Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 27, 1919, Image 1
Need of Navigable Susquehanna Is Emphasized by Statistics Showing Wealth of Productiveness LXXXVIII—NO. 252 MINERS READY TO FORM NEW SCALE TO AVERT STRIKE While Preparations For Walkout Saturday Are Going Ahead, Announcement Is Made That Men Are Will ing to Negotiate CLAIM CENTRAL PENNA. FIELD WOULD BE AFFECTED Indianapolis, Oct. 27.—While preparations for the strike of the half million soft coal miners of the United States, ordered for next Saturday are being continued, it was said at the interna tional headquarters of the United Mine Workers of America here to-day that the miners are ready and willing to negotiate a new wage agreement between now and November 1 that will avert the strike. • "We don't know what the week C will bring forth," said Ellis Searles, editor of the Mine Workers' Journal, the official publication of the ization. "We do know this, that the miners ure ready and willing and have .been to negotiate a new wage ' agreement between now and November 1. And we do know that the operators hav refused. They have rejected proposal after pro posal. Urge V. S. Pressure "Now if the Government would use the same amount of pressure on the operators that it is using on the United Mine Workers of America, there would be no trouble in bring ing about a settlement. All pres sure, so far, has been on the miners and none on the operators. • The Government eould bring the opera tors into conference easily, if it' wanted to. "The organized miners do not want to strike it is the last reort. It is. and always has been the policy of the mine workers to use ail hon orable means to avoid a strike. We hope the operators yet may be in duced to meet the miners and reach an agreement, which will make the strike, called for November 1, un necessary. 500,000 Will Strike "We want the public to know that the miners have done everything in their power to bring about a con ference so that a new wage agree ment could be negotiated and the strike avoided. Up to this time our efforts have been unsuccessful; the operators seem determined to force a strike on the public in order to maintain the high price of coal at the mines." Should the strike go into effect Saturday next, Mr. Searles said, every organized bituminous coal miner in the United States would cease the production of coal and a large num ber of nonorganized miners would loin the strike. He estimated that between 500,000 and 600.000 men would walk out, and added that the Governfiient estimated that the shut down would cut oft eighty per cent, of the bituminous coal produced in the United States. Central Pennsylvania Fields The strike according to Mr. Searles would affect the partly organized fields of Central Pennsylvania; parts of West Virginia, excluding the Po cahontas field, which is not organ ized; portions of eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, Alabama and Col orado, and all of the 100 per cent, organized fields which include Ohio, Indiana. Michigan, Illinois, Western Kentucky/ Missouri, Kansas, Okla homa, Montana and Washington. Force Will Not Allay Crisis, Lewis Declares, in Answer to Wilson By Associated Press Springfield. Ills., Oct. 27. Pre facing his announcement with the statement that he had received no communication from government sources as to President Wilson's stand against the threatened strike of soft coal miners. November 1, John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers of Amer ica, to-day declared "the widely heralded intimation that force may he resorted to will not serve to allay the crisis." Asked whether the President's declaration would act to suspend the strike call, Mr. Lewis said he had nothing to say on this subject. Mr. Lewis went to his home in this city last night, cut himself off from communication with the outside world, and left word that he was not to be bothered before 11 a. m. to-day. Referring to a brief statement, given out at Bloomington enroute to this city, Mr. Lewis said that repre sented the sum total of what he would say at present. "I will simply add, he declared, "that the status quo prevails." Hopes U. S. Will Not Act In regard to this answer Lewis would only say: "I am an American, free born, with all the pride of my heritage. I love my country with its institutions and traditions. With Abraham Lin coln, I think God that we have a country where men may strike. May [Continued on Page .] THE WEATHER | Harrlshurß and Vicinity: Con tinued cloudy with probably nhowera nnd Tuenday. \ot much change In tempera ture. lowont to-night. about M drier ecu. Knntern IVnimy I van Ia : Showera probable to-night and TUCN • day. Not much change in tem perature. tie it le variable wlndn. Rivers The SuMquehannn river a d a>l it* tributaries* will prob ably fall Mlottly or remain near ly stationary. A stance of about S.K.V feet IN Indicated for llar rlahurg Tueitdii) morning. HARRISBURG • TELEGRAPH 1A DAPTTC Dally Except Sunday. Entered an Second Claaa T_r A DDTCT3TTPP "PA ID rAUW Matter ut the Poet Office at Harrlaburg nAIVKiODU AU, JT I\. HE SPONSORED THE BONE-DRY BILL * i ■ M ANDREW J. VOLSTEAD Here is the man who introduced the bone-dry bill in Congress, which makes it illegal to sell any bever age containing one-half of one per cent, of alcohol. This drastic bill becomes a law at midnight if Presi dent Wilson does not veto it. MINERS MUST MAKE THE NEXT MOVE IN STRIKE Some Action Will Be Taken at the Meeting on Wednesday Washington, Oct. 27. The next movement toward settlement of the strike, .it was said, must come from the miners; the operators having accepted "'in its entirety" President Wilson's proposal, made to the joint conference Friday, that the two sides start with a new slate, nego tiate their differences, resorting to arbitration only when negotiations failed, and keep the mines in opera tion. Secretary Wilson has explained that the miners agreed to negotiate, but held over for future considera tion the question of arbitration and withdrawal of the strike order. Officials believe it is possible to reopen the case in view of Lewis' statement that the miners were will ing to negotiate a new wage agree ment, the big bone of contention. An offer to this effect may be pre sented to the executive board at In [Continucd on Page 9.] Awaiting Effect Before Further Steps Toward Conference of Governors Dcs Moines, la., Oct. 27.—Gov ernor W. L. Harding, of lowa, was awaiting to-day what effect the mes sage of President Wilson concerning the threaten coal strike might have before he took further steps toward calling the proposed conference of governors of coal-producing states in Indianapolis. The fact that John L. Lewis, act ing president of the United Mine Workers of America, had called a conference of union officials at In dianapolis for Wednesday, Mr. Harding said, might have some bearing on the governors' confer ence. In a message to President Wilson, Governor Harding said whatever power and influence bis office had was at the President's disposal, first to settle the threatened strike, and if efforts at settlement fail, then to , prevent it. RED CROSS ASKS FOR $30,000 AND 48,000 MEMBERS Great Drive to Be Conducted in Harrisburg Between November 2 and 11 THE POSTERS ARE READY Former Successful Appeals Hearten Women Workers For Long Drive Thirty thousand dollars cash! Forty-eight thousand members! That is what National Red Cross 1 headquarters has asked of Harris- j burg District, the Red Cross. And these 48,000 members and $30,- 000 cash must be produced in the nine | days beginning November 2 and end- ! ing November 11. That is to say on the first anniver- j sary of the one day in history on ' which Har-risburg completely lost its j head, this city and the remainder of j the territory comprising the Harris- ! burg district, must do better for the i Red Cross in membership than it has I ever done; and in addition must pro- ' duce $30,000 cash. '• Colonels" X timed But it will be easy, say the "colo- • nels" who are in charge of the big | drive in the city. The yare: First district, Mrs. C. H. Hunter. j Second district, Mrs. Gilbert L. Cul. j merry. Third district. Miss Anne McCop mick. Fourth district, Mrs. E. F. Dohne. Fifth district. Mrs. A. S. Dillinger. Sixth district, Mrs. F. R. Oyster. These colonels were appointed by j William Jennings, Red Cross Christ mas rollcall, chairman. Mr. Jen- i r.ings, incidentally, has been chair-1 man of all the Red Cross membership 1 campaigns and in all of them, as in this, he has had the assistance of Mercer B. Tate as vice-chairman. A Hard Task "This is going to be hard work," said Mr. Jennings to-day, "but we'll put it over—as Harrlsburg has put over every other Red Crot Mr. Tate was very busy at head quarters in the basement of the Li brary building. Front and Walnut. "The town doesn't look much like there was a Red Cross campaign t ahead of us, but in 24 hours we are going to have the city 'circused' with I posters and other material.- These] signs and paper will call upon every ; man, woman and child in Harrlsburg ] to do his or her duty. All that is | needed, you know, is a heart and $2." I "That's an improvement on the Red ] Cross slogan, isn't it?" "Yes; the Red Cross slogan is 'AH You Need is a Heart and a Dollar." j Ours is going to be "All you Need is a| Heart and Two Dollars," because we j want one dollar for membership and ' the other dollar for that $30,000 pot ] wo must raise if we are to retain our I standing among Red Cross commun- ] ities of America." Scores Injured in Pitched Battle Which Rages in New York By Associated Press Now York, Oct. 27.—Scores of persons were injured in a pitched battle between 2,000 striking long shoremen and several hundred men who were on their way to work at the Bush terminal Brook lyn, this morning. Between 50 and 100 revolver shots were fired and sticks, stones, bricks and clubs used by the combatants. Police reserves were summoned and ten arrests were made. The disturbance occurred at Forty- Third street and Second avenue, Brooklyn, and raged along both streets for two blocks before it was quelled by the police, who used then clubs freely. One policeman was struck in the head by a brick and | seriously injured. ] The ten men arrested were badly beaten up and had their wounds 1 dressed by police surgeons. Two of i them were taken to the hospital. (Others wounded in the fighting were taken away by friends. Four of the men arrested were charged with felonious assault and carrying con cealed Weapons and the others with disorderly conduct. Three Bank Bandits Are Still at Large By Associated Press Beaver Falls, Pa., Oct. 27.— The three bandits who robbed the State Bank of Beaver Falls last Friday and murdered a director of the in stitution were still at large early to-day. and authorities expressed the opinion that they had made their escape to Pittsburgh. A bank examiner who went over the books of the State Bank an nounced that the institution was in good financial condition. SISTERHOOD PLANS FOR RUMMAGE SALE The members of the Temple Sis terhood of Ohev Sholom are busy getting together articles for their Rummage Sale which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. The I articles that will be offered at the j sale will include clothing of all j kinds for men. women and children, shoes, hats, furniture and bric-a brac. One item which will be of particular interest is a complete Russian lace bed set. The sale will be held at 108 South Fourth street, which is one of the new storerooms fronting on the approach to the Mulberry street viaduct. GET sso.oon By Associated Press Cincinnati. Oct. 27.—The safety deposit vault of the bank of Alex andria, at Alexandria, Ky„ a. few mi'es south of Cincinnati, was blown open bv cracksmen early to-dny. Rank officials estimate that $40,000 worth of Liberty BRnds comprised the loot obtained by the robbers. otoc-3ndc|>cnt>eiii. "THE LONG, LONG " * I i #M%r ", iii A^lw" I JP?: On the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt, the Telegraph reprints, at the request of scores of Its readers th remarkable cartoon by "Ding," which appeared first In the columns of this newspaper shortly after the deal of the former President last January . A limited number of souvenir copies will be presented with the comul I ments of this newspaper to those who attend the Roosevelt memorial meeting at Chestnut Street Hall to-nigh ROOSEVELT TO j BE HONORED AT MASSMEETING Memorial Week to Be Ob served Here With Enroll ment of Many Members | Observance of Roosevelt Me morial week will begin in Harris- I burg to-night with a mass meeting ;in the Chestnut Street Auditorium, |at 8 o'clock. Addresses will be made lon the life and work of Roosevelt j and an elaborate musical program will be given. Before the meeting the Municipal j Band will give a concert in Market Square and a short street parade, j There will be no reserved seats for jthe memorial meeting in the audi torium, and no admission will be I charged. During this week a membership j campaign will be conducted through out the city. Ward leaders will name assistants to aid in making a can vas of each district. Membership subscriptions of $1 or more will be received at headquarters of the Dauphin County Roosevelt Memorial [Continued on Page 6.] Brown Sugar Now Sells at 20 Cents a Pound Consumers who read Saturday that brown sugar, formerly used for baking purposes, to-day sent in grocers' receipts showing that the price in Harrisburg had jumped to twenty cents a pound. Wholesale dealers would not make public the i wholesale prices, saying that "it j would not be fair to the retail grocers." No more granulated sugar arrived since last week's shipment, and the demand for sweets has been grow ! ing daily. Dispatches from Philadel j phia to-day say that John A. Mc j.Carthy, State Sugar Administrator, jis planning to prosecute sugar profiteers. Mr. McCarthy also has | disproved the idea of selling sugar j only with groceries, although this ! plan has been approved by many i as a means to prevent hoarding. i Thief Gets $350 in Money and Jewelry Money, watch chains, rings, pins and otlier jewelry, valued at more, than $350, is reported to have been taken from the residence of J. W. Cowden, 1711 >*>rth Second street, Saturday night. , The house was entered between 6 and 9 o'c'ock in the evening, while the family was out. Entrance was gained by prying open a front window. Included in the booty was $36 in cash, Thrift Stamps worth $2.50, a gold wutch chain worth SIOO, a turquotse ring worth SIOO, stick pins, brooches, bracelets, etc. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27, 1919 AMERICAN LEGION BUTTONS HERE j AMERICAN Legion buttons j have arrlvecKfind may be se cured by members at the | itamp window of the Post Office , after 3 o'clock any afternoon. | Treasurer Wilbar, of Post 27, will also be at that window every , evening ar.-d will pass out buttons as long as the supply lasts. For the Information of members who are not receiving their American Legion Weekly, it is suggested that they give the! r names to Mr. Wilbar so that the error can be corrected. REPORT SHOWS ~ NEED OF DEEPER SUSQUEHANNA Major Gray's Estimates Amply Borne Out by Secretary Woodward's Statistics The Department of Internal Af fairs, acting on the request of the United States Government, has pro vided the engineers surveying the Susquehanna river with information showing the wonderful possibilities of water traffic on this great stream. The figures amply justify the vision of Mayor William B. Tray, who, in an address before the Harrisburg Rotary Club, started the present movement for the canalization of the river. The club, taking up the subject, was instrumental in the forming of the Susquehanna River Association and Congressmen Greist and Kreider pushed the survey ap propriation bill through the last Con gress. Last week, Warren H. Man ning, the planning engineer, ad dressing the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis Club, touched upon the subject of a deeper Susquehanna and predicted that it will one day be one of the great transportation routes north and south, with Harrisburg a much big ger and more important city than at present. Eight Pennsylvania counties which would contribute directly to the shipping on a navigable Susquehanna [Continued on Page 12.1 •Twelve New Dwellings to Go Up in Green Street M. H. Gettys, contractor for Har vey E. Dewalt, secured a permit to day to erect twelve two-story brick houses in the west side of Green street, north of Woodbine, The dwellings will rost Mo,ooo. H. G. Hippie, contractor for H. C. Ken nedy, will build a' ono-story-brlck garage at the rear of 242 4 North i Second street, at a cost of SI,OOO. U.S. CONSUL IS REPORTED FREED BY BANDIT BAND j Relatives Receive Word That W. O. Jenkins Is at Liberty By Associated Press | Hanford, Cal., Oct. 27.—William O. Jenkins, American consular agent ■ at Puebla, Mexico, and wealthy manufacturer, probably was at lib erty to-day after being abducted 1 and held a week by three masked i Mexican bandits for a ransom of i $150,000. Wotd that he had been rescued from the bandits who seized him at his ranch near Puebla a week ago Sunday, wes received late last night , by his father, John W. Jenkins, of this city, in a brief telegram from Miss Annie Jenkins, sister of the ■ consular agent. The Message The message did not indicate whether any portion of the ransom demanded had been paid or whether the efforts of the Mexican govern ment in response to urgent demands of the American State Department had effected the release. It read: "Oscar was rescued this after , noon. Advise relatives." Although Jenkins was kidnaped i on October 19, news of his deten tion did not reach his family here until last Wednesday when a tele gram was received from his sister. Later word came from here that be sides kidnapirig Mr. Jenkins, the ' bandits who held him for ransom had also plundered his ranch home, securing $60,000. Whether all or any part of this had been recovered was not clear here. Another point not disclosed was the exact time of Jenkins' release. His sister's mes sage, telephoned here from Fresno, I said "to-day" but the date of the ■|" message was not telephoned, the consular agent's father said, and whether his detention had ended . Saturday or Sundav was not known. State Department Gets Official Report , I By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 27.—William C. Jenkins. the American consular agent at Puebla. who was kidnaped October 19, by Mexican bandits, was released after payment of ransom, the State Department was advised to day by the American embassy at Mexico City. The bandits who had held Jenkins demanded $150,000 In gold The message to the department said that Matthew E. Hanna. third secretary 'of the embassy, which was sent jto Puebla yesterday had re ceived a message from Jenkins sent from wtthin the Mexican federal i lines that the ransom had been paid ! to the kidnapers and that he- was on i his way to Puebla. , OKLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS SINGLE COPIES UHUC rHITIAII NEWSPAPER IN HARHISBUKG TWO CENTS IIUITIL LJJI 1 lUfll SENATE REJECTS JOHNSON CHANGES TO PEACE TREATY Turns Down Amendment Seeking to Equalize Voting Power of U. S. and Great Britain With Her Dominions BALLOTS ARE THIRTY-EIGHT FOR AND FORTY AGAINST IT Washington, Oct. 27.—The Johnson amendment to the Peace Treaty, proposing in effect that the voting power of the United States in the League of Nations be increased to equal that of Great Britain and her dominions, was rejected to-day by the Senate. The vote was 38 for the amendment and 40 against it The rollcall follows - . For adoption: Republicans Ball, Borah, Bran degee, Capper, Cummins, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, France, Freling huysen, Gronna, Harding, Johnson, of California: Jones, of Washington; Kenyon, Knox, LaFollette, Lenroot, Lodge, MeCormick, McLean, Moses, New, Newberry, NorHs, Page, Pen rose, Phipps, Poindexter, Sherman, Smoot, Spencer, Sutherland, Town send, Wadsworth and Warren 36. Democrats Gore and Shields 2. Total, 38. Against adoption: Republicans Colt, Edge, Hale, Kellogg, Keyes, McCumber, McNary, Nelson and Sterling 9. Democrats Bankhead, Cham berlain, Culberson, Dial, Fletcher, Gay, Gerry, Harris, Harrison, Hen derson, Hitchcock, Jones, of New Mexico; King, Kirby, McKellar, Myers, Nugent, Overman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Sheptwrd, Sim mons, Smith, of Arizona; Smith, of Maryland; Swanson, Thomas, Tram mell, Underwood, Walsh, of Mon tana, and Williams 3l. Total, 40. Of the 18 Senators not voting. Senator Walsh, Democrat, Massa chusetts, voted for the Johnson amendment buf v later withdrew his vote in the absence of his pair, f CUBA HAS 400,000 TONS OF SUGAR STORED 4? ■' u y . American demand* until tin next, i- pro- Ja itji . .. •■■■•!■! .1 f f day from Presidqrit Alejo Gareceno, of the Cuban Sugar yj Manufacturers Association to Chairman V • ittt _ T i . 4 4 WOULD WAVERS OF RED FLAG T ■ Washington! exhibiting the red flag or ad- y vocating over.thriow of the government would he subje;X r < ■ reported by the Senate Judiciary .Committee. X • ' iii BATTLE IS, REPORTED t' Vjborg 4", Reports wer£ received here to-day that X a'naval battle occurred off -Kroiyitadt yesterday. The y"! reports wnnch were uncotifirnied gave no deta y ■f & f Vtii, y SUSPftI^DS*CANTON MAYOR FOR INEFFICIENCY ijT 1 Columbus! -T- Governor Cox to-day suspended Mayor y Charles E. Podrman, of Canton, because of alleged inef- ficient handling of the steel strike riots in that city and y appealed to a committee of Canton business men to rally ..a| around Vice-Mayor Schrantz.' X h, J FAIW PETROGRAD INEVITABLE X ) Reval. THpyfall of Petrograd ts inevitable, accord- 4 h . to reliable advice-: General Yudenitch intends after ' ' M-W IL the capture qf thf.' city not'to halt in Petrograd, but to y march forWSr'dPirt of Ladega. y T T CONTINUES SATISFACTORILY ,y *T : Vv i hington. "The President's progress continues, y as during the past few days, satisfactorily," said a bulle- .or tin to-day by his physicians. * [y MARRIAGE LICENSES X Andrew J. Mhlnko and Aim" Baleh. Strflloni Frank I~ Holetlne.T anil Mnry K. SnnibuuKh, Penbrook| Norman C. Maunt, MlllTllle, andW > M>rtlr K. Welllver, Hrrwlrki Paul H. Uutwala and Mabel I'rtut, l.eb- 5 nnont Melvln K. WolfKHim and Hulk Miller. Mlllrralmra;, Jarob P.T Von K and Haltle H. I.erpard. Harrlaburm Harry W. Srhory, Phlla d< Iphlu, and Sarah E, Garbcrleh, Penbrook. *l* s*"jr* 4* I' i* s* ±* 'i~ "] i" "i" "b "$* *z~ k 'l' -, ■ ... t ... .. . . ... .d*Ai&i.raUin,\L Senator Stanley, Democrat, of Ken lucky, who opposed the amendment. Others absent or paired and not voting were: For adoption—Senator Calder, Re publican, New York; Reed, Demo crat, Missouri; Elkins, RepubUcuij, West Virginia; Fernald, Republican, Maine, and Watson, Republican, Indiana. Against—Ashurst. Democrat, Ari zona: Beckham, Democrat, Ken tucky; Democrat, South .Dakota; Kendriek, Democrat, \\ y lofnlng; Martin, Democrat, Vilginia; Owen, Democrat, Oklahoma; Phelan, Democrat, California; Pitlman, Democrat, Georgia: Smith, Democrat, South Carolina; Walcott, Democrat, Delaware. TO DISCUSS PARK PLANS City Commisioners, City Engineer M. B. Cowden and City Solicitor John E. Fox, together with mem bers of the City Planning Commis sion, will hold a conference at 11 o'clock to-morrow morning, follow ing the regular council meeting, to discuss the proposed terms for the acceptance of the Italian Park tract from the McKee-Graham estate. Provisions in the agreement which has been approved by the executors of the estate, require the city to make important street changes and develop the park for public use within three years.