Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 22, 1919, Page 18, Image 18
18 JUOTS RENEWED IN PITTSBURGH One Man Shot and Many Others Hurt in Melee Last Night By Associated Press• Pittsburgh, Oct. 22.—Rioting in; the Braddock steel mill district was ! renewed last night when a crowd of . About fifty strikers and their sympa- . fthizers clashed with several work >men who had just 4eft one of the f plants shortly before T o'clock. One | nian was shot during the melee and many others were injured. State troopers, attracted by the i noise of the fight, rushed to the j scene on their mounts, and rode in- 1 to the mob, using riot clubs freely. | When the troopers put in an ap pearance, the crowd greeted them ! i with a shower of stones, clubs and bottles, and an unidentified man drew a revolver and fired five shots, one of which struck Joseph Dinnoek, ■ln the vicinity of whose, home the -disorder occurred. He was not seri ously hurt. Rioters Arrested in Disorders Are Fined By Associate J Press. Pittsburgh, Oct. 22. —Riolers nr lrested during the steel strike dis 'turbances in Braddock yesterday j were to-day taken before a borough ; magistrate and upon conviction were ,fined from $lO to $25, according 1o ,the seriousness of the evidence. All were charged with disorderly con duct. Large Crowds of strikers and their; friends assembled in the vicinity of i the magistrate's office, but there was no disorder. Crowds which sought : to congregate in the vicinity of the • Edgar Thompson Works of the Car negie Steel Company were kept mov • ing by mounted State Polieo and spe cial policemen, while deputy sheriffs guarded the entrances to the plant. Two men were said to have been (severely beaten on their way to work early in the day, but the police de- ; •nied knowledge of the incident. A strikers' meeting scheduled for the Rankin district this morning, was forbidden by the authorities. Reports from the steel companies I were that mills were operating as usual, with the possible exception j that 40 or 50 men had remained j (away from the Edgar Thompson j j plants, due, it was stated to fear of |a repetition of last night's disturb ances. MARK >III,NOR HKSIC.XS Mark T. Milnor, law clerk in the (Public Service Commission, has re , signed to go into private law prac -tice after having been connected with I ' the Commission since 1918. He spent a year in the Army, returning last winter. Members of the Commission i will part from Mr. Milnor with regret as he has specialized in public ser . vice law. He is active in American iLtgion affairs. Trees encourage outdoor life. : Plant one on Arbor Day. Plant a tree. It increases the value ' -of real estate. When you want to make flaky biscuit, delicious muffins and uIIMIHUJ lAKING gems, real doughnuts and cake "poWol* of fine texture then you need RUMFORD ■ & the wholesome warn BAKING POWDER When Children are Sickly tare Constipated, Feverish, Cry ont in their sleep, Take cold easily, Have Headaches, Stomach or Bowel trouble, Try MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN Ihey are pleasant to take and a certain relief. They act on the Stomach, Liver and Bowela and tend to correct intestinal disorders. 10,000 testimonials from mothers and friends of little ones telling of relief. No mother should be without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for use when needed. Ask to-day. At Druggists. The need of them often comes at inconvenient hours. Used by Mothers for over thirty years. Do Not Accept Any Snbstitnte (or MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS. Keep Fit For SixGom lit Life BY DR. A. B. BABCOCK. You can take your boy and out of him make anything you like if you can get him under good self-discipline. All roads are open to the man who is strong and fit. Uncle Sam took "our boys"—those slab sided, stooped, hollow-chested youths—and made of them vigorous, well-developed, well set-up and courageous men. Take the riyhi way! Train yourself and your children to take proper exercise, drink plenty of water and keep the system clean. Your doctor will tell you that anything from a common cold or headache to the most serious illness may result from the absorption of poisons in the intestines. The first principle is to keep the system clean. Occasionally see ■that the boy or girl, as well as yourself, has an internal bath. It may be with castor oil or a tiny pill of May-apple, aloin and jalap, ■which is sold by druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. If a cold starts with a cough and it persists, then some local treatment for this condition should be taken. A well-known alter ative extract which has been on the market for a great manj T years, and which has been highly recommended by thousands of users, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This tonic compound is composed of an extract of roots and herbs, without alcohol, and has a soothing effect upon the mucous membrane, allays the irritation and at the same time works in the proper and reasonable way, at the seat jol She trouble —the blood. WEDNESDAY EVENING, READS LETTER TO PREVENT BREAK [Continued from First l'agc.] get her until the way, was found to the establishment of a surer and heartier co-operation between the elements engaged in industry or un til it was revealed that the "men who work and the men who manage American industry are so set upon divergent paths that all effort at co operation is doomed to failure." "National Disaster" If the nation's industrial leaders and workers are to bo without faith in each other, constantly struggling for advantage over each other and doing naught but what is compelled, the President said the situation thus created "would be a national disas ter." • Delegates Indignant Before the recess Samuel Gom pers, president of the American Fed eration of Labor declared that a mo tion by John Spargo, of the public group, that the conference give the President "a solemn pledge binding every group and individual that noth ing would be left undone" to solve the problems before the body, would be "most unfortunate." The motion, which had been seconded by Harry A. Wheeler, chairman of the capi tal group, was withdrawn. As they left the conference hall, the labor delegates expressed their indignation over Mr. Spargo's mo tion. "Do you think we are going to stay here to be crucified from day to day?" demanded Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federa tion of Labor. At a conference before the general session this morning the labor group requested' Chairman Lane to read the President's letter. Mr. Lane did not desire to read it to a single group and consequently gave it to the full conference. Mr. Lane and others in the con ference said the opposition of the labor group to Mr. Spargo's resolu tion was based on the desire of some individual members of the labor delegates to be at liberty to withdraw from the conference if they desired, it v.as said th^t. should any of them withdraw, new delegates probably would be appointed and the labor group remain in the conference. Will Return All members of the labor group will return to the conference at 2.30 p. m. to-day, Mr. Morrison announc ed after the private conference of the labor delegation. Other members said the group had decided as a whole to remain in ; the conference. His Message The President's message follows: To the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Industrial Conference — P am advised by your chair mar? that you have come to a situation which appears to threaten the life of your con ference, and because of that I am presuming to address a | word of very solemn appeal to ] you as Americans. It is not for j me to assess the blame for the I present condition. I do not speak in a spirit of criticism of ! any individual or of any group: i but. having called this confer ence, I feel that my temporary indisposition should not bar the way" to a frank expression of the seriousness of the posi tion in which this country will be placed should you adjourn without having convinced the American people that you had exhausted your resourcefulness and your patience in an effort to come to some common agree ment. Without Faith? At a time when the nations of the world are endeavoring to find a way of avoiding industrial war, are we to confess that there is no method to be found for carrying on industry except in the spirit and with the very method of war? Must suspicion and hatred and force rule us in civil life? Are our industrial leaders and our industrial work ers to live together without faith in each other* constantly struggling for advantage over | each other, doing naught but I what is compelled? Intolerable Outlook My friends, this would be an intolerable outlook, a prospect j unworthy of the large thitvgs j done by this people in the mas- j tering.of this continent —indeed, | it would be an invitation to nn- | tional disaster. From such a j possibility my mind turns away, j for my confidence is abiding that in this land we have learned how to accept the general judg ment upon matters that affect the public weal. And this is the very heart and soul of de mocracy. Should Stand Together It is my understanding that you have divided upon one portion only of a possible large program which has not fully de veloped. Before a severance is affected, based upon present differences, I believe you should stand together for the develop ment of that full program touching the many questions within the broad scope of your investigations. It was in my mind when this conference was called that you would concern yourselves with the discovery ot those methods by which a measurable co-operation with in industry may have been se cured and if new machinery needs to be designed by which a minimum of conflict between employers and omployes may reasonably be hoped for, that we should make an effort to se cure its fldoption. It cannot be expected that at every step all parties will agree upon each proposition or method suggest ed. It is to be expected, how ever, that as a whole, a plan or program can be agreed upon which will advance further the productive capacity of America through the establishment of a surer and heartier co-operation between all the elements en gaged in industry. The public expects not less than that you shall have that one end in view and stay together until the way is found leading to that end or until it is revealed that the men who work and the men who manage American industry are so set upon divergent paths that all efforts at co-operation is doomed to failure. I renew my appeal with full comprehension of the almost in comparable importance of your tasks to this and to other peo ples. and with full faith in the high patriotism and good faith of each other that you push your task to a happy conclu sion. (Signed) WOODROW WILSON. The right to organize for the pur pose of collective bargaining, Sam uel Gompers, president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, said yes terday, is the one question in con troversy—"the one thing the work ing people of the United States are going to achieve." Warns Employers A hush fell over the crowded au ditorium as the labor leader, square ly facing the employers' wing and shaking his finger toward that group, exclaimed to the represent atives of American capital: "If you do not bear with us in an effort toward construction, if you think it impossible for us to secure relief for the suffering masses of American labor, if you insist on con testing with us every inch of the ground in our battle for better con ditions, if you deny us the rights of organization, if you render our work finally impotent, you may destroy us, but you will find yourselves fac ing something else, something worse, and you may come to rue the day that you destroyed the saneness and the willingness to serve that has and does characterize the officials of American trade unionism to-day." Mr. Gompers again sounded a note of warning a few moments later when he told the members of the conference that he feared they did not appreciate the "critical sit- j uatlon in which we find ourselves to day." The people of the United States, he asserted, are "sitting on a lid industrially," turning toward the employers he added, "whether you like it or not trade unionism has come to the United States to stay." Concluding with the statement that although the conference may fail to satisfy the real needs of the workers, he said the organized labor movement would continue to flour ish. and "whatever may be denied us t*)-dav. we will win to-morrow." Recognition of the right of work ers to bargain collectively was swept aside by the National Industrial Conference last night In defeating first a proposal by the employers, next a substitute declaration by the conference's general committee, and third the original proposal of the general committee. The conference thereupon reverted to the steel strike arbitration issue with pros pects of a vote before adjournment. The proposal from the labor group to arbitrate the steel strike soon was disposed of, both the employers and the public representatives vot ing against It. The conference slate was thus swept clean. MRS. ELLA R. BEAVER Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon for Mrs. Ella R. Beaver, 70 years old, who died on Monday. Services will be held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Frankford, 2032 Fulton street. The body will be taken to Columbia on Friday morning by Hoover and Sons, where further services will be held at 9 o'clock in the First Lutheran Church. Burial will be in the Co lumbia cemetery. Mrs. Beaver Is survived by four sons: Fred Beaver, of Lancaster: Percy Beaver, of Philadelphia, and Raymond and John Beaver, of Harrisburg; three daughters: Mrs. Ida Duncan, of Lancaster; Mrs. Ella Frankford, and Miss Mary Beaver, both of Harris burg: also one sister, Mrs. Charlotte Humble, of Harrisburg. She is also survived by sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. Until re cently she was a resident of Co lumbia. NO PROTEST AGAINST NEW STEAM CHARGE Application of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company for permission to make a 10 per cent, advance in steam heat rates in this city was sub mitted to-day without any protests. The application was made to-day by J. E. B. Cunninghham. counsel for the company. General Manager Palmer was the only witness. (Jse McNeil's Pain Exterminator —Ad Bolrrisbtjro telegkxph CONSUMERS PAY MORE, ; BUT FARMERS LOSE [Continued from First Page.] the consumer finds little or no change in the price of meat. "While everything a farmer must buy demands the high dollar, the price of his commodities, the cheap est in the market are held down by a foreign embargo and a govern ment guarantee. Brought About Crisis "Without visibly helping the con sumer we have brought about a j crisis in our most fundamental and vital industry by forcing the pro ducer to accept prices at which he cannot continue to produce, while he and the consumer are compelled to pay prices at which they are forced to curtail the home de mand." Farmers are being driven out of business and drifting to the cities because of conditions in the agricul ture industry, Senator Capper de clared. Sustain Losses Citing losses sustained by agricul- [ tural producers, Senator Capper said the recent decline in livestock prices i had cost producers $80,000,000. Live stock growers, he said, do not con trol the markets and, like other agri cultural producers must accept prices fixed by others. | Farm wages have doubled, land values have risen enormously, and everything the farmer buys, he said, has risen from fifty to 300 per cent. Among the remedies suggested by Senator Capper were cessation of "Federal government propaganda i which tends to bear down the prices of farm products." Urges Wider Markets "Executive departments," he said, "should seek by every means at their command to open wider mar kets to the farmer by lifting the em bargo on wheat and wheat flour fi Europe, by extending credits to Eu ropean governments and by lower ing ocean freight rates." Legislation to free the livestock j producer of alleged control of the | markets by the packers also was ! urged by Senator Capper, who sug | gested establishment of co-operative farm selling agencies. "Price making in necessities of life," he said, "should never again be left to the gamblers of the ex change or to corporate monopoly." To counteract adverse conditions of city life plant more trees. Dives Pomeroy & Stewart j| I BTYYYYIHI I II I ITS lowing Ri c h Black i§ j I I- t f' ! Dress Silks FBI I f |1 Til /jjL ~~~ Satins, Dew Kist, Crepes, French m mi^JWm' '' u nrY Fl ll ' For occasions which really demand the use of a black iferz~ —SvV\KV • /// ißfff frock no better choice could be made than from these highly T —T ]offß- finished, luxurious weaves. An exhibit that every woman"*' 1 ¥ 36-inch Black Satin, yard $3.95 and $4.50 '' 81-^F 150 ' h*R iif' 'f' ' 3, ® 5 $5.00 and $6.00 H —•' •• > Black Dew Kist,' the pretty crepe' weave'for skirts; * W&M -r-\. • • T-. . . Black Kumsi Kumsa, yard . $8.50 I lTmv\ rv K AATVI NinrOO Black Chinchilla Crepe; 38 inches wide, yard $6.95 WemmMM Uinillg nOOIII OlLllCb Black Tricolette; 38 inches wide, yard $7.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Possessing Elegance and Refinement The atmosphere of hospitality and ease imparted to a dining room by suites of the IIT®OAA7TI "fVlY* AA/TIT) OYI type now being shown at special prices is a thing which every housewife seeks to ob- I_l.Lv/ VV 11 Uv/vlLo _LvJX VV UllltJll tain. And in addition to that the woods, of fumed and golden oak, are so carefully # marked that quality is apparent even in a casual inspection. jjq iFclVOl' Two Groups At Savings of 25 Per Cent ... , . „ , „ New Slyles With Lewis Heels Ready 9-Piece Fumed Oak Suite with six 9-Piece Golden Oak Suite in Colonial & leather-seated Chairs $149.00 design $149.00 Their long, slender vamps and rich quality of mole and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. dark brown kidskin, have probably had a great deal to do^ with their popularity. From one of our best bootmakers, L they've come, with all the grace and charm that one finds in high quality footwear. With wood or leather Louis heels, $12.50 and $14.00" Woman's Black Kidskin lace Shoes with stitched tip Colored and Black Dress Goods Save As Much As A Third in the Thursday Sale * 5 yards Navy Serge; 41 inches wide, Thurs- 3 5-6 yards green Serge; 44 i nches wide; Dress News of Interest day only $6.25 Thursday only $8.75 3% yards Navy Panama; 54 inches wide, 2% yards plaid Skirting; 40 inches wide; Women Who Plan to Buu Thursday only $4.45 Thursday only $3.69 Tir-f/ r* 3 1-8 yards Navy Poplin; 40 inches wide; 2 y 2 yards plaid Skirting; 36 inches wide; AleiV FrOCK Will Find Thursday only $5.95 Thursday only $2.45 /\C <R| TUT T 1 C/ / LT 3 2-3 yards Navy Gabardine; 54 inches wide; 3% yards Navy Gabardine, 54 inches wide; /£J OUlf LjOVCLIJ &llJieS IJCTe Thursday only $14.67 Thursday only $14.50 I V^O 5 yards Copen Serge; 42 inches wide; Thurs- 3 3-8 yards green French Serge; 54 inches / Seldom do we have the opportunity to day only $4.95 wide; Thursday only $7.95 • •JJL.V ' t .T4 more com P'; ehens,vc g"'hing oft J . , ~ . . , ~ „ fflga; Silk Dress modes for the winter months 4 yards brown Serge; 44 inches wide; Thurs- 5 yards Navy Serge; 36 inches wide; Thurs- Hk{ j than are tcd . hig • day only $10.50 day only $4.45 H&U Agk * . {< The smartest of weaves, including Crepe' DlqaV Turcica Pnnrlc Je Chine, Georgette, Crepe, Crepe Meteor, ; IJIdCK Uiess Ijrooas , Tricolette and other charming silks are > 4 1-3 yards French Serge; 44 inches wide; 4J4 yards Costume Serge; 54 inches wide; " J| shown in a lavish collection of styles, and ! Thursday only $7.90 Thursday only $10.60 among the cloths which show to greatest 4 3-8 yards Sand Crepe; 42 inches wide; 3 yards Poplin; 54 inches wide; Thursday , advantage are Heather Jerseys, triootine Thursday only $9.75 only ..$6.95 j V 7 > and serge ' % 3 5-8 yards Costume Serge; 54 inches wide; 2 2-3 yards Broadcloth; 54 inches wide; R V / Some of the most becoming of the style& , , a nnE 'ru j i on ok I ft are trim tailormades for day time service, Thursday only $6.95 Thursday only $11.85 J 11 some are effec tively finished with buttons, 334 yards French Serge; 54 inches wide; 2% yards French Serge; 36 inches wide; & A and others carry a lavish expenditure of Thursday only $11.50 Thursday only $2.45 beads and embroidery. 4% yards French Serge; 54 inches wide; 3 1-8 yards Poplin; 39 inches wide; Thurs- II The prices will please every purse—be- Thursday only $14.50 day only ..$5.85 ginning at $30.00. I Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Flooc * Dives, .Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, *# Striking Expressmen Are Warned to Get Back to Work at Once By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 22.—Striking ex press employes In New York were worned to-day by the Railroad Ad ministration that unless they return ed to work their places would bo filled immediately and that any in-i terference with the conduit of the: express business or it 3 employes would be prosecuted under state and | Federal statutes. All striking employes engaged inj night work were ordered to return to their posts by 6 p. m. Friday, and day workers before 6 a. m. Satur day. This is the second strike in which the Railroad Administration has warned employes that it they did not return to work the Government would undertake to fill their places and carry on the business wihch | their strike tied up. In the sit ike, cf railroad men in Southern Cali fornia the ultimatum,, used for the first time, proved effective. HONOR MEMORY OF ROOSEVELT [Continued from First Page.] schools in commemoration of the event. Already a number of schools have ertonsive programs ready lor presentation. The association is making plans for an aggressive campaign to secure funds for the erection of a memorial to the dead President in this county. A campaign is now being conducted to enroll members in the association. A fee of $1 is to be charged for which each subscriber will receive a certificate. School children will be solicited for funds at their meet-1 ings on Monday at which time those schools holding exercises, will be presented with certificates. War captains and committees are to be appointed to push the member ship campaign and the campaign for funds. This will be extended, also, throughout the county. Ira J. Mosey is chairman of the general commit tee: R. M. Dunlap, secretary, and 12. S. Nisley, treasurer. Headquarters are located in the offices of the Rackenstoss Realty Company, 331 Market street. Trees purify the air. Plant one in front of your home on Arbor Day. Capittol Hill Notes Governor Sprout to-day signed the pardon for William Josiah McMeen, Juniata county, who has been in pris on since 1886 for wife murder, his Pist degree sentence having been j commuted. The pardon was mailed : to the Western Penitentiary soon af | ter being signed and McMeen, who ! has been in prison longer than any | one known in Pennsylvania annals, j will be released. The prisoner has had a number of places offered him, and it is understood that he will take ' a position in Butler county. The State Hoard of Property has been called for a meeting next Wed nesday to consider claims and pro tests regarding sections of property at the Hog Island shipyard which have been before the Board in one form or another for over a year. The Public Service Commission to day issued an order authorizing the Hanover and McSherrystown street I railway company to abandon tracks and service over several streets in | Hanover. The Commission made an order recently suggesting that the company and borough get together, ' and the statement is made that while they have not reached an agreement they have submitted a form of an or der upon which the commission decid ed to approve the application of the company for removal of tracks. State armories when rented for and used for public dances are subject to the municipal dance hall license aet of 1919. according to an opinion given to B. W. Demming, secretary of the State Armory Board, to-day by Emer son Collins, deputy attorney general. "Harrisfiurg's Dependable Store'' rfjW' WOOL HOSIERY 6 H ea lhe r shades is most stylish The Store That Will Save You Money V WM. STROUSE & CO. OCTOBER 22, 1919. Queen Esther Circle Planning Activities The Queen Esther Circle of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church held its "monthly meeting Monday 1 evening at the home of Mtsses Edith and Bertha Miller. Plans were made for a Hallowe'en party to be given Thursday night, October 29, at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fencil, New Cumberland. The fol lowing officers and members were present: Helen C. Tilghman, presi dent; Agnes M. Sparrow, vice-presi dent; Anna Dickey, secretary: Mar [ garet Klaiss, mite box secretary; Jamson Drinkwater, treasurer; Thel ma Klaiss, Fannie McClain, Mary Anna VanDebender, Laura Kraber, Edith Miller, Margaret Tilghman, | Bertha Miller, Mrs. Victor Imman- j uel, Mrs. Roy Wheeler. The next) meeting will be held at the home of i Mrs. Roy Diller, 1909 Green street. | TWO MISSING IN BLAST ' By Associated Press. Baltimore, Ojt. 22. Fourteen men were badly burned or other wise seriously injured by an explo- j slon of gas on board the Standard l Oil tanker W. H. Tilford at the yards I . of the Baltimore Dry Docks and , Shipbuilding Company to-day. Two j men are missing and fourteen of the j I victims may die. HUNTER IS FINED i Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 22.—Game War- j • den Warren Zeil, of this place, went ■ to Jacksonville yesterday and fined . a hunter by the name of Levi Shug- hart $lO for shooting a rabbit ot of season. The fine was paid. Will you plant a tree on Arbor day? It is your civic duty. X | Simple and Chaste I design in monuments we are pre- I pared to furnish at moderate coat\ I We select all stones very carfc l fully and finish the monumental | with exacting care. We -are at I your service any .time. Cemetery Lettering. I. B. Dickinson j Granite. >lnrl>le, Tile ami liroilae I 505-13 Thirteenth Street llarrlMhtirK, 1.