Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Oil Heater Impresses Those
Who Have Seen It at the
That there is very keen interest
in the subject of the successful use
of fuel oil for house heating and
cooking was evident on Monday
when not only were there present to
observe the three-element burner
scores of Harrisburg businessmen,
but also well-known businessmen
from neighboring cities. A number
of heating experts were present from
York, headed by A. P. Broomell,
president of the Broomell Vapor
Heating Company, of New York and
Philadelphia. From Reading came
Edward Deinlnger and D. A. Evans.
Numerous technical experts from
State departments also visited the
demonstration. The visitors express
ed themselves greatly impressed
with the wonderful heat produced
by the three-element flame that
gushed liked a fountain of fire clean
as sunlight, out of the top of the
simple little arrangement of ordi
nary-looking black iron parts. And
when the dirty, cheap oil that was
used was examined, the clean, white
flame became even more marvelous.
The immediate applying of this
burned to heating requirements is
the program of Mr. Hoffman, and,
upon the securing of support from
the business interests of Harrisburg,
the founding of an industry here.
Found at I.oat—Shows He-suits at
Once or Nothing to Pay
If your hair is thinning out, pre
maturely gray, brittle, lifeless, full of
dandruff and your head itches like
mad, quick action must be taken to
save your hair.
Don't wait until the hair root is
dead, for then nothing can help you.
Get from any good druggist to-day
a bottle of Parisian sage-—it doesn't
cost much and there's nothing else
you couid use that's so simple, safe
and effective.
You will surely be delighted with
the first application. Your hair will
seem much more abundant and ra
diant with life and beauty—all itch
ing cases and your scalp feels cool
and comfortable.
Parisian sage is in great demand by
discriminating women because it is
delicately perfumed, does not color or
streak the hair, and keeps it lus
trous, soft, and fluffy.
Be sure you get the genuine Pa
risian sage (Giroux's). Kennedy's
drugstore can supply you. This is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded.
* \
5 C a package
before the war
5 C a package
during the war
5c a package
Some of the businessmen who did
not see the demonstration on Mon
day arranged for a showing of the
burner to-day.
Beside the burner, the demon
stration includes a newly-designed
steam and hot water boiler, in which
a second burner generates steam in
surprising volume, with very great
economy of fuel.
Geraldine Farrar's New
Play Scores Big Success;
Story of Modern Russia
Every American should see "The
World and Its Woman," the play in
which Geraldine Farrar has scored
the biggest success of her career.
It is an all-week attraction at the
Regent and at that there will be hun
dreds who may not get a chance be
cause of the crowds. It is a story
that appeals to all whose slogan is
"Americanism." It is a massive spec
tacle, in which Geraldine Farrar has
broad limits for her emotional pow
ors, operatic talent, and womanly
The new play Is a story of modern
Russia with every detail historically
correct. The story includes a wo
man's wit against man's passion, a
great lova and how It triumphed over
a nation, and shows how a great wo
man became great. This play starts
with a new version of Cinderella and
from the start to finish is full of won
derful realism.
Geraldine Farrar in the role of
Mareia Warren is supported by a cast
that is exceptionally strong. Lew
Tellegen plays the role of Prince
Michael Orbeliana. He Is at his best
In this play. Others Include Mme.
Rose Dione. Naomi Childers W. Law
son Blitt, Arthur Carewe. Lydia Tea
mans Titus. Alex. B. Francis, Edward
J. Connolly, and two clever little child
artists, Francis Marion and May
Girarci. They are all important in ]
the success of the production.
To Fortify tlie System Against Grip
Tablets which destroy germs, act as
a Tonic and Laxative, and thus pre
vent Colds, Grip and Influenza. There
is only one "BROMO QUININE." E.
W. GROVE'S signature on the box.
The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv.
People Urged to Use Great Pre-j
caution as Isolated Out
breaks are Expected
Deadly pneumonia often follows J
common chest colds ami you cannot l
use too many safeguards. Dash i
Balm is one of the best and should i
be applied liberally at the first sign j
of a cold or soreness of throat or.
chest. Keep a jar handy at all •
times. There's nothing just as good, j
so insist on having Dash Balm. Jars !
only 35 cents at Geo. A. Gorgas. I
Allan J. Dash Co., Mfg. Chemists,
Olenrv N. Y. "
Section 7A-1 recently elected offi
cers to serve the class during the
remainder of the present semester.
Those elected are: President,
George Brenneman; vice-president,
Bruce Gallagher; secretary, Miriam
McCord; assistant secretary, Fran
cis Witter; treasurer, Samuel Wil
son; assistant treasurer, Harry
Sheets; class captain for boys, Ri
mer Place; first lieutenant for boys,
Charles Bennett; class captain for
girls, Mabel Buck; first lieutenant
for girls, Vivian Shepley; parliamen
tary critic, Mildred Haines; watch
your speech critic, Dorothy Pack
er; reporter to the Kdison Guard,'
Willis Thompson.
The football team was put through
a light signal practice last evening.
They will be put through more
vigorous training the rest of the
week. Saturday's game showed that
the line needed bracing and several
fellows will get a trial at line posi
tions. They will be given a chance to
perfect their interference this week.
Considering the fact that for the
most part the boys have practiced
without football clothes, Saturday's
performance was quite good. Now
that the boys are equipped with suits
most of the defects shown in the
first game ought to be remedied
by the end of the week and Kdison
should put up a good game against
her next antagonist.
Students who entered the school
last week as members of the sev
enth and eighth grades from the cen
tral part of the city will be given
a chance t6 become members of
the athletic association during the
next few days. This campaign will
close definitely the last of this week.
Elizabeth Upp has been elected
president of section7A-5. The oth
er officers are; Vice-president,
Charles Hoffman; secretary, Sarali
Raudlbaugh; assistant secretarj,
Christine Kiner; treasurer, Charles
O'Donnell; assistant treasurer, El
freda Herman; boys' captain, James
Moore; boys' lieutenant, Albert Ney;
girls' captain, Carol Poet; girls' lieu
tenant, Elsie Danfelt; parliament
critic, John Leader; assistant critic,
Viola Kitzmiller; watch'your speech
critic, liobert Fager; assistant watch
critic, Harvey Bum; reporter for
the Edison Guard, Mary Church.
Irish Answer Attack
in United States Senate
By Associated Press,
Washington, Oct. 21.—The Irish na
tional bureau here to-day made pub
lic a letter from Michael J. O'Brien,
historiographer of the American Irish
Historical Society. New York, to Sen
ator Williams. Democrat, Mississippi,
in which reply was made to the Sen
ator's attack on the Irish in the Sen
ate last week.
Referring to Senator Williams'
statement that he had received
"threatening letters," Mr. O'Brien said
that if any Irishmen were responsible
for them, "they do not represent
genuine Irish feeling," and suggested
that the letters originated with ene
mies of Ireland.
Tour of Dauphin County Is
Planned as Part of
Fall Work
* I
The Dauphin County Sabbath
School Association is planning a
tour of conferences and institutes !n
each of the twenty districts of the
county, to begin this Friday and
last for a month, two or more mem
bers of the executive committee be
ing present at each conference and
the Pennsylvania State Sabbath
School Association being represented
by Marlin F. Beatty, of Erie. Con
ferences will begin at 2.30 and in
stitutes at 7.30.
The officers of the County Sab
hath School Association include
James W. Barker, president; Col. H.
C. Demming, corresponding secre
tary; O. L. Dice, statistical secre
tary, and C. M. Hershey, treasurer.
Mr. Barker said this morning that
plans were also being made for the
county convention, which will be
held at Halifax June 17 and 18,
The State convention next year
will take place at Harrisburg Octo
ber 13, 14 and 15. Great enthusi
asm was manifested at Wilkes-
Barre this year, when this city was
chosen as the place for the next con
vention. Over 2,000 delegates will
be present, it is estimated.
The itinerary is as follows:
District No. 13, Friday, October
24, Ellzabethville United Brethren
Church; district No. 17. Saturday,
October 25, 7.30, at Pillow Reformed
Church; district No. 17, Sunday, Oc
tober 20, A. M., mass meeting in
Berrysburg; district No. 16, Sunday,
October 26, Gratz Lutheran and Re
formed; district No. 14, Monday,
October 27, Wiconisco Evangelical
Association; district No. 15, Tuesday,
October 28, Williamstown Ebenezer
United Evangelical; district No. 10,
Wednesday, October 29, Halifax Re
formed; district No. 11, Thursday,
October 30, Enders United Breth
ren; district No. 12, Friday, October
31, Millersburg Methodist Episcopal.
District No. 2, Saturday, Novem
ber 1, Middletown Church of God;
district No. 1, Sunday, November 2,
Swatara Hill, 10 A. M.; Royalton, 7
P. M-l district No. 9, Wednesday,
November 5, Dauphin United Evan
gelical; district No. 6, Thursday,
November 6, S'teelton First Re
formed; district No. 19, Friday, No
vember 7, Harrisburg Market
Square Presbyterian; district No. 4,
Saturday, November 8, Oberlin
•United Brethren; district No. 5, Sun
day, November 9, Shope's Bethel,
Manada Hill and Union Deposit.
District No. 3, Monday, November
10, Hershey United Brethren; dis
trict No. 18, Tuesday, November 11,
Harrisburg Covenant Presbyterian;
district No. 7, Wednesday, Novem
ber 12, Linglestown United Breth
ren; district No. 8, Thursday, No
vember 13, Progress, Shoop's Lu
theran and Reformed; district No.
20", Friday, November 14, Harris
burg Market Street Baptist.
Harrisburg Officer Is
Decorated by Albert
Colonel Charles E. Patterson, who
is accompanying the King and Queen
of Belgium on their swing around
the United States, received a few
days ago the award of an Officer of
the Order of Leopold. The Order of
Leopold Is ssynonymous with the Le
gion of Honor in France.
Colonel Patterson who is a brother
of Andrew M. Patterson of this city,
was in France several months as aide
to the Inspector General. Graduating
from West Point as a second lieuten
ant of artillery, Colonel Patterson
was assigned to Fort Totten, and
while there took the law course at
Cclumbia. Later he was assigned to
the Coast Artillery, and when the war
broke out, in recognition of his
knowledge of the law, he wns assign
ed to the Inspector General's Depart
ment with the rank of colonel. At the
end of this month he will automatic
ally revert to his grade of captain of
coast artillery.
Cardinal Mercier
Addresses Episcopalians
Detroit, Oct. 21.—Cardinal Mer
cier, bishop of Malines and hero
priest of Belgium, appeared before
the house of deputies in the Protes
tant Episcopal general convention
yesterday and received an ovation
from several thousand churchmen.
It was the first time a prolate of the
Roman Catholic Church was offi
cially received in an EpiscopaJ gen
eral convention, and the cardinal
gracefully acknowledged the honor
by calling the churchmen:
"We brethren in Christian faith."
"The name of America has be
come a sacred name in Belgium,"
Cardinal Mercier Informed the depu
Meeting in monthly session last
evening at the Penn-Harris, Branch
89 of the United National Association
of Post Office Clerks heard the re
port of John T. Mohler secretary and
treasurer of the Association, who as
a delegate from the post office clerks
of first and second class offices In
Pennsylvania represented them at the
postal salary revision investigation
the earlier part of the month. Mr.
Mohler told the members that he had
no doubt but that great good would
come from the Congressional inves
Trees encourage outdoor life.
Plant one on Arbor Day.
Plant trees. They Improve cll
mnt*.. ennsewe soil and —-
Sleeps But Four
Hours Daily; Reason
For Her Long Life
Cincinnati, Oct. 2i.— "l attribute
my long life to having adhered to
regular habita of daily life when a
young girl," declared Mrs. Thomas
| Onward Into the Second Week Goes the Biggest Value ®
| Giving Sale Old Harrisburg Has Ever Known 1
"Once a year" bargains, that is what we term them, because it would hardly be pos- f|
sible to continue such radical price reductions. Be warned and come now. You're going
H to benefit by it. Just a few more days of this sort of bargaining. jlj
1 ' ica rr p wiM e V r rl How About A Pretty Tailored I 2000 GIRLS' COATS AND I [l
bjj lighted With These 'Hoys' # 9 0 THEN SOME! Jsj
[|j Clothes. ln A you know of another llj
| Boys' Separate*! rj M IUIUUIIC |)
las Pants fD J. mtJ T V-TK girls' coats as this? COME 111
Sj ~pr T T~ lr * TODAY, FIND OUT TO *2
Not even a factory could JT L 1 0 | jfi |1 1 YOUR OWN SATISFACTION Ml
|IN repeat on this value. Ask a / I (i I I I —See the mammoth showing 111
2| clothing man who knows. / 4 HI L HI H ■ and pick from a stock that is ©
Full lined, Beams taped, all / 14 yil K/ V/ JL. JL incomparable In price and hi
kJSx well made. Special... .$1.51 / pQ* 'c'mi quality and variety, with any J Ig 1
LlSl / -AlirT l ~rTl k m - other showing In S
1 "main,™.. $7.94tj l 4j $ QCA „ .
|3| Sizes 7to 18 Years SMT $ ®TjI ai li 2jr A al llf Coats For Girls I[l
Sj Here's a heavy good wear- 2 to 0 Years Si
able coat that will please any ARJMW . _ . _ m
hoy; it has an all-around Sp A real bargain in women's and misses' suits $4.95 UD tO $l5 IS
U !n I the I newcst P checks andTn Tpk\ ' navy and black. They*have mannish or con- j|
several good shades. vertible collars, narrow belts, lined with peau de 5^
HI Rovs' Two Oe\ tk A 7$ cygne; all in the very latest styles, and the same Coats For Girls 1
Ni * Pants Suits X 9.94 are selling elsewhere at a much 7to 9 Year. 1
u higher price—extra special. a,. IT
A suit of clothes with two F $4.95 UD to $lB Is
i2| pairs of pants at the price Kaufman's, Second Floor r w ?s
you would pay for suits with _____ _____ ' |j|
Eel or '"" t $6.94 If not y° u will want to tf y a P air . fee-
now Fa'll waistune models cause we have learned from the great ' f jo ats For Girls S
i 3MSS? are c fuuy S gSi numbers of satisfied parents 1S u> it Yea™ I
H mixeff'cheviots: that for wear and general $7.95 up to $45 |
tfl slzes 61017 years * utility there is no other second J
Boy* Siore Main , , ..1,1
II women's "Kayser" brand to compare with them; Children-. Cotton w 1
I union Suits OIC the price, too, is lower than Ho e Ot C H,
II you would imagine for quail- i
ties as good. i
speri:l ' '1 6<<: You Can Choose From Assortments Women's Chamois- n J |||
c V^S s . 14c at $4.34, $4.84, $5.94, $6.94 and $7.84 ?2F-CS!RSUBIV anger-tipped M
Fine cotton ribbed vests, high . chamoisette gloves, with three
wUh a ,ow d no o ckf and"sle eveUttar S,ZCS Fr ° m B ' /z Up t0 7 come m^whfte.^black, 1
wuh low S pe- E very pair of shoes sold under the Red nd brown ,n a full range i
Women'S Washable n a Goose trade mark is guaranteed to con- NOTION SPECIALS
Kid Gloves 94c tain leather heels, counters, outsoles and retiow's Swansdown i* H
One-clasp washable kid gloves Face Powder AA v. Sii
in whito and tan; have three mauica. High Grade Talcum Powder, |n
hv| rows of stitching on back In self •>
8!y color; sizes 6to 7%. Anniver- ——zi tdns
i 7 14 Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' I 0A I
jl'j forced Silk Hose 1 .1.-i WT A FH TTI Corsets *}> 1
1 These excellent Silk hoso have \/V W /\ | W Made of coutil. in pink and |fl
mock seam and reinforced soles | f-\ S ■Tj rk white; low medlum anrt hlgh UJ
Sjijl and heels, come In black, cordo- ,*• h**/ intst; four hose supporters; sizes S|
liU van; all first quality. Anniver- , ... 19 to °n fill
S3 sary special $1.14 Anniversary values that prove It is folly to pay more than the | U
hjl Kaufman price. All wanted colors and weights. Pirla' finer * 4 4 _ SS
Women's House *1 QA Men's Fine Coat Sweaters at 7fk A ham Dresses $1,14 111
|j Dresses .OT v Heavy rope stitch; maroon, gray and blue. $7,94 Good quality gl' V ham dresses |Sj
chambJays! "r sfr% B e ß r m chec n ks Men's Slipover Sweaters at QJ lS v p .rai n SShSf W.MVIS'r d
HJ and plain colors; sizes 36 to 46, With or without sleeves; blue, maroon and khaki. years J|j
I ||l Women's All-Wool Sweaters *|| p * Men's Coat Sweaters *0 a 4
beu'sleeves 111 B " pover sty ' eB; ' r "l skirts and j| A0 A slipovfer sleeveless coat; brown, blue, maroon.
Women's Wool Sweaters Cl/1 QA ]Vlen ' s Cotton Sweaters *| 17 a kT
Pig Tuxedo with vest; large assortment; all colors. $J[ |/ O OtT Gray, blue and khaki; all sizes. V*• * 11!
[U Women's Sweaters *p qa Boys' Coat Sweaters .*< 1 a
gs Wool; coat, tuxedo and slip-on styles; good .OtT All sizes; In gray only. J, J Q Pd
Women's Coat Sweaters */ qa Boys' Slipover Sweaters '-Ql QA 03
!> All-wool; coat and tuxedo styles; all wanted colors.^f!.Ot A sleeveless sweater In khaki and blue. 0 £
UJ Girls' Sweaters qa Boys' Sweaters I *0 qa
Slip-on and coat styles; good wool; latest shades.^g^ s Q4( Coat or pullover styles; blue, red and khaki.
Girls' Coat Sweaters "-ItA 8A Boys' Wool Sweaters *0 QJ l||
Heavy wool, belted; newest styles; wanted shades.^7Ot Coat or pullover styles; In blue, red or khaki. O
I" IL EXTRA . 11
The y Specials 1
WILLOW ( LOTHES , . , , -i..^
Qood size imported ROASTER Sffsizet muchle- 1
S 94c v e r d spS,, $124 ftl ... $2.84 $1.39 59.50
a ™sets > RUGS—RUGS—RUGS S par'S
$2.39 JAPANESE MATTING RUGS QJ Bath Room 75c | i
_______9xl2 feet; scroll and oriental patterns.^ p- .
$2.39 9x12 feet: oxtra P° od heavy quality.^9Bc
_ALUMINUM 9x12 feet; all newest patterns. I •f.JTfr ment; all nickel O'OKDAR MOPS,
$139 AXMINSTER RUGS <£?Q QA ?"S'.h, 0 w"" """74 '
9x12 Teot; big selection of patterns. _______ M .
Hervey, who celebrated the 100 th
anniversary of her birth at her
home in Norwood, Ohio.
'I "have been a stanch believer in
the reverse of the old maxim, 'Early
to bed, early to rise," as I never sleep
more than four hours. I retire at 10
o'clock in the evening and arise at
2 a. m."
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad
OCTOBER 21, 1919.
r nil!/ \j6 U T,ES YET absolutely harmless, all shad". ■
r ff km ' 4 "DARLING" HOLD-TIGHT ROUGE, 35c A BOX 9
L uTX YGSSidf £J,Q o. w Tt adolph klar I