Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 20, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF INTENSE INTEREST MANY ALUMNI ARE ENROLLING Harrisburg High School Asso ciation to Have Large Membership Harold E. Eckert, secretary of the Harrisburg High School Alumni Association, announced this morning that the number of applications for membership in the association is far exceeding expectations. An almost perfect enrollment of alumni residing in the city who have received application blanks has beem reported, as well as a high percent age of those who have removed from Harrisburg. Application blanks have only been mailed to a few of the later classes so far on account of incomplete records, but work was started to-day on the lists of the older classes. All application blanks should be filled out and mailed to the treasurer of the association, John A. F. Hall, Union Trust Building, together with a remittance of one dollar to cover dues and membership privileges for the fiscal year ending next April. Membership cards will be mailed to persons from whom applications have been received. Secretary Eckert also announced that the list of reservations for the. big Hallowe'en strawride to be held by the association Thursday evening. October 30, will close, on Thursday of this week. Only three more days remain in which reservations may be made. Several large trucks will be provided for the party and will leave the Square at 6.4 5. Any member of the association may Invite a friend regardless of whether the friend is a member or not. Requests for reservations should be sent to W. Lowrie Kay, Box 652, Harrisburg, chairman of the entertainment com mittee. A fee of one dollar per per son should accompany the requests to defray the actual expenses of the ride. To counteract adverse conditions of city life plant more trees. Flowers FOR ALL PURPOSES Cut flowers and plants for weddings, social occasions, fun eral flowers and flowers for tho sick. Bell 3799N The Berryhill LOCUST STREET AT SECOND What GoreaN Makes Gorgna Guarantees Opaac knocks a cold over night A reliable remedy for colds, grippe, "flu" Small Chocolate Colored Tablets Better Than Quinine EASY TO TAKE QUICK TO ACT Leaves No Injurious After Effects 25c GORGAS "Rexall" Druggist 3 STORES 16 N. Third Street Penn-Harris Hotel Penna. Station Blueßird ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER Six Dollars Places One in Your Home A Full Year to Pay NEIDIG BROS. 21 South Second Street We have fought to make the World Safe For Democracy. Let us fight to make it Free From Unneces sary Disease. Tuberculosis Is Unnecessary Help to Wipe It Out . Anti Tuberculosis Society of Harrisburg and Vicinity City Library Building, Harrisburg, Pa. MONDAY EVENING. COMMISSIONER'S DAUGHTER WEDS Erie Folks Here to Attend the Marriage of Miss Rilling to Chester Henry Lang Simplicity was the keynote of the wedding ceremonies of Miss Ruth Amy Rilling, daughter of Public Service Commissioner and Mrs. John Rilling, and Chester Henry Lang, of Erie, taking place to-day at 1 o'clock at the bride's home, 605 North Front street. The Rev. Dr. Lewis Seymour Mudge, pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, officiated in the presence of the immediate fami lies. v The house decorations were of palms and autumn foliage with two gray hampers of cactus dahlias banking the mantles with the brilli ant foliage covering the sides. In the diningroom where the wedding breakfast was served, the btidal jtublo was graced with pink roses, , snapdragon and tern in a large bowl of old blue. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore an afternoon frock of brown velvet with corsage bouquet of cattleya orchids, sunburst roses and adiantum fern. An EJastern wedding jouruey will be followed by a residence in Schenectady, N. Y., where Mr. Lang is connected with the offices of the Genera! Electric Company of that city. Mr. Lang, a native of Erie re turned from overseas six months ago after serving 18 months as a Ftrst Lieutenant of the 129t1i Field Ar-1 tillery. The bride, a graduate of Vassar College, took a post-graduate secre tarial courso at Simmons College, Boston. Since her residence here she has been a member of the College! Club and was prominent in Red Cross organization work during the war. Among the wedding guests were: Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Smith, of Erie; the brides's grandparents; Mrs. John A. Lang and Milton Lang, of Erie: Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Smith, Mrs. Anna Norris and Mrs. Benjamin G. Aker ley, of Erie. Enjoy Chicken and Waffle Supper at Grantville The service members of Market Square Presbyterian choir were honor guests ut a chicken and waffle supper given at Grantville Saturday evening by the other choir mem bers. Those present who had seen service were: Captain Lawrence F. Moyer, who served overseas with the One Hundred and Eighteenth Air Service, Army of Occupation, and Miss Minerva Hepford a "Y" worker, who served at Grenoble, France; four members who were stationed in this country: Major George R. Moffltt, who had charge of the pathological department at Fort McPherson; Lieutenant Charles H. H. Weikle. of the Air Service; Frances Hamilton, dietitian at Fort Barrancas, Fla., and Lieutenant James K. Jackson, Pay Corps in the Navy; two members who were not actively enlisted but were in train ing, Miss Susanna Fleming and Miss Martha Fleming, student nurses, and C. Harold Nordby, who was em ployed at the Hog Island shipyards. 0 t j Ladies and J k Gentlemen— j S Mr. Baruch! ? • : That will be my role 9 j October 22 and 23, to ? j introduce Harrisburg • Q to Mr. Baruch. I es- ? j teem it a privilege and " 2 —l'm confident you'll ? 1 agree with me. Please • i I don't ask for further t j i details about Mr. i $ | Baruch. i ' ■ Harrisburg's papers 9 j | will tell you the whole j story. | | # ! hkm, ! LOCAL GIRL MARRIES IN LITTLE CHURCH \ I k / k ' / K A \ / * \ ' / . lIYIV yiiiii MRS. MERVIN HENRY LESCURE Mrs. Laura B. Mqwers, of 140 Hoerner street, announces the mar riage of her daughter. Miss Marie A. J. Mowers, to Mervin Henry Les cure, of this city, Friday afternoon, October 17, at 3.30 o'clock in tho Church of the Transfiguration (the Little Church Around the Corner). New York City. The Rev. Leonard Twinem officiated. The bride wore a smart traveling costume of dark blue with hat to harmonize and a corsage bouquet of rosebuds. There were no at- Hoyer-Cummings Bridal Solemnized at Parsonage Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cummings, of 528 Maclay street, announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Lillian Mae Cummings to George D. Hoyer, son of Mrs. Mary A. Hen ninger, of Millersburg, Thursday, October 9, at the parsonage of Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Pyles, of ficiating. The bride, who was unattended, wore a frock of white Georgette crepe embroidered in silk and car ried a shower bouquet of pink roses. She is a graduate of the Harrisburg Conservatory of Music and of Beck ley's Business College and is as sistant organist at Fifth Street Meth odist Church. The bridegroom is connected with the P. R. R. here. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyer have returned after a wedding trip to Pittsburgh, Buffalo and Canada, and will reside temporarily at 528 Maclay street. TO HOLD BANQUET The first annual banquet of the Men's League of St. Andrew's Epis copal Church will be held on Mon day evening at 6.30 o'clock in the parish house. Dr. J. George Becht, first deputy superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction, will be the speaker. An interesting program has been prepared. Covers ■will be laid for seventy-five guests: John F. O'Neill is-chairman of the committee on arrangements, which includes in addition, Gilbert Matt son, Frank Newcomer and Carl Rapp. RALPH E. STEELE HOME Sergeant Ralph E. Steele is home from Germany after serving a year and a half with the Army over seas. With his wife, formerly Miss ] Lillian Mason, of this city, he is re siding temporarily at 1109 North Second street. Prior to his depar ture for France he was an account ant in the offices of the American Wire and Steel Company, Cleveland. Ohio. PROMINENT MAN HERE H. M. Motherwell, mechanical mine safety engineer of the United State Bureau of Mines, is among the guests at the Penn-Harris. Mr. Motherwell will visit Mr. Downey, deputy of the Pennsylvania Rating and Inspection Bureau, coal mine section, concerning mechanical ap pliances used in the coal mining field. POSTPONE ENTERTAINMENT The Tom Thumb wedding under the direction of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, announced for Tuesday evening, has been postponed until Saturday evening, October 25, at 8 o'clock. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. M. E. Keesberry celebrated her 85th birthday Saturday at the home of her son, J. H. Keesberry, 518 Emerald stret. A birthday din ner was served in her honor and she received many beautiful gifts. PASTOR ATTENDING SYNOD The Rev. Dr. B. M. Ward, pastor of the Capital Street Presbyterian Church leaves to-morrow to attend the Synod of the Presbyterian Church, which meets in Philadelphia beginning Tuesday. Owen Rogers and his brothers, Paul and Irvin Rogers, of Mil waukee, stopped in town over Sun day looking up old friends on the way home from New York. Mrs. James G. Sanders went to Chambersburg to-day to attend a big musical event held there this evening. Mrs. Carolus Brownewell left for her home in Cincinnati to-day after a week's visit among relatives in this vicinity. Miss Marybelle Gaines, of Cleve land, Ohio, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. VM. Luther Mason, of North Third street, for a week or two. Replace old trees with young ones. Prepare for the future by planting trees to take the place of those now getting old. i > Dinner, Monday Eve., Oct. 20 STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50^ Hlcc Tomato Soup Chicken—Mnrylund Style Beef Croquet tew Breaded I.nmb Chop—Room Beef rfufthed or Browned Potatoes* Stewed Tonmtoea—Lima Benna Entree Ice Cream 9 Pie or Podding Coffee. Tea or Cocoa HjOURIfcBTTRG HThftflU TELEGIOPfI tendants. After a trip to "Washing ton and nearby resorts Mr. and Mrs. Lescure will be "at home" to their many friends at 1612 West Tioga street, Philadelphia. The bride, who has a host of friends in this vicinity, has been bookkeeper for the Gorgas drug store for several years. Mr. Lescure, whose home is at 414 South Thir teenth street, is Naval Inspector of Ordnance for the Midvale Stool Works. He is a Tech alumnus and at tended State College. Miss Mildred L. Yeater Is Bride of Leroy J. Spahr Miss Mildred L. Yeater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Yeater, 1641 North Sixth street and Leroy J. Spahr, of 2231 Logan street, were united in marriage Saturday, at noon, at the parsonage of Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Pyles of ficiating. The bride, who was unattended, wore a fur trimmed suit of brown duvetyne and a small hat to har monize. Following the ceremony, witnessed by the immediate ramllies only, a wedding dinner was served at the Yeater home, where a color scheme of pink and white prevailed. The bride was formerly connected with the local offices of the Bell Telephone Company. The bride groom has been in the service for the past eighteen months and is at present stationed at the Middletown Aviation Field. Mr. and Mrs. Spahr will reside for a short time at the home of the bride's parents, 1641 North Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons Falrley and daughters, the Misses Edith and Grayce Fairley, of Washington, D. C., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Houser of State street. EDISON HIGH NOTES Permanent officers for Section 9 B-8 were selected at a recent spe cial activity period. The officers elect are: President, Carlton lav erty: vice-president, Ethel Lackey: secretary, Mary Hoke; assistant sec retary, Katherine Shadel; treasurer, Harry Whitmoyer; assistant treas urer, Charles Gosney; captain for boys, Robert Webster; , .'first lieu tenant for boys, Sylvester Zimmer man: captain for girls, Dorothy Bates; lieutenant for girls, Catherine Beatty; parliamentary critic, Helen Zorger; assistant parliamentary critic, Hugh McGrath; watch your speech critic, Hilda Moore; assistant watch your speech critic, Mary U> ger; reporter to the Edison Guard, Emma McCann. Several classrooms were opened for use the past week. Among the rooms made available were numbers 9 and 11, which will be used as study and recitation rooms for the department of general science. Some individual experiments will be per iormed here, but most of that kind of work will be done in a lecture and demonstrating room located be tween the two rooms. This lecture room is equipped with water, gas and electricity. Adjoining rooms 9 and 11 are two spacious closets where ample space is provided for storing the equipment of the de partment. A plant room or conser vatory is located at the rear of the lecture room and affords an ex cellent place to experiment with various types of plants and will be of great use for the part of the work which relates to botany. • Paul B. Faust will hereafter meet his sections in room No. 9 and W. A. Brunner will met his sections in room No. 11. The lecture room will be used by both instructors at al ternating periods. Section 78-6 organized perma nently for the remaining part of the first semester last week. These are the officers: President, Russell Kel ler; vice-president, Richard Sheaf fer; secretary, Mildred Clowny; as sistant secretary, Miriam Russ; treas urer, Richard Sheaffer; assistant treasurer, Margaret Hoffman; class captain for boys, Russell Keller; first lieutenant for boys, George Hamm; class captain for girls, Es ther Hartman; first lieutenant for girls, Katherine Heicher, parliamen tary critic, Fred Raub; assistant parliamentary critic, Lester Wheel er; watch you speech critic, Paul Rosenberg; assistant watch your speech critic, Alfred Sego; reporter for the Edison Guard, Arbour Yingst. The following have been elected officers of section 88-1: President, Merril Shepherd; vice-president, John Thompson; secretary, May Carson: assistant secretary, Evelyn Edwards; treasurer. Earl Sheafer; class captain for boys, Donald Grimm; first lieutenant for boys, Paul Johnson; class captain for girls, Jlertha Bowers; first lieuten ant for girls, Esther Ring; pralia mentary critic, John Thompson; as sistant parliamentary critic, Vir ginia Busch; Watch your speech critic, Isabel Lakln, reporter for the Edison Guard, Harold Geiger, . DEACONESS WORK IN FULL SWING Methodist Churches of City Greatly Interested in Ameri canization Problems At a regular meeting of the board of managers of the Harrlsburg Dea coness work held at St. Paul's school, 116 Vine stret, the following officers were elected to serve the coming year: President, the Rev. Dr. E. R. Heckman: vice-presidents, Mrs. Heckman and Mrs. E. Fred Rowe; secretary, Mrs. J. W. Finton; trensurer, Wilmer E. Crow. Miss Santee, the superintendent, made her report, stating that the work opened September 15 and that the attendance at all classes is ex cellent. She also reported that the kindergarten teacher was unable to resume her work at the last mo ment. Miss Santee, in co-operating with the work committee, was instructed to secure a teacher for the kinder garten at both missions—ll6 Vine street and 1227 Currant avenue, where there Is a neighborhood house in a most needy field. Four hun dred and twenty-one children have enrolled in this work and last year there was an attendance of 8,025 largely of foreign parentage. The deaconess work of the Meth odist churches of Harrisburg, for the foreigners, was the first thing of the kind to start here and has been followed by Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. movements as well as an Interest - taken by the Market Square Presbyterian Church. Most, thinkers feel that the only hope of Americanizing the foreign peoples is by starting with the children, and the kindergarten is the sure way to get their attention and impress American ways on the child's mind. Miss Elizabeth Ann O'Niell. Leaves City This Morning Miss Elizabeth Ann O'Niell, who recently resigned her position as a supervisor at the Harrisburg Hos pital, left the city this morning. Miss O'Niell, who has been connected with some of the largest and best known hospitals in the country, served for almost two years as a nurse in France. On her discharge, she was ill for several months from the effects of the hardships endured, but on her recovery, came to this city, entering the Harrisburg Hos pital, where she has done creditable work. MARRIED AT HAGERSTOWN The marriage of Miss Helen Al berta Flynn, 2104 North Sixth street, to Jerauld Dye, 1106 Calder street, was solemned Saturday, October 18, in the First Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown, Md., the Rev. Mr. Webler officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Dye will reside at the home of the bride's parents, 2104 North Sixth street. LEAVE FOR THE WEST Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Rogers and family who have been spending a month in this vicinity among rela tives and old friends, start this even ing for their home in Portland, Ore gon, stopping on the way to visit in Pittsburgh and several other cities. DIRECTOR OF CURE SCOUTS Mrs. Jane Deeter Rippin, formerly of this city, who is now National Di rector of Girl Scouts, recently ad dressed a large mass meeting In Philadelphia. Miss Margaret Garman, 1802 North Sixth street, spent the week end at Gettysburg where she attend ed the Gettysburg-Ursinus game and the Druid dance, Saturday evening. Mrs. Frederick M. Schade and small sons, of Connecticut, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem ent B. Johnson, North Second street. Miss Pauline Bender left for her home in Pittsburgh to-day after a week's visit among relatives in this vicinity. Miss Mary Stewart Blair of 403 North Second street is horpe after visiting relatives at Montour Falls, New York, for a week. Mrs. Charles J. Sourbier of West field, N. J. who is spending several weeks among relatives in this vicin ity, expects to leave for home on Friday. Miss Lillian Hauf, of the Mauk apartments, has returned after spending the past month at Ararat Summit and Jermyn. Miss Estella Owen and her small brother, Harold B. Owen, left for their home in Brooklyn, this morn ing, after a week's stay among old friends here. Walter M. Raunner of Wilkes- Barre, is in town for a brief stay with old friends. CENTRAL HIGH NOTES An interesting entertainment was given in the assembly hall under the i direction of Miss Grace Tatnal, His tory teacher and Miss Annabel Swartz, Public Speaking instructor. The participants, history pupils of Miss Tatnal, were excellent In the roles of our Puritan ancestors and other people living in that old his torical age. Each tableau announc ed by Wayne Snyder, master of ceremonies, received much applause, not a few having to be enacted a second time, tho applause being so great. The program was as follows: Indian Girls, Gladys Vorhees, Sara Manahan, Eva Irving; Puri tans Going to Chutch, Mildred Rowe and Vincent Stanford; Quakers, Georgetta Rupp and Winifred Trip ner; Hilfeuenot Merchant's Wife, Margaret Garman; Dutch Girls, Katharine Kohler and Cordelia Mor gan; Swedes, Emily Sites and Albert Saunders; Spaniards, Annette Mer curlo and William Cleckner; John Smith, Pocahontas and Indians, Feme Hofstott, Clarence Reisch, Richard Robinson, James Cralglow, Richard Buxbaum; John Aldcn and Priscilla, Helen Diffenbach, Donald Egolf; Dutch Wedding, Anna Por ter, Bennethum Hillegas, Joseph Knouff; School Scene, Harold Hibler, Vincent Stanford, Nellie Ard, John Fritchey; Stocks, Harold Fox, Charles Cralglow; Scold, Helen Note stlne, Nellie Ard; Minuet, Elizabeth Herr, Cecil Holmes. A committee composed of a member from each section was ap pointed to collect the Junior Class dues. The committee comprises: The Misses Mary Keeny, Madeline McKec, Ida Myers. Florence Davis, Helen Knisley, Florence Hardy, Mae Singer, Gladys Robinson and Susan Moltz. Trees create love of country, state, city and home. Be patriotic, plant trees. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION Tho ©ubwrb "Unparalleled.—Adv. Celebrates Birthday With Little Stag Party Little Tom Harris celebrated his fifth birthday anniversary with a stag party at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, 1915 Park street, on /Saturday after noon. The children enjoyed Hallowe'en j games and the table appointments . were in Hallowe'en style. A large birthday cake bearing five lighted candles was one of the main fea tures of the event. Mrs. Joseph Smith assisted Mrs. Harris in entertaining the following j kiddies: Boss Galloway, Billie Half- ! penny, Kdgar Wit man, George Wirt, ' Kollin Church, Bernard Uingrich, Bobbie- Hpidle, Jack Glace, Herbert Jenks, Franklin Burr, Dick Herbert, Albert Herbert, William Browna well and Blchard Hoover. Civic Club Will Send Clothing to Mont Alto The Civic Club will mako its annual ottering of used clothing to the Mont Alto sanatorium early in November, and contributions tor ibis purpose are to be left at the Civic Club house, ad idresseu to Mrs. Win. E. Bailey, dur ing the first week of November. Clothing for everyone, men women and children is desired mittens, gloves shoes stockings, mufflers, caps, furs, anything that will keep the patients warm in that severely cold spot is asked for. Contributions of money will help buy what is not sent in. Housewives arc clearing out closets r.cw-a-days, and they will please re member the needs of these people who are fighting for their lives against tu berculosis. •* Senior Department of S. S. to Hold Social Thursday The Senior Department of Market Square Presbyterian Sunday School, 'will hold a social evening, Thursday, October 23, at 8 o'clock, welcoming tlio new members, just promoted from the intermediate department, and pre senting an opportunity for members of the various classes to become bet. tei acquainted. Anyone not belong ing to the Sunday School, but wishing to join has also been asked to be pres ent. Mrs. Herman I J . Miller and Mrs. L. B. Jones are general chairmen for the event. Polyclinic Rummage Sale to Be Held at 108 S. Fourth Through ihe courtesy of Samuel Flshman, the Polyclinic Hospital Rummage sale will be held from Oc tober 22 to 25, Inclusive, in the store room at 108 South Fourth street (on the Mulberry street bridge approach). Anyone wishing to donate articles may notify the official collector of their district or the general- chair man. Mrs. Gustave Koster, 230 Wood bine street. Bell phone 3604J, and they will be called for at the donoffs convenience. LUNCHEON FOR EIGHT Miss Claire Bender, of Green street, entertained this afternoon at a luncheon of eight covers in honor of her guest, Miss Nelle Fay Jack son, of Baltimore. The appoint ments were of pink with chrysan themums prevailing in the flowers. The guests played bridge after the luncheon. ASK DONATIONS OF JELLIES Mrs. R. P. Essig, 22 8 Yale street, has requested all persons who can possibly do so to donate a glass of jelly or a jar of fruit for the rum mage sale to be held for the benefit of the Polyclinic Hospital from Oc tober 22 to 25. People not having rummage can make contributions of jelly and the like by notifying Mrs. Essig, phone number 794W, who will attend to the collecting. NURSING CLASSES TO START Mrs. Stanley G. Backenstoss has announced that the Camp Hill classes in home nursing will continue work beginning, Wednesday October 22, at 4.30 o'clock, in the Public School building. All those who started the work last year have been urged to continue. GIRL SCOUTS TO MEET Oak Troop No. 4. Girl Scouts, of Stevens Memorial Methodist Episco pal Church, will hold its monthly meeting to-night, at the church, at 7.30 o'clock, when Holly Troop No. 6, Girl Scouts will be visitors. This is also five-cent night and all members have been urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and son, James E. Jones, Jr., of Rochester, N. Y., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ■R. M. Rodenhelser of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were former residents of Hershey and are well known here. tdn announcement under this heading tnusi be accompanied bp name to assure accuracy. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Spotwood, 616 Forster street, announce the birth of a son, Richard Bayne Spotwood, Tuesday, October 14, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brame, 228 Hum mel street, announce the birth of a daughter Eleanor Louise Brame, Thursday October, 16, 1919. Mrs. Brame was formerly Miss Wueschin ski. Plant trees. They cool the air in summer and radiate warmth in winter. FUNERAL TRIBUTES Handsome Wreath $2.50 Beautiful Spray $1.25 Keeney's, 814 N. 3rd St. Star Carpet Cleaning Works Let us clean your carpets now. General Upholstering Expert Work Guaranteed Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky Eleventh & Walnut Sts. Bell S9B-R Dial 6951 Real Jumbo Peanut*. 25c lb. ■ Home Roasted Coffer, 49c, ■ 45c 50c lb. New Koft-Nbcllcd Almonds, O 50c lb. Imperial Tea Co. 213 Chestnut Street OCTOBER 20, 1919. ' Parents Receive News of Corporal Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Middleton of 1202 Penn street received word this morning that their son, Corporal Thomas Middleton was admmltted October 16 to the Carlisle General Hospital, in good condition. Corp oral Middleton served overseas with the 19 th Engineers and was later transferred to Hospital Train No. 3, the West point Special touring France, Belgium, Italy and Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton did not | know of their son's illness or arrival I in this country until the word came | to-day. IF you are in search of pretty camisoles, such as few shops show, visit the French Shop, where the loveliest of silk under wear awaits your selection. Not only camisoles, but bloomers, vests and boudoir slippers vie with each otlier in attractiveness. Seldom does one find such exquisite silk vests with inserts of Venetian lace or dainty embroidery in pastel shades of pink and blue. Other, plainer, ones are neatly hemstitched. At tractively combined bits of satire and georgette crepe form many of the camisoles, while others are of satin and ribbon. All are very, very lovely, as are the pretty frilly bits of neckwear, or, for that matter, all the neckwear, from the soft, sheer collars to the simpler, heavy scarfs to bo worn on cool autumn days. HAVE you received sudden word that your very best school chum, whom you haven't seen for years and years, is to pay you a flyinff visit on the morrow? And do you feel that you just car/t entertain her properly and yet prepare the meals yourself? For the first time sinca "cook" unexpectedly left, you feel absolutely helpiloss and decidedly irri tated, don't you? Instead of sticking back in that horrid old kitchen, preparing dinner, you want to sit at ease and chat over old times! Well, why shouldn't you? Just arrange to have hubby take you to the Penn- Harris, where a delicious evening meal will cost you but $1.25 apiece. That is decidedly less than the amount for 'which you could prepare a, similar one and is a small price to pay for the relief and freedom thua obtained during your guest's brief stay. VERY often when the material is richly colored and lovely in itself, scarcely any trimming is needed to make a stunrving gar ment. Such is the case with the striking evening gown attracting so much attention at the Cloos Com pany store. In itself a wonderful broche of vivid blue and gold ohar meuse, it depends almost entirely on its own beauty and a few grace ful side drapings for its effective ness. True, a mere touch of silver lace peeps from beneath the nar row skirt and the shoulder strap of net flaunts sparkling spangles, but, on the whole, its chief claim to fame lies in the appeal of the mar velous material alone. IF there's one thing in the world that a boy is hard on, it's his shoes. Hq seems to take a particular delight in seeing how many pairs he can absolutely kick to pieces in a season. Why, it is hard to tell, but that he does, his parents will testify most emphatically. For that reason, it is essential that he be shod in the best footwear possible—the kind that stubbornly refuses to be worn out before its time. Qr, in other words, the kind that he gets at the Army and Navy Shoe Store, Court street, where a most excellent line of dress shoes and school shoes for boys is car-, ried. Every type imaginable is to be found on the shelves from the heavy tan Munson lust and those with slightly rounded toes in tan and gun metal .clear down to the dressiest of English shoes. In fact, I can't begin to tell you about them all. Better visit the store and see them for your self. Electric Washers ii. Free Trial Hi 1 1,1 Your own Home I Only $7.50 vVn \J'/ Down if you decide to buy—the CtW. • t-' 1 \ Wiill balance in 10 Monthly payments. j[/ II Phone Bell 4 554 for full informa ''on ° l ' CU " personally at our - Deft Devices Co. 28 South Fourth St. At Mulberry St. Bridge Approach 11 CLASTER ON THE PACKAGE IS THE STAMP OF QUALITY !j Blue White | Diamonds 11 Beautiful, fascinating blue- if li i! white Diamonds, perfectly ® j| cut and of dazzling bril liancy. Set in platinum and mounted in the new and stylish Star Tiffany Ladies' Rings IS $35.00, $50.00 and $75.00 f These magnificent rings are unusual values. We j! j; were fortunate in securing a special lot of very fine gems j! ;! at remarkable low prices and have had them made up <;< |! in these ultra-stylish designs. The diamonds are ex- j! 1 1 ceptional in quality and extraordinary in size for the j j j[ money . j 1 Our Superb Stock of Diamonds Excels in Magnitude, Variety and Richness Diamond jewelry in platinum, platinum and gold and !; 11 solid gold, pendants, lavallieres, rings, earrings, brooches, 11 !! bracelets, pins, studs, cufflinks, charms etc. j Our reputation for Low Prices and Reliability dates back !; over a quarter of a century ! | I H. C. CLASTER j Gems—Jewels —Silver i i 302 Market Street IN. Third Street ij, A < I —————————a—,l Missionary Society to Meet Tomorrow Evening The monthly meeting: of the Yount Women's Missionary Society, ol Market Square Presbyterian Churchj will be held Tuesday evening In thi Ijecture Room at 7.30 p. m. Mlsi Blumberg, a converted Jewess, novd working In the Jewish center o| Newark, N. J., will tell of her cooj version and work, t The devotional service will be id charge of Miss Caroline R. Keefeti All interested have been invited t attend. Arbor Day will be observed crd Friday. Increase your property value by planting trees. IF there is one thing essential t<t a man's correct appearance, It id perfect tailoring. No matted how excellent the quality of the ma* terial may be, if the tailoring id poor, the general effect is miserable, That is why so many mere are going) to McFall's new clothing department this season, knowing that they will there find best quality, correct style, excellent workmanship and perfect fit all combined in every suit ex* hibited. Not only are McFall's suits the best that are to be had, but their hats are likewise correct in every detail. In other words, any* thing purchased at McFall's is to be right. HAVE you an old chest of drawers or an ancient high boy stowed away in some dim, dark recess of the attic, that needs only a bit of reflrrishing to make it as good as new? If you have, take it to Saltzgiver's Art and Antique Store, 223 North Second street, where a group of expert workmen make refinishing and cabinet work a specialty. No matter how badly marred a piece of furniture may be, they can restore it to its original condition, leaving no trace of the ugly blemish. Bureaus that have become scratched and otherwise in jured are made to look like new, and pieces of antique furniture, ap parently ruined by neglect, take a new lease on life under their skilled workmanship.