Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Location of Units of New Na
tional Guard Will Follow
Very Shortly, Says Bcary
Selection of the
V\ \ 9 //J field officers for
VvW the various organ-
National Guard
Price, commander |
: jajßtswSßj sion of the Penn- I
fl sylvanla National j
Guard, as soon as |
conferences can be held with the
new colonels and with Adjutant Gen
eral Frank D. Beary. The colonels
are expected to begin their confer- .
ence to-day and not much time will
be lost in selection of other officers
as hundreds of applications are on
• file.
The geographical distribution of
the new units will be taken up very
shortly, but it is understood that
communities having organizations of
the old National Guard will likely
be given them again. It is expected
thut there will be from 12.000 to
15,000 men in the new Guard. If
100 men companies or units are
formed it will crowd some of the
The colonels will send their ac
ceptances to General Price at once.
He will meet them in Philadelphia.
Flags of all of the organizations
of the 28th Division, including head
quarters flags, have been received at
the Capitol and efforts are now being
made to get the flags of various
branches of the 79th and 80th Divi
sions which were made up verf
largely of Pennsylvanians. Some ot
their flags have been located and
will be turned over to the Governor
and Adjutant General by the War
Department. The flags of the 304 th
Engineers have been received here
Grade crossing investigations in
Montgomery, Delaware, Clearfield
and Northumberland counties, the
two former being undertaken on the
Commission's own motion, will be
taken up by the Commission here
early next week. Arguments on sev
eral cases will be heard Monday.
Thursday hearings will be in Phila
delphia and Pittsburgh, the txicab
situation being undertaken in Phila
Plans liavc been made by the At
torney General's Department for
calling for closing up of receiver
ships of a number of companies, as
sociations and concerns which were
placed in the hands of such officers
through action of the State's chief
law officer, either through his own
authority or upon application to the
courts. Preliminary search of rec
ords is said to show a number of re
ceiverships which have not been
closed, although the affairs of the
concerns were placed in their hands
for liquidation years ago. The chief
receiverships which the State super
visies are those of financial, insur
ance and building and loan organi
zations. Receivers are required to
make reports to the courts and if J
what has been heard abdut some of \
the affairs, there are reports which
are long overdue and upon which the
Attorney General will call for early
action or statements of reasons why
they should be continued.
Meu of the Pennsylvania Reserve
militia were supplied with the
C'apitol of cont. ..erable activity at
the local ranges. The men of the
militia were supplied with the
Springfield rifle used by the army
this summer after having used
Remingtons of an old pattern and
have been at work with the new
Governor Sproul Is expected to re
turn home on Monday evening. He
has several meetings scheduled for
next week.
The Public Service Commission
has dismissed the complaint of E.
J. Boyle, of Wilkes-Barre, that the
Wilkes-Barre company advertised a
bond issue as having the Commis
sion's approval when it did not. The
Commission says that the company
corrected the matter. In regard to a
charge that there was a veriance
between the certificate of notifica
tion and an advertisement, the Com
mission holds that it does not come
within the province of the Com
Chances are that important action
in regard to jitneys will follow Pub
lic Service Commission hearings next
week in Philadelphia and Pitts
burgh. Numerous cases will be de
termined on precedents.
State revenues are commencing to
* perk up considerably and the big
payments will soon be coming in
The fiscal year closes with next
laiwrencc county people came here
yesterday to consult with Highway
Commissioner Sadler regarding loca
tion of proposed road improvements
in their county.
Application of the Harrisburg
Light and Power Company for its
advance in steam heat rates will be
heard by the Public Service Com
mission Wednesday. The Mifflin
town-Juniata Public Service contract
comes up Tuesday and the Green
castle electric case the following
I tending's grade crossing cases
will be heard at Reading on Friday
by Public Service Commissioners.
Reasons for the pardons recom
mended by the State Board of Par
dons on Wednesday will be submit
ted to Governor William C. Sprout
next week.
An effort to get accurate data re
garding the acreage actually under
cultivation in Pennsylvania has been
undertaken as a joint enterprise by
the National and State governments
and 20,000 township, borough and
Concerts on tlio
Featuring the
Great Artists
The Plaza Cafe
Entrance P. R. R. Station
The growing patronage that
dines with us regularly assures
that we have brought some
thing to Harrisburg that the
people wanted —a Metropolitan
Restaurant Service.
There is an extra touch of
skill that our chefs put into
their dishes.
It is the surprise dally ready
to serve dishes that delight our
We serve carefully prepared
. combination dishes not pro
cured elsewhere and at moder
ate charges.
other assessors and individuals have
been asked to send reports. In the
neighborhood of 5,500 reports have
been received and the data is now
being tabulated at Washington.
These reports have come from all
parts of the State and show a con
siderable acreage in woodland on
farms and a large pasture propor
tion. The survey divides farms into
three classes: Those under 100
acres; those between 100 and 174
acres and those having over 17 4.
Numerous farms containing more
than 174 acres have been reported
in eastern counties. The same data
is being asked of other states and
on the results will be based a state
ment for the Nation as to land cul
tivated, the kind of crops raised and
the average yields.
Vnder a ruling by the Attorney
General's Department, State College
and all other Institutions receiving
State appropriations must give ex
act statements of the land covered
by buildings or improvements so
that the Commonwealth's lien right
will be protected. The decision was
given in a construction of the ap
propriation lien act of 1911, about
which there has been some discus
The Easton Aeroplane Service Co.,
of Easton, has been chartered. It is
the first of the kind to be incor
porated. % *
Enormous Cost of
Industrial Mishaps
Letters will be sent within the next
few days to heads of 5,000 Pennsyl
vania industrial establishments by
Dr. C. B. ConneHey, Commissioner
of Labor and Industry, urging that
they establish safety organizations
in their plants, if they have not done
so, and that they file reports on the
manner in which safety committees
operate. This will be the first time
such a record of safety movements
has been undertaken and it will also
enable the department to have its
safety experts get into touch with in
dustrial managers.
Dr. Connelley says that "the cost
of living to-day carries a portion of
the cost of industrial accidents" and
that the economic loss caused by in
dustrial accidents in Pennsylvania if
divided between every person in the
State would cost from 50 cents to
$1 per capita per month. Between
January 1, 1916, and August 1, 1919,
there were 734,330 industrial acci
dents, 10,800 of them fatal, accord
ing to figures mentioned by him,
while in the same period $28,038,-
303.34 was paid in workmen's com
pensation with $5,000,000 additional
required for carrying of disability
claims to maturity and the same
amount for medical or surgical care.
The loss in wages lue to these acci
dents is given as $50,000,000 and
other costs calculated until the ag
gregate from all sources is put at
$173,000,000 for the accidents in 43
[Continued from First Pagc.l
A "flying corps" of 360 cam
paigners, all tried and experienced
In war campaigns, will gather in
the dollars and fives, tens, twen
ties and fifties, from the people
of Harrisburg next Tuesday and
Wednesday for the erection of a
permanent memorial in honor of
the soldiers, sailors, and marines
of the Harrisburg district.
In order that there might be no
misunderstanding as to the nature
of this memorial, the committee
outlines the project as proposed,
in a statement published below.
The campaign will begin Monday
evening with a meeting of com
manders, captains and workers, in
the Chestnut Street Auditorium, at
7.30 o'clock.
be in honor of Harrisburg soldiers
only. It is the city's tribute to its
service men, and has nothing what
ever to do with the granite memorial
bridge to be erected by the State at
tht rear of the Capitol.
The city's memorial will be in the
form of an open air rest station
with an imposing monumental pedes
tal topped by a flagpole, with a
beautiful little floral park in the rear,
extending to Fifteenth street. The
entrance to the park will be featured
by the -memorial proper, which will
take the form of a wide circular
granite platform, with a granite
bench encircling the rear, on which
the names of battles in which Har
risburgers participated will be in
scribed. In the center of the granite
base the granite and bronze pedestal
will be raised, with the flagpole on
Executes Banks and
Side Slips For Neat
Landing at Buffalo
Buffalo, Oct. 18. —Lieutenant B.
W. Maynard appeared over
field at 9.25.
Maynard's official landing time
was 9.24:33 a. m. Mechanicians
mediately took over his plane to
prepare it for the next jump to
"Flying conditions were great this
morning," 'said Lieutenant Maynard.
"With the same sort of weather
down the state we should make
New York by noon."
Lieutenant Maynard left for
Rochester at 10.08:12.
Lieutenant Maynard followed the
shore of Lake Erie from Cleveland
to Buffalo, and was well over the
city when he pointed northward to
Curtiss field, his route carrying him
over <?lty Hall.
He was flying at an altitude of
about 2,000 feet when he came to
the landing course, but instead of
circling the field for a favorable
spot he executed a series of banks
nnd side slips which brought him
down quickly to a neat landing.
The usual halt of thirty minutes
was stretched to forty-four because
of difficulty In gettlpg the motor of
Maynard's plane working smooth
ly. Spark pluga were removed and
cleaned and adjustments were made
to get a more rapid flow of gaso
line, the engine consuming more fuel
in the cool weather encountered to
day. The aviator's official time at
Curtiss field was: In, 9.24:33; out,
By Associated Press.
Dublin, Oct. 18.—The-secret con
vention of the Sinn Fein held here
this week besides re-electing Eamonn
de Valera president of the organiza
tion, chbse these other officers.
Vice-presidents, Arthur Griffith
and Father O'Flanagan; honorary
secretaries, Austin Stock and Harry
Boland: honorary treasurers. Mrs.
Wyse Power and E. W. Duggan.
Stock Is in an English prison. Bo
land is with de Valera in the United
The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv.
Robert Burns Lod£e of Ma
sons Also Conduct Impres
sive Ceremonial
Several hundred members of the
Masonic fraternity attended the
Pastmasters' night of the Robert
Burns lodge at the Masonic Temple
last night. The chairs were occu
pied by the masters of former years
and the ritualistic work was carried
out with such perfection as to evoke
general comment among all present.
The interesting feature of the
evening was the demobilization of
the service flag containing the names
and seventy-live stars of men of
Robert Burns lodge who had served
with the national forces during the
great war. District Deputy Grand
Master W. S. Snyder made an elo
quent address In which he dwelt
upon the splendid service of the
American soldiers overseas and at
home. He also mentioned tne two
members of the lodge opposite whose
names on the flag were gold starB —
Colonel Frank E. Zeigler and Rob
ert S. 8011. Many of the service
men were present in uniform and
responded to their names as the roll
of honor was called.
At the conclusion of the speech
of the District Deputy Grand Master,
Captain Edward J. Stackpole, Jr.,
was requested to lead the service
men in a procession with the service
flag and Captain Frank A. Awl, bore
the stand of national colors which
has occupied a place beside the
service flag throughout the war.
Following the ceremonies in the
lodge hall a banquet was served
over which Pastmaster Andrew S.
Patterson presided, calling upon a
number of former officials of Robert
Burns for remarks.
It was an interesting occasion
throughout and the work of Past
master Davis In the conferring of
the third degree was especially com
plimented. A number of visitors
from other lodges were present.
[Continued from First Pagc.l
crowds from New York, assembled
to cheer him.
Thirteen Hope to
Reach Golden Gate
Before Sun Sets
By Associated Press
San Francisco. Oct. 18.—Thirteen
aviators, the last of the westbound
group in the Arpiy air service trans
continental race with the first half
of their 5,402-mile journey yet un
completed, were expected to resume
their flight to-day in the hope of
reaching the Golden Gate before
sunset. v
Under the rules, those failing to
reach their western goal to-day will
be barred from C9ntinuing in the
race. All with one possible excep
tion, were reported last night within
a day's flight of this city.
Seventeen have already reached
here from Mineola, N. Y., their
starting point, and six have taken
Pit on the second leg of their jour
ney. Two others. Lieutenant J. M.
Roullet and Lieutenant W. C. F.
Brown, were reported ready to turn
back to-day.
All the arrivals here yesterday re
ported severe weather in Nebraska
and Wyoming.
Fog Causes Maynard
to Be Slightly Delayed
By Associated Press.
Rochester, Oct. 18.— Lieutenant
Maynard landed at Britton Field
at 10:30:05 this morning. It is re
ported that orders have been re
ceived from the Binghantton control
to hold Maynard here on account of
ground fog conditions prevailing
Cancellation of the orders hold
ing Lieutenant Maynard here on
account of ground fog at Binghant
ton came soon after his arrival here
and he lost but a few minutes tak
ing the air here for Binghantton at
11:10:33 a. nt.
By Associated Press.
Binghantton, Oct. 18.—Lieutenant
Maynard arrived here at 12:04 p. nt.
Lieutenant Maynard left for Mineola
at 12:34 p. m.
By Associated^Press.
Binghantton, N. Y., Oct. 18—Lieu
tenant R. S. Worthington left for
Rochester at 11 a. m.
By Associated Press.
Buffalo, Oct. 18.—Lieutenant J. P.
Richter arrived at Curtiss Field at
By Associated Press.
Dos Moines, la., Oct. 18.—Captain
L. H. Smith arrived at Herring Field
from Rock Island about 10.30 this
morning. Captain Smith left for
Omaha at 11.25 o'clock.
By Associated Press.
Chicago, • Oct. 18.—Captain Lowell
H. Smith started on his westward
flight in the transcontinental air
race at 7:15:57 this morning. His
next stop will be Rock Island, 111.
By Associated Press.
Bryan, 6., Oct. 18.—Two trans
continental racers left this station
for Chicago this morning. Lieuten
ant H. E. Queens took the air at
7.08 and Lieutenant E. C. Kiel ■at
Rock Island, Oct. 18.—Captain L.
H. Smith, westbound, arrived here
at 8.45 this morning nnd departed
for Des Moines at 9.22 a. m.
Bnrgeriivtlle, Ind., Oct. 18.—Three
masked robbers early to-day bound
and gagged the night watchman of
the Farmers' State Bank here and
escaped in an automobile with ap
proximately fIS.OOO In Liberty Bonds,
war savings stamps and Gravel Road
bonds. The bonds and stamps were
taken from safety deposit boxes, the
robbers failing in their efforts to
open the big vault. Only 30 cents In
cash was takqn. The men went at
their work deliberately, staying in
tho bank nearly two hours, according
to the night watchman.
Manlicim. Pa., Oct. 18.—Manheim
is holding its welcome home cele
bration to-day, with parade, ban
quet and entertainment.
Sjlkresburg TELEGRAPH
American Statesmen, Busi- \
nessmen, Editors and Labor J
Leaders Make Appeal
By Associated Press.
New Y'ork, Oct. 18.—Appeals to i
the people of Hussta to throw off j
the yoke of Bolshevism and turn to
a government of "true democracy,"
written by a score or more of prom
inent American statesmen, business
men. editors and labor leaders, are
to be given wide publicity through
out that country by the magazine
I "Struggling Russia," i t was an
nounced to-day.
The magazine, published by the
Russian Information Bureau In the
United States, announces that mes
sages are being prepared in a spe
cial issue, thousands of copies of
which will be sent to the land of
the red terror for distribution.
Gompers' Plea
American labor views with heavy
heart the terrible curse of Bol
shevism forced by gun and bayonet
on the people of Russia," said the
message written by Samuel Gompers.
president of the American Federa
tion of Labor. He asserted that
American worklngmen "desire the
people of Russia to know that they
are anxiously awaiting the certain
victory over Bolshevism and sin
cerely hope that the Russian people
will establish a democratic govern
ment through constituent assembly."
Hoot Is Confident
Declaring that the American peo
ple hope for -"the liberty and pros
perity of the people of Russia,"
Ellhu Root, former Secretary of
State, and head of the American
Mission to Russia, said he was con
fident that the Russian people would
work out their own salvation.
"I believe in them," said Mr.
Root, "and I feel sure that they will
work out successfully a true democ
racy based upon principles of lib
erty and justice. Plainly this can be
done only by completely destroying
the power of the wicked and cruel
Other contributions calling upon
the Russ'an peoples to throw off the
rule of Bolshevism and establish a
stable democratic government were
made by Walter Newton, of the
Committee on Foreign Affairs of the
House of Representatives; Lawrence
Abbott, president of the Outlook
Company; Senators Sherman, Hard
ing, King. Thomas and Johnson;
John E. Esch, chairman of the com
mittee of Foreign Commerce of the
House of Representatives; Dr. Nich
olas Murray Butler, president of Co
lumbia University, and Jacob H.
Newspaper editors who sent mes
sages of hope and sympathy for the
Russian people include the editors
of the Philadelphia Inquirer ijnd
Waterbury American.
Says T. R. Stood
For a Limited
Right to Organize
By. Associated Press e
New York. Oct. 18. Theodore
Roosevelt "stood for a square deal
for everybody and believed labor had
the right to organize but did not have
the right to drive out of the house
peoole who did not wish to organize."
declared General Leonard Wood, who
was the principal speaker at a meet
ing last night of the Women's Roose
velt Memorial Association.
"We will not have an autocracy of
capital or labor but we want both of
them to be members of the demo
cracy of right." he quoted Colonel
Roosevelt as saying.
If the people of the United States
continue to work as they did during
♦ho war. General Wood added, they
would wipe out conditions that
threaten the country to-day.
A request that Congress authorize
a two-cent coin bearing the medallion
of Roosevelt and the dates of his
birth and death, was contained in a
resolution adopted.
15,000 Yanks in France; j
All Out Within Month
Paris, Oct 18. The actual num- I
ber of American troops now in
France is less than 15,000 and is
rapidly diminishing. General W. D.
Connor, commanding the American
troops in France, said to-day. Within
a month, he stated, virtually all the
soldiers will be gone, as the task of
repatriating the. German prisoners
is now completed. Only four or
five Germans remain under the
charge of the American forces, and
these are ill in hospitals. They will
be sent home through Coblenz as
soon as they can travel.
5,724 War Department
Contracts to Be Liquidated
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 18.—The War |
Department still has on its hands I
5,724 emergency contracts await
ing liquidation, according to a report
issued to-day.
The sum involved aggregates more
than 81,600,000,000 but the official
schedule estimates that these con
tracts can be liquidated at a cost ,
of $300,000,000.
Since the armistice 22,611 con
tracts have been settled.
Gen. Vanderbilt's
Son to Be Married
New Y'ork, Odt. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. j
Martin W. Littleton are soon to an
nounce the engagement of Miss
Rachel Littleton, sister of Mr. Lit
tleton, lawyer and well known Dem
ocrat, to Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr.,
only son of Brigadier General Cor
nelius Vanderbilt. Mr. Vanderbilt
is 21 years old and Miss Littleton 20.
Laredo, Texas, Oct. 18.—Several
persons have been killed and a num- 1
ber injured in disturbances in I
Merida, Yuacatan, as a result of the ,
decree ordering the liquidation of
the Henequin (Sisal hemp) commis
sion, according to information here
to-day from Mexico City.
Reduce Your Fat
Without Dieting j
Years ago the formula for fat re
duction was "diet"—"exercise." To- '
day it is "Take Marmola Prescription 1
''ablets." Friends tell friends—doc- I
tors tell their patients, until thou- !
sands know and use thla convenient, '
harmless method. They eat what I
they like, live as they like, and still
lose their two, three or four pounds
of fgt a week. Simple, effective,
harmless Marmola Prescription Tab- I
lets are sold by all druggists—a large I
case for sl. Or If you prefer you
may, write direct to the Marmola 1
Company, 864 Woodward Ave., De
troit. Mich.
Zeppelin Built to Bomb
N. Y. May Start For U. S.
New York, Oct. 18. A six-hun
| dred-foot Zeppelin, which was ready
to start for America with a cargo
of bombs to drop or. New York when
the armistice negotiations began, now
is in a shed at Spandau, Germany,
and, if the Allied Governments will
j permit, will soon start for America
on a peaceful mission, under con
trol of American officers, according
[to Emil J. Simon, of New York, a
radio engineer, who arrived here on
1 the steamship Adriatic.
! "This Zeppelin," Mr. Simon said,
I "is the only one built for war pur
| poses that was not destroyed by the
Germans. It is said to be the best
| and largest machine of Its kind that
the Germans ever built, and was de
signed and constructed with the idea
of sending it OVer the Atlantic to
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
"Be Sure of Your "
-V .'• }' !
Master Style-Creators Designed
These Fall Clothes
'T'HAT'S why they are so satisfying. manship than has been put into these
•L The style is ri&ht —dominant, new suits and overcoats for Fall and
clean-cut, exclusive. Winter. The fact that they are "Cam-
The quality is ri&ht, too. You cannot pus To&s" is proof of that. Be sure to
find better materials and better work- see them early —they are ready now.
L-. | jrjjjj ——lJ
308 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
drop on New York a load of more
than three tons of high explosives."
Ships Lie Idle as
the Longshoremen
Remain on Strike
By Associated Prcsa
New York, Oct. 18.—Despite the
vote of some of the local unions to
return to work the longshoremen's
strike continues virtually to tie up
the port of New York. At the of
fices of the United States Hail road
Administration it was cuid numer
ous complaints were being received
from western merchants in regard
to the shipping situation. Officials
of the International Mercantile Ma
rine said that 3 8 big cargo ships
were lying idle and that, despite the
union leaders' claims, none of the
strikers had returned to work.
OCTOBER 18, 1919
100 English Wives
of American Soldiers
Start For the States
By Associated Press
Southampton, Oct. 18.—The
steamer Pocahontas, when she sails
for New York to-day. will have on
board 100 English wives of Ameri
can soldiers and sailors. In many
cases the wives will have with them
one or two children.
By Associated Press.
Madrid, Friday, Oct. 17. King
Alfonzo has sUjnod decrees estab
lishing an air mail service, suppress
ing the Spanish embassies at Vien
na and fetrograd, and creating lega
tions at Warsaw, Vienna, Belgrade
and Prague. The legations at Ath
ens and Bucharest have been raised
to the rank of embassies.
No Cookinj
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
Quick Lunch at Home or Office
Avoid Imitations and Substitutes