HOLD FOUR MEN FORJMUTINY Their Stories Do Not Agree With That of Zirkel's Master Philadelphia, Oct. 17.—A tragic tale of the seas was unfolded here yesterday by four survivors of the British schooner Onato. picked up while drifting helplessly several hun dred miles from shore by the Ameri can steamship Zirkel. The surviv ors. all from Newfoundland, say the captain of the Onato. James Brus sia. and his brother, Ernest, first >nate, were crushed to death by the shifting of the ship's cargo. Their stories, however, do not agree with that told by Captain Dan iel A. Sullivan, master of the Zirkel. which arrived here yesterday, and all four men were locked up at the Gloucester Immigration station on charges of mutiny. They will be turned over to the British consul. Captain Sullivan declared that when he drew near the schoon he plain- A STITCH IN TIME I SAVES MANY $5,000 for accidental death. I $25 a week for disability from accident. $2O weekly for illness. Double for accidents of travel. A YEAR'S PROTEC TION FOR $lO The National Accident Society of New York (Eat. ISSS) Bruce Green, Resident Agent 1814 Green St., Bell 410 * ,y ———— Do Away With Indigestion How to Pnrlfy a Sour. Distressed Stomach In u Few Minutes Let us talk plain English; let us call a spade a spade. Your food ferments and your stom ach isn't strong enough to digest the food you put into it, so the food sours and forms poisonous gases and when it does leave your stomach it has not furnished proper nourishment to the blood, and has left the stomach in a filthy condition Take Mi-o-na stomach tablets if you want to change your filthy stom ach to a healthy, clean, purified one. If Mi-o-na fails to relieve your in digestion. rid you of dizziness, bilious ness and sick headache, your dealer will cheerfully refund your money. If you want to make your stomach ' so strong mat it will digest a hearty j ruea! without distress, and you want to be without that drowsy, all tired out feeling, take Mi-o-na; it should give you prompt relief. For sale by H. C. Kennedy and all leading drug- I gists. , Just Arrived From Holland—Unpacked To-day and Ready For Our Customers BULBS Of the finest quality, embracing Hyacinths. Tulips. Narcissus. Crocus, all for Fall planting, which will bring you an abundance of beautiful flowers in the Spring. Also Flower Pots, Tubs, Rolling Stands. Fertilizers, for indoor and outdoor plants. HOLMES SEED CO. 106-108 South Second Street Phone Orders Promptly Attended to—Bell 68; Dial 3253 The Globe "Choose the Right Store" The Globe It's the Extra to !ii 1.18 Amount of Class \y§jmk^That Distinguishes THE GLOBE Solid shades of i\avy, Brown and <_*reen seem to have the preference with pencil stripes and those rich mixtures in tones of Green, Brown and Blue crowding for second place. And the prices are lower than you would expect for such wonderful qualities. *33 *4O *45 THE GLOBE FRIDAY EVENING, ly could see what appeared to be a general fight raging upon the little craft's deck amidships and that one of his officers said he had heard what he believed to be two pistol shots. Tell Same Story The survivors. Douglas Nicholl, Thomas Moltou, Lorenzo Ash and Ernest Frizzard. all told virtually the same story, except as to some of the details, which the authorities said were conflicting. They declared their officers met an accidental death while the entire schooner's company of six was battling to save the craft during a terrible gale. Captain Brussia and his brother, they said, went below deck to look after the cargo and were crushed to death when it shifted. The crew of the Zirkel first sight ed the Onato about 10.45 o'clock on the night of October S when about 300 miles due east of Newfoundland. "There had been heav}' weather and a high sea was running." said Captain Sullivan, of the rescvie ship. "About 10.45 p. m. a lookout re ported a light about a mile away, two points off the starboard bow. It was a flare and plainly called for in vestigation. "I gave directions to bear down upon the light and soon we were close enough to see that it was a two-masted schooner. We rigged up a flare and in the increased light we saw what appeared to be a gen eral fight raging upon the schoon er's deck amidships. "We were just closing in with the schooner when our steam steering gear broke and we drifted away out of control. We hastily rigged up a band steering gear and while we were at this work the schooner came down the wind and crossed under our stern. Hoard Pistol Shots "I plainly saw a human body, at tired in dark clothes, lying on the 'midship hatchway. Then the schooner was gone right off into the night again, with only her flare showing. One of my officers said he heard two reports which he believed to be pistol shots, but which might have been from a gun with which they were trying to shoot a line aboard us, or may have been in tended as signals. "When we again came alongside, the four men aske 1 us to save them, and with much difficulty we launch ed a boat. Several times the high seas almost swamped it. but finally we managed to take the survivors from the doomed craft. The Onato drifted away and disappeared in the mist." The Onato. a 150-ton schooner, was bound for a Newfoundland port from Oporto. Spain, with a cargo of salt. Officers of the Zirkel believe the little craft sank shortly after the four men were taken off. The Zirkel left Rotterdam in bal last on October 1. CONFERS DEGREE I.ykens. Pa.. Oct. IT. —Wiconisco Lodge, No. 533, I. O. O. F.. con ferred the first degree on a class of 11 candidates in their hall on Mon day evening. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. POWER RATES IN CHESTER STAND Commission Does Not Change War Time Situation; Jitney Line Called to Account The Public Service Commission has dismissed the complaint of the West Chester Board of Trade against the rates of the Philadelphia Sub urban Gas and Electric Company in which an important industrial power question arose. The Commission found that while the Pottstown. | Phonenixville and West Chester dis tricts were operated as one division, the large industrial plants in the two former towns were furnished current at lower rates than in the West Ches ter-section, "in which the amount of current used for industrial purposes is very limited." The Commission finds that the facts disclosed do not Justify it in holding discrimination," ' saying. "It is the uniform practice so I far as the Commission is able to de ; termine that large industrial cou sumers are furnished current at a re duced rate on account of less cost of production and distribution, the price decreasing in proportion as the amount increases, with a reasonable stgnd ready to serve or minimum charge applied. • * * 'While a unity should not be permitted to pass along to its patrons all the burdens imposed by the war conditions, it must, however, maintain its plant In an efficient manner and to a reason able extent ask that it be reimbursed for its increased operating cost and the extent to which it has so done In this case does not convince the Com mission that the rates it is now col lecting are excessive or unreason able." Note of "stress of feeling between drivers" and "unusual labor condi tions throughout the country" is taken by Commissioner M. J. Brecht in deciding complaint of the Emerick Motor Bus Line against the Belle fonte Central Transportation Com pany. The companies got into a con troversy and the commissioner de c'ines to revoke the certificate of the latter, but says that it did not ad here to its schedule or route. Or ders are issued for it to maintain its schedule, route and proper repairs and file a monthly report with the Commission. This is one of the most drastic regulations of a motor bus company. Belgian Stowaway Adopted by Woman Who Likes His Name New York, Oct, 17.—Mike Gil hooley, Belgian, and the Atlantic Ocean's champion boy stowaway, was officially landed in the United States when Mrs. Gilhooley Curry posted a $5OO bond with immigra tion officials and stated she would adopt him out of deep admiration for him and his last name. Mike is happy in the thought that his travel ing days are over, but he has yet to learn that his benefactor's hus band. although once a business man of Cleveland, is now engaged in the export trade to China. Mrs. Curry's maiden name is* Accept "California" Syrup of Figs •nly—look for the name California an the package, then you are sure j your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each botUe. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "Cali fornia." Herbicide Mary Says: Just use WEWBRO'S HERPICIDE in secret and see how quickly your friends will note the improvement in your hair Sold Everywhere Applications at Barber SViops Have You a "Gone" Feeling? Fagged Out in the Morning? Do you get any rest at night? Or are your nights filled with nightmares —in the morning you are more fatigued than the evening before? Many außer needlessly from kidney trouble. The function of the kidneys is lo filter the blood. If they fail in this, your life is made unhappy by poisoned fluid coursing through your veins, making you irritable, stupid, quick-tempered and utterly miserable all the time. Stop itl Your only hope ia in awakening your slacker kidneys —putting them to work at purging your system of germ-laden waste matter. Dodd's Kidney Pills will aid you effect ively in cleaning your system of all poisons, resting tired organs and muscles, and putting you on the road to good health. Make your life a aeries of bright, happy days. Each morning to be looked forward to aa a time of good cheer. Open up the windows enjoy the fresh air. Don't be a slave to ill health. You can get Dodd's Kidney Pills (three D's in the name) at your drnggist, unless he's sold out. Then send 60c. in stamps for the fiat, ronnd box. Address Dodd Medi cine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ABB YOU CONSTIPATED? Diamond Dinner Pills are mild cathartics that are bealthfnl and pleasing. No ill after-effecta Have You Ever Tested The Statements Made In Bakers' Advertising? • There isn't anything that we would like better than to have you check up the statements we make in our advertising. We will grant that you will say to yourself, well, I can tell whether I like this or that bread and I buy the kind I like." That is very true, but as all bakers say they put the best materials into their bread, all bakers naturally make the same claim. Then the question resolves itself into one thing, who makes the best bread? When we tell you that we use the very best flour milled, we use only that kind. We would like you to come to our bakery and see for your self,bring a flour expert with you if you can. When we % tell you that we use all of the best # other ingredients possible to get that is exactly what we mean. Words do not make the best bread. It re quires the best materials and the best bakers. If you would only come out to our bakery and see us make from beginning to end and see each ingredient that goes into it, see our bakers mix the bread, see the bread go into the loaves, see the loaves go into the ovens and come out of them, you will be one of the biggest advertisements for Bricker's O. K. Bread that we would have. Our plant is operated along the most highly improved, modern lines, we have the most modern bread making machinery and we have bakers who are accustomed to making bread that is considered bv 11 r best judges of bread to be the finest. But we cannot show you how clean and up to date our bakery is without your seeing it. If you do not eat Bricker's O. K. Bread try a loaf today. Bricker's O. K. Bread is a good size family loaf. It is as large as possibly could be made with the flour we use at the popular price per loaf. Its flavor pleases, its quality satisfies. more bread satisfaction and nutri tion from Bricker's O. K, Bread than from any other kind. ? Bricker's West Shore Bakery 6CTOBER 17, 1919. 21