Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 27, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
Nations of World Are Seeking Solution of 8-Hour Day Problem Washington, D. C., Oct. 27. Plana for the International Labor Conference to convene In Washing ton, October 29, have been practi cally completed by the Organizing Committee, according to an an nouncement to-day, and with the assembling of the delegates work can begin at once upon the interna tional questions involving labor which under the terms of the Peace Treaty it is hoped to bring to a solu tion upon a standard plan of action. Shorter hours of work, universal recognition of the seriousness of the unemployment problem, the adop tion of maternity insurance and progress in many nations toward proper protection for women and children against industrial hazards, especially legal safeguards against their employment at night or in dangerous processes, are some of the questions to be presented to the con ference. New Jap Ambassador Arrives; Glad to Be in America Again By Associated Press San Francisco, Oct. 27. —Ambas- sador Kijuro Shidehara, appointed to represent Japan in the United States, arrived here on the Siberia Maru. He will leave here to-mor row morning for Washington. i WE HAVE !| | THE WHEAT | |J Nature has given us g ffl a bountiful supply of B wheat - but it takes time to recover from war restrictions. Our four factories are run- H ning over-time. If | ■ you don't get all the I Shredded Wheat Biscuit you want, don't scold the grocer. 1 | He is doing the best he i | can. Normal conditions 0 will soon return. It is | the same Shredded Wheat you have always eaten - pure, wholesome and nutritious.The most g food for the least money. B Delicious with sliced S bananas,or other fruit. | Asserts New Discovery Brings Blessed Relief to Rose and Hay Fever Sufferers Can Make It Yourself At Home At Trifling Expense In spite of all the doubters and scoffers, a man In Kentucky, who changed his annoying and distress ing hay fever into less than a mild cold, claims most emphatically that if taken in time hay fever can be conquered or at least made so harm less that it is not even bothersome. He gave his discovery to scores of other sufferers with the most re murkable results and has recently been prevailed upon to dispense it through pharmacists to all hay fever sufferers who still have faith that nature has provided an effective remedy for this common yet miser able disease. GET YOtTR CHRISTMAS PHOTOS EARLY Let it be a photograph for Christmas. Your friends will appreciate your photograph far greater than a trinket soon to be forgotten. Use the coupon below, it will save you ONE DOLLAR! I THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR*! ill! ONE DOLLAR ill On any order of Five Dollars or more. Cut out the I Coupon—it may not appear again, and bring it, |||| X before Nov. 35 to — X | THE CAMPBELL STUDIO J 10 South Market Square MONDAY EVENING, Gross Estate of $810,607.88 Is Left by Theodore Roosevelt New York, pet. 27. Theodore Roosevelt left a gross estate at the time of his death at 5810,607.83, ac cording to affidavits filed last week with Transfer Tax Appraiser James N. Gehrig by George Emlen Roose velt, one of the executors of tile will. From the gross amount will be de ducted 533 ( 898.72 for funeral ex penses, counsel fees and dfebts, to gether with executors' fees not yet computed. By the terms of the will the en tire estate goes to the widow, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, in trust to be dis posed of among the children in any portions she may decide upon. W. H. Taft Eulogizes Americanism of T. R. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 27. ln an address that may become his torical, William Howard Taft deliv ered a principal eulogy on the Roose velt Memorial celebration last night in the Doolsey Hall Auditorium. Hundreds stood and many were turned away. Major Hiram Bing ham, of Yale University, presided- Mr. Taft evoked repeated applause when he eulogized the Americanism of Roosevelt and asserted this coun try never needed Roosevelt's cou rageous spirit more than at present. His accomplishments and his dy namic purpose were also roundly ap plauded as sounding the keynote in Roosevelt character. And best of all this remedy costs almost nothing. Get a one ounce bottle of Menthollzed Arclne at any drug store, pour the contents into a pint bottle and fill the pint bot tle with water that has been boiled. Then gargle as directed and twice daily snuff or spray each nostril thoroughly. That's all there is to it; so simple that a lot of people will say that it can't do the work; but oftentimes simple natural remedies are tho best as you will find after using. If you will make up a pint and use it for a week or ten days you need not be surprised if your unwel come yearly visitor fails to appear. MILLIONS FOR B.&L.ASSNS. Enormous Authorization of Capital Reported by State Officials in Recent Months ation of building SNNA\0 and loan assocla tions or in returns tions for increases 1 JMHntfWV ot stock represent I than covered by the authorizations Q f building and loan associations for the decade be tween 1905 and 1915, according to officials of the State government. Building and loan associations, which numbered 1,600 a few years ago, have increased by scores and Pennsylvania now has more such organizations than any other State, with Philadelphia having about four fifths of its total number. The increase in associations thus far in 1919 is greater than in the whole of last year and more , than in either of the two preceding years. Almost all of the associations are now being incorporated with 51,000,- 000 as the authorized capital stock, whereas half a dozen years ago 5500,- 000 was generally the limit. The day of the association with an authorized capital of 510,000,000 has also come and 55,000,000 asso ciations are not uncommon. Eight associations chartered last week had an aggregate authorization of 518,- 000,000. In addition, a number of asso ciations have filed notices of in creases of stock to $6,000,000. The Provident and Crystal of Philadel phia, filed such notices a few days ago and the Mercantile advanced to $2,000,000. ' Pennsylvania Is believed by men who have been In the woods and who have been observing game life to have more wild turkeys now than for 25 years, according to Seth E. Gordon, acting secretary of the State Game Commission, who has return ed from some visits to central and southern counties. The weather con ditions [have been faw>rable for propagation and the State authori ties have bought numerous kinds of birds and turned them loose to breed. In some sections vyhere turkeys had been almost extinct this plan has resulted in notable increases. Flocks of as high as 25 birds have been re ported from some counties to the Commission ofjlces. The wild turkey season opens November 15 and lasts 15 days. Governor Spronl Is in Philadelphia to-day- attending the reception to the Royal Belgian party. Members of the State Fisheries Commission are meeting in Philadel phia this week to plan their winter work. The Erie Comity Light Company has filed notice of an increase of its debt limit from $1,600,000 to $2,- 000,000, while the Red Bank and Clarion Electric Companies re cently chartered for Clarion and Armstrong counties have filed notices of advances in their debt. General Charles Miller, former commander of the National Guard, and other prominent northwestern men are in the new Home Railway Oil Company, of Franklin, chartered with a capital of $1,000,000. Hie Strasburg Tag and Novelty Co., of Lancaster, has filed notice of increase of stock from SIO,OOO to $50,000. Highly complimentary statements are made about the address deliv ered at the Founders' Day exercises at Swarthmore by Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Major General W. G. Price, com manding the new National Guard, is expected to be here during the week to discuss the new formations and the field officers. Members of the State Supreme and Superior Courts will attend the funeral of Judge J. Henry Williams at Philadelphia. Lackawanna courts have decided to make a test of some of the new agreements regarding "mine caves" in that county. Reading City Oonne.il has protest ed against the State closing the branch employment agency in that city. General E. O. Shannon took a prominent part in planting memorial trees along Lincoln Highway near Lincoln. Speaking of the decision of City Solicitor Connelly to draft a taxi cab ordinance for Philadelphia, the Inquirer says: "It was after Com missioners Clement and Benn had brought out the fact that taxicab riders in Philadelphia were paying more than SIOO,OOO annually in ex cess fares, so that the taxicab com panies could pay the enormous fees demanded, that City Solicitor Con- i nelly made kno.wn his intention to draft the ordinance to establish the public stands. He was attending the hearing upon invitation." Ex-Governor Martin G. Brum baugh is in Maine for a series of lectures and before leaving had converse this way with a Philadel phia Evening Ledger reporter: "Subjects of State government are in the handß of my successor, and it would not be fitting for me to dis cuss his actions, as I might he ac cused of criticising or attacking him. I can only say that I am in hearty support of the present Governor in all that he has done. I believe this is my duty. lam for the League of Nations. I don't care who knows it. We were led to believe the League's adoption meant an end of war. *I believe 90 per cent of the people in America believe this and are for the League." The State Highway Department to day announced its last list of detours owing to State Highway construction and it is not likely that many more will be authorized owing to the late ness of the season and the fact that the contractors are hurrying to fin ish up what was started some time ago. Announcement is made that de tours have been removed in the vi cinity of Wellsboro, Hollidaysburg, Duncansville and Elkland, while new ones have been arranged between Mllford and Port Jervls, Montrose and Milford; Washington and Canons burg; Dillsburg to county line; Frazer and Rock Hill. Jefferson and Waynes, burg and near Salem. Only a small number of additional diphtheria casea have been reported t > the State Department of Health the last few days. It is believed the total for October will run about 2,000 caseses. To-day was not observed aa a hol iday at the State Capitol, hearings ar ranged were held and the usual meet ings were gone through with. Over n dosen counties have tele graphed to the State Game Commis sion headquarters for aldttional hunters' license tags, their supplies having been exhausted the first week of the small game nunting season. Col. Edward Martin, Commissioner jf Health, will apeak at Scranton to morrow. Committee of Philadelphia tenaata will ask a meeting with Governor Sprout to discuss the situation. The work of the State Welfare Commls- HXRRISBURG TELEGRjtPH sion does not appear to be going fast enough to suit them. Chairman Hnrrjr A. Slacker, of the Compensation Hoard, is arranging a big meeting in Philadelphia for to night. _ William P. O'Connor, one of the Northumberland representatives .in several sessions, is dead at his home in Shamokin. He was active in min ers hospital legislation. Governor Assails Bolshevik Ideas In a vigorous speech at Chester on Saturday night Governor William C. Sproul declared that the great labor and social unrest in America was being caused by 5 per cent of the population, representing foreign countries. The Governor scored Bolshevikism and I. W. W.'sm in the most bitterest terms, when the Chief Executive delivered the keynote ad dress at the uriveiling of a bronze tablet at the I. O. O. F. Temple. The ceremonies were in honor of sol diers who paid the supreme sacrifice in the World War conflict and were niembers of Upland Lodge of Ches ter. More than 500 persons heard Governor Sproul deliver his message against un-Americans. "We haven't filled our duty to our country," said Governor Sproul, "for it's up to us Americans to finish the job we started when the United States plunged into the war arena that memorable April day in 1917." Continuing he said: "There are to-day in America 95 per cent Americans. The other 5 per cent are trouble-makers and their agitation is the cause for the unrest in the industrial fields. We cannot tolerate the doings of these anarchists and red flag wavers. 80l- I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I "Be Sure of Your " Always Reliable- What can anyone say that JfPlPl means more than these, two golden words? We have reached the mountain tops of success by their application to our business; we knew that the goal we could possess was worthy of effort and pains and we had the patience and . 3 courage and ability to climb to the top. /ssm Few men's clothing stores have forged \ \ ahead as has this "Live Store/' Why? We are not at tempting to answer this deep question, but so far as our success is concerned, we know that by sticking firmly to the proved ~ methods we know to be fair and just to the customer at all times, has had much to do with our remarkable growth. We never promise anything we don't mean, yet we agree to do everything our customers ask of us. Our patrons realize this and are ready and willing to testify to the accuracy of this statement. fifpj I This is a different kind of a /1 *1 clothing store. You've never known of a store so liberal, so willing, so absolutely certain f ? S'SI of ."making good'' under all circumstances and Pf conditions as this "Live Store," and we pledge jf. ourselves now even more than ever to continue ' ■ ' this same satisfactory square dealing and honest representation, and to give greater values in more generous assortments of nationally known standardized merchandise. When you need a ■ I Suit or Overcoat I|PI I Try the Dependable Doutrich Service JBH| 1 I That Everybody Is Talking About I Copyright 1919. Ifrrt Sghaffncr H The Harrisburg Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes shevikism has no place in America's vocabulary. The teachings of Soviet sympathizers must be suppressed and it's the duty of every American, especially our fraternal organiza tions, to see that the rodts of Bol shevlkism and I. W. W.'sm are de stroyed." State's Campaign For Immune Potatoes Steps planned by Pennsylvania for. control of the potato wart in conjunction with the United States Government next year and the effort to secure the planting of immune varieties will be presented at the convention of the National Associa tion of Secretaries of Agriculture in Chicago next month. At the same time conferences will be held for discussion of uniform methods and co-operation in the marketing serv ice between various states, which is being worked out here. Secretary of Agriculture Fred Rasmussen, Director J. G. Sanders, of the Bureau of Plant Industry and Guy C. Smith, director of markets, will speak for this Statq. Mr. San ders will give results of his visit to Europe and his study of the destruc tive potato disease and the plans used in Great Britain and Ireland for control of the pest. New Regulations Cause of Rush at Commission Adoption of the new regulations for State control of taxicabs, jitneys and other vehicles used as common carriers has brought a shower of applications for certificates from persons operating such conveyances in Philadelphia and some from Pittsburgh and other places. AH a result of the hearing held in Phila delphia on Friday the commission ers, James S. Benn and Samuel M. Clement, Jr., explained the plan of the Commission. There have been numerous inquiries as to procedure and the business of the Commission at executive sessions for some weeks to come will have considerable lists of applications. The system of inspection is being organized by Chief Examiner Gar field" J. Phillips, who will begin very promptly to see how the law Is be ing enforced. Persistent violators will be certified to the State High way Department by the Commission for revocation of licenses. TO HONOR BEMAN Roy D. Beman, of this city, re tiring grandmaster of the I. O. O. F. of Pennsylvania, will be honored with the customary testimonial this evening when State officials and other prominent members will be present. The ceremony will be held at Fountain Lodge No. 1120, Vcr beke and James streets. AIITOS COLLIDE After colliding with a telephone pole on Kulp's Hill on the road be tween Middletown and Lancaster, an automobile owned by Ralph Hess, of Carlisle, was struck by an other car. The brakes on the pecond car had refused to work. Passengers in both cars were thrown out, but no person was badly hurt. CONTRIBUTE CLOTHTNG Memorial Lutheran Church has shipped 1,750 pounds of clothing to Poland. Each Lutheran congrega tion was asked to 'contribute 450 pounds. OCTOBER 27, 1919. Belgian Royalty in Philadelphia Today By Associated Press Phllndrlplifn. Oct. 27.—The King and Queen of the Belgians will spend this afternoon in Philadelphia. Wel comed by Mayor Thomas B. Smith and a committee of citizens, the royal party will be escorted to Indepen dence Hall. After a brief visit to the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Announces a Special Sale of Contents o! id the Canton Warehouse No. 7 Manufacturer*, dealer*. Jobber*, contractor*, organisation* and u*er* of quantities are Invited to Inspect the following material now Mtored In till* \Vnrehouse:— Marine and Ship Chandlery Handling Devices Deck Machinery' and Equipment Hand Tools Electrical Equipment Metals Pipe Valves and Fittings Boiler Fittings and Accessories MISCEIJLAXEOI'S—-Asbestos, Millboard*, Basket*. Holt*, Bolt* and Nuts; 'Boom*. llniHlie*, Bucket*. Chain*. Chair*, Cunliionn, Cuspidors, Fire ExtlnßulNhrrN, Fender*. Filter*. Funnel*, Graters, Hanger*. Head Set*, IIOMC, InkKtnnd*, I.iulit*. Mouthpiece*, Nuts, Oiler*. Pattern** Platols, PIURM, Pont*, Hack*. KUIIKCM, HCOIN, Revolver** Klnics, liivet*. Rod** Safe*, Scale*. Screw*. Spike*. Spring;*, Staple*, Stud*. Table*, Torches, Trap, Wednes, Wheelbarrow*, Wheel*, WJd*tle*. Material* and equipment may be Inspected from 0 A. M. to 5 PM. at the Warehouse and detailed inventory, Information a* to term* and price* may secured on application to the Male* engineer. Supply and Sale* Divlnlon, Canton Warehouse, No. 7. Offers for tlila material will alno he received at the office of the District Supply and Sales Manager, 140 North Rroad *treet, Philadelphia, Pa. DIRECTIONS—Take Pennsylvania avenue car to Clinton nnd Tome street*, Canton; which I* about ten minute*' walk from Ware house. Shrine of Liberty, the King *nd Queen will visit the Belgian Belief and American Red Cross headquarters. I The King will then go to Hog Island where he will act as sponsor at launching of the troop ship Cantigny, : while the Queen will be escorted to I Bryn Mawr College where Miss ; Helen Taft, daughter of former Presi ident William H. Taft and noting head of the college, will greet the royal I visitors. The King and Queen will i leavo for Washington about 6 p. m. 11