STORE CLOSES STORE CLOSES 1 SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX j BELL 1991—2356 UNITED lIARRI9BUIIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1019. FOUNDED tWTI | • ' ' ' " -f I ' ' l-'urs Fashionable j Silk Hosiery in Style ' -wajyasffssr:- When you consider that the "current market" cost , . ta 3? for these stockings is more, in most instances than ■ |1 1 CT\A7f IVT j| A 7 ITI 1 11 I>lll |\7 / embroidered and novelty. As the gift season is an what we have priced them for this sale, you can read- A A WUvf T V/l UA X j AAA ViviAAt V proaching we suggest purchasing at these special ily see they are extraordinary values. I prices. _ Bowman's hosiery department is known for its ex- * J ' GrOUp One---12VyC Efrch--'6 For'TZc cedent values, but good silk hosiery at these low —. 1 . . prices is one of those fortunate opportunities that , 1 111 \ landkei chiefs 111 white Mull with fancy COr , ~, , j . A i v u w \ ners, novelty shades and a few crepe de chines in this should be taken advantage ot bv even those who have f 'L- lot • 1214 c each or 72c ner i / dn en Cllincs in ims ample supply for present needs. And then, give a "ten fair woman seeks tlie garment that will I A~ J' 1/2 GO en " thought to Christmas. It is onlv eight weeks away, most enchance her beauty, she elects FURS. No- \ ' 1 Group TWo~~lsc Each—6 For 88c and these silk stockings are practical for gifts. where else is there such elegance of texture, such j 300 handkerchiefs of fine white Mull with 1-8 Inch - . softness of lines, such luxurious effectiveness. Y \ hem. These handkerchiefs are soft and ready for SpCCICII, $1.19 PUIT Furs have always been regal—always luxur- 1 USe ' noVe ' 1 * s ' la( ' es ' ' eac h, or 88c per y* dozen. Pure thread silk stockings, medium heavv silk ioU . sl . y lhe °[ refinement A Ml Three—2sc Each—6 For $1.45 , .. - A . r . ey., . . and beconungness; but, perhaps never belore. have \\ 77 7, 77~ I ~~ —— with mock seam, lisle top and leet. lhese stock- . , ° • 1 j • j • • 1 • k 1 Handkerchiefs in this lot cons sts of linens, lawn ings are in black, white and colors; $1.19 pair. *? b !L en so designed, so original ... H both plain and fancy; 25c each : 6 for $1.45 , their effects, or so sumptuously finished. BOWMAN'S— Mam Floor. ' i Special, $1.29 Pair The new Fur Sports Coats, Coatees and Cape- I lets have taken women by storm —they are so smart, 1 Ldl X U1 Pure thread silk stockings; fine gauge, full fash- go constantly wearable and so effective. f ioned with wide elastic tops and reinforced heel and „ . „ f H VPH/ - flfPQcinn toes* $1 29 pair The Stoles# Scarfs and Muffs comprise a fas- i I S||K j '■ K w ' ' cinating display in themselves —for every possible M&WSMmm „ • f rk • c j u 1 . • .L- u 7- m\\ \V omen who want to select from ful assort- Special, $1.49 Pair fur may be amply met m this collection. * V ment of new footwear should buy now and bene ....... 'Of course, you'll want to see the assemblage and \\ A '! I J'- 1 oul complete stocks. Black, white and color pure thread silk stockings; , , selections while the variety is so complete 1 V\ \ V lUf ? ur autunin showing of high shoes, pumps full fashioned elastic mercerized, lisle top and feet; r V \ \ \ 1 fin a - spats is now at its height with styles of dis sl.49 pair. Lome. 1 1 \ \ \ y tinction to grace every seasonable activity fjom Children's Sets; $2.95 to $55.00 |\ \ P V • . walking to dancing, at prices to iuit everybody. . Special, $1.79 Pair and Stoles; sl9 SO to $225.00 \\\ A new arrival 8 ; grTy' bucSlace shoe .... . Coats; $149.00 to $595.00 \ AW with Louis XV heel; $14.00. Pure thread silk stockings in black and white. Fine . , • , 1 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. ! \ lM | ! l ||i|h;'|li|fc | BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. quality silk, full fashioned with mercerized lisle elas- j < tic tops and lisle feet; $1.79 pair. : , Special, $2.29 Pair • ; In Domestics Another lot of stockings of pure silk, medium heavv !| Zephyrs ginghams; 32 inches wide in colored . .r „ r , • j c- I plaids; all good patterns; soc. yard, weight and full fashioned. Some with silk top and ( Dress ginghams in 27 and 32-inch; plain col feet, others with lisle top and feet. Also glove silk ; ors, also in plaids and stripes; 35c yard, lace stockings in black and gray, with silk tops and Dress ginghams; 27 inches wide; a large se feet. This lot of stockings are seconds, but the lection of styles in plain, stripes and plaids; defects are very slight. An exceptional value at $2.29. , c y arc^- Percales in light and dark patterns in stripes BOWMAN-S— Mam FLOOR. J Q and figures; 36 inches wide; 30c and 40c yard. —— • BOWJIAN'S —Second Floor. Fine Dress Goods I See the. Demonstration of Are Plentiful Here Now . o . a-r. . . T[fol3L4RT i h " There has been much uneasiness about having UOfTICStIC OCICnCC TIrCICSS OK CPS ' PVOrtt LCtOCd. // enough wool materials to go around this Fall. ; 1 The market was short—is still short, but we j I ■ S?SS3S£?SE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday / ' your inspection. • a delicate charm and an irresistible fem -31-inch Viyella Flannel; a direct import from onrl ininity that will delight you, for the England; fast colors, don't shrink, neat stripes La/LU, 2-OLil 5 L*7 Lll dllU DULII MODART expresses the newest ideas of !| and checks for warm dainty undergarments, chil- , America's foremost designer. j : : dren s dresses and men s shirts; SI.BO yard. ■ i little ß Jou 11 er ri s A ' l vera 1 s mfs Tince'we Miss May Alrich, factory expert, willdemonstrate how deliriously you can prepare meals' Special arrangements have been made to j j could procure this make; $1.50 yard. or bake bread or cakes, with fuel just enough {o heat radiators. After that is done you may go visit- provide trial fittings for those of our j 44 to 54-inch Plaids featuring clear-cut effects ing or shopping and return hours later and the meal will be ready to serve. No attention needed STmDAR W1 and dashing color combinations; some tones with r , .• . .• • r , . i .. .... ... tne MUUAKI Uorset and its merits. / . conservation; $2.50 to $5.50 yard. tor bastin &' turning or stirring the food. It cannot burn. It retains the flavor in the food to bet- . ' • 44-inch Navy Priestley Serges; a most perfect ter advantage and several kinds of foods may be cooked without mixing the flavors. The trial fitting offers a means of com- , blue with tinsel and heavy silk embroidery; the " parison that is far more convincing than most exclusive suiting or skirting; $6.50 yard. There are certain patented f 1 The Fireless Cookstove recommendation. It takes but a few mo- | 54-mch Flufftex; a suiting or coating Of light- , . . , „ . ' ments of vour time and vou will find it a ness, yet possessing warmth; two shades, rein- and exclusive features in this £ \\/ saves 25% of the food. Food menis oi your rime ana you will nnaiu ( deer and dowskin; 59.50 yard. FireW Tonketove not f™, n d , . ... ° wonderful adventure in comfort and style. 54-inch Two-toned Suede Tricotine; navy and Cookstove not found does not shrink or evaporate i, 1 black, brown and black; $7.50 yard. in any other. The principle of B Ijj ll when cooked by our Fireless ▼*% • /A/A 54-inch Pilquett^'DviIMn 1 - \ 1 FICC ipSUO j This is but partial a list of maty exquisite to understand, but unless the * J ScsJß sible to use less expensive meat - * because of the intensive cook- I and upwards. t Butterick patterns and publications with com- structed, it will not perform ef- A ■ _ ing process, which makes the n ntmuriha_<. * I petent assistants to help you do your selecting. ficiently. This is the reason j-^']J meat tender, juicy ajid nutri- , *°° B °° r ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. for the Superior Roasting and 1/ tious * Bakes golden brown I ,|| Baking qualities of the Domes- J** loaves of bread, cakes and j BOWMAN'S —FifUl Floor, for Fine Furnlturo. |