Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 20, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
' STORE CLOSES /I —j-, jnn 1 rTTrVIt jll STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX &&&&& SATURDAYS AT SIX ► . .... . H v s| tBLI IMI—23M DNITKD HARHISBI'Rti, MONDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1010. FOUNDED IMj v l. . , I " Which saves time R # 1 # "| "I | did not fit comfortably; Mfn \ I These modes in straight line, blouse and f L I |_ ! but you probably know T *=( ' \ \ bouffant effects in brown, taupe, Burgundy, ll* n til IIT S that "there are such gar- S fr\ \\\ navy and black. Sizes 15, 19 and 16 to 44; ments. Especially this \ $39.50, $45.00, $49.50 to $75.00. \/T • 1 T"\ 1 • | | been enough of the good Tlr \ ; Special mention is made of 10 new styles in /uJ 1 n I 11 IT n £-1 (l (~* •*• WvClvi V L/ClllllJ CLi Ivi e g. Qt su ffi c i f or embroidered or braided; sizes 14 to 42; $25.00 1 "\ M" A our eariy customers at jjjj|f|jjf A an( * $29.50. Meteors ; to ' jl The season's choice of choice for Evening Gowns of distinction also - noon and Street WCar ' attract,vel y P"ced. ?* employed for bodice and millinery use; silver figures and vine effects on t i ng . an d car efully selected sorts are here to choose BOWMAN's —Third Floor. white, black, robin's egg blue and coral. Our own exclusive designs; 40 from Now. inches wide; $12.50 yard. Fine ribbed union suits, high neck, long sleeves, Seasons past we had to look to France or the Orient for this kind of light fleece of the Athena make; $2.00 regular size, work. Todav America reverses the order bv supplying the most artistic and $2.50 extra size. Q Sl"nPk r tnO r <s] Cr'^. i ,• p 11 /•" j j , • i , | r BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. A AVA Av/ A A u vv/V1 AA (L vZS I 9 beautifully finished brocades at a nominal figure, compared to the cost of ____________________________ / \ JWT%I [ JJ^, the imported fabrics. Women's Fine Quality (K& \ That Are Popular J IVOfjl Dress Fabrics Q;iL Qf-orkincrs iiiJSßm our Children's Stocking leader; 55c. . ~~" ~ ~ o ) Heavy ribbed stockings made from selected and d ° od qualit Y silk ,tocki .| s ' " 10 . d " a , tCly yarns with reinforced heels and toes; full length. or IO Na ,v a Ton°Na C ° ntraS,S d SUC T h . aS: - Vi ° r >' Rl Titian Brown, Black Peking" are'full fashioned'with Hsle'tops and A g ° od - looking Stocking and se ™ aMe . !n all or Navy all on Navy grounds. They are largelv employed for dress or f . • UooL c — sizes-55c nair eH.te. Rn,„mnn'e A>Cr.u,. c?aco i feet in black and white; $2.10 pair. sizes, ooc pair. skirts, Bow man s exclusively, $6.50 yard. BOWMAN's —Main Floor. xs ~ . _____——————- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN S—Main Floor. ~~' --- - - J rr,, , - TT7 . . . _ „ _ . A QCART OF HERSHEY'S ICE CREAM FOR OP^, The Most Wanted Thing- A Clean-up of 238 Pairs thermopaV tti lr Bathrole Bh " to ° ni M ° lfrid WOMEN'S LOW SHOES „ ti . 1C or \ d The following table will show you exactly the widths and the number of pairs in each size. All leather cream business and are sell ia as necessarx to life and shoes, in Patent Coltskin, Brown Calfskin, Black Kidskin, Brown Kidskin and Gray Kidskin in Pumps and ing it at practically cost dur- /Y AT \\ happiness on a sharp, frosty Oxfords; some with leather military or leather Louis heels, also the dressier kind with the full Louis XV heels. ing the demonstration of the II // JL night as a bathrobe of soft, | Coming at the height of the season, these values are doubled by their timeliness. Thermopak. the Thermo- [L<^-~iir downy material to keep your- ' S is light . IMP II self cozy and warm. p, . S/l HK D ' ""it is handy to carry, takes' W 831 And a bathrobe made of I hfllPP l / ■ ■ 5111* —/ up little space, handy for the one of these blankets is just vC vlIUIlv ■ B * d** auto parties, as it keeps the !&s]"• as warm as anything you could —||^* gw V edibles in good condition. wish. We have the Beacon . ~, ~ , , ... . , , , , , Will keep hot or cold food or n^pRMnPiTT Cloth. 27 inches wide in neat Even at double this price, they would be exce lent shoe values, considering to-day s wholesale market. drink and youcane njoy JR®' designs in blue, pink, brown, / \ 2 \y2 \ 3 \/ l 2 \ 4|^|s|j72|6| / 4|/| / 4|o|ltl home cooking away from tan and gray, at 75c yard. \a | | | | j 2|5|3 |3| 7 | 2|7| 3| 4 | 36 home and save the cost. . Beacon Bath Robe blankets NO C. O. Ds. A| | |l| |8 | 9 1111 6|4f4|9 |4|4 | 60 BO ™ S Wi Wk ing of filureTonrtaland in"- N ° APPR °^' : S - B | |l|4|s|ll|9|6|7 |6|B|s| 3 | 2 | 67 ™ AIK work of a high-priced *°™ S - CI |3 | S 1 121 n|3||6|7|4H|a|2| 75 ™R. I .J| BOWMAN S—Second Floor. . BOWMAN'S—Basement. That Make The Home Look MfWW MinefVU StudiOS. It is K i 01 "' iSf |® not one whit more attract- GG, There's al, the differTinl!world between the iLj| WC, hOWCVCr, than tllC many 1 iTho^'thabiwdTsAp?mr d charming and useful sug- L' J. The artistic woman, who takes a pride in having | 'k • f 11 J *ll 1 beautiful things around her home, thinks first of the ASH ffCStlOflS lUlly 0680006(1 3.11(1 graceful Draperies that soften the lines of the furnish- JjV>W • I*l n jr Xctive nd give the rich blooms of color that are so J®L. 0 ™ pictured in the Minerva Here are the choicest Drapery Fabrics that have 2 ' . recently come from the looms. The woman who wants JOOOiV# to beautify her home will enjoy an early inspection. A complete assortment of Lever Lace, Mar- No matter for what purpose you may desire manv beautiful and DraCtlCal articles quisette, Quaker Craft, Filet Net and Voile Cur- cretonnes, we have them. Some dainty patterns, VOU Can easilv leam tO knit from tains, in white, ivory and ecru, in a wide range //? jTW 1 Y OU Can ea S"y learn TO Knit rrom ■ fll & of designs, $1.50 to $12.50 pair. others a little more elaborate; 45c to $1.89 yard. J f __ . yr jy®*— 1 We also have the curtain materials in Filet We have all kinds and lengths of rods and iVLtTICIX)Cf I lITTIS Net, Quaker Craft, Marquisette, Voile and Scrim, fixtures. both plain and figured and with bars; 29c to . $1.75 yard. Come in and gee our display. * vjrive 3. tllOUgnt tO LitiriStmaS. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. ; . " Si. I___ v > 7 l * m g *A M \ MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG frfijftiT TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 20, 1919. 3