Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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j||R" e y Frank Baurn q
Billina Frightens the Nome King
Now when Dorothy had entered
the palace to make her guesses and
the Scarecrow was loft with the
Nome Kirlg, the two sat in moody
silence for several minutes. Then
the monarch exclaimed, in a tone
of satisfaction:
"Very Good!"
"Who is very good?" asked the
" T he machine man. He won't
need to be wound up any more, for
he has now become a very neat
ornament. Very neat indeed."
"How about Dorothy?" the Scare
crow enquired.
"Oh, she will begin to guess pretty
soon," said the King cheerfully.
"And then she will join my collection,
and it will be your turn."
The good Scarecrow was much
distressed by the thought that his
little friend was about to suffer the
fate of Ozma srd the rest of their
party; but while he sat in gloomy
reverie a shrill voice suddenly cried:
„ Kut, kut, kut—ka-daw-kutl!
Kut, kut, kut—ka-daw-kuft!"
The Nome King nearly jumped off
his seat, he was so startled.
"Good gracious! What's that?"
he yelled.
"Why, it's Billina," said the Scare
"What do you mean by making
a noise like that?" shouted the King
angrily, as the yellow hen came from
under the throne and strutted proud
ly about the room.
"I've got a right to cackle 1
guess," replied Billina. "I've just
laid my egg."
Winderdale Dances
15 North Market Square
Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Eves.
Miss Burd's Enlarged String
Orchestra. Admission-, 40 and 60c.
Hall for rent other evenings.
- >
In a return engagement of
Miss Burke's most popular
Tho type of picture that will
make you feel better for seeing
it. Then to send yon home with
a smile you will see a lausli rol
licking comedy.
AMY Bujke, the French heeled crepe-deochined
GRANDCHILD of Millionaire Alexander Guthr(e, didn't
HAVE a care in the world. She continued to drive
HER latest model jazz 'extra' limousine like mad
THROUGH little ole New York, giving all the traffic
COPS treat when she smiled at them.
HER dad was a typical Bowery model, he
HAD the face of a thug, dressed shabbily
AND deJighted in the East Side. Amy became
TIRED of her life of ease and went to live with her
DAD on Creighton street, gosh but the houses
WERE small and the kids that sat on tho steps
DIRTY but still they were happy. Amy decided she
WOULD play as they did and try to get dirty. She slid
DOWN a particularly dirty coal chute and found that
WAS more fun than riding in her 'jazz' limousine,
AMY also learned the more exciting game of 'African Golf
MORE familiarly known as shooting crap *
THEN in the midst of all her happiness .
This is only part of the interesting story in Mary Pickferd's
latest success "The Hoodlum" which comes ta the VlcterU
ucatfr Monday for one solid week. This is called the pie-,
turc of one thousand laughs. You are bound to like it. Sea
Ivlary Pickford as Amy Burke.
V The Scarecrow Welcomes Dorothy Back
"What! Laid an egg'. In my
throne room! How dare you do such
a thing;?" arked the King, in p. voice
of fury.
"I lay eggs wherever I happen to
be," said the hen, ruffling her
feathers and then shaking them
into place.
"But—tliunder-ation! Don't you
know that eggs are poison?" roared
the King, while his rock-colored eyes
struck out in great terror.
"Poison! Well, I declare," said
Billina, indignantly. "I'll have you
know all my eggs are warranted
strictly fresh and up-to-date. Poison,
"You don't understand," retorted
| the little monarch, nervously. "Eggs
! belong only to the outside world —
i to the world on the earth's surface,
I where you came from. Here, in
my underground kingdom, they are
rank poison, as I said and we Nomes
can't bear them around."
"Well, you'll have to bear this one
around." declared Billina; "'for I've
laid it."
"Where?" asked the King.
"Under your throne," said the
The King jumped three feet into
i the air, so anxious was he to get
I away from the throne.
| "Take it away! Take it away at
jonce!" he shouted.
"I can't," said Billina. "I haven't
any hands."
"I'll take the egg. fLid the Sfcare
| crow. "I'm making a collection of
| Billina's eggs. There's one in my
I pocket now, that she laid yester
Hearing this, the monarch hasten
ed to put good distance between
himself and the Scarecrow, who was
about to reach under the throne for
the egg when the hen suddenly
"What's wrong?" asked the Scare
"Don't take the egg unless the'
King will allow me to enter the
palace and guess as the others have
done." said Billina.
"Pshaw!" returned the King. "You
are only a hen. How could you
guess my enchantments?"
"I can try, I suppose," said Bil
lina. "And, if I fail, you will have
another ornament."
"A pretty ornament you'd make,
wouldn't you?" growled the King.
"But you shall have your way. It
will properly punish you for daring
to lay an egg in my presence. After
the Scarecrow is enchanted you shall
follow him into the palace. But how
will you touch the objects?"
"With my claws," said the hen:
"and I can speak the word 'Ev' as
plainly as anyone. Also I must have
the right to guess the enchantments
of my friends, and to release them
if T succeed."
"Very well," said the King. "You
have my promise."
"Then," said Billina to the Scare
crow, "you may get the egg."
He knelt down and reached under
neath. the throne and found the egg,
in her new Artcraft Picture
in his funniest comedy
I "The Floorwalker"
which he placed In another pocket
of his jacket, fearing that if both
eggs were in one pocket they would
knock together and get broken.
Just then a bell above the throne
rang briskly, and the King gave an
j other nervous jump.
[ "Well, well!" said he, with a rue
ful face; "the girl has actually done
I It."
"Done what?" asked the Scare
crow. \
"She has made one guess that is
right, and broken one of my neatest
enchantments. By ricketty, it's too
.bad! I never thought she would do
"Do I understand that she will
now return to us in safety?" cu
quired the Scarecrow, joyfully wrink
ling his painted face into a broad
"Of course," said the King, fret
fully pacing up and down the room.
"I always keep my promises, no
matter how foolish they are. But
I shall make an ornament of the
yellow hen to replace the one I have
just lost"
"Perhaps you will, and perhaps
you won't murmured Biiiiua calmly.
"I may surprise you by guessing
"Guessing right?" snapped the
King. "How should you guess right,
where your betters have failed, you
stupid fowl?"
Billina did not care to answer thi.i
question, and a moment later the
doors flew open and Dorothy entci
ed, leading the little Prince Evring
by the hand
The Scarecrow welcomed the girl
with a close embrace, and he would
have embraced Evring, too, in his
delight But the little Prince was
shy, and shrank away from the
painted Scarecrow because he did
not yet know his excellent qualities.
But there was little time for the
friends to talk, because the Scare
crow must now enter the palace.
Dorothy's success had greatly en
couraged him and they both hoped
he would manage to make at least
one correct guess.
However, he proved as unfortun
ate as the others except Dorotliv.
and although he took a good deal of
time to select his objects, not -One
did the poor Scarecrow guc3S aright.
So he became a solid gold card
receiver, and the beautiful but ter
rible palace awaited its next visitor.
"It's all over,", remarked the King,
with a sigh of satisfaction, "and it
has been a very amusing perform
ance, except for the one good guess
the Kansas girl made. I am richer
by a great many pretty ornaments.
"It is my turn, now," said Billina
"Ob, I'd forgotten you," said the
Kins. "But you needn't go If you
don't wish to. I will be generous,
and let you off"
"No you won't," replied the hen.
"I insist upon having my guesses, as
you promised."
"Then go ahead, you absurd
feathered fool!" grumbled the
King, and he caused the opening that
led to the palace to appear once
"Don't go, Billlna," said Dorothy,
earnestly. "It isn't easy to guess
those orn'ments, and only luck saved
me from being one myself. Stay
with me, and we'll go back to the
Land of Ev together. I'm sure this
little Prince will give us a home."
"Indeed I will," said Erring with
much dignity.
"Don't worry, my dear," cried Bil
llna, with a cluck that was meant
for a laugh. "I may not be human,
but I'm no fool, if I am a chicken."
"Oh, Billlna!" said Dorothy, "you
haven't been a chicken tn a long
time.—Not since you—you have been
—grown up."
"Perhaps that's true," answered
Billlna, thoughtfully "But If a Kan
sas farmer sold me to someone, what
would he call me? —a hen or a
"You are not a Kansas farmer.
Billlna," replied the girl, "and you
"Never mind that, Dorothy, I'm
going. I won't say good-bye, be
cause I'm coming back. Keep up
your courage, for I'll pre you a llttlo
Then Billlna gave pevepal loud
"cluck-cluoks" that seemed to make
the fat little King more nervous
than ever, and marched through the
entrance Into the enehanted palace,
"I hope I've peen the last of that
bird," declared the monarch, peatlng
himself again In hla throne and mop
ping the perspiration from lita fore
head with hie rock-colored handker
chief, "Hena are bothersome
enough at their beßt, but when they
can talk they're simply dreadful."
"Dllllna'a my friend," said Dor
othy quickly, "flhe may pot alwajs
be .'sadly pelltej but she means
well, I'm sure,"
The yellow hen, (stepping high
and with an alp ef vgst importance,
walked slowly ever the rieh velvet
earpeta of the splendid palaeo. os
amining everything she met with her
sharp little eyes.
Dillina had p, right to feel im
portant! for she plena shared the
Nome King's secret and knew how
to tell the object* that were trans
formations from these that had never
been alive She was very sure that
her guesses weuld ba correct. hut
before she began to make thorn she
wee curious to behold all the mag
nificence of this underground
palace, whiah was perhaps"- pne pf
tha mast cniahdld and beautiful
palaces in any fairyland.
As e-':s went through' the rooms
she counted the purple prnaments:
and although rome were email and
hidden 'n queer places. BUl'nn spied
them ail and found the entire tea
scattered about the various rooms.
KuransßUßa teleghxph
The green ornaments she did not
bother to count, for she thought she
could find them all when the time
Finally, having made a survey of
the entire palace and enjoyed its
splendor, the yellow hen returned to
one of the rooms where she had
noticed a large purple footstool,
placed a claw upon this and said,
"Kv," and at once the footstool van
ished and a lovely woman, tall and
slender and most beautifully robed,
stood before her.
Editor's Note Next week in
"Purple, Green and Gold," we shall
hear of the result of BlUina's Eleven
Guesses In the palace of the Nome
King. Can you guess, though, who
was "the levely woman, tall and
slender and most beautifully robed"
who stood before BlUlna In placo of
the purple footstool T
a (paramount QHcraM Motion Picture
grrnnn",. ■ 11. .■ ■ r „ air 11: , , "T i■. —i i -- : i 'ft —; ■ ~ i.. ,T -1.-'i" .„,. , a li" 1 ""
Know before you pay—four ways how <
Tft \ 71 WHATEVER is really first-rate in pictures
comes to you under that name Paramount ipUßKE^j^jj
Follow that name and you will never take a
chance with your evening's entertainment. \/ K-REGENTTHEATREJ
You want to know what sort of pictures you
dfcmrfT are £°* n £ see before you go to the theatre — 3 l/1 theatres' neWS
&+ 1 you want foresight, not hindsight. paper advertising
Exclusively 11l It is the best theatres in every locality that But after all the main outlet for all picture
r~ show Artcraft, and it is the best theatre advertising u the
_y —' 1 , , j ' . • ,1 , ♦. 1 . > If you don't see the announcements in
theatres that advertise them QS such with the lobby, on billboards or in programmes, you are
1 in fht> Inhh-v name Paramount Artcraft right under the title Btill very likely t0^ e them ln the new npe r
""* tffC lUUUy , ° —either in biff display space or in the
-> Ot the picture. Classified Amusement Directory.
The lobby of a theatre is usually covered _ , ... . ..... .
This Is where the shrewd exhibitor makes
with announcements of treats in store for you. ' the bi " est noUe about his #how and thi * *
Many theatres, especially those who make FAMOUS PLAYERS "LASKY CORPORATION where he would not dream of leaving out the
a change of programme once weekly, announce |ji na " lP ] Artcraft whenever he is en-
Paramount Artcraft Pictures exclusively. C t0 put lt
> Paramount Artcraft stands like a wonderful
The days When Paramount Artcraft pictures . lighthouse amid all the ceaseless changes of the
are shown are the days to choose first. Those [Cut OUI this list iCCCp it- JOT TCjCTeuCC) world of motion pictures.
are the pictures you can rely on. I' y w ~ * -w—The radiance pours steadily out and guides
This is one of the ways to know before you > Latest Paramount Artcraft PictUTeS 1 7 ° U t0 * PCHCCt proer * m,ne *
pay-the lobby way. 1 Released to November Ist „ _ _
/ k , Billitt Burke in Geor.e Loan* Tucker'. Production Ili ""' J ' u
| "THE MISLEADING WIDOW" Tbi lliucu Mas / B t&g. nag j I
,1 ■ . , "SADIB LOVB" Moorieo Toornour'. Production Ijj j„„ f.tuV KB■ - - ■ M
SSfiCff | STRAND THEATRE Mar " ,ri, • C, " k '-w.aow ,V P.OXT" R.b.n W.RWI.K.E /f r— I I 11
A - wauacewd fE *s I
jCTI MaRGUERITETIARK ' 1 1^LotterywjIj JVtWOXtsg If
jteSt "WIBfIW RY P "The Dork Star"' '^ b ' St " C "* I 11! f
iABBSUmtiw SSsSSSS? LmliH HouJlnim "THE Gain GAHE" A CosmopoliUn Production | f *y Oyh,,. | I
fjp > "lliaOmciaa FIANCEE" Eoid Bonnottln "THE VIXTDOUS THisr" I I
J) \ —W (LWI J Wl!co Rid in "SIEPFINO OUT" 1
"THE IXJTTKBT MAS" chorleoßoT in "BILL HENRY" 1 s|r
m m m-mwm • J , 'Jnparriiion Thomoo H. Inco. "THE EOO CRATB WALLOF"
c—on the billboards Paramount Feature Comedies ' 4~in theatre programme*
1 Paramount-Arbuekle Comediei Paramount-Mack Sennet! Comedies (
On th billboards in the neighborhood of a o*e each month two each month Nearly every regular theatre sends oq,t in
~ . , , . . > Paramount-Truex Comediei Paramount -A1 St. John Comedies ,„u „-„i, . ,
theatre you-will find-a perfect maxe of paper. .,* moiA each month ' I advance each week a programme, booklet Of
This roaae-means something if you know xchat i Paramount Subjects t# ° comme * ttracl on *
. to look'for. . P„„ MM Paramount-Poat Nature Picture. ' Unlike the lobby and the .biUbowd, this
™ i , , . .... ~ .... iwued weekly ittued airy other week COtnes right to yoOr home WBCte JOlf have
the thing to look for,-right under the title Paramount-Burton-Helme. Travel Pictures I plenty of-leisure to study it.
,$f -pictures advertised, is the eternal sign ef _ _ , om tach wk .
. . . „ . Paramount-Burlingham Paramount-Bngg. But .the secret of success .for your enter
foremott.entertainment, Paramount Artcrafl. ) Adventure Picture. Comedy ' tainment hours is.just the
ivory other week one each met i i Tr
. If .> t .„ -orf. ... mm ern ... dl • New F ~Z Coming , . '" , ed rumn "f
• get lor those shows you can tgo wrong. I Ira# C&MI<WN "Thb INYISIBLB BOND" D. W. Griffith's Production WW 1 , _
, Cecil B. Do Mills'. Production Finn" " SCARLET DAT " 1 HeknOWS why, SO do JOU. This, if .notbei
This IS another way to know before you , "MAL, AND FEMALE'; way to know before you pay, the thestif
pw-e-iM—iv- , zzzz? -asa; • a—c'ssassßb" 1
I Also special productions by Thomas H-Inco+ Lois Wober, Sidney Chaplin I n /
" ' " " 1 ■ ~~" J ' m =saaasß=s
The Regent Theater Shows Paramount-Artcraft Pictures
Young Welsh Engineer Is the
Talk of London
I.oiulon, Oct. 13.—D. R. Llewel
lyn. a young Welsh mining engineer,
is the talk of London to-day be
cause he is completing the most
important combination of coal
mines and steel mills since the be
ginning of the war. Its capital will
be $30,000,000, and it will control
coal production of approximately
5,000,000 tons a year.
"Coal is our basic industry," he
says. "It is more valuable than
gold. I am an optimist. Organi
zation, modern machinery, and la
bor saving devices in the coal in
dustry will pay as large dividends
to-day as at any time.
"I think that unless wo can get
the miners back to a 48-hour week
we are going to have difficulty
meeting our export demands. Un
less the hours are increased we
shall produce only enough for our
I own requirements.
"The argument that a man can
be speeded up to produce the same
quantity in a shorter time is rub
bish. When the miner was sup
posed to bo working eight hours a
day ho was really only working
Halo-Americans, Who.
Served in U. S. Army,
Sending Money Home
Naples, Oct. 18. —Tens of thou
sands of checks amounting to mil
lions of dollars each month are be
ing sent to relatives here by the
Italo-Americans who served in the
American Army. Therefore the
money received from American sol
diers' allotments, War Risk Insur
ance benefits, and United States Gov
ernment compensation constitutes
one of the chief sources of income
for -Southern Italy at the present
time. Of the thousands of Italo-
Americans in the American Army,
the great majority were from South
ern Italy, which has furnished the
bulk of Italian emigrants to the
United States.
At the present rate of exchange
of almost ten liro to the dollar, these
checks yield a profitable revenue to
Italy. It is a widely-known fact
that thousands of families in South
ern Italy to-dny are being largely
supported by such contributions from
the Treasury of the United State 3.
OCTOBER 18, 1919
British Goods Are
Piled Up in Cologne
For Sale to Germans
Cologne, Oct. 18.—British goods
to the value of 10,000,000 pounds
aro in this city for sale to the Ger
mans. '<&■} goods belong to merfi
bers of the British Chamber of Com
merce in Cologne.
Charles Knott, President of the
Chamber has made an arrangement
with Mathias Erzberger, German
Alinister of Finance and Herrmann
Mueller, the Foreign Minister to pre
vent "dumping." Mr. Knott an
nounced that both the German of
ficials agreed to his suggestion that
a clearing house should be opened
in Berlin to cpntrol markets and ex
ports so as to prevent "dumping."
"No exports from Germany will be
made," said Mr. Knott, "unless of
fers are made by exporting firms
to British firms and accepted by
or Headache— M
Rub the forehead rS-I
and temples with Awrf
them corresponding value of goods
from Great Britain being accepted
for the German market."
ArL Nose,
kflfiiS 1 "
By this wonderful new D.'soov
•ry and Invention. Gives relief
In thousands of eases after other
methods fall. Just as pleasant as
It Is logical. convenient and com
fortable. Eold with an honest
guarantee—if not satisfied money
promptly refunded.
For sale at the Qorgas drug
stores. 18 North Third street
Harrlsburg, Pa., and leading
druggists everywhere. Manu
factured by Frederick Hetl
nian Co., Johnstown, Pa,