Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 22, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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The Days News in Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania
Banquet Will Be in Charge of
Railroad War Relief
Knola, Pa., Oct. 22.—The mem
bers of the Pennsylvania Railroad
War Relief, Enola branch, at a meet
ing held in the Y. M. C. A. audi
torium last night, completed plans
for active work here during the win
ter and arranged for the entertain
ment of the boys who will be on
hand at the welcome home celebra
tion on October 30. The to
be given in the Y. M. l. A. dimng
room to the 85 returned soldiers
will be in charge of the war relief.
The general committee in charge
of the welcome home celebration
to be held here on October 30 has
selected George H. Homing as chief
marshal, with these committee chair
men: Decorating, Guy A. l eager,
finance, Samuel G. Hepford; music,
H. G. Hassler; refreshments and
banquet, Mrs. P. K. Bingman,
publicity. Banks E. Shull. The com
mitees have been very busy here
during the past few days arrang
ing plans for the celebration. Al
ready J5OO has been underwrittn
for tho celebration and it is expect
ed that more will be available, ihe
different organizations of town have
completed plans to have floats in
Jury Returns Verdict
After Long-Drawn Trial
S anbury, Pa., Oct. 22. After a
week s legal battle over a triangular
piece of land 12 feet wide at its base
and about that long, a jury here re
turned a verdict against the bha
mokin Manufacturing Company.
Henry Hayden. also of Shamokin,
was the plaintiff. The property is
on Sixth street and the road passes
diagonally. Hayden alleged the Sha
mokin Manufacturing Company tres
passed on a corner of his lot. Much
documentary evidence was read into
the record, after which many ab
stracts of title were heard. It was
the longest drawn-out case heard in
years in common pleas court. Ed
ward B. Zimmerman, a former
Northumberland county treasurer, is
the owner of the Shamokin Manu
facturing Company.
Art Lecture and Piano
Recital on Irving Program
Mechanic.sburg, Pa., Oct. 22.
Miss Winifred Woods, of the Irving
College faculty, will give an# art
lecture In Columbian Hall, on Sat
urday, October 25, under the
auspices of the Educational Club.
On Saturday, November 8, Miss
Marian Faber, of Altoona, will give
a piano recital, assisted by Miss
Emily Stuckey, who was overseas as
a Y. M. C. A- entertainer, and is
soloist of the Presbyterian church,
Gun Kicks and Hunter
Is Hurt Near Lewistown
Dewistown, Pa.. Oct. 22.—When
H. F. Arentz, of the Devistown Nar
rows. shot at a squirrel his gun
kicked so badly that Arentz was
sent to the first aid station for re
pairs. He was trying out new shells.
The first left a Large lump on his
jaw, his shoulder was bruised and
contused and his body and legs
scratched and bruised when the re
coil knocked him over an embank
ment and through the brush.
York County Grower
Buys Large Nursery
MovJiaiiicsburg, Pa., Oct. 22.
The Wickersham nursery, consisting
of the farm and orchards, located
about a mile east of Mechanicsburg,
along the trolley line, was sold to
John Cocklin, of Siddonsburg, York
county. Mr. Cockiin is one oP tho
most extensive fruit growers in
York county and will take posses
sion December 1, although he will
not move there with his family be
fore spring.
Sliircmanstown, Pa., Oct. 22.—Miss
Anna Mary Bigler, oldest daughter
of Mrs. Elizabeth Bigler, of Green
street, and Private Harry Franklin
Renshaw, of Fort Sheridan, 111., were
quietly married on Friday, October
17. in Harrisburg. The groom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Renshaw,
of Spangler's Mills. Both young
people are well known and have a
host of friends.
jjr I'lUl. 1 '- -V ..I I ilk ii Tip 1" ii r '
Js sold at the same fair
price as before the war:
This beverage is often,
preferred to coffee after
trial for it is pure and
wholesome. Better health
to the coffee drinker usu
ally follows the change
from coffee to POSTC/M
'There's a jßeason "
Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Creek,Mlcbi^arr.
. . - * At Grocers |ij
Prominent Tyrone Man
Is Instantly Killed;
Hit on Head by Chain
Tyrone, Pa., Oct. 22. While at
work installing new machinery at
the Colonial clay works at Dungar
vin, Thomas Jefferson Gates, one of
Tyrone's most- prominent citizens,
was struck on the head by a swing
ing chain and instantly killed.
Mr. Gates was born at Gatesburg,
Centre county, 69 years ago, and was
the son of David and Elizabeth
Gates, both deceased. He was the
last o£ the family of four children.
Towns Plan Memorials
in Honor of Soldiers
Marysville ,Pa., Oct. 22. Perry
county boroughs are making plans
to provide substantial memorials in
honor of their service men and wo
men. Ducannon has already con
tracted for an eight-ton marble
monument with a bronze tablet;
Marysville has raised a considerable
sum of money for some sort of me
morial, while residents of Newport
and Liverpool are reported consid
ering moniorial plans.
All of these communities have
held welcome home celebrations or
will hold them within the next week.
New Bloomfleld is the only com
munity of any size in Perry county
that has not held a welcome home
celebration, and this has been im
practicable because of the streets oi
the borough being in a torn up con
Squirrels Plentiful in
Miffi n County Vailays
Ixrwistown, I'a., Oct. 22.—Hunt
era who crossed the mountains >nt°
Eicking Creek and Black Dog val
leys iy tho nimrod who did not got
his limit on Monday knew notmng
about hunting squirrel or was a bad
shot. Many reported the limit be
fore noon. Among tho fortunate
were Hon. Charles G. Corbin, Tweed
Isenberg, Jack Price and Ebaer
Zimmerman, Granville; Steve Ston
er and Martin Shombaugh, of Den
holm. Shambaugh got a pkeiisant
in addition to six squirrel. C. J. Mc-
Kinstry, Peter Arnold, Edward
HofTman and A. It- Beck of Ryde
with several hundred hunters are
yet to be heard from.
Union Men Pledge
Loyalty to Strikers
Sunbury, Pa., Oct. 22. —Sunbury's
union organizations, composed of
trades unions from all over the bor
ough and In Northumberland county,
met here yesterday and pledged
moral and financial support to the
striking employes of tho Susquehanna
Silk Mills and Snnbury Converting
More than $5,000 has been sub
scribed to the strikers within a week,
it was announced. About 1,000 men
are stlil out, union leaders assert,
although mills are still operating.
Hunter Shoots Deer;
Warden Is Out For Him
Thompson town. Pa., Oct. 22.
A dead deer found here, was shot
out of pure malice, It is charged, as
no one could possibly mistake a full
grown deer for a squirrel, which is
( the only four-footed animal likely
to come under the eyes of a hunter
at this time. Warden J. J. Slautter
bach went to the scene of the shoot
ing but had obtained no clue up to
a lato hour to-day.
Farmer Buys Property,
Long Home of Brightbills
AnnviUe, Pa., Oct. 22.—M. E.
Brightbill sold his residence in East
Main street to John A. Dong, a
prominent farmer and dairyman, of
North Annville township. This prop
erty adjoins Debanon Valley College
and has for years been occupied by
tho Brightbill family. Three-quar
ters of a century ago It was the home
of Dr. Gideon Fahncstock.
1 Seminary President to
Conduct Pastor's Funeral
Greencastlo, Pa., Oct. 22.—Tho
Rev. Dr. J. C. Bowman, president of
Dhncaster Theological Seminary, will
be in charge of the funeral services
for the late Rev. J)r. I. N. Peightel,
to be held Wednesday in Grace Re
formed Church. Jt is expected the
majority of the in Mer
oersburg Classis will attend the
Plant a tree. It increases the value
of real estate.
Point to Laying of Corner-1
stone of Home at Granville
as Big Achievement
Reading, Pa., Oct. 22.—The 36th
annual convention of the Supreme
Grand Commandery of the Continent
of America, Ancient and Illustrious
Order Knights of Malta, was opened
at Malta Temple, Fourth and Court
streets, with the. supreme command
ery going into session. John G.
Miles, supreme commander, of Wil
kinsburg, Pa., presided. About 85
members were in attendance.
The following, each of whom com
pleted a term TTs grand commander,
were admitted to membership in tho
supreme body: W. J. Raffensberger,
Pennsylvania; Paul Garrett, New j
Jersey; Percy W. Keith, Massachu
setts; ;S. B. Mauley, Maine and New I
Hampshire, and F. G. Packard, New
The supreme commander in his
report reviewed the work of the past
year. Ho reported one of the most
successful years of the order. Six
teen coinmanderies have been insti- j
tuted and six dispensations granted.
One of the greatest Maltan achieve
ments during 1919 was the laying of
the cornerstone of the Malta home
and hospital at Granville, Pa., on
May 14.
Sixteen new commanderies were
established as follows. Donegal, Mt.
Joy, Pa.; White Star, Hopewell, Pa.;
Ephrata, Ephrata., Pa.; Adonal,
Uidgway, Pa.; Delaware, Norwood,
Pa.; Liberty, East Cleveland, O.;
Lincoln, Massilon, O.; Rainbow,
Crestline, O.; Crescent, Ashtabula,
O.; Laurel Crown, Cleveland, O.;
Edgewater, Cleveland, O.; Cleve
land, Cleveland, O.; Phoenix, St.
Paul, Minn.; Anno Lucis, Ann Arbor,
Mich.; Rose City, Portland, Ore.;
Broadway, Toledo, O.
Woman Hurt in Fall
in Cumberland Town
Meehanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 22. j
While driving away from a home in
this place, where she had delivered
potatoes, Mrs. Peter Rice, who lives
on the Shelley farm in Monroe
township, met with a seriftus acci
dent on Monday afternoon. One of
the lines fell over the dashboard
and in reaching to recover it Mrs.
Rice was thrown out of the wagon.
The horse became frightened and
dashed away. She was rendered un
scious and taken to a physician who
found she had sustained a torn liga
ment of tho left ankle and a num
ber of bruises.
The horse raced up the street and
was caught, after he had collided
with another vehicle and been
thrown to tho street.
Loysville Legion Post
Makes Drive For Members
Marysville, Pa., Oct. 22.—Perry
county posts of the American Legion
are quite active, five having been
chartered. Post No. 325, of Loys
ville. is the most recently chartered
and is making a big drive for mem
bers from Blain, Landisburg, Loys
ville, Elliottsburg, Green Park and
immediate neighborhood. Other
chartered posts are at Marysville,
Newport, Duncannon and Liverpool.
It is understood that arrangements
will be made to secure a charter at
New Bloomfleld within a short time.
Fall in Dark May Be
Fatal For Retired Fanner
Klizabetlivillc, Pa., Oct. 22. —
Charles S. Zimmerman, a retired
farmer of this place, in going from
one room to another in the dark
opened the wrong door and fell down
the cellar stairway on Sunday eve
ning and sustained severe bruises
about the head and face. He is now
in a very critical condition and his
children have been called home,
Rebel Caps Are Given
to Historical Society
Middleburg, Pa., Oct. 22. —John A. :
Wetzel, executor of the estate of
Samuel A. Wetzel, late of Beaver
town, deceased, to-day presented toj
the Snyder County Historical So
ciety five percussion cups, together
with a note in the handwriting of
the judge, as follows:
"These are rebel caps, taken from
the Rebs or from Confederate sup
ply train on the day Lee surren
dered—this is a fact—on April 9,
1865. S. A. Wetzel." Caps and the
note will bo preserved.
Three Men in Auto
Rob 11-Year-01d Boy
Manchester, Pa., Oct. 22.—Three
men in a Ford automobile, evi
dently having started out to kidnap
Dietz Keller, 11-year-old son of H.
D. Keller, York x president of the
York Wagon Gear Company, aban
doned the attempt near here on
Monday evening, shortly after C
o'clock, and allowed the boy to go,
after first taking from him his watch,
cuff links and a small amount of
Bradford, Pa., Oct. 22. —The Min
isters' Union of Pennsylvania Bap
tist General Convention, in session
here yesterday, elected the follow
ing officers: The Rev. M. C. Wiant,
Reading, president; the Rev. J. A.
Monk, Wilkinsburg, and the Rev.
A. K. Morris, Wilkes-Barre, vice
presidents; the Rev. Charles Walker,
West Chester, secretary-treasurer.
Emory W. Hunt, D. D., LL. D.,
president of Bucknell College, Lew
isburg, addressed the convention last
night on "Christian Education."
Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 22. The
Maryland Synod of the United Luth
eran Church of America is holding
its 100 th convention in Boonsboro
with 120 ministers and a number of
lay delegates in attendance. The
synod territory embraces Maryland,
the District of Columbia and sections
of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and
Virginia. The synod was organized
in Winchester, Va., in 1820.
Hagcrstown, Md., Oct. 22.—A1l ef
forts so far to capture the lone
bandit who shot and killed Leo M.
Creagor. of Thurmont, a member of
a posse, has resulted in an offer of
$l,OOO reward for the murderer,
dead or alive, made by the county
commissioners of Frederick county:
(Other State News on Pag© 9.)
Elms and Oaks to Be Wanted
in Honor of Overseas
Meehanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 22.—At
a meeting of the Memorial Park
committee at the home of J. J.
Milloisen, burgess, the plan for the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial I
Park was brought before the mem
bers, as arranged by Karl B. Loh
man, of the Bureau of Municipali
ties of tho State, who was here
during the summer and viewed the
grounds. The plan was considered
by the committee nnd the chairman
was authorized to secure a surveyor,
C. A. Bryan, to furnish the neces
sary lines and grades for the main
aVenue of the park, and to locate,
according to the plant of Mr. Loh.-
ma.n, the places and distances of the
American elms will be used for the
main avenue and oaks for the in
tersecting avenue. The grading of
the main avenue is expected to be
done in a few weeks and the trees
will be planted before the ground is
It was announced that the enter
tainment given by the Moorhead
Company for the benefit of the park
netted the sum of $205.98. Of this
amount $6O had been handed in by
the candy committee of which Miss
Bessie Basehore was chairman. The
plan of the park is both artistic and
Moulders Make Ready
to Leave Waynesboro
Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 22.—Judg
ing from a statement made by one
of tho olficials ot" the local moulders
union, it looks as though the mem
bers of that organization are get
ting farther away from a settlement
of the local labor question.
This official yesterday stated there
are about 160 members in that or
ganization, that number comprising
practically all the moulders of this
city. Of that number, already about
25 have secured employment in
other cities with a probability of
nearly 100 leaving within the next
Kills Biggest Black
Bear in Union County
WlUte Deer, Pa., Oct 22.—The
largest black bear ever seen in Union
county was killed by Frederick
Hagey, of this place. It weighed
250 pounds and was the first to be
killed in Union county this season.
Edgar Summers, prothonotary of
Northumberland county, killed a big
black bear while hunting at Forks,
and President Judge Cummings, ot
the same county, killed a smaller
one. Bear are said to be more nu
merous than ever in this region.
Annville People Hear
Returned Missionary Speak
Annville, Pa., Oct. 22.—Mrs. A. S.
Kreider, Mrs. A. E. Shroyer, Mrs.
S. O. Grimm, Mrs. H. H. Shenk, Mrs.
J. E. Lehman, Mrs. Z. S. G. Light
and Mrs. John Gallatin motored to
Shaefferstown on Saturday, where
they attended the woman's mission
ary convention of the United Breth
ren# Church. The speaker, Miss
Delia Todd, is a returned missionary
from Africa. \
Columbia, Pg„ Oct. 22.—Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob L. Bryson, of this place,
to-day celebrated their golden wed
ding, having been married GO years
ago in Quarryville by the Rev. J.
V. Eckert, then pastor of Trinity
Reformed church, Columbia.
Columbia, Pa., Oct. 22.—The Girls'
Patriotic League of this place will
compete in the fantastic parade in
the Hallowe'en celebration that is
scheduled "he welcome home cele
bration for returned soldiers which
takes place the next day.
To protect the pavements from
lifeat of the sun plant trees.
With False Teeth?
Dr. Wernet's
Keeps them firm. Prevents sere stuns*
WhiteS Flavored* Antiseptic.
If your dental plate is loose or
drops, to get instant relief use
Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly.
You can eat, laugh, talk with ease.
Guaranteed by Wemet Dental Mfg. Co.,
116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, 4 $l.OO.
At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse
imitations. This it the original powder.
I FftllßY'C Penn-llarris
| A 1 Hotel Bldg.
Tells How Thin Folks
Can Put on Flesh
and Get Strong
People who have tried it and
hundreds of people right here in
Harrisburg have done so —say that
if you are weak, thin, nervous, run
down and can't sleep nights, the
quickest, surest and best way to get
strong, put on flesh, have nerves of
steel and be able to sleep well, is
to take a o-grain tablet of Hluod-
Iron Phosphate with every meal. The
almost invariably rcmarltablo bene
fit following the use of niood-Iron
Phosphate is said to be due to the
fact that it does two things—feeds
the nerves and supplies iron to the
blood. So uniformly successful are
the reports from those who have used
it that George A Gorgas as well as
all other leading druggists now sup
ply Hlood-Iron Phosphate under a
guarantee of satisfaction or money
hack. Inasmuch as three weeks'
treatment costs only $1.50 if vou
like it —nothing if it fails—every
weak. thin, nervous, rundown,
anaemic man or woman should begin
the use of llloud-Iron Phosphate to
day and get back on the road to
hPUth, strength and happiness with-
Bertha Mae Beates and
Elroy F. Walters Marry
Klizabethtown, Pa., Oct. 22. —The
marriage of ' Miss Bertha Mae
Beates, daughter of Henry S.
Beates, of Eiizabethtown. and Elroy
F. Walters, son of Herman Walters,
of Mt. Joy, was solemnized Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock in Christ
Lutheran Church, Eiizabethtown,
tho Rev. Frank Crowman officiating.
The young couple were attended by
Miss Anna Line and Mr. Ellis Bru
baker, of Denver, Pa. The bride
wore a traveling suit of pecau blue
volour, with hat and veil to har
monize, and a corsage bouquet of
bride's roses.
Immediately after the ceremony
the bridal party left by automobile
for Lancaster, where a wedding din
ner was served at the Hotel Bruns
wick. The young couple were given
a lively send-off at the Lancaster
station by many of their friends
When they took the 6:18 train for
Philadelphia, where they will make
their future home. Mr. Waltors is
connected with the Clip-Bar Manu
facturing Company, of that city.
Mr. Walters was at one time em
ployed at the Pipe Bending Works
of Harrisburg.
The young couple will be at home
after November 2 at 6 4 North
Twenty-second street, Philadelphia.
Liquor Dealers Want
Part of License Fee Back
Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 22.—At a
session of tho Adams county argu
ment court the matter of the liquor
dealers of the county whose places
of business were closed during a part
of tho time Camp Colt was located
here being reimbursed for their li
cence fees for that time was up for
disposition. All pf the dealers of
the county affected by the order of
the War Department, seven in Get
tysburg and one in Hunterstown,
presented petitions praying that
$72.88 cents be returned to them.
Perry Hunters Have
Poor Days at Opening
Marysville, Pa., Oct. 22.—Perry
county hunters have not achieved
much success during the early days
of the hunting season, according to
reports received here. Squirrels
have been sought principally. Only
in isolated cases have hunters been
reported who bagged their limit in
Perry's mountains and woods. In
most cases these reports come from
Blain and New Germantown in tho
vicinity of the gtute game lands.
Nimrods have returned with rather
scantily filled game bags.
Get your neighborhood Interested
in tree planting. ' Boost and plant a
tree on Arbor Day.
Store Closes' Every Saturday at 6 P. M.
M , £8~30*32 North Third Street.
| Tomorrow and Friday \
Two Important Days For Those Interested in Furs
t * =
■ OurExhibitandSpecialSaleof I
1 Fur Coats, Scarfs and Muffs I
under the personal direction of one of our manufacturing furriers who will have on
EE display a most extensive assortment of the very finest select furs M
At Our Store
The Exhibit will open at 9.30 Thursday Morning.
nn HE importance of this event to you will be appreciated when you see the collection
-*■ of furs. It is not practical for us to carry in stock such a vast line, therefore, we
have this exhibit for you, providing as it does, an opportunity that seldom occurs, con-
H sidering as you must, its size and scope.
We believe there are many women who have anxiously awaited an occasion of this
M ' sort and hence we feel certain that they will be more than pleased with not only tlva
furs, Hut with the attractive prices at which uf shall offer them.
Bear in mind that the quality and fashion of these furs are in line with our regular
standard of excellence, which of course you expect.
Mifflin Republicans Meet and
Endorse the County Ticket
Named at Primaries
Lewis-town, Pa., Oct. 22.—At an
enthusiastic meeting of nearly 100
Republicans from nearly all the!
election districts of Mifflin county j
held last night in the building of j
the Mifflin County Hardware Com
pany, the Roosevelt Republican
Club of Mifflin county was organ
ized. The objects of the club are to
promote the welfare and interests
of the party of Lincoln, Grant,
Roosevelt and Taft and to promote
sociability among the rank and file
of the party. '
A hearty endorsement of the
county ticket was given, practically
all of the candidates being present
at the meeting. Tho following otli
. cers were elected:
President, F. C. Bowersox, Derry
i Vice presicfent, J. Ira Musser, Yea
Secretary, R. T. Hughes, Lewis
Treasurer, Y. E. Wetzel, Lewis
j town.
Daupkin's Red Cross
Prepares For Drive
Dauphin, Pa., Oct. 22.—The Dau
phin branch of the Red Cross hold
I a meeting at the home of the chair
man. Miss Clara Bergstresser, to
! make arrangements for the drive for
| membership commencing November
ill. r The chairman and secretary,
I Miss Clara Bergstresser and Miss
| Anne R. Miller, resigning. Miss Eliza
beth Poffenberger was elected chair
man and Mrs. Clyde McNeely sec
! retary. All the other officers were
j re-elected.
! fciii§i§
J Hot water
' Sure Relief
OCTOBER 22, 1919. "
Thousands Expected at
Nation's Farm Congress
llagerstown, Md., Oct. 22.—Thou
sands of visitors, including promi
nent agriculturists from all parts of
the country, are expected here next
week to attend the annual Farmers'
National Congress, which Will con
vene on Monday. The convention
will be staged on a large scale and
some of tho leading men of the
country will be present tp deliver
addresses, including John Barrett,
director of the Pan-American Union;
Dr. T. A. Leßreton, United States
Senator Thomas Sterling, of South
Dakota; Governor William C. Sproul,
of Pennsylvania; Governor E. C.
Harrington, of Maryland; Governor
John J. Cornwell, of West Virginia;
Hon. William A. Mcltae, commis
sioner of Agriculture of Florida, and
others. J. H. Kimble, of Port De
posit, Md., is president of the con
State's Poor Directors
in Session at Butler
Itutler. Pa., Oct. 22.—The Associa
tion of Directors of the Poor and
Charities and Corrections of Penn
sylvania discussed codification of the
poor laws of the State and duties of
solicitors at the session of the an
nual convention here yesterday.
William K. West. Danville, had
charge of the program. Speakers
included G. B. Jofferies, Unlontown;
H. A. Jones, Washington; H. K.
Fries, Philadelphia; Dr. 11. J. Som
tuers, superintendent of the Blair
County Hospital for the Insane; Dr.
jJ. I. Johnston, University of Pitts-
I burgh; Dr. C. R. McKinnie, Tor
j ranee, and K. L. Pray, Philadelphia.'
See the Window Demonstration of
!Our New
Lens Grinding Machine
We are now equipped to grind our own lenses. When
you break your glasses let us duplicate them. You
won't have to wait 2 or 3 days. Several hours is
I all that is required to replace any lense.
Registered Optometrist With
Jacob S. Lehman Dies at Son'?
Home After Brief Ill
ness, Aged 75
Meelianlcsburg, Pa., Oct. 88.—<
Jacob S. TiChman, a retired farmed
died on Monday evening after 4
week's illness, due to a general
breakdown, at the home of his son,
Joseph O. Lehman, in North Middle*
ton township, near Bellalre Park,
He was aged 76 years and a mem*
her of the Brethren in Christ Church,
Mr. hehmati was formerly from
Franklin county. He is survived by
six sons, as follows: Joseph 0., with
whom he lived Jacob Lehman and
Isaac Lehman, both missionaries in
Johannesburg, South Africa; Amoa,
of Steelton: David, of Siddonsbur©
York county, and Abram, of Atlanta,
Ga.; also a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Musser, of Chambersburg; a
the Rev. Joseph Lehman, of Lan*
caster, and 3 4 grandchildren and ll
The funeral service will be held
at the home of his son on Friday
' morning, at 9 o'clock, with furthet
service at the Cross Roads Church
Lancaster county, at 2 o'clock in thJ
afternoon. Burial will be made in
1 the adjoining cemetery.
Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 22.—35. L,
Rider reports having been held nn
about 2 o'clock in the morning by
two highwaymen in the western sec
tion of the city and being robbed ol
his wallet, containing $4OO.