Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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[Number on Each of Morning
and Evening Series by Dr.
Mudge Tomorrow
At the Pine Street Presbyterian
Church on Sunday the pastor, Dr.
Lewis Seymour Mudge, will preach
morning and evening. At the morn
ing service the subject of the ser
mon will be "What To Believe
About Jesus Christ." This sermon
will be the second in the current
morning series on "What to Believe
And Why". At the evening service
•the pastor will preach on "The Ship
Christ Saved." This sermon will be
the third in the current evening
series, the general title of which is i
"'Common Things Christ Used." j
| This sermon will be of special in
i terest to those who love the sea.
On Tuesday evening the Young;
I Woman's Missionary Circle will j
| hold its monthly meeting in the Wo- j
iinen and Girls' Building at 7.30;
o'clock. The most prominent fea- ;
lure of the program will be the first
of three studies based on "The Cru- |
sade of Compassion." one of the ;
mission study books of the year.
Miss Elizabeth Graner will be in
charge. !
On Wednesday evening at the
hnid-week service the pastor will I
{.continue the series of addresses on !
'"The Christ We Forget", the sub- !
Vject for this week being "His Wel-
On Friday the Red Cross Auxil- j
llary of the church will hold its
; regular weekly meeting in the so
\ cial room, beginning at 1.30 p. m.
work is in the hands of
ithe auxiliary, and the co-operation
iof all who were so faithful dur
flng the war period is equally need
ed now. At the Boyd Memorial
Building in addition to the Masses
land meetings of various organiza
tions, the Fife and Drum Corps
will hold its usual weekly practice
; on Tuesday evening; the Boy Scouts
land Cubs will meet as usual on
| Friday evening.
For detailed information concern
ping the many activities of the Pine
Street parish those interested are
referred to the weekly church bulle
tin. and the bulletin boards of the (
, Men and Boys' and Women and ;
'Girls' Buildings.
.Forward Movement Meeting
in Reformed Churches
The Reforme dchurches of Har
s*isburg and vicinity will merge their
tevenlng service on Sunday in a com
tmon mass meeting in Salem Re
formed church. Third and Chest
nut streets. The occasion will be
ithe proclamation of the purpose and
: methods of the forward movement
iof the Reformed church by one of
ithe heralds, who are going about
through the church in behalf of this
movement. In this instance the
heralß is Dr. L. P. Herrman, of the
'Reformed Theological Seminary.
:Lancaster. Like all the leading de
nominations. the Reformed church
is seeking larger vision and broader
• opportunities for expansion of her
Iwork at home and abroad.
The Forward Movement Commis
sion, headed by its executive secre
,tary. Dr. Joseph H. Apple, president
of Hood College, Frederick, Md„ is
organizing and directing this for
ward movement. With a view to ac
quainting the people of Harrisburg
and vicinity more directly with the
movement all the Reformed
churches will be closed on Sunday
evening with the exception of Sa
lem church, where the mass meet
ing will be held. Every member of
the Reformed church should be
present at this meeting. The serv
ice will begin at 7.30 p. m.
.Evangelistic Meets at
Heckton M. E. Church
A series of evangelistic meetings
,At the Heckton Methodist Episcopal
• church will begin Sunday night at
17.30 o'clock to continue each night
during the week, except Saturday.
iThe following speakers and singers
>will take part in the meetings dur
ing the week:
Sunday night, Frank Gregor and
1 Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M. C. A.
Gospel crew; gospel soloist, Miss Ef-
Monday, gospel speaker and sin
ger. J. H. Bryner.
Tuesday, the Rev. Dr. H. R. Ben
tder; gospel duet, Mrs. Arthur
Lgtoner and Miss Mae Ewing.
Wednesday, D. C. Boyer; soloist,
3lrs. C. E. Lebo.
Thursday, the Rev. J. G. Davis;
Lgoloist, W. R. Chapman.
r Friday, the Rev. Homer C. Knox;
Dauphin junior chorus.
to Celebrate
Its Tenth Anniversary
Sunday afternoon at 1.50 o'clock
ithe Men's Organized Bible class,
fZion Lutheran church, will observe
►the tenth anniversary of the class
twith a specially prepared program,
by former officers of tfce
(class, ex-President Percy I. Beltz
presiding. Prof. Walter C. Heiges
•will be in chargie of the lesson study,
•the subject of whic his "Jesus in
|Peter's Home." Arrangements are
,liow complete for the tenth anniver
,sary banquet, which will be held in
•the lower room of the church, Fri
,day evening, October 24.
JJse McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
- ■ the church with the chimes -
100 Anniversary
Zion Sunday School
WHO can estimate the value to a community
of a century in Christian Character Build
Zion Celebrates Tomorrow.
At 10.30 a. m., Modern Graded Sunday School
work will be illustrated. Historical Addresses at
1.45 p. m. The evening address at 7.30 p. m. will
be made by Dr. C. B. Wiles; subject, "Problems of
Religious Education"
The modern Sunday School idea originated in
Harrisburg—in Zion Lutheran Church.
Zion Lutheran Church
N. Fourth St., opposite P. n. R. Depot,
S, W. Herman, D. D., Pastor.
Prof. H. H. Baish to Be Principal Speaker at Special Ser
vices Tomorrow Evening ; Will Mark Start of the Ninth
Year of the Rev. S. E/tlwin Rupp's Pastorship
Otterbein United Brethren church
congregation at 7.30 o'clock to-mor
row evening, will hold special serv
ices in commemoration of the re
turn of the Rev. S. Edwin Rupp to
the pastorate of the local church for
another year. The event will be
held In the church, fourth and Reily
Prof. H. H. Baish will be the
speaker at to-morrow evening's
services in honor of the pastor's re
turn for another year. Decision to
return him to this city was reached
at the meeting of East Pennsylvania
conference at Reading this week.
With the services to-morrow, the
Rev. Mr. Rupp will start the ninth
year of his pastorate.
Tomorrow's Program Will Be
Held in the Church
The preaching services to-mor
row as well as the Sunday School
services of the Adult, Young Peo
ples, and Teen Age Departments of
Grace Methodist Church will be
held in the church auditorium, not
withstanding the announcement
made last week that they would be
held this Sunday in the Banquet
hall of the church. Due to the al
delajPed arrival of the canvas which
is to be used in the frescoing of
the church auditorium, the fres
coers will not be able to start their
work in the church auditorium un
til Monday. Next Sunday, the
preaching services, as well as the
three adult departments of the Sun
day School, will hold their meet
ings in the Banquet hall.
The Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell,
pastor of Grace Church, will
preach in the morning at 10.30
o'clock on the topic, "First Things
First." and the newly organized
Grace Church Chorus Choir, con
sisting of about fifty voices, will
sing the anthem, "The Radiant
Morn," by Woodward, and the
Grace Church quartet will sing,
"The Lord Hath Comforted His
People," by Tozer.
In the evening, at 7.30 o'clock,
the Grace Church, pastor will
preach a sermon on the topic,
"What Must I Do to be Saved—The
Modern Answer." The Chorus
Choir will sing the anthem, "The
Home of the Soul," by Loud, and
Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, sojyano, and
Mrs. Carl Cross, contralto, will sing
the offertory duet, "They Shall
Hunger No More," by Gaul.
Notwithstanding that the various
departments of the Sunday School
are handicapped in their services
by being in the church auditorium,
yet they are going ahead of last
year's attendance records.
The Epworth League will hold a
meeting of unusual interest Sun
day evening at 6.30 o'clock in the
Lecture Room, with Miss Harriet S.
Stoner, first vice president of the
League, speaking on the topic.
"Our Motto, 'Look Up, Lift Up,'
and How to Use It." William Ray
Chapman, president of the League,
will present the Epworth League
Service Roll, and plans for an ac
tive campaign of all the young peo-'
pie of the church and its constitu
encies, who should be in active Ep
worth League service.
Prayer Meeting will be held Wed
nesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, with
the Teachers Training class meet
ing at 8.40, and discussing the
topic, "Sunday School Plans apd
Immediately at the close of pray
er meeting, an important meeting
of the Board of Stewards, be
held at the parsonage to take up
plans of vital importance for--the
advancement of Grace Church.
Park Street Church
to Rally Tomorrow
There will be a Sunday School
and congregational rally at the Park
Street United Evangelical Church on
Sunday, October 19. The service in
the morning will be a combined
Sunday School and congregational
meeting. There will be special
music all day. % The speaker for the
morning service will be Harry L.
Carl, of Derry Street United Breth
ren Church. The Junior Endeavor
will have a rally, with special music,
at 5.4 5 p. m. The Senior Endeavor
will have a special rally service at
6.30 p. m. The Rev. Mr. Burger,
of Millersburg, will deliver an ad
dress at this meeting. The last call
to rally will be given at 7.30 p. m.
The sermon will be preached by the
Rev. Mr. Burger.
. An interesting meeting of the
Mite Society of the Dauphin Meth
odist Church, was held Tuesday
evening at the Parsonage with Mrs.
W. G. Garverich presiding. Devo
tions were led by the pastor. The
Society decided to hold a "birthday
social" in the church on Saturday
night, October 25.
wp: J®
Demobilized Army
Officers Throw Away
Their Stiff Collars
Ijondon. Oct. 18.—Wearied of the
starched collar, the raw edge, the
climbing tie and big laundry bills,
demobilized army officers are sec
onding the efforts of fashion
makers to revive the Byronic bare
throat and open shirt. "Our stiff
necked linen is to be consigned to
the rag-bag," writes one. The new
fashion has the unqualified support
of the medical specialists of Harlev
street. They point to the brawny
sailor man as example of what the
decollete shirt does for one.
Music in the Churches
Morning Prelude, "Cantilena
Nuptiale," Dubois anthem, "Festival
Te Deum," Buck; offertory. "Pas
torale." Flagler; postlude, "Marche
Romaine," Gounod.
Evening—Prelude, "Evensong,"
Easthope Martin; anthem, "King,
All Glorious," Barnby offertory,
"Rex'erie," Flagler; anthem, "Comes
at Times a Stillness," Galbraith;
postlude, "Fanfare," Dubois.
Morning—Prelude, "In Memor
iam," Nevin; offertory, "Moment Re
ligieux," Friml; postlude, "Festal
March," Calkin.
Evening—Prelude, "Prayer," Le
maigre offertory, "Rococo," Palin
gren; anthem, "Bread of the World,"
Gaul; postlude, "Postlude," Merkel.
Morning—P relu d e, "Allegretto
Grazioso." Tours; offertory, "Canti
lene," Salome; anthem, "Let the Lit
tle Ones Come Unto Me," Louden:
postlude, "Grand Choeur in E Flat,"
Evening—Prelude, "Where Dusk
Gathers Deep." Stebbins; solo, se
lected. Prof. W. M. Harclerode; of
fertory, "Elegy," Noble; anthem,
"My Shepherd is the T.ord, My God,"
Greely; postlude, "Allegro Maes
toso," Heller-Briggs.
Morning Prelude, "Prelude in
Catilene." Rousseaw; anthem, "I
Could Not do Without Thee," Ber
wold; offertory. "Andantino," Mer
kel; anthem, "O Jesus, Thou Art
Standing," Brewer; postlude, "Alle
gro Vivace" (Sonata I), Guilmant.
Evening Prelude, "Intermezzo,"
Rheinberger; anthem, "Fierce Was
the Wild Billow," Tertlus Noble; of
fertory, "Elevation." Dubois; solo,
"Crossing the Bar," Decevee; post
lude, "Grand Chorus in D Mayor,"
Morning—P relu d e , "Prayer,"
Truette; soprano solo, "O Savior of
the World," (Buck), Mrs. Merl
Beach; offertory, "Meditation," Kin
der; anthem, "Prepare Ye the Way
of the Lord," Garrett; postlude,
"Triumphal March," Lemmens.
Evening - Prelude, "Themo"
(Varied), Faulkes; anthem, "He
Shall Come Down Like Rain," Allen;
offertory, "Supplication," Hosmer;
anthem, "Saviour, Thy Children
Keep," Sullivan; postlude, "Finale,"
T. Tertius Noble.
Morning—Prelude, "Allegro Ap
passionate and Adagio," Guilmant;
anthem, "Beloved if God So Loved
Us," Rogers; offertory, "Autumn
Memories," Diggle; postlude, "Marche
Pontiflcale," Lemmens.
Evening—Prelude, "Prelude in D
Major," Bach; anthem, "Day is
Dying in the West," Mary Turner
Salter; offertory, "Sunset," Lemare:
postlude, "Fugue in D Major," Bach.
Morning Prelude. "Nocturne."
Miller; male chorus. "Come, Spirit,
Come." Towner; offertory, "The
Swan," Stebbins; postlude, "Tri
umphal March," Guilmant.
Evening Prelude, "Vision,"
Rheinberger; anthem, "The Radiant
Morn Hath Passed Away," Wood
ward; offertory, "Romance," Rich
mond; tenor solo, selected, Cecil S.
Holmes; postlude, "Jubilate Deo,"
Morning—Prelude, "Offertolre In
C," Thomas; offertory, "Song With
out Words," Berridge; anthem, "The
Earth is the Lord's," Lob; postlude,
"Grand Choeur," Cavallo.
Evening—Prelude. "Romance in E
Flat," Williams; offertory, "Barca
rolle." Tritant: trio, "Saviour Breathe
an Evening Blessing," (Lob), Miss
Laverty, Messrs. Winand and Stew
art; anthem, "The Mellow Eve is
Gliding," Holden; postlude, "Com
memoration March," Grey.
Morning "Communion in E
Minor." Batiste: anthem, "God Be
Merciful," Rockford; soprano solo,
selected, Mrs. William R. Helsley;
"Adagio," Reinecke; "Fanfare,"
Evening—(a) "Grand Chorus in D
Minor," Guilmant; (b). "Andante in
F," Wely; anthem, "Sing and Re
joice, O Daughter of Zion," Lansing;
"Prayer," Wagner; "Prelude and
Fugue." Bach; anthem, "How Lovely
Are the Messengers," Mendelssohn.
First Session of Winter Period
in Sunday School To
morrow Morning
In Olivet Presbyterian church to
morrow morning at 11 o'clock the
pastor, the Rev. S. A. Bower, will
preach a sermon on "The Church a
Place of Safety and Joy." He will
endeavor to show that the church
has always preserved the best
things in society and life.
At the evening service, the Rev.
Mr. Bower will preach on "Our Ob
ligations to the State and the
Church." The main thought of the
sermon will be that a good citizen
ought to be a good member of the
church, and that a good Christian
will be a good citizen.
The Sunday school session at 10
o'clock will be the first of the win
ter period meetings, and an effort
will be made to measure up to the
I record-breaking attendance estab
lished at last Sunday's Rally Day
services. Miss Clara Miller will
teach the Ladies' Bible class; the
pastor, that of the men, and John
E. E. Peters, the Beaver Bible class.
There will also be two new classes
in the junior department, one being
taught by Mrs. Harry G. Kendall
and the other by Miller Bricker.
The members of Class No. 1 in
the school and their associates in
the Algonquin Club have arranged
for the placing of flowers in the
church to-morrow in memory
Harry Carson, a member of the
class and club, who died a year ago.
A period in the school's closing ex
ercises will also be set aside for the
class memorial.
At the Christian Endeavor So
ciety's meeting to-morrow evening at
6.30 o'clock, the topic, "Our Pledge
and How to Keep It," will be con
sidered under the leadership of Mil
ler Bricker. The lookout committee
of the society, composed of Miss
Miriam Hiines, chairman; Miss Anna
Holbert, the pastor and the super
intendent of the Sunday school, has
planned for a large number of visi
tations during the coming week
among the members of the Sabbath
school. For Tuesday night. Miss
Helen Gable and the members of
her social committee have arranged
a short "hike" for the society's mem
bers, leaving the church at 7.30
o'clock. They will later return to
the church and join other members
and guests for refreshments.
St. Paul's Episcopal
Has Special Programs
For Sunday's Services
Special services have been ar
ranged for to-morrow in St. Paul's
Episcopal church. In the morning
at 8 o'clock, there will be men's
communion services: At 11 o'clock
the following program will be pre
Processional, Hymn 491; Te
Deum, Schnecker; Benedlctus,
Gross; Sermon Hymn 336, Subject,
"The Message of Our Capitol
Dome"; Anthem—"O, Savior of the
World", Alex. Matthews; Recession
al, Hymn 396.
Sunday school will be held at
2.30. At 8 o'clock, the annual ser
vice for Harrisburg secondary
schools is scheduled. An invitation
has been extended to faculties and
students of Harrisburg Academy
and Central and Technical High
schools. There will be special music.
H. H. Baish to Speak
at Sixth Street Rally
On Sunday afternoon, at 1.45
o'clock, the Sixth Street United
Brethren Sunday School will observe
its annual fall Rally Day. Prof.
Henry H. Baish will be present and
deliver an address. Special music
will be furnished by the Pennsylva
nia Concert Company, an organiza
tion consisting of 20 select male
Unusual interest is being mani
fested in the men's department. The
large basement has been equipped
for this work and will be formally
turned over to the men next Sun
day afternoon The day will also
mark the installation of Prof. Henry
H. Baish and Robert A. Enders as
teachers of the men's department.
Choir and
At Fourth Reformed Church to
morrow morning the choir will sing
Roberts' "Fear Not Ye, O Israel,"
with solos by Miss Merle Smith and
W. J. Lingle. Miss Helen Kunkle
will play Guilmant's "Elevation" as
a prelude, Herzog's "Prelude" as the
offertory number and Stern's "Post
lude" at the conclusion of the service.
Two brilliant anthems are on the
program at Zion Lutheran Church
to-morrow. In the morning the
choir will sing Dudley Buck's "Fes
tival Te Deum," with solos for so
prano, tenor and bass voices, and in
the evening Barnby's "King All
Glorious," with solos for tenor and
Persual of the church music pro
grams in the columns of the Tele
graph this evening show Harrisburg
choirs capable of singing the best
church music written. In many in
stances the same compositions are
on the programs that are sung in
the big London churches. It has
been established that the singers of
the city do work similar to those
in the larger cities of the country,
and do it quite as well as vocalists
of greater reputation. A stranger in
the city a few weeks ago, who has
been in many churches of the United
States, volunteered the information
that Harrisburg musicians compare
moßt favorably with the best in the
country. With the splendid teachers
here, it is only natural that the music
of the city churches should Improve.
Robert Horn, a Chambersburg
baritone, who has sung with the
choirs of Falling Spring Presbyterian
and Zion Reformed Churches in that
city, is a pupil of John W. Phillips,
of this city, and is making splendid
Mrs. Ada Culp Bowman is to sing
"Suffer Little Children," a solo espe
cially appropriate to baptismal cere
monies, at Second Reformed Church
to-morrow morningand the choir will
sing an arrangement of Mendel
ssohn's "But the Lord is Mindful of
His Own." Several new voices have
been added to this organization re
cently by the director, George A
Joint Services Scheduled to
Be Held in Christ Lutheran
Church; Big Program
' J
Plans are being made for the big
Christian Endeavor joint rally to be
held on Thursday evening, Novem
ber 6, in the Christ Lutheran
Church. The many attractions will
include a meeting of the State ex
ecutive committee meeting of the
Pennsylvania C. E. Union, H. K.
Bragdon, of Pittsburgh, president;
Harrisburg C. E. Union, Frank S.
Montgomery, president, and the
Alumni Association, J. Frank Palm
er, president. Addresses will be de
livered by Haines A. Reichel, State
secretary; Benjamin Whitman, re
turned "Y" man from France, both
of this city, and several State of
ficers. One thousands delegates is
the aim of the "booster" committee.
All societies sending delegations are
urged to send the name of the so
ciety and the number of attendants
to E. L. Stiles, chairman, Strawberry
and Aberdeen streets, Harrisburg.
Miss Emily Edwards, president of
the Dauphin county, is also putting
enthusiasm into many societies
toward making the gathering a suc
All senior societies entering the
contest, reporting the number of
active members and the largest per
centage of active members in at
tendance will be provided with re
served seats for their delegations.
One hundred and fifty tickets will
be sold for the banquet at 6 o'clock.
"Boosters" will visit the various
societies and information will be
given on Sundays, October 19 and
26, as follows:
Immanuel Presbyterian, Miss
Helen McKelvey.
United Brethren and Lutheran
Penbrook, Miss Elda Pennebaker.
Westminster Presbyterian and
Green Street Church of God, Miss
Catherine Geriner.
St. John's Reformed, Second Re
formed and Bethlehem Lutheran,
Miss Ida M. Sowers.
Calvary Presbyterian, Nag 1 e
Street Church of God and Trinity
Lutheran, Miss Emily Edwards.
Division Street Presbyterian, State
Street United Brethren, Pleasant
View Church of God, Pine Street
Presbyterian, Miss Anna McKelvey.
__ Enola .societies, Miss Carrie
Knaby; Steelton and Oberlin so
cieties, Miss Wilhelmina K. Dress,
Mrs. J. M. Cooper and Benjamin
Iloch; Bethany Presbyterian, Mes
siah Lutheran, Tabernacle Baptist,
First Baptist and Camp Hill Presby
terian, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Palmer;
Market Street Baptist, Park Street
United Evangelical and Derry Street
United Brethren, Miss Grace McKel
vey; Wormleysburg United Breth
ren, Lemoyne United Brethren, Mrs.
Ida Rapp; Linglestown Church of
God and United Brethren, Mrs.
Deicher; Harris Street United Evan
gelical and Otterbein United Breth
ren, F. E. Schwartz; Augsburg Lu
theran, First United Brethren and
Maclay Street Church of God, Henry
Bruce; Covenant Presbyterian and
Sixth Street United Brethren, Elmer
S. Schilling; St. Matthew's Lutheran
and Shiloh Lutheran, George Troup;
Fourth Street Church of God, Miss
Mae Hoover; West Fairview and
flew Cumberland, E. L. Stiles; Unit
ed Evangelical, Church of God, Pen
brook and Progress societies, Nelson
B. Cassell. '
Rehearsal of music for the big
Christian Endeavor gathering by the
Choral Union, will be held Tuesday,
November 4.
Dauphin county Endeavorers
promise a rousing annual rally on
November 20 in the United Evan
gelical Church, Millersburg.
Olivet Presbyterian Endeavorers
are planning big attractions for the
winter months. On Tuesday even
ing, at 7:30 o'clock, the social com
mittee will chaperon a hike to
Bellevue and Paxtang Parks. Re
freshments will be served after the
return to the church. The new of
ficers are as follows: President,
Miss Myrtle Simmons; vice presi
dent, Miss Miriam B. Himes; secre
tary, Miss Effle Blouch; treasurer,
Miss Ruth Porr; committee chair
men, missionary, Miss Elizabeth
Smith; prayer meeting, Millard
Brlcker; social, Miss Helen Gabel;
music, Miss Martha Shartzer; look
out, Miss MIAm B. Himes. Millard
Bricker will induct the Endeavorer
meeting to-morrow evening.
Epworth M. E. Church
to Observe Rally Day
Rally Day services will be ob
served in Epworth Methodist church
to-morrow. Services of an orches
tra have been secured and teachers
and officers of the Sunday school
have been busy each day this week
"rpunding up" absentees and oth
ers. The Rev. Homer C. Knox,
the pastor, will preach to the Sun
day school on "Nothing But An Un
conditional Surrender." One of the
features of the rally day service will
be the report of each teacher as to
the number of scholars enrolled and
the number present at the service.
On Sunday, October 26, the first
quarterly payment on new church
subscriptions, secured in July, will
be payable and at that time each
member will be requested to turn
in to the church treasurer one
fourth. of-hta .subscription. .
Church Directory
Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Shafer.
10.30, "The Fruit of the Spirit"; 7.30,
"Obedience to the Heavenly Vision."
Holy Communion —The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 7.30, "Jesus Ask You
a Question; What Jesus Has Done
For You;" 9.30, Sunday school.
St. Paul's, Riverside—The Rev. E.
E. Snyder. 3, Holy Communion; 2,
Sunday school; 7, C. E. Society.
St. Matthew's The Rev. E. E.
Snyder. 11, Holy Communion; 7.30,
Holy Communion; 9\45, Sunday
school; 6.30, Senior C. E. Society.
Christ ' — The Rev. D-, Thomas
Reisch. 10.30, "Will Unbaptized
Children Be Lost?" 7.30, "The
Knowledge of Contentment;" 2, Sun
day school.
Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen
helder. 10.30, "Paul's Advise to
Home-Makers;" 7.30, "The Greatest
Thief in the World;" 2, Sunday
Bethlehem —Services at 10.30 and
7.30 in charge of the Rev. Francis
Jensen, of Washington, Pa., secre
tary of the Immigrant Board of the
United Lutheran church; Sunday
school at 1.45.
Messiah —The Rsv. Henry W. A.
Hanson. 10.30, Holy Communion;
7.30, Holy Communion and sermon;
2, Sunday school.
Zion—The Rev. S. Winfield Her
man. 10.30, program in commemo
ration of 100 th anniversary of Sun
day school, with address by Dr. C.
P. Wiles, at both services; 1.45, Sun
day school.
Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr.
E. D. Weigle. 10.45, "The Call to
Fellowship;" 7.30, "Report of
Synod;" 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30,
Luther League.
Augsburg—The Rev. A• M. Sta
mets. 10.30, "Beware of a Dead
Faith;" 7.30; "A Time foUnbound
ed Confidence;" 2, Sunday school;
6.30, intermediate and Senior Chris
tian Endevor.
Calvary The Rev. Edward H.
Paar. 11, "What Think Ye of
Christ?" 7.30, "Moses Persuaded to
Do God's Bidding;" 10, Sunday
Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges.
10.30, "Christian Fellowship;" 7.30,
"The Downfall of the Gods;" 2, Sun
day school; 10, men's prayer meet
ing; 5.30, Junior Luther League;
6.30, Senior Luther League.
Magle Street- I—The 1 —The Rev. Elmer E.
Kauffman, pastor, will preach at
10.4 5, "Contending for the Faith
and at 7.30, 'The Centurion"; 1.30,
Sunday School; 6.00, Junior C. E.;
6.45, Senior C. E.
Maclay Street —The Rev. Dr. Wm.
S. Houclc. ll.TiO, "Are We Barren
or Fruitful?"; 7.30, "Man's Ignor
ance of the Future"; 9.4 5, Sunday
School; 6.00, Junior C. E.; 6.45,
Senior C. E.
Linglestown—The Rev. J. W.
Waggoner. 10.30, "Waiting upon
the Lord"; 9.30, Sunday School.
Green Street —The Rev. H. S.
Hershey. 10.30, "The Anticipation
of a Faithful Servant"; 7.30, "The
Enemy's Attack and God's Deliver
ance"; 2.00, Sunday School.
Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag
goner. 7.30, "Waiting upon the
Lord"; 9.30, Sunday. School; 6.00,
Junior C. E.; 6.45, Senior C. E.
Penbrook—The Rev. S. N. Good.
10.30, "Visions and Service"; 7.30,
"The Unfolding of the Divine Pur
pose"; 9.30, Sunday School; 6.40,
C. E.
First —The Rev. William N. Yates.
10.30, "Shall a Man Live Again?";
7.30, "Do the Spirits of Our "Dead
Friends Visit Us?"; 1.40, Sunday
School; 6.30, C. E.
Harris Street The Rev. A. G.
Flexer. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.30,
church service; 6.40, K. L. C. E.
meeting; 7.30, church service.
Lemoyne—The Rev. E. Crumbling.
10.45 and 7.30, "The Stewardship of
Life;" 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30,
Christian Endeavor.
Enoila—The Rev. H. M. Buck.
10.45, "Stewardship" (communion
service); 7.30, the Rev. W. B. Cox,
presiding elder of Carlisle district,
will preach the communion sermon;
9.30, Sunday school; 2, Mission
Park Street The Revs. A. E.
Hangen and S. A. Miller. 9.30, Sun
day school and congregational rally,
and Mr. Carl, from Derry Street
United Brethren church, will speak;
5.45, Junior rally; 6.30, Senior En
deavor rally, the Rev. Mr. Burger,
of Millersburg, will speak; 7.30,
evening rally worship.
Sixth Street —The Rev. W. E. Pot
tieger. 10, Sunday school; 11,
"Christian Stewardship."
Penbrook—The Rev. W. E. Pot
tieger. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.30,
sermon by the assistant pastor, the
Rev. W. S. Harris; 6.4 6, Keystone
League; 7.30, "Stewardship; 2, Jun
ior Keystone League.
First—The Rev. W. E. Daugherty.
10.30, "Growth in Christliness of
Life;" 7.30, "The Beauty of Service;"
1.45, Sunday school; 6.45, Christian
Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Ly
ter. 10.30, "The World's Attitude
a Challenge to Christianity;" 7.30,
preaching; 2, Sunday school.
State Street —The Rev. H. F.
Rhoad. 10.45, "The Greatness of
Love;" 7.30, "Unconscious Loss;"
9.30, , Sunday school; 6.30, Y. P. S.
Sixth Street —The Rev. J. Owen
Jones. 10.30, %ie Rev. C. A. Sollen
berger will preach; 7.30, "Our Stand
ard;" 1.45, Sunday* school; 6.20,
C. E.; 9.45. praise service.
Trinity, New Cumberland The
Rev. A. R. Ayres. 10.30, "God Com
mands Go Forward;" 7, "Steward
ship;" 9.30, Sunday school; 6, Chris
tian Endeavor.
Otterbein The Rev. S. Edwin
Rupp. 10.30, "The Brotherhood of
Love;" welcome service for pastor
at 7.30, address by Prof. H. H.
Balsh. 2, Sunday school; 6.30,
Christian Endeavor.
St. Paul —The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30, "On the Rock
of Ages Founded"; 7.30, "The Gos
pel—A Hidden Treasure"; 12.30,
Sunday School; 6.30, B. Y. P. U.
Market Street —The Rev. Walter
S. Dunlap. 10.30, "A Neglected
Duty"; 7.30, "The Greatest Moment
in Life"; 11.30, Sunday School;
6.30, C. E. Society.
First —The Rev. William J. Lock
hart. 7.30, song service In charge of
John Miller; "Saul the Jew Became
Paul the Christian"; 11.45, Bible
School, classes for all ages.
Tabernacle —9.45, Sunday School;
11.00 and 7.30, preaching by the
Rev. C. A. Soars, of Philadelphia;
6.45, B. Y. P. U.
Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah
Greene, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"The Presence of God's Salvation,"
and atf 7.30; 12.00, Sunday School;
6.30, B. Y. P. U.
Mt. Olivet —The Rev. Moses J.
Birge. 10.30, "Take Away the
Sfone"; 12.30, Sunday School; 6.30,
B. X.JVIL; 3.00, "The Idol Temple."
OCTOBER 18, 1919
Grace—Tht, Rev. Dr. Robert
Bagnell, pastor: morning, 10.30,
"First Things First," the Rev. Dr.
Bagnell, evening, 7.30, "What Must
I Do to be Saved —The Modern
Answer, the Rev. Dr. Bagnell; Sun
day School, 12.10; Epworth League,
6.30; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday
evening, 7.30.
Epworth—The Rev. Homer C.
Knox. 11, "Nothing But an Uncon
ditional Surrender"; 7.30, "The All
Sufficiency of Jesus Christ"; 10,
Rally Day services in Sunday School.
St. Paul's—The Pev. William
Moses, pastor, will preach at 10.30
and 7.30; Sunday School, 1.45; Ep
worth League, 7.30.
Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev.
John H. Mortimer. 10.30, "The
Compliment Visions"; 7.30, "The
Vision of a New Chance"; 2, Sun
day School; 6.30, Epworth League.
Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A.
Pyles. 10.30, "Remaking Civiliza
tion"; 7.30, "Guilty Silence"; 2, Sun
day School.
Ridge Avenue—The Rev. H. R.
Bender. Morning, the Rev. F. A.
Tyson, of Steelton; evening, "Herod
the Fox": 10, Sunday School.
Dauphin—The Rev. George L.
Schaffer. 10.30, the Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper; 2, Sunday School.
Heckton Revival meetings at
7.30, to continue each night, except
Saturday. Frank Gregory and the
P. R R. Y. M. C. A. Gospel Crew
will .ake part in the service.
Coxestown—The Rev. John G.
Davis. 10.30, home department and
cradle roll exercises, with baptismal
service; 7.30, "The Way of the
Cross"; 9.30, Sunday School. Morn
ing exercises will be in charge of
superintendents. Mrs. William S.
Turns, Miss Mildred Spancake and
Miss Nellie Mader.
Camp Hill—The Rev. J. Merrill
Williams 9.45, Sunday School; 11,
"Girding TTp the Loins of the Mind";
6.45, Epworth League; 7.30, "Aflame
for God."
Calvary—The Rev. J. L. Gehman.
10.15, "Our Sacrifice"; 7.30, "A Par
able"; 9, Sunday School; 6.30, C. E.
Westminster—The Rev. Henry W.
Miller. 10.30, "The Salt of the
Earth"; 7.30, "Lot—a Failure Be
cause of Mischosen Surroundings";
1.45, Sunday School.
Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. 10. "The Day and the
Church"; 7.30, "The Free Man";
11.15, Sunday School; 6.30, C. E.
Pine Street —The Rev. L. S. Mudge,
D. D. 10.30, "What to Believe About
Jesus Christ"; 7.30, "The Ship
Christ Saved"; 1.40, Sunday School.
Division Street—The Rev H. H.
Baldwin. 7.45, "Christian Partner
Bethany—The Rev. John Martin
Warden. 7.30, "The Christian's
Rest"; 9, Sunday School; 6.30, C. E.
Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer.
10.30, "The Secret of the Christian's
Love"; 7.30, "The Story of Babylon,"
illustrated; 2, Sunday School; 6.30,
!y. p. s. c. e.
Market Square—The Rev. G. E.
Hawes. assistant, the Rev. Howard
Rodgers. 11 and 7.30, sermons by
the pastor; 9.45, Sunday School.
Olivet—The Rev S. A. Bower. 11,
"The Church a Place of Safety and
Joy"; 7.30, "Our Obligations to the
State and Church"; 10, Sunday
School; 6.30, C. E.
Capital Street—The Rev. B. M.
Ward. 10.45, "Beholding His
I Glory"; 7.30, "The Rallying Cry";
12.15, Sunday School; 6.45, C. E.
Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King.
11, "The Joy of Certainty," and at
7.30. Sunday School, 10.
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles
May, pastor, will preach at 10.45,
"Where There Is No Vision the Peo
ple Perish"; 7.30, mass meeting at
Salem Reformed, addressed by Dr.
Theodore F. Herman, of Lancaster;
9.30, Sunday School; young people's
service, 6.30.
Second—The Alfred Nevin Sayres.
11.15, "The Voice of Posterity";
also infant baptism at this service;
10.00, Sunday School; 6.30, C. E.;
7.30, union mass meeting of Re
formed churches at Salem.
Salem—The Rev. Robert O'Boyle,
of Philadelphia, will preach at
11.00; 7.30, union service; 9.45, Sun
day School.
St. John's —The Rev. Clayton H.
Ranck. 11.00, "An Appreciation";
7.30, union services at Salem Re
formed Church; Dr. Herman will
| |
\\ 10:30 A.M. I J
j | | "What to Believe About Jesus Christ" I |
| Second in Series—"What to Believe and Why." ft £
11 7:30 P.M. |l
I "The Ship Christ Saved"
The Third Sermon in the Current Series. I
Sehnon and Music of Special Interest jj jjj
to All Who Love the Sea r |
Welcome Service!
to Rev. S. Edmund Rupp, D. D.
in celebration of the beginning
. of his ninth year as pastor of
Otterbein United Brethren Church
Special Music by a Large Chorus Choir, Assisted by
Sunday School Orchestra
Mixed Body Under Prof. John
W. Phillips in 20-Minute ,
Program Tomorrow t J
A large mixed chorea win
a musical program to-morrow
ning, at 7.30 o'clock. In the mi
Memorial Methodist Eptaoops J
Church. Prof. John W. Phillip* la
to direct this 20-minute service. Fol
lowing the singing program. W.
? Smuck er will deliver J
his third address in a special series J
Bifsincss." 01 b6ing 1
To-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock, J
the Sunday School will meet in regu- WB
ar gession. At the morning preach
win u Rt 11 °' clock the mintottir -
- 1
, Afternoon meetings will be A
held for children and young folks
at 3 and 6.30 o'clock. ~
On Wednesday evening, at
o clock, leading nurses" of the city
fnrn to speak at the chnreh
thL Av," 10 ! on " Thc Relation of
the Church to the Health of the
Community. Following the ad
dresses of the evening there will be
expressions of opinion concerrtru;
community health conditions and the
matter 0 °Th e chUr< ; h t0 the wfcole
matter. The organizations of this
church are to be tied up with the
whole matter of public health in
real way through service! *
Unidentified Soldier
May Be Buried Under
Pantheon Monument
Meen Ih;ir PO ? t V'Y 1 illustri °" men
tho mlrt I Sleep may shelter
n L remains of an obscure,
unidentified French private soldier
of the great war. A few days ago
a resolution was introduced in the
Chamber of Deputies requesting that
the body of an unidentified French
soldier be buried under the monu- .>
: ment.
Marshals Joffre and Petain, Gen- il
eral de Castelnau and former Pre- V
miers Brland, Barthou and Ribot,
have given their approval to the
project. J
The Rev. W. H. Worrall. Bible
School at 9.30; 10.3 0, "Walking in
the Spirit"; 7.30, "The Mercies of
Church of the Holy Cross—The.*
Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment 11,
sermon and Holy Communion; 8,
evensong and sermon; 1, Sunday
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin
Alger Sawyer. 8.00, holy commun
ion; 10.00, Sunday School; 11.00,
morning prayer and sermon on "The
Church at Ephesus"; 8.00, evening
prayer and sermon on "The Spirit
of the Times."
John Fulton, supt Saturday 1
night Martin Stutzman; Sunday ,
night, 7.00 to 8.00, open air meet
ing, Third and Market streets; meet-
ing in Mission at 8.00; H. J. Beach
ley will be the speaker.
First Church—ll and 7.30, "Doe
trine of Atonement"; 11, Sunday
School; 8.00, Wednesday, testimonial
meeting. Free reading room,
Kunkel Building, 11.30 to 5.00 daily.
Hummel Street—The Rev. H. J.
Beachley will preach at 11.00, and
the Rev. A. K. Hollinger will preach
at 7.30; Sunday School, 10.00; C. W
S„ 6.45.
10.30, "Breaking of Bread"; 2.30, A
Sunday School; 7.30, Gospel preach-
ing by Evangelist Sam. McEwen, of
Matoaca, Va.
A. M. E.
Harris —The fßev. R. L. Briscoe.
10.45, "He That Is Not with Me Is
against Me"; 7.45, "The Harvest";
1.30, Sunday School.
The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv.