DEALERS URGED TO HUNT IDLE FREIGHT CARS Detroit Manufacturer Begins Nation-Wide Campaign to Offset Any Shortage Quick and concentrated action to ward the relief of the threatening freight car shortage is being under taken by the automobile industry. The efforts at present are being <ll - primarily against unnecessary delays in loading and unloading and preventing the holding of cars for "prospective movements." As they did two years ago, when the freight car shortage reached an alarming stage, Dodge Brothers, De troit motor car manufacturers, nave asked their entire organization, which extends to virtually every locality iu the United States to co-operate in the "speed-up" campaign. A Dodge Brothers executive commented on the situation as follows: "We have asked all our dealers to notify us by wire as 'soon as they discover that an automobile freight car or a string of cars is being un necessarily held up. We are positive that hundreds of such cars are on the sidings, particularly in the west ern districts. Presumably these cars are being held for "later consign ment,' but we must eliminate the 'later' aud get these cars moving now. We emphasized our statement that dealers themselves should under no circumstances lose time in unloading and turning freight cars back to the railroads. If every trifling delay is SOOT and OIL Cannot Injure the t "Twin Fire" Spark Plug the same work as the "Twin /$£ Fire," because the "Twin Fire" Plug produc< s two separate and sparl s. Test any other multi-point plug, clog one point, and what is the result? The ISSMBSSBK other point cannot or does not thei same manner and you will be convinced that the state ments we make with reference absolute dependability are un questionably true . t ALEXANDER AND SCOTT AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES QUALITY AND SERVICE 315 Chestnut St. Bell 2789-W; Dial 3803 TRUCK BODIES BUILT TO YOUR ORDER We build bodies for all types of chassis. _ . „ First class They are substantially built, strongly ironed, A Uto p a inting, well painted and trimmed. The> are built Metal Bumping to your specifications and will give you the and Trimming, utmost in satisfaction and sendee. The employment of owly skilled workmen and use of none but the best materials obtain- T /~>w able enable us to serve the interests of those "ULiLY who demand the very best. Our prices are "Satisfied reasonable and will meet with your approval. Customers" C A FA IP CARRIAGE AND . SA. r/lIIY AUTO WORKS 1135 MULBERRY STREET East End Mulberry Street Bridge I ■MIIIIIM r— ' jH | If You Are a User I | .of Truck Tires I = why not profit by the experience of those who make a |j|| = business of buying tires? jpE| The buying of tires for 'trucks is a cold-blooded busi- EE ness proposition—Mileage and Service must be the an- |p=g = sicer. \ \ IB If you were offered two identical articles, one costing |j=l 15 to 30 per cent, .'ess than the other, which would you == ; buy? I^3 Firestone Truck Tires cost you no more than others, but have 15 to 30 per cent, more volume of rubber. E3 [| That's one reason why over half the truck tonnage of |l| H America is carried on Firestone Tires. pi EE We are prepared to meet every tire and wheel re quirement for every truck operator 'promptly, thor- E= oughly and economically. j||l | Harrisburg Auto Co. I || Geo. G. McFarland, President ||l , FOURTH AND KELKER STREETS 11 ft "iimi'imß SATURDAY EVENING, eliminated the situation will be much less severe than the present outlook indicates and motor car dealers will benefit to a degree proportionate with their efforts to relieve the shortage." It was added by the executive that there are fewer freight cars in active service now than at any time iu the last three years. The campaign undertaken by Dodge Brothers is in line with the advice of the Director General of the Railway Administration, who con ceded a few days ago that there was grave danger of a freight car short age. In asking shippers to give their co-operation, he suggested prompt loading and unloading of freight cars, and hauling by motor truck as the most important means of afford ing relief. Fuel Oil Burner to Be Shown at Penn-Harris A good deal of interest has been awakened among business men in Harrisburg anticipating the demon stration of the new heating devices invented by William M. Hoffnran, which are to be exhibited in the engine room of the Hotel Penn-Har ris. Monday afternoon. The threatened strike of bitumin ous coal miners, tag ether with the recognized shortage in anthracite coal, gives extreme timeliness to an invention designed to add another fuel tp those available for ho*ne heating anil other heating problems. It is evident that an effective solu tion of the use of cheap oil as fuel has in it tremendous business possi bilities, and H. B. Milward, whose statements have aroused the interest of the Harrisburg business men he has been interviewing, is certainly confident that the Hoffman inven tions are such a solution. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. POLES WRITING BOOK OF WAR Story of Atrocities Under the Reign of Bolsheviks Is Being Compiled Warsaw, Oct. 18.—The Polish Government is compiling the story of the atrocities committed under the Bolshevik reign in the city of Minsk, now occupied by the Poles. The latest, brought by an Ameri can Red Cross worker who has Just returned from a relief assignment in that newly occupied city .con cerns the murder of a woman hos pital assistant who was rash enough to express the hope that conditions would improve when the town fell to the Poles. The director of the hospital in question, smarting under an ill-de served rebuke administered to him by a surly official of the Red regime, warned the latter that the arrival of the Poles would bring a change for the better. For this he was deported to Smolensk. His wo | man assistant, who ventured a lit j tie further in expressing her opin ; ion, was shot into a grave on the j dawn before the taking of the city j by the Polish army. When v-sited by workers of the j American Red Cross Commission to ! Poland, the hospitals and orphan- I ages of the city were found in such pressing need of food that many of i them had been obliged to close. | One home for war orphans had I been without so much as a crust of ; bread for more, than a week. Many others had suffered similar priva tions Accord'ng to reports on in vestigations, only outside aid can J rescue these people from the chaos |of terror and suffering in which ; they 'are submerged. Canadian Wool Clip This Year Expected to Make New Record Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct IS. While the estimate is not yet com j plete for the wool clip of Canada | for 1919, it is officially stated that I it promises to record the high mark j for a decade in the Dominion. The ; 1918 output was approximately 12,- i 000,000 pounds. The price of wool | this year is from 40 to 70 cents per 1 pound in eastern markets for grades ; ranging to fine medium combing. | Previous to the war there was a ! wool shortage eviden*. The war has accentuated the shortage. During | the period of hostilities it is esti | mated that 60,000,000 sheep were | slaughtered in Europe, reducing the possibilities of the world's output ; 400.000,00 pounds annually. The price of wool in Canada in j 1913 was from 12 to 25 cents. With war inflated prices of wool there are many more farmers to-day in the Dominion raising sheep. ! According to census figures, the : sheep population of Canada in 1918 ! was 3,052,748. This small number I shows the depressing effects of ad ] verse conditions of former years on : the sheep business. With millions |of acres awaiting settlement, Can . Ada, according to experts, has room I for many more million sheep. Returns From West in Interest of the Salvation Army Alfred Franklin Hoffsommer, of i Old Orchard, this city, has just re- I turned from a 10 weeks' stay in the i middle west in charge of the Salva i tion Army Home Service Fund for ; $15,000,000, representing territorial headquarters in Chicago which has j jurisdiction of all Salvation Army j work west of CHicago to the Haw | iian Islands. After a 10 days' rest at his home, | Mr. Hoffsommer, with his associates, ' will take up the organization of a j national campaign for $10,000,000. i BACHELORS WANT GAMES The Lockwood Bachelors Club, of | Chambersburg, would like to I from the managers of fast basket j ball teams in regards to scheduling I games. Write your terms to the j manager, J. M. Shade, Chambers 'l burg. Pa. HAKRISBUHG TELEGRAPH CENTRAL PA. NEWS DAUPHIN Dauphin, Pa., Oct. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Putt, Mr. and Mrs. John Putt, 6f Harrisburg, left Wednesday morning for a trip to Pittsburgh and Niagara Falls.—The primary schocl, accompanied by its teacher, Miss Rose Gross, was given a Joy ride on Saturday to Harrisburg by Charles Boyer.—Walter Seller, of Philadel phia, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Seiler.— Miss Rea Burkey, who was the guest of Mrs. Leek Feaser, has returned to her home in Somerset. —William B. Gross left Sunday for New Or leans, La., where he expects to spend some time.—Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Long j. motored to Eschol an/1 Markelville. —Mrs. J. W. McNeely, of Newark, N. J., was the guest of Mrs. A. D. McNeely on Tuesday.—Mrs. Jane Sellers has returned from Renovo, where she attended the funeral of her uncle.—Leonard Kemp, Harry Davis,. Alfred and Lewis Stees, of Baltimore, spent several days with Miss Lizzie Gaymal.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bordner, visited their son, Samuel Bordner, at Carsonville.— William Steckley, of Harrisburg, spent Saturday in town calling on friends.—Miss Minnie Hawthorne, of Sunbury, is the guest of her sister, Miss Bertha Hawthorne.—Raymond Greenawalt, of New York, wlio has been spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Greena walt, has returned home.—Harvev Dewalt and family and Miss Kath leen Kennedy, of Harrisburg, spent the week end at their summer cot tage at Speeceville.—Mrs. Charles Snavely, of Harrisburg, spent Tues day with her father, Joseph —Mr. and Mrs. John Putt and son, Kenneth, of Harrisburg, spent sev eral days with Mrs. Putt's, mother, Mrs. Margaret Fertig.—Miss Erma Fry, of Carlisle, was the week-end guest of Miss Mary Long.—Mr. and Mrs. Sherma Stence and family and Mrs. Sarah Nye, of Heckton. have moved to the. property of the Talley estate, in High street.—Miss Sarah Catonj-of Harrisburg, was the guest of Miss Christina Long.—Robert i Ramsey, of the merchant marine, is j spending a two weeks' furlough I with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. j Robert Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bailey were the guests of Mrs. Bailey's daughter, Mrs. Herbert Singer, of Enola, last week.—Mrs. George Gilday has returned from Pittsburgh, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Luta.—Henry Campbell, of Baltimore, spent Fri day with his sister, Mrs. Robert Long.—Mrs. Clara Garman is spend ing two weks at Altoona and Erie. — Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, of Pitts burgh, returned home Saturday after spending their vacation with Mr. angl Mrs. Nimrod Smith. —The Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Shoop and daughter. Miss Katharine, left Tuesday for Sha mokip to visit their son.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlow and children, Edward and Eleanor, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mrs. Pedlow's mother, M|S. Edith Eby.—Miss Etta Ken nedy spent Sunday at Oswin and Lykens.—Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin ■ Specht spent the week-end at Pil low.—Mrs. Clark, of Green Hill, was the guest of Mrs. D. F. Seiler.—Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Qruber and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Haggerty spent Sun day at Luray, Va.—Miss Cora Cof rode entertained at dinner at her home in Erie street Mr. and Mrs. Bion Cofrode, of Pottstown; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speece, of Speeceville: Mrs. Charles Welker. Mrs. George Taylor and Paul Welker.—Purdy Garman spent the week end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Lebo, Halifax. Miss Ellon Shantbrough, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Miss Helen Thomson.— Mrs. Bruce Snyder and two children are spending the week with Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. How ard I. Kline, Lock Haven.—Mrs. Clarence Shatto, of Lucknow. spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Douglas.—Miss Vera Long, Mr. and M--s. Lyster, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. pnd Mrs. Daniel Bordner.—Miss Celia Palmer of Lemoyne: Miss Emma. Shimp and William Shimp, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Irvin on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Bern Cof rode, who were the guests of Mrs. Walter Speece. Speeceville, and Miss Cora Cofrode returned to their home Pottstown, Tuesday. THOMPSONTOWN Thompson town, Pa., Oct. 18. Miss Cora McClellan, of Lewistown, is visiting the Misses Mary and Anna Dimm.—Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Halde man have gone to Detroit, Mich., where they are guests of their son, M. J. Haldeman, and are a'so at tending the convention of the Episco pal church.—Dallas Thompson, of Tcpoka, Kans., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Thompson Mon day and Tuesday of week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shirk and little daughter and Mrs. S.. W. Cameron and daughters, Anna and Marion, visited- in Harrisburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gross, of the Aqueduct, are occuping Mrs. E. A. Tennis home for the winter.—Miss Pearl Haldeman left on Friday for Cleveland, Tenn., where she will visit her friend, Mrs. Will.iam P. Mar tin.—Mrs. J. G. Haldeman is a guest at the home of J. E. Haldeman and family, 203 Harris street, Harrisburg. —H. Z. Sowers is spending a week among friends in Adams county. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Tennis, of Madi son, Ind., are visiting Mrs. Israel Tennis and Mrs. Mary Gross. MISS GARDNER ENTERTAINS New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 18.—■ Miss Elizabeth Gardner entertained at her home in Liftle street on Thursday night in honor of Miss Bessie Dull, who celebrated her seventeenth birthday anniversary. Halloween decorations were used. Refreshments were served to: Miss Bessie Dull, Almeda Parthemore, Amy Front, Elizabeth Kerns, Eliza beth Gardner, New Cumberland, Pauline Zimmerman, of Lemoyne. Norman Wood, Lemoyne, Mr. Fardy, Harrisburg, Earl Leellthaler. Ralph Cook, Clarence Stettler, Charles Gardner, Robert Gardner, New Cumberland. WORKER SPEAKS Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. 18. Miss Mabel Stafford, a representa tive of the national board of the Young Women's Christian Associa tion. who is organizer for the east central field of the educational pro gram by which the Y. W. C. A. is presenting the world movement for women, described her work at a meeting in the Central Presbyterian church here last night. Miss Staf ford has just returned from the Orient where she spent the summer in China, Japan and Korea. DIES AT DAUGHTER'S HOME Columbia, Pa., Oct. 18.—George W. Wolf died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Noll, age- 1 65 years. Three children, Mrs. Toll ind Amelia, of Columbia, and Lillie, wife of J. H. Hook, of Harrisburg, , survive. [Other State News on Page 2.1 MILLERSTOWN Mlllcrfitown, Pa., Oct. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder and daughter Helen, of Harrisburg, spent the week end with William Bollinger and fam ily.—John Myers, of Montana, visit ed friends in town Monday.— Levi Smith and Emmor Gregg, of Newport, called on friends in town Monday.— William Brown,, of Chambersburg. was the guest of D. L. Farner, over Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reis inger visited friends in Lewistown ovre Sunday.—Mrs. Ray Kohler, of Shamokin, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Fry, over Sunday.—The Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Waltman. Mrs. Anna Eckels, Miss Margaret Alexand er and John Ritzman, attended a New Era meeting in Harrisburg last Thursday.—Mrs. J. P. Eckles visited with friends in Lewistown Monday.— Little Miss Louise Rounsley, of Pen brook, "is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rounsley.— Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley spent several days in Baltimore with their son. Leland Rounsley, who is receiv "ing treatment at the Mercy Hospital. —Mrs. Robert Hall, who had been visiting her aunt. Miss Nan Hough, Ye turned to her home in Pittsburgh, Saturday.— Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wal ker, son Max and Mrs. William Wal ker, and daughter Daisy, autoed to Reeds Gap Sunday, Mrs. William Walker remaining to visit )ier moth er, Mrs. Hutchinson for a week.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. RippmAn and daughter Julia left Sunday by auto to visit friends in Altoona and Pitts burgh.—Mrs. Thomas Diffenderfer and Miss Sara Rickabaugh visited the dentist's at Newport Tuesday.—Mrs. John Light went to Oriental to care for her mother, Mrs. Sheaffer, who is ill.—Mrs. Charles Brubaker, who had been visiting her brother, Harry Hap. pie, for several weeks, returned to her home in Philadelphia Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Troutman returned home Friday from a trip to California.— Mrs. Alvin Lippincott, daughter Dor othy and sister, Miss Mary Buchanan of Cornswell, visited friends in town Beveral days this week.— Sergeant Major William Hostetter from a camp in Alabama, spent the week end with his uncle, Henry Taylor.—Miss Paul ine Lesher and brother Albert, visited their father, George Lesher in Altoo na, over Sunday.—Miss Ethel Rouns ley leaves Saturday for Emaus, where she will spend a two weeks' vacation with her sister. Mrs. J. Otis Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Fry auto mobiled to Sunbury Monday.— The Girl Scouts will hold a festival in Ulsh's' store room Saturday evening. MECHANICSBURG Mecliahicsburg, Pa.. Oct. 18.—Lit tle Miss Elizabeth Brindle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brindle, Maplewood avenue, entertained members of the young people's mis sion band, of St. Paul's Reformed church at her home on Monday eve ninfi. There were about 30 persons present who took contributions of jellies and canned fruit for the Hoff man orphanage at LittleOtown. Fol lowing a social hour, refreshments were served by the hostess. Miss Clara Titzel and Miss Ada Witmer are in charge of the young people. —Mrs. Murray L. Dick, president of the Woman's Club, and Mrs. T. D. Winston, secretary, were in Scran ton attending the State Federation of Woman's Clubs, in session in that city this week.—Miss Edith Sprin ger, of East Coover street, was elect ed a delegate to represent Trinity Lutheran Willing Helpers' Mission Band at the convention in York on October 22 and 23.—Mark B. Ibach, of South Market street, and W. D. Myers were in Carlisle this week at tending court as jurors.—Prof, and Mrs. A. H. Ege were in Harrisburg on Saturday attending the Thomas | Stamm wedding reception. v MALTA Malta, Pa., Oct. 16. —The remains of James Hamilton, of Emporium, were brought here for burial in the Lutheran and Reformed Cemetery. —Alva M. Zerbe, teacher of the Lentz school, attended the teachers' institute at Harrisburg this week. — Mrs. Charles Benner and children, of Sunbury, visited relatives here on Sunday.—David B. Spatt3, Jr., who was employed on the farm of Nevin E. Harris for the summer, returned to his home at Paxton.—Mrs. Emma Zeiders, of Harrisburg, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Irvin Karstetter.—C. E. Dreibelbis left for Philadelphia on Monday, where he expects to find employ ment.—Charles H. Zerbe was at Herndon on Saturday.—Mrs. J. E. Witmer is home from a trip to Lancaster. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Lykcns, Pa., Oct. 18.—Mrs. Sam uel Fetterhoff, of North street, was agreeably surprised on Thursday evening when a number of her friends gathered at her home to help celebrate her sixty-eighth birthday. The evening was spent in games and talk of olden times, after which a supper was spread, of which all par took. Her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Fetterhoff, of Washington, D. C., was home for the occasion. ENTERTAINS' CLASS Enola, Pa„ Oct. 18.—Mrs. Chris tian F. Kautz entertained the La dies' Bible class of St. Matthew's Reformed Church at her home on Columbia road Thursday evening The following members were pres ent: Mrs. John F. Gruver, Mrs. Guy A. Yeager, Mrs. Ambrose Backen stqe, Mrs. William L. Fisher. Mrs Ellis C. Rosenberry, Mrs. McNall Mrs. C. F. Kautz, Miss Clara Mc- Nall. / ! CANCEL CELEBRAATION New Bloomfielil, p a „ Oct. 18. The celebration arranged by Perry county lodges to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the found ing of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows on Saturday, October 25, has been cancelled because of the torn up conditions of the borough streets, the celebration having been sched uled to be held here. BURNED BY ACID. Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 18 Whife working in the chemical laboratory at Gettysburg College, Nelson Fish er, a post graduate student was badly burned in the eye by sul phuric acid. Fisher is a member of the football team and will not be able to play against Ursinus today. FRUIT GROWERS CALLED York, Pa., Oct. 18.—A meeting of the fruit growers of York county will be held In the Court House on October 30, at 10.30 a. m., for the purpose of organizing an association The meeting has been called by County Farm Agent G. G. Weber. WEDDING ANNOUNCED Marysvtlle, Pa.. Oct. 18. An nouncement has been made of the marriage of Miss Esther Viola Shatto and Cloyd O. Dick, of Key stone, by the Rev. L. E. Yeter. pas tor of the Keystone United Evan gelical church. MANY ARRIVE ON ADRIATIC Henry Morgenthau and Two' British Generals on Big Passenger List New York, Oct 18. With the '' largest number of passengers to ar- j rive in any Atlantic port on one ! vessel since America's entry into the I World War, the White Star liner Adriatic, from Southampton, Eng- I land, byway of Cherbourg, is at j anchor at Quarantine. She had a [ passenger list of 2,058, of which 407 | were lirst class, 508 second class 1 and 1,142 steerage passengers. j The largest number of the ar- | rivals were Americans and Canad- ' ians who had been held up in Brit-j ish ports by the ra'ihvay strike and ' the walkout of kindred industries | that crippled the transportation sys- ] tern throughout the kingdom. Included in the cabin passenger? j were Henry Morgenthau, formerly i United States Ambassador to Turkey j and his wife. They have returned I from a personal investigation, last- j ing several weeks, of the alleged ! Jewish pogrons in Poland. Raymond Fosdiek, who. up to the time of his i departure from Europe was acting ; as American secretary for the j League of Nations, also arrived yes- j terday on the liner. Major Generals Sir Anthony Bowl- | by and Sir R. Jones, both of whom I were noted surgeons in the British I army, came here on the big White ! Star ship. They left here for Wash ington in a few hours to. attend the medical congress due to open there m the near future. Girl Saved $400,000 For N. J. Bank While Facing Bandits' Guns New York, Oct. 18. While tho | police of Roselle, N. J., plizabeth, ! Morristown and this city were seek- j ing the seven bandits who held up i the JJirst National Bank, in Roselle ] Thursday, Miss Margaret Carpenter, j the 19-year-old heroine of the rob- ! bery, was back at her desk in the ! bank to-day. She is given the credit i for having frustrated the robbery, j which might have resulted in (lie i loss of $400,000 in cash and securi- 1 ties. The bank officials are still übwiH- ! ing to make public the exact amount j of their loss, but it is not believed j to be more than $2,500. Miss Car- i penter. starjng into the muzzle of a; revolver, her hands held high above | her head, managed to press with her ; foot a button that sounded a signal j in police headquarters across the i street from the bank. 50,000 Reds in U. S., the Officials Believe Washington, Oct. 18. —Federal of- | ficials here estimate that there are j at least 50.000 radical aliens in this j country who believe in the system I of Bolshevism and the principles i advocated, and who are agitating for the confiscation of property and the overthrow of organized Government. These agitators are supported by many of the 3,000 foreign language papers printed in this country, which are circulated mainly in the large industrial centers, where the alien population is the largest. 16 CARS OFT 1 TRACK Marysville, Pa., Oct. 18.—A wreck injxbich 16 cars were thrown from the tracks. Tied up movements in j the local preference freight yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad, yes terday to a corsiderable extent. ' SERVICEABILITY and | Garfords are synony mous. Wherever the work I is hardest, there you will find the most Garfords. | THE~OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., i 212-214 SORTH SKCOND STREET YORK BRANCH I Open Erfnlnd NEWPORT BRANCH i Mil 1 12S-130 Wtnl Market St. Roll 4370 Opposite P. R. R. Station tjfl The Garford Motor Truck Company, Lima, Ohio B 1 OCTOBER 18, 1919 Become a Practical Mechanic! and for only dollars a week. I.earn a practical trad*. Make application nt sncn. Auto Aeroplane Mechanical School Office, 25 N. Cameron St., Ilbg. Training Quarters and Flying Field, 14tli and Sycamore Sts. I Come to Battery 1 Headquarters I I Just because some garage man says, "111 fix it and it'll be good as new," don't trust your battery to an amateur. Come to battery headquarters where we have the equipment to really test your bat tery and the knowledge of what it needs. Only a careful hydrometer reading can show if a battery needs charging. Only the proper instruments can give it a discharge test showing that it is properly recharged. x It costs a little more to make repairs in the right way, but a thorough job is always worth while. Motor Electric Sales Co., Rgd. Forster Near Front Street BEDL 2850-J DIAI/ 6956 ■fe, • Tho ? n, y official representative of the Willard Kg Storage Battery Company in Dauphin Cumberland and Perry Counties. I (w) I v/U/v 10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers