Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 24, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
BRI.I. 1091—2350 l.MTIOI) Fashionable Scarfs ™*l You see so many of them this season that it is not nec- Bi essary to remind you they are extremely popular. And they are as serviceable as they are attractive. The scarf's enveloping warmth makes it especially desirable for motoring or for any Autumn day wear. We have the narrow, the medium and the real shawl effects with border. Brush wool and camel's hair scarfs in Au tumn colors to go with every Autumn costume. An i excellent assortment of the newest scarfs in our waist department, $1.75 to $15.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Women's Fine Quality Silk Stockings, $1.35 A special offering for Sat urday in women's stockings. Fine quality pure thread silk i stockings,' full fashioned. These are medium weight — IY silk and are such as will give S/ service and good fit. They / m have lisle tops and feet in black and colors; seconds, w but extra good ones. All |nl sizes in black, but not all sizes in every color; $1.35. W We are showing mercerized lisle stockings, full fashioned -with soft flexible tops and reinforced heel and toes. Exceptional fine quality stock ings. Women who are in need of stockings will find this an excellent value. Black and white at $1.15 pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. tn. " *"" Women's High and Low Shoes Special at $8.45 Walking Shoe, of brown or black calfskin, black kidskin, with leather military heels. Patent Leather Shoes, with leather Louis heels. Dress shoes in brown or gray kidskin. Turned soles and Louis XV heels. Pumps, in patent leather and black kidskin, turned soles and Louis.XV heels. ~ t, , Pumps, in brown calfskin and black calfskin, with leather military heels. No. C. O. Ds. No Approval. 'No Returns. BQWMi^N'S—Main floor. New Fall Blouses In Suit colors of self georgette crepe and com —————bination of colorings, also beaded models and "l| embroidered in silk and wool. All of these blouses are novel in design, new and charming I creations which take their inspiration from .the exquisite master models. We have them in navy, taupe, brown, black, prune and mahogany; yIH I IT W Blouses of net are Winter's 'dictation. And l ||j I' J ;tl! \ ; women are gladly ' accepting this new mode. U r !jf \ ft Blouses of net are exceedingly attractive, dainty r rjjU V:ij {ihlAt j'A' an d launder easily and well. • We have many yv/ * |ju I pretty models, softened with filet lace insertion, \ wMMMft/V and dainty edgings, while others have full pleated bosom, square, round and V-necks; remarkably \ Heavy quality crepe de chine blouses in flesh, " nr y ©V iH&J white and bisque in tailored effects, embroidered W H ! \ in self and contrasting shades. Others with .My// L \ dainty lace and pleatings and tucks. High and low collars and collarless styles; $3.95. Washable Pongee Blouses in collarless styles, button trimmed, three pleats round front with BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. turn back Cuffs ] $3.95. FRIDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Special Saturday One Group of Eighty Suits Taken From Our Regular Stock An attractive group of suits in semi-fitted, plain tailored and belted models. Braid or button trimmed suits, stylishly developed in Herringbone, CHevrona, Delhis, Velour and Serge. Sizes 16 to 48. You'll quite enjoy-investigating their style and becomingness, and rest assured the values at this price are extraordinary. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. """" " ' Women and Children's Underwear The time to buy the season's supply of underwear is when stocks are freshly supplied. Do not wait un til it is cold and too late to get the garments that you wanted. Our "Munsing wear" union suits for wo men are here in a variety of styles and weights to enable easy choosing, so the women will be wise to shop now. "Munsing wear" union suits are made from the best yarns and come in medium weight, fleece lined, wool and silk, and wool; ranging in price from $1.75, $2.00, $3.75 and $4.25. Do not forget the "Kiddies' " underwear for Fall and Winter. We carry "Munsing Wear" union suits for the children as well as the grown ups. These un ion suits are in various styles of different weights; cotton fleeced lined, wool and silk, and wool; $1.75, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BXSIUSBVRG HHJWI JSmuma*# IIARRISBURG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1010. Men's Silk I AQ^ Half Hose { These are seconds, but exceptionally good ones in black, white and navy; 48c pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Sale of Hats In Three Special Groups Continues Tomorrow $4.95 $7.50 $9.50 Sport Hats of Silk Velvet, in assorted colors, and attractive tams. Special at $4.95. Trimmed Hats made of Silk Velvet, trimmed with flowers, glycerine, ostrich, fancy feathers and che nille ornaments. Special at $7.50. The famous Gage Sailors, made of Hatters' Plush of finest quality and hand blocked. Special at $9.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. New and Effective Lines Distinguish These Newer MJ/Sk ■ Coats For Cold Weather Wear wfel An assembly of lovely models in all the latest modes. Polo jl j ~ cloths, Velour, Chinchilla, Oxford cloths, aid Tweeds, fashion J jl J J |jk alluring numbers in flare back, Raglan, semi-fitted, and belted " /' styles. Fur, buttons, tailor stitching or pleat* are advantageously J j, imß used for trimmings. I ll|r~ Junior sizes, 15 to 19; Misses' sizes, 14 to 20; Women's sizes, Ik mLM 1.6 to 48. w J : m Moderately priced at; — V' | >J h||PP . $45.00, $49.50, $55.00 and $59.50 A large selection of fine coats ranging in ])rices from; $65.00 l! 1 i - to SIIO.OO fi* W BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor, for Flno Fun.ltnro. „ £ OCTOBER" 24, 1919, STORE CLOSES Mj* SATURDAYS AT SIX " -Special Demonstration ■■ Domestic Science Fireles# Cookstoves Beginning Monday, October 27th This demonstration i v will be conducted by I Miss May Alrich, a fac- /wPi<rri n)l tory expert, who will gladly show you how to J iTTL economize in your cook- dz&L, 11 P"Tf" ing—yes, and baking. u , loaves and delicious if ' J t " cakes and pies .-baked while you are visiting or shopping. In fact, a ' llf3 r 11 / whole meal ready for you when you get home, fIL" without any attention • or cause for worry while you are gone. Let hecShow you and tell the story in detail. * ; BOWMAN'S—Furniture Dept., Fifth Floor Saturday Specials Silks, Velours, TVash Goods , Woolens No C. O. P., Samples or Mail Orders Filled 36-inch Corduroy Suiting; 3 good colors; Eaarel, Brown and grounds with extract print figure; $1.95 yard. 36-inch Brocade Silks for linings, trimmings and fancy work; $1.95 yard. 34-inch Imported Ninghai Pongee; natural colors used for dress, waist or suit; makes finest shirts for men; $1.95 yard. 40-inch Satin Charmeuse; line of dark colors; plenty of black; $3.45 yard. 36-inch Fancy Silks in plaids, stripes or checks for dress, waist or linings; $1.69 yard. 36-inch Fine Count Madras; English and Domestic makes; light and medium colors; 59c yard. 32-inch Finest Grades Gingham Zephyrs; big as sortment of plaids, stripes and checks; 59c yard. 36-inch Printed Silk Mixed Mulls; big line of color ings with beautiful figures and plaids; 85c yard. 32-inch Twilled Venetian; Black only; the best wearing lining made; 79c yard. 54-inch Heather Jersey Suiting; 8 best combina tions; $3.95 yard. . . 48 and 54-inch Plaids, stripes and checks; best col orings; neat suitings and skirtings; 15 styles to pick from; $2.95 yard. —- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Have the Coiffure 1 You Want by the simple process of mingling 1 with your own tresses a naturally wavy T r TRANSFORMATION $2.45 IN ALL SHADES INCLUDING GRAY! BOWMAN'S—Third F100r.,.. 3 FOTtHTMBft *ft