4 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS ITEMS OF TIMELY INTEREST WORK DISCUSSED BY BIBLE CLASS Grace Methodist Church Men Plan For Winter Activities at Class Meeting The John R. Rote Bible Class of Grace M. E. Church, held a business meeting: at the home of the teacher, Mr. Rote, 1705 North Second street, last evening and discussed the so cial activities of the class in connec tion with the Installation of the great organ and other improvements now in progress. At *he close of the conference re freshments were served. There were present J. H. Schreffler, class presi dent; Henry Gelsel, Jr., C. C. Cris pin, J. D. Hardy, W. G. Hicks, Glenn W. Moftett, secretary; John R. Mil ler-, E. Bruce Taylor, E. C. West, J. M. Doyle, Silas 8. Riddle, J. A. Tyson, I. G. Rote, J. R. Rote, the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell. pastor and W. Ray Chapman, educational di rector of the church. Flowers FOR ALL PURPOSES Cut flowera and plants for weddings, social occasions, fun eral flowers and flowers for the sick. Bell 379QN The Berryhill LOCUST STREET AT SECOND FUNERAL TRIBUTES Handsome Wreath $2.50 Beautiful Spray $1.25 Keeney's, 814 N. 3rd St. | [ i A Brass Band ; \ to Meet • i Mr. Baruch? • • * " o 1 No, that won't be f ts necessary. But just the i ii same if Harrisburg 0 ! realized how much 0 ? his advent meant, the 1 city would turn out to } •• greet him. He'll be j i, here two days, October ? •j I 22 and 23. But his visit ? ij |: will be talked of for • 0 two years. j LeS&z*. ! GET YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOS EARLY Let it be'a photograph for Christmas. Your friends will appreciate your photograph far greater than a trinket soon to be forgotten. Use the coupon below, it will save you ONE DOLLAR! i THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR S I ONE DOLLAR 111 On any order of Five Dollars or more. Cut out the ini II Coupon—it may not appear again, and bring it, | X before Nov. 15 to— X | THE CAMPBELL STUDIO | 10 South Market Square When You Drink Golden Roast Blend Coffee You Drink a Coffee of Exceptional Merit 9 Golden Roast is made for people who like good cof fee. It's blended from the best coffees grown, and blended so skillfully that its flavor is a pleasure unsur passed. And after it is blended it is roasted very carefully fully developing the richness of the blend. Then packed in air tight, sealed packages which pro tect every bit of its goodness until delivered to you. You can't go wrong on Golden Roast. It's a deli cious blend with a wonderful flavor and aroma. Order a pound from your grocer today. R. H. LYON Coffee Purveyor to (be Penn-H:irri, Hnrriabnrg, Pa. SATURDAY EVENING, P. R.R. GIRLS' CLUB IN FIRST MEETING Newly-Organized Body Is Ad dressed by Superintendent of Philadelphia Division At a meeting of the newly-organ ised Women's Club of the Philadel phia Division of the P. R. R.. held last evening in the athletic rooms of the company, William Elmer, super intendent of the Philadelphia divi sion, gave a short talk on the acci dent prevention drive now being pushed by the P. R. R An interesting program was alsto given, including piano solo. Miss Stella Metzger; piano duet. Miss Ethel Aungst, Miss Martha Rronner; reading, Miss Helen Carpenter; asthetlc dancing, Miss Gene Matter; reading, Miss Mae Stcvlck; vocal solo, Miss Mary Henderson. The girls all Joined in singing va rious popular songs and ut the close of the business meeting and pro gram. dancing was enjoyed. This is the first event of the kind to be given bv the new organisation, started by Mrs. Annie E. Maass, su perintendent of women employes, with the idea In view of promoting social activities among the girls em ployed by the company at MarysVUle, Enola and Harrisburg. Similar clubs are being formed throughout the en tire Philadelphia Division. Plans for dances, hikes, out-of-doors parties, basketball and all sorts of recrea tional and athletic games are includ ed In the program being prepared for the benefit of the 150 members &1- re.idy enrolled here. The club officers are Miss Jennie Branca, president; Miss Katherine Bomgrardner, vice-president; ~J| BS Sara McL#auß-hlin, secretary, aud Miss Weaver, treasurer. THANKSGIVING DANCE Members of the Jewish younger set of the city are arranging for a charity dance to be held Thursday night, November 27, in the ballroom of the Penn-Harris hotel. The pro ceeds are to be donated to the most ■worthy charitable causes to be de cided by a committee of leading citizens of Harrlsburg. Renl Jumbo Peanuts, 23e lb. Home Roasted Coffee, 40c, M 46c 60c lb. New soft-shelled Almonds, ■ 60c lb. Imperial Tea Co. 213 Chestnut Street HP We Do Just One Thing* And do it right. We devote our entire time to scientific eye examinations and guarantee you high-grade glasses at a reasonable price. Cheap, bar gain sale lenses ruin many eyes. Buy good glasses. CKJ tfofiljßinkenbach JcKottO prroMCTßisTa mb Optician* N0.22 N. 4TH. St. 3MRBMBtmo,PA* "Where glasses are made right" GIVE RECEPTION HONORING PASTOR The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Ayres Are Entertained at Church Last Evening Members of the New Cumberland United Brethren Church gave a re ception and banquet last evening in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Ayres celebrating the pastor's re turn to the church for the sixth year by the recent conference. The church basement in which the event was held was beautifully decorated with ferns and the na tional colors. J. A. Witmyer made the address of welcome and the fol lowing program was given: Vocal solos, Miss Helen Lecthaler and Mrs. William Lecthaler; piano solo. Miss Pauline Wright; piano duet. Miss Delia Souders and May Sweitzer; recitation, Tessie Kerlin. Selections by an orchestra were interspersed with the other numbers and the Rv. Mr. Ay pes sang a surprise solo. George HeffClman was toastmaster at the banquet, attended by many people from Carlisle and other nearby towns. The Rev. Mr. Ayres, who is serv ing his thirty-ninth year in the United Brethren ministry, was pre sented with thirty-nine beautiful chrysanthemums by the social com mittee of which Mrs. Mellie Mathias was chairman. He is well known throughout the entire state by a host of friends, and the New Cumberland congregation feels exceedingly for tunate in retaining him. Community Civic Club to Hear Fine Lecture William German, Scout Comnfis sioner, will give an illustrated lec ture on the "Canadian Rockies" at the regular October meeting of the Penbrook Community Civic Club, Monday evening, October 20, at 8 o'clock, In the Civic Clubhouse on Banks street, Penbrook. Tuesday evening, October 28, the Social Committee of the Civic Club will hold a Hallowe'en Masquerade party, to which all members are cordially invited. Tho committee in charge announce special Hafltfw e'en games, decorations, fortune telling and refreshments. Eric I. Evans to Play With Victor Herbert's Orchestra Eric I. Evans, son of Professor and M,rs. Llewellyn Evans, 256 Verbeke street, has accepted a ten days' en gagement with Victor Herbert's or chestra at Atlantic City. Mr. Evans lias been flute and piccolo soloist with Leman's Symphony Orchestra since February, playing on the Steel Pier, before vast audiences and win ning much favorable comment. While but about 18 years of age, this young musician has already established an enviable record in the musical world, giving promise of a brilliant future. He has received many glowing criti cisms from master musicians the country over and those who have heard htm play say that his perform ance of the most difficult numbers is thoroughly delighttul. CENTRAL HIGH NOTES The P. B. P. society met at the home of Miss Marion Davis, 260 Fors. ter street, when the following offic ers were elected: President, Kathar ine Clark; vice-president, Martha Goodyear; secretary, Marion Davis; treasurer, Margaret Goodman. An amendment wffs added to the consti tution to the effect that any member missing three consecutive meetings without sufficient cause forfeits mem bership. A pin committee was ap pointed, inclining the Misses Kath arine Plowman, Mary Witmyer and Frances Burkholder. At the same time an entertalnmpnt committee was chosen, composed of the Misses Frances Burkholder, Margaret Good man, Marion Davis and Ella Kreidler. After the business meeting refresh ments were served. The meeting will be held at the home of Miss Frances Burkholder, 21G Hamilton street. The Demosthenian Literary Society met Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mary C. Orth, faculty adviser, 219 Verbeko street. An interesting entertainment was given, based on the Celtic revival. The program was as follows: The Man of Daleswood, a tale of war; Dunsany, told by Miss Evelyn Snyer; reading, "Return of Exiles," and "Man with Golden Earrings," Duncany; Miss Nellie Ard; one-act play, "The Lost Silk Hat," Wayne, Snyder, John Minnaugh and Isaac Jeffries; synopsis. "The Land of Heart's Desire," Yeats, Miss Marion Davis; synopsis, "Nun's Priests Tale," Chaucer, Lillian Koster; impersona tions in costume of Canterbury Pil grims—the Knight, Harold Fox; the Nonne Prioresse, Miss Virginia Watts, Wife of Bath, Miss Esther Frank; Clerk of Oxford, John Minnaugh; the Cook, Isaac Jeffries. The characters were accompanied by readings from Chaucer's description by Miss Orth. Miss Viola Whitmoyer, 29 South Third street, is spending the week end with her brother in Bloomsburg. Kenneth Stevens and Bertraim Saltzer, both students of State Col lege, are spending the weekend at their homes in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goodwin, of W'ormleysburg, are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goodwin, in Columbia. Attorney Thomas C. McCarrell, son of the Rev. Thomas C. McCarrell, of Middletown, and nephew of Judge McCarrell, is rapidly recovering af ter a serious hemorrhage of the nose, yesterday morning as he left his office. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Innes, of Chi cago, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bugley, of State street. Miss Carolyn Wendall, of Chat tanooga, Tenn., is spending a week among relatives in the West End. Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, who is visiting relatives in Petersburg, Va., will go to New York next week to meet her sister-in-law, Mrs. Cam eron and nephew, Captain Malcolm Cameron, who are expected from England on the Mauretania. Lesley Hammond went home to Brooklyn to-day, after a week's stay among relatives In this vicinity. Miss Pearl Thompson and her small nephew, Leonard Himes, of Jersey City, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harper, of State street, for a few days. Miss Jennie Donaldson is home after a summer's outing at Short Hills, N. J., and the seashore. Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Marsden went home to Brooklyn, this morn ing, after spending a fortnight in this vicinity. HAJmiSBURG TELEGKXPH HOW TO SEND YOUR RUMMAGE Here's the Best Way to Get Your Donations to Poly clinic's Big Sale The General Chairman, Mrs. G. F. Koster, 230 Woodbine street, Bell phone. No. 3604-J, suggests that, in order to faciiitato the collection of donations to the Polyclinic Hospital Rummnge Salo to be held at Chest nut Street Hall donors send or phone their names, address and list of articles they wish to donate, to the district collector nearest their home and the collection will be made at the time most convenient. The collectors are; Front, Second and Third streets, from Woodbine to city limits, Mrs. Harry C. Rincard, 2501 North Front street. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh streets, Woodbine to city limits, Mrs. Alvin H. Fraim, 222 6 North Sixth street. Front, Second and Third streets, Woodbine to Kelker street, Mrs. Ellis Ford, 1914 North Third street. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh streets. Woodbine to Kelker street, Mrs. H. E. Davis, 2038 North Fourth street. Front, Second and Third streets, Kelker to Broad street, Mrs. Frank B. Snavely, 105 Calder street. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh streets, Kelker to Broad street, Mrs. William Marzolf, 449 Broad street. Front, Second and Third streets, Broad to North street, Mrs. Clark E. Diehl, 823 North Second street. Fourth, Sixth and Seventh streets, Broad to North street, Mrs. S. H. Zimmerman, 412 North str<et. Front to Pennsylvania Railroad, from North street to Southern city limits, Mrs. R. K. Fortna, 621 North Second street. District South of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Mrs. Charles Turner, 1042 Rolleston street. East of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Market street to Twentieth street, North of the P. & R. Railroad, Mrs. E. E. Hagner, 1440 Berryhill street. Market street to State street from Pennsylvania Railroad to Eastern city limits, Mrs. L. V. Fritz, 1843 Market street. East of Pennsylvania Railroad to eastern city limits, from State street to Northern city limits, Mrs. C. L. Scott, 802 North Seventeenth street. Melrose District, Mrs. Charles W. Emrick, 2536 Derry street. Paxtang, Mrs. Bellett Lawson. Penrook and Progress, Mrs. E. Kirby Lawson. Steelton, Hlghsplre and Middle town, Mrs. Melvin Cumbler, High spire. • New Cumberland, Mrs. B. Messier. Wormleysburg, Mrs. Edward F. Baum. Camp Hill, Mrs. W. H. Howard, Mrs. Leader and Mrs. G. R. Rum ford. West Fairview, Mrs. S. B. Cad walader. Red Cross Auxiliary Enjoys Country Party Because of the sudden showers the lawn party planned for the Red Cross. Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church at the residence of John C. fNissley, Colonial Acres, Thursday evening, was held indoors. Supper was served and imme diately afterward Mrs. George N. Spencer, the efficient chairman, call ed the meeting to order. It was voted to continue and support the Red Cross work during the winter along national organization plans. Those present were the Rev. and Mrs. William J. Lockhart, Mrs. George N. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. M. Urich, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Linde, Mrs Mary Thompson, Mrs. E. B. Butler, Mrs. J. J. McCabe, Mrs. Mary Haviland, Mrs. W .T. Graham, Mrs. Margaret Bratten, Mrs. Ray E. Shoemaker, Mrs. William Bresch, Mrs. E. S. Shaftstall, Mrs. George Sible, Jr., Miss Anna E. Dewhirst, Miss Hemperly, Miss Winifred Jones. The following guests of the auxi liary were in attendance: The Rev. John Kern, William Conley, Mrs. O. P. Beckley, Mrs. Bachman, Joseph Nissley, Ober Nissley, Abram Dew hirst, Albert E. Sye, O. P. Beckley, Jr., Lucile Beckley. Give Farewell Party For Two Young Girls There was a merry little party held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson in honor of the Misses Bessie and Mary Barr, who ure leaving for their home at Derry, Westmoreland county. Various social diversions were en joyed and refreshments served to the following people: Mrs, PhoeJoe Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roye ,Mrs. Elizabeth Warfel and son Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Mary Smith and Miss Mary Smith, Melvin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Eshelman and children, Mrs. Harry Piefer and children, Russell Wilson, Miss Agnes Carberry, Ed ward Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Shock er, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Appear in Concert at U. S. Hospital, Carlisle At a recent concert given at the Government Hospital at Carlisle, un der the direction of the philanthropic committee of the Wednesday Club, of which Mrs. Arthur H. Hull is chair man, the following people took part: Miss Alice Decevee, Miss Elisabeth Ross. Miss Belle P. Mlddaugh, Mrs. William Witherow, Mrs. Harry G. Keffer, Mrs. Charles Stroh and Mrs. Arthur H. Hull. This is one. of a series of similar events to be given under Mrs. Hull's direction. GUESTS OF THE McDONALDS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. Hod dinott and family, of Bethlehem, are the guests of Mr. .and Mrs. J. H. McDonald, of Steelton. Mr. McDon old is superintendent of the Steelton and Highspire Railroad Company. Mr. Hoddlnott was formerly sec retary to the general manager of the Bethlehem Steel plant, at Steelton, and is now secretary to Quincy Bent, operating vice-president of the Beth lehem Steel Company, at Bethle hem. RETURNS TO PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Joseph Franklin Hartman, wife of the Rev. Dr. Herman, pas tor of Bethany Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Tyson, 406 Briggs street, has returned to her home after attending the missionary convention held at Messiah Lutheran Church SEILER TEAMS GETTING READY Baseball Girls 'and Hockey Players Selecting Members For Coining Season Two hockey teams, the one cap tained by Miss Mary Estelle Thomas, the other by Miss Sara Bailey, and two baseball teams, captained by Miss Harriet Gilbert and Miss Elea- Bajley, have been organized at the Seiler School under the direction of Miss Helen Shedden, head of the physical department. "Gymnasium classes have also been formed. The hockey players chosen for practice are: Sarah Bailey, captain; Sarah Hamer, center; Alice Virginia Cooper, center half; Mary Copper left inside; Eleanor Bailey, right in side; Elizabeth Shearer, left half back; Winifred Meyers, right half hack; Sarah Bailey and Virginia Bailey, fullbacks; Katharine Merc dith, goal; Katharine Rutherford, left wing; Bettina Stlne, right wing. Mary Estelle Thomas, captain and center; Harriet Gilbert, center half; Betty Oenslager, left inside; Theima Kulin, right inside; Janet Ensign, j left halfback; Margaret Keister, right halfback; Virginia Rothort anal Nancy Campbell, fullbacks; Avis Ann Hickok, goal; Helena Martin, left wing; Sarah Ingram, right wing. For Baseball For baseball, the girls will form two teams the Red Sox and the White Sox, to be chosen from among the following students: Lucy Ord Kemper, Betty Oenslager, Theima Kuhn, Elizabeth Shearer, Nancy Campbell, Sarah Hamer, Elizabeth Harris, Janet Jessup, Muriel Gan nett, Virginia Rothert, Harriot Gil bert, Sarah Bailey, Catherine Mere dith, Christine Brandt, Katharine Ooover, Margaret Klestcr, Helen t Martin, Bettina Stine, Avis Ann Hickok Mary Estelle Thomas and Katherine Rutherford. The captains will be Eleanor Bailey and Harriet Gilbert. Civic Club Meeting on Monday Afternoon The first fall meeting of the Civic Club will be held Monday afternoon, October 20, at 3.30 o'clock, in the clubhouse, when Mrs. Charles Long, of Wilkes-Barre, chairman of the department of school patrons of the Pennsylvania State Educational So ciety, and chairman of school pa trons of the National Educational Society, will speak on "School Pa trons." The municipal department and educational department will hold meetings at 2.45 o'clock at the club. Class Record Committee Meets Monday Evening A meeting of the Class Record Committee, Class of 1911, of the Harrisburg High School Alumni As sociation, will be held at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the home of the chairman, Miss Martina M. Mullen, 11 Evergreen street. The commit tee includes: Mr. and Mrs. C. Lau rence Shepley, Mrs. Mabel Hoverter w right. Miss Clara Whiteman, Miss Elsie Balser, Miss Laura Crhne, Miss Nellie Ebersole, Miss Helen Rinken bach, George Swilkey and William Hesser. A perfect attendance has been requested. 1 Trimmed ASTRICH'S Trimmed J I 308 Market St. Free | Black Hatters' Plush " Genuine Velour Hats j UrbanS , Soft finish in mannish shapes, B Turbans, vel- rH X N, jjFflrrrffir'f |fIMT N, aU U,c lUh oolorß to match 1 to vet brims. Mon- .* ✓h n Z Tflß. \ Sweaters, regular A/ O O ft day l/U /145%& 1 price $7.08. On Aft OO I 1 • Ji %SSS*' / Monday wov/v/ 1' GirlS ' vetTams"" H B.ack SUk Velvet V | H R,aol j and — — Sailors ° o, MONDAY SALE DAY IN m #3.98. Mon- Jfc I QO | Children's Tailored Felt vn* tv . i day J Hats Our Millinery Department MoxnAYsuKot ,— s I The Best and Newest Winter Sliapes Feather Turbans S= colors. Monday ~ Including the newest burnt go on sale this Monday at Special Prices goose, glycerine, liackle and wing g | Children's Real Velour _ lurba,,Sl K Hats Look For Red Monday Sale Tickets >"S!iU 1 colors navy, . Note Monday's Special Prices $3.98 - Monday $2.88 ? | green,' vainc l sio k wi)00 f " v $4.98 Monday $3.88 I „ . _ r More Black Silk Velvet Hats $5.98 —Monday $4.88 1 | Black and Colored Velvet L, __ , Z K eft Hats Made of Black Silk Velvet, niee large flare shapes, its n am ij>7.9o " IVlOnCiay JpO.OO I.™- 1 ? tl nn $9.98 - Monday $7.88 j: M shapes. Monday I $10.98 — Monday $8.98 B | ONLY ONE SALE OF THESE _ ( . | Handsome Shirred Fancy Large Panne Girls Tailored Silk Velvet Hats Overseas Cloth Caps Velvet Hats Black and all the leading colors. Hats usually Regular nrioc #1.50 /t/\ 1 g§ In black, brown, navy, taupe. The its A f\ f\ 80141 at #4- 98 - Mushroom shapes or Ma /$/$ K(J/t | 1 md? ,ar PriC ° s7 ' #B ' ™ 8 M ° nday . ln . P ! bb ° n toUOred and $1.98. | Hatters' Plush Sailors Black Lyons Velvet Hats Tailored Velvet and Plush Hats | | With beaver its gy 00 Small and me- its r% //* Actual values $.98 to #8.60. Largo black Silk its A // | .* n r\f\ dlum Shanes. %"1 Aft Velvet Hats, large Zybcllne Plush Hats, Hatters' TfscL nfl §g facing. Monday "eO O Mon( i av Vk) lUU Plush Banded Sailors, Girls' Soft Crown Silk *• W GET IN ON THESE rr c TT Black Lyons Silk Velvet 1 Black Lyons Silk Velvet Hats Velour Felt Sport Hat 3 Turbans I js They arc worth $7.98. Handsome new large flare its #■* a a Black, brown, A •% n Aetna! value v rfl A'A/t i to shapes, some with shirred crowns; eight different .A.S /IfJ " ' PCS ' d J ,00 #4.98. Monday inZ.UO fi | shapes to select from. Sold on Monday at W*' • * Monday .w M,VV 1 | -. Girls' Plush Tams Girls' Trimmed Velour Hats EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF . Full crow "> d* t /J/J to fj Large Black Velour Shapes, roll or mushroom Girls Black Beaver HatS elastic band W ' eOO | g| brims, black grosgraln ribbon band d/l //? Large size, wide brim, ribbon a* o /t /t r>l~*U Afl nn baml and streamers. On sale \ < hA Girls Duvetyne Cloth gj to and long streamers. Worth $11.98, at'*' Monday Wtfll/O Tams, all Aa /l/t I > ' I colors A A •O O I MRS. AINEY GIVES DINNER MONDAY Wife of Public Service Chair man Will Entertain Young Women of Department Mrs. W. D. B. Atney, wife of chair man Ainey of the Public Service ! Commission will entertain the'young women employed in that department of the State at dinner Monday even ing in the Penn-Harrls. The guests at the event which promises to be a most delightful one, will include: Miss Lida Keller, Miss Hazel Webb, Miss Edith Fischler, Miss Jacobina Mayer, Miss Jane Gilbert, Miss Edith Maurer, Miss Emma Leib, Miss Mina Mayer, Miss Aurella Baser, Miss' Jane Kcnyon, Miss Marion Lehr, Miss Carrie Cole stock, .Miss Clara Stewart, Miss Emma Youngman, Miss Mary Cashman, Miss Mary Kelley, Miss M. Irene Cuenot, Miss Alice Abrahams, Miss Elfreua Foster, Miss Daisy Stickel, Mrs. I Mary A. Bacon, Mrs. Elizabeth 1 Murray, Miss Vesta Hlvner, Miss Esther Jauss, Miss Margaret Oyster, Miss Elizabeth Oepling, Miss Alice Hlnes, Miss Estella Mumma, Miss Elizabeth Seel. Miss Beatrice Gaul, Miss Dorothy Sterling and Miss Mary Schooner. Wedding This Morning in Paxton Church Manse The marriage of Miss Esther Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Webb, 426 South Thir-- teenth street, to Dr. G. Edgar Kling, of this city, took place this morning In the Manse of Paxton Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Marry B. King, officiating. The bride, who was charming in a street suit of dark blue,,velours with tan velours hat, wore a corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses and orchids. She was attended by Mrs. Mary J. Squireß, of Chicago, as matron of honor, Miss Mildred Wilson, of Bryn Mawr and Miss Hazel Rex roth, of this city, as bridesftnaids. Harry Gaylor, of Chambersburg was , best man. A wedding breakfast was served at the- Penn-Harris after the service. Dr. Kling and his bride will re side at 426 South Thirteenth street after a brief wedding journey. Entertain at Dinner For Miss Donovan, New York Mrs. Lesley McCreath entertained at a luncheon this afternoon, at the Harrisburg Country Club in compli ment to Miiss Florence Donovan, of New York. Mrs. McCreath's other guests were Mrs. Henry M. Gross, Mrs. Robert McCreath, Miss Susanna Fleming, Miss Mary Creighton, Miss Martha Bailey, Miss Almeda Her man, and Miss Margaret McCreath, of Berwlck-on-tho-Tweed, Scotland. This evening Miss Donovan will be the honor guest at a dinner given at the Penn-Harfis by Captain Wil liam McCreath. The other guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Mc- Creath, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-, Creath, Mr. and Mm. Robert G. Goldsborough, Miss Susanna Flem ing, John Comstock and William Emory, Jr., of Philadelphia. OCTOBER 18, 1919 LITTLE HOPE FOR PREVENTION OF BIG COAL STRIKE View in Capital That Opera tors Will Adhere to Their Stand Washington, Oct. 18.—Taking into account the grave dangers which would result from the closing down of the mines, official Washington is dlscusring the possibilities of adjust ing the differences. Although some of ficials held out hope that the miners and operators in the face of the tre mendous public demand and pressure would reach a compromise the gener al view was that the strike call would stand. This was based on the feeling that the operators would adhere to their refusal to consider a five-day week, which labor leaders declared was the one thing for which they were fighting and on which they were l prepared to make the issue now. Failing after an all day conference to avert a strike of nearly half a million bituminous cogl miners, called for the very eve of winter, Secretary of Labor Wilson invited miners and operators to send their full scale com mittees to Washington next Tuesday when another effort to bring about peace in the industry will be made. Accept Invitation Both sides accepted the invitation. This did not offer any great hope howover, for representatives of the operators stood firm In their determi nation not to negotiate any demand for a six-hour day, and not to deal with the unions unless the strike, set for November 1, was called oft. John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers of America, whose word probably would swing the unions one way or the other, showed that he was laboring under a terrible strain when he left the three cornered meeting. Speaking to a group of reporters he said he had lold Secretary Wilson that the thirty two members of his wage scale com mittee would be here Tuesday to meet an equal number from the other side, but that it would be useless to recon vene the joint interstate wage con ference "unless the operators changed 'their stone wall attitude," and indi cated a willingness to frame another agreement. TO HOI.D SUPPER Monday evening the Men's League of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will hold its annual banquet in the parish house at 6.30 o'clock. A chicken and waffle supper will be served. Dr. J. evenings at When you come home from the office all "fagged out," and you sit down for a pleasant evening around the lib rary table, don't let a chilly room spoil all the fun. With a Majestic Electric Heater, you can, at a cost of a few cents, heat up the room in a remarkably short time. And a Majestic makes a room feel so cheery and comfortable — it's the next thing to the heat-given out by the rays of Old Sol himself—invigorating and not the kind that makes a room feel "stuffy." Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. JOHN S. MUSSEH, PRESIDENT 436 Market Street George Becht of the State ment of Education, will be the prin cipal speaker at the banquet. Sixty members of the league are expected to be present. The committee in. / charge of the banquet Includes John F. O'Neill, chairman. Frank Newcom-i er, Carl Rapp, and Gilbert Mattson. Dinner, Saturday Eve., Oct. 18, Stouffer's Restaurant, 4 N. Oaurt St., S to 7.80. 50? Chicken Noodle Soap, Chicken Croquettes, Fried Oysters, Pork Chop (plain), Itoast Beef Mushed or Creamed Potatoes Stowed Peas, Baked Beans, Kntree Ice Cream, Pie or Padding, Coffee, Tcu or Cocoa. pJmL.* S&tr" Have you tried our pure Milk and rich Cream? We are convinced that you never secured better dairy products, than we serve our customers. Phone Us Today DRINK x ' 'GRADE 5^ MILK&ubCREAM BOTH PHONES FEN BROOK. PA.
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