. Franklin, Germantown;
Dr. George C. Parry, Philadelphia;
Guy K. Sembower, Beading; Dr. E.
B. Krumbhaar, chairman, Chestnut
Hill; Byron Houck, Williamsport:
Dr. G. P. Asper, Chambersburg; the
Rev. B. J. McGulgan, Pittsburgh;
Henry S. Moulthrop, Dußois; L.
McK. Cumrine, Washington.
The State Committee on Employ
ment and Behabilitation includes:
George C. Stranahan, Philadelphia;
Thomas F. Meehan, chairman; Phil
adelphia; Fred B. Reed, Schuylkill
Haven; Milton Howard Rambo, Nor
ristown; C. B. Altemose, East,
Stroudsburg; George H. Stewart, Jr.,
Shippensburg; B|, F. Metz, Pitts
burgh; J. B. Dolphin, Kane; C. C.
McLain, Indiana.
The State Committee on Legisla
tion includes: Mahlon J. Pickering,
chairman, Philadelphia; George W.
Carr, Philadelphia; G. E. Gangloft,
Schuylkill Haven; E. J. Pennell,
Norristown; R. C. Daveler, Strouds
burg; Carl Hecht, Milton; J. Leo
Collins, East Pittsburgh; F. P.
Shoonmaker, Bradford; E. W. Pat
ton, Charleroi.
The State Committee on Legal Aid
includes: Vincent A. Carroll, Phil
adelphia; Frank W. Melvln, Phila
delphia; George A. Rick, chairman,
Reading; H. S. Hunsicker, Norris
town; J. W. Beaman, Towanda;
Mark T. Milnor, Harrisburg; R. L.
Test, Pittsburgh; E. G. Potter,
Smethport; H. C. Plank, V-ander
The funeral of Miss Mary R. Mor
genthaler, who died Saturday morn
ing at her home, 257 Cumberland
street, will be held from her late res
idence to-morrow afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial will be made in the
Harrisburg Cemetery. Miss Morgen
thaler is survived by her parents,
two brothers and two sisters.
I Long Wear
i BostarFX i'i
| GarterAn li;
J from drugs containing deleterious
substances. By their action, the liv
-1 er is stimulated, the kidneys cleans
i ed. the bowels respond gently and
freely, and a healthy condition re
sults. They are invaluable in oases
\ of constipation, indigestion, bllious
! ness, dyspepsia, sour stomach, heart
burn. sick headache, rheumatism.
1 Bliss Native Hern Tablets are put up
in boxes containing 200 tablets. Each
j box bears photograph of Alonzo O.
I Bliss and guarantees beneficial re
| suits or money refunded. Price
Isl per box. Be sure and get /A
the genuine. Every tablet {/HJ
stamped with our trade mark '
[ Sold by leading druggists and local
I agents everywhere.
No-Accidcnt Drive Is Bringing
Good Results in This
Railroad officials were more than
pleased with the records for Satur
day and Sunday in the no-accident
drive. No one was reported killed
on either day, and there was a big
decrease in the number Injured. The
following was Issued from the office
of N. W. Smith, general superin
tendent, through the local safely
On lines east, on October 24, no
fatalities were reported and fourteen
were injured. This was a decrease
of twenty-five injured. Second day
without an employ killed. Eighteen
divisions had clear records. Nine di
visions have clear records to date.
Decreased casualties to date, 47 per
cent. Of fourteen Injured eight
eent. Of fourteen injured, eight
In the accident-prevention drive
one maintenance of way employe
was killed Rnd 693 injured in 1918
while loading, unloading and hand
ling rails, ties timber and other
material, resulting in lLftflO days lost
time. There were 1,967 shopmen
injured while handling and using
hand tools, 560 being due to hammer
or sledge glancing, 2,000 days lost
time. The record for two days fol
October 25
1918 1919
Divisions K. I. K. I.
Philadelphia ....... 1 2 0 4
Middle 0 3 0 0
Schuylkill 0 0 0 1
Juniata 0 0 0 0
Tyrone 0 1 0 0
Cressen 0 1 0 0
Altoona Shops 0 13 0 4
Total 1 19 0 9
October 26
1918 1919
Divisions K. I. K. 1.
Philadelphia 0 3 0 2
Middle 0 3 0 3
Schuylkill 0 1 0 0
Juniata 0 0 0 0
Tyrone 0 1 0 0
Cressen 0 3 0 0
Altoona Shops 0 5 0 0
Total 0 I*6 0 5
Deaths and Funerals
Albert F. Stuart, aged 65 years,
a well-known bricklayer, died at his
home, 614 North Sixteenth street,
yesterday at noon, after an illness of
about a week. Mr. Stuart, in con
nection with his father, the late Wil
liam P. Stuart, contractor-and build
er, worked In the erection of many •
of the important buildings of the city
including the old Opera House at
Third and Walnut, the State street
markethouse, several churches and
firehouses, and a large number of In
dustrial plants. In recent years Mr.
Stuart has been employed at the Har
risburg Pipe and Pipe Bending
works. He is survived by two sis
ters, Mrs. James Brickcr, of Philadel
phia, and Miss Emma Stuart. Miss
Daisy Fheaffer, of 614 North Six
teenth street, is a niece.
Funeral services will be held at the
home on Wednesday afternoon at
3.30 o'clock with the Rev. Henry W.
A. Hanson, pastor of Messia Luther
an Church, in charge. Burial will be
made in the East Harrisburg Ceme
The funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Losch
Burd, aged 48 years, who died yester
day at her home, 1839 Fulton street,
will be held Wednesday afternoon
from her home, the Rev. H. R. Bend
er. pastor of the Ridge Avenue Meth
odist Church officiating. Burial will
be made in the East Harrisburg Cem
etery. She Is survived by two chil
dren. John Burd, Jr., and Mrs. Harry
C Clemon. both of Harrisburg; her
mother. Mrs. Anna M. Losch, two
brothers, George C„ of this city, and
Charles A., of Carlisle, and a sister,
Mrs. Harvey A. Boyer.
HAitßJSjgu Hfl- ftWSBA TETBftirypTt
Eastern Penna. Division
No accident days—Result compared
with same period for 1918:
On Si
* ** c ■
Division Date. .§ ~
E? "1
3 o
ai pa
Middle Aug. 11 7 U3
Altoona Shops ..Aug. 15 11 12q
Schuylkill Aug. 19 1 "2
Juniata Aug. 25 0 0
Tyrone Aug. 26 0 0
Philadelphia ....Aug. 28 9-1K 73
Cresson B_.Sept. 10 1 5
Total 29 322
°u2 ' i
Division Date. jaj .5
ii £
a o
Middle Aug. 11 9 29
Altoona Shops ...Aug. 15 8 20
Schuylkill Aug. 19 0 0
Juniata Aug. 25 0 0
Tyrone Aug. 26 0 0
Philadelphia Aug. 28 11 55
Cresson Sept. 10 0 0
Total 28 104
Accidents. Disability.
2 ®
Division. 2 - S |
S8 § 2
I a a q
Middle ........ 2 n n 01
Altoona Shops ..0 9 n mo
Schuylkill ..... 0 I n °o
Juniata on n n
Tyrone ..... V. 0 0 n n
Philadelphia ...! 2 0 0 18
Cresson 0 1 6 5
Total 4 6 0 218
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 126
crew to go first after 4 o'clock: 132,
111, 122, 123, 130, 116.
Firemen for 111.
Engineers up: Karr, Mann, Hou
Firemen up: Moffatt, Bordner, Falk,
Stauffer. Stitzel, McKonley, Foultz,
Ressler, Hiler, Beers, Kase, Clark,
Brakemen up: Glbney, Garlin, Silks,
Home, Zellers, Lutz, Ambrose, Funk,
Clouser, Hughes, Books, Alberts,
stambaugh Smith, Kuhlwind.
Middle Division. —The 243 crew to
go first after 1.30 o'clock: 242 32
29, 24.
Engineers for 32 and 24.
Firemen for 29.
Engineers up: O. W. Snyder, Leiter,
Tltler, Nissley, Buckwalter, Fisher
Rowe, Hawk.
Firemen up: Kauftman, Wright, W.
B Bowers, Delancey, Stover. Myers,
Kint, Pennebaker.
Conductors up: Bennett, Miller,
Brakemen up: Roddy, FenicaL
Bupp, Baker, McFadden, J. D. Mc-
Carl. .
Mathias Wilson. C. M. Hawk, Stetn-
Inger. Dennis, Cassatt. Alter, Kurti,
Reinecker, Dlsslnger. Anders, Hilde
brand, Hollenbach.
Board. Engineers wanted
for 10C, 4, 16C, 36C.
4 Wanted tor 6C ' llc - 12C -
Engineers cp: Snyder, Myers, Hef
fleman, Buffington, Auman. Miller
Biever, Essig, Myers.
Firemen up: Gormley. Wirt, Kllne
ycung, Mountz, J. E. Lauver, Bartless,
Shaver, Shopp, Swab, Hoover, Holtz
man, Rice, Roberts, Burns, Houde
PhlladelpbUi Division. The 240
crew first to go after 3.46 o'clock:
223, 207, 217, 235, 226. 236.
Firemen for 240, 223.
Conductors for 217, 235.
Brakemen for 217, 235.
Brakemen up: George, Freedman.
Middle Division. —The 110 orew to
go first after 2 o'clock: 109, 114, 106
231, 249, extra 241, 104.
Firemen for 106,
Brakemen for 109, 10#, 104. '
Engineers up: G. L. Fortenbaugh,
McNally, Feas, Harron, Bruaw, Ew
ing, Lutz, I. H. Fortenbaugh, Qulgley
Hinkle, Sheaffer.
Firemen up: Hall. Martin, Cram
mer, Shuey, Huber, Cupp, Ready, Al
bright, Eichelberger, Metz, Boyer
Garlin, Bish, Meek.
Middle Division. — Engineers up:
T. B. Heffner, W. G. Jamison, J. H.
Ditmer, W. C. Beck. F. F. Schreck.
L. H. Ricedorf, J. Crlmmel, H. F.
Stuart, J. W. Burd. C. D. Hollen
baugh, H. F. Groninger, H. B. Fleck.
Engineers wanted for 25,. 669,
Firemen up: W. E. Hoftner, H. F.
Green, A. H. Kuntz, J. M. Stephens,
i H C. Bender, B. F. Gundernian, P. p.
Stauffer, R. Simmons, C. L. Sheats R
D. Porter.
Firemen wanted for P-21 23 11
M-27. ' '
Philadelphia Division. Engineers
up. C. E. Albright, W. O. Buck, H. W.
Gillums, C. B. First, R. B. Welsh, J
C Davis, B L. Smith.
Engineers wanted for none.
Brakemen up: B. W. Johnson. W. T.
Grace, M. G. Shaffner, J. M. White A
L. Floyd. J. M. Piatt, J. S. Lenig. '
Firemen wanted none
The 64 crew to go first after 12.15
o'cloclf: 69, 65, 67.
Hagerstown Pool Nickles crew first
then Wolfe, Fleagla Shuff.
Cumbo Pool Moyera crew to go first
then Walhays.
Robesonia Helpers 101 first then
106, 107, 102.
Engineers wanted for 64.
Firemen wanted for none.
Conductors for none.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen for Nickles crew, Fleag.
les crew.
Engineers up: Hoffman, Walton,
Bricker, Clouser, Schubauer, Jones,
Bordner, Merkle, Gruver.
Firemen up: Deardorff. Eslinger,
Helsey. Kochenour, Vogelsong. Kline,
Conductors up: Meek, Phelebaum.
Flagmen up: Waugh, Lukens. Leh
mer. Nickle, Swartz, Rhlnehart, Smith
Sourbeer. Peters. Wiley, Spangler.
Martin, Miller, Watson, Renecker,
Third Carlisle Man Is
Held in Election Case
Carlisle, Oct. 27. George James,
hotel proprietor, was arrested yes
terday by Deputy United States
Marshal Smith in connection
with the alleged election graft.
United States Commissioner Hall
held all three who were - arrested
under #I,OOO ball, which was fur
nished by a surety company.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Week of November 3 to Be
Observed at Clean-Up
Week in Borough
Burgess McEntee on Saturday Is
sued a proclamation calling upon all
the residents of Steelton to clear
their permlses of rubbish during the
week of November 3. In the procla
mation the burgess refers to such a
clean-up as a possible prevention
of the repetition of the influenza
epidemic which about a year ago
was at its height in the borough. It
was quite noticeable then that while
the epidemic reached into the clean
er sections of the borough, it had its
root and growth in those sections of
the town which are noted for their
filthy condition.
The highway departmei* will co
operate with the residents of the
borough during the clean-up week
and the rubbish removed from the j
premises will be taken care of im
mediately. During the week follow
ing the clean-up, the police depart
ment will make a thorough investi
gation. All premises not thoroughly
cleaned up will be reported to the
burgess and action taken.
Form Committee For
Polish Relief Work
A committee was formed yester
day In the congregation of St. John's
Lutheran Church to receive contri
butions for the relief of sufferers
in Poland. Contributions of money
or clothing will be received. The
committee includes J. W. Kurtz,
Robert Barnett and Daniel Hale.
Edward Ludwig, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Ludwig, died yesterday
morning at the Mont Alto sana
torium. He was 52 years of age. Up
to two years ago he was an old em
ploye of the local steel plant.
Besides his parents, he leaves his
wife, a son, John, who Is also at the
sanatorium, and four daughters, Mrs.
Clarence Brown, Mrs. Abram Shar
tle, Winifred and Anna. Also two
brothers, CMarles and John. Final
arrangements for the funeral have
not ben made, but the services will
probably be held Wednesday morn
!in St. James' Church.
A Are alarm on Saturday afternoon
called the Are companies to 741 South
Front street, where smoke was seen
issuing out of the windows. The Are j
proved to be in a bundle of old
clothes. There was no damage ex
cept to the old clothes.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Altar Guild of Trinity Parish will
meet this evening at 7.30 in the par
ish house. To-morrow being the feast
of St. Simon and Jude, there will be
a celebration of the Holy Eucharist
at 7.30 in the morning.
Haul Towsen, 1308 South Twelfth
street, a member of the St. Mary's C.
C football team, of Steelton, Is in
the Harrisburg Hospital where it is
believed he has a dislocated hip. Tow
sen was Injured in a game at Lan
caster yesterday.
The ColoriC Beats Steam Heat
- On Both Scores Says
__ Sportster, Jr.
H Being the owner of one of your pipeless
g - L . y'' convinced that it is doing all that you recom
|y||i: ' :: iy I ani amiliar with steam heat and can say 111
Respectfully yours,
Residence of W. A. Sponsler, Jr. < Si S ned > W - A ' SPONSLER, JR.,
107 South Fourth Street, Steelton, Pa. 104 South Four,h St '
I —
We Have 76,000 Users Who Willingly Recommend
The CaloriC To Solve Your Heating Problem
These enthusiastic users are subjected The CaloriC is guaranteed to cut your
practically to every sort of weather condi- coal bill down one-third to one-half.
tion in the United States and Canada. The CaloriC heats from one to 1 8 rooms
TL P i . . . through one register—each room being
Ihe CaloriC meets every test with uni- heated evenly
form and universal satisfaction.
Evening calls by appointment. Phone
Can be installed in one day. and arrange to see our engineer.
■ i
Dr. Dailey Returns From
London Eye Hospital
Dr. Gilbert Dniley returned to his
home here yesterday after spending
some months In England, where he
took up a special course in the Lon
don Royal Eye Hospital. While
abroad Dr. Dailey visited the con
tinent and saw the battleflelds of
France and Belgium.
He will leave this week to spend
a few days in Philadelphia with Dr.
Jackson, after which he will resume
his practice in Harrisburg.
Colored Class Presents
Desk Set to Director
The colored home nursing class of
which Mrs. Elcora Howard is presi
dent, on Friday night presented a
beautiful brass desk set to Mrs. Helen
Mehler, R. N. director of the Red
Cross home nursing school, of Steel
Mrs. Harry Herman. 42 South Har
risburg street, will e'ntertain Mrs.
Houck's class of Centenary United
Brethren Sunday School on Thursday
evening at a masquerade party.
The Steelton W. C. T. U. will meet
to-night at 7.30 in St. John's Luther
an Church. There will be a special
program and music.
Vinol, our Cod Liver and Iron
Tonic, is the best remedy
for Nervous, Run-Down,
Anaemic Conditions.
H MSk. v jfl 1
This Letter Proves It.
Kenton, Del. —"I suffered from a
nervous, run-down condition and no
appetite. I keep house and live on a
farm so had to keep about my work as
I have five in the family. My druggist
recommended Vinol as the best medi
cine for my condition. I felt better
taking the first bottle. It has
given me a good appetite, I sleep better
and feel stronger in every way." Mrs.
It is the Beef and Cod Liver Peptones
contained in Vinol aided by Iron and
Hypophosphites which makes it such a
famous blood-maker, nerve builder and
strength creator. Besides Vinol is not
a secret medicine. Its full formula is
printed on each package.
C. F. KRAMER and druggists every
OCTOBER 27, 1919.
Carlisle Businessmen
Open Big Campaign
Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 27. The drive
for a better and bigger Carlisle
through an expanded Chamber of
Commerce got well under way to
day when the Intensive canvass
started. Sixteen teams divided into
two regiments, the rod und the blue
started out this morning. At noon
a luncheon was held in Mentzer Hall
at which Congressman Dan Iteed of
New York, was the speaker. About
150 persons were in attendance, in
cluding many residents of the town
In addition to the team men.
Yesterday, by proclamation of
Mayor Newshuin, was Civic Sunday
with special services in the various
ITIil HI X nTnyi t n nn^^^TrojTniTijX^
No finer selection of women's and misses*
(W| J suits is to be found anywhere in this city.
J 1(1 You have your choice here of suits in all
JjtfA prevailing materials and new Fall and
aEwa l|\ Winter shades.
ll'T Women's and
I \ \ Misses' Suits S|L
VM $27-95 $32-50.
'>| and up to S6O I\YLJJj/\
There is no need of waiting until you
have saved up the cash in order to get \l \ j
your new Fall and Winter suit. Come \\ \ f
in and choose it now—we will arrange \V I
the most convenient terms of payment jjLIA
to suit you.
Asian & Marine Coy
36 North 2nd. St., Cor. Walnut St
churches of the town and the plan
of expansion for the community waa
the theme of discourse in all of th
pulpits of the city.
run down people in two weeks' time in I
msny instances. Used and highly en-1
=nH tr y k ormcr e MS lted States Senators I
and Members of Congress, well-known I
physicians and former Public Health offi- J
bt t ,<>Ur doc,or or druggist I