Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Red Cross Will Train Native
Women to Take Up
Its Work
Bucharest, Rumania, Oct. 21.
When the American Red Cross quits
the Balkans, when its work there
is completed, the people are not to
be left entirely alone. This was -the
promise made to the Balkan peo
ple by Colonel Robert E. Olds,'
Commissioner for Europe of the
American Red Cross, at the inau
guration here of the Red Cross'
program of medical and reconstruc
tion work is to follow the work of
emergency relief now drawing to a
close. r
"The great work done in the
Balkans," said Colonel Olds, "in the
main is over. The work of feeding
and clothing the helpless people of
the Near East is drawing fast to a
close. But we shall not leave these
nations without substantial legacies
Scores a Touchdown
Every Time
The fountain Drink
fresh from the woods
I Is Coming and You Must Be Dressed Warm s
J Don't put off buying your Fall outfit when you can come to
£ this store and select what you need by saying .
I iSf? ... 4 , . „ Men's Suits f
£ h We carry the largest as- _ A &
sortment of Clothing for an( * OveFCOatS J
& * * i\ T j , The oew Belted Models In %
If Wmmi i *^ en > Women and Children Flannel, Serge or Cashmere. /
| ||M inthe / city - $25.00 |
I iril No Where Can $60.00 \
| "V f ' Y°u Buy Cheap- ||j| j
| ft Get What You Want I
1 ladies' When You Want It and \ ]
I COATS _ [ jr% j
I | j
Double Wear Boys' Suits | A |
59.50 to $17.50
3Fl ° or! ' 3Floors
One Flight Up # One Fllglit Up
I No Charge for Alterations
and permanent reminders of the
work already done here.
"kundreds of Red Cross women
and men have left the Balkans for
their homes in the states, but small
groups will remain to continue their
work. In Biberia, Bosnia. Herzego
vina, Albania, Montenegro Greece,
and Rumania, children's hospitals,
district nursing services, infant wel
fare work, nurses' training schools,
the reconstruction of hospitals and
the medical fight against tubercu
losis, typhus, smallpox, and other
too prevalent diseases, will be car
ried on.
"In all this work native*women will
be trained to take up the work when
Red Cross workers leavo six months
or a year from now. The emergency
relief work in the Balkans is dead,
but the constructive work Will still
go on."
Would Shoot Bolsheviks
and the Profiteers
Sydney, Oct. 21.—William M.
Hughes, the Prime Minister, who
recently returned from the Peace
Conference, said in a speech in
Western Australia: "I am against
porfiteers and Bolsheviki. If I had
my way I would shoot them both."
New Cabinet Members
of Korean Government
Are Widely Scattered
Toltio, Oct. 21.—T0 show how
scattered are the members of the
prbvlslonal government of Korea, a
despatch to the Nippon Dempo
Agency from Seoul says that Or.
Synghman Rhee, the premier of the
provisional government of Kdrea, is
making his headquarters in the
United States: the foreign minister
is in Paris; the minister of war is at
Nicholsk, Siberia, and the other
ministers and vice ministers are liv
ing in Shanghai.
"The so-called parliament of this
government," the despatch adds, "is
made up of three deputies from
each of the thirteen provinces in
Korea. The provisional govern
ment's advisors include two Ameri
can missionaries, one French lawyer
and an Italian scholar.
Communication between the vari
ous branches of this provisional gov
ernment is being kept up. Money
remittances are being made through
a medium at Antung."
Will Relieve Dutch
State Police When
He Moves to Doom
Amerongen, Oct. 21.—1t is report
ed that the former German Emper
or has so far recovered from former
fears of molestation that, when he
moves into his new house at Doorn,
the Dutch state police, who have
been constantly on guard about the
Bentinck castle here since his ar
rival, will be relieved of duty. There
are no walls or moats about the
house of Doorn, which is visible and
easy of access from the main high
Women Will Soon
Be Eligible to Sit
on London Juries
Dondon, Oct. 21.—Women will
soon be eligible to serve on juries
through the Sex Disqualification
Act of 1919 which provides that a
person shall not be disqualified by
sex from the exercise of any public
German Newspaper Deplores
Moving of Capital to
Berlin, Oct. 21.—Under tlje caption |
of "The Murder of Berlin," the Boer
sen Zeitung, one of the ablest Ger
man newspapers, says the fate of the
city is in the balance, and that It Is,
perhaps, too late to save it from be
coming a city of the second-class in
every respect, with the removal of
| the capital and the activity in a busi
! nesa and political sense to some
j Rhlneland city. It is a theory that
• has been gaining ground lately and
j causing Berlin to lose sleep,
j "One day" the financial paper adds,
I "there will bo a fearful awakening
if the problem that confronts us is
j not recognized and solved at the
I twelfth hour. The problem is to save
j Berlin from destruction."
j Tho paper then cites tho January
] riots by the Spartacists from the
wounds of which Berlin has never re
| covered. "Then came the March dis
orders, followed by the July trans
portation strike which throw Berlin
i into a chaotic state. The strikes
' then ensued one after another in an
endless succession. The uncertainty
of the economic situation led to al
most a boycotting of Berlin as the
chief work center of Germany, for in
dustry had to be sure of quiet and or
der in Its search for labor, and Berlin
daily was the opposite.
Despite tho huge expense, one in
dustry after another left Berlin for
■quieter, steadier field. Now the win
ter months are comings already full of
threats of uprising and strikes.
Merchants, politicians and indus
trial leaders have predicted that the
transfer of the Assembly or Reich
stag, would inflict a severe blow upon
Berlin, especially if It should lead to
tlu choice of another capital.
The label "imperial capital," and Its
enormous labor possibilities have
been Berlin's chief claims to super
iority., It has been the industrial
heart of the empire. Yet say manu
facturers, labor is now systematically
laming industry and destroying it.
Many Decorations
Given "Y" Workers
For Overseas Service
New York, Oct. 21.—1n compiling
its records of overseas work for
presentation at the fortieth interna
tional convention of the Young
Men's Christian Associations of
North America, fo be held in De
troit, November 19 to 23, the Na
tional War Work Council of the Y.
M. C. A. found that the total num
ber of decorations and citations
awarded to its workers overseas had
reached the total of 364, not to men
tion 146 official commendations, up
to October 5, of this year
The casualty list of the Y. M. C.
A. overseas to the same date showed
10 killed in the battle zone, two of
whom were women workers, one
died of wounds, and 73 deaths from
overwork, accidents and other
causes; 142 gassed or wounded, 18
injured In accidents, 12 shell-shock
j ed, and 2 taken prisoner, bringing
the total casualties overseas for the
organization up to 259.
The decorations awarded include
52 French Croix de Guerre, seven
Distinguished Service Crosfees, six
medals of the French Legion of
Honor, 10 of the Order of the Ital
ian Crown, and 74 Italian War
Crosses, together with numerous
others ranging from the Russian Or
der of St. Stanislaus to the Portu
gese Medalia de Agradecimento.
There were 18 citations for the
Distinguished Service Cross, 102 ci
tations by Divisional Commanders,
three by General Pershing and 16
by commanding officers of lower
rank than divisional commanders.
Sixteen Y. M. C. A. women workers
were cited and 114 men and women
commended by divisional command
American Grandmother
May Sue the Viscount
From Being Bankrupt
London. Oct. 21. —Viscount Uffing
ton, whose name appears in the list
of "receiving orders" in bankruptcy,
is the heir to the Earlom of Craven
and his maternal grandmother was
Mrs. Bradley Martin, of New York.
The newspapers express the opinion
that he young viscount's embarrass
ments can be only temporary, since
he is said to be heir to much of the
wealth of his American grandmother
and in addition, is heir to his father's
lands and three mansions. Lord Uf
-1 flngton came of age in 1917. He was
seriously wounded while fighting in
France it being necessary to ampu
tate his right leg above the knee.
Kidnaping Trail
Leads to Dansey Home
Hammonton, N. J., Oct. 21.—De
tectives have begun a new inquiry
into the disappearance of 3-year-old
Billy Dansey on the theory that the
kidnapers on the day Billy vanished
drove to the Dansey home and talk
ed with some one in the house.
This turn in the case was caused
by an examination of the wagon
tracks of the buggy in which the
boy is believed to have been taken
from this town.
John T. Wilson, chief of decetives
of Atlantic county, has satisfied him
self that whoever stole Billy Dansey
took him away in a light buggy, the
tracks of which ran to the main pike
leading to Egg Harbor. These wagon
tracks depart from the main road
near the Dansey home. At a point
100 yards or more from the road
they lead to the Dansey home.
The tracks led to the rear of the
house where Dansey and his wife
slept. At the rear entrance the
tracks were deeply marked, show
ing that the buggy halted there for
a time. Another fact learned is that
when Billy Dansey left his home he
was dressed in new shoes, a new
hat, clean clothes and stockings.
Mollic Stimer, Leader
of N. Y. Reds, in Tombs
New York, Oct. 21.—Mollle Stimer,
20 years old, the miminutive
20 years old, the diminutive
in New York, was remanded to the
Toombs yesterday by United States
Commissioner Hitchcock in default
of bail, after she had refused to
plead to a complaint charging her
1 with buying sent an anarchistic
handbTTi to Detective James Green,
of the bomb squad.
When she was arraigned before
I the Commissioner she stood mute
and gave no indications by word or
i gesture that she heard the ques
tions addressed to her.
The buburb Unparalleled.—Adv.
In Addition to School Work,
There Will Be Meetings
Held This Winter *
Plans of tho Harrisburg Public
Library to extend the work of the
institution by holding various meet
ings at the institution in addition to
its school libraries, meetings, story
hours and other features for chil
dren of the city's schools were dis
cussed at the annual meeting of the
contributors and life members last
night. Dr. George A. Gorgas pre
sided at the meeting.
Miss Alice R. Eaton, the librarian,
reported that in less than 11 months
the circulation of the library was
105,625 volumes. The library con
tains 20,909 books, 1.375 having been
added in the course of the fiscal year
ended October 1.
The financial statements showed
revenue of $11,761.10 and operating
expenses of $9,493.40 and book pur
chases of $1,308.94. The book de
preciation was put down at $3,100
showing the activity of the circu
Members of tho Natural History
Society have offered their services
to give talks for the children at the
Saturday morning meetings, and
other meetings will be held in line
with library work.
Trustees elected for two years
were Arthur D. Bacon. William M.
Donaldson, George A. Gorgas, Halde
man O'Connor and Edward J. Stack
pole. The board will reorganize on
Monday night.
Foreign Mail Heid Up
by Greai Dock Strike
New York, Oct. 21.—Vast quanti
ties of mail for foreign ports have
been held up at this port by the
longshoremen's strike. With the ex
ception of one shipment which was
routed overland to Montreal and
sent thence by ship to British and
French ports, no mail has gone over
seas out of this port since Oc
tober 15.
| She |
[ she opens her mouth I
What a pity!! . ||
A really beautiful young woman actu- ing their good looks, but are a serious
ally disfigured by unsightly teeth—teeth menace to their health and well-being.
that have become discolored and irregu- Decay of the teeth is a treacherous dis
lar through sheer neglect. x f? e a " d ' unl . ess th ® ' th are S iven cara "
A j , . . . . , - \ ful and regular attention, serious mouth =
And, yet, her case is only typical of conditions are liable to develop alto- I
hundreds of other people in Harnsburg gether unsuspected. The safe way is to
whose decayed teeth are not only impair- clean the teeth twice a day with
' = I
T") YRODENTO will do certain things for the gums and teeth that ordinary tooth
I paste and powders CANNOT DO! If used soon enough and often enough it
will prevent Pyorrhea (receding gums) or oppose its progress. It will make
j the gums firm and healthy—the teeth white and clean. It will totally destroy decay
germs and keep the breath fresh and sweet It has a delightful flavor and is relished
= by old and young alike.
| Don't Neglect Your Teeth— a Tube \
| of Pyrodento To-day!! I
\T . — lt is highly advisable to visit your dentist at regular intervals
XivyX XJ • ,f or examination and needed dental service.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiipiiiiuiiS
Various Kinds in Jugo-Slavia
Is the Cause of Com
Belgrade, Oct. 21. —Not the least of
tho ills that beset Jugo-Slavia is the
scrambled condition of its paper cur
rency. The paper money of half a
dozen countries is in circulation in
various parts of the Kingdom of the
Serbs. Croats and Slovenes. In Bel
grade itself the "krone" of Austrian
ancestry is still the unit ip which all
commodities are priced.
The situation is further complicat
ed by the fact that the ratio of ex
change between the different moneys
varies from day to day.
Indirectly, the chaotic currency sit
uation has aggravated tho problem of
Sloan's Liniment should he kept
| handy for aches and pains
WHY wait for a severe pain, an
ache, a twinge following ex
posure, a sore muscle, sciatica,
or lumbago to leave naturally, when
you should keep Sloan's Liniment
handy to help curb it and keep you
active and fit?
Without rubbing, for it penetrates,
apply a bit to-day to the afflicted
part. Note the gratifying, clean,
prompt relief that follows. Sloan's
j Lindment couldn't keep its many
thousands of friends the world over
if It didnt' make good. That's
worth remembering." All druggists
—three sizes—the' largest for ut
most economy. 35c, 70c, $1.40.
OCTOBER 21, 1919.
provisioning the country by Impend
ing the movement of surplus food
stuffs from one section to another.
Farmers who possess a surplus, de
cline to barter them for paper whoso
value Is one thing to-day and another
thing to.-morrow.
Ask 100 P. C. Raise
in Their Salaries
Iliraiiiigluuii, England, Oct. 21.
The Journalists Institute, which in
cludes In its membership many of
I 1 '
When you puff up on a
King Oscar Cigar
You're getting a darn good
smoke for the money. Care,
brains, experience and the de
sire to do the right thing takes
care of that.
7c at All Dealers
John C. Herman & Co.
• /- Harrisburg, Pa.
the best-known newspaper worker*'
and magazine writers in the Unitedi
Kingdom has Just unanimously
passed a resolution at its annual!
meeting here calling upon newspa
per proprietors to Increase salariei
100 per cent, over the salaries Of:
pre-war days, to meet the Increased,
cost of living.
Replace old trees with young ones.
Prepare Jpr the future by planting'
[trees to take the place of those now
getting old.