Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1919, Image 13
JULY LOGAN, OF ALLENTOWN, KEEPS DOCTORS BUSY AFTER KNOCKDOWN; GRID GAMES LOCAL HUNTERS BUSY NEXT WEEK Opportunities For Other Wild Game Will Come With Open Season Monday will find local hunters showing Increased activity. Oppor tunities for game will put them In the field in large numbers. To date hnnters' licenses show an increase of 1,800 over last year. Starting Monday, October 20, the open seasons for the killing of ring neck pheasants, (English, Chinese 6 and Mongolian) quail, commonly called Virginia partridge, and Hun garian quail; ruffed grouse and fox, gray and blaok squirrels, come In. The pheasant season is open from October 20 to November 30, and the , x bag limit is four In one day and ten In one season. The open season for the Virginia partridge and Hun garian quails are also from October 20 to November 30. Eight of the Virginia patridges can be killed In one day, and twenty-five In one sea son. The bag limit for the Hun garian quail is four In one day or ten in one season. The ruffed grouse and squirrel seasons are also of the duration be tween October 20 and November 30. In the hunting of squirrels the limit of the combined kinds is six in one day or twenty In one sea son. * Open Seasons Open seasons now Include those for the killing of blackbirds, rac coons, rails. Jack or wllson snipe, woodcock, and wild ducks and geeso. The season closes for black birds on November 30. This date also applies to the closing of the season for rails, snipe and wood cock. Raccoons can be killed until Decmber 81. The open season for rabbits and hare Is scheduled to come in on November 1, and will attract hun dreds of gunners from this section to the fields. The closing of each is " December 15. Of rabbits, the bag is limited to six in one day or forty in one season. The use of all kinds of traps are forbidden in hunting r for rabbits with the exception that residents under fourteen years of age may use box traps on lands whereon they reside. In the case of hares, the limit Is three a day or fifteen a season, and the \ise of all kinds of traps are forbidden. As to Quail No quail, commonly called Vir ginia partridge, or ruffed grouse, or wild turkey, or woodcock, may be either bought or sold in PennWlva nla, no difference where kill* I No deer or wild rabbit, or or gray or black or fox squirrei, -qr ring-necked pheasant, or Hungarian quail, or any part of such birds or animals, that have been caught, taken or killed in a wild state in this Commonwealth, may be bought or sold at any time. Wild water fowl either killed in this Common wealth or brought into this Common wealth between January 1 and Sep tember 1, next following, cannot be sold at any time. Wild water fowl either killed in this Commonwealth or brought into the Commonwealth between September 1 and January 1, may be bought or sold. F. and M. in Hard Game With P. M. C.; Marshall Out; May Play Alfred Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 18. —Coach "By" Dickson put his Franklin and Mar shall squad through only a slight sig nal drill last evening, in preparation for the fray with Pennsylvania Mil itary College this morning. A big squad of players left Lancaster over the Pennsylvania Railroad this morn ing for Chester. The same team that defeated Al . bright last Saturday are scheduled to * start the game against the cadets. Marshall was expected to start the game In the backfleld, but a bruised hip received in the scrimmage last night will keep him out of it. This accident comes as the latest blow to Franklin and Marshall's football enthusiasts. Marshall was rapidly rounding into shape and had skirted the ends several times for big gains against the scrubs before he met with the accident. His absence from the "Varsity comes as a 'big disap pointment to the coach and makes the fifth seriously Injured player to date. "Ed" Mellinger will also be out. -* P. M. C. Is expected to try a lot of open playing, which should make easy picking for the alert F. and M. defense. Coach Dickson expects to score by playing straight football, as his team has proved their superiority In that style over every opponent this season. Interest among the players has taken a Jump lately and three or four teams are out every night. Manager Schaffner yesterday received a good offer to take the Franklin and Mar shall team to Hornell, N. Y.. to play Alfred University at a big Armistice Day celebration on November 11. The trip is under serious consideration. BOWLING SCORES RAILROAD TEXPIN LEAGUE ERECTING SHOP A. Mann ... 123 114 138— 370 H. Wilhelm . 114 115 110— 339 M. Kepford 119 163 141— 423 G. Knall ... 141 119 133 393 P. Schriver . 194 157 ... — 351 F. Lelsman 179 179 Totals .... 691 668 696 —2065 AIR BRAKE SHOP C. Romich . 106 157 141— 404 M. Comp ... 174 169 152 495 Bergstresser 142 134 181— 457 H. Lelsman . 126 114 126 — 366 C. Zeiders .. 148 125 132 405 Totals .... 696 699 732—2127 STANDING OF TEAMS W. L. Pet. Air Brake Shop 3 o 1.000 Inspectors 3 0 1.000 Electricians ....1 4 2 .667 Trainmen 4 2 .667 Pipe Shop 3 3 .500 Enginehouse No. 2 .... 2 4 .333 Erecting Shop 1 5 .166 Enginehouse No. 1 .... 1 5 .166 P. R. R. SHOP LEAGUE TOOL ROOM Oyle.' ...... 141 72 74 287 Schlayer ... 116 71 143 330 FaFley • 100 62 99 261 McDonald .. 143 119 109— 371 Totals 574 429 516—1519 MACHINE SHOP Lipman 96 114 95 305 Neihheim .. 88 60 110— 258 Sparver .... 89 J27 95 oil Baer 98 107 109— 314 Brigham ... 101 121 89— 311 Totals .... 472 629 498—1499 SATURDAY EVENING, CHARLEY SPENCER IS REAL SHOOTER Holds Remarkable Record at the Traps; Is Well Known Here By PETER P. CARNEY There are hundreds of trapshoot ers In this good old U. S. A. who would cough up their last nickel and a few other things if they could break 96 targets in 100 Just once. That to them would be a wonderful feat. It is no small achievement. For every shooter who averages better than 96 per cent., there are thousands who average below that mark —yet we have with us a shooter who would feel sadly out of form and place If he didn't better 96, not only one day, but every day and over a term of years. That Individual is Charles G. Spencer, of St. Louis, Mo. He Is well known to Harrisburgers, and was here recently with the Winchester team. With a trapgun, Spencer is Just as good as they come. If fig ures do not lie, he is the best. His record is a most remarkable one. Beginning In 1909 as a professional shooter, his poorest year was 1918, when he averaged 96 per cent, on something in the neighborhood of 6,500 targets. That was poor for Spencer. That would have been ex tremely high for thousands. In other years Spencer was above 96 per cent, and twice he averaged 97 per cent,, and for the ten years he compiled a grand average of .9677. Leads Professionals Twice he lead the professionals of the country in the averages in 1909 and 1915. He has always been chosen for the AU-American team of professionals, always being in the first ten. Here is his average for ten years, which gives one of the best ideas of his ability; 1909 9720 1910 9680 1911 9666 1912 9605 1913 9681 1914 9623 1915 9750 1916 9666 1917 9692 1918 9600 In 1906 Spencer won the Southern Handicap as an amateur with 98 breaks in 100 targets from 20 yards. The average man may not realize how difficult a feat this is, but every one who shoots at the traps will know. In 1909 he compiled a run of 565 straight breaks from 16 yards —a world's record. In 1912 he broke 312 straight targets, the long est run of that year. In 1909 he was the highest average professional with a mark of .972 0. He repeated in 1915 with .9750. Spencer won the professional championship at single targets in 1910 with 190 breaks out of 200 targets, and In 1915 and 1916 he had high average on doubles tar gets with 82 per cent, in 1915, and 90 in 1916. In* 1917 Spencer held the Hazard Trophy, emblematic of the world's doubles target cham pionship. Bucknell Returns to Track Malcolm Musser in Charge Lcwisburg, Pa., Oct. 18.—After a lapse of two years, Bucknell has re sumed track athletics. Application has been made for membership in the Middle Atlantic States Athletic Association. Two dual meets will be scheduled, a relay team will wear the Orange and Blue at Penn's an nual carnival, and a cross country squad has been organized for the first time in the college's athletic history. Malcolm Musser, 'lB, former coach of the varsity basketball team, has been made physical director of the college, and will handle the track men. He has a squad of 27 cinder path men at work daily, t In the cross country squad are 17 hill and dale runners. Most of them are freshmen who have participated in that sport at their preparatory schools, and, if admitted, Bucknell will send a team to the race at La fayette on November 20. Coach Musser is spending his squad over an ideal four-mile course in prepa ration for the event at Easton. Special Handicap Match Winds Up Golf Season The final golf tournament of the year was played this afternoon at Harrisburg Country Club links. It was a special Johnson handicap tournament. To-night the golfers' dinner will be the closing feature of the golf season. . It will be held at the Harrisburg Country Club. There will be special stunts and lots of fun. All the cups of the year will be awarded the win ners. Each cup winner will tell how he did it and the .loser will also tell why the golf course was not in good condition so they could win. The committee in charge of ar rangements for the big dinner in clude, Walter P. Maguire, Harry Neale and A. H. Armstrong. The dinner is scheduled for 7 p. m. Edison Juniors Today Play Palmyra High Team The gridiron warriors of Edison Junior High School Journey to Pal myra to-day where they confident ly hope to attach the scalp of Pal myra High school to their belt. The braves will assemble at the Edi son building shortly after noon from which place they will go by truck to Palmyra. They leave about 12.80. Most of the equipment has been received and distributed to the boys. Although the team has been very much handicapped by this lack they have worked hard and will give Pal myra a hard fight. The inclement weather this week prevented scrim mage practice and practically the only work done this week was sig nal practice, most of which took place on the gym floor. The coach has intimated that the following line will start the game: McLinn, left end; Heagy, left tackle; Jones, left guard; Bihl, cen ter; Cassell, right guard; Selser, right tackle; Kelly, right end; Lentz, quarterback; Nye, left halfback; Snyder, right halfback; Barringer, fullback. Seven other boys will make the trip and will doubtless get into the game. These boys are: Fellers, | Hlumenstine, Dreese, Challenger, | Prowell, Rletz and Shirk. ANNUAL MEETING CALLED The annual meeting of the Har risburg Public Library Association for election of trustees will be held Monday night. Six trustees are to be elected.' ' •'•••• SNOODLES By 1 \ [wfs?,(.£] l&lls pif?g , Ejrsf?, ) |'M JIS' CGAZY TO) rr r B 7 f 1 GOT , W : Players Picked For Tech Game at Island HARRISBURG. BALTIMORE. Malick, I.e. Wasche, I.e. (Books) Shelly, l.t. Arnold, l.t. Milinausky, l.g. Hoffsommer, l.g. Pritchel, c. Smith, c. Musslnan, r.g. Comfort, r.g. Heascher, r.t. Frank, r.t. Slovick, r.e. Emanuel, r.e. Darley, q.b. Lingle, q.b. Abbott, l.h. Garrett, l.h. Laudenbe'r, r.h. Books, r.h. Callis, f.b. (Beck) Wilsbach, f.b. Baltimore Polytechnic Is Here For Game With Tech Twenty members of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute football team arrived in this city this morning chockful of confidence as to the outcome of the game with Tech on the Island this afternoon. The clear weather brought one of the largest crowds of the season to the Island, hopeful that the Monumental City eleven would give Tech a battle. Maroon cheer leaders and the band were also on hand. At 1.45 Captain Matter's reserves lined up against the East End* Ju niors. At 3 o'clock the big game started with Butler and Moffatt as referee and umpire. C. W. Miller was head linesman. Already there is talk of cham pionship teams throughout the couh try, and Tech stands ready to meet any and all of them for the pre mier honors. Tech's record to date is oven better than last season. To day Tech started Its strongest line up, but once the game is won. Coach Smith will not take any chances with injuries to his players, because of the game at Mercersburg next Sat urday when Tech undoubtedly will have the toughest contest of the season. EDISON HIGH NOTES Section 984 effected a permanent organization during a special activi ty period the past week. These offic ers will serve the class during the re mainder of the present serfcester. The students selected to serve in the va rious offices are: President, Gustle Martin, vice-president, Mildred Hart man; secretary, Paul Warfleld; assist ant secretary, Fred Mentzer; treas urer, Edward Lentz; assistant treas-' urer, Paul Althouse; class captain for boys Charles Krause; first lieutenant for boys Mitchell Gaffney; class cap tain for girls, Allege Derlckson; first lieutenant for girls, Sylvia MagnelU; parliamentary critic, Robert Doehne; assistant parliamentary critic, Rose Lampas; watch your speech critic, Ella Downey; assistant watch your speech critic, George Sangree; report er to the "Edison Guard" Jess Mea dath. The gymnasium is nearly finished, and the classes in physical culture are meeting regularly in this room. The teachers of these courses are Miss Irene Burns in charge of the girls' classes and Eugene Miller in charge of the boys' work. The au thorities hope to divide the gym by a large canvas curtain hung in such manner that it can be dropped to the floor and thus offer space for both boys and girls at the same time and yet not offer an obstruction when it is lifted to the ceiling. In the mean time Mr. Miller is taking the boys out into the open air to exercise'when the weather is favorable thus giving Miss Burns the use of the gymna sium. When the weather is unfavor able Miss Burns uses the gymnasium for class work one half of the period and Mr. Miller during the other half of the period drilling the boys. The gymnasium is large, and is said by competent Judges to be the best in the city. The gallery and floor will offer space to seat four or five hundred spectators and yet give plenty of room for basket ball and other performances. Under the gal lery ample room is provided for stor ing apparatus. The apparatus is be ing installed. Adjoining the gym on either side shower baths equipped with hot and cold water, have been provided. Offices are also provided for both instructors. One of the best features of this gymnasium is that it can be used without opening any oth er part of the building and will not interfere in any way with the rest of the building when it is i n use. The students of 785 held an election the past week. The officers elected to serve the class are: President, Russel Trimmer; vice-president, George Stauffer; secretary, Grace Martin; assistant secretary, Ruth Barr; treasurer Arnold Bowman; as sistant treasurer, Esther Allen; class captain for boys, David Bowman; first lieutenant for boys, George Yar nell; class captain for girls, Juanlta Bordner; first lieutenant for girls, Jane Pearson; parliamentary critic, Donald Stone; assistant Parliamen tary critic, Theattle Kennedy; watch your speech critic, Virginia Crosier; assistant watch your speech critic, Benjamin Wallower; reporter to the "Edison Guard," Mabel Byerly. Section 7A4 has selected tho fol lowing permanent organisation: Pres ident. Carroll Moran; vlcepresldent, Elisabeth BaltHaser; secretary, Helen Haulman; assistant secretary; Paul ine Hoffman; treasurer, John Melvln; assistant treasurer, Charles Caveny; boys' captain, Thomas Farley; boys' first lieutenant, Clarence Keefer; girls' captain Ruth Giltner; girls' lieutenant, Magdaiene Wynn; watch your speech critic, Dorothy Urich; as sistant watch your speech critic, Elizabeth Balthaser; parliamentary critic, Robert Emmlnger; assistant parliamentary critic Genevieve Blick > ~ jJ er. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH BILLY LOGAN HAS NARROW ESCAPE Billy Angelo Floors Allen town Boy; Slight Concus sion of Brain Results Mill-Angelo, of York, in the third round of a scheduled ten-round bout with Billy Logan, of Allentown, last night, at Steelton, gave the latter a wallop on the jaw that came nearly putting Frank Bear's boy to sleep for all time to come. Logan fell backward striking the back of his head. He went Into convulsions soon after the referee, Johnny Gill, had counted him out. It was a tech nical knockout. Logan was badly injured and while he was reported to" be all right to day, doctors who worked him for nearly an hour are of the opin ion that It will be some time before he is in form for real fighting, claim ing that a blow on the head might bring back a concussion of the brain. Good Fight The battle looked good to the fans. Both boys were doing their best to bring about a knockout. An gelo had a shade the best of the Allentown lad. Logan started the third round with some hard blows. The lighters clinched several times and Referee Goll had just parted them when Angelo left go his right and hit Logan's jaw. A good six-round battle was be tween Rube Bennett, a Harrisburg boy who looks like a comer, and Bearcat Raymond, of Allentown, known as Jack Cleaver some times. Bennett did most of the fighting, although Raymond got in some hard blows. Raymond had the advantage of Bennett in being short and has a hide that stood Bennett's blows like a piece of boiler plate. Harrisburg*s representative was iff good trim and but for Raymond's clinching would have had his oppon ent in bad shape early in the fight. In the second round Bennett forced Raymond to his knees as the bell rang, ending the period. The third was considered a draw, both fighters taking the initiative, although Ray mond clinched a good bit. Bennett did all the leading in the fourth, landing several good blows and do ing considerable infighting with his opponent. Hard Blows on Jaw The blows that counted on Ray mond were mostly to the jaw and neck. He had a crouching attitude which made it difficult for the Har risburg boy tp get to him. However, it was a good battle and the fans were pleased. One big farce, but amusing to the spectators was the opening bout be tween Red Singer, of Dauphin and Young Piatt. The latter went out in the third. Neither boy had any knowledge of the fighting game and their blows were harmless. Piatt's knockout was due more to exhaus tion. Piatt was a substitute for Palmer who failed to appear. The battle between Black Gunboat Smith and Jim Duncan, of Middle town did not materialize. Manager Joe Barrett said he had informa tion that Smith was told to stay away after asking ten dollars ad ditional for a fight, which Barrett agreed to. The chances are that there would not have been any fight had Smith been on hand as Man ager Barrett said Duncan was suf fering from an attack of "Ginism." The next show at Steelton will be on October 27. Last night's crowd was small, resulting in a financial loss to Manager Barrett Campaign Against the Cigaret Next, Says Dr. Wilson By Associated Press Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct 18.—Dr. Clarence True Wilson, temperance secretary of the Methodist Episco pal Church, told the international convention of Disciples of Christ yesterday that "the cigaret must go" as one of the "next moves of the reformers," which was his subject. Others given are Sabbath observ ance, and world prohibition. Dr. Arthur Holmes, president of Drake University, Des Moines, lowa, said college degrees are worth $40,000 at five per cent, every ypar, and high school diplomas are valued at $lB,- 500 at the same ratio. The preach er's salary Is below the average because ministers are not paid ac cording to their earning power, Dr. Holmes explained. When the church pays more, the ministry will be more attractive, and the present dearth of preachers will be more nearly met, he stated. Henry B. Irving, the Actor-Manager, Is Dead in London By Associated Press London, Oct. 18.—Henry B. Irv ing, the actor-manager, died in Lon don yesterday after a long illness due to a nervous breakdown. Henry Brodrlbb Irving was born in London in 1870, the eldest son of the late Sir Henry Irving, the fa mous actor. He made his first appearance on the stage in 1891 and after playing in England and the provinces tour td in the United States, Australia and South Africa. Like his father, Irving was extremely versatile, his talents being adapted both to* com edy and tragedy. How Teams Line Up in Academic Contest F. AND M. A. HARRISBURG. Donelson, I.e. Ruhl, I.e. Berkheimer, l.t. White, l.t. Van Valen, l.g. Hendry, l.g. Lowe, c. Rouse, c. Bosh, r.g. Hottinger, r.g. r.t White, r.t. Grigg, r.e. Gregg, r.e. Polsch, q.b. Armstrong, q.b. Vickerman, l.h. Good, l.h. Flock, r.h. Menger, r.h. Hartman, f.b. Loose, f.b. Where played; At Academy grounds, 2.15 p. m. BASEBALL MENT NOW IN POLITICS Winter Game Will Be Fight tQ Oust Johnson and Herrmann fcew York, Oct. 18.-rAll fronts in the drive for the scalp of Ban John son, American League head, are re ported quiet. The force of Colonels Ruppert and Huston and their aides, Owners Comiskey and Fraxee, are marking time while Justice Wagner, of the supreme court, is preparing a deci sion In the Mays injunction case. Meanwhile, a score or more of Yankee players have palms itching for tfyeir share of third place money which has been held up by the pro test of the Tiger boss, Frank Nevin. While Jhe big guns in the fight have been silent for some time, the Yankees have been undergoing a ha rassing fire from the Detroit fort. Navin has been proving himself a thorn in the side of the two cdlonels. First he protested a double-header played on the Polo grounds in Sep tember. Then, when Miller Hug gins and his black hosed tribe were looking through catalogs for places to invest their third place earnings, Navin came along and said they were not entitled to It, as every game Carl Mays won was illegal. Prexy Johnson can't decide the Is sue until the court acts on the In junction suit. Herrmann Is Soaring Garry Herrmann is so high in the clouds of baseball bliss over his world's champion Reds that he seems to have forgotten the request that the anti-Johnson barons made for his resignation as chairman of the national commission. Presidents Baker and Veeck, and Colonel Ruppert, who are the only members of the committee to name a new member of the committee since Navin resigned, Bay they haven't forgotten the ultimatum, and that if the Red boss does not step down gracefully they will eject him this winter. The National League, they 1 assert, is well lined up against Herrmann and has the sup port of Boss John Heydler. Five clubowners of the American circuit, however, are with Herrmann, be cause he is the "buddy" of Johnson. When the issue finally comes to a showdown, as it will this winter, it will bring an interesting disclosure of the strength in the major league circuits and, in addition, it will pro vide plenty of fuel to keep the win ter fires burning in the hot stove league. Congress to Be Asked For $5,000,000,000 Next Year Washington, Oct. 18. Congress will be asked to appropriate more than five billion dollars for govern ment expenses next year, Chairman Good, of the House Appropriations Committee, predicted when the House began consideration of the bill to establish a national budget system. The ondy relief from high taxation he said, was a reduction of govern ment expenditures, adding that Con gress must forego doing some things whifch members think ought to be dbne." Mines Laid by U. S. Navy Sunk 10 Hun Submarines New York, Oct. 18. At least ten German submarines were destroyed by the barrier of 67,000 mines laid in the North Sea by the American Navy, Rear Admiral Joseph Strauss said on his arrival here on the steam ship Adriatic. Admiral Strauss, who had charge of the work of sweeping up the mines, said that 22,000 of them had been picked up intact. D'Annunzio Issues Manifesto to Serbs By Associated Press Flume, Thursday, Oct. 18. —Ga- brlele D'Annunzio has issued a man ifesto to the Serbians, expressing the need of recognition by the Serbs of a community of Interest between Italy and the Serbs. It says: "Serbs! There exist no obstacles to a harmonious peace. Flume wishes to be Italian. "Freedom of commerce In the Adriatic will not be prohibited to you, but will be enlarged for your benefit. The only obstacle now Is political intrigue and foreign gold. Now they seek war against Italy by collecting forces In the neighbor hood of Flume to occupy the city, the citizens of which, with volun teers, will defend U unto death and . destruction." SPROUL WARNS ABOUTUNREST Governor and Attorney Gen eral Make Notable Speeches Before Physicians Addresses made last night before the Medical Club of Philadelphia by Governor William C. Sproul and At torney General William I. Schaffer have attracted wide attention because of the solemnity with which the gov ernor spoke of the unrest problem. The Governor said in part: "The trouble has been that we are too easy going and too prone to let others do it. The country needs us new and i the physician can play a big part.' It is up to us and particu larly to you to awaken the people to a realization of the blessings they have enjoyed. We cannot afford to muddle along with the old thought that America always comes out all right. We must not wait until it is too late. The diagnosis is easy. The ailment is here so let us begin the treatment while the country is sus ceptible und not wait until the case is a hopeless one. The State is well able to take care of the immediate violent symptoms. We are better prepared than you realize but there are more opportunities to be ready here than elsewhere because here we have a great vital public sentiment. "I have made it my business to go about the State during the last year because I felt it was my duty to get in toucli with real conditions. I knew the acid test was coming after the war when we had to sit down bind up the wounds and count the cost. "The test is coming. The Institu tions here are poor and flimsy indeed, if we can't stand up and toe the mark and protect all that we hold so dear and provide for the perpetuity of the country." The Governor declared that the physicians should enlist themselves in the battle to preserve the country's institutions and he said they are well able to perform this service because they are of the conservative type. He then declared that during the re mainder of his administration ho will bottle for better housing conditions and in this crusade also, he said, he | will expect the aid of the medical men. j Attorney General Scliaffer also dis. j cussed the present industrial situa tion. "No man can have no other thought," he said, "than that now is the time that men of strength, of henesty and of intellect must assort themselves, because if we fail here in Pennsylvania no man knows what will happen in the world. "Pennsylvania is on the threshold of the country. At dinner to-night a man at my side said that there would be a different telling of the end of the great World War but for Penn sylvania men. I want to say that but for the example we shall set here in the great Keystone State through this fall and Winer, the telling of the civi. lization of thb world may be another tale. "They are preaching the creed that there is no place in the world for men of special talents, of high train ing and of great resourcefulness and they want all the world to be leveled down t 0 a comhion mediocrity. What the State needs above all is that the conservative men in it shall step out and assert themselves and that the conservative influence during the crisis shall ripen the conservative thought in man and beat down those who would crush our institutions." Former Air Service Men Form New Club Meeting last evening in the Dau phin Building, local aviators outlined their plans for putting Harrisburg on the aerial map and got down to busl .neas by electing a committee to see that action was taken. November 7 is the date decided upon for the "Aero Boom" night. At this time a banquet will be held in the Penn-Harris Hotel* at which the Aero Club of Harrisburg will be form ed and an effort made to secure an Immediate landing field capable of taking care of the Government planes. Lieutenant Raymond Coble, 7G North Eighteenth street, has been invited to address this meeting. Until a further organization is com pleted, the committee will endeavor to affiliate the Harrisburg Club with the national organization. The com mittee Includes: Herbert A. Schaffner, former cap tain U. S. A., formerly of the Ninety first Aero Squadron; John H. Keller, former lieutenant U. S. A., who was connected with the Forty-sixth Aero Squadron; Paul 8. Klrby, former U. S Naval Air Service; Daniel K. Mum ma, former lieutenant of the Forty sixth Aero Squadron, U. S. A,; Claude A. Polk, former lieutenant of U. S. Air Service and Eugene Bowers, for mer lieutenant of U. S. Air Service. Country Club Will Hold Big Meeting Members of the Country Club of Harrisburg will hold a corporate meeting at the assemeebly room of the Harrisburg Publio Library on the evening of December 19 for the purposo of voting on the question of Increase of the debt of the club from $90,600 to SIBO,OOO. The new flnnaclal plan Is to pro vide for the construction of the new clubhouse and for the future of the club, It being the Idea to lay out things for years in advance and work up to them. Construction of the new clubhouse will be pushed. The present olub will be closed before very long so that the work can be advanced. OCTOBER 18, 1919 WOMEN'S RIGHTS ROUSE CHURCH Presbyterians Seek Opinions of Laity Throughout Unitdd States Whether women shall have equal rights with men in all the functions of membership in the Presbyterian Church In the United States is to be determined by a canvass of the Presbyterians of the country. Three questions are to be decid ed; whether women shall be or dained to the eldership; whether they shall be ordained to the min istry of the church, and whether they shall have the same rights as men in the sessions, presbyteries, synods and assemblies of the church. These questions were propounded to the general assembly of the Pres byterian Church by three presby teries and were referred to a spe cial committee on official relations of women in the church. This com mittee consists of: The Rev. S. Hall Young, chairman, New York; the Rev. Edgar W. Work, New York; the Rev. William L. Barrett, Bellefontaine, Ohio: John T. Man son, New Haven, Conn., and Rush Taggart, New York. The committee was appointed by Dr. John Willis Baer, moderator of the Presbyterian Church, in accord ance with the action of the last general assembly." The Rev. W. H. Roberts, of Philadelphia, stated clerk of the general assembly. Is ex-offlcio clerk of the committee. The committee has delegated to Dr. Young the task of obtaining the consensus of opinion from the men and women of the church and the general argument pro and con. It has instructed Dr. Work to report on Bible deliverances on the sub ject. Dr. Barrett will assemble the facts as to the usages of other churches. Mr. Manson is to report on cases regarding women's places in the church which have been de cided or are now pending, while Mr. Taggart is to look up Presby -1 terlan law and also the equity in the case. The committee's policy is not to precipitate any open discussion of the question before it makes its re port to the assembly, inasmuch as it anticipates that overtures be sent down to the presbyteries and when this is done will be the proper time for open discussion of the ques tion. The committee announces, how ever, that it does desire to receive freely from men and -women of thfc Presbyterian Church their opinions on this delicate and important mat ter in order that the committee may make a complete and intelligent re port to the Presbyterian General As. sembly. AIJIANUN LEADER IN PARIS By Associated Press. Paris, Oct. 18.—Redjef Bey Mil rovitza, a prominent Albanian lead er residing- in the village of Kosovo, has arrived here o-day to confer with the Albanian delegation in this city, which i 3 trying to persuade the Peace Conference to protect Al banian interests under the terms of the London treaty of 1913. RETURN TO SWEDEN The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grey bill, missionaries for the Brethren Church, will sail next Wednesday on the steamer Stockholm for Swe den. Mr. Greybill was granted a a year's furlough but is returning to his work on the expiration of seven months. CABINET RECONSTITUTED Vienna, Friday, Oct.. 17.—The Austrian cabinet headed by Dr. Karl Renner resigned last night, but was reconstituted immediately under Dr. Renner as premier with few Im portant changes. When you puff up on a King Oscar Cigar You're getting a darn good smoke for the money. Care, brains, experience and the de sire to do the right thing takes care of that • 7c at All Dealers John C. Herman & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. CHILDREN TO JOIN IN ARBOR DAYPROGRAM Park Department Ready toj Plant Trees in Honor of Soldier Dead Plans for the participation of ioma[ of the city school children In the Ar-t bor Day program next Friday at j Reservoir park will be completed by ' Superintendent F. E. Downes. the i city School Board authorizing: him to I make arrangrements to 00-operate with ( the city Park Department. Park Commissioner E. Z. Gross and City Forester Louis G. Baltimore are | rapidly completing preparations fori the Arbor Day exercises. Because of j th 6 time required to plant the white pine trees which will serve as me morials in' honor of soldiers ana sail ors who died in the war, it is likely | that many of the trees will be placed i early next week, and a few will be left to be planted during the Arbor Day program. As more than 100 trees are to be planted in the grove Mr. Baltimore said to would require too ' much time to plant that many during the exercises. It is probable that the boys and girls from one school building will bo present to take part in the program. At some of the other schools teach ers report that trees and shrubs are needed and the school board decided to let the city forester determine what will be needed. At the meeting of ths board of di rectors the teachers' committee ap pointed to appear before the officials were not present. It is understood the commitee will attend a later meeting. A committee including Dr. C. E. L. Keen, Harry A. Boyer and President Robert A. Enders will report later on ■ the need for an additional supply clerk. The School Board also author ized M. W. Jacobs, solicitor for the district, to prepare necessary reso lutions for issuing SIIO,OOO In bonds to pay for the cost of equipping the new junior high schools. Scholastic Games on Today's Grid Schedule Baltimore Polytechnleal School vs. Technical High School, Island grounds. Franklin and Marshall Academy, Lancaster, vs. Harrisburg Academy, Academy grounds. Camp Curtin Junior High School vs. Commonwealth Juniors, Fourth and Seneca streets. Steeltan High School vs. Lancas ter High School, at Lancaster. Edison Junior High School vs. Palmyra High School, at Palmyra. Technical High School Scrubs vs. Melrose A. C., Island grounds. BREAKS WITH D'ANJTUANZIO By Associated Press. Flume, Thursday, Oct. 16. —Pro- fessor Zanella, leader of the Italian population of Fiume, who recently came to an open break with Cap tain Gabriele D'Annuanalo, has left the city for an unknown destination. His business associates were left In conduct of his affairs during hia sence but are unable to give any ■ Information as to Professor Zan ella's departure. PENX MEETS SWARTHMORE Philadelphia, Oct. 18.—Pennsyl vania and Swarthmore met at Franklin Field to-day In their an- J' nual football game. Coaches of both elevens were confident of victory ■* and a hard fought contest was ex pected. In two games with Penn- •' sylvania last fall Swarthmore gained an even break, winning the first one 20 to 12 and losing the second 13 to 7.