Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 20, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Lodge Declares Majority Are
in Accord, After Many
Washington, Oct 20.—Senate lead
ers hope during the week to clear
array all proposed amendments to
the Peace Treaty and make substan
tial progress In the framing of a
ratification resolution.
They virtually concede that"" no
"Danderine" Will Check That
Ugly Dandruff and Stop
Hair Coming Out
1 N
To stop falling hair at once and
rid the scalp of every particle of
dandruff, get a small bottle of
"Danderlne" at any drug or toilet J
'Counter for a few cents, pour a little
In your hand and rub it into the
ecalp. After several applications the
hair usually stops coming out and
you can't find any dandruff. Soon
every hair on your scalp shows new
fife, vigor, brightness, thickness and
more color.
To Fortify The Sys
tem Against Colds,
Grip and Influenza
Be sure you get the Genuine
Look for this signature
(Q> sfcSbcrvTs'
on the box. 30c
Piles and Rupture
Treated By
Philadelphia Specialist
Every person so afflicted should
investigate our painless dissolv
ing method of treating these trou
blesome affections. This dissolv
ent treatment is one of the great
est discoveries of the age and no
person has any excuse for suffer
ing with Piles while this treat
ment is so easy to obtain.
We absolutely guarantee to cure
every case we undertake, and we
further guarantee to do so with
out giving ether or chloroform
and without putting the patient to
sleep, and that the treatment must
be painless. We do not use the
knife, and no acid injections or
salves. If you are suffering from
piles of any kind do not fail to
take advantage of this wonderful
treatment. These treatments are
given every other Wednesday by a
specialist Icom Philadelphia.
, July 17. 1919.
I bad been suffering with piles
for some time and could get no re
lief. I called on Dr. Yoder at the
Hotel Bolton and ne absolutely
cared me in two treatments, with
out pain or loss of time from my
1 work.
515 S. Front St,
Steelton, Pa.
It is not necessary for you to
wear a truss all your life and to
be in constant danger of having a
strangulated rupture, which Is
nearly always fatal. Our method
of treating rupture gives results
In eight out of every ten cases. It
oloses up the opening permanent
ly and you can throw your truss
away and again feel like a real
man. Our fees for tlieae treat
ments are very small and are
within the reach of everyone.
BOLTON, Wednesday, October 'id
tram 3 to 8 p. n.
amendments will be adopted. The
opposition managers are determined
to qualify the ratifying resolution
with reservations and Senator Lodge,
the Republican leader, declared In a
statement that a decisive majority
would stand for reservations that
would be "unequivocal and effective."
Privately the opposition leaders de
clared Mr. Lodge's claim was backed
by an understanding amounting virt
ually to a complete agreement among
all of the 49 Republicans and six
Democrats to stand together for a
reservation program evolved after
many weeks of confcrepce. It was
said not all of the details had been
agreed upon, though on general prin
ciples and in some cases on phrase
ology itself the 55 Senators had been
brought very close together.
How far the remaining 41 Senators
will go in their opposition to reser
vation is an uncertain question even
In the minds of some of their leaders.
They have stood unswervingly
through the long fight for President
Wilson's program of a ratification
that would not require ye Treaty's
re-submission to other powers. But
It is for the President himself to de
cide finally whether any reservations
adopted do require such re-submis
sion, and his illness has left the ad
ministration leaders somewhat in the ;
Clemenceau Rings Down
Curtain on France's
War Parliament
By Associated Press.
Paris, Sunday, Oct. 19.—The cur
tain was rung down to-night on the
session of parliament which sat un
interruptedly through the greatest
effort of French history. Premier
Clemenceau was the leading actor in
the final drama. Little ceremony
marked the conclusion of business.
Paul Deschanel, president of the
Chamber of Deputies, deeply moved,
eulogized the war session of parlia
ment, paid homage to the heroic
soldiers of France and the glorious
deed, reviewed the task accomplish
ed by parliament and expressed the
hope that the new chamber would
work to raise France from the ruins
of the war. Before the applause
had subsided, M. Clemenceau rose
and in a loud, clear voice read the
decree closing the session.
Deputies, cheering and shouting
"vive la republiquc," crowded
around the premier to congratulate
him. Then, bidding each other
good-by, they left the chamber.
Most of them will leave for their
constituencies to-morrow to begin
the work of the caYnpaign prelimi
nary to the election of a new Cham
ber of Deputies, which will meet in
By Associated Press•
Dundee, Scot'and, Oct. 20.—The
Eskimos are described as in desper
ate straits from lack of supplies, in
reports brought by the crew of the
Norwegian steamer Mercurius, which
has arrived here from Cumberland
Sound, where they found the Eski
mos resortin-g to ancient seal killing
methods and melting up tin cans to
make bullets. The Mercurius, it
waa said, was only the second ves
sel to visit the Cumberland Sound
trading posts since the outbreak of
the war.
Russell L. Startzel and Verna C.
Brennan, Shamokin.
Pietro Pugliese. Sharpsburg, and
Ca-mela Lonzina. Steelton.
Franck Pugliese, Sharpersburg, and
Freda De Santis, Harrisburg.
Paul A. Kohr. Harrisburg, and Vera
E. Foreman, Chambersburg.
Get your neighborhood interested
in tree planting. Boost and plant a
tree on Arbor Day.
1 for catarrh
1 continued sneezing,
; i stuffed up nostrils — /Vf/AT °TW
Ihow can anyone at- L i- 1
tend to daily duties ONDON NFG.CQ
with' a catarrhal
head? cohtewts ixa
Kondon'a relieves iS- g tig
quickly and pre- ||| _ j|j
vents the more ser- |g? J§ §1
j | ious ills which fol- I Jg; it a
I low in the wake of //=
it ncglectedcatarrh. It
j will pay you to try it. I
jtj Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is guaran- j|j
; L teed r.ot only by us, but by 30 years 31
j service to millions of Americans. If 2|
j i Kondon'a doesn't do wonders for j
I your cold. si.serins, cough, chronic J!
I catarrh, nose bleed, headache, sore il
1 [ nose, etc., we'll pay your money jl
j j! bacl "
'iLiiii'.a HmT Israel* Aw" to
1* W tcl"" ""*
tSfc&MF .r° rme *..,Hgilth ' Com*
SgjSS/ iff Bit,,loner Wnr, H. Kerr, of
the City ol Chfesco. "From
11 " own experience with Nux.
I'AjStCHvMS .necj iron 1 feel it is such a
P x&Y'VTy va, u*ble blood and body buiid.
'iSWQhSri ig preparation thai il ouoht
& n.'-'&ri t° be used in every hospital
. T* 1 ® and prescribed by every phy.
(ician in the country. Nuxtled Iron helps
to make healthier wadlßH and stronger, stur
dier men. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
Reading Officials Strong For Safety First
;• " ; " ; ■ " '
I-ocal Safety Committee Chairma:
One Accident at Middletown
Today Came Near Prov
ing Disastrous
Safety committees of the Pennsyl- i
vania railroad are doing a lot of '
coaching these days. Overanxious- ;
ness sometimes brings a wrong re
sult. This was the case :u several
of the accidents reported, but, ac-,!
cording to officials, does not fill the ] (
orders to "Be Careful." However, '
with the report for the first day '
came very much encouragement. (
There was a big decrease over the .
j report for the same day one year • i
' a So. !,
The Philadelphia division had an !,
accident this morning at Middle- j |
town and it came near bringing dis- ;
astrous results. While one trairr i
was stopped to take on and let off i
passengers, another train came >
along and plowed into a baggage ( ,
truck. | j
i Some Narrow Kscapes
There was some scattering of peo- i
pie and those on the platform had I
a very narrow escape. One passen-j,
gen was caught between the truck i
and train, but he got out with aj -
few scratches. j ■
Plane will be taken up this week | s
for a series of meetings for the bene- ; 1
| fit of railroad men and the public. ; ]
It is- probable the "House That | ]
Jack Built" and "Rule of Reason" h
moving picture stories will be j
shown again in Harrisburg. There s
has been a request to have the j
' school children see these pictures j
and Special Agent D. A. Smith may 1
! make this a part of his program |
with the schools. |;
Miss Safety First
Plgns are under way to bring to j
Harrisburg Miss Laura Roadifer to j
i give a talk to school children. The j
I Philadelphia Press of yesterday i ;
"Miss Laura Roadifer, known to!
| the school children throughout I
I Philadelphia as 'Miss Safety First,' j ;
| a cognomen handed her by the ]
I youngsters after she related narra- | ]
tives to introduce safety first prin-..
ciples to children through the story- j i
celling medium, has recently received ; :
great praise in Chicago, 111., for the
work she accomplished with the ! :
school children in that city.
"Miss Roadifer was born in Chi- j I
cago and came to Phi'adelphia and ; i
started work by telling stories to ■
children in the HilVl House. The: ■
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com-1
pany learned of Miss Roadifer's re- j
markable ability to inculcate into ]
the minds of the children anything 1
she desired, through the story-tell- j !
ing medium, and she accepted the '
ch&rge of safety first bureau for!
' children .
"She started a tour of all the
| schoo's in Philadelphia, and quickly ,
! had them as her personal friends.
| It was on this Jour that she was j
| named 'Miss Safety First.' , Later, |
she went to New York on the samei
work and she proved so successful;
that now she has been engaged to
tour the country to spread the safety
first principles among the school -*
children by relating narratives that
capture the hearts and minds of :
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 118 I
crew to go first after 4 o'clock: 128, j
102. 108, 131. I
. Engineers for 108.
Firemen for 102.
Conductors for 128.
Flagmen for 108.
Brakemen for 102. 108, (2) 131.
Engineers up: Tholan, Bickel, Ruth- '
erford. Condren, Ream.
Firemen up: Glr.grich, Clark, Plank!
Webb, Kase, Thomas. Hoch. Chorpen- |
ing, Lenard. Straub, Famous, Knouk-1
ley, Kirchoff.
Brakemen up: Cramer, Funk, Kline- ,
peter, Schrim. Beard, Kline, Arndt,
Schaier, Schreffler, Shire.
Middle Division. The 33 crew to
gt after 12.15 o'clock: 115, 105, 112,
248, 254, 257. ,
Flagmen for 33.
Brakemen for 115. 105.
Yard Board. —Engineers wanted i
for 3. 15C. 18C, 22C, 28C. 30C.
Firemen wanted for 27C 3, 7C. 12C, |
3. 15C, 28C.
Engineers up: Shipley, Crow, Ewing :
Yinger, Starner, Morrison, Beatty. |
Firemen up: Lauvcr Wirt, Kline
young, Mountz.
Philadelphia Division. The 231 ,
crew to go first after 4 o'clock: 241,
230, 206, 216, 253, 226, 202, 204, 251, [
240, 236 and 252.
Engineers for 230, 251, 236.
Firemen for 231, 216. 204, 251. !
Conductors for 240.
Flagmen for 226. 204, 252.
Brakemen for 231, 206 (2), 216 4 2),!
203 and 236.
Conductors up: Miller.
Brakemen up: Dellingcr, Bell, i
Thrush. Vanderling.
Middle Division. The 3G crew to
go first after 1 o'clock: 237, 262, 229,!
22 and 34.
Engineers for 22 and 34.
Firemen for 34.
Brakemen for 22.
Engineers up: H <.wk Kreiger, Dun- I
kle, Nissley, Bever ne. Rathfon, Rich- !
Firemen up: Weber, Humphreys, ,
Gingrich, Gilbert, Brookhart, Ulsh !
Brakemen up: C. M. Hawk, Wood- j
ward, Kurtz. Dcpugh. Hollcnbach, >
Reinecker, Beers. Cassett, Kipp. Bupp ;
Zimmerman. C. B. Hawk, Rumberger,
McCarl Dlssinger.
Yard Board.' Engineers wanted
If there is a Philadelphia and
Reading Railway employe who does
not know there is a vigorous cam
paign on for no accidents, he or she
has not been around the railroad
for some time. You cannot move
in any direction without seeing a
sign or have someone call to you
"to be careful." ,
Much activity is in evidence in afl
departments of the Reading on the
Harrisburg division in the interest
of making the National Railroad
Accident Prevention Drive a com
plete success. Appeal has been made
for full co-operation of every officer
and employe. Safety signs have
been placed at several points on the
division, including one on the Har
risburg Passenger Station, and many
bulletins of varied type and form
have been posted on all bulletin
boards. All Safety Committees have
been busy assembling meetings* of
workmen at important points of the
division, and will continue individual
and collective work throughout the
period of the drive.
Successful Meetings
Several very successful preliminary
meetings Vere conducted at Harris
burg last week by the Harrisburg
Terminal Committee. The meetings
were addressed by G. O. Sarvis, as
sistant trainmaster, who explained
the purpose and object of the cam
paign. He cited the fact that the
principle of safety is by no means
new, either as regrads the promotion
for 145, 3rd 126.
Firemen for 2nd 102, Ist 126, 2nd
126, 147.
Engineers up: Bruaw. Ewing, R.
H. Fortenbaugh, Quigley, Hinkle,
Sheaffer, G. L. Fortenbaugh.-
Firemen up: Walters, Handlboe,
Eichelberger, Ready, Weaver, Meek,
Beyer, Huber, Garlin, Bish, Meek,
Steffee Morris, Cupp, Rider.
Middle Division. Engineers up:
H. 5- Cook, W. C. Black. F. F.Schreck,
L H. Rlcedorf, J. Crlmmel, C. D. Hol
lenbaugh, H. F. Groninger, S. H.
Alexander, A. J. Wagner, T. B. Heff
ner, W. G. Jamison, J. W. Burd, J. H-
Engineers wanted for 25, P-21, 33,
3 and 15.
Firemen up: H. W. Fletcher. J. M.
Stephens" R. Simmons, B. F. Gunder
man, H. W. Snyder, A. H. Kuntz, H.
F Green C. L. Sheats, S. P. Stauffer,
H. C- Bender, A L. Reeder, W. E.
Firemen wanted for 5, 33, 6293, 45,
3, 601, M-27.
Philadelphia Dlvlaton. Engineers
up: C. E. Albright, C. B. First, R. B.
Welsh, H. Smeltzer.
Engineers wanted for extras. 3 p.
m.. and 3.15 p. m.
Firemen up: A. L. Floyd, J. M.
Firemen wanted for extras, 3 p. m.,
and 3.15 p. m.
The crew first to go after 12.15
o'clock: 71, 5. 63 61. 64.
Engineers for 61.
. Firemen for 5 crew.
Conductors for 6.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen, for none. N
Engineers' up: Straw, Neidlinger,
Deardorf, Bordner. Rohland, Wyre.
Firemen up: Deardprf, Shomper.
Conductors up: None.
Flagmen up: Rengcker Hess, Mil
lar, Waugh.
Canadian Lines Given
New Steel Equipment
Toronto, Oct. 20. The first of
approximately 100 new steel pas
senger cars was delivered to Can
adian Natioifttl Railways on Septem
ber 26, and it is confidently expected
that the entire order comprising six
classes of cars will be cotnpleted
by the end of January, 1920. It
had been thought that the Canadian
builders might have been hampered
by the convulsion in labor In the
steel trade in the United Itates, i>ut
; George E. Smart. General Master
; Car Builder of the C. N. R., who j
! has been to the affected centers in
j vestigating, reports to-day that the
I steel for the "National" cars was I
j shipped just prior to the outbreak i
of trouble at the great steel plants. |
The new steel passenger equip- j
ment under order for the Canadian j
National, Railways, includes twenty J
tourist cars, eighteen standard sleep
ing cars, nine dining cars, twenty
mail cars, twenty first-class coaches
and thirteen compartment observa
tion cars.
: Reports Show Decrease
in List of Accidents
! Altoona, Pa., Oct. 20. The first
, report in the National Railroad Acci
dent Prevention drive for the eastern
Pennsylvania division for period
: 12.01 a. m., October 18 to midnight
i October 18 with comparisons shows:
| October 18, 1918. eighteen Injured;
I October 18, 19J9, eight Injured. Oc
tober 18, 1918 there were three in
jured on the Philadelphia division;
i three on the Middle division; two
! on the Cresson division and ten In
the Altoona shops.
October 18. 1919, there was one
i injured on the Philadelphia division;
j four on the Middle division, and
. three in the Altoona shops.
Gel your neighborhood interested
in tree planting. Boost and plant a
tree on Arbor Day. .
S$ s? _ * ggg
of ourselves or others and appeal
ed to the men to fol
low the A. B. C.'s of safety which
charges them to "Always Be Care
ful." Mr. Sarvis called attention to
the commendable showing of the
Reading in the statistics of accidents
thus far in the year of 1919, and
hoped through the efforts of all, this
very_good rating would be even sur
passed for the remaining portion of
the year and ever thereafter. The
hustlers on the Reading include:
Harrisburg Division Safety Com
mittee: C. E. Chamberlin, chairman;
N.-H. Schafer, secretary; G. O. Sar
vis, W. S. Graeff, P. J. Schuyler, G.
A. Dugan, G. S. Davis, C. R. Gorkes,
G. B. Hummel, J. R. Saul, J. G.
Brand, H. S. Adams, H. Mengle, W.
W. Oakum, H.-M. Orner, C. H. Kreis
er, C. E. Holley, H. A. Grimes, T. E.
Meek, J. H. Hain, J. J. Welsh, N.
Ellmaker, L. P. Stuber.
Harrisburg Terminal Committee:
G. O. Sarvis, chairman; J. T. Winters,
secretary; B. H. Bowman, T. F. Fry,
J. R. Saul, J. H. Wise, H. Dykemair,
A. Michael,, P. S. Fetter, W. M.
Aughinbaugh, J. K. Longenecker, H.
M. Orner, E. Hammer, W. Albright,
H. J. Newton.
Rutherford Terminal Committee:
N. T. Helsey, chairman: L. R.
Mumper, secretary, H. Gresh, D. G.
Kitzmiller, J. R. Saul, O. J. Harmon.
L. E. Bowman, G. Fawber, M. G.
Harmon, Guy Miller, P. C. Boyd, W
Smith. J. O. Kelley.
Two Youths of 17 Are
Sent to Reformatory
Two 17 and 19 years old,
to-day were sent to Huntingdon Re
formatory by President Judge
George Kunkel.
Harvey C. Harten, 17, was charg
ed with stealing S3B in cash, a Lib
erty Bond, revolver and cartridges,
fpom H. R. Backenstoss, a brother
in-law. Eleven days before he stole
these from Mr. Backenstoss the lat
ter had gone to Philadelphia to get
him out of trouble on a felonious
entry charge there. Harten also ad
mitted to-day he had stolen an auto
mobile at Mifflin.
G. R. Curtis, 19, pleaded gtiilty to
breaking into the store of Chenk
and Tittle, in Market street, stealing
about S\6oo in cash, rifles, revolvers,
fountain pens and other, sporting
goods. He was arrested In Phila
delphia. Curtis is wanted in Mor
rißville on charges of robbing a
store and the coin box in the tele*
phone booth at the railway station.
Lester Shaffner, one of West Fair
view's service men who was to have
been honored Saturday, was severely
injured while working at the New
Cumberland Army Reserve Depot on
Saturday afternoon. He was en
gaged in moving boxes when he slip
ped from a nine-foot platform. He
was taken to the Harrisburg Hos
pital in an unconscious condition.
Plant a tree. It increases the value
of real estate.
Headaches and Headnoises
Quickly Relieved By
Man-Heil Automatic Inhaler
Ask Demonstrator
Gorgas' Drug Store.
16 North Third Street
■jr" —■ Sat Mazcla to this Astonishing j——-
fish, onions or even garlic in Mazola—-strain—than use. |
* the same lot of Mazola in your recipe for cake making. lOpTT"^'' til
Mazola carries no odors or flavors from one food to another. ||
This is one of the economy features that is making Mazola Bj
so popular with thrifty housewives. „ H ll 11
FREE No housewife can afford to be without the new H_
for wonderful dishes and easy to make. Handsome $ ilSr '
illustrations. The book is free. Write us for it today. |
CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. f. O. Boa 161 N.w York City |
NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY, 135 So. Second St, Philadelphia, Pa F . ■ -
=# ■fl* *0" -O" ■O*
# # #
:..L ' . '
French LiUheran Commission
Will Be Welcomed at 1
Closing Session
The French Lutheran Commission,
which is in this country to express
its appreciation for the assistance
rendered by the American Church
during the war will be welcomed at
the final session of the 100 th anni
versary celebration of Zion Luther
an Sunday School, this evening.
The Rev. and Mrs. Bach, the Rev.
and Mrb. Nessman, and Dr. Meyer
compose the commission and they
have been accompanied to Harris
by F - M. Riter, who was with
the American Lutheran Commission
in France. This evening's program
Includes a history of the first class
urvu \ - Sale Tuesday WA
TA WORK 11111111/11111111111111111111 I 111 II II 111 nil 11771] 9c TURKISH
m PANTS / h 12 13 I* Is el TOWEI.S ga
0 QA.L.KINC ?9c |
II 428-30 MARKET . cS hJmmSi. I"
Sale Tuesda ' r Sa, ° Tuesday Sale Tuesday
\m - COMFORTS 65C CIULDREN ' S 4 Fl S aatnp^ R sft " so SADIES' WOOL W\
(8 $2.48 07 33c c? on
pr They are the proper \J €K+ Yartl wide, snow Vt/tt/l/ HI
fA ? weight for Made of chambray white; good weight, Most all colors and BR J
JM lar ß° hods. and gingham. good nap on both sides. Sizes WA
|S 30c „" I ' I , <)W |l| . ~ ' v ss*oo 3USSES' jjti
OASES 1111 What is it you need most for immediate jj SWEATER
jjj j 27 C [|| wear? What is it you absolutely must -.'j Q* 68
m Size 45x36. K have for future wear? |||| *P*J.
S Sale I Here '' 4 Real Chance ,# Get 8 1 H
Ti i COAT or SUIT' m
8 fl-T i. at $23.50 W 0
WA blue, brown INI ■ # [||J |l
fc and gray - !|J Compete—and you'll find we are offering you |j l C *A
sale Tuesday | S3O and $35 values V X Cotton lisle
WoS'S THE SUITS TaifnfiS 111 bl 0 Hi
r!nS 111 of French Serges, Poplins, or Mixtures. 'All have guaran- and whltc - H'J
fffl . v toed linings. Junior, Misses', Ladies' and Extra sizes. || ———Jffl
iM C 1 19 N|l Trice is $23.50. 111 l Sale Tuesday
* • 111 THE COATS haTC aU the sty,e grace of jjjj - J'?® , SI
„„ # - X llllj VjV7HI J highest priced garments. Their Sra
Made of toe .... materials are Velours, Mixtures and Plushes. Novelty i' 1 ] „ fflk
soft muslin | collar and pockets —of course _ and their size range is PETTICOATS WJ
K trimmed with complete. Price is $23.50. / O '*■
C* Sale Tuesday Sale Tuesday Sale Tuesday j£]
Cotton d*j A A $2.25 Men's * yjQ $2.25 Bleached 7 £* Q m
■T Blankets... %P 1 •<t t T Nightgowns & A .O %7 Bed Sheets .OO
YA DooWe cotton blanket in Made of extra heavy outing Large slze> 81x90 . seamless; 73
ffl! gray and tan. , flannel; sizes 15 to 19. hig va i ue ra^l
18,25wir s ssr!,*, Childre -—n
Q gowns $1.68 Hose $1.29 Ribbed Underwear 7S C
[■ gowns Full length silk and mock Shirts and drawers for boys ttN
LH3 Made of heavy outing flannel; fashioned; choice of black white and girls; ecru, gray and white.
Hfl regular sizes. or brown. ® j
r_y Sale Tuesday Sale Tuesday Sal® Tuesday
j A 29c Children's J Q $1.98 Wool 01 Q Q Clark's O. N. T. Spool nm
,5 Ribbed Hose I%J C Serge %p I.J J Cotton, 3 If\ m
LH Extra toe ribbed hose; sizes 42 Inches wide; a very good snan i, #BJ f* ™J;
LN up to 9. value, and most all dark colors. Lpj
EST Sale Tuesday " Sale Tuesday Sal ° Tuesday
TA $3.00 Men's Q Q Ladies' Fancy Q 25c Men's | Q
[g Sweaters I .iJO Kimonos .... & I .DO Hose 1V C gl
Lw Extra heavy and all sizes. Heavy flannelette; all sizes. Black, brown and gray.
gi 181 ea ibis kßiea IB BI 0 Q 0 & an
OCTOBER 20, 1919.
by Miss Julia Bishop; greetings by
the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of
Reformed Salem Church; the Rev.
G. E. Hawes, pastor of Market
Square Presbyterian Church and the
Rev. Fuller Bergstresser, of Middle
The services yesterday included
speeches by the Rev. Dr. C. P. Wiles,
of Philadelphia; L. F. Kinnard, vice
president or the Bell Telephone Com
pany and a son of a former super
intendent of the school; Dr. Croll
Keller, superintendent of the school,
and the pastor, the Rev. S. Wlnfield
The Tenth Anniversary Rally of
the Men's Bible Class was also held
yesterday, 86 members being pres
ent. A special program, prosided
over by ex-President Percy J. Beltz,
had been prepared. The program
included music by Mrs. E. J.
Docevee. Miss Nellie Bennett, Mr.
Boudman, V. B. Hausknecht, and
J. E. Major.
Addresses were made by Profes
sor Walter C. Heiges, the Rev. Dr.
Herman, Dr. E. E. Campbell, and
the Rev. Dr. C. P. Wiles. Announce
ment was made of the tenth anni-
versary banquet, which will be held
Friday evening, October 25, in the
lower room of the church.
The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv.
I offer you (your choice), either
gold-filled spectacles or nose
Shell Goods, Special Ground
Lenses and Invisible Bifocals at
very low prices.
Reliable Eyesight Specialist
9 N. 4th St. 2nd floor.
Next to 5 and 10 Cent Store.
Office Hours—i) A. M. to 8 P. M.