Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 24, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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By Associated Press
Rio Janeiro, Thursday, Oct. '23.
Eleven anarchists were brought here
recently from Sea Paulo and three
were deported to-day. Announce
ment is mads that the others will be
expelled from Brazil next week.
Wesley Jones and Raymond Butler,
charged with the robbery of the Com
ir.lngs Jewelry store. 14 North Fourth
street, several weeks ago, will be
given hearings in police court during
the afternoon. ,
Horlick's the Originalj
Malted Milk—Avoid
Imitations & Substitutes,
Thrifty house holders
count a considerable saving
each week through the use
of Marigold as a spread. The
yellow and black Morris la
bel means quality and econ
9th & Girard Ave., Phila., Pa.
| IK
1 Join Our Christmas Columbia I
I Phonograph Club Now 1
Have Your Machine Delivered
Christmas Eve
~*q TT ISN'T a bit too soon for you to begin to think about your Christmas gifts, pa!
JL Especially one as important as a Columbia phonograph. Here is the easiest way for
you to secure as a Christmas gift one of our Columbia phonographs. Come in and
make a small payment, and then each succeeding week pay a little, so that by the time
syJ Christmas arrives you will have your machine paid for and delivered to your home— ML
V 0 without any thought of future payments. You won't miss the small payments in the m
meantime, and you are at the same time buying a gift that is worth while. Come in m
and we will be glad to talk it over with you. jNf
j 'J
| Miller & Katies |
Furniture Department Store M
New York. Oct. 34. Twenty-five
thousand cigar makers and packers
will return to work Monday, ending
ahe strike here which has been i'l
progress for 3v weeks. By a vote of
7 to 1 the workers have accepted a
10 per cent wage increase and a com
promise agreement leaving employers
the "hire and fire" right #ith factory
committees free to insure against un
fair discrimination.
By Associated Press
Paris, Oct. 24.—Rumanian de
mands for a rectification of the
frontiers fixed in the determination
of the western borders of jßumania
have been refused by the Supreme
Council of the Peace Conference, ac
cording to information received
from French sources.
Welcome Home Celebration
to Fittingly Mark Part Men j
Played in War
New-port. Pa., Oct. 24.—Two hun- i
dred and thirty-nine soldiers, sail
ors, marines and members of the
nursing corps, residents of Newport
and immediate vicinity, will be fit
tingly remembered in the welcome- j:
I home celebration of the borough, .'
■which will open to-morrow and con- '
tinue on Sunday.
Decorations are rapidly being
completed to-day and the borough '
has a most attractixe appearance.
The committee in charge of the ;
celebration ie energetically complet
ing Its arrangements to-day. despite
the unfavorable weather. The bor
ough streets are in bad condition, but!
Newporters are not letting a little
thing like that deter them In their
efTorts to give honor unto their men '
and women.
Of the 239 persons who are to be
honored in the big two-day celebra-
Ition, eight are membera of the
Look at tongue! Remove poisons
from stomach, liver and 1
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic for
[the little stomach, liver and bowels.
; Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's
dose on each bottle. Gjve it with
out fear.
Mother! You must eay "Califor
nuree corps, and they promise to
have an important place In the cele
bration. Of the remainder. 159 men
iwho served in the Army, Navy or
; Marine Corps came from the bor
ough proper, while the others came
from the immediate neighborhood.
Five Met Death
Five men of the total number who
.went into the military service are
.dead from various causes. Fitting
arrangements are being made to
.'honor their memory. These five
|men include Harry C. Arndt. Paul
' Fleisher, Leroy N. Reynolds. Harry
IE. Rhoads and William H. Saylor.
! The celebration will get under
way to-morrow morning at 11
o'clock, and the final event on the
big program will be started at 7
o'clock on Sunday evening.
One great holiday has been de
clared by the entire borough and
few. If any. business establishments
will be open that are not absolutely
necessary for the accommodation of
the public. Even subdivision 5% of
the Pennsylvania railroad has de
clared a holiday, so that employes
might have the opportunity of tak
ing part in or witnessing the cele
bration. Only half-favorable weath
er is needed to assure a tremend
ous success.
The opening event will be staged
lit the Photoplay Theater, starting
at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning.
There a lecture will be given by Dr.
Francis D. Patterson, chief of the
Division of Industrial Hygiene and
Engineering. Department of Labor
and Industry. emphasizing the
"safety -first" movement. The film,
"The House That Jack Built," will
be shown. This meeting has been
arranged under the auspices of the
Pennsylvania railroad.
The biggest street parade In Perry
county In recent years Is scheduled
for the afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. At
first it had been planned to include
only five divisions, but the sise is
|such that it has been found desir
able to tncreasd this to seven divi
sions. One band will be assigned to
each division.
Col. Eby Is Marshal
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Mo-
Henry Eby, a native of Newport,
still in the Army and located at
Washington, will act as chief mar
shal of the procession. Orr his staff
will be Captain F. G. Dorwart and
Lieutenant D. R. Demaree. Civilian
atds will be Paul R. Flurte and S. D.
The makeup of the divisions fol
First Division—Clergymen, Bor
ough Officers. Speakers with Recep
tion Committee in Automobiles, Dun
cannon Band. Distinguished Guests,
Executive Committee, Members of
Red Cross, Members of P. R- K.
Women's War Relief.
Second Division —W. G. Loy, Mar
shal. Veterans of Civil War In au
tomobiles, Veterans of Spanish-
American War, Citizens' Band, of
Newport: Nurses of World War; j
Color Guard, J. Fred Wright and R.
A. Wagner; Color Bearers, George
R. Fry, Samuel Sanderson, Roy Gut
shall and Charles McNaughton;
Veterans of the World War, Sons of
Veterans, Sons of the Revolution,
Jr. O. U. A. M., P. O. S. of A.
Third Division—H. E. Wilt. Mar
shal. Girls' Band, of Beaver
Springs; Employes of the Oak Ex
tract Company, Pupils of Public
' Fourth Division—Arnold Little,
Marshal. Mtllersburg Band, Em
ployes of Elk Tanning Company,
Newport Planing Mill, Phillips-Jones
Corporation. Romherger Hosiery
Mill and E. O. Smith Hosiery Mill.
Fifth Division —F. R. Baker, mar
shal. Moose Band of Harrisburg,
members of Loyal Order of Moose,
Carson Long Institute Cadet Stu
Sixth Division —S. E. Hollard,
marshal. Municipal Band of Har
risburg. P. R. R- employes.
Seventy Division —H. L. Stephens,
marshal. Tressler Orphans' Home
Band, granges, any specialties, floats,
mounted horsemen.
The route follows: North Front
to Market, to Fourth, to Gantt, to
Fifth, to Mulberry, to Fourth, to
Walnut, to Second, to Olive, to
Front, to Walnut, to Second, to
Flouring Mill, countermarch to Cen
ter Square.
To Serve Dinner
At the conclusion of the parade,
exercises will start in Center Square
at 3 o'clock. Charles W. Lahr will
preside. L'eutenant-Governor E. E.
Beidleman, of Harrisburg. will be
the principal speaker. The address
of welcome will be delivered by John
S. Eby, former Perry county repre
sentative in the State Legislature.
The program follows:
Selection, community chorus, the
Rev. W. C. Ney, director; invocation,
the Rev. F. T. Bell; address of wel
come, John S. Eby; community
chorus, "Home, Sweet Home"; ad
dress, Edward E. Beidleman, lieu
tenant-governor of Pennsylvania;
music by the Citizens Band of New
port; reading of the roster, L. W.
Brimmer; benediction; first call for
retreat, Harvey Dudley, official
bugler; assembly; retreat: "Star
Spangled Banner," by massed bands.
"Mess call" will be sounded at 5
o'clock in the evening. At that time
a dinner, bearing not the least re
semblance to Army mess, will bo
served to returned soldiers, sailors,
nurses and veterans of the Civil and
Spanish-American wars. Newport
housewives are to-day preparing to
use all finesse possible in the pre
paration of this dinner to-morrow.
The program for the remainder of
the day follows: 7.30, band concert
in Center Square; 8.30, dancing, Gel
nett's Garage; 9, tatoo; 10.30, call
to quarters; 11, taps.
Services will be continued on Sun
day afternoon in Center Square at 2
o'clock. Congressman Benjamin K.
Focht, of Lewisburg, will be the
principal speaker. The Rev. U. O.
H. Kerschner, of the Reformed
Church of the Incarnation, will pre
side. The program is:
Church call, the Rev. L. 0< H.
Kerschner, presiding; selection by
the band: invocation, the Rev. W. K.
Shultz; community chorus, hymn;
scripture reading, the Rev. J. A.
Staub; community chorus; address,
the Rev. Henry A. Hansen. D. D.;
selection by the band; address, B. K.
Focht; community chorus; benedic
tion; recall.
Services will be continued at 7
o'clock in the Methodist Episcopal
Church with the pastor, the Rev.
F. T. Bell, presiding. The program
Hymn; invocation, the Rev. U. O.
H. Kerschner; scripture reading.
Archdeacon William Dorwart;
hymn; address and demobilization
of service flags, the Rev. William C.
Ney; hymn; benediction; recall.
United Commercial Travelers of
America will hold a meeting In par
lor B. Penn-Harris Hotel, Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock. A large claee
of the "Knights of the Grip" will be
initiated. The McKellar bill now be
fcre Congresa. Introduced to afford
relief from excessive and burdeneome
passenger fares, will be considered.
Following the meeting a smoker will
bt. held-
Rummage Sale For Polyclinic
Is Flourishing Despite
the Rainy Days
There isn't a thing under the sun
that anyone wants for personal or
home use. but can be found at the
Rummage Sale for the Polyclinic
Hospital now going merrily on at 108 :
South Fourth street.
Crowded? Well, it surely is. Some
hours one can hardly get inside,
much less reach the conglomerate dis
play of—everything.
At 10 o'clock to-morrow morning
two automobiles will be auctioned
oft. Really good machines, too. One
is a five-passenger Overland, and the
other an electric car. Now's the |
chance of a lifetime for someone to]
got that car they've been wishing I
for so long, and help the hospital, j
More don-Hons are needed. Per
seus having anything at all thoy can
get wt'oer this evening are asked
to 'phone to Mrs. Koster. 230 Wood
bine street. Bell 3604J and they will
be called for.
Public Speaking Club
to Organize at "Y"
The organization meeting of the
Central Y. M. C. A. Public Speaking
Club, will take place in the assemb
ly room this evening. In speakin
of the club Robert B. Reeves, general
secretary said: "The club is an as
sured success by reason of the fact
that a number of prominent busi
ness and professional men are al
ready enrolled. It is interesting to
note the difference in the ages of
the men taking the course. Success
ful businessmen sit alongside of the
young college fellow who is just
starting on his career but who real
izes the need of such a course. A
friendly rivalry has sprung up be
tween the Public Speaking Club and
the class in salesmanship. While the
Salesmanship Class has a larger en
rollment at present, their lead is be
ing seriously threatened. Of course,
the enrollment of the Speaking Club
must necessarily be limited as in a
course of this kind it is essential
that individual attention be given."
W Young Men~w
Don't Get Bald
Cuticura Does Much
To Prevent It
Dandruff, itching, scalp irritation,
etc., point to an unhealthy condition
of the scalp, which leads to thin,
falling hair and premature baldness.
Frequent shampoos with Cuticura
Soap and hot water do much to pie
rent such a condition, especially if
preceded by a gentle anointing with
Cuticura Ointment to spots at dan
druff arid itching.
S*a 38c. Ofetamt 2S ud 80c, Talons
25c. Sold throughout the world. For
sample each free address: "Coti-ora Lib
era torios. Dept. ISF, Maid an. Mm."
SVCvticura Soap ahara without mag.
WC-Tl-riTTS'largely due te
m woiul w ad
31 riaxated Iron", saya
■SjXaprf-.WP .Former Health Com
>vi*MrSir , oussioner Wm. R. Kerr, of
r *"' ,y °' Chicago. "From
W'TOtorSSil m)f own experience with No*.
a,ed ,ron • 'eel it is such a
w valuable blood and body build.
ISyßtSfKa preparation thai it ought
QMPHmM to ." Hied in every hospital
.4 *n<J prcscnoea by every oliy.
Sictan in the country. Nuxaled Iron helps
to make healthier women and'stronger, star.
. "I'l Satisfaction guaranteed or money
relinked. At all goiU.dr^f t -nl^
How To Get Health
When Ton Are Weak, Run-Down,
Nervous And Tire On The
Slightest Exertion.
This condition shows that Iron,
the life and strength of your blood is
wearing out, your nerve force is decay
ing ana vitality is becoming low.
Disease acts only on those whose
blood is thin and watery, impoverished
or impure and never affects persons
whose blood is rich and pure with plenty
">f Iron in it Dr. Chase's Blood and
Nerve Tablets are a wonderful restora
tive because they contain Iron, Nux-
Vornica, Gentian, Capsicum, and Zinc
Phosphide which makes them a moat
valuable tonic for the sick, convales
:ent and overworked. Each dose means
more energy, more nerve force, more
•trength. They put snap into you
which makes life worth living. Sold by
Druggists 60 cents, Special, 'Stronger
more Active 90 cents.)
Splendid Way To
Reduce Your Weight
There is perhape no one thins that
■o plainly shows the passing of our
youth as the horrible tendency to put
on too much weight after we have
reached the age of 25 or 30 years
However young our faces may appear
the sagging, flabby figure and forty
inch waist "gives Us away."
The cause of this over stoutness is
that our stomachs convert the food
we eat into fat because there Is not
enough oxygen in the blood to pro
duce a proper combustion to destroy
the excess fatty tissue. Fat people
will be pleased to learn of a simple
home method that Is wonderfully ef
ficient in reducing weight, quickly
and easily without a starving ,u et
violent massage or strenuous exer
cise. Go to any drug store and set
a box of Phynola; take Ave grains
after each meal and at bed lime. This
treatment will often give quick re
lief from overburdening fat Phy
nola taker, at meal time assists the
stomach in giving you the benefit of
the food you eat; at the same time
dissolves the fatty tissue from any
part of the body where there Is exces
sive fat By this method many have
reduced their weight a pound a day
and there is no tlabblneas left Gorgas
the druggist Kellers Drug Store!
George's Drug Store, J. Nelson Clark
or any druggist can supply you with
the genuine Phynola at a small coat
By Associated Press
Rome, Thursday. Oct. 23.—A met
saga to America fro m Captain D'An
nunzio, leader of the Italian irregular
troops whioh are holding Flume, is
printed in newspapers here. It bears
the date of October 12 and was
brought from Fatme on October 13.
by Whitney Warren, the American
architect, who went to that city early
ir. Ocl >er to offer his services to
Captau. IVAnnunzio. Eight para
graphs of the message were sup
pressed by the censor. The remaind
er of the appeal addresses Americans
as '•brothers" and implores their help
for Flume, which, the message says
"is fighting for liberty."
London. Oct. 24.—Sir Thomas Lip
ton. challenger for the America s cup.
will sail for New York on the liner
Carmania to-morrow. Sir Thomas
plans to remain in the United States
for ten or twelve days for the pur
pose of making an inspection of his
yacht Shamrock IV, with which he
hopea to lift the cup.
"Harrisburg's Dependable Store"
Why HeLikesOur Store
Wm. Strouse & Co., is becoming more and
more each day—"The Young Man's Stores-
Because from the minute he steps into "Har
risburg's Dependable Store" until he leaves
it, he is waited on by men of his own age---
What does this mean?
Just this—that he talks with men on His
own footing—no older men whose conserva
tive judgment might have too much weight
against what HE KNOWS HE WANTS, or
feels that he might not like to question their
statements too much—BUT YOUNG FEL
The Combination unsurpassed
Everyone who has seen our Fall line of young
men's suits and overcoats them to
be unequaled in tailoring, in fabric and in
Every conceivable model is on our racks and
if you want to see a large assortment before
you buy don't miss the showing of garments
in "Harrisburg's Dependable Store," at
$35 —$40 —$45
"Leatherized Suits For Boys "
Vanity Hats —Metric Shirts
Bradley Sweaters —Wool Hosiery
Bathrobes Just in $6.50 to $lO
Wm. $e Cn.
310 Market St. Harrisburg Pa,
OCTOBER 24, 1919r
Dr. H. M. J. Klein, professor of
history at Franklin and Marshall Col
lege will deliver a lecture on "Roose
velt as a Man" at Fahnestock Hall
to-morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
Admission is free and all men are in
vited to attend, as Dr. Klein is a very
well-known speaker and his address
on the anniversary of Roosevelt's
birthday will undoubtedly be very
By Associated Pre'is
Plymouth, Eng., Oct. 24.—The con
servatives have decided to invite Vis
countess Astor to become the coali
tion-unionist candidate to succeed her
husband as a member of the House
of Commons. The viscount's acces
sion to the peerage causes the seat to
b-icome vacant.
Lisbon. Thunday, Oct. 24. The
fleet of American naval vessels which
arrived here r,ccntly is one of con
siderable size. It comprises a total
of 24 vessels.
for the acid-distressed
stomach-try two or three
after meals, dissolved
on the tongue—keep
your stomach sweet—
try Kl-moids—the new
aid to digestion. -