Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1919, Page 17, Image 17
; —— Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page ( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIVE business for a live man. In ; nearby town. Restaurant, confecliou | cry, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 , a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz, | 1225 North Sixth St. BUSINESS PERSONALS I QUININE —Look out for that grippe i feeling, likely to catch you this ! changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I PHOSPHO-QI'ININE will stave it oft if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED 1 Single edge, 25c doz., double edge. 35c i doz.. razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED. J. A. ' Bishop, 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 K. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. i CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. j OXY-ACETYLENE WBLDIN G— -1 Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. ! Capitol City Welding Co., 153S Logan ' Street. Bell 4396 J. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid, j 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W -2. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING I —First class work. Chilcoat Bros., | 233 Harris Street. MUSICAL FOR SALE —Upright piano with mahogany case, hall mirror and lamp. 1114 N. second Street. ! FOR SALE —B Hat cornet. A and C attachment, stand, ease, B°od new. Complete outilt $3O if sold at once. Apply 646 Camp St. Call after 6 p. m. or 1520 Fulton during day. I FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A tig bargain to ft" l /* k" s '"; Spangler Music House. 211. N. Sixth I Street. MONET TO LOAN ' BUY COAL NOW With our money and insure vour comfort next winter. Pay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able— -only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of nny k i^. Op j 3nAXIV B IO VN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. rrrn , t .-xd MONEY in compliance wah Act of June 4. 1919. to Individu als ir need of ready cash, small loans I P .^ L^ Y LVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED— Employes' Loan 0 , -Room 206 Bergner Bldg.. Third ind Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State. WHERE TO DINE O^^A^lI t act?OX t - FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A. SPECIALTY. J. K. OREENAw'ALT. JR. 130 Walnut Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. STTKAGE STOR \GE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Beth phones. . STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $2 Per month and up. Lower storage rales in non-tireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 4.,<- 415 South Second street. STORAGE Low rates. Highspire Distillery Co.. Ltd.. Highspire. Pa. Both phones. _________ STORAGE —In brick building, rear 4OS Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, tr. Dieiifer. 408 Market street. UNDERTAKERS * SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL -133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 214 a CEMETERY" I-OTS FOR SALE PROSI'ECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on tne north and east faces the new park wav. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 341 Kelker Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3513 BFCK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years expedience. Bell ■I4IS. ■ Dial 3283. AUXO hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and P>a no moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, Jli Capital St. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-dietanpe hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phoned. T OF* \L AN D LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. 680 Calder utreet. Both phoned. Bell C636*J. Diftl 3638. i HEAVY HAULINCr —Fuily equipped! for turniture, freight and pianij mov-1 ing. No distance too far Careful driver. Rain and d " }; wl „! IL. Gruber'H Truck serv.ee. irwmj Aungst, .Manager, Herahey. B-il phone IoRO. j-ai'l BECK general hauling, jocjj endlong distance, maklngaspocialty o furniture, piano u; t *dfe moving. Call at lfiiT Naudain at. or hell a-3-.1. CLEANERS AND 1 CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and w.n ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. Both Phones. .H. GOODMAN 1306% North Sixth Street. Garages. Accessories aiul Repairs YOUR Dodge plus a Uayfield :ar buretor That's a gt'.at combination— a Ray tie Id equipped Dodge. The spe cial Dug'> model Is Inexpensive and the saving In gasoline bills -is from 13 to 30 per cent., will pay for It in a short time.. A Bayfield on any car In creases its efficiency all around. My. how she pulls the hills. Agency Fed ertck's Garage. 1807-09 North Seventh St.. Harrisburjt. Pa. AUTO repairing of all kind: first elkss mechanics on all makes of cars. Susquehanna Motor Co.. 117-121 South Third St. Open-day and night. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE—mI horse and wagon. .Apply Grand Unloh Tea Co., 208 North Second St. TUESDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILES ■ | OVERLAND ' Used Truck Department A clearance Bale of over hauled and guaranteed trucks all marked at low prices- that will move them quickly. Hand dump or hydrauhc hoists and bodies can be mounted on some of these chasses. We have an assort ment of good used and new bodies of different types. A 4000-pound truck, without body. In good mechanical shape, solid tires almost new. Sale price, $550. Republic one-ton without 1 body. Brand new tires, re painted like new. $B5O. Garford one-ton with cab, windshield and open , € * p *, e9 body. Now being repainted. Day-Elder 1%-2-ton. without body. with original _V ir ®s showing little wear. p s'® e , considerably less than deai lers' cost. Bethlehem 1%-ton, with cab and stake body. Used one month and exchanged tor larger Bethlehem. A real buy. Time Payments Open Evenings. Both phones. THE OVERLAND HARRIBURG COMPANY. 212-214 N. Second Street. ■ *T OVEKLSTND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Specially featured this week: Five passenger light weight touring car with electric lights and starter in very fair i uniiing condition. All tires like new. Subject to prior sale $275. Cadillac seven passenger touring car in good running condition. Upholstery and paint tine. $650. Overland two passenger road ster, driven only Ave i?oI sand miles. Repainted like new. Overland five passenger tour ing. overhauled and retln ished. Hudson six roadster, re fin ished. Two cord tires. $5oO. Time Payments Open Evenings. Both phenes. THE OVERLAND HARRIBURG COMPANY. 212-214 N. Second Street. Reo roadster, real bargain. Brisco. three-passenger roadster. In fll m B 7 ha studebaker, repainted and in fine shape. Reo roadster cheap . Briscoe roadster, in line shape. Olds-mobile, 4 cyl.. tires good and in fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & SUPPtA LU. 1 1917 North Third Street. icon S\LE —Two-ton International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap ! ply FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 1807 North Seventh St. MAGNETOS —All types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman. Dixie, Spi'tdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 36-4s. CARS! CARS- CARS! Two Chevrolet touring. 1916 model. One Chevrolet touring. 1917 model. One Royal mall Chevrolet roadster. One Buick roadster. 1915 model. One Buick roadster. 1914 model. These cars have been thoroughly overhauled and urc- in the very best of mechanical condition and electrically equipped lights and starters. We also do all kinds ot automo bile repairing. Truck work a special ty You Will find us every day from 7 a. in to 5 P- m. at 1336-38-49 Thompson live., at the Thompson Ave. Garage. Edwin Phelps, Mgr. WTO RADIAT-mS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, ittiTini, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 80S North Third street. FOR SALE —■ 1919. „ 7-passengor touring. 8 cylinders: extra tire; like new Will sell for cash or exchange on real estate. Address Box c-7771 care Telegraph. FORD touring. 17 model: electric lights; runs and palls like new. Price sf7s cash. Dial 36-C. . S. R. Horat. Lluglestown. near Harrisburg. FOR SALE —Ford roadster; 1915 model; self-starter; electric lights; demountable*; extra tire and rim; loeedometer: side curtains; chain and tools. Extras cost $205. Run 7,C00 miles. Good condition. Price $4OO. in quire at Mayor's office. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. ,2-i8 boutn Uaraeron street. ROADSTER for sale, iu the best of condition, good tires, new top and electric equip. $250 takes It Inquire E. \V. Llehtenberger. 2154 N- 4tn St FORD Sedan, 19ls model; good run ning order. $695. ilorst, Linglestown. T?op -SALE —Channel's Sedan. 1917; new Chandler, 1919, 4- nassenger sport model: wire wheels, bumper, spot light, 5 new tires; Over land 1918. .90 delivery car. Inquire Penn-Harrie Taxicab office. care penn-Harris Hotel. FORD touring car. with all good tires and magneto. This car will be sold at a bargain. Cali at 322 Black berry ave. FOR SALE—I9IS Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. W'M. EENN GARAGE ' 224-G Muench street. Limousines for i funeral parties and balls; caretul drivers; open day and night Beii [4564. BUICK touring car. six cylinder, 3 919 model in perfect condition, run less than 1,790 miles. Reason for sale, owner leaving United States for the Philippine Islands. Phone Bell 4301 R. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAW BERRY ST. New live and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 1917 Chandler, club roadster, $9OO. 191S Reo touring, fine running or der. at a bargain price. 1917 Ford touring, excellent condi tion. $325. , 1917 Chevrolet touring, condition, $325. 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice $285. 1914 Overland, touring, $285. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer In the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO.. A. Schiffman. Manager. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22. 24. 26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. (.Continued In Next Colli inn) AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS —Premier touring ear, electric gear shift, like new; Denby 1-ton express body with top, flrst class condition; International one ton truck, used ten months, cheap; luternatlonal two-ton truck, used nine months, cheap; Acme 3%-ton with Woods steel dump body, used six months; Denby 3-ton, with Woods steel dump body; Cadillac unit, with two-wheel trailer; Overland, 1918, 6- passengcr touring; two-ton Mack, Wood's hoist, Denby body. Denby Sales Corporation, 12v5 Capital St. USED CAR BARGAINS Peerless 8. 1918 model. 7 passenger. Buiclt 6. 1916 model, 5 passenger Chandler Club, roadster. 1917 model. Chalmers 6, 'l7 model. 5 passenger. Kline 6. 'l7 model. 5 passenger. See these and several other real bargains at DIAMOND-GRID BATTERY AND TIKE SERVICE STATION. 260 South Front Street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED—AII kinds of used auto ,tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. (Continued In Next Column) LEGAL NOTICES - e| GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH Sheriff's Proclamation T. W. W. Caldwell. High Sheriff of ! the County of Dauphin, in the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. do here by make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the County of Dauphin, aforesaid, on Tuesday, the fourth day of November, A. D. 1919, for the purpose of elect ing several persons to till the offices hereinafter named, to wit: One judge of the Superior Courf, three county commissioners, one recorder of deeds and clerk of the Orphans' Court, one register of wills, one sheriff, one dis trict attorney, one county treasurer, three directors of the poor, one coun ty surveyor. I hereby also make known and give notice, that the place of holding the aforesaid election in the several wards and precincts in the City of Harrisburg, within the County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, are as fol lows, to wit: HARRISBURG First Ward —First Precinct—Fire en gine house, 1159 South Cameron street. Second Precinct —Barber shop, Ninth and Hemlock streets. Third Precinct House, 600 Race street. Second Ward—First Precinct —Paxton Engine House, South Second street. Second Precinct —Store room, 44S South Cameron street. Third Precinct —Cigar store, 1129 Mulberry street. Fourth Precinct Garage, corner Nectarine and Reese streets. Fifth Precinct —Allison Fire Com pany. Sixth Precinct —Sixteenth and Com pass streets Third Ward—First. Precinct —Friend- ship Engine House, South Third street Second Precinct Central Hotel, Market street. Third Precinct Rotunda of the Courthouse. Fourth Ward First Precinct Tailor shop of Edgar J,. Huggins, 207 Locust street. Second Precinct —Hope Engine. House, North Second street. Fifth Ward—First Precinct—C. A. Sibbetts. 923 Capital street. Second Precinct —Office of Daniel A. Teats, 1000 North Third street Third Precinct —Sullivan's cigar store, Third and Cumberland streets. Fourth Precinct —Public house of David Simons, 401 Broad street. Sixtii Ward—First Precinct— J. R. Miller's livery office, 30 Broad street. _ Second Precinct— Cigar store on Reily near Fourth street. Third Precinct —Vacant storeroom of M. F. Saul Est., 1511 North Fourth Seventh Ward First Precinct Charles Cummings, 944 North Sev enth street. . Second Precinct Alderman J. H. Shaner's office, 1102 North Seventh Third * Precinct —Good Will Engine House. • Fourth ' Precinct—United Ice and Coal Company office, li2l North Sixth street. Fifth Precinct —House, lull North Sixth street. Sixth Precinct—lo2B Herr street. Eighth Ward—First, Second an d Third Precincts —Moved to 1-4 Lin den street. Fourth Precinct—Bo2 Cowden street. Fifth Precinct —Garage, rear of 1a22 State street. .... .. Ninth Ward—First Rricinct Wash ington House. Cowden and Walnut Second'precinct— Office of Charles M. Froelick, 1121 Market street. Third Precinct —1108 .Market street —Storeroom. Fourth Precinct Mount Pleasant Engine House. Fifth Precinct —G. E. Runkle store, 1522 Derrv street. Sixth Precinct—Barber shop of Ir win Cassell, 1 444 Regina street. Seventh Precinct Weist garage, Ethel avenue. Eighth Precinct —Dr. Miller s garage, j Nineteenth and Market streets . Ninth Precinlct Eighteenth and Chestnut streets. Tenth Ward First Precinct - J. Is. U Kuhn's parage, 2112 North Third street. Second Precinct House, Clarence Fisher, 2126 North Sixth street. Third Precinct —Office of B. F. Hoff man, Seventh and Camp streets Fourth Precinct—Camp Curtin lire Engine House. Eleventh Ward—First Precinct Reily Hose House, Fourth street Second street —Barber shop. 200 t N. Sixth street. _ Third Precinct —W. 11. Diffenderit-r, , 1846 Green street. i Fourth Precinct —Garage, 1940 North Third street. , , _ Twelfth Ward—First Precinct—Bar ber shop. 1537 North Third street Second Precinct—W. S. Fortenbaugh. 1613 North Third street Third Precinct — House, 401 Kelßer Thirteenth Ward First Precinct- Storeroom, 1911 Derry street. Second Precinct Land Office. 1922 Derry street. Fourteenth Ward Plumbing shop. Fourth and Vaughn streets. COUNTY Berrysburg borough—Public house of Frank B. Ossman Conewago township Public house of Elizabeth Foltz. Derry township First Precinct Waltonville. „ Second Precinct House of William C. Erb, Hockersville. Third Precinct Haefner HOUBO, Derry Church. . Dauphin borough—Hall of I. O. O. F. East Hanover township Public house of Grant Hummer. Elizabethville borough—Washington Gratz borough—Public house of Wil liam Rodgers, In said borough. Hummelstown borough First Pre cinct Keystone Hotel, East Main street. Second Precinct National Hotel, North Railroad street. Halifax township—Cornelius Koppen- BUUUHUUIttI H!LLURAW| ADIOMOBOBg FOR SALE —Ford touring:. 1915 model; good condition, $375. Driscoll Auto Co.. 147 South Cameron St. FOR SALE—I74-ton capacity Mar tin truck. 35 horsepower engine; prlje right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House. 15 S. Market Square. SECOND-HAND motor trucks for sale cheap. White three-quarter ton; Chalmers. 1-ton; Ford Unit one-ton; Kohler one-ton; Internationals half ton; three-quarter ton, one-ton. one and a half-ton. Good variety to select from. Prices $2OO and up. Internation al Harvester Company of America Motor Truck Department. 619-21 Wal nut street. FOR SALE —Studebaker, 4 cylinder in good shape, good paint, a bargain*. Dial 4068, 85 Hummel ave.. Lemoyne. MOTORCYCLES ANI) BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 1 WANTED—You to receive a full half pound package of DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A. enough for 24 hens 2 weeks. PAN-A-CE-A will help your poultry through the moult. It will start your pullets and moulted hens laying. It will keep your whole flock healthy. Get your package at any of these stores: Harrlsburg, Wal ter S. Schell, 1307 Market. Holmes Seed Co., 119 S. 2d, C. F. Kramer. 36 Broad, Geo. H. Haverstlck, 2569 Main: Enola, 11. I> Hoffman; White Hill, Mary E. Harro; West Fnirvlew, H. W. Neidig; Paxtonla, John Nagle; Linglestown, O. B. Icese. LEGAL NOTICES > u h ,T? Pr ' a erecte 'l for purpose. Halifax borough—Keystone Hotel, ntghspire borough Room ndjoln . ing the restaurant of Theodore I* i*ruber, on Second street. Jefferson township Schoolhouse in t arsonville, in said township, -ackson township House of A. J. Spannuth. Lykens borough—Kast Ward G. A. R. Hall, North Second street, u e3t Ward—Stewart property, south west corner Main and Pine streets Lykens township—House of William IW-nrick, public road from Gratz to Berry sburg. Lcwcr Swatara township—Houst of Emma Coble. Londonderry township—House of Ed ward Keiper. West Londonderry township—School house at River road, near Buck Lock. I.ower Paxton township Paxtonia Hotel. Middletown — ' First Ward—First Precinct—Rescue Hose House. Second Precinct—Herkelroth's Hall. Second Ward—First Precinct —Lib- erty Engine House. Second Precinct—Smith's Hall. Third Ward—First Precinct Store room of Abner Croll, corner Union and Main streets. Second Precinct—Union Hose House, Water street. Middle Paxton township—First Pre cinct—Aaron Schaffner's on Sun bury pike. Second Precinct—House of Michael Sweigart. Millershurg borough First Ward— Hotel Koppenhnver. Second Ward Paul F. A. Rutter's tailor shop. Mifflin township—Henry A. Romberg er's, Curtin. Paxtang borough Schdolhouse. cor ner Montour and Swan streets. Penbrook borough—Town Hall. Rush township—Reiner's schoolhouse. No. 1. Reed township—New schoolhouse on Duncan's Island. Royalton borough First Ward Council chamber. Second Ward—House of Bertha Nye, Second and Burd streets. Susquehanna township North Pre cinct Mehargue's store in Front street, near Lueknow Lane. South Precinct—'Pleasant View Fire Co. House. 2014 State street. East Precinct—Progress Hotel, Main street and Circle alley. West Precinct 3235 North Fourth street. Swatara township First Precinct— House of Martin Seiders in New Benton. Second Precinct —Citizens' Fire En gine House. Oberlin. Third Precinfct —Enhaut Fire Com pany House. Fourth Precinct Boyd's Blacksmith shop. Fifth Precinct Rutherford Heights Inn. South Hanover township Union De posit Hotel. Steelton — First Ward—First Precinct —Engine- house No. 6, Last End. Second Precinct—Halfway House, No. 947 South Front street. Second Ward First Precinct Room of Wilt Brothers, 113 South Front street. Second Precinct Michael Harcle rode's, 233 South Second street. Third Ward First Precinct Citi zen's Fire Engine House, 58 North Front street. Second Precinct Alleman Bros., 14."> 1 North Front street. Third Precinct—House of Mary llu sick, 152 Frederick street. Fourth Ward Paxtang Hook and Ladder Company House. Fifth Ward First Precinct Flor ence Hotel. Second Precinct West Side Hose Company. Upper Paxton township—At Junction of North street and Berrysburg road. Uniontown borough—Public House of W. H. Deibler. Williamstown borough—First Ward —Public house of Mrs. Solomon Heas. Second Ward—Ralph's Hotel. Williams township—East Precinct— I House of Mrs. Jonathan Huwk. West Precinct —House of Robert Pen nell. West Hanover township House of Samuel J. Rouch, now or lato occu pied by John Buck. Washington township At House of John D. Swab. • Wiconisco township First Precinct —House of J. S. Prout. Second Precinct House of Calvin Price. Wayne township—Election House of Charles F. Harman, near School House, No. 2. I also make known and give notice | that every person, excepting Justice | ' of the peace, who shall hold any of [ lice < f appointment of profit or trust , under the Government of the United j States or of tills State, or of any city, ■ | or incorporated district, whether a | j commissioned olticer or otherwise, u ! subordinate officer or agent, who is i or shall be employed under the legis- I latlve, executive Judiciary depart ment of this Stele, or of the United Slates, or of any city or incorporated district, find also that every member of Congress, and of the State Legis lature, and of the Select or Common Council of any city or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the otlice or appoint ment of Judge, or Inspector or Clerk of any election of the Commonwealth, and that np Inspector, Judge, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for, except that of an election officer. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH I hereby certify, That the follow ing is the official list of all candidates whose names are entitled to be print ed on the Non-Partisan Section of the Official Judicial Ballot under the provisions of the Thirteenth and Six teenth Sections of the Act providing for non-partisan Judicial nominations, appproved July 24, 1913, and its amendments, to be voted for In the State at Large and in the County of Dauphin at the ensuing election to be held on Tuesday, the fourth day of November. 1918. CYRUS E. WOODS. Secretary of the Commonwealth. To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross [X] in the square, in NOTICE CONGREGATIONAL MEETING There will be a congregational meeting of the members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Sunday morning, October 26, immediately after the church service. Business of import -1 once will be transacted. All members are urged to be present. Called by order of the Church Council, k LEGAL NOTICES In the matter of the application for letters of administration upon the estate of Elizabeth Keefo. a supposed decedent. In the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County whereas an application for letters of administration upon the estate of Elizabeth Keefe, lately a resident of New York City. New York, who Is alleged to have been absent and unheard of for seven years and upwards and is supposed to be dead, leaving property, the greater part of which is situate within the State Of Penna.. to wit: In Harrlsburg. Dauphin County. Pa., was presented by Margaret C. Keefe to the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County on October 13, 1919. whereupon a decree was en j tered on October 13. 1919, in accord ' ance with the Act of Assembly of | June 7. 1917. Therefore, in pursuance of a decree of suid Court therein I made, all parties interested in the I estate of Elizabeth Keefe. the sup posed decedent, are hereby notified be and appear at the Courthouse at 1 Harrlsburg. in Dauphin County. Pa., en December 15. 1919. at 10 o'clock n. tn.. when and where the said Court will hear evidence concerning the alleged absence of Elizabeth Keefe, the supposed decedent, and the cir cumstances and duration thereof, and will make such orders and decrees as in the Act of Assembly are made and provided. MARGARET C. KEEFE. Petitioner for Letters of Adminis tration. PTEEVER BRADDOCK, Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICES —— t the first column, opposite the name of the party of your choice. A cross mark in the square oppo site the name of any candidate indi cates a vote for that candidate. If you desire to vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, write or paste his name in the blank space provided for that purpose. To vote for an individual candidate of another party after making a mark in the party square, mark a cross [X] opposite his name. For an office where more than one candidate is to be elected the voter after marking in the party square may divide his vote by marking a cross IX] to the right of each candi date for whom he desires to vote for such office where votes shall not he counted for candidates not individu ally marked, if the voter has split his ticket. A cross IXI in the party square in the first column docs not carry a vote for any judge. To vote for judge, mark a cross tX] opposite the name of the candi date desired. JUDICIAL TICKET—NON-1' MITISAN Judge of the Superior Court**- (Vote for one.) William H. Keller. ' District Attorney (Vote r r one) Republican Philip 8. Mover Prohibition Philip S. Moyer Democratic J. Douglas M. Royal Socialist Edward M. Doehne Recorder of Deeds and Clerk of the Orphans' Court (Vote for one) Republican M. Harvey Taylor Democratic D. W. SchafTnor Socialist Charles Boeckler Prohibition Loekwood 11. Worden Labor Harry 11. Clark Register of Wills (Vote for one) Republican Edwin H. Fisher Prohibition Edwin H. Fisher Democratic William R. Danner Socialist Thomas Elder Labor John R. Copenhaver Sheriff (Vote for one) Republican George W. Karmnny Prohibition George W. Karmany Democratic J. Clyde Myton •Socialist Sam Young Labor Crover C. Wolf County Commissioners (Vote for two) Republican Charles C. Cumbler Republican Henry M. bline Democratic Howard O. Holstoin Democratic Harry C. Wells Socialist James Spongier Socialist J. W. Washington Prohibition J. J. Buffington Prohibition David Got don Iabor Gilbert F. height Labor Harry G. Page County Treasurer (Vote for one) Republican Oliver C. Bishop Prohibition Oliver C. Bishop Democratic George M. Weaver J Socialist J •- William Kratzer Labor Arthur Moyer Director of the Poor (Vote for two) Republican John- H. Lehr Prohibition John 11. Lehr Republican Frank B. Snavely Democratic Samuel E. Klingler Democratic Nisley Y. Parthemore Socialist William Messinger I Socialist I Bruce Vaughn Prohibition Lane F. Rubendall • Labor I Albert L. Adams Direc'-or of the Poor Two Year Term (Vote for one) Republican Jacob S. Farvor Prohibition Jacob S. Farvor Democratic Charles A. Wilhelm Socialist Phil Crawley County Surveyor (Vote for one; Republican Warren J. Daniel Prohibition Wat Ten J. Daniel Democratic Warren Daniels In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the Commissioners' office to be affixed this 16th day 1 of October. C. C. CUMBLER, HENRY M. STINE, H. C. WELLS. County Commissioners. [Seal]. Attest: C. F. SNYDER, Clerk. To W. W. Caldwell. Sheriff of Dau phin bounty. Pa. Given under my hand at my office In the City of Harrlaburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, this lth day of October. A. D. 1919, and the one hundred and forty-fourth year of In dependence of the United States of America. W. W. CALDWELL High Sheriff of Dauphin County, Pa. MARK ET S I NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS j Chandler Brothers and Company j members of New York and Philadel- | phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, HarTisburg ; 1338 Chestnut I st.eet, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations; Open Noon. AUis Chalmers 51 6074 Araer. Beet Sugar 99 4* 100*4 l American Can 65 65 Am. Car and Fndry C 0... 13 474 1 37% Amer. Loco 11l 113% I Atr.er. Smelting 76% 76% I American Sugur 142% 142% i Anaconda 70 69 74 j Baldwin Loco 9174 150% j Balto. and Ohio 40 40 74 ! Bethlehem Stool, H 106% 105% ; Butte Copper 27 27 jCal. Petro 5474 54 I Central Leather 105 ' a 10574 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 43 437* J Chi.. R. I. and Pacific ... 29 29 | Cel. I-'uel and Iron 45% 45% Corn Products 90% 917s I Crucible Steel 239% 238% ' Erie 15 74 16 ; Goodrich, 11. F 86% 85 74 I Great North. Ore. subs. . 43% 437* Hide and Leather 38% 38 Inspiration Copper 62% 6174 International Paper .... 68 67 '4 Kennecott 3 5 74 3 5 74 Lackawanna Steel 85 86 Lehigh Valley 47% 47% Maxwell Motor 56% 55% Merc. War Ctfs 65 74 04% Merc. War Ctfs.. pfd 115% 116% Mex. Petroleum 25474 256 74 MMvate steel 53% 53% Mo. Pacific 28 74 28 74 N. H.. N. Y. and 11 33 33 Norfolk and West 100% 100% Penna. R. H. x 43 7s 43% Pittsburgh Coal 65 65 Railway Steel Spg 102 102% Ray Con. Copper 23% 23% Reading 8 1 74 81% Ripublie Iron and 5tee1..102% 101% Southern Pacific 108 7a 108 Studebaker 145 144 74 Union Pacific 12374 1231* U. S. I. Alcohol 102 162 1* S. Rubber 128 12874 U. S. Steel 110 110 74 Utah Copper 85% 85% Vir.-Caro. Chem 797s 79% White Motors 82 81 Westinghouse Mfg 58 74 58% Willys-Overland 38 37% Western Md 12% 1274 N. Y. Central 73*4 73% Sinclair Oil ... 60 6074 Pierce Arrow 94 74 89 74 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, Oct. 21. —Live Poultry —Dull and weak; fowls, 25@34c. Dressed Poultry—Dull and weak; western broiling chickens, 32@33c. Cheese—Higher: New York and Wisconsin, full milk. 307 a 6®3274c. Oats—Quiet but steady; No. 1 white, 81 74 @8 2c; No. 2. SO 7i <t# Slo; No. 3, 7974 @ 80c. Butter—Higher: western creamery, extra, 71c; nearby prints, fancy. 77 <3 79c. Eggs—Firm: nearby firsts, $19.20 per ease; current receipts. $18.60, western extra firsts. $19.20; firsts. $l3 @18.40: fancy selected, packed 71# 73c per dozen. Potatoes —Higher; No. 1 Jersey, per basket, 86c@51.15: lower grades, 40 fi 65c; No. 1 in 150 pound sacks, $".25 (:i 4.54: No. 2, $2#2.25; Penna. in 100 lbs. sacks, $2.50# 2.90. Flour—Quiet but steady; western soft ?10@10.25: nearby, $9.75® 10; hard winter straight, $11.35® 11.55; short patent. $11.75® 12.25; spring lirsts clear. $9.25®)9.75; patent. $12.10 #12.30: short patent, $!2.50® 12.75: fancy spring and rity mills patent family brand, $12.75® 13.25. Hnv—Quiet l>ut v steady: timothy. No. I, $32; No. 2. $28@30; No. 3, $2 1 Clover—Light mixed. s2B® 30; No. 1 mixed. $26@27. Tallow—Quiet: prime city loose. 1674 c; special loose, 1672 > - ; prime country. T4 74c; edible. in tierces, 19 74 ® 20c. Bran —Dull and weak; soft winter western In 100 pound sacks, $42.594' 43; spring in 100. pound sacks, $42@'43. CHICAGO "CATTLE MARKET Chicago. Oct. 21.—Hogs Receipts 39,000, slow. Bulk. $13©ll: top. $14.10; heavy $13.50® 14; medium. $13.50®' 14.10; light. $12.25@14: heavy pack.ng sows, smooth. $12.85® 13.25; packing sows, rough, $12.25® 12.75; pigs, $l2 @l3. Cattle Receipts. 19.000. steady. Beef steers. medium and heavy, choice and prime, $ 1 7.25® 19.40; me dium and good. sll® 17; common, S3 50fi ll: light weight, good and choice, $14.50® 19; common and me dium. $7.75® 14.25; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.50® 14.50; cows. $6.40®>l 12.50; canners and cutters. $5.25@ 6.40; veal calves. $16.50® 17.50; feed er steers. $7@13.25; stocker @10.75. western range steers, $7.70® 15.50; cows and heifers. $6@12.50. g|n>ep Receipts 44,000; steady. Lambs. $12.7 5 @l6. ewes, mediunv good and choice, $6.50@>7.78: culls and common. breeding, @l2. Arbor Day will be observed on Friday. Increase your property value by planting trees. LEG AI. NOTICES CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Govern or of the State of Pennsylvania on the r.th of November. 1919, at 10 o'clock a m.. by Jacob N. Hershey, Isaac N. ilershey and Eli N. Hershey, under on Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation nnd regulation of certain corpora lions". approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a char ter of an intended corporation to be called "Hershey Brothers," the char acter and object of which is for the nurposc of manufacture and sale of chocolate, cocoa, confectionery, the products of milk, cocoa beans, sugar or chicle, and other articles of similar character, separately or In combina tion with other substances, to buy and sell in crude or manufactured form the articles, materials and sup plies entering into the production thereof as may be required for th > conduct of such business, and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements, anu ce GEORGE F. LUMB, Attorney. NOTICE —Letters testamentary on the estate of William P.. Meeteh, late of Harrlsburg. Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned in said city, all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them fot settlement. HARP.V W. MF.KTCH and COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. Executors. In the Orphans Court of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania. In re; John 11. Pennell, supposed decedent. Whereas an application for letters of administration upon the estate of John H. Pennell, whose last known nlace of residence was at Harrlsburg, Daunhin County, Pa., and who is al leged to have been absent therefrom and unheard of by any one. for over fourteen years last past, and is sup posed to be dead, was presented to the Orphans Court of said county, whereupon to wit, October 13, 1919, an order wns entered in p.ccordance with the Acts of Assembly, in such case made and provided: In pursuance of said order, all parties interested are hereby notified to he and asipear at the Courthouse, at Hnrrlshurg, Pa,, on December 15, A. D.. 1919, at 1 o'clock, a. m.. when and where the said Court will hear evidence con cerning the alleged absence of John IT Pennell, the supposed decedent, und circumstances thereof, and wi'l make such orders and decrees therein as In the Acts of Assembly are pto vided. MATTIE PENNELL. Petitioner. GEORGE L REED, Atty. for Petitioner. ! ■ OCTOBER 21, 1919. 5 'Socialist Delegate to Industrial Conference ' ■w " tssss^assMSßsasa fmiti nn nr i " 'in' im y^r-srs&tKSzaaaiatoiZMß JOHN SPARGO This photograph of John Kpargo, Socialist loader and a delegate rep resenting the public at the Indus trial Conference at Washington, was taken as he was leaving the Pan-American building, where the conference has been in session l . FINDING LOST CITIES [Front Christian Science Monitor] Air photography announces the great part which it is going in the future to play in archaeological re search by the revelation *tade by its means of a long-forgotten city lying buried in the neighborhood of Samarrnli. For long centuries the presence of this city has been un dreamed of, until the day came when its detailed outline, with traces of its walls, foundations, pub lic gardens, was shown in an air photograph, though not visible to anyone on the ground. The city is older than the Chris tian era and was prgbably the home of several million people. Colonel Beazeley unfolded this subject of air photography at a meeting of the British Association, in connection with the survey work in Mesopotamia during the war. A letter recently reached the Royal Geographical Society from Sir Aurel Stein in Kashmir, also putting forth the extraordinary usefulness of air photography in archaeology. Sir Aurel said that many times when , searching for the lemains of ancient civilizations in the deserts of central Asia he hijs longed for the means of obtaining a view of the ground from an adequate height. From the rela tively small height of an isolated , clay terrace in the Tunliaung desert, at the western end of the Great Wall of China, he was able to recognize ; the ramparts once inclosing a bor ; der castrum, the lines of which were most difficult to trace on the spot, the ground being covered with reeds and scrub. But for the objection of carrying a lead he would have taken a man-carrying kite with him on his third expedition. Though the difficulty of supplies for a time muy delay the use of air planes in central Asia, Kir Aurel Stein is certain that work might be i done in India in discovering ancient cities hidden by jungle overgrowth. AMi ACCOUNTED FOB i [From Kan Francisco Argonaut] One morning a woman walked into a village grocery store with a majestic stride. It was easy to see by th*sternness of her expression that she wns somewhat disturbed. "This," she sarcastically explain ' od, throwing a package on the coun ter, "is the washing itself. It's the ioap that makes washing a pleasure. It's the soap—" "That isn't soap, madam," intor • rupted the groceryman, examining ■ the package. "Your little gtrl was in here yesterday for a half pound 1 of cheese and a half pound of soap. | This is the cheese." "U —m, that accounts for it," said the woman as the light of under standing began to glow. "I won dered all last night what mude the welsh rarebit we had for supper [ taste so queer." Arbor Day will be observed on ■ Friday. Increase your property value by planting trees. To protect the pavements from 1 heat of the sun plant trees. P""' 11 1 —— j ' " ■ ! Invest in a Great Pennsylvania Industry We Offer A First Preferred Stock Exempt from Pennsylvania Personal Property Tax , Dividends exempt from Normal Federal Income Tax ! ] The Company manufactures a general commodity used throughout the coun try. Large modern plant with orders assuring stable income. Earnings increasing yearly. Price $95 per share A. B. Leach & Colnc. Invesment Securities 62 Cedar St., New York Chicago Ft I.ouls Buffalo Boston Minneapolis Cleveland Scranton Baltimore Philadelphia Office: 115 S. Fourth St. SAMPLE BALLOTS Sample ballots similar to the one* to be used at the November election in this county, were furnished to the County Commissioners to-day by the printing tirm which Was awarded the contract to print the hullols. Five parties are listed In tile par tisan column. Republican, Demo cratic, Socialist, Prohibition and La bor. Gn the city ballots the four loan questions will be submitted. IDT BY STRAY BI LLET Riding in an automobile at Bosh's Run. Albert Miller, of Knoln, was struck in the left shoulder by a bul let from a ,22-caliber ride yester day afternoon. He came to the Har risburg Hospital to-day where an X-Ray picture will be taken, after which physicians will remove tin ball. The person who flred the rifle, believed to have been a youth, is un known. MILITARY HAS POWERS Parts, Oct. 21.—(Havus) —The Su preme Council of the Pefcco Confer ence has decided to entrust to the military authorities of the Allied powers the duty of fixing a date for depositing ratifications of the Treaty of Peace with Germany, which dale will mark the coming into force o! the convention, according to the Echo de Paris. FALLS FROM < \R Harrison J. Bretz, of Peubrook, a car repairman of the Pennsylva nia Railroad, was severely injured, when he fell from a car at Seventh and Maclay streets. He is suffering with severe bruises and contusions. Plant a tree. It increases the value of real estate. ■(1 M P] [ s APPRAISAL BUREAU f KIN'KKL. III,DO. I" 3 IMKs'gh, llnrrlMtCK, New York unaaauialß*ak.-~-.. niBBBERSTAMpn UU SEALS ABTCNOILBB W ■ I HARRISES BTOIOM.WORKS l ) I II3OLOOUSTBT.iIARRIBGfQ.FA.U Help Wanted 1 Press Feeders i at Once The Telegraph Printing Co. j Cameron and State Sts. j Harrisburg, Pa. I, _ J Stock Market Review Tlie current number of our Market Review contains an analy sis of the commercial position ot ! American Safety Razor There Is also an article out- ' lining the business and fln-anclal condition of New York Air Brake Other issues discussed briefly \ are— Anglo-American Oil Shell Transport & Trading Nipising Houston Oil Loft, Inc. i Submarine Boat Central Leather Union Pacific Sent on request for HT-44D HUGHES & DIER Members t Philadelphia Stock Rxchftnge Chlciiffo Board of Trade Penn-Harris Hotel Harrisburg 17