Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page FARMS FARMS FOR SALE Price 16 acres, Dauphin county 17 acres, Perry county -s' a o S3 acres. Dauphin county SISUO 40 acres, Lebanon county 14200 51 acres. York county SI7OO 63 acres. Perry county SIOOO 77 acres, Lebanon county $4500 SO acres, Lebanon county I 4 ; 09 08 acres, Dauphin county $2900 315 acres, Dauphin county S3OOO 150 acres, Lebanon county SB4OO 180 acres. Dauphin county S3OOO DURAND & FERBER, ' 107 Chestnut near Front FARMS FOR SALE. ALL A 1 INVESTMENTS 135 acres, 6 miles from Hbg.. York county 115 acres, 3 miles from Hbg., Cumber land county • • 9 9 60 acres, 4 miles from Hbg.. Cumber land county 90 3 7 acres, truck. 4 miles from lib v. Cumberland county ,V 8 .. 100 acres, 12 miles from Hbg., Dau phin county je , 9 3 5 acres. 13 miles from Hbg.. dauphin county 185 acres, 7 miles from Hbg.. county 12 acres. 2 miles from Hbg.. Dauphin county 5999 2 acres. 3 miles from Hbg., Dauphin county *3.600 111-acre farm, 14 miles from Hbg., Dauphin county E2-aere farm and ice business vutn stock, perry county "C" my list of farms. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State St. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 FOR SALE 52-acre truck farm and ice business, 10-room brick house, bank barn, 40x 60, wagon shed, pig sty. chicken houses, including three horses, three wagons and all the farming imple ments. ice house capacity 2,100 tons Ice tools and 2-acre pond, concrete dam in At condition. This property shows values of $13,000, 2,500 ft. white pine timber, retail price ice 800 per 100 lbs., location % miles west of I'uncannon, Perry county. Possession at once. Price SB,OOO. $4,000 can re main at 6 per cent. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State St. Bell 41C2R Dial 490 130-aere farm for sale or exchange on city property in business location: good quality soil; 4 miles from Dun cannon on Wm. Penn road to Sun bury 2 H -story, S roomed house; porch on'three sides: summer house; running spring water; large bank barn; wagon shed with corn crib on both sides; good hog stable with corn crib: large Chicken house; apple or chard and other fruit trees; school house and church nearby. Inquire Duiand & Ferber, 10i Chestnut at. Bell 4767 or 1649 J. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT Storeroom, 22x28, glass frontage. 15 ft. ceiling, heated, hot arid cold water, cemented cellar.) without side entrance, must lie seen to be appreciated. Apply to 3,23 X, 4th St.. Riverside Baking Co. WANTED —Desk room In office. M. C. Hoff. Sellnsgrove, Pa. FOR RENT —Basement in business section of city, suitable for small business, city heat. Inquire of A. I. Miller, 15A S. Third St. FOR RENT—Second floor room. 60s 140 ft., no posts, 11th and Berryhill Street. Apply on premises. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS r " MOTORS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Motors, one alternating current motor; Robbins & Myers single; Phase 110 volts; 60 cycles. 1750 rev. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. Printing —Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping— Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE One white iron bed, one good mattress, spring, complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT, 1221 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE—Gray reed baby coach* Call Bell 130R FOR SALE—A new hamerless rouble-barrel shot gun. Apply Mrs. Margaret McCurdy, 1235 Bailey St. FOR SALE—One oak mantle com plete with French beveled 9dge mir ror and fancy tiled front, also one chandelier with six lights. Apply 1919 N. Second St. BOOKS BougVt and sold; 50.000 new, old. rare. In stock. Aurand's. >25 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE—MaIe Boston bull ter rier; pedigreed; two months old; call falo Schuylkill Street, between 9 a. in. and 3 p. m. Bell 4123 W. . FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd.. Both phones. Highspire. Pa. FOR SALE 7,000 square feet of second hand metal ceiling. Inquire Superintendent of Telegraph Building. FOR SALE —One fumed oak Dav enport. Call at 271 Hamilton St. FOR SALE—Red bone coon hound. W. K. Nabal, Liverpool. Pa. FOR SALE—Large rubber plant, also gas lamp with double length hose, in good condition. Apply 1211 Derry St. FOR SALE —Car load of Watson dump wagons. Apply A. A. Thumma. Lemoync. Pa. FOR SALE —One-minute water mo tor washer in good condition. Call Bell phone 4554. Deft Device Co., 2S S. Fourth St. CASH REGISTERS. TYPEWRITERS Can be bought on easy payment plan, combination adding machine at tachment; terms to suit purchaser; guaranteed for twenty years. Address Box G-7996 care Telegraph. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT fOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FRIDAY EVENING, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CENTRAL Furniture Store. 334 Reily St.. on account of building: our warehouse, we close out our 75 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price: also furniture and floor covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you, 1061 M. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANKOCS WANTED—To buy secondhand safe, must be in good condition; state de scription and price. Address Box -M-7757 care Telegraph. WANTED—Secondhand safe, must be in good order, also glass top show oases. Phone 3852 or call at Dr. Rutherford's office, 108 N. 2d St. WANTED—To purchase a National cash register from 5 cents to sl. for cigar stand. Write P. O. 574. WANTED—National cash register. Slate description and price. L'has: Kurtz, 35 W. 118 th St. New York. WANTED TO Bt'Y—Hot air heater. Must be in good working condition and at reasonable price. Address CTnmpton. 258 Ridge St.. Steelton. WANTED—To buy a piano, lowest price, will pay strictly cash, give name and age of Instrument. M rite at once. Address 431 Hummel Slreet, Herrleburg. WANTED Taper bailer in good condi tion. Superintendent. The graph Printing Company, Hairiet^urg. WANTED—To buy a mahogany flat top desk and chair, also one _flat top oak desk. Address Box F-787S care Telegraph. WE arc in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L Cohen He Co., York and Ash Avenue. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and rold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop o postal to Max Pmeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call, city or country. Beil phone 3.39-Rl. BELL PHONE 337C-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing five men. Address Box 11-9016 care Telegraph. ( INVESTMENTS FOR SALE Preferred stock in 1 local corporation; guaranteed 8 per cent, dividends. Shares SSO each; call-, able on 60 days' notice. Address Mr. Wilson, this office. HIGI-I class salesman with small capital can secure territory which should net $5,000 to slo,ouo yearly. I>. M. Pontius. State Manager. 110 K. Lexington St., Room 108, Balti more. Md. LIVE business for a live man, in nearby town. Restaurant, confectiou-; ery, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 ; a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz, j 1225 North Sixth SL , BUSINESS PERSONALS QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling. likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PliOS PHO-QUININE will stave It off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.. double edge. 26c doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED, J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan streeL Bell 2632 R. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO.. 2u6 Market streeL OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING — Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan StreeL Bell 4396 J. A. LANE | New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prlcea paid. 1022 Market streeL Bell 3239W -2. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Chilcoat Bros., 233 Harris Street. MUSICAL VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLEU'S. 14 South Fourth streeL _ FOR SALE Player piano for 1450 A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House. 2112 N. Blxth Street. FINANCIAL GOOD 5 PER CENT. UTIL ITY BONDS TO YIELD 6 PER CENT. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR., 130 Walnut Street. Bell Phone 518 J. Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN BUY CC/AL NOW With our money and insure your com fort next winter. Pay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able—only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other chargee of any kind. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu als in need of. ready cush, small loans a specialty, business confldential, pay ments tc- suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut StreeL MONEY' LOANED —Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Be led by the State." STORAGE STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-flreproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437- 445 South Second streeL STORAGE Low rates. Highspire Distillery Co.. Ltd.. Highspire. Pa. Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diertcr, 408 Market streeL CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT IIILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD. Manager. 341 ICelker Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone >613 | BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. ] AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance. furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. 1 HICKS Local and long-dlstanoe hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE 'HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service- Ernest Corbin, 630 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3638. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber'a' Truck irwin Aungst, Manager, Mershey. fi. Ba.l phone 151; 8. PAUL BECK general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, fliano and safe moving. Call at 16i7 Kaudain St. or Bell 6235.1. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. Both phones. H. GOODMAN. IJC6H North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS —Premier touring car, electric gear shift, like new; Denby 1-ton express body with top. flrst class condition; International one ton trc—, used ten months, cheap; InternatloaM* two-ton truck, used nine months, cheap; Acme 314-ton with Woods steel dump body, used six months; Denby 3-ton, with Woods steel dump body; Cadillac unit, with two-wheel trailer; Overland. 1918. 6- passengcr touring; two-ton Mack, Wood's hoist, Denby body. Denby Saies Corporation, 12u5 Capital SL CHEVROLET for sale. 1918 touring car, model 4-90, excellent condition, engine recently overhauled, inspection invited. For demonstration call Bell phqno 1299J between 5 and 7 p. m. VIM Vi-TON TRUCK EXPRESS BODY THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED TIRES IN GOOD SHAPE CALL AT HARRISBURG AUTO CO FOURTH AND KELKKR STS. FOR SALE—Overland 90, in good condition; just overhauled in May; equipped with spot light and motor driven born; extra tire. Reason for telling, have two machines. No deal ers. Address D-78S1 care Telegraph. WANTED—AII kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. CARS! CARS! CARS! Two Chevrolet touring, 191 C model. One Chevrolet touring. 1917 model. One Royal mall Chevrolet roadster. One Buick roadster. 1915 model. One Buick roadster, 1914 model. There cars have been thoroughly overhauled and are In the very best of mechanical condition and electrically equipped lights and starters. We also do all kinds of automo bile repairing. Truck work a special ty. You will And us every day frym 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. at 1336-88-40 Thompson ave- at the Thompson Ave. Garage. Edwin Phelps, Mgr. FORD touring. 17 model; electric lights; runs and palls like new. Price $376 cash. Dial M-C. & R. Horse Llnglestown. near Harrisburg. Reo roadster, real bargain. Brlsco. three-passenger roadster, in fine shape. 1917 Studebaker, repainted and in fine shape. • Reo roadster cheap . Briscoe roadster, In fine shape. Oldsmobile, 4 cyl., tires good and In fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & BUPPLI CO, FOR SALE—Two-ton International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap ply FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 443 S. Cameron Street. MAGNETOS—AII types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eisman, Dixie, Spiitdorf. Me a, Kemy and dlfterent makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A Schlffmau. 22-24-26 North Camerou stroeC Bell IIM FOR SALE—I9I6 Buick. In good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. FOR SALE One 1918 7 passenger Buick tour ing car. One 1919 7 passenger Buick tour ing car. one 1917 2 passenger Buick road ster. ■ Also new 1920 models, immediate delivery. • BUICK GARAGE, 52 to 60 S. Cameron SL FOR SALE —Ford roadster; 1915 model; self-starter; electric lights; ilemountables; extra tire and rirn; speedometer; side curtains; chain and tools. Extras cost $205. Run 7,C00 miles. Good condition. Price S4OQ. in quire at Mayor's office. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of atlto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-76 Soutn Cameron street. ROADSTER for sale. Iz the best of condition, good tires, new top and electric equip. $250 takes It inquiro E. W. Llchtenberger. 2164 N. 4th SL FORD Sedan, 1918 model;'good run ning order, $695. Horst. Llnglestown. FOP SALE}—Chaimer's Sedan. 1917; new uphols;ering; Chandler, 1919. 4- passenger. sport model; wire wheels, bumper, spot light, 6 new tires; Over land. 1918. 90 delivery car. Inquire Penn-Harrii, Taxlcab office, care Penn-Hains Hotel. FORD touring car, with all good tires and magneto. This car will be sold at a bargain. Call at 322 Black berry ave. WM. PENN GARAGE " £24-8 Muench street. Limousines for funeral parties and halls; caretul drivers; open day ond night 801 l 4564. t 1 ■ FOR SALE —Studeoaker, 4 cylinder, in good shape, good paint, a bargain. Dial 4058. 86 Hummel ave- Lemoyne. iCoetlnucd In Next Column) HAREUSBimG TEEBGKira AUTOMOBILES BUICK touring car. six cylinder. 1919 model In perfect condition, run less than 1,700 miles. Reason for sale, owner leaving United States for the Philippine islands. Phone Bell 4301 R. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 FOR SALE —Ford touring. 1915 model; good condition, $375. Drlscoll Auto Co.. 147 South Cameron St. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimcrs. in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22, 24. 26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. 1915 Cadillac. In excellent condition, five now cord tires, engine just re paired, stands well in puint. Apply 405 East Chocolate ave., Hershey, Pa. 'FOR SALE —1%-ton capacity Mar tin truck, 35 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House. 15 S. Market Square. SECOND-HAND motor trucks ror sale cheap. White three-quarter ton; Chalmers, 1-lon; Ford Unit one-ton; Kohler one-ton; Internationals half ton; three-quarter ton. one-ton, one and a half-ton. Good variety to select from. Prices S2OO and up. Internation al Harvester Company of America, Motor Truck Department. 619-21 Wal nut street. FOR SALE —Overland Country Club, new tires, one extra with wheel, new battery, and engine in A 1 condition. Will demonstrate at any time. Price right. Address P. O. Box 841, City. TOURING cars for sale, two 1916 Maxwells; two 1917 Maxwells; one Ford; one 1917 Maxwell truck. These cars will be sold at a sacrifice. Miller Auto Co.. Service station. 68 South Cameron St. 1817 Chandler, club roadster, S9OO. 1918 Heo touring, fine running or der. at a bargain price. 1917 Ford touring, excellent condi tion, $325. 1917 Chevrolet touring, excellent condition, $325. 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice $286. 1914 overland, touring, $285. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. 1916 Studebaker touring, 6 cylinder, fine condition. Price $426. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer In the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. Schiffman, Manhger. Garages. Accessories and Repairs YOUR Dodge ptus a Rayfiela car buretor. That's a great combination— a P.ayfield equipped Dodge. The spc ciul Dodge model is inexpensive and the saving In gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent., will pay for It in a short time. A Ray field on any car in creases its efficiency all around. My. how she pulls the hills. Federlck's Garage, 443 S Cameron St. AUTO repairing of all kind; first class mechaulcs on all makes of care. Susquehanna Motor Co.. 117-121 South Third St. Open day and night. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BIC YCLE REPAIRING ~ BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHAKER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED—You to receive a full half pound package of DR. HESS POULTRY' PAN-A-CE-A, enough for 24 hens 2 weeks. PAN-A-CE-A will help your poultry through the moult. It will start your pullets and moulted hens laying. It will keep your whole flock hc-althy. Get your package at any of these stores: Harrisburg, Wai ter S. Schell, 1307 Market, Holmes Seed Co., 119 S. 2d, C. F. Kramer. 36 Broad. Geo. H. Haverstick, 2669 Main; F.nola, H. L. Hoffman; White Hill, Mary E. Harro; West Falrvlew, H. W. Neidig; Paxtonia, John Nagle, Linglcstown, O. B. Leese. AUCTION ?OR AUCTION SERVICE OF THE BETTER KIND EMPLOY AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875J EVERYTHING IN ROOFING. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. LEGAL NOTICES UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Middle District of Pennsylvania. J. Howard Hartman, et al., vs. Gamble Fuel Briquette Company. No. 277 October Term, 1919. In Equity. RECEIVER'S SALE In accordance with an order of the aforesaid Court entered October 9, 1919, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction at the factory building at Ninth and Dock streets, Harrisburg. Pa., on Tuesday, Novem ber, 4, 1919, at 10 a'clock a. m., the following described property of the Gamble Fuel Briquette Company, viz.; The corporate franchises of the company, the one. two and three story building wherein the operations of the company have been conducted, all the machinery and equipment con tained in the said building, the man ufacturing rights of the company to manufacture fuel briquettes under certain patents heretofore granted by the United States Patent Office. Also the remainder of the lease hold Interest owned by the company running for five (5) years from April I, 1915, in and to the lot or tract of land whereon is erected the building of the company, situated at the south western corner of Ninth and Dock Streets, in the First Ward of the City of- Harrisburg. Dauphin county, Penna., fronting on Dock street, eighty-five feet, more or less, run ning to the old Pennsylvania Canal, and extending along Ninth street two hundred thirty (230) feet, more or less, to land formerly of Daniel bheesley, now deceased, all as more fully set forth in the record of said leasehold, in the office of the Re corder of "Deeds in and for Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, in Miscella neous Book "F" Vol. 3, at page 250, All of the aforesaid property will be sold free and clear of liens and encumbrances, without requirement of the purchaser to attend to the ap plication of the proceeds. Sale to be made to the highest bid der with the right reserved to reject any and all bids. The sale of the property to be either in lots or parcels or as an entirety, as the best price may be realized therefor. Terms: 10 per cent, upon acceptance of bid, and the balance after the sale has been confirmed by the court. J. FRANK HARTMAN, Receiver. NOTICE is hereby given that ap plication will be made by Estate of Josef Jiras (Bachinan), 263 South Front St.. Steelton, Pa., to the Com missioner of Banking of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, on the 24th dry of November, 1919, for a li cense to sell steamship tickets or or ders for transportation to or front foreign countries, under act of the Oeneral Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. No. 397, ap proved the 17th day of July. 1919. Josef Jiras (Bachman) Estate. Per Edgar Jiras. Mgr. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, on Mondav, the 3d day of November. A. D., 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the said Court may be in session for the transfer of the retail liquor license now held by- John Brendllnger for the Haefner House, Derry Church. Derry Town ship, Dauphin county. Pa., to John R. K. E. BEIDLEMAN, Attorney for Transferee. j| MARKETS ' sew York stock markets J Clvandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel-1 phla Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar- i ket Square, Harrlsburg; 1338 Chestnut j street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street,; New York furnish the following i quotations: Open Noon | Amer. T. and T 100 100 Allls Chalmers 47% 48% Amer. Beet Sugar 90% #7 I American Can 64% 64% Am. Car and Fndry C 0...135 136% , Amer. Loco 1097* 109% I Amer. Smelting 74 73% American Sugar 138% 140% Anaconda 68 67% Atchison 91% 917* Baldwin Locomotive ...148% 147 Baltimore and Ohio .... 40 40 , Bethlehem Steel, B 107 107 Cal. Petro 52% 61% Canadian Pacific 149% 149% Central Leather 103% 104% I Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 44% 447* thi., K. I. and Pacific ... 28% 29H Chino Con. Copper 42% 42% Col. Fuel and Iron 47% 4 7 Corn Products 94 93% Crucible Steel 247 250 Erie 16% 16% General Electric Co 169% 169% Goodrich, B. F 86% 87% Great North, pfd 86% 86% Inspiration Copper 60 60 lnterboro Met 5% 57* Int. Nickel 28% 28% Int. Paper v .. 67 66 Kennecott 34% 34'% Kansas City Southern .. 19% 19 Lackawanna Steel 90 91 ',4 Lehigh Valley 47% 46% Maxwell Motors 61% 50% Merc. Mar Ctfs 6179 61% Merc. Mar Ctfs., pfd 112% 113% Mex. Petroleum 253% 255% Miami Copper 267* 26 % Missouri Pacific 29% 29% N Y. Central 74 74 N. Y'd., N. H.a n .lIWR3 094S 460pu N. Y., N. H. and H 34 7a 35 74 N. Y., Ont. and Werft. ... 197* 197* Northern Pacific 86% 86% Pittsburgh Coal 64 74 63 Penna. R. It 4374 43% Railway Steel Spg 102 7a 104 Reading 83% 83 74 Republic Iron and 5tee1..113% 112% Southern Pacific 1097 109% Southern Ry 25 7s 2074 Sinclair Oil and R 61% 61% Studebaker 1367* 135% Union Paeifie 124 74 124 U. S. I. Alcohol 108% 109 % U. S. Rubber 115 124% U S. Steel 55 3 ;-, 5674 Utah Copper 83 . 8.! Westinghouse Mfg 55% 56% Willys-Overland 5'0% ?>"'% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia. Oct. 24. —Eggs—High- er; nearby firsts, $20.10 per case; nearby current receipts. $19.50; west ern extra firsts. $20.10; western firsts, SI 8.90® 19.50; fancy selected packed, 74® 76c per dozen. Live Poultry—Quiet; chickens low er. 25@30c: turkeys, S3@3Bc. < .'litem—Higher; New Y'ork and Wisconsin, full milk. 31©33 c. Butter—Lower: western creamery, extra, 70c; nearby prints, fancy, 76 @'7Bc. * Potatoes—Pull and lower; Jersey. No. 1 per basket, 85c@$1.10; No. 1 in 150 pound sacks. $3.25® 4. Pressed Poultry—Pull and weak: i western broiling chickens. 32® 33c. Oats—Quiet but steady; No. I white, 4174 ® 82c; No. 2, 80%® Sic; No. 3. 7979 @ 80c. Flour—Quiet but steady; western soft 510@10.25; nearby, $9.75@10; hard winter straight, $11.35@11.;> short patent, $11.75 @12.25: spring firsts clear, $9.25 @9.75;" patent, $12.10 (it 12.30; short patent, $12.50 @12.7a; fancy spring and city mills patent family brand, $12.75@13.25. Hay—Quiet but steady; timothy. No. 1, $32; No. 2, $28@30; No. 3. $-4 Clover—Light mixed. $28®30; No. 1 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC SALE The undersigned Will sell at public sale or outcry, on Saturday. Novem ber 22. 1919. at 2 o'clock p. in., on the promises in the village of Perry Church. Pauphln county. Pa., the premises commonly known as the Perrv Church Hotel, more particular ly bounded and described as follows; All that certain lot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate In the Township of Perry, in the County of Pauphin, and State or Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: , Beginning at an iron pin. the noith westorn corner of the public road (Main street, in the village of Derry Churchl and an eighteen (18) feet wide alley: thence northwardly along the line of said alley one hundred and fiftv feet (150) feet to the southern side of another eighteen 18) feet wide alley; thence westwaraly along said side of said alley one hundred (100) feet to the line of property now or lately of H. W. Zentmeyer; thence southwardly along the line of said rropertv one hundred and fifty ft et to* the aforementioned northern side of the public road; and thence ca-stwardly along said side of said road one hundred (100) feet to the northwestern corner of said road and the said eighteen (18) feet wide alley, the place of beginning. Having there on erected a frame house, known as the "Perry Church Hotel. It being lot No. 1 In the plan of lots laid out by H. N. Herr, C. E., for H. W. Zent ""For further terms and particulars, apply to FOX & qe yer. Att orneys-at-Law. Kunkel Building. Harrlsburg. Pa. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 OP BRIPGE. Office of Hoard of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol Building, Harrlsburg. Penna. , .... , , Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa until two (2) o'clock p. m., No vember 11. 1919. for furnishing all labor and materials for the erection of superstructure of bridge over the North Branch of the Susquehanna river, at Laceyvllle. Wyoming county. Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared by William B. Paxson. of Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania, consulting on g'neer for the Board of Commission ers of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsyi % l plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective i bidders by applying to the Superin i tendent of Public Grounds and Build ' ings, Capitol Building. Harrisburg, I Penna. , , . 1 proposals must be marked "Pro posal for Erection of Superstructure of Laceyville Bridge" on outside CoVer " T. W. TEMPLETON, Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL. Secretary. ; NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given that pur ! suant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Dauphin Tire Serv ice Company, p special meeting of the 1 stockholders of the said company is 'called to bo held at the principal of- I flee of the said company. No. 36 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg, p a „ on Thursday. November 20. 1919, for the 'purpose apprbving or disapprov ing of the increase of the capital 1 stock of the said company. v FORREST MERCER. Secretary. NOTICE ' letters of administration on the I estate of Seymour S. Eberts, late of ! Harrlsburg. City, Dauphin County, j Pennsyli aniu. deceased, having been grant'd to the undersigned adminis tratrix. all persons indebted to snld estate are requested to make Imme. date payment, and those having claims will present them for settl"- mont, to MARY A. EBERTS, 120 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Or FOX & GEYER, Attorneys, i 802 Kunkel Bldg.. Hariisburg, Pa. mixed. $26 @ 27. Tallow—Quiet: prime city loose. 16% c; special loose. 1674 c; prime country. X4%c; edible In tierces, 1974 ® 20c. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago. Oct. 24. —Hogs Receipts 16,000. higher; bulk, $12.25@13.25; top. $13.50; heavy, $12.65@13.25; me dium, $12.66® 13.25; light, $12,504') 13.15; light lights. $12.50®>12.8.V;1 heavy packing sows, smooth. SI2W I 12.50: packing sows, rough. $11.75@ 12: pigs, sl2®: 12.75. Cattle—Receipts, 7,000. slow. Beef , steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $16.75® 19.40; me dium and good. sll @16.50; common. $8..50® It; light, good and choice. |S!4® 18.85; common and medium. $7.7.i 14: butcher cattle, heifers, $6.75® T4.50: cows. $6.65@13; canners and cutters. $5.50® 6.65; veal calves, sl7® 18; feeders steers. $7@13.25; stocker steers, $6 ©10.75; western range I steers, $7.75® 13.50; cows and heifers, s6® 13. Sheep Receipts 15,000. steady. Lambs. $12.50@15.75; culls and com mon. $8.50® 12.25; ewes, medium, good and choice, $6.75@8.50; culls and I common, breeding?, 12.50. Theft of Dynamite Has Policemen on the Alert Gettysburg. Pa., Oct. 24.—Follow ing the discovery of the theft of 15 sticks of dynamite, seven dyna mite cups and a 15-toot fuse front the plant of the Gettysburg Brick Company, the polico authorities are keeping a close, lookout for any pos sible operation of yeggmen. A heavy lock on the door of the building in which the dynamite is kept was broken and it is not thought likely that anyone would take such things without having a purpose. Yeggmen have been busy in places around Gettysburg and a strict watch will be kept to try to foil any attempts that might Pos sibly be made to crack safes here. Two Liverpool Weddings Announced by Parents Liverpool, Pa., Get. 24.—Mr. and Mrs Albert M. Shuler announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Ruth Shuler. to George Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Owens, of this place, at Hagcrstown, Md. The young couple arc former townsfolk and are employed in Harrisburg, where they will reside. Mrs. George Kepner announces the marriage of her son. Sergeant James House, to Miss Xorvellia Virginia Milstead, of Washington. D. C. Ser geant House recently returned from Resinol heals eruptions Only those who have undergone them can realize the mental and physical discomforts which many skin affections cause. The distress ing appearance and the intolerable itching and burning too often make life really miserable. Yet Resinol Ointment, aided by Resinol Soap, generally overcomes these troubles promptly, even if they are severe and long-established. The Resinol treatment stops itching instantly. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap are aold by all druggists. Why don't yon try them? ROMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. MOVES INTO ITS OWN NEW HOME 231 N. Broad St. ROADSTERS TOURINGS ENCLOSED CARS 1,000 to Select From. $250 Up. Easy Terms. See Us and Save Money Roman Auto Co. 231 N. BROAD ST. PHILADELPHIA Catalogue Sent Upon Request Live Agents Wanted [ Help Wanted Press Feeders at Once | The Telegraph Printing Co. Cameron and State Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. OCTOBER 24, 1919. France, where he achieved distinc-i tion for gallant service. The young couple will reside in Washington. FALLS THROUGH BRIDGE Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 24. —A mule of Joseph Krentcman fell through the county bridge leading to Leads town Junction yesterday morning. Tarpenters are placing new planks on the bridge and the animal drop ped down upon a bear.i, wliere he lodged until released from his peril lous position. i Telephone Your "OFFICES: 0. S." Bell 8— 2—5 From B—to—s ' S'.' ,c , nAIHKRS. 3VO. 1 IvC ,SLSM C * tIL'I.TIGH Al'll i 1.M.. IIH( ll.A|||/|V(i A VII | OTHEII OFFICE WORK. Promptness and Efficiency OFFICE SERVICE CO. Room 611, Kunkcl Rldg. Kings and Governors Plant Berryhill Trees The European Larches planted to-day by King Albert, of Belgium, and Governor Sprottl were grown and supplied by the Berryhill Nursery. We are ready to serve any one, anywhere, with the best trees, shrubs and flowers. The Berryhill LOCUST ST., AT SECOND IMPOR^R g Every cent you spend on Tea and Coffee at our store buys honest tea •a and coffee quality. We do not "sell" you an expensive delivery servlc- nor credit; neither do we pack our goods in expensive decorated cans =: or lead packets, which add considerably to the cost without improving m the quality of the goods. | GARDEN SPECIAL I No. 1 STANDARD tea 54,;: coffee 43; CUT YOUR BUTTER BILL IN HALF Margarine Q7 C SWEET NUT J * lb. s LBS FOR SIBO Till; VKHV m:sT why pay mow.:? J i TAMSUI TEA COMPANY 42 NORTH THIRD STREET HARRISMJRG EMlllMlillllillSi'VialiillliilllliillllllllillllllliillllllllllllM The Foundation of Your Prosperity - V7OU cannot expect to prosper unless you lay a foundation for your prosperity. Begin your foundation with a savings ac count at this 87-year-old institution. Then every dollar saved and deposited here to draw interest is a stone piled upon a stone in the structure of your progress. Start vour 1 ' success fund' here and now? MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 23 ntIBBERSTAMpp UU 6EALB SkITENCILB ■ W n MAftmmraiTCNOILWOIIKB II 11 ISO LOOUBT 81.HARR13Effl.PA. U 1 ■■■ t, Front Street Property j For Sale Owner I.raTlaK Titf. Fifteen Room*. Most Modern Improvements Lot 50x200 with Garage No. 3113 N. Front Street f Bell 4St Dial I7S Bergner Building