Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Organization Formed
| by Jewish Young Women
The following officers were elect
pa last evening at the home of Miss
para Baturln, 816 North Seventeenth
street, to head an organization form
pd for the purpose of educational
pnd social work:
I President, Miss Anna Smarr; vice
president, Miss Anne Schulman;
secretary, Miss Finkelstein;
treasurer. Miss Sam Baturln.
[ The educational committee com
prises Miss Leah Kin vans, chair
man; Miss Lena Marcus and Miss
Lena Finkelstein. On the soaial
bommittee are: Miss Mollie Freed
man, chairman; Miss Ella Cramer,
Miss Lucille Schulman, Miss Bess
Levin and Miss M. Rochman.
Those present at last evening's
nee ting were: Miss Anna Schulman,
Miss Lucille Schulman, Miss Leah
Davans, Miss Sara Baturin, Miss
Silda Baturin, Miss Anna Michaels,
Miss Goldie Marcus, Miss Esther
irch. Miss Ella Cramer, Miss Sara
Sochman, Miss Bess Levin, Miss
Sara Levin, Miss Ida Miss
Lna Koplovitz, Miss Mary Koplo
rttz, Miss Sara Michlovitz, Miss Reba
Morris, Miss Lena Finkelstein, Miss
inna Smarr, Miss Tillyo Baish, Miss
Mollie Freedman.
Get your neighborhood Interested
n tree planting. Boost and plant a
ree on Arbor Day.
Cut flowers and plants for
weddings, social occasions, fun
eral flowers and flowers for the
BELL 3799-M
The Berry hill j
Have You a Piano or Player Piano?
Jit If Not, You Should Have
* s source of the greatest
delight to both the old and the
| | young. Get a good one and it
'M | will last a lifetime.
The Best Pianos and Player Pianos in the
Market are Sold by
Opposite Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —13 N. 4th St.
—-do you dread
cleaning the house? |
Does it take too much of your time and HI
energy to keep your house clean? Do Hfe
you feel tired and "all in" after you've JMm |
cleaned a room or two? Do you often / I|| I
feel that things are not quite so clean as Bliss I
you would like them to be? Then—you Stl%f I
need an Electric Vacuum Cleaner! You'll ppfL I
find it an energy, time, and money-saver, I Tp§s|
and it'll keep a smile on your face. The 1 n
cost of operation is but a fraction of a I
cent per hour.
Electrical Supplies Co.
1 1 Buy her an I
JOHN S. MUSSER, Pr,..dt dectric deaner
436 Market Street - for Christmas
~ *
mh? (£lam Cttil
i— Smartest FashiorySlipp
—a Word, on
Style : ,
Originality ■ r
Styles—acceptable styles — do
not just happen. They're the
result of much careful thought
and deft planning on the part of
skillful Fashion Designers.
Now, then—
i The more charming styles, of
a natural course, originate among
the more exclusive designers—
those of New York and Paris, if
you please!
And, incidentally, New York
and Paris are the sources of \
MOST Cloos garments. \
f. ~ " u ~
French Lutherans on
Way to Gettysburg
The French Lutheran Commission,
which has spent several days in Har
risburg on its way across America,
when it will personally thank the
Lutheran Churches of America for
their aid during the war, left this
mornir.g for Gettysburg, where it
will pay respects to the Lutheran
Churches there, and be taken over
the famous battlefield.
The commission is composed of
Henri Bach, of the Diocese of Paris;
the Rev. Andre Meyer, of Mont
baird; and the Rev. and Madame
Victor Nessman, of Strasbourg. The
members have interested themselves
in Sunday School work, and yester
day were entertained by the Zion
Lutheran Sunday School, which is
celebrating its 100 th anniversary.
Rovai Postpones His
Farewell Venison Dinner
Friends of George Rovai, proprietor
of the Harris House, and his steward,
Frank Illegranla, w'l> not say fare
well Wednesday night. They were to
leave for New York Wednesday night
after a venison dinner and sail for
Naples Saturday morning.
Last night word was received from
the office of the steamship company
that the boat would not be able to
sail on Saturday because of the striko
of longshoremen in New York City.
In the message received last night it
was said that a three-day notice
would bo given to all persons holding
tickets and transports. The dinner
scheduled for to-morrow night as a
farewell to the tourists, has been
postponed indefinitely.
Beautiful In form and color, trees
inspire constant appreciation of na
ture. Plant them.
Real lanbo Praaata, 2So lb. H
Home Roasted Coffee* dOe, I
43c 50e Ik.
New aoft-ahelled AJmoad*. P
50c llx.
Imperial Tea Co. If
2X3 Cfeestaot Street
Al. K. Thomas Issues Invita
tions to High School
Al. K. Thomas, president of the
Harrlsburg High School Alumni As
sociation, Issued a special invitation
this morning to the older members
of the association to attend the
strawride next Thursday evening.
Any person ever attending the in
stitution for two years or more is
welcome to request reservations for
himself and a friend.
J'Eats," songs, mirth, ghost stories
and a big old-foshLaned log fire at
some spot in the country, will be
features of the ride. Several large
auto,trucks will leave Market Square
at 7 o'clock sharp on the night of
the ride. The crowd will assemble
at 6.46. Those holding reservations
are requested to bring heavy blan
kets or auto robes, pennants, and
any kind of noise-maker manufac
tured. Songs and cheers will be
features of the ride and will be un
der the direction of Harold E. Eck
ert, head cheer leader of the High
school in 1916-17.
Capable chaperons will be pro
vided for each of the trucks. The
entertainment committee will fur
nish good things to eat, but any per
son wishing to contribute will be
welcome to do so. Volunteers among
the women of the association for
making fudge and other "goodies"
are requested to communicate with
the secretary of the entertainment
committee. Miss Martina Mullen, 11
Evergreen street.
The list of reservations will posi
tively close on Thursday of this
week, according to a statement
made this morning by officers of the
association. Requests for reserva
tions must be sent to the chairman
of the entertainment committee, W.
Lowrie Kay, Box 652, Harrlsburg,
on or before that day.
Mrs. Samuel Zimmerman, 412
North street, and Mrs. Louis A.
Drumheller, 107 North Second
street, retu.Mied to this city last
evening after motoring to Scranton,
where they attended the sessions of
the State Federation of Pennsylvania
Women as representatives of the
Harrlsburg Walking Club.
Mrs. Robert E. Forsythe, of The
Locusts, North Third street, is home
after spending several months with
her mother, Mrs. Jennie Nixon, in
Butler, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sellers
went home to Rochester, N. Y., to
day after a week's visit among rela
tives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Owens and
their children, Frederick and Doris
Owens, left for their home in Green
Ridge to-day after a fortnight's stay
in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ernest Foss,
of the Riverside apartments, leave
to-morrow for a stay In Atlantio
City. Mrs. Foss will visit her son,
Bradbury Foss, a student of the
Choate school, Walllngford, Conn.,
before coming home.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hagerman,
of Pittsburgh, are spending a few
days here on the way home from
New York and Philadelphia. .
Miss Pearl Thompson, of Potts
vllle. Is a guest of her cousin, Miss
Helen May Rogers, of State street.
William F. Bunnell, of Brooklyn,
Is stopping for a while among old
friends In town.
Major and Mrs. Stephen Badlam.
of Beaver, were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hershey, 322
North Second street. Mrs. Badlam
has a host of friends here who re
member here as Miss Helen Boyd.
Mrs. James I. Chamberlin is home
from Scranton where she attended
the meetings of the State Federation
of Pennsylvania Women.
Harold K. Neeley, of Pittsburgh,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Herman
G. Falls, of Green street.
Mrs. James A. Fownes, of Pitts
burgh, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter H. Gaither, 205 South Front
street. Mrs. Fownes was formerly
Miss Anna Gay Bradley, slßter of
Mrs. Gaither.
Charles Burg has gone home to
Torlc after visiting his sister, Mrs.
Sara Kise, of 1802 Susquehanna
street, for the weekend.
Miss Emmeline F. Whiteman went
to Jersey City to-day to visit her
aunt, Mrs. Paul F. Gausher.
Miss Lola Heist, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Gil
bert, in Paxtang, and Mrs. A. W.
Greely, Jr., 25 South Front street,
will return in a few days to her
home in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. David Houser and
small son, Charles Howard Houser,
of Pittsburgh, are here for a brief
visit with their relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. Ellsworth M. Norton, of Market
Miss Luella Thompson, of Brook
lyn, is stopping for a while with her
sister, Mrs. T. A. Watson, of Green
Miss Ruth D. Beatty, 514 Pefter
street, spent the week-end at
Mrs. Ella Edwards, the Misses
Pauline, Ethel and Bernice Ed
wards, and "Walter and Ralph Ed
wards, have returned to their home
in Martinhurg, W. Va., after a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Rimel, 620
Oxford street.
Miss Margaret Smith spent the
weekend with friends in Philadel
[An announcement under this heading
must be accompanied by name to <MSUT
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Reeves, of
2103 Walnut street, Jonestown Road,
announce the birth of a daughter,
Jane Elizabeth Reeves, Saturday,
October 18, 1919. Mr. Reeves is the
well-known general secretary of the
Y. M. C. A.
The Rev. Stewart Winfleld Her
man, minister of Zion Lutheran
Church, and Mrs. Herman, an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Fri
day evening, October 17, 1919.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Lynn, of
Lucknow, announce the birth of a
son, Denton Ray Lynn, Friday, Oc
tober 17, 1919. Mrs. Lynn was for
merly Mlsa Erma Mutch, of Marya
Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis, Jr., of
Bosler avenue, Lemoyne, announce
the birth of a daughter, Wednesday,
October 18, 1919. Mrs. Ellis was
formerly Miss Wilma Stoos.
Trees have an educational Influ
ence upon citizens, particularly Chil
dren. You should plant ope on Ar
bor Day.
fiXXtftiSßUXta urn
Women of St. Stephen's Epis
copal Church Arrange Series
of Winter Festivities
There was a meeting of Trinity
Guild at St. Stephen's parish yester
day to arrange for a series of win
ter dances to be held in the Civic
Club house. They will be subscrip
tion events.
The dates, subject to change, are:
Hallowe'en night, Friday, October
31; Friday, November 28, the night
after Thanksgiving, and New Year's
Eve. Other dates will be an
nounced later.
Mrs. John C. Jessup, president of
the Guild, has announced the fol
lowing committees: Music, Mrs.
John M. Mahon, chairman, Mrs.
Philip T. Meredith, Mrs. Albert
Foose, Mrs. Herbert F. Snow, Mrs.
John Oenslager, Mrs. O. H. Holling
er and Mrs. Heller. Refreshments,
Mrs. Farley Gannett, chairman;
Miss Anna Henderson, Mrs. Frank
Smith, Mrs. Rollin A. Sawyer, Mrs.
Harry M. Hoffman, Mrs. John
Heathcote, Mrs. Harry H. Bowman,
Miss Vera Randall and Miss Ame
lia Durbin. Tickets, Mrs. William
W. Galbraith, Mrs. Adele Baldwin,
Mrs. J. Mowell Hawkins, Mrs. Wal
ter P. Magulre, Mrs. George B.
Kunkel, Mrs. Norris S. Longaker,
Mrs. Charles W. Hardt, Mrs. George
S. Reinoehl. Publicity, Mrs. Ware
ham H. Baldwin.
Public Service Women
Guests of Mrs. Ainey
During the dinner given last eve
ning at the Penn-Harris by Mrs. Wil
liam D. B. Ainey, wife of the chair
man of the Public Service Commis
sion to the young women employed
by the commission, the following
commissioners came in to greet the
party: S. Ray Shelby, John W.
Reed, James S. Benn, Samuel C.
Clement, Jr., and William D. B.
Autumn foliage, chrysanthemums
and ferns made a beautiful center
piece for the table around which
gathered: Mrs. Ainey, Miss Lida
Keller, Miss Hazel Webb, Miss Edith
Fischler, Miss Jacobina Mayer, Miss
Jane Gilbert, Miss Edith Maurer,
Miss Emma Leib, Miss Mina Mayer,
Miss Aurelia Buser, Miss Jane Ken
yon, Miss Marion Lehr, Miss Carrie
Coleman, Miss Clara Stewart, Miss
Emma Youngman, Miss Mary Cash
man, Miss Mary ICelley, .Miss M.
Irene Cuenot, Miss Alice Abrahams,
Miss Elfreda®Foster, Miss Daisy
Stickel, Mrs. Mary A. Bacon, Mrs.
Elizabeth Murray, Miss Vesta Hiv
ner, Miss Esther Jauss, Miss Mar
garet Oyster, Miss Elizabeth Oepling,
Miss Alice Hines, Miss Estella Mum
ma, Miss Elizabeth Seel, Miss Beat
rice Gaul, Miss Dorothy Sterline,
Miss Mary Schoener and Miss Wini
fred O'Donnell.
The Crumbling-Packer
Marriage in Lemoyne
The marriage of Miss Phoebe L.
Packer and Sterling L. Crumbling,
both of Williamsport, took place at
noon on Wednesday, October 15, in
the United Evangelical parsonage at
Lemoyne with the Rev. E. E. Crumb
ling, the bridegroom's father offici
ating, using the ring service.
The bride is a graduate of the Wil
liamsport hospital nurses' training
school, and Mr. Crumbling is em
ployed in the office of the Vallamont
Plaining Mill Company. They will
reside at 321 Brandon avenue, Wil
liamsport. ,
Mrs. Martin A. Brlnton, of Camp
Hill, was hostess yesterday for the
Monday Bridge Club, the following
women meeting at hei home: Mrs.
Joseph LeCompte, Mrs. Charles F.
Etter, Mrs. Clarence B. Miller, Mrs.
Howard R. Moses, Mrs. William F.
Bushnell, Mrs. William Hammaker
and Mrs. William Bennett.
Mrs. Charles Lumley, of Cumber
land county, gn.ve an informal little
luncheon yesterday afternoon on the
porch of her country place. Three
Acres, In honor of Miss Bertha
Wilder, of Washington, her house
guest. Twelve guests played cards
after the luncheon.
I offer you (your choice), either
gold-tilled spectacles or nose
Shell Goods,' Special Ground
Lenses and Invisible Bifocals at
very low prices.
Reliable Eyesight Specialist
9 N. 4th St., 2nd floor.
Next to 5 and 10 Cent Store,
Office Hours—o A. M. to 8 P. M.
Let it be a photograph for Christmas. Your
friends will appreciate your photograph far
greater than a trinket soon to be forgotten.
Use the coupon below, it will save you ONE
On any order of Five Dollars or more. Cut out the j|ij
Coupon—it may not appear again, and bring it, |
X before Nov. 15 to— jjjj
10 South Market Square ||||
Party Enjoys Strawride
to Oak Grove Cottage
A number of young folk from
this city enjoyed a Btrawride to Oak
Grove cottage near Marysville Where
dancing and games were the main
features of the evening. Among
those present were the Misses Mary
Blade, Mayme Powers, Elizabeth
Kunkle, Helen Henderson, Gertrude
Henry, Peg Blade, Peggy McCurdy,
Lillian Goodyear, Agnes Culhane,
Margaret Scott, Mary Joyce, Sarah
Kunkle, Elizabeth Whittaker, lfep
Coan, Eileen Wcstberg, Gertrude
Kirshburg, Catherine Koltz, "Bill"
McGarvey, Raymond Shelly, John
Maloney, Samuel Kunkle, Jimmy
Burns, Hugh McDermott, R. Keever,
William Magulre, George W. Stouf
fer, Fritz Schlmmel, Charles Kunkle,
Steve Brody, James P. Maher, "BUI"
Mcßrlde, Charles Conners, "Tommy"
Larkin, John Coan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jones chape
roned the party.
Bluebird Club Enjoys
Hike to Hummelstown
Mrs. Roy Walton, 423 South Four
teenth street, chaperoned the Blue
bird Club on an outing Saturday.
The mem hers took a car to Beaver
where a light picnic lunch was en
joyed and from there hiked to
Chamber Hili where they stopped at
the home of Richard Bomgardner,
later continuing their hike to Hum
melstown, where they visited Ed
ward Walters. From that place they
returned to this city.
The following were the club mem
bers who enjoyed the outing: The
Misses Nelda Walton, Evelyn Wal
ton, Dorothy Shannon, Ruby Shan
non, Georgia Wallace, Ethel Wal
lace, Ellen Holbert, Beulah Wise,
Ruth Wise, Sara Wise, Mercedes,
Klinger and Gwendolyn Kllnger.
Women's Handicap Goll
at Country Club Today
The following entries were made
for the women's handicap golf tour
nament, scheduled for lost Saturday
but postponed to this afternoon at
the Harrisburg Country Club:
Miss Ruth Payne, Mrs. Robert Mc-
Creath, Miss Susanna Fleming, Mrs.
James A. Fownes, Miss Almeda
Herman, Miss Mary Creighton, Miss
Mary Robinson, Mrs. Berne H.
Evans, Mrs. W. 11. Nell, Mrs. Robert
Neal, Mrs. H. M. Bingaman, Mrs.
S. F. Dunkle, Mrs. Miller, Mrs.
Raphael Hayes, of Carlisle; Mrs. W.
M. Hargest, Miss Maude Stamm,
Miss Katherine Stamm, Mrs. Harry
T. Neale, Mrs. John C. Herman,
Mrs. William Nell, Mrs. L. D. Perry,
Mrs. R. Forsythe, Mrs. W. M. Har
A mixed Scotch foursome will be
played on Saturday.
Housekeepers' Class
Meeting at Y. W. C. A.
Miss Helen Whllis, instructor in
Domestic Science at the Young
Women's Christian Association, an
nounces that the housekeepers'
class will meet Thursday, October
23, at 10 o'clock in the morning.
This is something quite new to the
city and advantage will undoubtedly
be taken of it by housewives. If
there Is a sufficient number of ap
plicants a second class will be form
ed as the first one Is filled.
Miss Zola M. Brundage and George
M. Gilbert, both of this city were
united in marriage September 14, by
the Rev. Dr. Gaar, pastor of the
Presbyterian Church, of Hagers
town, Md., In the manse of the
church, the ring ceremony being
Mrs. Gilbert was formerly connect
ed with the Selective Service Head
quarters, and Mr. Gilbert is con
nected with the Harrisburg division
of Lutz and Schramm Company, of
'Corset ' ano Hosiery -Shop
10ZA Jv" 2ND SI.
-Agency for
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Miller
Entertain at Their South
Front Street Home
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Miller, 547
South Front street, entertained on
Friday evening in celebration of their
twenty-sixth wedding anniversary.
The house was beautifully decorated
in Hallowe'en fashion, and the guests
enjoyed dancing and a musical pro
gram. Mrs. C. H. Cox, Mrs. David Zim
merman, and Mrs. Harry Miller gave
several piano selections and Mrs.
Hershey Hocker sang a number of
delightful solos.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller received many
beautiful gifts. Including cut glass
china, linens, and silver. At a late
hour, a buffet supper was served to
these guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Hershey Hocker, Mrs.
and Mrs. M. A. Zimmerman, Mrs. Ly
man Zimmerman, Mrs. Jacob Snyder,
Mrs. Harry Books and daughters Car
rie and Edith Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cox,
Charles Jr., Christian Cox, Ruth Cox
and Robert Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Will
liam Gorman, Miss Geraldine Garner,
Henry Farman, Mrs. MargaretWalke.
meyer, Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, Miss
Beatrice Myers, John Myers, Jr., Mil
ton Myers und Mrs. Elizabeth Thomp
The eighth w>niversary ball of the
Hebrew Ladles' Benevolent Society
j will be held at Chestnut Street Audi
torium, Wednesday evening, Novem
ber 12, from 8 to 12 o'clock, with
the Sourbeer-Meyers orchestra play
ing for the dancing.
To counteract adverse conditions
of city life plant more trees.
Handsome Wreath $2.50
Beautiful Spray $125
Keeney's, 814 N. 3rd St.
——— ————— —>'
IMntier Tuendny Eve., Oct. 21
Stouffer's Restaurant
4 N. Court 5 to 7.30
Chicken Macaroni Soup
Chicken Fricassee Country Sausage
Hamburg Steak (tomatoes),
Roast Beef
. Mashed I.yoiinni.se Potatoes
Lima Beans, Stewed Celery, Entree
Ice Crcnin, Pic or Pudding
Coffee, Teu or Coeon
Little 80-Peep, she lost her
And didn't know where
to find it;
It never came home; no
more it will roam
In the Cafeteria oven
she'd find it,
For Ladies and Gentlemen
Third and Wnlnnt Streets
11 to 2 and 5 to 8 P. M.
Open Sundays
X Assortment Of Magnificent Furs •
• At The Penn-Harris ;
. Wednesday Evening, October 22 and Thursday, 0
0 October 23, i4Z/ Day and Evening Q
Q Mr. Baruch is a partner in a famous fur firm, a firm which A
• has occupied a leading position in the business for many years. *
0 I have induced Mr. Baruch to come to Harrisburg only after A
• many attempts. I believe that the women of Harrisburg will ,
M thank me after they have inspected his truly impressive assort - A
• < ment of merchandise. ,
Q Needless to say this city has never witnessed a display of furs A
which could approach Mr. Baruch's. Its total value will approxi- •
Q mate $125,000. Q
q An Everting Showing For the Benefit of a
• Harrisburg Husbands .
U Purchasing furs is an investment requiring thought and Q
A judgment.. I feel that the husbands should have a voice in the *
" matter and consequently have arranged to have these furs dis- {J
a played at the Penn-Harris on the evenings of October 22 and 23. !
v "Why at the Penn-Harris?'* you ask. Well, I haven't room 0
A in my shop. And after all, thaifs to your advantage. My money t
j is not tied up in a large stock—Mr. Baruch is an importer and v
A maker —and so you purchase direct, thus saving a substantial per X
centage. Being held under the auspices of my shop, you also U
A enjoy the same guarantee that is carried by any piece of merchan- a
dise I sell. v
A Remember, Wednesday evening, October 22, and Thursday X
• all day and evening, October 23, at the Penn-Harris, in Parlor A, v
Q Ballroom floor. Q
OCTOBER 21, 1919.
Popular Young Couple
Will Live on a Farm
Miss Martha Anna Albright, of
Silver Spring township, Cumberland
county, and Walter Eckert, of New
Cumberland, were . united in mar
riage Tuesday, October 14, by the
Rev. A. R. Ayers, of New Cumber
land. The bride, who was unattend
ed, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
/Nelson Albright, who reside near
Hogestown, and is a graduate of
the Elizabethtown College. Mr.
Eckert, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel Eckert, of Sunnyside Farm, is
well known throughout the county.
He will reside with his bride on
a farm in Silver Spring township.
< \7/ } You will really find it surprising to
know in how many different ways
/s§jg||k we can serve you.
flf rst y ou here as
A W ' ar 8 e a se^ec h°n of women's wear
/LJPW apparel as can be found in this
\ cit Y- Secondly, our New York
iJHBB buyers are sending us almost daily
season s latest offerings—styles
MSJJD that we know ,will appeal to good
Hp You Don't Need \ Cash
T\f( We are now showing an exceptional fine
11 \ line of women's and misses* silk and serge
, JA dresses-the very newst out—dresses ranee
v " from $ 18.00 up.
I Askin & Marine Co.
36 North Second Street, Cor. Walnut
j , V
Six Dollars Places One in Your Home
A Full Year to Pay
21 South Second Street
Malick-Swain Wedding
Solemnized Last Night
The marriage of Miss Irene Bella
Swain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Swain, 1920 North Fourth
street to David E. Mallck, 544 Geary
street, was solemnized last evening
at 8 o'clock, in the Otterbeln Luth
eran Church, the Rev. Edwin Rupp
officiating. A few intimate friends
witnessed the ceremony.
The bride, who was unattended,
wore a dark blue frock with hat to
The bridegroom recently received
his discharge from the Army. The
young couple will reside temporarily
at 1924 North Fourth street.