Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 27, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Roscoe Gougler, Harrisburg,
Wins Game For Mas
sillon, Ohio
Roscoe Gougler, who was a big
1 Central High star and later won
prominence on the Pitt team is with
Jim Thorpe's aggregation and mak
ing good. He was a big star yes
terday. A dispatch from Akron,
Ohio, says:
With seven all-American stars in
their lineup, headed by the great
Stan Coffall, former sensational
halfback of Notre Dame, the Massil
lon Tigers again demonstrated their
class to-day when they defeated the
Akron Indians in a sensational bat
tle by a score of 9 to 6.
All scores were made by the place
ment kick route, Gougler, former
Pitt star, doing the booting for the
Tigers and Crisp for tbe Akron team.
Gougler was successful in three
trials from the 28, 32 and 45-yard
lines, while Crisp made each of his
trials from the S3 and 32-yard lins.
The field was slippery and muddy
and made anythng but the old style
of line-smashing play difficult. The
line of each team held so well that
both teams had to kick whenever
opportunities were offered. Sensa
tional line smashes by Coffall and J.
Miller, of the Tigers, placed the ball
three times in a position for Gougler
to kick a goal. The lineup;
Nash, I.e. Sefton. I.e.
Johnson, l.t. Cobb, l.t.
"Wlmberly, l.g. Crisp, l.g.
Peck, c. Waldsmith, c.
Cripps, r.g. Nesser, r.g.
Thornhill, r.t. Copley, r.t.
Herron, r.e. Sweeney, re.
Dorial, q.b. Perdy, q.b.
Gougler, i.h.b. Brown, l.h.b.
J. Miller, r.h.b. Bryant, r. h. b.
Coffall, f.b. Joy, f.b.
Score by periods:
Akron 3 0 3 o—6
Massillon 3 3 0 3—9
Substitutes. Akron. Hollenbeck
for Nesser, Munns for Joy, Maloney
for Hollenbeck, Deible for tVald
smtth; Massillon, Tressell (Pitt A.
A.) for Nash, Nash for Johnson, S.
Miller (Penn State) for Dorias;
Conn (All-Western) for Gougler;
McGinnis (Lehigh) for Coffall, Dor
ias for S. Miller, Gougler for Conn,
Coffall for McGinnis. Coals from
field. Crisp, 2; Gougler, 3. Referee,
I'urfee, of Williams. Umpire, Bech
tel, of Ohio Wesleyan. Field judge,
Snyder, of Harvard. Head lines
man, Corielus, of Mount Union.
Time of quarters, 15 minutes.
Oberlin A. C. Wins in
Game With Mt. Joy Team
Mount Joy, Oct. 27. —The Oberlin
A. C. defeated the Mount Joy eleven
ihere Saturday in a well played game,
7 to 0. The contest was marked
■with long runs and numerous for
ward passes. In the first quarter
Shuey carried the ball on a stxty
;yard run to Mount Joy's 15-yard
line, but Oberlin lost the ball on
idowa. Neither team registered a
iscore until the last few minutes of
play, when Gustin recovered a
(fumble and ran 25 yards for a touch
down. Handshaw kicked the goal.
Barr played an excellent game for
Mount Joy.
Fight Shows Numerous;
Two Fixed For One Night
According to announcements lo
cal fight fans will lie offered three
shows in one week. At the last
show Manager Joe Barrett gava out
a tentative program for October 10.
This is the date fixed for the next
show of the Harrisburg Boxing As
sociation. The Motive Power Ath
letic Club has selected November
7 for their second show. According
to Baltimore and Philadelphia pa
pers, contracts have been signed
by fighters from those cities to box
on the tenth, including "Little Jeff."
Fulton A. C. Is Winner in
Game With Melrose Club
laneastcr, Pa„ Oct. 27. —Fulton
jIA. C. had an easy victory over the
Melrose Club of Harrisburg, winning
48 to 0. The visitors were outclass
■ed. The lineup and summary:
Kinn, I.e. Snyder, i.e.
Souders, l.t. Jones, l.t.
•Gelsentlcher, l.g. L. Sales, l.g.
H. Murr, c. T.'ahm, c.
Augment, r.g. Harvey, r.g.
-C. Murr. r.t. G. Shickley, r.t.
• Grelner, r.e. CI ugh, r.e.
*Good, q.b. F. SheafTer, q.b.
Maguire, l.h.b. Handpaw, l.h.b.
Williams, r.h.b. E. Sheaffer, r.h.b.
Sawyer, f.b. Fetrow. f.b.
Touchdowns, Kinn; Williams, 2;
Maguire, 2; Sawyer, 2. Goal from
touchdowns. Good, 3. Field goal,
Good. Referee, Harbison. Umpire,
Brock, Harrisburg Tech. Time of
periods, 10 minutes.
To travel without
one is irksome to
travel w i th —a pleas
We carry a very excel
lent assortment of these
high-grade wardrobe
trunks. Some are beauti
fully lined and are made
with various compartments
for smaller articles of
clothing, hats, etc.
In a of styles,
priced from
$40.00 up
Regal Umbrella
Second and Walnut
Five Games Are Necessary to
Decide Victory; Cham
pions Fought Hard
Hanover volleyball champions went
heme Saturday night with the lau
rels. The York county champions won
out over the Zembo Patrol team, of
Harrisburg, but they had to go some
to land the victory. The total score
at the finish was 65 to 61. This was
the first game in a series of three.
Hanover players said It was the
hardest battle in their history.
The contest was witnessed by a
large crowd and was played at Chest
nut street Auditorium. After the
gome there was a dance program with
a 12-piece orchestra furnishing the
music. Patrons were given a big run
for their money. The next game will
in all probability be with the police
team, champions of this city.
Saturday's night's game was full of
thrills from start to finish, and spec
tators showed they knew the game by
their applause. Zembo took first two,
and the Hanover came back and cap
tured two games, by close scores.
Five games were necessary, and it
was a nip and tuck battle until the
linish. With the score at 14
to 14 and only a few minutes to
play, both teams showed great form.
Hanover finally got a ball over the
corner of the net winning by a score
of 15 to 14.
Great Exhibition
It was a great exhibition and the
Hanover team showed real spirit. It
is a clean bunch that holds the cham
pionship title of York county, and
their splendid exhibition won for
litem much praise. Manager J. L.
Bunty, of the Hanover team told
"Cappy" Hoy after the game that he
was pleased with the treatment and
would be back soon again. He prais
ed the work of the local team and
said, "It was the hardest fight we
have ever had."'
There will be no game this week,
but arrangements are now being
ir.ude for the first of a series of
games with the police team. Harris
burg is taking hold of volleyball
sport and the local management is
anxious to give the best that can be
had. The Elks will be in the game in
a few days and will challenge all
comers. There is likely to be strong
rivalry when the Elks start as on the
new team will be a number of former
stars, who still show championship
Edison Juniors Lose Out
in Hard Battle at Sunbury
Sunbury High School team de
feated the Edison Junior High team
at Sunbury Saturday, score 13 to 0.
The Sunbury team is a good light
weight team representing a school
of nearly four hundred and Edison
was slightly outclassed, but the boys
put up a fine game and held Sun
bury scoreless until within thirty-six
seconds of the end of the first half.
During this time Edison had ad
vanced the ball at times into the
enemy territory and at times had
threatened the opponent's line.
They, however, lacked the punch to
score and the ball passed to Sunbury
who kicked to safety.
While this was Edison's second
game, it was Sunbury's fourth. It
was also Sunbury's fourth victory.
Sunbury defeated Bloomsburg High
school by a 19-6 score, October 19,
and had previously defeated Milton
by the score around 70 to 0. Milton
had defeated Danville High by a
score of 7 to 0, and so Danville can
celed on Sunbury and Edison was
Score in East Quarter
The second score was made dur
ing the last quarter and at no time
up to the ihiddle of that quarter
was the victory sure for Sunbury.
The quarters were twelve minutes
long. The Edison boys played a
good, clean game and proved them
selves a credit to Edison. Snyder
and Kelly each received minor in
juries and were taken from the
game. The line-up and summary:
McLinn, 1. e. Shipman, 1. e.
Heagy, l.t. Renn, 1. t.
Jones, 1. g. G. Wolfe, 1. g.
Biehl, c. L. Wolfe, c.
Cassell, r. g. Messner, r. g.
Selser, r. t. Fahringer, r. t.
Kelly, r. e. Forsythe, r. e.
Hentz, q. b. Casull, q. b.
Ney, r. h. b. Carpenter, r. h. b.
Snyder, 1. h. b. Moore, 1. h. b.
Barringer, f. b. Stryker, f. b.
Substitutes—Faux for Renn, Noss
for Messner, Breese for McLinn,
Fellers for Jones, Challenger for
Kelly. Touchdowns—Casull, For
Motorcycle Run Ends
With H. Heagy Winner
In the first of a series of motor
cycle endurance runs, Harvey Heagy
yesterday, alone finished with a per
fect score. Harry Nichols was sec
ond, being two minutes late. John
Fritt, with a solo Indian outfit, was
thirty minutes late. Ray Casette was
one hour and fourteen minutes late.
The run was 160 miles, and began
at Front and Market streets, at 8
o'clock. East Waterford, Juniatal
county was the terminal.
The first stop on the trip was at
Sterrett's Gap. The second was at
Ickesburg, Perry county and the
third at East Waterford. Returning
the first checking point was outside
of Port Royal; the second at Clark's
Ferry Bridge, and the third and
final at the West End Electric Com
pany station at Green and Maclay
streets, this city.
More than S3OO worth of prizes
are to be awarded to the winners of
the race.
Youngsters on Barrett Bill
Promise Good Fighting
Next to the big bout at the Bar
rett show at the Olympia A. A.,
Steelton, Thursday night. Is the
special bout of six rounds between
"Kid" Richmond, who Is the best
bantam In Baltimore, with the ex
ception of "Kid" Williams, and
Jackie Parkes, who all Lancaster is
boosting as the next world's cham
pion among the bantamweights.
Young Lehman, the local wrestler
fighter, will met Laurence King, an
overseas boxer, who 1b now making
this city his home. "Red" Singer,
Dauphin, will meet Chester Rowan,
of Steelton; while two Steelton
lads, Ivory Eshelman and Gordl
Carchadi, will open the show, mak
ing four six and one ten-round
bouts, thirty-four rounds in all.
iOthor Sports on Pace IS)
Faller Hangs Up Record
in Ten-Mile National Run
New York, Oct. 2 7.—Fred Faller,
of the Dorchester Club, Mass., won
the National Amateur Athletic Union
10-mile championship run on the
Brooklyn Athletic Field Saturday in
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
f Each one cf the many styles in the present showings was selected
/ / / / J / /O / because of its hand tailoring and high Quality. Huge collars hold
// / / * * 1 / / gracefully about the throat and where fur is used the sueeestion of X
/ \fll& nt I I A warmth and cozy comfort is given..
/ I IxAIUViXALVU UL] \JI I U IaJS Tobe . wa ™ and practicable, and at the same time fashionable, is flk t \
C y C*/ ) C J J O Itm? a , mbl I t . lon of evsr y one of these handsome additions to our stocks.
L >/ - 1 The loveliest tones and most alluring fabrics are employed and yet nW* Milan
' * through careful planning we are able to price scores of styles in a \ ■/% Wl MML
Preparatory plans for entertaining apfrova/ W '" conv ' nce y° u °f ° ur earnest desire to win your ap- A
friends in the home over Thanksgiving
tfk 'lTfe now in ' he ma , ki . ng ' J"" 1 accessory The Materials and Linings Soft and Rich f] 111
to every housewife s happiness for ° VV^A in IB p I ft' W
A _ £ A entertaining occasions is fine Table otabl y s . mart "latcrials which include Normandy Cloth, Y' J Jijf
i yA Linen Y el^ ur Silvertone, Tinseltone, Chameleon Cord and Crystal Ml®
ji wYA\ Linen - Cord. The linings are either of solid color, long wearing weaves or 1 I ifM
\ j l\ Even though the war's demand's silks in fancy patterns. j ft'Wj
7 U . j -mi ... -I I y promise to cut down the normal sup- and go to $42.50, $45, $47.50, 1 /fi v
/ 1 I / \ 1 r V r x $49.50, $55, $57.50, S6O and up. ' V ft MM
J | ; ** J J \ ply of linens for years to come we are F I\l 'Sr
\ \ J ) now able to present attractive offer- | /Jr
Xx' """ ~ s. / ings at lower prices than equal grades f I I f
. D wu. have,ob.,o,d tor w. Leather Coats For llrj
Pure Linen Damask, Pattern Cloths and Napkins JS&Y q f w4 t wty
eo-incii tabic damask. Yard *1.95 aii Linen Pattern Table Cloth* * ks|jolLS W GcLL JIH
72-inch all linen table damask in eight patterns, X-dtECrn X aDie V_lotns x J V
including dot, rose, tulip and satin stripes. 70x70 inches *9.00 y
' 72-inch all linen table damask. Yard !!!.*:i.oo 70x88 inches $12.00 f_ e in P U " Ue s P orts with the same care,
70-intii nil Hncn heavy <iama.sk in six patterns • 72x90 inches $15.00 i i_ j winter that she does in the Summer months, these
with 22-inct) napkins to match. Damask* yd.,.53.50 81x81 inches SIO.O<L $12.00 and $15.00 leather and leatherette COatS will grace manv a Dair of <shoiilHprc \A7Vii
Napkins, dozen T\*.. SB.OO 7-'xioß inches ..SIO.OO. $12.H1), $15.00 and SIB.OO IIHU these snappily styled models in tan are l shoulders. While
72-inch extra heavy tabic damask, rose pat- msggflfe fnr " y "Z7 a moa ® ls n tan are good to look upon they are ideal
tern. Yard SI.OO aii T,inen Narikin* —and r P a E1 knockabout service. Delightfully comfortable too,
72-ineh extra fine double table damask in three 1 irdpnins AgflMg ana reasonably priced at 827,50 to 849 50
patterns. Yard ••••••••••••• $4.50 I n Beautiful Patterns None of Which Can Be Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor.
Napkins to match, inches. Dozen ..$12.00 Duplicated Now.
Dozen ..$5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $9.00, $12.00, $15.00, wMBMBB) ■> |
..fLr Hemstitched Cloths M ,. 7°: . Goats For Children, Girls and Juniors
66x66 inches $7.50 and $8.50 .Plain Irish Linen Hemstiched Imiralß* ' c- „ D ,
66x80 inches $9.00 T ~ r , . blzes Ra "ge From 2to 16 and 13 to 19 Years.
70x70 inched llTo collection of Coats for children, girls and jun-
* 11 ;; ?.oo fmpF* ]°J S < that we have c Y er shown in a "y one season is now on display in
Hemstitched All Linen Lunch Cloths -5 inches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ss!so A 1 • e °V tcra PP arel sectl ons on the second floor. The styles are quite the
„„ , . „ 54 inches $7.00 '/ I jauntiest of the newer modes and the cloths are the best obtainable
4- WW in Mftil °nn am i Brown art. linen, in. desirable, widths; extra Choose from sturdy mixed woolens, silvertone velour Kersev Miltnn
D.V-. t El,wart. Sir,., Floor V A PriC " f 4 " 85 a " d *° 5 39 58
Divea, Pomrroy & Stewart, Second Floor
Irresistible Neckwear For Women - Comfort Glows In These Lamps
A frock makes its success assured when its wearer chooses a ruffly Portables v For Gas and Electricity: $5.98 to $41.50
collar such as are to be seen now in the Neckwear Section. They are all fl_ Their designs originated in the Far East and in those queer little lamp
fashioned so prettily and with so much jauntiness that every woman who (rss) chops o. Paris, from which American makers get so many of their ideas,
sees them will want to possess two or three of them. uT ' n ® tanc f they would seem to tell of a higher price—and they
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. 4lk\s\lEi would command a higher price too, if they had been but lately bought.
T be finishes include
Gloves of Cape and Mocha Skins ffßff Antique Bronze Jap Copper Old Ivory
Fine of Quality: $2.50 to $4.50 Pair Bill. -^ rass
J " IflHfWpll shades are of rich Cathedral art glass, some with straight, others
Women's Cape Gloves, s2.s<>-Washable cape skin gloves, in tan, V T Td/f wi ? pan f e!s ' . Th fY are P ainte , d ix } floral patterns and scenic effects,
_. v , nf i n ,. r i / and aR OA tbose ' or electricity are fitted with mazda bulbs; the gas types are
grey and pearl. j complete with fixtures.
WW. PW- Glove, ?3.50-0^, S p p iqu . ,e,™ giove.. i U(j. Degk Lam Bmdoir L
Women s French Kid Gloves, $3.50 —Two-clasp French gloves in twl- T , ... ~ , , , ~,
• , , ~ F 6 Desk Lamps are equipped with adjustable brass shades or carefully
black with white sewing and embroidery. decorated parchment/ Prices are $6.50 to SIO.OO
Women's Fancy Gloves, s3.7s—Pique sewn gloves with fancy em- A WctTl]! OWGcltGr S ! lk B °ud°ir Lamps, with shades of figured silk ... $4.00 to $6.98
broidery; in brown, grey and beaver. Ar Silk Shades for floor lamps •••••• $7.00 to $69.00
Necessary To Comfort Floor Bases of mahogany and Polychrome $ll.OO to $36.00
Women's Mocha Gloves, $4.25 —Grey and beaver Mocha gloves, with Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement
P. X. M. seam and spear back.
,/-rr' ?4 ' 50 ~ Grey Mocha glovcs ' pique sewn Comfort and Style In Men's Shoes
Women's Mid-length Gloves, $5.50 —Twelve button kid gloves in a real need these crisp days. It Simply a Matter Of Cho 'lCe
black and white. ■ is fine for dutdoor sports wear, Every shoe need can be satisfactorily taken care of in this great stock
Children's Leatherette Gloves, $l.O0 —All sizes in white, grey and and ideal for wear under a coat, of sb °es for men. It is interesting to note from day to day that men who
brown. ~ . have had shoe troubles for years are now finding foot comfort and up-to-
Women's Kid Gloves, s4.7s—Eight button length kid gloves, in to d,s P lace an overcoat. the-moment styles in our Shoe Sections. Thousands of pairs of shoes,
black and white. bought early in the season, are read y at prices consistent with fine quality.
In the Men's Store an unusual From the makers of the popular Dalton shoes lias come a new shipment of men's
shoes. In chirk Russian calf on tire Zip last $ll.OO
, 1 /s* i i n i , stock of Sweaters is being pre- s°h° V aU • S Y <X b " Ut ° u,e Maribridge last :..sio.o
T<n\rc Qnrl Pcninflof Dalton's dark Russian fair slioes, made on the Dart last $14.00
DUj O ClllU V-Jll lo ÜblluUi VJaUIlUct VjIUYtJO sented in shaker knit brushed Knee land shoes for dressy young men, include the new dark Russian calf shoes on
*' the Rltz last at $ll.OO
Mackinaw gauntlet gloves with Scout, star or plain cuffs, pair 75c wool and other fine woolens V C . toc ! R , ussl<u ' oa " ba,s on tb e Pilgrim last arc $ll.OO
Tan Jersey gauntlet gloves with leatherette cuffs, pair I 39c rubber hcehTat ° f S ' a " calf ls n,adc lnto a slloc on thc U ' S ' ,ast with Gt ™ l s; > ear
Boys' and girls' leather gaunUet gloves with fringed or plain cufTs; pair 75e Every desirable color, too, Broad toc Uuclicr russet shoes'on tlie Overtherc iast arc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !si2!o(
Genuine buckskin gauntlet gloves; warranted not to harden If watersoaked; OB - et -n C ' >tarshnll's handsome dark cordovan shoes on the Daybreak last, with Good
pair SI.OO ipo.cro to jpAD.DW year rubber heels i.re $14,00
Children's wool gloves in plain and fancy knit weaves. Pair . .59c, 05c, 75c nnd SI.OO Dr. A. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes in black vivi blucher style on a com-
Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart— bination last, are ready in a complete range of sizes. Pair $ll.OO
Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart. Men'a Store Men's Store Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street Section.
Winter Arc n ßeady° atingS [JSESj FaSt C ° lor Velvets and
A Showing That Is Worth Seeing Luxurious V elveteens
Kittens' Ear, Velour and Mixtures. The weights vary from 14 to ?BouS In Augmented Showings This Week
to the yard, 54 inches wide. Yard $5.95 to SIO.OO
Chevalette is the new knitted fabric for suits; all wool, 44 inches wide, TTn With the displays of pile fabrics, enriched by new arrivals in Velveteen,
in brown, navy, reindeer and French blue. Yard . $7.50 JAciyriGG -DIOUSGS \/.i, j p.. . .... , . , .„
Duvetyne Velours; a rich, soft finished all-wooi iabric, in navy? dark no T Corduroy, women pl,nn,n e Winter gowns and frocks will want
brown, reindeer, burgundy, brown, myrtle, taupe, Copenhagen, metal grey, TOT JjOVS Ot7C to B P end an interesting half hour in the Silk Section.
plum and black; 54 inches wide. Yard $5.95 .
1200 boys will soon look fresh Imported velveteen in fast color and fast pile. In navy, brown and black; 36 inches
TtWnrVl Qovrrd* $1 flfi 4-/% <££ Cif\ and neat in one of the new wide, yard, 54.50; 44 Inches wide, yard > $.50
r rencn Derge, to Sb.UU -Kaynee- Blouses, ready for the Imported eorduroy, ,n navy, hrown and black; 24 inches wide, yard, ss.oo
For women who are accustomed to make their own skirts and dresses, Assorted stri'Des in nercales- Matk wl ' et - s " wldc - > * s ' so
these qualities, m their excellent shadings will appeal strongly. Assorted stripes in percales,
ifi SI aa j . .. , also solid color blue in high- Chiffon velvet In colors, yard $7.50
36 inches wide; yard SI.OO 43 inches wide; yard .$2.75 pra d e chambrav- aizen fi to ifi
41 inches wide; yard $1.50 54 inches wide; yard ....,..$4.50 ' „ n . Moire velvet, 40 Inches wide, for draping on velvet and satin gowns and for fancy
42 inches wide; yard $2.25 54 inches wide; yard $6.00 ba * s ' yapd sto.ot>
„ Dlvea, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Pomeroy * Stewart, street Floor Boy.' Store. Dlvea. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
52.32 2-6.
Faller, who finished second to
Vereullen In the interallied modified
marathon race in France a short
time ago, led his field all the way
to-day and established a new Amer
ican record of 30.01 2-5 for the first
six miles of the race.
Terry Halpin, Morningside A. C.,
finished second nearly half a mile
behind the winner, and Frank Zuna,
' unattached, of this city, was third.
1 The 7-mlle walking championship
; was won by William Plant, Morn
. ingside A. C., in 65.06 2-5. Richard
1 Renter, unattached, New York, was
second and Kyrt Zulch, American
s Walkers' Club, was third.
Sextette C. C. After Games;
Strong Philadelphia Team
The Sextette C. C„ of Philadel
phia, have organized a first-class
basketbs 1 team and would like to
book games with all first-class home
teams in and out of town. This'
OCTOBER 27, 1919.
team will be composed of players
from Stetson Mission, Rockwood and
Hancock fives and can be secured
for a reasonable guarantee. The
players made a notable record last
year and would be a hlgh-cluss at
traction for any home club. Man
agers wishing to book this team
should address A. J. Green. 2945
' North Bambrey street, Philadelphia,
or phone Diamond 9095-W between
6 and 7 p. m.
Mrs. A—"lt seems hard not to be
able to get some whisky for cooking
Husband—"l suppose they think that
most of it would be used for 'stews:' "
i —Boston Transcript.