Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Tried to Defraud Western
Man of $40,0(H) Is New
Cincinnati, Oct. 21. Frederick
Gondorf, alias Frederick Grant, 50
years old. New York city, who, with
John Council, alias Curt's, San
Francisco, and William Silva, New
port, Ky„ was convicted in United
States district court at Covington
last April on a charge he had used
the mails to defraud Frank Kaiser,
| Ends Stubborn Coughs 1
In a Hurry . |
T I'or real effect I veil e, this old
Y Itome-made remedy han DO eqn&l. V
V Eaaily ami cheaply prepared.
You'll never know how quickly a
had cough can be conquered, until you
try this famous old home-made rem
edy. Anyone who lias coughed all day
uiul all night, will say that the imme
diate relict' given is almost like magic.
It is very easily prepaied, and really
there is nothing better for coughs.
Into a pint bottle, nut 2'/a ounces
of Pinex; then add plain granulated
sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or
you can use clarified molasses, honey,
or corn svrup, instead of sugar syrup.
Either way, the full pint, saves about
two-thirds" of the money usually spent
for cough preparations, and gives you
a more positive, effective remedy. It
keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant
children like it.
You can foci this take hold in
stantly, soothing and healing the mem
branes in all the air passages. It
promptly loosens a dry, tight cough,
and soon you will notice the phlegm
thin out and then disappear alto
gether. A day's use will usually break
up an ordinary throat or chest cold,
and it is also splendid for bronchitis,
croup, hoarseness, and bronchial
I'inex is a most valuable concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, the most reliable remedy
for throat and chest ailments.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2Vs ounces of Pihex"
with directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded. J
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Decide foday
Simply because you have
been dealing with the same
concern for a long while is
no good reason why you
should hesitate to try our
superior products.
Let us serve you if you
want satisfaction.
fS/yi E^r|^ fi Maor
\rJmX '- •■ r" : "
jtp ( \ |j ji |l|'Ri! |*|-'
mil mm ■—
The Foundation
of Your Prosperity
cannot expect to prosper unless you
lay a foundation for your prosperity.
Begin your foundation with a savings ac
count at this 87-year-old institution. Then
every dollar saved and deposited here to
draw interest is a stone piled upon a stone
in the structure of your progress.
Start vour " success fund" here and now.
J- -
West N. J., and was lined
$l,OOO and sentenced to serve five
years at the Federal penitentiary at
Atlanta, G., again was arrested 1:1
the Federal court at Covington, Ky.,
yesterday by Deputy United States
Marshal Robert Phillips.
A warrant charging Gondorf with
having used the mails last March ut
Pine Bluff, Ark., to defraud M. Coy,
! Kirksville, Ky., of $ 10,000. was iead
j to Gondorf, as he, with Conneli and
i Silva, entered the district court
1 room for hearing of a second count
i in the indictment on which the three
1 men were convicted last spring. The
| warrant was signed ■by Assistant
1 United States Attorney Charles Fin
-1 nell. Gondorf denies having been
1 in Arkansas 111 25 years.
Federal officers say the means cm
! ployed by Gondorf in Arkansas were
"first past the post racing infor
' mation" as declared in testimonj
'during the trial lust April, when
Gondorf frequently was styled tne
king of wire tappers."
i Judge Cochran directed that a
preliminary hearing bo licld Novem
ber 17. before Mrs. N. F. D. Bell,
United States Commissioner ut i_o\- (
ington, and if there was sufficient ,
evidence to hold the men lie would ,
make an order to remove Gondorrs
case- to the Arkansas court. Gon- j
dorfs bond on the new charge was j
placed ut $2.5^0.
American Troops Will Not
Be Used as Foreign Police
Until Peace Is Ratified
Washington. Oct. 21— American j
troops will not be used to police Si
lesia or any other country for which |
the plebescite is proposed until the j
reatv of Versailles has been ratified
by the Senate, Secretary Baker an-1
ncunced. i
Mr. Baker's ruling was in reply to:
i request for the information 011 this
point which had been received ut the j
department from General Tusker H. j
Bliss, of the American Peace Commis- 1
Mr. Baker pointed out that should j
the Senate adopt a reservation to the |
Treaty declaring against American |
participation in the police duty over- j
seas, none of the forces could be so
used, and that, consequently, none of |
them would be moved from Cobienz 1
until the Senate had acted.
Mr. Baker di nied published reports
that the message from General Bliss |
contained a protest against the -use j
of American troops for such police
Progress in Surgery
Adds Fifteen Years to
Average Human Life
New York. Oct. 21.—Progress in j
surgery and medico therapeutics
since the Civil War have added fif
teen years to the average human
life, Dr. William Mayo, of Roches
ter, Minn., told the ninth annual
American Congress of Surgeons at
the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
With continued progress, he add
ed, and aided by the elimination of
liquors and other wines, fifteen years
more would be added.
Dr. Mayo deplored the increase
in smoking, botlrby men and worn- 1
| en, asserting that it had caused an
increase in cancer.
| Reliable Method Of Hair Care |
Hair is by far the most conspic
uous thing about us and is probably 1
the most easily damaged by bad or !
careless treatment. If we are very ,
careful in hair washing, we will :
have virtually no hair troubles. Arr!
especially fine shampoo for this
weather, one that brings out all the
I natural beauty of the hair, that dis
! solves and entirely removes all dan
-1 druff, excess oil and dirt, can easily
Ibe used at trifling expellee by
! simply dissolving a teaspoonful of
j canthrox (which you can get at
I any druggist's), in a cup of hot
I watef. This makes a full cup of
! shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy
to apply it to all the hair instead
of just the top of the head. This
j chemically dissolves ail impurities
1 and creates a soothing, cooling'
j lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp
spotlessly clean, soft and pliant.
| while the hair takes on the glossy
j richness of natural color, also a
1 fluffiness which makes it seem
! much heavier than it is. After can
; throx shampoo, arranging the hair is
a pleasure.
; Sharp Conflict Being Waged
Over Nationalization of
the Lands
Mexico City, Oct. 21. A sharp
conflict is being waged in the Mexi
can Senate over the nationalization
1 of oil lands as provided in the de
| crees of President Carranza which
! wore intended to put into effect
I article 27 of the Mexican constitu
i tion. These decrees have been the
j object of bitter attack by the for
| eign oil Interests which declare that
I both they and article 2 7 of the con- j
! stitution would be confiscatory. |
I Disappointed over the inactivity of i
| the Chamber of Deputies which has I
I delayed action on the nationaliza-;
tion question, the Senate brought [
I up as a new initiative based on that 1
| of the president but differing from
it in the vital points that it should 1
not be retroactive. If adopted this j
law would not nationalize oil lands j
to which the title was perfected be- |
fore the present constitution became |
operative which was on May 21, I
Complications Arise
Debate 011 this measure, however, .
soon became complicated as a re- |
suit of attempts to include in it a 1
complete redrafting of the 27th
article. In the Senate discussions,
I.uts Cabrera, secretary of the treas
ury. and I,eon Salinas, sub-secre
tary of industry and commerce,
have presented the government's
side in support of naturalization.
Secretary Cabrera also is quoted
in newspapers as asserting that the
Senate in only wasting time in dis
cussing the oil question since the Jlil
interests would not be satisfied
with the Senate's decision.
The foreign oil companies have j
brought suits in the Mexican courts
to prevent the presidential decrees
from taking effect, and these have j
been appealed to the supreme court.
Secretary Cabrera has opposed !
action of the supreme court in these |
cases seniingly to delay action until
the executive department of the
Mexican government and represent
atives of the oil interests can reach
an understanding. What, if any.
progress has been made toward
reaching such an agreement is un
Soldiers Attack Hall
Where German Opera
Was Being Staged
By Associated Press•
New York, Oct. 21.—Despite deci- j
! sion by Mayor Hylun that German
j opera should not be given in New
I York until the Peace Treaty is sign
-1 ed, "Die Meistersinger" was present
ed in German at the Lexington The
ater last night while thousands of
soldiers, sailors, marines and civi
lians fought with the police in an
attempt to reach the theater and
I stop the production.
| Several shots were fired as the
former service men time and again
| charged the police lines or laid down
j a barrage of bricks, stones and other
I missiles in an attempt to force their
I nay through.
! The final curtain rung down just
1 before midnight, and a strong cor
| don of police was thrown around the
theater to prevent attacks on those
j leaving the building. The audience
filed out slowly, and there was little
|or no disturbance, although fights
j broke out spasmodically in a wide
I area. None of them was within a
I block or two of the theater.
Clemenceau's Ideas
Concerning Clergy
Undergo Evolution
By Associated Press•
I Paris Oct. 11.— Premier Clemen
ceau's former hostility to priests and
anything religious is well known,
j but the old premier has undergone an
j evolution in his ideas concerning the
clergy. M. Clemenceau's home in Rue
Franklin is immediately adjacent to
the building occupied by a religious
community, the fathers of St. Louis,
who boasted of a wonderful garden
with a majestic plane tree, the huge
leave of which completely darkened
the window of the premier's private
office. Clemenceau sent a note to
Father Tregard, intimating that the
removal of the plane tree would be
greatly appreciated. The priest did
not reply; the plane tree still re
mained and Clemenceau renewed his
request. Finally the priest called
upon the premier.
"Please do me the favor of having
this tree removed," pleaded Clemen
ceau. "It obstructs my vision of
So pious a wish could not remain
unanswered, and the tree came down.
New York Claims Millions in
Taxes From Wealth of Astor
New York, Oct. 21.—The State of
New York will attempt to collect an
inheritance tax amounting to mil
lions of dollars from the $50,000,-
000 estate of William Waldorf As
tor, who died Saturday in Lon
The attempt will be fought by
Charles A. Peabody, attorney for the
Astor Interests, who stated that Vis
count Astor had transferred his en
tire property here to a trust com
pany, as trustee for his two sons,
before his death.
London, Oct. 21. —Representatives
of the late Viscount Astor, whose
sudden death occurred Saturday
morning, say that his demise will
not disturb the Astor estate in any
way, as it is operated as a unit.
Viscount Astor created a trust quite
recently for the future management
of the property, it was stated.
The late Viscount's son, Waldorf
Astor, who takes the title In succes
sion. will retain the town house in
St. James' Square and the country
home, "Cliveden." at Taplow, Bucks,
which he has been occupying. Cap
tain John Jacob Astor. younger son
of the late Viscount, inherits Hever
Castle, in Kent, which was his fa
ther's favorite and most extensive
It was announced yesterday that a
public funeral service for the late
Viscount Astor would he held to
morrow forenoon in St. George's
Church. Hanover Square. The serv
ice will be conducted by the rector,
the Right Rev. Francis Norman
Thicknesse. On the same day a
private ceremony will be held for
the family.
Tree have an educational influ
ence upon citizens, particularly chil
dren. You should plant one on Ar
bor Day.
Th Suburb Unoaralleled.—Adv.
] State Directors of
Poor and Charities
Meeting at Butler
By AssociatcdiPrcss.
Butler, Pa., Oct. 21.—Two hun
| drod delegates from all parts of the
! State attended the opening session
here last night of the annual con
vention of the Pennsylvania Asso
ciation of Directors of the Poor and
Charities and Corrections.
Albert P. Roderus, Pittsburgh,
president, presided at a short busi
ness session which was followed by
a public reception. The convention
was welcomed to Butler by Mayor
Joseph A. Heinman, the response
, being made by Oliver P. Bolder.
Philadelphia. The convention is
I meeting to-day at the County Home
I here.
Fhila. Drivers Strike
Is Blamed on I. W. W.
Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—1. W. W.
agitators are blamed for the strike
of team and truck drivers, which
yesterday paralyzed transportation
of the city's food supply. The strike
threatens to result in an embargo
on all freight shipments into this
city by the railroad administration.
Two men were injured and four
strikers were arrested during 'the
day's activities by pickets of the
The entire police force has been
called out. All leaves have been
canceled. Every effort will be made
to prevent a serious shortage in j
food resulting from the strike. Su-'
perintendent of Police Robinson said j
yesterday policemen would be placed j
on every wagon used in the delivery
of food. I
Urge Bishop Garland
to Decline Appointment
By Associated Press,
Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—Thirty-two ]
Protestant Episcopal clergymen of I
Philadelphia sent a message to De- J
troit urging the Right Rev. Thomas i
J. Garland, suffragan bishop of the !
Diocese of Pennsylvania, to decline j
the nomination as bishop of the mis- '
sionary district of Utah to which he 1
recently was named by the Episco- !
pal convention. The clergymen, in ;
their telegram, stated they believed !
the bishop could serve the Church !
to a greater purpose in his present !
position or in a "more definitely
organized diocese."
Bishop Garland is to appear be- |
fore the House of Deputies to-day I
to announce his decision.
Trees purify the air. Plant one in 1
front of your home on Arbor Day.
SELL FOR Ll^SlSSlfiAlßolfifiOSiiaOSiia|
WA In a good assortment * ' blue striped; good qual- 7®
J® of prettv styles, mostly CLf\ k 117 1? ? n ® ® ' ty ior ro^er or kitchen
iS:"b e [ g edef 79 s c Once-A-Week Bargain (Jassic 4^7.... 79 c
na 111 1111 1111 i 1111111 j 111 I 1111 I 1111 II I i 11111111 Jll ft ReKU Table Da°mask rade
C/ h k /a h Is el Extra good quality of gj
j.;c Lisle nose ' _ ■ _ _ ... .. _ mercerized table damask
Ti f " r ' g EltfF lE&w I#% in best assortment of SR
|1 Five 19c Good Size JMk BLwM patterns to be JQ q
kl $l.OO Ladies' Bungalow 428-30 MARKET STREET Choice assortment of Wl
Aprons . patterns in light and zA
\jA Good quality gingham 'v dark colors; heavy
I I We Always Give I Threfyards''"'' 75 C "
!ri 4 Yards 30c Dress Ging- ——
Ladies'sl.oo and $1.25
|jjjjj Special, Four 79 C pairs 20c Ladies'
fi l)raV C ' rS ' fleeCC 79C Women's^ $1.25 House ||
IS 3 Pairs Girls'39c Stock- D splendid pattern and
|5 $1 Women's Heavy Money by Buying 3 Pairs Men's 50c Gloves
mr Flannel Skirts 7Q f* — Made from canvas,
for , with gauntlet and real
m C 1 rM ", —; —Millinery Millinery Millinery Millinery leather palm ; shopmen
$1 Children s Wool J J J J should avail themselves
■ $3.79 $4.79 $6.79 $9.79
B— ——————^—L^—————————— Boys' Heavy Ribbed
I ————^— —————— —— —— Union Suits, special
n Blankets Men's Suits Ladies' Suits SWEATERS (™ ccl d 79c
56.00 and $7.00 Women's vv CCineSQ.iy ....
b For $2.79 a Pair and OverCOatS We Are Specializing A,,-WOO, 5 Pairs Men's 19c Hose
ton full double bc/sizTiiia;;. For n.,r 7QR For Our One-Day v y Men's good quality
£ **, For Our 79c Sale Sale-SUITS v - dress hose, in black and
l 3 (tO TO omorrow ,^££ ra w, £ anSK'KLoo good colors; all sizes.
_ f / M You win IK- surprised to 1,1 l c at . Five nRR
Wa %£ %J sec tlic.se KKHI Suits mid $30.00. *1 Sy t*f Q Ug g*
TM Overcoats we have marked Hp £* q I & pairs ..
———————— special for fl® j Wfl
COTTON Ct* 1 O 3. .*■ _. Op ■q / q I-adies' All-Wool Coat PoyS $1.25 DreSS Shifts
BI.YNKKTS %pl*JO CU JLZ 7Q - Sweaters, values up to $7.00 Cut extra full, and well
Wa Double' eottou Blankets, in dSJ.O/J/ . „ . , ?7Q made; can be had ill
a —— Ladies'and * 11 79 c
g For $4.79 a Pair RnVs'Sllif MJecoc'foate " ;
pr In gray, pink, blue and DOyb UllllS IfIISSCS L-03.1S (T 1 1 *7 f\ 2 P alrS BoyS 50c StOck
fj Pretty plnid effects; excellent u<s oaS) . to Jck boy that can't be duplicated to- tb 1•f £/ ingS
[i EE'M irvS- i. S' ■ "•'-=■' to "" lc " In sizes Syi to 11 and
| $4.79 $6.79 $19.79 " s||s
1 S-- Two pairs .... ' • 7C
| Only Way to Keep Expensive!
British Goods Off Their
Market, Experts Say
I, I
I Berlin, Oct. 21.-—American cotton
j must ho bought by Germans at any
| cost in the opinion of perman tex- :
| tile experts, though they groan j
| when-they think of the prices. These
! experts estimate that American cot- i
: ton will cost in Germany about nine !
j and one-half marks for the Ger- ,
man pound which is somewhat i
[ heavier than the American. This
price is in part owing to the low I
exchange value or the German mark !
which before the war was normally ]
worth about 2 4 cents.
Some little American cotton has]
been landed at Brqmen, especially '
since it has became possible to send I
orders by wireless and thus avoid I
delay of five days or more in cab- ;
ling by the way of England. Ex- I
ports say the Americans are anxious j
to do business directly with Ger- j
many and to avoid any interference I
by the British but the German regu- I
lations limiting bills of exchange isj
a serious handicap for it prevents
the importation of much cotton
from America through fear of losses
by exchange.
Nevertheless, the trade writers
point out that English factories al- j
ready are producing cotton goods in [
the occupied district of Germany ]
and they agree that if Germany is!
not to be overwhelmed by expensive ;
English goods which thus would
obtain an opening foothold in Ger
man markets. Germany mustJiavc
American cotton no matter what ]
it has to pay.
Toronto, Ont., Oct. 21.—Indica- j
tions early to-day were that the con
servative government of William I
Hearst had been defeated at the !
polls to-day, while a mixed verdict |
seems to have been given on the '
prohibition referendum.
Ottawa has voted against pro- i
hibition, according to early returns, |
while in Toronto and Hamilton the j
vote seems to favor dispensing all !
kinds of liquors under government '
control. London has voted dry and |
the majority of reports from other
towns and cities and from country
districts, are piling up a dry vote.
115 From Steamship
Sunk by Mine Are
Brought t6 Philadelphia
Pliiliulclpli a, Oct. 21. Fifteen
members of a shipwrecked crew
•j reached this port yesterday on the
j steamship Fort Scott, of the Inter
national Freighting Corporation,
I none the worse, apparently, for their
j exposure at sea.
j The men were, seamen aboard the
i steamship West Arvadn, which
j struck a mine off the Dutch coast on
September lii. The vessel drifted
i helplessly for four days during
: which the crew made herculean ef
: foits to save her cargo, and then had
i to tieo for thc-ir own safety,
i The scene of the accident was
j near Terschelling Lighthouse, off the
i Dutch coast, and the explosion of
the mine witnessed by the light
i house keeper who gave the alarm.
Before assistance reached the
I men, they arrived on the coast in
i the lifeboats and soon after were
; picked up by tbe crew of the Fort
I Scott, bound for litis city from Rot-
I terdum.
Wharf Workers to
Meei: in Tammany
Hall Late Today
By A ssocii'l ed Press,
| New York. Oct. 21.—John F.
< Riley, chairman of the longshore
men's strike committee and many of
his followers, left a conference at
City Hall last night after Mr. Riley
Save live to ten dollars quickly by
| dry cleaning everything in the home
| that would be ruined by soap and
water —suits, couts, waists, silks,
1 laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies,
| rugs—everything.
Place a gallon or more of gaso
| line in a dislipan or wash boiler, put
j in the things to be dry cleaned, th. n
I wash them with Solvite Soap. Short
j ly everything comes out looking l.ke
I new.
j Nothing fades, shrinks or wrin
■ kles. No pressing needed. Do not
] attempt to dry clean without Solvite
i soap, irhis gasoline soap is the so-
I cret of all dry cleaning.
A package of Solvite soap, con
taining directions for home dry j
cleaning, costs little at any drug,
grocery or department store. Dry,
clean outdoors or away from flame. I
' OCTOBER 21, 1919. *'
had voiced his disapproval of F.
Paul Vaccarelli. as a member of the
committee on conciliation appointed
by Secretary of Labor Wilson.
Mayor Hylan announced a general
meeting for all wharf workers in
Tammany Mall this afternoon. Threo
thousand longshoremen on the Chel
Jj to<taQ —
jj l evrvet 'nxZ££icr?z6 JLnAruy-Zt 9 jp|
l| rnil£vorLA demand
tfue, cjsUsCUL*24xt&&cl jOT
9? |
I '4* where sells Kellogg's U
every day.
sea piers are going back to work
to-day, according to Mayor Hylan,
Approximately 40,000 men are still
"The oilers, sealers and others
In the shipyards also have promised
me to go back pending a final set
tlement of their grievances," he said.